Sonny liston said on 16/Dec/21
Undertaker nowhere near 6ft 9, on a rugby trip to south africa we shared a elevator with him and my team mate was legit barefoot 6ft 9 and dwarfed him, i would say 6ft 6 at the very most
MarkJJ said on 4/Oct/21
Jim said he was 6ft7 in a recent interview (2019).
Tizwaxxx said on 22/Feb/21
Same as hogan. 6-5.5. Utterly rubbish the 6-7 and hogans 6-8 claims.
Njp said on 2/Feb/21
Approx the same height as Hogan back in the day but in a lot of photos Jim’s shoulders are higher than Hogans but he did have Boulder shoulders. I’d say 6’5.5” peak and 6’4.5” now. Looked about 1.5” shorter than 6’7” peak Kane in a back stage photo on google.
Ben Bell said on 18/Jan/21
Sid on his podcast has said his tallest bare foot measurement was a hair over 6’6. That puts a peak Hogan at 6’5-ish. Taker and Kane within 1” of Sid at their most.
Hillbilly always looked a solid 6’5 to me. Perhaps a little more.
6'3 Julian said on 21/Aug/20
Your credibility hit the floor when you said Undertaker is 6’5 Ethan
Ethan99 said on 9/May/20
If you see the video "13 minutes from Undertaker: Last Ride", at the 1:09 mark, you will see that 6'5-6'5'5 taker is about the same height or little taller than Jim. So I would guess Hillbilly to be a legit 6'5 guy.
Cburk said on 1/Jan/20
HBJ a legit 6'5 and probably 6'5 1/2, Hogan while in Memphis in his late 20s was a solid 6'6 1/2. Never 6'8. Stud was 6'8ish at absolute best maybe half inch shorter.Andre not even close to 7'4" at his tallest he was 7'0 1/4. Most of his wrestling years 6'10, but nearly lost 3 inches in height from 28 to 46. Bundy 6'3" Rick rude 6'3"spivey, Sid 6'7 legit. Undertaker 6'9 Nash almost 6'11 Kane just shy of 6'10 whatever there billed, minus two inches Andre in his prime, probably before wrestling knew him was just over 7'0 age 25 or so
Alex Katch said on 27/Dec/19
Rob, how tall you believe uncle elmer was he?, Some people says he was 6ft 8in and others says 6ft 10in.

Editor Rob
Elmer could look 2-3 inches taller than Hillbilly
Hopping hopper said on 3/Aug/19
Looked sane as HH.
Jimbo hopper said on 31/May/19
Exactly same as hogan.
FrankR1 said on 17/May/19
During his career as a performer, Hillbilly Jim was frequently “hunched over”, and he often wore a hat which made it difficult to gauge his true height. That being said, he seemed like a solid 6’7” peak.
Canson said on 22/Oct/18
Have you ever met him in person to say he is 6’7”?
Manpreet Singh Virk said on 21/Oct/18
Jim is 6'7.
Canson said on 19/Sep/18
Agree with 184guy but it may be because of jim’s weight. He may be 6’6” out of bed and lose an inch
184guy2 said on 8/Sep/18
not over 6'5
didn't tower piper and wasnt much taller than jesse ventura
Kyuss101 said on 7/Jun/18
Him 6-5. Hogan 6-5.5
Gretz said on 20/May/18
if Jim was 6'5.5",Hogan was 6'6.25 at one point,when he won the belt in 1984 over iron Sheik Back stage with out the ring to throw the angle off most people don`t know that.Andre was 6 inches taller than hulk and andre probably had his thin souled boots on which takes him close to the 7'0" mark probably 6'11'.5" to maybe even 7'0" even in 1984.and I`m sure people can point out pics in the same circa where Andre dosen`t quite look that tall with other people of known height.But that`s what makes it such an interesting puzzle,especially if you believe like I do and think hogan with his injuries and steroid usage made him shrink more than many people think.Take a look at maybe 5'10.5" ronnie coleman aFTER 8 hip replacement surgeries I am afraid to see him near a tape`s from those 800lbs. dead lifts he was doing 10 years ago.I lost an inch and a half myself dead lifting and ronnie had me beat by a few pounds anyway LOL.But I wish him the best 8 times olimpiya champ extraordinary.
dicksock said on 15/Feb/18
I will say 6'4.5"-6'5" in his prime and maybe even now. He's still in great shape. He looked a little shorter than Hogan and looked taller than he was because of his huge hair. No way was he under 6'4.5" though.
Logan said on 7/Feb/18
Around 6'5"
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Nov/17
Hogan was 197cm at worst peak.
berta said on 18/Sep/17
if i remember right wasnt this guy 1 cm taller than hogan? i believe this guy to have been strong 197 guy and hogan weak 197 guy
Logan said on 29/May/17
Hillbilly Jim is probaly 6,6 they said he was 6,7 so there is no way he shrunk 2 inches as they say he is 6,5.5 he looks a bit taller than Hulk Hogan and Hulk Hogan was 6,5 at his peak so Hillbilly Jim is 6,6
Danimal said on 9/Mar/17
Tito S said on 8/Mar/17
Andre the Giant was 6' 9".
If you say so.
Tito S said on 8/Mar/17
Andre the Giant was 6' 9".
heightchecker34 said on 29/Jan/17
Absolutely love Hillbilly Jim, listening to his recent interviews, he seems so down to earth and a genuine kind person! During his run, he gave a pretty tallish impression, so somewhere in the 6'5 range is likely. I could have even bought 6'6, however he seems exactly the same height as Hogan during all their encounters, so 196-197 cm does seem correct. Even when he was in the Legends House with other former WWE wrestlers, he was the tallest one and still looked muscular and intimidating. It's funny to think, these days most guys his height are automatic heels so you can buy into the big bully, yet in those days he was a baby face and the heels were still around the same size or taller than him! It seems in the 1980's, 6'3-6'6 was the common range for wrestlers, in the 2010's the height has dropped to around 5'11-6'3 range.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Oct/16
Looks 6ft5-6
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 18/Jul/16
Still can´t see him 6´5" legit, he was shorter than Bill Fralic who got 6´5" and 6´4.5" listings,
he was shorter than Hogan who was 6´5.5"maximum.
6´4.75" is the tallest I can give him, same height as peak Scott Hall
Jstar said on 15/Jan/12
I say Hill billy at a function once. He was standing on a bit of a platform, so it was hard to tell his exact height. I'm 6'4" and he didn't really seem to be any taller than me from what i could tell
drummer777 said on 4/Dec/11
Studd was less than 6'7 more like 6'5, when compared with Bill Fralic who may be 6'4 3/4. So that would make Studd less than 6'7. unless Bill is really 6'6 or 6'6 1/2.
LSU ALUM said on 28/Sep/11
I want some of what drummer 777 is smoking.Studd 6'4.5. Now that's funny. Studd was at least 6'7", and more likley 6'8", 6'8"1/2.
drummer777 said on 3/Sep/11
Sting 6'1
Hawk 6'1
Goldberg 6'2
Luger 6'2 or 6'3
Hogan and Hillbilly 6'3 ish
Bill Fralic 6'4 and 3/4
Big John studd 6'4 1/2
spivey 6'5 ish
Undertaker 6'5 ish
psycho sid 6'5 ish
Tyler Mane 6'8
Kevin Nash 6'8
drummer777 said on 3/Sep/11
Say whats the name of Hillbilly Jim's book and show the quote from the book where it says he is 6'3.
drummer777 said on 1/Sep/11
After looking at the Hill Billy Delema with Bill Fralic and Bill being listed at 6'5, in the picture it looks as though Spivey is 6'5 instead of 6'6. Maybe Spivey's football Height is his height in shoes. Maybe Hillbilly is standing on his tippy toes with those guys.
Jake T. said on 8/Jan/11
I don't know how tall he was before but now he appears to be 6'5.
Red said on 27/Dec/10
Click HereLooks 6´4.5"peak with 6´5" Jake Roberts
aarod said on 13/Dec/10
One man gan was billed at 6'9", so based on the "Mcmahon" theory, he wasn't being billed as a giant, so that equals a 2 inch height exageration.
gang is also a solid inch and a half, maybe more, taller than HBJ on HBJ's website pics, so that puts gang at or around 6'7".
aarod said on 13/Dec/10
HBJ's website is awesome, because he has ALOT of pics on their with other wrestling superstars backstage..
what is clear from his photos: a 1985 hogan had a ful inch or better on HBJ, and his most recenmt picture with HBJ from a couple of years ago puts hogan at 2 inches shorter than HBJ, proviong that either a)hogan wore lifts, or b)hogan lost height.
i genuinely believe hogan lost alot of height. Multiple invasive back surgeries, 3 hip replacements, and 4 knee replacements combined with 30 years of dropping the atomic legdrop on opponents, its amazing the guy didn't loose 6 inches, let alone 3 inches, it is amazing he is even standing at all, let alone walking...
HAHA said on 29/Nov/10
The Ben said on 4/Jun/09
He looks every bit of 6'5 to me, he looks 3-4 inches taller then 6'2 jim duggan..he looks 1-2 inches taller then JBL...Dont go messin with a country boy!
MrGrimm said on 1/Jun/09
seen him face to face hes deff 6'5
alex_scandinavia said on 17/May/09
please down grade HBJ he was shorter than Hogan..Hogan at his peak was probably a very strong 6'5 barefoot..
HBJ 6'4
Hulk Hogan 6'5
Big John Studd 6'7
the Undertaker 6'7 and maybe 6'7.5
Big King said on 21/Apr/09
Jim doesn't even look a full 6'6". He's a strong 6'5" guy.
JT said on 14/Mar/09
IMO, Elmer looked around 6
Red said on 6/Mar/09
Danimal says on 27/Feb/09
Spivey had the same height advantage over Hilbilly has Hogan did. SO, if Spivey was 6'6", so was Hogan.
Peak Hogan was a weak 6
Danimal said on 27/Feb/09
Red says on 7/Oct/08
Click Here
Spivey 6
Danimal said on 27/Feb/09
Ola says on 26/Feb/09
Elmer was nothing over 6'7
iClarke-93 said on 16/Feb/09
Always looked 3 inches shorter than 6'8" Uncle Elmer (Stan Frazier) , so 6'5 is on the money.
Big King said on 20/Sep/08
Well I think 6'5 1/2" for Billy Graham is a bit too downgraded. I'm sure that Graham was 6'7" in his prime but maybe he is at least 6'6" or 6'6 1/2" nowadays because he looks more than four inches taller than 6'1 1/2" Chris.
Danimal said on 10/Sep/08
And Hogan was taller than him in ALL circumstances from 1985-1989. Go figure ;).
Alex2 said on 15/Aug/08
Looking at the pic above, I actually see more than 4" difference, more like 5" id say.
general93 said on 9/Aug/08
im the general so im right prime hillbilly jim 6'6" hogan 6'7" stud 6'9" andre 7'4"
Anonymous said on 2/Aug/08
HBJ was 6'4 for real and 6'6 with the dense foliage on top.
Jasper said on 29/Jul/08
Gallery 2 picture 8, with Hulk Hogan who used to be a solid 6'6, he looks more like 6'4 and a bit.
Viper said on 6/Jun/08
If Andre was 6-8 then how did he have 2 inches on 6-8 Tyler Mane in 1990?
Alex2 said on 3/Jun/08
Ola, how on earth can you just say Hogan had lifts? You can't! And how the hell do yu think someone wrestles in lifts? If Hogan is 6'4 then that would put Andre at 6'7-6'8" which is BS. I hate to be like this but just think about it carefuly and maybe you'll realise what I'm saying.
Alex2 said on 2/Jun/08
"Ola" watch Survivor Series 1991, and just look at Hogan in his match against Undertaker, they looked nearly exactly the same height! Oh and let me guess, now your gonna go saying Undertaker is 6'5 HAHAHAHAAHA!
Alex2 said on 1/Jun/08
Truth Danimal, truth, Hello in spanish a.k.a "Ola" or "Ola the TROLL" or "Trolla" must be from some sort of communist country or a country that is full of very short men! Ian't that right Ola ey?
tuga said on 31/May/08
Some have a problem with a 6'5 1/2 hillbilly jim because it makes hogan 6'6 peak, unfortuneatly for those hillbilly doesn
JT said on 31/May/08
Ola says on 30/May/08
Danimal said on 30/May/08
Alex2 says on 29/May/08
Ola, serious you know you're just a waste of Internet bandwith and are just a spammer! HBJ 6'4? HAHAHAHAHA! Dude just leave I hate seeing you're name "Ola" all the freaking time!! What are you Spanish or something, and I bet you're just a little insecure shotass that is jelous of all this big men! Just leave!!
HAHA. Rob supposedly gave him like 10 warnings now, yet he's still around??? Rob will never boot this kid off the block. I still say Rob like's the controversy guys like him, Jason and another couple bring to the site. I guarantee with Rob were an American, he would have
Banned Ola after his ANTI-amrican comments a couple weeks back, but because Rob is Scottish, he could care less....OBVIOUSLY.
OLA IS the DEFINITION of an interney
troll. Everyone but Ola knows this. How many times were you picked on Ola as a kid? Were you always the last one picked in a line up???
Alex2 said on 29/May/08
Ola, serious you know you're just a waste of Internet bandwith and are just a spammer! HBJ 6'4? HAHAHAHAHA! Dude just leave I hate seeing you're name "Ola" all the freaking time!! What are you Spanish or something, and I bet you're just a little insecure shotass that is jelous of all this big men! Just leave!!
JT said on 20/May/08
Click Here HBJ looked as tall next to Piper as Hogan did. Easily 6'5".
Vegas said on 6/May/08
the police said flair was 6'1 and 230lb in a police report about 2 years back, no doubt that included shoes
Click Heremike rotundo is now a road agent for the WWE
steve mcmichael was listed at 6'2 by the nfl
Click Hereif McMichael was never 6'2 then this calls into question most of these guys heights'
Click Heredude to mcmichaels left is 6'7 listed Steve Jones (but he ain't important as he is closer to the camera)
guy to his direct right is 6'5 nfl listed Matt Brock and mcmichaels is no more than 3 inches shorter than him
Click Herenext guy along is 6'2 listed John Jurkovic whom McMichaels edges out it seems
Click Herenext guy is don davey a 6'4 listed player who has mcmichael by 2 inches
Click Herethe next two guys are too close to the camera but for reference bryce paup was listed at 6'5 and reggie white at 6'5 and sometimes 6'6
Vegas said on 5/May/08
yes and andre was billed in england at 6'10 age 24, far from proving meltzer wrong we now have concrete evidence fully backing up his claims
flair is (or at least was) 5'11+ when i met him in 2004 and that video confirms it, he is taller than piper and roughly the same height as IRS, the police would not list him at 6'1 if he was 5'10, flair was never 4 inches shorter than 6'2 steve mcmichael (ex nfl) in the four horsemen
chris said on 5/May/08
Hey are some of the photos you asked for. I also reposted the photo I have of myself and the Harris Brothers (who wrestled in both WCW and WWF)..They were often listed between 6'8 - 6'9...
Click HereClick HereClick Here
Danimal said on 4/May/08
I love the fact that it is not up for debate about HBJ not being under 6'5" and Hogan was taller than him in 3 pics from 1985-1989, THEREFORE, logic dictates that Hogan was a 6'6" man himself. Been a long time since Hogan had had an inch on a legit 6'5" man, heels or not.
Danimal said on 2/May/08
Vegas says on 1/May/08
chris; can you repost your photos with ted dibiase and regal/eugene again if you get time.
dave meltzer told me Uncle elmer was a legit 6'8. He was billed as high as 7'7 under a previous gimmick in the 1970s believe it or not..........
Meltzer also claimed 6'9 3/4" for Andre. We've been over this Vegas.
Vegas said on 1/May/08
here is a 7'7 listing for stan frazier (aka uncle elmer) from 1961
Click Here
Vegas said on 1/May/08
chris; can you repost your photos with ted dibiase and regal/eugene again if you get time.
dave meltzer told me Uncle elmer was a legit 6'8. He was billed as high as 7'7 under a previous gimmick in the 1970s believe it or not..........
Viper said on 1/May/08
Ola is losing his mind, lol.
Chris said on 1/May/08
Thanks MK for post.
Anyhow, here are a couple of screen captures I got with HBJ, Uncle Elmer (Stan Frazier) and Gene Okerlund. I know Gene is standing slightly in front of HBJ, but it will give you an idea. It is from 1985. Uncle Elmer appears to be around 6'8"...I have seen where he was listed as a legit 6'10" in his prime...I'm not sure if that was the case, though.
Click HereClick HereClick Here
MK said on 1/May/08
Since when do get to berate then insult Chris, if it was'nt for him there would'nt be a Hillbilly Jim page on here, surely these posts must be

Editor Rob
Ola's one foot in the grave...the other foot may follow soon.
Chris said on 30/Apr/08
Ola says on 29/Apr/08
chris dont looks to be any taller than the 5'9 tatanka next to jim
Wow, Ola...I don't believe a 3rd grader could have said or wrote that better.
Danimal said on 28/Apr/08
Chris says on 27/Apr/08
Here are the three photos that I took with HJB that day:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
And, here is what footwear HJB was wearing that day:
Click Here
I was wearing basic tennis shoes which probably put my height around 6'2 1/4"
The third picture of me and HBJ is abit skewed as we we both standing on a stage and the photographer was down on the ground shooting upwards...which probably made HBJ look alittle taller than he was.
And Hogan was taller than HBJ in 1985 (2 pics) and in 1989. So, what does that make Hogan???
Viper said on 27/Apr/08
HBJ looks really tall there in the ring.
Chris said on 27/Apr/08
Here are the three photos that I took with HJB that day:
Click HereClick HereClick HereAnd, here is what footwear HJB was wearing that day:
Click HereI was wearing basic tennis shoes which probably put my height around 6'2 1/4"
The third picture of me and HBJ is abit skewed as we we both standing on a stage and the photographer was down on the ground shooting upwards...which probably made HBJ look alittle taller than he was.
Taz2112 said on 4/Mar/08
I know Hill Billy Jims wife and she told me he was 6'11 He was definitley taller than Hulk Hogan and in the picture above next to 6'1" he is bent over
If he stood straight that would give hime at least a 10 inches over Chris
winst27 said on 1/Jan/08
I remember the Hulkster had 2 inches on Hillbilly Jim and in turn was less than big John Studd by about the same 2inches..
zzz said on 27/Oct/07
yea in wrestling days hogan was taller than hilbilly but he sorta shrunk, hilbilly is lucky didnt even seem to shrink a bit, and i think he is a legit 6'6 as seen in the photo above in which he is slouching.
Danimal said on 14/Aug/07
Yeah and in the mid to late 80's, Hogan WAS taller than Hilbilly.
jacobs said on 14/Aug/07
looking a that pic above jim appears to be more 6'6.5'' than 6'5.5'' look!!!
Anonymous said on 27/Jul/07
"Hogan would have been only marginally taller than 6'7" Studd during that era. Hmmmm, isn't that what I've been saying all along? Nobody listed though"
Studs had 2 inches on Hogan back in the 80's
Alex said on 2/Jul/07
Jim looks easily 6'5.5 with 6'1.5 Chris.
Halb said on 19/Feb/07
I posted a few comment, not sure if they have been deleted.
Few things from loking at those phots again. Tenta seems v close to Jim's height,v close indeed.
There are two pics of Jim next to Duggan, one mnakes Duggan look way small, like 6 ft 1 in. One makes Duggan look a lil bigger at 6 ft 3 in.
And Dan Spivey looks aboot the height I would expect him to look. He was billed as 6 ft 6 in, when he re-entered the WWF in 1995. I think he may have lost a fraction is that was his billed height.
Halb said on 19/Feb/07
Blackjack Lanza looks aboot 6 ft 2 in next to Jim
Halb said on 19/Feb/07
Good pic of Spivey. I remember when Spivey re-entered WWE in 1995 for his 2nd stint as Waylon Mercy he was billed at 6 t 6 in tall. And loking at that pic, it may have been right on the button.
Danimal said on 17/Feb/07
Thing is, I believe the 6'5 3/4" height listing of John Tenta over his 6'4" one. After his years of battling cancer, he probably was not as tall as he once was, seeing Hillbilly Jim was taller than him.
Halb said on 16/Feb/07
Would have been funny to see these two stood together then:oD
Considering the Frali/Studd pics.
Editor Rob said on 29/Jan/07
Saw Jim Covert quote in 1986 Chicago newspaper "I'm 6ft 5 and Studd is 6ft 10"
Steve said on 19/Jan/07
yeh i accept hogan was 198cm in his prime, but no more.
Chris said on 8/Jan/07
Hey guys, I'm the Chris in the photo above. I admit that most of the wrestlers that I have met over the 25 years are not nearly as tall as they were listed...and so was Hillbilly. However, I have two photos that I took with Jim that day and in both photos I came right up to his eye level. I'm an even 6'1 1/4" barefoot. We were both wearing tennis shoes in the photo. I would say he was a good 6'5 1/2" BTW, he was a very nice guy to talk to.
Alex said on 2/Nov/06
I remember Yokozuna was billed at 6'4. He looked no more than 6'2, maybe a little closer to 6'1. His weight IMO looked legit. He was 500lbs when he entered WWE and left at 600lbs or more. He died at 750lbs I read.
Cantstop25 said on 3/Oct/06
Cut Hennig also appeared to be aroudn 6'3" which surprised me. the rock and Vinnie mac also appeared shorter then what I would have thought.
Cantstop25 said on 3/Oct/06
Monsoon is clealy taller then hillbilly jim by a half-inch id say. I think if JBL were to stragithen out he would be the same height as jim. Hogan looks taller in one pic and shorter in another. THoguh it is still conclusive proof that he has shrunk a few inches. Volkoff looked a legit 6'5", earthguake 6'6" (bald head), one man gang 6'7". Show is now a proven 7' as well seeign as he looks 100' taller then jim :)
Austin and Warrior were much shorter then what i would have envisoned next to Jim.
Jason said on 21/Sep/06
I have Yoko at 6'1 1/4''.
Derek said on 20/Sep/06
Jordan- Yoko is no more than 6'1" because when 5'9" Owen Hart stood next to him in his boots, there was about 2 inches difference.
Halb said on 20/Sep/06
Wow, that photo album is a find, only got halfway thru the pics on no 2, but I'd say Jim Duggan is aboot 6 ft 2 in and JBL is 6 ft 4 in, going off Hillbillys height.
Halb said on 20/Sep/06
Yeh, he looks aboot Fralics height.
Jordan said on 19/Sep/06
I used to think yokozuna was 6'4 but he is only one inch taller then bret hart. Yoko was barefooted but the question is if bret is 6'1. If bret is 6'1 then yoko is 6'4, but if bret i really like 5'10 or 5'11, yoko would only be 6'1-6'2
Ola said on 17/Sep/06
Louie John Buluran pretty nice job there ;)
I agree with almost everything... with a few changes;
di biase no way 6'3, probarly 6'2 topps
yokozuna is taller than he looks like to be... 6'4 easly.
ultimate warrior is only 6'2
the rock 6'4
vince mcmahon atleast 6'1 1/2
HHH is probarly 6'3
sting 6' 1/2
big bossman no way 6'5. i would say 6'3 1/2 in his last years in wwe.
UT and kane is in the same size. there is not more than 1/2 inch between them. i think UT is 6'8 1/2 and kane slightly taller.
Edge is taller than 6'3. closer to 6'4 imo
Danimal said on 4/Sep/06
Louie, what I find amazing is that you over exagerate all the wrestlers heights, you also give before and afters dor Taker, Flair and others, but only give Hogan's present height and only Andre's peak. Your "ESTIMATES" are just that. DON'T start it off as stating that these are the "REAL" height. According to who? According to you???? You haven't been around long enough to make this flawed list. Try again.
Danimal said on 15/Aug/06
Viper, have you been to Hillbilly's site? He stands next to EVERY wrestler. We see how he towers over everyone, including The Rock and many other. Hogan was actually taller than Hillbilly in the 80's, but is a couple of inches shorter than him today. Proof of his shrinkage. Check out Hillbilly's site and pics.
Viper652 said on 15/Aug/06
Man, I remember Hillbilly in the WWF but it seems like ages ago. I remember watching the main events on NBC in the 80s when I was real little. Hogan and Andre had a few matches on that program. The best part about Main event was Vince and Bobby the brain were so hillarious.
Longrob said on 28/Jul/06
I'm a shade below 6'5. Rob Vandam came to my dad's club once. He was much shorter than me. I would say that 6'5 or so is on the money.
Danimal said on 14/Jan/06
Ultimate Warrior at 6'4"?? LMAO!! You clearly haven't even bothered to go on the website, have you Jim? Hillbilly has 4-5 inches on Ultimate Warrior, MINIMUM! Graham was at least 6'3" and is about 5'10" today (sad)..Hogan was 6'6" and today 6'3". Sone Cold was MAX 6'0" and change. Hart was 5'11" and same with HBK. Big Show at least 6'9" and change. Vince looked to be 6'1" in that pic with Hillbilly. Hogan was at least 6'6", which is obvious.
Jason said on 14/Jan/06
The pics with the NFL players are from 1986. He would have been at peak height then.
Jim said on 14/Jan/06
Hillbilly Jim is 6'5", Hogan is 6'4", Big Show is 7', Stone Cold is 6'2", Hart is 6', HBK is 6', Vince is 6'2", Ultimate Warrior is 6'4", Billy Graham is 5'10" and was probably around 6'1" before all his sergeries.
usa said on 13/Jan/06
yeah! you did great editor,the guy really looks 197cm,cant see him under that...
Danimal said on 13/Jan/06
Rob, he wouldn't have lost any height when the pics with NFL players were taken. He was still young. We're going back 20 years here. Hillbilly WAS 6'7" with his shoes and Hogan WAS 6'8" with him shoes. Without shoes, HB was 6'5" and change and Hogan 6'6" and change.. Today Hogan is 6'3" and change and I called this WELL before ever having viewed Hillbilly's site.
316 said on 13/Jan/06
Thanks editor, now we will have to rethink the heights of other wrestlers...again!!!...

Editor Rob
yeah, but that's just what they say...I asked them honestly, "what is his true height" and that's what they said: 6ft 7 and about 290lbs.
Beside the nfl players though, it doesn't look like he is...hence why I questioned if this guy had lost height
CelebHeights Editor said on 13/Jan/06
I got a reply from hillbilly's website and they do say he is '6ft 7 and 290lbs'...that's his 'real height'.
Danimal said on 12/Jan/06
Cycklops, if Hillbilly is at least 6'5", how can you say that Hogan only looks 6'5"-6'5 1/2"? In that pic with Brutus, Hogan and Hillbilly, Hogan's head is clearly 1.5-2" taller than Hillbilly's. I give 6'6" and change. I dare say that Hogan would have been only marginally taller than 6'7" Studd during that era. Hmmmm, isn't that what I've been saying all along? Nobody listed though.
Danimal said on 12/Jan/06
It's actually quite ironic that HillBilly is as much taller than Hogan today, as Hogan was taller than him back in the eighties. I say Hogan has lost closer to 4 inches, not 3. Gallery 2, pic 8 (1989-1990), Gallery 3, pic 27 (definitely 1985), and Gallery 5, pic 15 (2004-2005). Just for yourselves friends.
Danimal said on 12/Jan/06
Jone, are you the same guy who claims that Arnold Schwarzenneger is 6'4"? If so, no need in even replying.
Danimal said on 12/Jan/06
Danimal said on 12/Jan/06
Look at Billy Graham in 1987, still at 6'4". Today, you'll see on Hillbilly's site that the Superstar has shrunk at least 5-6 inches. Hogan isn't too far behind. They have both had hip replacements, knee replacements, neck and back surgeries. Hogan was 6'6" and today is 6'3". The proof is on
Cycklops said on 11/Jan/06
Hogan looks 6'5"-6'5.5" in that pic. If the Hulkster cowboy boots weren't in effect...and they almost certainly were.
Danimal said on 11/Jan/06
What's also interesting is seeing how much shorter Nikolai Volkoff was next to Hillbilly in the pic with him and the Iron Sheik and yet in Gallery 5, pic number 10, Nikolai looks like a strong 6'4".
Poor Supesrtar Billy Graham. Look at him today in Gallery 5, pic 13. He has shrunk SOOOOO much. He was 6'3"-6'4" in his DAY (legit). He was slightly taller than the 6'2 1/2"-6'3" Bill Kazmaier at the 1980 World Strongest Man Competition. We all know that the Superstar has undergone the same devastating surgeries that Hogan underwent. There was a pic of the two of them in 1987, when Hogan was at his peak and was even wearing his cowboy boots (2-3") and Superstar was only about 3 inches shorter. The man is about 5'11" today. We know what's in store for Hogan in the next 10 years.
Danimal said on 11/Jan/06
Piper is 6'0" at best today. Same height as Vince and possibly slightly shorter than Vince.
Gallery 5, pic 7, we see that The Big show is only slightly taller than Hillbilly, but then again, he is MUCh further back. Still an interesting pic though.
Danimal said on 11/Jan/06
6'3" for Ted Dibiase was DEFINITELY not out of reach!
Danimal said on 11/Jan/06
Barry Windham WAS 6'5" and Gorilla Monsoon was 6'6"!!
Danimal said on 11/Jan/06
Gallery 4, pic 1, we can see how SHORT The Ultimate Warrior really was. The man wasn't even 6'0". Outback Jack was a very taller man and JYD WASN'T.
Mr. Perfect appeared to be his listed height of 6'2"-6'3". This is very interesting and FUN!!!
Jason said on 11/Jan/06
Sorry I was a bit harsh there, Danimal ... but seriously, it's a basic fact of photography. Try experimenting with a camera, or look through your photo albums to see what I mean.
Thanks for drawing attention to Hillybilly Jim's photo gallery though, it really was a great find!
Danimal said on 11/Jan/06
We also know what Owen Hart was, Bruno Sammartino in later years and the list invariably goes on...
By the way Rob, what is you take now on Hogan?