Canson said on 8/Jan/22
@179cm guy: the pic suggests nearer 5’10”. That’s around 3” between them. However if MJD was measured that in the morning he’d be more a 5’6 3/8 guy later in the day so maybe AB is 5’9.5” or so. The 5’10 1/8 is prob earlier in the day. But check this out with Brady who I have as a solid 6’4”. In some pics he can look 5’10
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179cmguy said on 6/Jan/22
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In the video above at the 2:10 mark, former NFL player and current NFL analyst Maurice Jones Drew who measured 5'6 3/4 at the NFL Combine back in 2006 proclaims that he thinks Antonio Brown is in the 5'9 range. "He's the most dominant wide receiver at 5'9! They say he's 5'10 but I stood right up next to him and he's only this much taller than me."
Here's a photo of Brown and Drew together:
Click Here
Canson said on 4/Jan/22
@Editor Rob: he also played for the Bucs but is no longer a member of the team. Look a solid 5’10 id say. But not higher
Alex 6'0 said on 2/Nov/21
5'9.75 is likely but no less
Rohon Ray said on 27/Sep/21
@ach41 literally wrote his thesis paper for Celebheights University 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
6james94 said on 26/Apr/21
I trust at home measurements facing the wall then at the doctors office because I didn’t get measure at the same consistent height at the different doctors offices it actually led me to figure out my height doing the celebheights method. With a at home measurement I’m 5’9 5/8ths in the morning and on average I drop down to 5’9 after being up for five hours and then after work I work the night shift I can drop down to 5’8 5/8ths so I claim about 5’9. I’ve met one guy we went to church when I was 18, he wore cowboy boots he looked 5’ 11 in them then at a get together we where switching to bowling shoes I noticed he wasn’t much taller then me at all like a quarter inch or half inch I ask him how tall he was because all of a sudden he seemed like my height he was like 6’0 1/4. Then other people are like no your 5’10 you might be 6’0 1/4 in boots but no your 5’10 and he kept saying nope 6’0 1/4. I was thinking how the hell is this guy 6’0 1/4 now in the mindset that I’m 5’8 3/4 he can’t be more then 5’9 1/4 because his eye level wasn’t that far away from mine only like a 1/4 to 1/2 looking back I wouldn’t be shocked if he was my height his brother also claims 6’0 and even he didn’t look more then a inch taller then me.
FloJ said on 1/Feb/21
Definitely see where you are coming from. Most people do over claim. There are so many people that are 5’5ish claiming 5’7. People that are 5’7ish claiming 5’9. People that are 5’9ish claiming 5’11.
I am 177.5 at night. People guesses me at 5’11 regularly. Hard to blame them because almost everyone over claims. I do understand why people think you are 6’0. 179+ sneakers can easily get you to 182-183. Your height is upper average no doubt. Not very tall but easily edges out majority
apc54 said on 1/Jan/21
This is one of the more straight up shots of Brown with another measured NFL player that I have ever found. Both Brown and the other player have similar posture and the camera angle isn't necessarily favoring one over the other. The player here is Prince Amukamara, who has been consistently listed at 6'0 throughout his career and measured at 6'0 flat at the NFL combine back in 2011. Rob, how tall do you think Brown looks here? This picture should be pretty telling as this was taken after a game and both of them should be at their extreme lows.
Click Here

Editor Rob
can look near a 3 inch difference
apc54 said on 5/Dec/20
This is somewhat off topic but it is also related to Antonio Brown as I am close in height to him so I'm going to post this here. The tallest that I have ever measured myself was right around 5'11 3/8 first thing in the morning out of bed. My typical low is a little over 5'10 1/2, and the lowest that I have ever measured myself was just barely under 5'10 1/2 after a long day on my feet with 2 hours of sleep and some strenuous activity. I claim 5'10 because I simply do not see the point in rounding up and people should never ever question my claim with me measuring well over 5'10. Should is the operative word there because oh boy do people have an issue with my claim. And not in the way that a lot of people question people's height claims. No. You see, I get told that I am purposefully saying that I’m shorter than I actually am and that I am choosing to downgrade my height. I never realized how bad
height frauding was until my height came up with some coworkers. Somehow the topic of weight came up, and with myself being exceptionally thin (135 lbs), someone in the group told me "Wow you're only 135 lbs?! That's crazy because you have to be about 6'0 to 6'1." I simply replied "Well I'm actually only a fraction over 5'10." Keep in mind, this coworker is probably a strong 5'7. He proceeded to try and argue with me, telling me that he was only a little under 5'10 and that there was no chance my claim was accurate. I work with someone else who is more than likely 5'9 range if measured at a low. He claims 5'11, and one day he asked how tall I was. When I said 5'10 he, just like my other coworker, told me that I was at least 6'0 and that I should be measured again. I honestly didn't even know what to say. I also work a job where I deal with people's driver's licenses on a daily basis. Let's just say that people's listed heights on their licenses are often at least 1.5 inches off LOL. If not more. I also have yet to meet a customer who has been listed at 5'10 who has actually been as tall as me. It is honestly laughable. Very cringeworthy as well. Until I started working this job, I had no idea how many people lie about their height or simply don't know it. It seriously makes me wonder if any of these people have been measured at the doctor's office or anywhere else for that matter. And from my experience, people are usually off by INCHES. Not just a fraction. It's so bad that I find that very few people if any know what a specific height actually looks like. I will admit that I'm definitely on the lankier side for a guy my height and I also have a 6'2 wingspan. My head is on the smaller side as well so I have a lot of different things going on that aesthetically could make me look taller. I also round down, so there's that. So with that all being said, I do understand why SOME people would guess me taller than I am. But on such a consistent basis and so frequently it is honestly kinda shocking. Also, there is no way that the average American male is around 5'9. Not a chance. At least not a strong 5'9. I'm not sure from where or how the data is collected but from my experience, as a strong 179cm, I feel taller than a decent percentage of the population. More people than I should feel taller than if the average is actually 5'9. And I am by no means tall. I just feel as if the average is inflated from what I've seen in regard to how I stack up against the male population out in public. I mean for gods sake, one time when I was only 17 years old they simply just asked what my height was at the doctor's office instead of measuring and on a separate occasion they measured me in shoes. So there's no way the "average" is an accurate figure. I'm curious to hear other people's experiences with height claims and just how ridiculous they can be at times. Rob, is this as prevalent where you live as it is here in the U.S.? Just curious.

Editor Rob
I was speaking to Jenny the other day about some height claims I found...and she reminded me again that on a couple of occasions she has been measured at the hospital and doctor's in sneakers.
apc54 said on 7/Nov/20
Also, in my first post on this page, I attached a link to Brown's combine workout video. Turns out that link is no longer active. There are two videos that you can find online for his combine, one that shows only his highlights and another that also shows his measurables at the bottom. I finally found the one that clearly shows his measurements:
Click Here
apc54 said on 7/Nov/20
With Lil Yachty:
Click Here
These pics show his footwear at this event:
Click Here
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Here he is at the same event with NFL players/brothers Shaquem and Shaquill Griffin. Shaquill Griffin, on the right, measured 6'0 1/8 at the NFL combine.
Click Here
Here he is with NFL player Josh Norman, at a different event with a different pair of boots. Norman measured 6'0 1/4 at the NFL combine.
Click Here
apc54 said on 25/Oct/20
Once again with measured 5'10 7/8 Emmanuel Sanders, this time from their time on the Pittsburgh Steelers together. This is a better pic as it looks like they have similar posture as well as the exact same shoes on.
Click Here
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 25/Oct/20
Sean william Winter said on 4/Nov/19
christian maybe explains why your over 6ft 5 if your mum and dad are both 5'11 range.
According to height predictors, I likely would've ended up at around 6'1.5"-6'2".
viper said on 20/Oct/20
5-10 max
apc54 said on 19/Oct/20
Brown with Evander Holyfield:
Click Here
apc54 said on 18/Oct/20
In conclusion, in a sport where players can be listed at times up to 3 inches higher than their actual height, you'd think they would just list him at 5'11 if he was actually that close to that figure. They round up with pretty much every player that measures half an inch or more over a certain height. Lastly, it is highly unlikely that he grew significantly after being measured at the combine. He was 21, almost 22 at the time. I think the most you could argue for him in terms of growing is maybe a quarter of an inch. The NFL combine measurements are also considered to be extremely pivotal in determining a player’s draft stock. Measuring just a 1/4 of an inch more or less can potentially have a huge effect on a player in terms of where they will be drafted. This can have financial repercussions as well as players drafted in higher rounds have significantly better compensation when it comes to their rookie deals. With this being said, it is highly unlikely that any of the players are mismeasured or under measured. This is always a possibility, but it is more likely that a player is over measured or somehow able to fudge their measurement in their favor when considering what’s at stake.
It is also worth mentioning his footwear.As a huge huge fan of Brown over the years, I’ve come to realize that he is often spotted wearing thicker than average footwear. One of his most common staples has been boots similar in style to the ones that are shown in Rob’s pic of him. The other favorite of his is the Balenciaga Triple S, which sport a massive sole and surely boost him a great deal in height. He is usually seen in boots or thicker than average athletic sneakers, such as the Air Force ones or something of the sort. He is someone rarely ever seen in average thickness footwear or dress shoes.
apc54 said on 18/Oct/20
Another pic with measured 5'10 7/8 Emmanuel Sanders:
Click Here
A pic with a football player named K.J. Sails who measured 5'9 3/4:
Click Here
Link to verify the measurement:
Click Here
With Julian Edelman, this time on the field:
Click Here
With Chad Johnson or Ochocinco as well as his cousin Marquise Brown who officially measured 5'9 3/8 at the NFL combine:
Click Here
With NFL player Antonio Calloway who measured 5'10 5/8 at the NFL combine:
Click Here
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With NFL player Von Miller who measured 6'2 5/8 at the NFL combine:
Click Here
apc54 said on 18/Oct/20
Despite a lot of speculation from you guys in the comments that Brown may be significantly taller than the 5'10 and 1/8 he was measured at, I truly believe that he is around that height or maybe even a fraction under under when considering that the NFL combine is held in the morning. I must admit that he has often looked no less than 178 cm and has also looked a 179 cm guy a lot of the time but when considering his listing from the NFL and all the teams that he has played for, his measurement from the combine as well as some photo evidence that I have compiled, it is safe to assume that he is no more than 179cm if he happens to be taller than the 5’10 ⅛ he was measured at. First, here is his official combine workout video from
Click Here.
You can clearly see the 5’10 ⅛ measurement displayed. It also should be noted that at the time of this measurement he was 21 going on 22, and was actually the better part of 22 years old (his birthday is July 10, 1988). The 2010 NFL combine was held sometime in late February and early March, if you look it up online. This is when he would’ve been measured. Also, I have seen some people saying that maybe his “combine measurement” was actually his pro day measurement and that this was possibly used twice in place of an official measurement at the combine. This is not possible as he attended his pro day after the combine ended in late March.
Click Here
You can see that the recorded date for the pro day was March 24th of 2010 meaning that in all likelihood his combine measurement was actually reused for his pro day instead of the other way around. Here are some photos that I find reflect his height being somewhere between 177-179 cm. Anything more than 179 is highly unlikely for him.
6james94 said on 7/Oct/20
Kyler Murray, is taller then five nine Doug Flutie, and it was definitely more then a half inch. Antonio Brown, also looks taller then Julian Edelman who is measured a eighth of a inch taller then him at the same place. Though I personally think if Edelman, Brown, and Murray would end up below five ten at the end of the day if you think about it. All of three them most likely got measured at 5’10 1/8 to 3/8 three hours out of bed if you think about it at the sixth to the eighth hour they most likely be like 5’9 5/8ths to 5’10 either way so really all three of them are more weak range five ten or five nine and a half at the least though with Antonio Brown I really don’t know though if he is measured at five ten and a eighth and is actually that at that particular time I think he would drop more height and is actually more five nine and three quarters.
Joseph177 said on 21/May/20
Rob what do you think about Kyler Murray. He measured the exact same height as Brown at the NFL combine at 5'10 1/8. However they have photos together and Brown always looked taller by 1-2 cm. Do you think it's due to footwear? NFL combine measurements seems pretty legit unless they also inflate some of it.

Editor Rob
A guy calling out and somebody writing it down can result in the odd error. It may be rare though.
Canson said on 5/Apr/20
He measured 5’10
William00975324 said on 3/Apr/20
Looks to be a strong 5'11 definitely needs an upgrade from this listing.
John11245 said on 31/Mar/20
He looks closer to 5'11
Maxi rodriguiz said on 30/Mar/20
5ft 10 but He is Taller than arnie , how arnie looks only 5ft 9 here!
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viper said on 26/Mar/20
Brown gets a combine grade of F? LMAO
His personal life yeah, sadly :(
Canson said on 22/Mar/20
@Rob: yep. That was one reason I brought it up knowing Foxx always looks and more than likely is a legit 5’9”
Canson said on 21/Mar/20
@Editor Rob: next to Jamie Foxx
Click Here

Editor Rob
Foxx is one guy I think most agree is a solid 5ft 9, so Brown doesn't look much over 5ft 10 there.
Canson said on 10/Feb/20
@Rob: judging by his speed etc, I would guess that the combine was early morning and Pro day later in the day simply because the numbers for the physical drills were worse in the afternoon than morning. I have long suspected that they don’t always re measure as the numbers are often the same. Ben Roethlisberger is an example. Don’t know his pro day but he surely looks near 195 cm that he measured at the combine at times. Then of course with Brady he looks shorter at times. But that said Brown may be that height in the afternoon which is rare
Canson said on 10/Feb/20
@Rob: so I noticed here his measurements were the same for Pro Day and Combine. Given we know how early combine occurs it’s likely that they used the Pro Day Both times but there’s a possibility Pro Day was early as it is in some cases. So in his case you’re right it may be his afternoon height. I noticed his other numbers are different from one to the other
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Editor Rob
I think it could be afternoon, maybe even after a workout environment.
Canson said on 10/Feb/20
@Editor Rob: not late in the day but lunchtime is what I would say for that. As far as afternoon a solid 5’10” looks possible. But then again we will never know. It’s possible that the other factors come into play. Raising head etc can cause that
Murtuza said on 10/Feb/20
Looked the same height or even taller than Logan Paul but I suspect that AB’s Footwear was not the same and I’m pretty sure he was wearing dress shoes and Logan has normal shoes
Ehsan Jabar said on 9/Feb/20
He genuinely looked the same height if not taller than Logan Paul when they squared up I recommend you check out the video online but it does seem either he should be upgraded or Logan Paul be downgraded
Canson said on 9/Feb/20
@Rob: that’s what I was alluding to. Pro Day and senior bowls many years ago took place later in the day meaning the 5’10 1/8 could’ve been one of those and maybe it’s closer to his normal height. He doesn’t look under 5’10 to me either but I could buy the flat 5’10 as well. As for Arnie it’s possible he isn’t standing Completely straight and also that Brown is getting help tilting his head up

Editor Rob
Yeah I could believe that earlier in the day he's not going to be only 5ft 10 1/8th, but late in the day maybe that is when he got measured.
Canson said on 8/Feb/20
@Rob: could also be that the measurement wasn’t his combine and was a pro day or senior bowl before the latter began measuring morning too. Look at roethlisberger and Eli Manning. Both guys measured 6’4.75 and 4 7/8 . The former looks 195 cm while Eli looks 194 max meaning his may have been a morning. Roethlisberger May have been a pro day since he looks Closer to his measured height than Eli does

Editor Rob
It would be hard to imagine him much less than 178cm, I think he has looked too often a big 5ft 10 guy. As we have seen before even
Arnie ended up about same height as him.
Canson said on 8/Feb/20
@Rob: next to Brady or Roethlisberger he looks 5’10”. Posture goes a long way. At a bit over 6’4” I guessed taller all the time just due to posture and build. Doesn’t help that some of the guys that claim 5’10” etc are not as tall as listed
Nik Ashton said on 8/Feb/20
@ Kavi Singh Gill - That’s very interesting. My Dad was taller at his peak than I am now!
It’s great Rob has listed Antonio in eighths and I am chuffed to give him his 50th comment!
Nik Ashton said on 8/Feb/20
@ Kavi Singh Gill - That’s very interesting. My was taller at his peak than I am now!
It’s great Rob has listed Antonio in eighths and I am chuffed to give him his 50th comment!
Ksjdixisbsha said on 8/Feb/20
It is more likely that he is wearing huge shoes and/or lifts inside his shoes actually.
Canson said on 7/Feb/20
Jackin said on 3/Feb/20
Rob, in a recent face off with Logan Paul he looked pretty much the same height at best an inch shorter maybe downgrade for Logan or upgrade for brown ?
Click Here
Editor Rob
Brown has passed for near 5ft 11 at times, even though he was measured just over 5ft 10...he even made Arnie look nearer 5ft 10! Is it possible he gained a cm at 21? I don't know, but he has often made other folks claims look a bit suspect.
@Editor Rob: a few variables here. Maybe he gained and maybe the 5’10 1/8 was a morning height previously and maybe he’s the full 5’10”. Maybe also that his posture is better today

Editor Rob
Well he's certainly one of the tallest 5ft 10ers out there, helps he has good posture and raises his eyes up quite often. I don't dismiss the idea he is 179cm range.
Usama said on 7/Feb/20
Hey rob i think you have to upgrade Antonio to almost 6 feet look him with drake he is the same size as drake maybe slightly taller than him

Editor Rob
He's looked like a 5ft 11 guy half the time, but did he grow turning age 21 more than what he measured (just over 5ft 10?) I suppose it's not impossible.
Ksjdixisbsha said on 5/Feb/20
There is no way that Antonio is shorter than KSI. He looked 6'in his face off with Logan.
Also, how did you nail his height to 1/8th of an inch lol.

Editor Rob
Jackin said on 3/Feb/20
Rob, in a recent face off with Logan Paul he looked pretty much the same height at best an inch shorter maybe downgrade for Logan or upgrade for brown ?
Click Here

Editor Rob
Brown has passed for near 5ft 11 at times, even though he was measured just over 5ft 10...he even made Arnie look nearer 5ft 10! Is it possible he gained a cm at 21? I don't know, but he has often made other folks claims look a bit suspect.
Canson said on 8/Nov/19
Best case is 5’9 7/8 and that’s if he were up longer than others. Average person is measured max an hour after waking up at the combine.
Sean william Winter said on 4/Nov/19
christian maybe explains why your over 6ft 5 if your mum and dad are both 5'11 range.
viper said on 2/Oct/19
Interesting size difference between Kyler Murray and Kris Davis.
Click Here
Murray weighing 208 pounds is weird
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 12/Sep/19
It may be because Jdubbz's parents didn't have access to good nutrition and healthcare so they didn't reach their potential, as they're immigrants from India, if I'm not mistaken. I've seen many examples of western born children who're way taller than their immigrant parents.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 11/Sep/19
My mom's only in her late 40's so I doubt she lost anything. As for the difference, I always knew from the beginning that my mom's taller than my dad, but I didn't realize until the measurement that the difference wasn't as big as I initially thought. It was definitely partially posture related, as my mom has decent posture but dad has bad one. He walks around looking a half inch shorter than he really is, as a result. On top of that, he's also bald so it makes him appear a bit shorter. It goes to show you how posture and hair can affect how tall someone can look. I used to believe that my mom had over 1 inch on my dad, but it turned out to be only 1cm.
cmillz said on 10/Sep/19
What about Jdubbz, I believe his dad is 5’6.5-5’7 and his mom is around 5’2 yet he ended up growing to 6’6, lol. Not sure what’s up with that, genetics is weird.
Canson said on 10/Sep/19
@Christian: lol. But maybe she was taller at one point and lost a fraction. But that’s not much. Can you tell a difference between them?
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 8/Sep/19
Speaking of my parents, I found out recently that they're both around the 5'11" range, as I've finally measured them the last time I visited them. I used to think that my mom's 6'0" and dad's 5'10.5"-5'11", lol. Maybe it's because my mom claims 6'0" and I just took her word for it. Dad claims 5'11" though so he's pretty honest. My mom ended up at around 5'11.25" and dad at 5'10 7/8" in the measurement, so mom's taller but not by much.
Canson said on 7/Sep/19
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 26/Aug/19
What percentage of men who you know are taller or shorter than their fathers? From my experience, I'd say around 55% taller and 45% shorter.
Btw, good point about Merriman. Many DE's and LB's play interchangeably, meaning that they switch positions on occasion
@Christian: I agree on all of your points! I would say for the former, 55 maybe 60% taller and 45 maybe 40% or 45%. In my case, If we compared our peaks and stood back to back, it’s likely that my dad and I wouldn’t see a difference. Today, I have a good half inch or so. I suspect I was slightly taller than he was at his peak but maybe 1/4” tops. However, I’ve seen some that it’s much more and even have a friend that is probably 5’10” and his father is 6’2”. Bobby3342 is another example. He’s my height and his father was 6’6” peak whereas in your case, you wound up much taller than your father but due to having a tall mother. I’ve noticed that even if you have a father who is just normal tall, say 6’0” and a mother who is 5’11” that you may end up well in excess of 6’0” as an adult if a male.
As for Merriman, I would say that being expected to be a DE coming out, they probably assumed he needed to be a certain size. Michael Sam also comes to mind. He was listed 6’2” and that was apparently too small for a DE. Sam shows a 6’2” measurement as well as a 6’1 5/8” at the Senior Bowl but he looks as if the 6’1 5/8” would be the morning measurement as he looks 6’1” (Aaron Rodgers size) more than 6’2”. I would expect Merriman to measure slightly taller than Sam
khaled taban said on 28/Aug/19
5'9.7/8" is close enough to 5'10.1/8" , although I see him closer to the first number.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 26/Aug/19
What percentage of men who you know are taller or shorter than their fathers? From my experience, I'd say around 55% taller and 45% shorter.
Btw, good point about Merriman. Many DE's and LB's play interchangeably, meaning that they switch positions on occasion.
Canson said on 25/Aug/19
@Christian: I know some who are shorter too.
Canson said on 25/Aug/19
Daniel T. Wells said on 21/Aug/19
Kyler Murray who is the smallest looking QB since Flutie was somehow measured the same height but looks shorter than Brown.
How tall Does Murray look with Brown Rob?
Click Here
Editor Rob
Could be an inch smaller there...though Kyler may well have a bit less footwear, I don't know how much those styles give though.
@Rob: I’m not so sure that Brown has a footwear advantage on Murray but maybe he does. I’d say if there is any, it’s minimal. But this should shed some light on some of the supposed measurements especially for a player who is undersized for their position. Shawne Merriman comes to mind as he was initially intended to be a Defensive End and was supposedly only 6’2 3/8” at his pro day. 6’2” is a bit undersized for an End. He was converted to a Linebacker in the NFL so maybe it’s because they knew he really wasn’t as tall as he was written in at the Combine. Brown is slightly undersized for a receiver based on the normal 6’2” wide receiver but there are guys who are a lot shorter such as Jermaine Lewis when he played. He was 5’7”. For the record, I’ve never believed Murray to be 5’10 or anywhere near it. I know Stephen A Smith and others who have covered Murray have said he’s 5’8-5’9” range. There’s also a fair chance that Antonio Brown is only 5’9.75” at his low. I also agree with MD that his measurements are a bit odd as he “is” also “heavier” than Brown.
Questioner said on 25/Aug/19
I honestly think murrays only 5'8" range I doubt 5'9" looking at proportions and how short he looks next to other people but hey anythings possible.
Questioner said on 25/Aug/19
@viper that doesnt make sense though even though I feel he would edge me I look taller than him going by proportions
Canson said on 25/Aug/19
@Viper: unless they used a different measurement for him other than the combine, it could be tricky. They take place early morning. Like Rob said, some may have been up longer than others. So I’m thinking that maybe he only loses 1/4” more and dips to 5’9 7/8. 5’9 7/8” is going to look the same as 5’10” in person and In pics
MD said on 25/Aug/19
@Daniel T. Wells,
I don't get it either. Not only did Murray supposedly measure the same height, but he also measured heavier than Brown, which I don't see, either.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 25/Aug/19
Murray's 5'10" measurement could be an error.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 25/Aug/19
It's some, not most. I know plenty of men who're shorter than their fathers.
Canson said on 24/Aug/19
@Questioner: this was an early morning actually. Combine measurements are around 6-7 am (1 hour out of bed)
viper said on 24/Aug/19
Don't think his height is tricky at all.
Most legit 5-10 on here. Officially listed at 5-10, measured at 5-10, and consistently looks it.
viper said on 24/Aug/19
Wow another picture with Arnold.
Arnold looks taller but still 5-10 max.
viper said on 24/Aug/19
I think he can look physically taller than a guy like Ian Ziering who Id say is 5-10 but listed 5-11 here.
viper said on 24/Aug/19
He looks 5-10 physically to me, especially on the football field.
If his proportions are bad what's Kyler Murray's then? He looks 5-9 MAX.
Brown being an inch taller than Murray is expected. No way Murray measured the same height as Brown.
Questioner said on 23/Aug/19
@kavi singh gill thats only when all ages and ethinicites are included also this guy doesnt look above average to me
Kavi Singh Gill said on 23/Aug/19
Rob, do you think Brown could have been a few inches taller than 5'10" if it hadn't been for his troubles as a teenager(homelessnessm etc. possibly contributing to lack of nutrition)? I mean his father who also played football is 5'11" and a lot of men are taller than their fathers.

Editor Rob
I don't know how much effect it could have had, you need to have a pretty awful diet for years to really effect things by an amount like 2 inches.
Kavi Singh Gill said on 22/Aug/19
This guy's height can be tricky, he never looks short but he never looks significantly tall either rather he seems a bit above average(average is 5'9.5 in the US). He's been listed as both 5'10" and 5'11" on websites. He's definitely somewhere between those two heights but I haven't seen enough to estimate a particular height. I'll go with your listing on this one.
Questioner said on 22/Aug/19
good listing with the chance for .25 if this was taken after a game meaning a potential extreme low I must say though he has terrible proportions he looks 5'8" in this pic
Canson said on 22/Aug/19
@Rob: they’ve said before though that they wake them up around the same time or that Rise and Shine is at a certain time. Maybe not but either way it’s safe to say that Brown May just have lost another 1/4” from this so he’d still be under the mark like Andrea mentioned. I could see as low as 5’9.75 perhaps because he does look very close to 5’10” or 5’9 7/8 if he were up

Editor Rob
One thing I do notice with Brown is he likes to
Raise his eyes and ends up probably thinking he's taller than he is with people.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 22/Aug/19
@ Christian - Makes sense! 😉
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 22/Aug/19
Typically, I'd expect athletes to be lower than their measured heights since they generally get measured early in the day. But maybe Brown is an exception.
Andrea said on 22/Aug/19
I know, Rob, but in any case, I doubt that's a low for him. Even if he actually doesn't drop much below it, I'd just go with 5'10 flat...
viper said on 22/Aug/19
Crazy that he looks taller than Arnold here, when Arnold is listed an inch higher on this site.
Click Here
Daniel T. Wells said on 21/Aug/19
Kyler Murray who is the smallest looking QB since Flutie was somehow measured the same height but looks shorter than Brown.
How tall Does Murray look with Brown Rob?
Click Here

Editor Rob
Could be an inch smaller there...though Kyler may well have a bit less footwear, I don't know how much those styles give though.
184guy2 said on 21/Aug/19
With Joe Mangelio
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Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 21/Aug/19
Looks it alot like 178cm.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 20/Aug/19
I think it's more of a hairstyle preference than a safety procedure. If you want hair to keep out of the way, it's much easier and faster to just tie it instead of braiding it.
Bradley said on 20/Aug/19
Looks like a wine seller in Monaco.
viper said on 20/Aug/19
He really does look 5-10 at a minimum.
You would think he would be a weak 5-10
viper said on 20/Aug/19
Lol Rob had to post his awful dyed mustache pic

Editor Rob
He might like it, I have no opinion personally, I do think he looks an honest 5ft 10.
Animus said on 20/Aug/19
I seem to remember seeing a 5'10⅜ measurement of him once. If my recollection is true, it would probably have been a measurement taken earlier in the day. Because he does seem to be unambiguously 5'10, meaning he is 178cm rather than almost 179cm.
So, I'll vote 5'10⅛ as a midday/afternoon figure for Brown.

Editor Rob
It would be interesting to see if that measurement has ever been mentioned anywhere!
Andrea said on 20/Aug/19
If he was measured 5'10 1/8 at the draft, isn't it safe to say he's not over 5'10 (at his low), at least?

Editor Rob
Depends, some players may have been up longer than a few hours.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 20/Aug/19
Has anyone noticed how many footballers braid their hair? I suppose it keeps it out of the way when they're playing their game! Makes sense!
5ft10 and an eighth.