Jiga said on 18/Oct/06
yeah i understand that Louie and Sid but he doesn't stand straight. His shoulders are hunched and he probably can't stand straight anymore after years like that and also the beating his body has taken.
Louie John Buluran said on 18/Oct/06
Dude Mick Foley is 6 ft 2 and he would be 6 ft 2 Randy Orton is 6 ft 4 as you can see in most of his pictiures!!!
SID said on 18/Oct/06
Don't care for mick. The thing is I think he's about 6'2, randy is 6'4 legit, when they fueded, and randy had 2 inches on mick so therefore mick's 6'2
Danimal said on 17/Oct/06
Mick has taken more beatings than any wrestler in the history of wrestler. The man was thrown off of a 30 foot steel cage HOW MANY TIMES?? It's a wonder he can stand, let alone is alive today.
Louie John Buluran said on 17/Oct/06
Jk when i was your age in 2001 i was only 5 ft 0 after 5 years i grow up and became a legit 6 ft 1...
JK said on 17/Oct/06
Danimal, I was around the 5'10'' mark and same height as my father when i was in my late 13's in 2004, last year i became 6'0 - 6'0.5, now i am just about 6'2''.
Viper652 said on 17/Oct/06
No, Mick physically looks shorter than 6-2 at all times. Its just the way hes built. Its amazing. Sometimes the guy looks downright short when he does slouch on TV even.
SID said on 17/Oct/06
Kane here looks 6'9 thats in gear, Kane towers over people assily, I don't think kane is less then 6'8. kane's 6'8 and some change here take alook the video
Click Here
Jiga said on 16/Oct/06
you gotta realise Mick slouches a lot and he stands with bent knees because of their bad condition. Just picture if he stood up tall and straight.
Alex said on 16/Oct/06
Howard Stern looks 6'5 to me. Could be 6'5.5 though.
Alex said on 16/Oct/06
Viper, yea Mick is probably 6'2 but he can only look 6'0. He has bad posture. Never really stands straight is why.
Danimal said on 16/Oct/06
JK, you were 5'10" at 14 years old last year?
JK said on 16/Oct/06
I first used to think Mick was about 5'10'', but when i met him 2 years ago he was 4-5 inches taller than me and i was 5'10'' back Then!! he is definetley 6'2''
DaMan said on 15/Oct/06
Sid, all the proof you should require is right below. Kane ~6'8", Snitsky ~6'5", no doubt about it.
Danimal said on 15/Oct/06
Thing is, I believe that Howard Stern is taller than 6'5", but chose that height not to come across as being TOO freaky.
KingNick said on 15/Oct/06
Jiga, that link with the 5'11" guy is the money maker with Kane
Click Here if he really is 5'11", Kane has to be minimum of 6'8". You can't see footwear, but they're in normal cloths, my guess would be sneakers.
Eric1, I have to agree with you, Big Show does wear crazy boots. I think the man is still around 6'11", they just have him wear boots to appear larger and more intimidating.
Everyone hear is talking about Snitsky, I peg him 6'4". That photo with Big Ben does it for me. Do you know that Pro Wrestling Illustrated billed him at 6'10"???
Mr. E said on 15/Oct/06
In Foley's own book, he has a pic with 6'5" Howard Stern. Stern has him by at least 2" to 3". 6'2" for Foley.
Danimal said on 15/Oct/06
There was a time that Foley was listed at 6'4" upon entering the WWF.
Jiga said on 15/Oct/06
yeah he could be Stephen in his autobiography he states himself as 6'4 and when i see him in ring (thinking back to when he returned and had the hardcore legend ceremony with steve austin) he looks it. He slouches a lot and has his knees bent (bad knees) so i think it's highly possible. BTW Mick Foley isnt the type to up his height to sound good.
SID said on 15/Oct/06
Alex said on 14/Oct/06
Foley isn't more than 6'2.
Danimal said on 14/Oct/06
Mick is 6'2". That is what he was billed at. He's NOT taller.
eric 1 said on 14/Oct/06
Mr E you have to take a look at Big SHows Boots lately . Ever since the great khali came to town and he won the ecw crown he boots have grown in size. I met kane 2 times . The guy is 6ft8 maybe 6ft8 and change with ease. CHeck out the pics a little bit down the page with kane standing next to a legit 5ft11 guy. Kanes wearing SNEAKERS. Its the pic wear kane and other wrestlers are posted with the same guy . The guy is an easy 5ft11.
Mr. E said on 14/Oct/06
I can't see Kane anything above 6'8". In most photos with Big Show, Show has him by at least 3 inches, even with the frankenstein boots. Plus, if he was 6'8", those boots would make him borderline 6'10"+, and that would make Big Show 7'1"+. I'll stick with 6'7".
Stephen said on 14/Oct/06
Mick Foley is at least 6'3.5". I saw him up close.
eric 1 said on 13/Oct/06
Sid it was pic floating around the internet somewhere. Im telling you that kane had more then 2 inches on him .
Alex said on 13/Oct/06
Cantstop, I'll def ask him to stand. Hopefully he will straight and not lean toward me since he's much taller than me as some tall guys do that with shorter guys.
Danimal said on 13/Oct/06
That guy should did look young when standing next to Edge. He looked like he was 15 at most. He's probably grown since then and bridged the gap a bit. Also, it's amazing how much Roddy Piper has shrunk over the years. The guy was a solid 6'2" or 6'2.5" in his day (the 1980's).
SID said on 12/Oct/06
Kane is a easy 6'8 and change, eric where did u see kane and snitsky toe to toe
Jiga said on 12/Oct/06
sorry bout the links. just click on them and change the zzz part.
cantstop25 said on 12/Oct/06
ALex you dont seem shy so do you think you can assk him to stand up straight, because he tends to slouch a lot in those type of pics, which makes him appear a lot shorter then he really is.
DaMan said on 12/Oct/06
Sid, you are 100% dead wrong. Go to Kane's Raw Superstar page then dowload the Snitsky vs. Kane video. Kane has a *very obvious* 3 inches on Snitsky throughout the match. The Ben Rothlesberger photos are additional evidence evidence of Snitsky being 3+ inches shorter than Kane.
Snitsky is nowhere near 6'8" and he has never looked it either.
Ben & Snitsky:
Click HereBen & Kane:
Click HereStill think they are the same height?
eric said on 12/Oct/06
kane towers over tiny lister. if you compare the pics. Thats kane in sneakers also. Thats an easy 6ft8 and change for kane.
Alex said on 12/Oct/06
Danimal, I remember Jason said Nash was just 6'7. When I get a picture with him I'll prove he is taller than that.
Alex said on 12/Oct/06
Kane does look a good 9 inches taller so that puts him over 6'7. 6'7.5-6'8.
Alex said on 12/Oct/06
JT, that guy does look 5'10.5-5'11. Austin does look a bit over 6'0 there though while he's really 6'0 flat. Could be his cowboy boots. Most of the other guys look their height you listed.
Alex said on 12/Oct/06
Danimal and Frank, I'll try to talk to him a little more but last year I didn't get to talk to Angle much at all except to say liek 2-3 things since there is a line waiting but I'll try with Nash and I will try to ask how tall he is himself and tell him I wanna see how tall you are so could you stand up for a picture.
Danimal, you have to pay for each autograph and for each picture. Each wrestler the price varies.
JT said on 12/Oct/06
OK, this guy looks around 5
Danimal said on 12/Oct/06
I believe that he was 6'10.5" peak height! Hey Alex, Piper and Snuka are LEGENDS! Does it cost extra to get pics with them too? Why don't you straight up tell him that you've been on this site for sometime and ask him if he could tell you some of the top wrestler's heights!!!! That would be mint ;).
Alex said on 11/Oct/06
Louie, it isn't the best to compare Umaga to Kane in the ring since Umaga is barefoot and Kane is wearing boots giving him at least 1-1.5 inches of height. Doesn't appear to be like his big lifts he use to wear back then which gave him like 2.5 inches of height at least.
Frank said on 11/Oct/06
Alex also ask Nash how tall Taker really is if you can
Alex said on 11/Oct/06
Danimal, I asked you that because in 3-4 weeks I am going to an autograph session in NYC like last year when I met Angle. Its the same autograph session type of thing but this time Nash, X-Pac, Roddy Piper and Jimmy Snuka are going to be there, but I am going to meet Nash, get his autograph and a picture with him since he's the only one worth there for me to go pay to see. But with the picture I'll ask him to stand like I did with Angle and he probably will. Then we'll get a good estimate of his height. But yea 6'8 would be the bare minimum but that seems too short. 6'9-6'9.5 today and a solid 6'10 in his prime.
Louie John Buluran said on 11/Oct/06
Kane is 6 ft 9 and he looks like 6 ft 9 and he towers at the 6 ft 2 Umaga!!!
SID said on 11/Oct/06
kane always been taller then taker
SID said on 11/Oct/06
when was this eric..?? when did you see kanr and snitsky toe totoe
Danimal said on 11/Oct/06
I've heard 6'10"-6'11" in his prime. I believe it. He's NOTHING less than 6'8" today, but like you said Alex, probably 6'9" and some change.
eric 1 said on 10/Oct/06
As Yankem kane was billed at 6ft9 not 6ft7. I remember it like it was yesterday. I know that for a fact.
eric 1 said on 10/Oct/06
I have seen Kane and Snitsky toe to toe . Kane is taller by a few inches.
Jiga said on 10/Oct/06
Kane and The Undertaker are not the same height! Glen Jacobs is at least half an inch taller up to an inch. I proved that with the Isaac Yankem vs. Undertaker vid i posted plenty of times, but the link is now gone. Kane is at least 6'8, at most 6'9. Taker at the moment i thick he is around 6'7.5 he may have been up to 6'8 - 6'8.5 earlier.
Alex said on 10/Oct/06
I am not sure how tall Nash is today though. Def a solid 6'10 buy in his prime. Now today I'd say more about 6'9. What do you guys think?
Danimal said on 10/Oct/06
Vegas, he was taller than the Big Show in the WCW, so it's possible that he was 7'2".
Vegas said on 10/Oct/06
Ron Reis is a legit 7'2 making him 4 inches taller than Nash
SID said on 10/Oct/06
Snistsky doesnt have a my space, it was mentioned on the real stars lists, where did u list that picture with snitsky and kane bleemo
Bleemo said on 9/Oct/06
Snitsky listed himslef as 6'4 on his official Myspace so that's the end of that. He definately wore lifts though, his boots were very dubious. Also I recall posting a pic with him and Kane where Kane was about 2 inches taller.
chris said on 9/Oct/06
final sweeping comment,, no way kane is under 6'8,,,,,, and no way big show is under 6'11
Frank said on 7/Oct/06
Big Ben was an inch taller than Snitsky which would put Snitsky at 6ft 4...... Sorry Sid :o(
Dkko said on 6/Oct/06
Sid, 6'8 is the height of Sid (no pun intended), Kane and Sid Justice (Vicious)
are bouth about 6'8 maybe a half inch separates the two, but Sid is one of the veryfew men who actually looked Taker right in the eyes without even lifting his glance in their epic WrestleMania 13 staredown and I don't think he was even wearing lifts in that match since he did some moves off the second rope and with lifts he would not have been able to do that, Snitsky on the other hand, sure he's a big man no doubt about it, but remember when he was teaming with Goldust? sure Goldust doesn't have the muscular physique that Snitsky has, but they appeared to be the exact same height and Goldust is 6'5 so maybe Snitsky is 6'5 1/2 I wouldn't give him any more height than 6'6 and Big Show nowadays might be 6'10 and Khali NO DOUBT is a legit 7-footer, also the guy who said that Ron Reis (Reese from Raven's Flock) is 6'4 needs a bucket of ice cold water thrown at him or something, Reese may just be half an inch taller than Nash (Big Daddy Cool Diesel)
SID said on 6/Oct/06
Kane and snitzky appear the same height, i seen the matach throwly, snitsky is 6'8 as well, sniztky is taller then vicera when they both wrestled, snistky is 6'8 as well. I saw the match where kane and snitsky where on the stage and kane chokeslammed sniztky and kane himself of the stage to the table, snistky was eye to eye and appeared the same height, if sniztkty was 6'5 as people claimed he would be where cade is underneath kane nose, snitsky is 6'8 as well
DaMan said on 6/Oct/06
Yea, but Sid, you also said Snitsky and Kane stand the same height. Every match they've been in Kane has had an obvious 3 inches on Snitsky. Even the Rothlesberger photos bear this out. Test has never appeared anywhere near Kane's height.
SID said on 6/Oct/06
scott is only 6'5, he isnt over 6'8 thats a joke saying scott hall 6'8, i saw his licenese on some website it said 6'5 not 6'8, scott hall cant be taller then kane, when sid and scott all was in wcw sid was taller, sid is 6'8 i saw sid and scott hall stand side by side in the ring sid was taller, no way scott all taller then sid or kane
SID said on 6/Oct/06
spounge, bob kane and test almost stand the same height, kane has 2 inches on test, kane kane and albert, kane has 2 2 inches on albert to. kane is gear is 6'9 bare feet 6'8 and still is taller then taker
SID said on 6/Oct/06
Anon 6'6 is selling kane short, no way he is 6'6, he's 6'8 if you scroll down and read the article i had, it tells him out of character, that he's 6'8, and eric friend who is 6'6. he brought to meet kane, eric said kane had 2 inches on him, thats in street cloth, and no he doesnt wear lifts while in street cloth
Cantstop25 said on 6/Oct/06
"kane and albert,kane has 4 inches over him"
I seriously doubt that, albert really was 6'7" legit, kane is 6'8.5"
nd yes lance cade did have one inch on edge, thoguh im not quite sure if edge really is a full 6'4" I alwaswy had him more aorund 6'3", though edge could have been in lifts seeing as he is a muhc bigger star, Cade and Murdoch always did appear to be quite tall
Jiga said on 5/Oct/06
clearly there's some clueless people in this world (anon - saying Kane's 6'6 and jason saying Big Show's 6'8)
Danimal said on 5/Oct/06
Sponge Bob, sorry to say, but you're REALLY new at this, aren't you? Unfortunately, even though you tried really hard, you're wrong on everything.
spounge bob said on 5/Oct/06
king nick got my list i told u guys about ^U^ i feel happy,not exactlly gay and not very smiley.
and i found another site ..crap! i 4got it again.
but anyways,this site had all the true profiles of every single wrestler.
kanes real height today is 6'9, at 1996 he was 6'11 at least,in boots he was 6'11.5
bigshow today stands 7'0,7'1 with shoes,when u look at him and kane stand together show is more like 3 inches taller,at uni he was 6'11.
also muscle build up would give an inche in height,and not training ur body would make ur body watery,and ur muscles would sag down(eww).
edge is 6'4,lance cade is 6'5 and he had about 1 inch over edge
hulk hogan(what a name ha!)was billed 6'8,in the 70's to the 90's.
when the giant came into wcw and they thought since he was 7 inches taller than hogan was 7'4...oh hogans real height is 6'7 in the old days and now he is 6'5.
when they measured hogan and the giant properly he stood 7'1.5,while hogan stood 6'6,which explained why scott hall was taller than 6'8 hogan at 6'7.also kevin nash...ok i lost that part but he was 6'11 in his prime(i think)
when u look at test and kane stand side by side kane has 5 inches over test.
kane and albert,kane has 4 inches over him.(i shoulda pasted this)
gotta go
anon said on 5/Oct/06
I put kane at around 6'6, i remember every one thought he was 7 untill big show came round. big show's about 6'9 6'10
Alex said on 4/Oct/06
I do remember about Nash telling a fan who asked how tall he is, that he was 6'10. that seems pretty honest if he's listed at 7'0-7'1 and he could have easily said his billed height but said 6'10. Seems honest to me.
Danimal said on 4/Oct/06
Well, I believe that Sid was 6'7" and we know that Nash had about 3" on him, so, I would give him 6'10" at most (peak height). Perhaps 6'9" and a bit today. His neck was fused (as was Hogan's) from what I read, which will cause a height loss. He's also about 50 years old today.
Dkko said on 3/Oct/06
Danimal, how can you even dare to say that Undertaker is 6'7 when he can actually look big show, Nash and other 7 footers in the eye? Goldust and Test and maybe the A Train (giant bernard) are 6'7 Undertaker, Sid and Kane are about 6'8 1/2 or 6'9 and I don't think Hogan's taller than Edge, Randy Orton clearly looked that he had 2 inches on Hogan and Orton and Edge are about the same height
Danimal said on 3/Oct/06
Well seeing Hogan is STILL taller than Edge, I wouldn't even give Edge 6'3".
Taker was never even 6'8" imo. Possibly 6'7.5"-6'7.75".
Alex said on 3/Oct/06
Danimal, what would be your estimate on Nash? I'd say 6'9 at the minimum and likely 6'10. Not sure if the guy shrunk but he's in his upper 40's so he may have lost a bit of height. So maybe 6'10 before and 6'9?
And also he is coming to NYC in a month with a few other wrestlers. This is the same event I met Angle at so I may end up going and I'll meet him and do like I did with Angle and post the picture.
Paul said on 3/Oct/06
I think you're right on Edge Danimal. I copied and pasted another list and then edited. Didn't notice Edge in there. I would say nearer 6'3 than 2.
Paul said on 3/Oct/06
Thanks Nick, forgot Taker though who is a maxiumum 6'8 today, maybe a touch less. I think peak was about 6'8 2/3 or 3/4. He was a big time sloucher who usually kept his head down.
Anonymous said on 3/Oct/06
Hey fatman, not really show had 2 to 3 inches on kane,, kane was standing at 6'9 there on ecw, there appeared almost the same height that night on ecw, kane is 6'8 bare, 6'9 with gear, kane college stats saids 6'8 cant remember where i saw it, his stats in football, and basket ball said 6'8,
KingNick said on 2/Oct/06
Here's the link to the site that I believe Spongebob was talking about
Click Here Paul, list looks pretty good to me man
Cantstop25 said on 2/Oct/06
I would say pauls list is very accurate, thoguh I think Hogan and Edge are more 6'2.5"-6'3" and the height between show and khali is probably jsut an inch 7' and 7'1" respectively
Paul said on 2/Oct/06
KingNick/Bob... a list of where I think they really are/were.....
Kane - 6'8 1/2" 10 years ago...probably nearer 6'8 now
Sid - 6'7.75" at least...probably was 6'8 -6'8 1/4 prime
Crush/Adam Bom (Kronik) - 6'6" each maybe a shade over
Big Show - 6'11 1/2 -7'0" probably 7'1 in the late 1990's
Great Khali - 7'1 1/2"
Viscera - 6'7 maximum could be 6'6 1/2
Batista, Edge, Hulk Hogan - 6'3 1/2 - 6'4" (Hogan's peak 6'6 plus - 199cm)
HHH - 6'2 - 6'2 1/2"
Shawn Michaels - 5'11 -6'0" (I think at his peak he was at least a full 6')
Bret Hart - 6'0"
Orton - 6'4"
Matt Morgan - 6'9 ....maybe
Nathan Jones - 6'9 1/2"
Kevin Nash - 6'9" plus (peak was 6'10 1/2")
Mick Foley - 6'2"
The Rock - 6'3 1/2"
I think I'm pretty close guys !
OOFatman said on 2/Oct/06
SID, I agree that Kane is 6'9" in his gear. However, his "gear" gives him more than just 1" in height lol! I believe he is about 6'7" because Big Show has a good 4" on him, and Big Show is about 6'11" tops. Big Show had about 3" on the supposed 6'8" Akebono going by this pic.
Click Here This puts Show at about 6'11". Since Kane is 4" shorter, that would put him around 6'7".
SID said on 1/Oct/06
Kane looks 6'8 in this pic. the door behind him is 6'6he has 2 inches on the door, check kane out here in this pic
Click Here
Alex said on 1/Oct/06
Guys, I've read at WWE.com on the appearances page that Kane is coming to NYC on November 29th for a See No Evil DVD signing, but the place where its going to be at is "to be announced" still. So within a month or so it should be listed. I'll probably end up going, try to get a picture with the guy and get a good estimate of his height.
SID said on 30/Sep/06
Fatman Kane is 6'8' and rockerk kane is 6'8 in barefeet, with gear he's 6'9
Alex said on 29/Sep/06
Matt Morgan looks taller than 6'7 to me. 6'9ish I think.
OOFatman said on 29/Sep/06
Here's my height list of a few of the bigger wrestlers:
Singh: 6-11.5
Big Show: 6-11
Kane: 6-7
UT: 6-6.5
Viscera: 6-6
Rocker said on 29/Sep/06
Kane is easily 6'8 in boots but barefoot like Umaga he would be 6'7 max
Mr. E said on 29/Sep/06
In conjunction with DaMan, Viscera probably had his superboots on with the white lifts. Call me stupid....who is Max Starks? He looks 6'7"
DaMan said on 28/Sep/06
Funny, Viscera looked the exact same height (within 1/2", possibly in V's favor) as Max Starks who is definitely taller than 6'6".
Viper652 said on 28/Sep/06
Viscera is no taller than 6-6. I think Matt Morgan is 6-7 Max.
SID said on 28/Sep/06
Matt morgan looked the same height as kane, if matt morgan is 6'9 kane is as well, oh ya kane has little lifts in his shoes make him 6'9 or 6'10, bare feet kane is 6'8'5, with gear 6'9 6'10, he looks it 6'10 these days, he toweres over umaga whose supposly 6'4, i think he is 6'2 thats why kane toweres over him so much
KingNick said on 28/Sep/06
I haven't done this in a while, just for fun I'm going to throw out my estimated heights for some of these wrestlers.
Undertaker - 6'8"
Kane - 6'8.5" (yes, I use to think they were both the same size, I'm slowly starting to turn now. If any of the two are bigger its Kane, but I don't think it's by much)
Sid - 6'7.75"
Crush/Adam Bom (Kronik) - 6'6"
Big Show - 6'11"
Great Khali - 7'1"
Viscera - 6'7.5"
Batista, Edge, Hulk Hogan - 6'3.5" (Hogan's peak 6'6")
HHH - 6'2.5"
Shawn Michaels - 5'11" (I think at his peak he was at least a full 6')
Bret Hart - 5'11"
Orton - 6'4"
Matt Morgan - 6'9"
Nathan Jones - 6'10"
Kevin Nash - 6'9" (peak was 6'10")
Mick Foley - 6'2"
The Rock - 6'3"
Umaga - 6'2"
hero said on 28/Sep/06
why is this guy still at 6'7.5?? when he is clearly taller than taker or viscera? this guy needs to be put at 6'8 for good..
chris said on 27/Sep/06
kane is 6'8 viscera is 6'6.5
Juliann Savard said on 26/Sep/06
I think Kane is 6 ft 8 and Viscera is 6 ft 7............ Little Rey is 5 ft 1
Mr. E said on 26/Sep/06
I've always wondered how Jr feels about his commentary. Tonight he calls Kane being 6'10" and Viscera being "near 7 foot" I guess that makes me (a shade under 6') near 6'6"?
KingNick said on 23/Sep/06
Canstop, that picture is hysterical! That's the most out of place tag team I've ever seem. Did they all tag together one night or something??
Mr. E said on 23/Sep/06
Eric is right....Sid is a shade shorter than Taker, Taker is a shade shorter than Kane....with all stated......Sid is 6'6" plus, arguably Undertaker could be anywhere from 6'7" to 6'9"....tough to tell on Kane with those ridiculous boots, although back in the Isaac Yankem DDS days, he had Taker by a bit..that make Kane a legit 6'8"...which leads to Nash at probably 6'10", although most evidence points him to a current 6'9" (he's got neck surgery and he's nearly 50) and Big Show 6'11" to 7'.
Cantstop25 said on 23/Sep/06
look how much kane and taker tower ove rmysterio here
Click Hereso how tall is mysterio 5'1"-5'3" I alwasy had him at
SID said on 22/Sep/06
Hey Kane looks 6;8 here with these two people, the washtoom door is around 6'6. kane has 2 inches on the washroom door check it and yes he is in street, and he doesnt wear lifts in street cloth. check it out
Click Here
eric 1 said on 22/Sep/06
in the pic the top of the guys head comes up to Sids lips while the pic with kane, the top of the guys head comes up to a little bit below kanes bottom lip. That puts kane at a little taller than sid vicious. That pegs kane at minimum 6ft8. Maybe even 6ft8 and change. Remember guys this is in street clothes now . If kane is wearing slacks in that pic theres no way hes wearing boots. Kanes wearing dress shoes. You dont wear boots with slacks. Now i really think kane should be put to at least 6ft8.
JonnyC said on 22/Sep/06
I've met Kane and he was enormous, definitely over 6'5" I woulda guessed 6'8" but he's so hard to really tell the height of cos he's so tall! Kevin Nash was there too though and he did seem a few inches taller
Alex said on 22/Sep/06
JT that guy could be more 5'9 but 5'8 at least though.
SID said on 21/Sep/06
Anonymous is me oops i keep forgetting to put my name when i come on here
KingNick said on 21/Sep/06
Anonymous, you make a great point there I was actually going to comment on that. Umaga is billed at 6'4", which probably means he's really 6'2". Kane had to have like 9-10 inches over him on Raw. Say Kane's 6'8", he could be 6'9"-10" in those shoes. There's your 9-10 inch difference. Back when Kane fought Rosie, he wasn't wearing those big ass shoes. That was the only period of Glenn Jacob's career as Kane he wasn't wearing the giant shoes, when he had the half mask. So it makes sense that he looked a little shorter then and taller now.
JT, you're awesome with the photos man. If that guy is 5'8", that pegs Kane at at least 6'8". I know we don't see his shoes but the guy is in street clothes I highly doubt he's wearing those big ass boots. He's got like a whole foot on him. All your height estimates there look on the money to me.
JT said on 20/Sep/06
Some guy (looking around 5
Anonymous said on 19/Sep/06
Chris at unforgiven, and raw, Kane towered over Umaga. I remember kane with the half mask, when he tagged with rob vandam, and UMAGA WAS ROSEY, WHO WAS 3 MINS WARNING, KANE KINDA TOWERED OVER HIM THEN, NOW KANE TOWERES OVER HIM ALOT.
Jordan said on 19/Sep/06
I would have to say now that kane is a legit 6'8. Maybe before (if) rob updates
kane to 6'8, we should consider if kane is any shorter then 6'8. He cant really be any taller since magizines usually overexagerate heights so 6'8 is his tallest.
Ola said on 18/Sep/06
I believe kane and UT is in the same height. 6'8 - 6'8 1/2
chris said on 18/Sep/06
anyone watch unforgive? how did uz compare kanes height with umaga's? he is billed at 6'4
eric 1 said on 17/Sep/06
SID said on 17/Sep/06
Hey this article saids Kane's 6'8 read it and weep in people, there u go Kanes 6'8, didnt say 7ft ot 6ft10, that making it look fake, since it said 6'8 thats got to be his real height, besides there writing there article as Glen Jacobs not kane, check it out heres the link
Click Here
SID said on 16/Sep/06
SID said on 14/Sep/06
Anonymous is me I was defragging my comps so it lost it place of the name, didnt realize it till daminal said it
chris said on 14/Sep/06
ive had a picture takin with ronnie coleman on the street a couple years ago in normal street clothes and shoes.... im 6'2 and i can say he is a legit 5'10 at the most maybe a touch more
Viper652 said on 13/Sep/06
Im sorry Sid, but Ronnie isnt 5-11. Hes 5-9 1/2.
chris said on 13/Sep/06
this page is for discussing kanes height no one else..... cbf for other people
Danimal said on 13/Sep/06
How is Ronnie 5'11" when Chris Cormier is only 5'9" and Flex Wheeler is only 5'10"?
Click Here
Danimal said on 13/Sep/06
Anonymous, to state that your the same height morning, afternoon and night is delusionaly. Not EVERYONE is different. NO ONE and I repeat NO ONE is exempt from gravity my friend. If you think you're special, well, enter the Olympics. As for your eye to eye comment, are you that ignorant, to not consider that people's foreheads differ in length and there is also something called depth perception. Finally, stop hiding behind an anonymous facade. Lou even stated he was 6'4.5" in his prime and NOT 6'5" as you state and Arnold was 6'1.5" and NOT 6'2". They rounded.
Anonymous said on 13/Sep/06
Lou was 6'5 in his prime thats what I said, he was 3 inches on arnold who is 6'2 in pumping iron
Anonymous said on 13/Sep/06
we're exact same height viper, how would u know ronnie struggling with his height, u met the man, now so don't assume things, we eye to eye exact sameheight 5'11. People stop assuming stuff when u never met the man, or dont, your people are just guessing.. Jordan, I came up the same height each time morning, afternoon, and nights, as I said everyone diff, theres over a bill people on this earth, not everyone the same.
Danimal said on 12/Sep/06
Jay is NOT 5'9". I have all of his Flex editions from 1996, BEFORE he made a name for himself and he was ALWAYS listed at 5'8.5" and 245 pounds. When he made it big, he was all of a sudden 5'9". Ronnie was ALWAYS listed at 5'10" until his first Mr. Olympia reign and then all of a sudden he was 5'11". I've seen 5'9" and 5'10" listings for Kevin Levrone. I've seen Flex Wheeler listed from 5'8"-5'10.5".
Ronnie is NOT over 5'10". Jay is NOT over 5'8.5", IF THAT.
Finally, I agree 100% with Viper. I've appeared to be eye to eye with many people who could have been taller or shorter. Some people's foreheads are longer than others and depth perception also plays a huge role.
Viper652 said on 12/Sep/06
Just because you thought you were eye to eye with Ronnie doesnt make him the same height. Hes struggling wtih 5-10.
Jordan said on 12/Sep/06
Your Lucky SId. I am 5'10 3/4 in the morning and 5'10 1/4 at night. I have done this procedure 5 times and they all come with the same result. Maybe I shrink more becuse i'm 240 and are in football practice all day on my feet so I shrink more then others.
SID said on 11/Sep/06
Ronnie is the stongest, he came down here few months back, same as jay did, i had 2 inches on jay, how is that possible that ronnie and i are the same height, danimal u dont really know if he's under 5'10, i was eye to eye with him, before u assume things, dont say anything u dont know, ronnie was eye to eye with me.
Anonymous said on 11/Sep/06
Daminal when he came down here, he was eye to eye with me and i'm 5'11, he had 2 inches on jay cuter who is 5'9, i was taller then cutler. i doubt ronnie wears lifts.
Alex said on 11/Sep/06
Danimal, as the heights are inflated a little in body building, the weights are legit though. Jay Cutler who is listed at 5'9, someone I know met him and they said he looked only 5'7 and he showed me a picture with him too.
Danimal said on 11/Sep/06
Joke, they lie all the time in bodybuilding. Ronnie is barely 5'10" these days. One thing is he though, is he's probably one of the strongest bodybuilders of all time.
Frank, Lou was taller than 6'3" in his prime. Easily over 6'4".
sid said on 11/Sep/06
Rob they didnt study bills of people on this earth, not everyones the same, I had proof myself, i measured myself morning afternoon and night, everyones differnt, remember rob over a bill people on the earth not everyones the same.

Editor Rob
not everyone's the same...yes, some folk have 3 hearts, 2 brains and spinal columns that are made of steel. If you don't shrink then you are a Cylon...just don't shoot me though!
sid said on 11/Sep/06
Yes ronnie coleman is 5'11, I'm 5'11 we came eye to eye, Lou ferrigno is 6'5 over 6'2 arnold. he had 3 inches in the on arnold in pumping iron, I know arnold 6'2 legit, he had 2 inches on 6'0 kevin levrone
Frank said on 11/Sep/06
Sid they do Lie They Listed Lou Ferrigno at 6ft 5 and he more like 6ft 3 topps
Viper652 said on 11/Sep/06
Ronnie coleman is not 5-11.
sid said on 11/Sep/06
Batista used to body build, he was listed at 6'5, body building contest always tell exact height and weigts. I met ronnie coleman he's 5'11, im 5'11 we come eye to eye. so therefore in bodybuilding they dont lie.
sid said on 10/Sep/06
Rob not everyones the same, they dont go the the same process like everyone else does, you got to realize theres pver a bill people in the world eveyones differnt

Editor Rob
no, they are not, but no human has a spine made of steel or a spine that manages to overcome the effects of gravity such that they don't shrink even a little...
I'll give you a nice simple scientists explanation of why humans shrink after they wake up:
"During the recumbency of sleep, the loading on the intervertebral discs is reduced, and their relatively unopposed swelling pressure results in them absorbing fluid and increasing in volume. The absorbed fluid is expelled during the day when the loading of the spine is increased. There is, thus, a diurnal variation in the fluid content and height of the discs which causes a variation in the mechanical properties of the spine."
unless you are walking about in an anti-gravity bubble, you will lose some, even if its a small amount
Viper652 said on 10/Sep/06
I estimate Welling to be 6-1. The 6-3 is ridiculous for him. Batista should be at least an inch taller than Welling.
eric 1 said on 10/Sep/06
WHen batista stands toe to toe with Tom welling everyone will see hes only half of an inch taller putting him at 6ft3.5 thats his real height.Its known that he wears lifts as well.
Jordan said on 10/Sep/06
I actually met Tom Welling when I was in Manhattan, and I'm 5'10 1/2 and he was at least 4 inches taller then me. My friend often says he is 6'1 and Tom had him by a niticable amount as well.
sid said on 10/Sep/06
Hey batista will be on smallville in the coming months, batista claims himself he's 6'4 or 6'5 thats what it saids on his offical website. Will see how tall he is next to tom welling who is legit 6'3, that should give a good height example of batista. Tom welling modelling profile said he was 6'3, in modellig they dont exraggrate there heights. Tom welling is 6'3 legit will see how batista measures up to welling.
sid said on 10/Sep/06
Rob why would you be a inch, when u wake up, and shrink when u sleep, thats nonsense. I tried what the guy said, I measured myself in the morning when i woke up at 5'11 i measured myself in the afternoon, i was still 5'11, then right before i went to sleep i was still 5'11. so it isnt nonsense, when i had proof myself by measuring myself. growing and shrinking during the morning and nights is nonsense.

Editor Rob
if you claim to be exactly same in morning as you are, standing 6 hours later, your spine is made of steel. You might not shrink that much though, some folk shrink 1.5cm, others 1cm, some maybe only 0.5cm. In no diurnal height loss study I've read has there been any report of someone same early morning and later in the day ;-)
sid said on 10/Sep/06
Danimal, this was when hall and nash and hogan was in the wwe as the nwo, that was 2003 2002, hall and hogan was eye to eye, u can't lose height from 3 or 4 years like that, hogan still 6'4 same as hall as well
Alex said on 9/Sep/06
Torrie Wilson is also pretty tall. Looks 5'9 to be honest yet they bill her at 5'7-5'8. Its like they make the women seem a bit shorter while they are really taller. For example they list Torrie at 5'7 and Rey at 5'6 while in a mixed tag match she was a good 6 inches taller than Mysterio.
Bleemo said on 9/Sep/06
I think they used to bill her at 5'7 because she was one of the taller women in the WWE for most of her tenure. Taller then Trish, Ivory, Jazz, Jacquiline, molly and a few other by 2+ inches. It was when legit 5'8 Victoria came into the WWE that they lowered her billed height.
Danimal said on 9/Sep/06
Sid, Hogan was defintely eye to eye with 6'4 3/4" Scott Hall when he himself was that height, which had not been since the NWO days (1996-1999). Hogan is nowhere near that anylonger Sid. Understand that the man has suffered several height losses over the years. I still believe it happened in 3-4 increments.
Alex said on 9/Sep/06
They use to bill her at 5'7. 5'6 does seem right as she has 2 inches on Trish who is 5'4.
Bleemo said on 9/Sep/06
Lita is billed as 5'6 on her official WWE profile, I cannot see them under billing her....
Click Here
sid said on 9/Sep/06
I don't see how your taller in the day, and shorter when you sleep, I'm 5'11 til i wake up and till i go to sleep, im maybe 6'0 feet with my shoes. thats it with shoes

Editor Rob
anybody who claims they are the same height first thing in the morning and then 6 hours after standing is talking nonsense ;-) although you're not quite saying that...I hope not...
sid said on 9/Sep/06
I don't see how your taller in the day, and shorter when you sleep, I'm 5'11 til i walk and till i go to sleep, im maybe 6'0 feet with my shoes. thats it with shoes
sid said on 9/Sep/06
I was just watching when Kane was in ecw wrestling big show again, watched it 3 times. I just don't kane as 6'7, kane is no small man. when he walked out, he towered over all the people, the fans meaning, he just doesnt looks 6'7 he looks 6'8 or 6'9. i just cant see kane at 6'7 there is no way.
sid said on 9/Sep/06
Hogan is 6'4 maybe 6'5. he was eye to eye with scott hall, and hall is 6'5, so that makes hogan 6'4. 6'5
Alex said on 8/Sep/06
I think a lot of people who say 2 heights as their height fof example 6'4-6'5. Most likely they lie in the middle at 6'4.5. I personally say 6'0-6'0.5 when I have been measured at 6'0 1/4 often in the midday.
Eric 1 said on 8/Sep/06
Its the other way around viper. Orton has at least half of and inch on hogan. Orton is 6ft4. I feel hogan to be 6ft3.5 IN hogans prime he would of been taller then orton. He was 6ft6 in his prime. All you have to do is look closely
at all there staredowns . Orton is taller then hogan.
Viper652 said on 8/Sep/06
So how did Hogan have an inch on Randy Orton? Orton is no smaller than 6-3 himself.
Eric 1 said on 8/Sep/06
i Agree Hogan these days stands at 6ft3.5 . In his prime i feel he was 6ft6. In his prime he towered over 6ft2 vince mchman and towered over 6ft3 mohammad ali. Big John Studd had 1 inch on hogan in his prime making studd 6ft7 and i still believe till this day that andre the giant in his prime stood at 7ft flat.
Jordan said on 8/Sep/06
Hogan looks a solid 6'3.5
Danimal said on 7/Sep/06
However, if he was 6'2.5", wouldn't he have just said 6'2.5"-6'3". I think he could be 6'2 1/4", that's why he included 6'2" as well. Either way, Hogan is taller than him. Hogan is over 6'3" in my opinion. Not by much those these days.
Derek said on 7/Sep/06
if lita is really 5'7", then edge is 6'3" minimum. he really dwarfs lita. lita easily had 2-3 inches on trish who is 5'4".
Alex said on 7/Sep/06
If Edge claimed 6'2-6'3 that could mean he lies in the middle at 6'2.5.
sid said on 7/Sep/06
Kane ain't 6'7, lot of people claimed or maybe they have seen kane, they said he was taller then the people or themselfs, so im still pegging kane as 6
jimmany crickets said on 7/Sep/06
kane is a definate 6'9,i mean just look at him,he's long and he is way taller than the 6'5 lance cade,and i managed to get his real heights from this weird website,it was like all GOTHY LIKE,anyways another wrestler says he's known glen jacobs for like 6-7 years and he stated he was 6'9 and like 3 years later he would come up to kanes nose and the man was only 32 years old along with kane who turned 33,UT i dont know about him,you guys got some good ideas on him,but,jbl who's real height is 6'4,6'5 with his boots on,looked about 4 inches shorter than UT and khali who is billed as 7'2 is actually 7'2 only with shoes on,bare foot he is 7'1,bigshow,former 7'2 giant now a 7'0 giant,is actually 7'1 with boots on and 6'11 without!,that anonymous is almost right,and harry IS right about ppl beggining to shrink at their 30's,most the times it happens because of bad posture andsometimes the surgerys,wat the wrestlers have to go through to entertain thier fans,like those suplex's do the most vertabrae damage causing you to shrink by 3 inches which explains chris benoit going from 6'0 to 5'10,and kurt angle from 5'11 to 5'9.my farther says he measured himself when he was 22 and he was 183cm,and now he is 176cm and he is 40 years old,kane was marked 6'11 and now ppl think he is 6'8 or 7 now,i never used to watch wrestling before cause it was fake,but i got into it now and i believe that most of these superstars heights are real and others are from the past,test marked 6'6 and in the 90's billed as 6'8,he looked 6'8 espiecially when standing next to kane,test came up to kanes eyes which is a positive 3-3.5 inches,and when giant gonzlez staredowned with undertaker,UT came up to his neck,i was shocked at a near 7foot guy coming up to someone else neck!,and umaga, is a would be,meaning he might be over 6'5,but he is actually 6'4.he is 6'4 becuase he has no shes,with em he is 6'5 at least,armando his manager,is 6'0 and looks as tall as umaga only cause he has great posture while umaga moves his head forwards only to look like a big guy.issac yankem was shorter than UT and taller than 6'9 buddy viscera,UT as a final solution is 6'8 maybe shorter and kane is a definate 6'9 and i think he's about 40 or 39 i think,i've seen some of the old videos and he slouches ALOT,UT never slouches and he is a big man,but they lie alot about him,oh i got his real profile now,google or yahoo search"real wwe profile"and your there,UT is 6'8 and a half,285lbs,from houstin texas,has had many identitys as a 6'10 man and a 6'11 man(mostley 6'11)42 years old,he of shrunk at the time of his biker gimmick,37 he shrunk to 6'8 and a half.if you look at how tall they look you'll see that alot of em are shorter than they look,nitro is 6'0 fyi,viscera is 6'7,snitsky is 6'6,goldust 6'5,vaderis prolly in his 50's or close to it,and he's 6'5 in the 80's and 90's,i reackon he was awsome,rosey 6'5,his cousin rocky is 6'4.5,rikishi 6'1,john cena 6'1,edge 6'4 or'3,hhh 6'2 now,look at the old video's he looks taller then,and fatter now,shawn michals is 6'1 or 6'0,charlie haas is 6'0,kane 6'9,randy ortan 6'5,batista6'4,as leviathan he was 6'7 but he looked like a 6'6,mark henry(who cant wresle anymore)was 6'1 i dont now how tall now,mr kennedy is 6'0,and as for me,im more of a 6'10.any comments?
KingNick said on 6/Sep/06
Jiga, it depends on what format you have the movie in. Do you already have it on the computer or VHS?
Jiga said on 6/Sep/06
Anonymous I also agree with most but i see Kane at 6'8, 6'8.5, 6'9 (in that range somewhere). I'd say Taker currently is 6'7.5 in the Yankem vid. i'd say Jacobs 6'9, Taker 6'8/6'8.5. I know Andre isn't on the list but i still say his peak was 7' maybe more up to 7'2.
Danimal said on 6/Sep/06
Edge is wrong. He claimed 6'2"-6'3" himself
I'd give Kane 6'8".
HHH is not 6'2.5". Take off 1-1.5".
Knock a half inch off
Mark Henry.
Rey Mysterio Jr. is NOT 5'5"!!!! lol. Knock 2-3" off of him.
Maybe add .5" to Taker.
Other than that, the list looks GREAT!!!!
Danimal said on 6/Sep/06
Anonymous. This list is made by whom? Yourself?
Jordan said on 6/Sep/06
the anonymous heights look realitic. The only thing is Chris Masters looks maybe 6'3--but great estimates. The most realistic I have seen in awile.
Eric 1 said on 6/Sep/06
THese heights might be right. I agree with most of them . I still however see kane at 6ft8 flat. I also see undertaker at 6ft7 and change other then that they seem pretty correct to me . Good job Anonymous.
Anonymous said on 6/Sep/06
Armando Alejandro Estrada 6-1
Carlito 5-9
Charlie Haas 6-1
Chris Masters 6-4
Edge 6-3.5
Eugene 6-0
Gene Snitsky 6-5
Hacksaw Jim Duggan 6-3
Harry Smith 6-5
Jeff Hardy 6-1
Jerry Lawler 5-10
John Cena 6-0.5
Johnny 5-10
Johnny Nitro 6-1
Jonathan Coachman 6-3
Kane 6-7.5
Kenny 6-2
Lance Cade 6-5
Mick Foley 6-2
Mikey 5-8
Mitch 6-2
Nicky 5-10
Randy Orton 6-4
Ric Flair 6-0
Robby McAllister 5-11
Rob Conway 5-11
Rory McAllister 5-10
Shad Gaspard 6-6
Shawn Michaels 5-11
Shelton Benjamin 6-0
Super Crazy 5-8
Trevor Murdoch 6-3
Triple H 6-2.5
Umaga 6-2
Val Venis 6-2
Viscera 6-6.5
Aaron Stevens 6-2
Batista 6-3.5
Bobby Lashley 6-2
Booker 6-1.5
Brian Kendrick 5-9
Chavo Guerrero 5-8
Chris Benoit 5-9
Daivari 5-9
Elijah Burke 6-0
Finlay 5-10
Funaki 5-7
Gregory Helms 6-0
Jamie Noble 5-8
JBL 6-5
Jimmy Wang Yang 5-9
Joey Mercury 5-9
KC James 6-0
Ken Kennedy 6-0
Kid Kash 5-7
Mark Henry 6-1.5
Matt Hardy 6-0
Montel Vontavious Porter MVP 6-1
Paul Burchill 6-2
Paul London 5-10
Psicosis 5-10
Rey Mysterio Jr.5-5
Scotty Too Hotty 5-9
Sylvan 6-0
Sylvester Terkay 6-5
Tatanka 5-11
The Boogeyman 6-1
The Great Khali 7-1
The Miz 6-1
The Undertaker 6-7
Vito 6-2
William Regal 6-2.5
Al Snow 6-1
Balls Mahoney 6-2
Christopher W. Anderson 6-0
CM Punk 5-11
Danny Basham 6-1
Danny Doring 5-9
Doug Basham 6-1
Hardcore Holly 6-0
Justin Credible 5-10
Kevin Thorn 6-3
Little Guido 5-7
Matt Striker 5-8
Mike Knox 6-4
Paul Heyman 5-9
Rene Dupree 6-2
Rob Van Dam 5-11
Sabu 5-10
Shannon Moore "The Reject" 5-8
Stevie Richards 6-1
Tazz 5-7
Test 6-6
The Big Show 7-0
The Sandman 6-3
Tommy Dreamer 6-1
Jiga said on 5/Sep/06
what would be the easiest way to upload a movie because i'll upload the isaac yankem vs taker staredown?
KingNick said on 5/Sep/06
dkko, sorry dude, I don't really know either, I think a scanner is necessary. The only way I know is to put photos on a CD and upload them or take a picture with a cell phone and email it to an address. Otherwise I think you need a scanner. I trust ya though man I always though UT was around 6'8" I thought it'd be cool for everyone to see :>)
dkko said on 5/Sep/06
If I knew how to upload files, I'll be glad to, KingNick but since I don't know how to, I can only describe the pictures. If you could tell me how to post pictures on the web, KingNick I heard that a scanner is needed or something?
Eric 1 said on 5/Sep/06
Reason being jiga was that someone posted somthing with the name eric. I didnot want anyone to get confused with the names. I have no idea why someone would use my name when they see an eric is already posting on this page. It was posted on August 25th. After i saw it i changed it to ERic 1 so no one gets confused.
Eric said on 5/Sep/06
Frank Maybe your right maybe kanes 3 inces taller. I dont see him being any less then 3 inches taller in that pic. 6ft8 sounds about right to me.
Frank said on 5/Sep/06
No Eric i believe Kane is taller than 6ft 6 but he did not look 4 inches taller than Big Ben...In that picture Kane looks between 6ft 7 to 6ft 8 max
Alex said on 5/Sep/06
Kane didn't have more than 3 inches on Ben. Looked 3 to me.
Alex said on 5/Sep/06
I'd say Kane is 6'8 and UT is 6'7.
sid said on 5/Sep/06
Louie John Buluran THAT PAGE SAIDS HE'S 6'10. Kane's offical my space page said 6'9' didnt say 7ft, didnt say 6'10 it said 6'9
eric 1 said on 4/Sep/06
Frank you honestly think kane is 6ft6. If your saying hes 6ft9 with lifts cause he wears 3inch padded heels that would make him only 6ft6. That would also make undertaker 6ft5.5 . Thats silly cause i met kane in person and i was with someone 6ft6 and kane was taller. I say taker is close to 6ft8 and kane 6ft8. Big Ben might of been wearing big boots for all we know.I saw the pic i see kane easily having 3and a half inches on big ben in that pic. Maybe even 4. The difference in height between big ben and kane is the same difference as kane and big show. My personal opinion.
Jiga said on 4/Sep/06
I have seen on numerous sites that it says Kane was 6'9 and wore 3" lifts to acheive 7' height. I posted them when this Kane page started but obviously we can't get back to those comments and a few sites have closed down.
Jiga said on 4/Sep/06
i'd say sid, eric and i have agreed all along, Kane 6'8 - 6'9 barefoot, im not saying he is 6'8 or 6'9 im saying he either them or in between that somewhere. He's no shorter than 6'8 and i don't think he's any taller than 6'9 barefoot. BTW no doubt that in the match with taker with Glen as Yankem he was taller by about an inch. It's just a pity i can't post it anymore. Also Eric why did you go from "Eric" to "eric 1"?
Danimal said on 4/Sep/06
Kane is 6'8"-6'8 1/4" and Taker at most 6'7 1/2"- 6'7 3/4".
KingNick said on 4/Sep/06
DKKO, any way you can post that UT/Barkley photo online? that would answer a lot of questions
Alex said on 4/Sep/06
Can't go by that site Louie as it changes every so often.
Frank said on 4/Sep/06
Kane's a Big guy and the only reason i dont think he's 6ft 9 is because he did not look 4 inches taller than Big Ben too be honest he looked about 2 inches to 2 1/2 inches taller....Maybe with lifts he can look 6ft 9 to 6ft 10
sid said on 3/Sep/06
Hey Kane has a offical my space now, It's comfirmed. He left a voice comment on his my space page. It said he was 6'9 not 7ft not 6'10, It said 6'9, thats got to be his real height 6'9. Heres his my space page check it out, I heard his voice on his page,
Click Here
sid said on 3/Sep/06
sid said on 3/Sep/06
taker looks 6'7'5. Louie John Buluran where did kane say he comfrim he wears 3 inch lifts, i think your bulling, Kane would not give out his secret of wrestling boots or wrestling to anyone, maybe your just making it up as u go.
eric 1 said on 3/Sep/06
I can see undertaker at 6ft7.5 maybe even 6ft8 and kane 6ft8 flat to 6ft8.5
eric 1 said on 3/Sep/06
TO tell you the truth its a waste of time to debate kane and undertaker's height. Their very close in height and their both huge guys. There might not even be an inch difference between them now and days. Their might be only a half inch difference between those to big guys. Now and days i see kane having maybe half of an inch on undertaker. Back in 1996 i see kane having about an inch on him but now and days half an inch. Its silly to debate.
Paul said on 3/Sep/06
Dkko, if Khali is only 3 inches taller than Taker he has the smallest forehead going.
Dkko said on 3/Sep/06
Jiga, Taker can't be 6'7, it's too short, If taker was 6'7, kahli would be about 6'10 and the giant gonzalez would be just about 7'2, plus i have a photo where Taker's with his good friend Charles Barkley and UT has some 3 inches on him, sure Barlkey was not in the "tallest nba players" list, but he was at least 6'5
Frank said on 3/Sep/06
Ok,There both hugh guys Eric can also tell you when you see them in person ...Tv does nor do them justice
Paul said on 3/Sep/06
1995...Yankem 6'8 1/2 barefoot, 6'11 in boots, Taker near 6'9 barefoot, 6'10 in boots.
Jiga said on 3/Sep/06
yes Frank but im not talking about Kane and Taker (btw when they where in street clothes Kane was standing back futher than Taker) im talking about Yankem vs Taker and their boots were identical so if one had lifts and the other there'd be some difference why dont you find the vid on net and watch it i have it. I downloaded it when kaneskeeper still had them posted on the site, you can go to that site and email the huy to send you the vid, then you'll see my point, and you'll see who's taller. Kane had Taker by inch. In the Yankem vid i'd say jacobs 6'9 - 6'9.5 in boots, taker 6'8 - 6'8.5 in boots without boots kane 6'8 - 6'8.5 taker 6'7.5 - 6'8 the boots looked to have about a 1" heel.
eric 1 said on 3/Sep/06
Frank in the pic your talking about with them in street clothes undertaker happened to be closer to the camera while kane was further away. I know exactly what your talking about cause i posted it. If you look at the footage of them in street clothes cause theres footage of what your talking about when there side by side Kane is taller by an inch. The pic that was taken had undertaker closer to the camera. IN the footage when they were side by side kane was clearly taller by 1 inch. Not much but a little. Its funny cause the pic your talking about they look almost exactly the same height thats cause kane was further away in the shot.
Frank said on 2/Sep/06
DKKO, Im not sure what year it was but they were both in the ring with a bunch of other wrestlers and he could have been Yanken at that time but what i do remember Jacobs was clearly taller......Jiga Lifts are inside the boot so you cant see and the reason im saying this is because somebody posted pictures of both of them in street clothes abd Taker looked alittle taller and somebody posted on here awhile back saying he worked for WWE and said Taker was actually taller than Jacobs ??
Jiga said on 2/Sep/06
Frank in the yankem and taker staredown the boots were completely identical so if glen was wearing lifts his feet would be higher up in the boot; which they weren't!!! Glen Jacobs/Kane/Isaac Yankem IS TALLER than Mark Callaway/The Undertaker. It's as simple as that just accept the true fact. Kane is in the range of 6'8 - 6'9 barefoot.
sid said on 2/Sep/06
If you look at the staredown, jacobs as yankem had a inch on tsker. i have the staredown
Dkko said on 1/Sep/06
When was that Frank? Because as far as I remember when Kane debuted in October 97, Sid was already gone and into his way to ECW and then to WCW and he never returned to WWE, was it when Kane was Isaac Yankem? If so, maybe it was because at that time Kane was much more leaner than he is now and that might have given the impression that he 1-2 inches taller than Sid, but Sid is definetively taller than JBL
Frank said on 1/Sep/06
Actually DKKO, There was a battle royal along time ago Sid & Kane were both in the same ring and Kane was clearly taller.....Remember Taker is also taller than Sid by 1/2 inch to an inch.....Kane loohed taller than Taker but not that much taller like Khali does
Dkko said on 1/Sep/06
Well, If I remember correctly when Glen Jacobs debuted the Kane character back in 1997 I think Kane just towered over Undertaker in the epic staredown with his "brother" at Badd Blood, as a matter of fact it looked as if he looked at Taker in much the same way that Khali did when he debuted, but I also remember that Taker had a match with the Evil Dentist persona of Jacobs about a year earlier and they also had a staredown and Yankem looked about some 3cms shorter than Taker, so I say that if he's not wearing lifters, Kane just might be exactly the same height as Sid Justice/Vicious, too bad those two never had a match
Sid said on 1/Sep/06
And harry, Wasn't a goverment site i went to look at a picture of batista holding his pass port, it was a fan site. to clear things up he took a picture with his passport, this was a couple months back, i can't rememeber what site. Batista wouldnt lie to the goverment. he was born 1969
Sid said on 1/Sep/06
Harry answer.com is not acurate. I mid 30's i had multiples surgerys, I'm still 5'11. I had to lose weight cause of my bad knees. you don't shrink in your 30's, thats too young, maybe mid 40's to 50's and up. not in your 30's
eric 1 said on 1/Sep/06
max starks is taller then 6ft5. Hes listed as 6ft7.He has an easy 2 inches on Big Ben who is basically 6ft5.
eric 1 said on 1/Sep/06
Frank He didnot wear lifts as Yankem. Why would he if he played a goofy heel that always lost. I met the guy in person with my friend fred at the comic con.
My friend fred is 6ft6 kane was 2 inches taller then him. The guy is 6ft8. I met him twice. Once in 1999 and another time a few months ago. My friend doesnot lie about his height he is 6ft6 i know it. Kane had 2 inches on him. I believe kane has always been taller than undertaker and still is. Most everyone else believes that to be true as well.
Frank said on 31/Aug/06
Go to obsessed with wrestling and there is a picture of Jacobs as the Unibomer with Al Snow who is about 5ft11 and Jacobs does not look vey tall
Alex said on 31/Aug/06
Danimal question for you. First have you seen Chris Masters back yet? The guy has lost 30lbs I've read and it looks it. He is still big but you can clearly see he lost some size. I'd say he went from 265 to 235lbs. And the man is at 6'3.
Alex said on 31/Aug/06
The average height for a wrestler in WWE today I believe is def over 6'0. 6'2 probably or around there if you took all the heights and averaged them up.
Danimal said on 30/Aug/06
Harry, if your source for information is answers.com, you indeed need to broaden your knowlegde and horizons, beyond a website that you and I can contribute any facts we so choose to. BTW, to say that by 35-36 we shrink 2" is the such an ignorant comment, that all of your validity is out the window as far as I'm concerned.
Louie, my little friend, Kane towered over people because of his shoes. He's by no means a short man, but he is not 6'9". Fro crying out loud, we have pics of him next to Max Starks who is 6'5" and Kane is at most 3" taller than him.
hero said on 30/Aug/06
kane at 6'7 its just one funny idea...kane is at least 6'8...
Frank said on 30/Aug/06
I believe Jacobs is about 6ft 7 goingf by that picture with Big Ben and he also was listed at 6ft 7 when he first started wrestling.....Yes he looks 1/2 inch taller than Taker but i believe he wears lifts and Taker i believe is really taller(cant prove it but i will some day) I did see pictures if Taker & Kane in Street clothes and Taker appeared alittle taller....Dont bring up the Yankem staredown Lifts are inside the boot so you cant see them
Bleemo said on 30/Aug/06
Wow why do people keep meeting Kane in bars? is he an alcoholic or something? Louie 6'7 IS massive, it's 10 inches taller then average height. Then you consider he wears boots with lifts in and can easily reach 6'9 in those.
I recall once that Bradshaw wrote that Triple H came into the WWE as a slightly taller man then your average wrestler. This was a few years back, he was defending Triple H as he was under a lot of pressure from fans on the internet at the time. So my guess is the average height of a wrestler is probably in the 6'-6'1 range, as I believe Triple H is 6'2 or as close as can be to that. So to get back to the point if Triple H is slightly bigger then your average wrestler at 6'2ish, then Kane at 6'7 would still be much larger then your average wrestler so it isn't that crazy.
As for Booker T, Jason has seen him and pegged him at 6'1.5. Whilst I rarely agree with Jason, I do agree with him on that one alot. He can actually look shorter still backstage in ordinary clothes, but I do think that this is due to bad posture.
Muroch said on 30/Aug/06
Well I met Kane here in St louis at a bar called barnone. He told me he was 6'9 reailty. 6'8 and a quarter, I'm 6'7 legit. he had about a inch or a inch and half on me. thats barefeet, so he's 6'9'2.5 in boots lifts whatever you call them. He's alittle over 6'8 in my eyes he had about inch or a inch and a half on me.
harry said on 30/Aug/06
sorry kane did wear lifts in 2001-2005 just to make him look taller than the other wrestlers,kane was born 1967 in madrid spain when he debut on wwf he stood 6'11 in 2001 he stood 6'10 look at the old videos and you'll see that he is slouching ALOT! so thats why he would shrink and due to sugery on necks and knees,and other stuff that break.kane is 39,batista around 37 to 41(bloody hell he's in good shape)and booker t is 6'2 and very ugly no offense to the man and KANES 6'9 and lifts are used on lots of wrestlers such as kane not UT anymore but you can tell he doesnt now and he's 6'8 look at answers.com and people do shrink at 35-36 by 2 inches no bull about that,its true,and sid shut up what web site did you go to,looking at government papers thats so wrong,louie john bullballs who the hell did you ask on myspace yo mama,2 inch lifts is the fact 3 inch is to high.
Danimal said on 29/Aug/06
Sid, Batista has stated that he was 6'3", so, he's nothing more than that. Booker T is at most 6'2.5".
KingNick said on 29/Aug/06
I think we need to clarify the difference between lifts and soles, I even have interchanged the two way too much. The lift is inside the shoe, its very hard to tell if it's there or not. The sole is the thickness of the bottom, kind of like a heel. Glenn Jacobs as the Kane character DEFINITELY wore, and still wears, the latter. I think that's what gives him the height, not lifts.
sid said on 29/Aug/06
oops my bad batista was born in 1969 not 1967
sid said on 29/Aug/06
You don't shrink in your 30's i had multiple knee sugery, i used to be a mauy thai boxer, and i'm still 5'11, i just had to lose weight cause of my knees, and im mid 30's, u dont shrink in your 30's maybe mid 40's and 50's
sid said on 29/Aug/06
Harry you bulling us, there no way kane's 6ft11, Kanes said 6'9 to 6'85 someone stated that, batista is 37, he was born 1967, i saw his pass port on some site, someone took a pics of batista with his passport, and he wouldnt lie to the goverment, batista is 6'4 he looks like a inch taller then booker t who is 6'3 maybe 6'2'5 the least.
Danimal said on 28/Aug/06
Harry, 30's is not kinda old. Maybe for a 16 year old though. Kane is 6'8" Harry and Louie, not 6'9", not 6'10" and not 6'11" and to say Kane never wore lifts is proposterous. They were SO visible up until a few years ago. Undertaker is born in 1961, not 1965.
KingNick said on 28/Aug/06
Harry and Chris, this is what I'm talking about
Harry: "i even met kane in aussie once ... and he told me some of the superstars real heights .... himself 6'9 with boots 6'10"
Chris: "Ive seen kane before and i have talked to him. he told me he is 6'8.5.....then i asked with boots or bare foot... he said bare foot... now you can all speculate and discuss his height and that... but i heard it from the man himself....his a big boy"
I believe both of you talked to the guy, but HE needs to make up his mind! lol The posts I read are older and I don't see them here now, but someone once also claimed they talked to his wife (she owns a resturant or something) and according to them she said he was 6'9". Another guy said he talked to him and Kane referred to himself as being 6'8".
harry said on 27/Aug/06
why do we have to wait 12 hours for comments to pop up?.anyway kane was 6'11 he never wore lifts because shoes and espiecially boots would give you 1 inch on you.i even met kane in aussie once i think it was survivor series(i cant spell)i was about 6'10 and we were just the same height in normal clothes.did you know he's really nice.yeah and he told me some of the superstars real heights,undertaker 6'8.5,bigshow 7'0-7'1 with boots,himself 6'9 with boots 6'10,edge 6'3 SHRINKING! AND HE'S 31! so ha...HA!,khali is 7'2,and batista is 6'4 41 years old former ovw wrestler as the leviathan,marked as 6'7 real height is 6'6,the last one was rey mysterio who stood 5'3.
eric 1 said on 27/Aug/06
kanes 39 years old hes getting up there. Undertaker is in his mid 40's and admitted to losing height along the years. I think maybe the height shrink is mainly in there body posture changing. There backs get more slouched and when you have surgery on your knees it causes them to bend more. I think thats the case with the height shrink . As for Hogan he towered over vince mchman and Mohammed Ali in the 80s. Remember Ali is 6ft3 and Vince is 6ft2. Hogan lost alot of height since then. He used to stand at about at least 6ft6 in his prime. Now hes around 6ft4 6ft3.5 from all those operations his posture has changed since then also. I think that people that put there body through that abusement shrink more then i would say non wrestling guys.
harry said on 27/Aug/06
people start to shrink at 30's (kinda old) undertaker is 41 this year kane is 39,i used to think people shrink at there 50's,but then i saw on answers.com and people would usually shrink at 35years.thats why hulk hogan was marked 6'8 in the 80's and then 6'6 in wcw(i was to young to watch it),by the way im 16 and i bet im taller than all of you,6'11,my family is made up of giants,tallest is my cuzz juelz and he's 7'3.
Jiga said on 27/Aug/06
point is Kane is not shorter than 6'8 i have always believed that i think he's 6'8-6'9 barefoot and i'm liking 6'8.5 a lot. Rob could you please put him as 6'8.5 cause in that vid i posted heaps with yankem and taker staredown Glen Jacobs had 0.5" - 1" on Taker, boots flat etc.
sid said on 27/Aug/06
CHRIS U MET Kane where and when..??? are u sure u met him.
Paul said on 27/Aug/06
'Rob, when are you going to raise this guy to 6'8"?'
If he does we won't hear our words of wisdom from eric, sid and co. This thread will never be the same again.
Danimal said on 27/Aug/06
Rob, when are you going to raise this guy to 6'8"?
Danimal said on 27/Aug/06
Harry, how old are you? Kane is still in his 30's. Relax with the old age my little emo kid ;).
Danimal said on 27/Aug/06
Frank, with all due respect, Undertaker has taken a HUGE beating in the last 16-17 years. More than then average 45 year old has, plus, he has also been operated on many times. Also, I've seen his DOB a 1959-1960 as well as later.
TNTinCA said on 27/Aug/06
Have to agree with Frank. Age-related shrinkage is something that occurs well into old age. Not in someone's 40s or even 50s.
KingNick said on 27/Aug/06
Frank and Harry, I don't know with the loss of height thing. 40's is young for a person but kind of old for a pro wrestler. I think it's possible due to just their profession they can lose height. I mean look at Hulk Hogan. I know there's a lot of debate on his height, but the guy clearly lost something in the early 90's. I don't particularly think Kane and UT lost any height (I use to peg them both at 6'8" but I think Kane at 6'8.5" is very possible and after reading someone claimed he TOLD them that) but I think pro wrestlers are much more susceptible to losing height.
Frank said on 27/Aug/06
Harry The Undertaker is between 41 to 44 years old Thats not OLD where you Shrink!!
harry said on 26/Aug/06
kane is 6'9 undertaker is 6'8.5.it because they shrunk due to old age.
eric 1 said on 26/Aug/06
As kane its known that he wears them at times. But as for jacobs being isaac yankem a goofy heal that always lost LOL he had no reason to wear them as isaac yankem. WWe wanted jacobs to wear them as kane to make him look like a huge 7ft monster, and at times kane took out the lifts cause he looked shorter at times and a little taller other times. SO kane wears them i guess when they tell him too. BUt as issac yankem there was never a reason to wear lifts especially someone the wwe made to loose most his matches.
KingNick said on 26/Aug/06
I could definitely believe Kane being 6'8.5" but the thing is some people on here, older posts, have said they met him and he said 6'8" and 6'9" The guy needs to make up his mind on what he tells people! lol
Frank said on 26/Aug/06
If Jacobs is taller than Taker its a half inch to 1 inch difference thats all
Yes Eric i seen the Issac Yankem Staredown and Jacobs looked a half inch taller
My point is You can put lifts inside the boot and you cant tell .....The heel looks normal and the lift is inside...Also someone posted something awhile back where they had Jacobs & Taker in street clothes and Taker looked alittle taller than Jacobs maybe it was the camera angle??
chris said on 26/Aug/06
ive seen kane before and i have talked to him. he told me he is 6'8.5.....then i asked with boots or bare foot... he said bare foot... now you can all speculate and discuss his height and that... but i heard it from the man himself....his a big boy
Jiga said on 26/Aug/06
rob why aren't my posts coming up? i posted a few the other day from school and there not there?
sid said on 26/Aug/06
Undertake isn't and doesn't look 6'9, when under taker fueded with randy orton, taker looked only a few inches, when kane fought randy, kane towered over randy, kane' taller then taker with or with out gear, The proof showed when Glen was issac yankem, yes eric is right Issac never worn lifts, issac glen jacobs had 1 or a inch in half on taker. I still think Kane's little over 6'8
eric said on 26/Aug/06
I guess theres another eric in the forum cause this latest comment is not me . Im the eric thats always been posting so i will call myself eric with a number 1 next to it.
Eric said on 25/Aug/06
Will we all know hw is not 7 feet because of the big show is 3inches taller then him so I think he is around 6'8 but he could be shorter because the undertakers is 6 '9so he is most likly 6'7 jane and the undertaker
Viper652 said on 25/Aug/06
I beleive Kane is no more than 6-7 too. Undertaker is 6-6.
Eric said on 25/Aug/06
I believe kane to be 6ft8. Frank is right that kane has worn lifts however he doesnt always wear them. He didnot wear them as isaac yankem and everyone saw that stare down between Undertaker and kane as isaac yankem.
DaMan said on 25/Aug/06
The only problem is Kane looks taller than Taker in street clothes as well. The guy is 6'8", probably a hair over.
Undertaker is fine at 6'7.5", but Kane needs to go up at least one half of an inch.
Alex said on 25/Aug/06
I'd say put UT back to 6'7 flat and keep Kane at 6'7.5 for right now as he looks that height at least and could very well be 6'8.
Frank said on 24/Aug/06
I believe Kane is 6ft 7 he was listed at 6ft 7 in the Smokey mountain Wrestling and also Lifts are inside the boot so you cant tell .......I believe Taker is Taller but looks alittle shorter because Jacobs wears Lifts...I cannot prove it Yet but thats my gut feeling
Danimal said on 23/Aug/06
Rob, raise Kane to 6'8" please. We mostly all agree that's what he is and UT at 6'7.5". Am I right guys?
Eric said on 18/Aug/06
Dam jiga me and you think very much alike . I think Andre to be 7ft flat myself in his prime . I do agree though that its time for kanes height to bumped up to its rightful spot .Most of us agree on this on this page
DaMan said on 18/Aug/06
I'd like to see 6'8.25" personally as I have always believed he is a shade over 6'8" and according to Muroch that is what he claimed his height in bare feet was. Kane for 6'8.25"...
Danimal said on 17/Aug/06
Rob isn't really updating the wrestlers pages all that much anymore. Andre should be up to 6'11.5". Kane should be 6'8" and UT 6'7.5".
eric said on 17/Aug/06
I agree WIth you all Kane SHOULD BE AT 6ft8 . Thats good enough for me too. I thinks it time to move him up to 6ft8 guys.
Paul said on 16/Aug/06
I think Jacobs could be 204cm. Taker is at most 203cm now and maybe 202cm (peak 205cm). Danimal you right, Kane should be listed as 6'8.
sid said on 16/Aug/06
I know he was on Raw, never miss a show. He lives in tenneesse, probably have friends and family still there. He started out wrestling career there.