How tall is Anna Kendrick

Anna Kendrick's Height

5ft 1 (154.9 cm)

American actress best known for roles in movies like Pitch Perfect, Up in the Air and The Twilight Saga.

How tall is Anna Kendrick
Photo by PR Photos
I'm 5'2" and being around massive football players makes you wonder if you're the same species!
-- Elle, 2012

How tall is Anna Kendrick
Justin Timberlake with Anna
Photo by DFree/

How tall is Anna Kendrick
Ben Affleck with Anna
Photo by Stills Press /

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Add a Comment46 comments

Average Guess (57 Votes)
5ft 0.71in (154.2cm)
6'3.75" said on 30/Apr/23
She's 4'11".
Comentarista said on 5/Apr/23
About 155cm.
Alanna said on 6/Jun/22
@june kay

Emma’s heels are a little higher than Anna’s which makes her taller than her in some photos. I wouldn’t go under 5’1” for Anna.
Chaos's Other Throwaway said on 6/Jun/22
I can see 5’1.25-5’1.5 morning and then 5’0 5/8-5’0 7/8 evening. She’s pretty slight so I don’t know if she loses much height throughout the day. Probably 5’1 or just under in the afternoon is my guess. I definitely think the 4’11-5’0 guesses are underestimating her a lot
Toby Barrett said on 21/Feb/22
some sources say 5 feet 7 which idk how
Truthteller27 said on 7/Dec/21
maybe 5'1
june kay said on 16/Sep/21
Hi, I think anna kendrick is more like 5'0. Emma Roberts is listed as 5'1 1/2 on this website but she is consistently taller than anna by 2 inches in every photo. I think Emma Roberts is a solid 5'2.

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Nik Ashton said on 1/Sep/21
@ Stinky 186 - How tall is your Mom?
Stinky 186 cm said on 29/Aug/21
I think she’s a weak 5’ 1” about 5’ 0 3/4” kinda reminds me of my mom lol on a side note I had a friend back in the day in my early Adolescent years who literally looked like this girl luckily he didn’t end up being the same height as her he topped out at 5’ 10” I think we don’t really keep in touch anymore but yeah I just wanted to mention that lol
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 21/Mar/21
She looks tiny in Twilight
Aj06 said on 14/Dec/20
she can look 5'1 to me in simple favor blake lively who is 5'8.5 she's not definitely 5'2 but not quite 5'10.

she looked at that 5'1 range I am going to guess around 5'0 3/4 not the biggest woman but thats ok im male and 5'1.5 so.
J2Frenzy said on 23/Nov/20
@Eider Rob wouldn’t overlist someone by 2.5 inches. It’s more likely you may have misheard and she said 161 in shoes, which means 158-159 barefoot, which lines up with her other 5’2 claims
Eider said on 6/Nov/20
Frank R got it right.

I met Kendrick in Tokyo and asked her about her frequent use of heels. She explained that she wears heels because she is short. She said, 'I got measured at a medical checkup and I'm like 151 cm long in Converse Allstars, which is, like, five one.' I didn't bother correcting her math, but she is clearly something like 149 without shoes. I'm sorry that this flies in the face of people saying that she is five-two, but I had to report what I know as it came from the horse's mouth.
Hareem said on 5/Oct/20
I think shes 5"2 as Rebel is 5"3 and looks short cause shes a bit on the heavy side . Anna is skinny so she looks slimmer
the name's Sam said on 12/Aug/20
All I can think about is “cups” song where I see her !
She’s barely taller to Ariana Grande so roughly Grande is 152 cm and Kendrick is in 152.5-153 cm range
Alanna said on 19/May/20
I think Anna Kendrick is 5’2”.She’s not even close to being 5’0. This is whole 5’0” thing is so annoying so can everybody stop saying she’s 5’0
The hamburger said on 23/Feb/20
I thinks she is 157 easily. How tall is she in these Click Here
Editor Rob
She can get 6 inches of height from those heels.
Peter175 said on 9/Jan/20
No Johann, with Efron she is at most 5'1.25
Nik said on 29/Nov/19
Dogs vary in height more than humans!
Johann said on 27/Feb/19
Short, but not as short as listed....she's not lying when she says 5'2".

Rare case of Rob missing on the low side, rather than the other way around.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 23/Dec/18
She make Blake Lively look like 5'8 nothing. Guess Anna 5'1 was legit.
Hi said on 18/Dec/18
Shes at least 5 foot 2. Shes not 5 foot.
The Ash dog said on 27/Sep/18
Anna Kendrick's a very pretty woman at 5'2". 5'2" is a very beautiful, nice and wonderful size for a woman. She's not a short person at all! I love to see a woman who's nice, pretty and beautiful at 5'2", that's the average height for a woman in my opinion.
She is short at 5 ft 2 tops, but why is it wonderful to see a woman who's nice, pretty and beautiful at 5 ft 2? How patronising is that? Why wouldn't she beautiful at that height?
Sandy Cowell said on 20/Sep/18
This gorgeous, bewitching, dark-haired diva gets 5ft1! I did actually think she was around 5ft2.5-3. She has a good posture.
Bunnie said on 9/Sep/18
Rob, you’re right in that her proportions make it seem like she’s taller...when she stands next to, well, anyone, it’s surprising how short she is. Dwarfed by Blake Lively...I’d guess 5’ 0.5”
Frank R said on 17/Jun/17
Anna Kendrick looks 'tiny' compared to most of her co-stars. I would guess she's over 4'11" but under 5 feet.
AH said on 4/May/17
She quite clearly looks 5'0", wouldn't you say Rob? Classic case of Hollywood playing the '2 inch' rule!
6'6'' said on 16/Apr/17
Some sites mention her height as 5'0".
Mike said on 4/Apr/17
Anna Kendrick's a very pretty woman at 5'2". 5'2" is a very beautiful, nice and wonderful size for a woman. She's not a short person at all! I love to see a woman who's nice, pretty and beautiful at 5'2", that's the average height for a woman in my opinion.
Jessica said on 19/Sep/16
Anna with Kristen Bell who says 5 feet 1:

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Anna and Amy Poehler who says 5 feet 2:

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It's safe to say she is probably 5 feet 1 at her tallest.
Editor Rob
with Kristen she certainly isn't any taller, I think 5ft 1 is ok, I can see an argument for a bit under it though. Her proportions don't make her seem that short though.
pitchperfect said on 27/May/15
She really seems 5' Next to brittany snow. She seems although smaller than kristen bell
Blanche said on 16/Jan/15
Casting calls for her stand-ins usually ask for around 5'2
Arch Stanton said on 7/Nov/14
Exactly what I guessed in Up in the Air, short, makes Clooney look really tall!
lucy said on 18/Sep/13
I think @kg is right, she's probably between 152-155cm. I'm leaning towards 152/153cm. She says on twitter that she's "very, very small"
lucy said on 18/Sep/13
Compared to Kristen Stewart when they're both wearing flats... she could very well be as small as 5 feet. Most of the time she's probably at least 5'2 with the shoes she wears though... There's not much of a difference between 5'0 and 5'2, it would be very easy to claim 5'2 (cause she's thin & wears heeled shoes) when she could actually be 5'0.
Yodamite said on 2/Sep/13
I just saw a picture recently in which Cheryl Cole towers over Anna Kendrick.
Taylor said on 7/Aug/13
People who met kristen Stewart says she is like 5"3. And Anna Kendrick is more than 2inches shorter than her... Look at pictures of them together Rob. Heights are tricky to figure out...
kg said on 23/May/13
in french size she's probably between 152-155 i think she's 154cm so between 5'-5'1
kg said on 30/Apr/13
than kristen bell i made a mistake sorry :/
kg said on 3/Mar/13
she looks a little smaller than kristen stewart i think she's 5' and on others site they say that she's 5'
Jessica said on 6/Feb/13
I wouldn't go less than 5f1 on her Manuel. She is the same size as 5f1 Kristen Bell unless Kristen is fibbing about her height too? Click Here
leonari said on 1/Feb/13
tiny girl...
Cynthia said on 10/Nov/11
I met her in person this is the best height i seen on the internet about her because she is exactly same height as me so she is definitely not 5'4". Shes super tiny. She is also skinny.
jtm said on 14/Oct/11
i had no idea she had a listing in this site.
Chris said on 29/Sep/11
I love this girl, she's gorgeous. Figured she'd be small, but not this tiny!
Piers said on 27/May/08
Quoted in Sunday supplement as 5'10''.Not a chance!Saw her shopping in Leeds not long back. 5'6'' at very best.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.