Sneaker Heights

Nike Shox V Street

Height: 2.5cm (0.98in)

How much height do Nike Street Shox

The Shox line of Nike sneakers has it's fare share of lovers and haters. I have been a fan of Shox since they were released, and this is an example of the thinner version, with a lower heel profile, released around 2007.

With a slim profile, velcro straps and leather detailing, this is a distinct model. In terms of thickness, it's no comparison to your traditional Shox like the NZ or T4. This pair, when brand new, give about 2.5cm or near an inch of height.

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Sneaker Heights are estimates.

Measurements are either taken with a stadiometer (barefoot, then in shoes) or using CelebHeights custom-made Shoe Gauge.