How tall is Rihanna - Page 3

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Average Guess (235 Votes)
5ft 7.97in (172.6cm)
? said on 20/Jun/07
barefoot most probs
jwidz said on 15/Jun/07
yo,i just wanna ask,are all these celebheights based on barefoot height or with shoes?
sarah said on 8/Jun/07
i think rihanna's 5'8'' definitely not 5'9'' looks like 5'9'' b/c she's skinny! compare between skinny people and big-sized people, for skinny people, it makes them more taller than big-sz ppl even though they have same heights
jenn said on 19/May/07
shes deff at least 5'8.5, maybe 5'9..shes got those long long legs and you can see especially in her "umbrella" video
beautiful said on 18/May/07
wow, Rihanna 5'8" pretty tall.Thought i'm almost 5'8" as well.
anonymous said on 14/May/07
she looks about 5'8'' in the SOS video.
Viper said on 12/May/07
Didnt realize shes from Barbados.
me said on 10/May/07
she was on mtv yesterday along with cameron diaz...and cameron is listed at 5'8 (i think?) and they were both the same exact height, both wearing heals. However Rhianna appears to be taller because she is thicker than skinny bones cameron. THey are both beauties though!
Lee said on 7/May/07
She said today (May 7, 07) on 106 & Park that she is 5'9. And that would be without heels...
BabyKisss said on 15/Apr/07
is anyone suggesting that Ciara has higher hills than Rhianna in this picture they took together?
Click Here
Moi said on 15/Apr/07
That's not Ciara... Didn't somebody say that was Tyra Banks, and she is really tall... I think she's taller than 5'8", perhaps 5'9" or at least 5'8.5"
BabyKisss said on 14/Apr/07
This is impossible if Ciara is 5'7". check out this link below.
Click Here
Simone from Lithuania said on 30/Mar/07
Hi. IFew minutes ago I watched one show, which was about WMA. There was talking russian singer Dima Bilan (the best selling artist in Russia) and he said that Rihana is really tall. And he said that she is taller them he is. And Dima's Bilan height is 1,83. So that she could be about 1,80...I think it could be true...
Anonymous said on 26/Mar/07
see her next to Ashton kutcher, and he can looks 4 inches taller than her in Punk'd
me said on 7/Mar/07
she is 5'8.5 .if you guys ever met her you would know she is definitewly NOT 5'6 .she is taller than that.look at her in sneakers next to tyra(tyra was wwearing heels) she was shorter but tyra wasn't dwarfing her that much .she is a definite 5'8.5 or 5' guys hello next tobeyonce she IS taller.
KT said on 2/Feb/07
I saw her at Z100's Jingle Ball Concert. She looked pretty tall so I'd say she's around 5'9.
DudeX said on 14/Jan/07
Why do you need to point out that you are 5'10, here's the deal? You say height is irrevelant but yet you need to point out that yuo are 5'10.
JP said on 1/Dec/06
woah calm down 'heres the deal'..! i dont think theres a need for that. reading you comment, i'm wondering why u were even on this site in the first place?
Here's the deal said on 22/Nov/06
You guys are wasting your time on figuring out someone's height rather than using your brains and putting them into good use. Who cares how tall anyone is? the only reason you yap for pages about this s*** is becauase you are low on your own self confidence/ esteem and feel pleasure in putting other people down. i'm 5'10 and VERY known actress,,,trust me, that'the reason why we don't like you fans...bunch of gossipers with too much time on your hands,,,
lorena said on 2/Nov/06
and also i saw a picture of her and nikki hilton(5.7/170 cm).They were exactly the same height and of course they were both wearing heels.So ,like i said she is max 5.7.
tk said on 28/Oct/06
she wear heels just about 99% of the time so its hard to tell, look at her on Punk'd, I was shocked by how friggin high her heels were! I think she's 5ft 8 MAX, but I really think she's about 5ft 6. See her next to Ludacris, who's about 5ft 8, she's wearing heels and is the same height as her.
lorena said on 23/Oct/06
i don't think she's 173.Max 170.I saw her in punk'd.she was wearing very tall platform shoes (>15 cm) and she was smaller than ashton with 8-10 cm.And he's 1.90?something like this.everybody lies about their heights(in special public persons)
6'2'' JK said on 22/Oct/06
Id say she is 5'8'', but in heels she can be 5'9''
Dianna said on 28/Aug/06
I think 5'9 is about right. Did yall see her at the teen choice awards?
*NaUgHtY GiRL* said on 6/Aug/06
There was an interview on german VIVA in which she actually said that she is now 176 cm tall (don't know in inches). I think that could be quite right.But still would give her around 174...
stefan said on 24/Jul/06
i swear, i was watching viva (german music tv) and a german singer said that rihanna is 183 cm tall, he said that he's shorter than her, because he's like 181cm. and she wasn't even wearing heels (but i find that hard to believe)!
ds said on 23/Jul/06
Hmm, I think she is infact 174 from recent photos I have seen of her.
JAY said on 20/Jul/06
I saw her in person and she had on heals and looked pretty tall. She was interviewing next to Ciara on the red carpet of LA Reids party and I was in front of them and they were the same height. Ciara stated herself without shoes she is 5'8 1/2 so Rihanna is about a half inch shorter.She is also gorgeous in person 5'8 for a woman is pretty tall. Beyonce is 5'6 and that same day she looked to be 5'11 cause of heels so I guess those things help
me said on 10/Jul/06
she is like 5'8.5 .she is a little bit taller than 5'8 .haven't you seen her standing next to Tyra Banks wearing sneakers and tyra is wearing 3 inch heels.Haven't you guys seen the girl on the tyra banks show!
JazzyJay said on 22/Jun/06
There's no way Rihanna's under 5'8. Look at her on the red carpet at the MTV Movie Awards and you can see how she towered over Jessica Alba who's about 5'7. She was even up there with Ludacris. She's definitely at least 5'9.
Anonymous said on 16/Jun/06
5'7 {in 4" high heels inch shorter of justin timberlake 6'}
S said on 2/Jun/06
This seems about right, although I would have thought closer to 5'7". I saw her on Rove (who is 5'8") and she was taller than him in heels, but it was a bit hard to tell how much because she wasn't standing up straight.
jasmeen said on 30/May/06
She came to Musiqueplus (Montreal,canada) and she was taller than me ..( I'm 5'8'') she's maybe...5'10''
Tammy said on 21/May/06
impossible...for sure she's 5'8" Bajangirl said..We were both in her class..
ana reynolds said on 8/May/06
rihanna needs to be a model because she is tall enough
eweezie said on 6/May/06
i work at petco park in san diego and she sung the national anthem. i walked right past her about an hour before she sung it down in the lower level of the stadium. i'm about 5'11 to 6'0 tall and she was probably 2 to 3 inches shorter. she is pretty tall
Gabbii said on 1/May/06
and i fink ur also forgettin 1 of the links sent in was with lil kim and she is 4.11 so thats not sayin much isit?
Gabbii said on 1/May/06
Thts called high heels.. and av u eva seen in her videos shes tiny comapered to most of the dancers, and plus is SOS it says "cos Im your TINY dancer"
Anonymous said on 30/Apr/06
I''d give her 5'9 maybe a lil bit more to the 5'10 range
BajanGirl said on 23/Apr/06
There is no way she is 5'9" or 5'10"...I went to school with her,and I was always taller than she was.She's about 5'6"-5'7".
5'10chick said on 15/Apr/06
she is 5'8 and a half, or 5'9, Im not sure about 5'10, but either way she is tall, look at this pic of cb and her Click Here
ds said on 14/Apr/06
I think the 5'8" listing is fine. 174 is def. too much.
Anonymous said on 11/Apr/06
look at dis pic:
Click Here
i think shes taller dan 173 cm!! :P Usheer!! luuv ya
Cynful said on 7/Mar/06
I thought she was quite a bit taller then she apparently is. I saw her on Ellen and Ellen is 5'7 1/2 and Rihanna seemed to tower over her. I thought she was at least 3 inches taller. Plus she was wearing sneakers so it wasn't like she was wearing heels. If I had to guess I'd put her at 5'9 or 5'10
tan said on 3/Mar/06
well i know rihanna she is a few years younger than me when i was 16 she was about 11 or 12 and she was the same height as me then I am 5ft6 now and she got much taller since then i put her about 5"9 or 5"10
Marlon said on 24/Feb/06
I'd also like to add at the MTV VMAs Pre Show , when she was performing barefoot on stage , she stood nearly at the same height as " Sway " the interviewer . Without any inches due to high heels or shoes , I'd still say she's about 5'9.
Marlon said on 24/Feb/06
I'd say about between 5'8 1/2 and 5'9. If your body is slender and longer , it makes you appear taller . Her body is slender , yet she's volptous in some ways. Her torso is longer , and her legs are shorter . Either way if she's 5'8 or 5'9 , she's pretty tall . When she wears hells when performing , she stands at the same height or taller than some of the guys on stage , making her 5'10 or 5'11. So I'd say she's 5'9.
Susie said on 16/Feb/06
Haha,funny readin all these comments,but Kats is that one thats gotta be right."oval faces and large foreheads give and thinness give an illusion of more height"Your dead right.I have the same features as that,but i know i am tall. I know someone who knows her entire family.And though she(Rihanna) might think say or believe she is really 5'9,she cant be.Im 5'8 and thats TALL ENOUGH, and she aint taller than me. She about 5'7.PERIOD!
a person said on 13/Feb/06
i am from the island.i have seen rihanna numerous times and met her in town.i know my exact height 5'7.5 cause I have been measured by a doctor numerous times as I have an obsession of height always wanting to get taller like everyone else in my every female in my family are 5'9 and taller i always measure myself hoping to get i know my height.having met rihanna myself she is about 5'8.she has a long torso and shorter legs.5'8 is not all that tall is tall but not that tall that you would be towering over people.5'9/5'10 you would be towering over the average height of females which is 5'4.5'8 is no misjudgement.
Kats said on 4/Feb/06
Gee Anonymous... she said 8 different times she is 5'9? Well, then it HAS to be true! The more you say a number for your height, the more it's truthful!

Duh... a lie is a lie, and it can stay a lie no matter how many times one tells it. I still say 5'6 1/2 for her. She'd be towering over most girls if she was 5'8 or 5'9, and she is not. Oval faces with large forheads and thinness give an illusion of more height. She almost gets away with it. And I don't buy people comparing themself to her. They may be wrong about their height (most people are), or even if they have their correct height, can be misjudging when comparing. Comparisons are not always easy. We're looking with our eyes that are several inches down from the top of our head, and trying to compensate for that is not always accurate. The eyelevel comparison is also difficult. You still may be off an inch.
GaNgStA said on 1/Feb/06
i highly doubt Rihanna is 5-9 id give her 5-8 because i saw her in concert and she did not look that tall plus one of my friends got to go on stage wit her and they were the same height standing beside each other and she wasnt wearing any heals so yeah i think shes 5.7 ot 5.8
ds said on 30/Jan/06
lala sneakers add like an inch, making Rihanna who is 5'8" 5'9" and maybe you had bad posture so like 5'8". I met her, and almost met Anna at this tennis charity thing, who I wish I did meet because she's definitely not 5'8" since I met Martina Hingis who is like 1 or 1.5 inches shorter than Anna when she was 2 inches shorter than me and I'm 172 cm. Anyways Rihanna...hmmm...she was like my height, we were at the same eye level, but she has a weird forehead so I think she's 173cm maybe a tad over I dunno. But most likely 5'8". BDW we had the same size heel for anyone who wants to argue in our shoes about, cuz we had the same type of shoes...but I think I'm maybe a lil over 172 cm right now, but still I think Rihanna is 5'8". And Jayz is 6-1...
Monica said on 30/Jan/06
Hey guys i met her n she is 5"9 because i'm about 5"7 n she was about 2inches taller then me.
Anonymous said on 8/Jan/06
Rihanna is 5'9 She said her height about 8 different times on various interviews when everyone commented on her height
amanda said on 28/Dec/05
rihanna seems taller in that picture when I saw her she was ent that tall
Anonymous said on 17/Dec/05
Rihanna seems really tall, at least when I saw her and she's really not that skinny! I would say about 5'10.
fatima said on 16/Dec/05
look at the pictures of rihanna with jay z and beyonce with jay z. u'll see that beyonce is taller and since beyonce is 169cm, its makes rihanna about 167cm. u think that rihanna is tall because she is skinny but really she's average.
Malin said on 11/Dec/05
Hey guys.. what if Rihanna is tired of being tall?? Maybe she just want to look shorter than she really is on every photo !? I havnt seen here standing up right and tall at a single photo !! =/ Maybe she does not want to be tall anymore? I guess that she is 5"8 or 5"9 but want to be like 5"6 at maximum !!!
KAROLIN said on 10/Dec/05
Ronyca said on 30/Nov/05
yea i think rihanna is 5'9 because on the bet awards when her and tearria mari was next to each other rihanna was so tall and they both had on heels and wi that pic of rihanna and amerie and tearria mari they all had on heels an?imaged rihanna was the tallest
CoolJ said on 27/Nov/05
~Nate~: They also aren't standing up straight either..
Leslie said on 22/Nov/05
I think Rihanna is probably 5'9". In those pics with her standing next to Jesse, she's kinda squatting down. She's (and Anna) not standing up straight.
Layayyah said on 21/Nov/05
I dink she about 5'6 because she lyke the same height as me so yeah!
Tatianna said on 16/Nov/05
Yo I think my girl is about 5'7 o 5'8 I could tell because she is like the same hight as me, so all I have two say is that I might see her in person and if I do I will ask how tall she really is.
a person said on 7/Oct/05
I think she is 5'8.She is definitely not 5'9.I met her aunt here in the island and have also seen her while she was visiting for a weekend and she was at the beach with friends.I am 5'7.5 and before I saw her I asked her aunt how tall she was and her aunt told me she was about my height.Then when I saw her at the beach she looked like she could be no taller than 5'8.Trust me i am a person Obsessed With Height.She is definitly not taller than Ciara.Plus Halle and Beyonce i doubt their heights. I highly doubt that Beyonce is 5'6,because a cousin of mine met her at a hotelwith Jay-Z and my cousin is 5'6 and she said beyonce was a little shorter than her.Height is a thing of illusion.Somethings make you look taller and some make you look shorter.
angel said on 7/Oct/05
~Nate~ in that link its because she's wearing big heels( I suppose!) Look, she is even taller than Usher and she cant be taller than him.
someone said on 2/Oct/05
she has on heels so she was like 6'1 in that pic ~nate~
sweetie said on 1/Oct/05
she's tall! 5'8'' isn't too tall for a woman ??
someone said on 24/Sep/05
jay-z is 6'1 correct? so rihanna has to be about 5'9, because she was the same height as him in 4" heels
tashiboshi said on 14/Sep/05
i think 5'8" is very accurate. i don't think she's 5'9", but definitely no shorter than 5'7.5". gorgeous chick. much better-looking on trl than she does i her video. she's going to be a major major star. and there's NO way that Amerie is 5'5". that's just ridiculous.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.