richie said on 1/Jan/16
Arnie's peak height was 6'1.5", certainly during the 70's and this is revealed in Pumping Iron. He had a strong inch on best buddy Ken Waller who was just 6', so anything less than 6'1" just doesn't read true....
184.3cm (Night) said on 31/Dec/15
I can actually believe a peak height of 6'0.75" but nothing lower. There was for a time a 185cm measurement floating around but i can no longer find it on the net. My reasoning for this is his staredown with Carl Weathers. They looked very similar in height but Arnie was wearing combat boots and Carl had dress shoes. So he could have been slightly shorter.
I would just leave him at 6'1 flat as a compromise as his 186cm claim later on in movies was maybe him rounding the 185 range.
6ft 2 is nonsense though. Nowadays i think he looks 5'11 flat alot and there are even some pictures of him looking as low as 5'10.5".
josey wales said on 30/Dec/15
Harold i actually enjoyed your last post :-)
Nir said on 30/Dec/15
Hi Rob I am 20 years old I turned 20 on December so literally just turned 20 and my question is if at my age can I increase my height I am currently 5'9 well 174cm 1 cm less than 5'9 anyways my mom is 5'1 and my dad is 6'2 187cm my mom is 153cm is it possible for me to grow at least to 5'11 or 6'0 is it possible to grow taller at the age of 20 by 6-9cm if it IS possible do I have to do something maybe eat the right foods or drink more or exercises help me please and thank you before hand ! :D
Dmeyer said on 30/Dec/15
Slimball near 181cm if rob list him 5'11,5 181,6cm it means hé isnt full 182cm if arnie was 5'11,6-7in hé would have listed him 6'0 or 11,75 at worst
Harold said on 28/Dec/15
If anyone actually believes 'most NFL linebackers are 6-0-6'1", they haven't watched the NFL since about 1962. Hate to break the news to you, but the game has evolved and the players have grown. It's a statistically measurable fact that the majority of linebackers in the NFL are in the six foot three to six foot four and up range. There are some linebackers shorter than that. But there are a lot more taller than that. Once again, Arnie comes up short. .
Slimeball said on 28/Dec/15
""""""""""""""Dmeyer said on 21/Dec/15
186cm peak 185.5cm by movies time 184cm by late 90-2000 And 183cm 2005 2010 182cm now close to 181 but can look 182"""""""""
You are right, this is the truth expect he is 182 cm now.
Close the thread now! :-D
Emil 183 cm said on 28/Dec/15
Id say 6'1 flat was Arnold's low and probably 6'2 out of bed.
Harold said on 28/Dec/15
Aaron, in terms of estimating peak height, it comes down to Sven's peak. If six five, Arnold is over six. If Six three point five, Arnold, peak, is just under six feet. As always, a mystery.
fordham said on 28/Dec/15
Given most NFL linebackers are six foot three or four
laughably false. most nfl linebackers are 6'0-6'1, so Arnold makes it easily height wise.
Harold said on 27/Dec/15
Another reason why, Axel, is that Schwarzenegger himself brayed he was six foot two on every television talk show for decades: " "I'm 6'2". I've heard rumors that I'm really much shorter in real life - like 5'6" or something like that - which is ridiculous. I can assure you this is not the case. People look up to me, and not just because I do a lot of work in the community. I mean, most people really LOOK UP to me." That would add to the confusion.
Aaron said on 26/Dec/15
Here is very young Arnold with very young Sven Ole Thorsen. a 4 inch difference looks about right. No shoes, entire bodies visible. Their body building poses are very similar. Peak height sounds right.
Click Here
Axel said on 26/Dec/15
It s my thought docu movie pumping iron can have generated a bit of confusion about Arnold the italian version of the movie has been translated "6 ft" about him! 182 of the reasons why it s my opinion..
John said on 26/Dec/15
Arnold is closer to 5'10.5 than 5'11.5, Because he was over 2 inches shorter than 6'0.75 Dean Ambrose in the WWE 2k16 ad.
josey wales said on 24/Dec/15
Yeah, i can understand where yer commin from. To a degree. I grew up a huge arnold fan. But i grew up a long time ago and while i still have an admiration fir the man im not blind and and would peg him at between 5'10.5 and 5'11" today. Personally i do not think a peak 6'1" height is unreasonable. While i cannot dictate to you what to say or not, personally i do not think going out of ones way to mention any person in a deragarory manner is nessersarry. Afterall his personal life etc is none of anyones really puts a damper on the fun nature of this sight. Like you said, he is just a man snd by no means supermsn.. just my opinion ..
Guest from Germany said on 23/Dec/15
The pic with his stunt double ist pretty interesting because of the clearly visible differences in body proportions. Similar differences can be seen campared to Reg Park (1971 or 1972). Compare heigth, leg length and the gap between nipples and bellybutton it's obvious that Arnold's proportions are kind of special: Long legs and arms, short torso with low (and huge) pecs and rib cage and, in combination with his typical hanging shoulder look (watch pumping iron: relaxed pose vs. lat pose), a big distance between top of the head and lowest part of the pecs (visibly long neck).
I think Rob's listing is very accurate and the shrinking ist more in the neck than in the torso. Especially if you compare the beginning of Terminator 2 (bar scene) with his recent reacting of the scene in 2015 for wrestling promotion. The behind the scene footage of Terminator Genisys clearly shows his excellent shape for a 67 year old man with many years in politics, action movies and professional bodybuilding, though the height loss is obvious.
Harold said on 22/Dec/15
Well, Josey, if in fact, there is a 'personal agenda' at stake, why would Arnold haters be any less accurate in his height assessment than Arnold worshippers? Both, one could argue, are clouded in their judgment thus rendering the accuracy of their height estimations moot.. I'd say there are many Arnold worshippers on this page, and as Fanboys, their tendency to worship means they add four inches or so to their incredibly shrinking man, just because they need to make him larger than he ever was or to prove he's not a liar, given the man's 'optimistic' estimation of his own height. I think, eventually, we'll have proof positive, at least of what the man measures up to today. But the six foot two claim, like his 20 inch calves claim, are, to this reader, a joke..
josey wales said on 22/Dec/15
Thr ammount of hogwash none height related comments posted on especially this sight is really absurd . One has to wonder if there is personal agendas at stake. Some claim 6'2" which is rubbish, some under 5'10" which is bigger rubbish and others delve into the mans character and personal life which is rather pathetic at best.
Harold said on 22/Dec/15
Guest, you do understand that taking a professional bodybuilding program at face value is as absurd as taking a professional wrestling program at face value. They are both in the entertainment and the exaggeration business. They are, in fact, in show business, not truth business. In other words, if you want to figure out Arnold's height, you don't ask his promoters, who are also busy lying about his steroid usage. And your information/height estimate about Reg Park or Dave Draper is taken from where, the same bodybuilding promoters or the same bodybuilders, who also, coincidentally, made their living lying about their steroid use. It is clear that Arnold has shrunk. But the question remains, was he ever over six foot tall peak? In cowboy boots and lifts, yes. Without them? Tough to tell. As to your belief that it's 'reasonable' for Arnold to call himself six foot two, well, perhaps you believe it's 'reasonable' for Arnold to call himself 'a family man,' considering just how many families he had...
FIVE NINE said on 21/Dec/15
Back in the 80's my cousin got to stand right next to him. He said he didn't look much taller than him. My cousin is 5'11".
Dmeyer said on 21/Dec/15
186cm peak 185.5cm by movies time 184cm by late 90-2000 And 183cm 2005 2010 182cm now close to 181 but can look 182
Smarty said on 20/Dec/15
Many guys here are still speculating Arnold was at least 6' 1.5'' in his peak which doesn't make sense as Arnold doesn't look 6' 1'' at any stage in his career, be it in bodybuilding or hollywood. If someone has 6' 1' or more height then the height speaks for itself , they don't need to reiterate their tall height all the time. Arnold was not more than solid six feet at any time in his career. All these stories that he has lost 2 to 3 inches of height due to bodybuilding just seem nonsense, it is just a cover up story in case of arnold. I have two friends one is 5' 9'' but always claims he is 5' 10'' and another one is 5' 10'' but always claims he is 6'.
Jug said on 20/Dec/15
I just watched The Running Man for the first time. I have come to the conclusion that Arnold could not have been more than 6'1. He was easily three inches shorter than Yaphet Kotto. There were quite a few actors in that film noticeably taller than him actually, even extras. He was also a bit shorter than Jesse Ventura, who I think was probably 6'2.5 at the most. Definitely not more than 6'1 for Arnold, sorry. A 6'1 guy can be made to look up to 6'3, especially when he has a big build and the right proportions, which accounts for the confusion.
Alex said on 20/Dec/15
I completely agree with you guest. There is a orgy of evidence that Arnold was a strong 6'1, probably not reaching a full 6'2 but he was undeniably in the 186-187 range, more probably 187 in the morning.
guest said on 20/Dec/15
Out of all the celebrities Arnold is one of the few that we have countless pictures and pieces of information on based on his height. Not just questionable above the waist photos of him standing beside other celebrities but bodybuilding competition photos of him standing dead on in front of the camera with good posture beside other bodybuilders doing the exact same thing. You cannot get more specific than that. There are his measurements including his height, in print from one of his bodybuilding competitions when he was still in his teens that labelled him as 6'1" although I cannot find it at the moment. This was way before his acting career so there would be no reason to lie and is not a measurement fudged for a bodybuilding competition as its irrelevant for the sport so it would be no doubt accurate. On top of this there are countless pictures of him standing beside well known bodybuilders such as Reg Park who was a strong 6'1" at the time and Dave Draper who was 6'. In this picture Arnold is in his 20s and would have reached his peak height. He stands the exact same height as Reg Park so there is no arguing he was not at least 6'1" at his peak height. Most people start shrinking in their 40s and due to the steroid use (which makes your bones weaker and cartilage deteriorate faster), heavy weightlifting and accidents he would no doubt have shrunk from this height maybe more so than the average person but I still doubt he is under the 6' mark. Regardless I truly believe he was on the taller side of 6'1" therefore making it quite reasonable for him to round up a 1/4 of an inch and call himself 6'2".
Halb said on 19/Dec/15
A mate of mine met him the other day. He's an entertainer. I asked him his estimation of AhNold's height, he gave 5'10, and he wears big heels.
Harold said on 18/Dec/15
bbob, no, those who claim Arnold wore (and wears) inserts do not claim he also wore fake bare feet. But what is open to speculation is a false comparison. A false comparison is saying we know Joe Weider is five foot ten and Schwarzenegger is clearly a few inches taller, thus he's at least six foot one. The problem here is your basis of truth and accuracy. Joe Weider, a liar in every aspect of his entire life, was never in his lifetime five foot ten. Only in his own mind.
bbob said on 18/Dec/15
There are plenty of pictures online that show Arnold barefoot while standing next to men with well known heights. For example, it is obvious that he is at least two inches taller than a shod Joe
Weider (5'10). There is no doubt that Arnold was at least 6'1 around 1980. Are those that claim Arnold wears inserts to enhance his height going to claim that he wore fake bare feet.
nick said on 14/Dec/15
6'1 peak height midday, 6'1.5 in the morning 6'2.5 in the morning wearing boots. Classic 6'2 claim no big deal but 6'1 legit nonetheless.
Current height is a solid 5'11 midday, with his shoes on standing with great posture, the man can still swipe 6 foot at nearly 70 years of age, awesome.
After a long hard days on his feet, barefoot and with loose posture he can look 5'10
Larry said on 14/Dec/15
He looks under 6ft in that I love Lucy clip, i think that rules out 6ft 1 or 6ft 2
ShortMom said on 13/Dec/15
Yes, our family, who are all big Arnold fans, were a bit surprised when we became aware of his true height. We found out first when visiting the wax museum in Las Vegas where all statues are exact replicas as far as height. Me, my husband (who is 6'7 1/3" tall) and my 17 yr old son (6'5 1/2" and 310lbs) were there when my son was being recruited to play football. We saw the size of Arnold's wax replica, and were shocked. Especially my son, who had watched Conan and all his movies for years...we thought he was a big guy! Next to my guys, he looked like a grammar school kid!'s all relative, I us nearly everyone in Hollywood is short!
Dmeyer said on 13/Dec/15
Marcus great comment I totally agree 6'1,5 bodybuilding day and 80s 6'1 185-186cm 90s 95 6'0,5 in 2000-2008 6ft , 5'11,5-11,75 2009-2015 now 5'11-11,5 ,
Dmeyer said on 13/Dec/15
Hé can look à bit over 5ft 11 , on the other hand when wearing à big cuban like on t5 première hé dosnt look over wath à 6ft men wearing à 1in shoes will look so hé is in that 5'11,25-11,5 zone of course can look 5'10,5-11 with poor posture
Dmeyer said on 12/Dec/15
If you comparé Hollande Obama and Hollande arnie there is à good 4cm
Dmeyer said on 12/Dec/15
Hollande seems to be no more than 169cm near obama and Sarkozy and arnie looks max 11cm in some pics Even less so arnie can look 180cm
dmeyer said on 12/Dec/15
5ft 11.5 and could apear 6ft to people as he oftenly wear a 1.2-1.3in heels plus big hair a friend of mine met him lastweek in paris and told me he was very similar height to mine , and That he was imposing even taugh my friend is 6ft 1-1.5 he said arnie was big
guest said on 12/Dec/15
His son Joseph looks like 6'4"
Alex said on 10/Dec/15
This listing is perfect because young Arnold was clearly tall but not that kind of gigantic height typical for 190 + cm people. 186-188 was his range, a classic 187 that becomes 186 late at night. Today he has clearly lost many centimetres and his a weak 6 footer.
Dmeyer said on 9/Dec/15
arnold by t2 while wearing normal shoes at the premiere realy looks a lot taller than 5'11-11.5 patrick like near 3in , and patrick claims they are similar
Brad said on 9/Dec/15
I think this listing is spot on. 6'1.5" Peak. 5'11.5" current. All the video, photographic evidence and eyewitness accounts point to this conclusion. Yes, he has lost quite a bit of height. He is still not a small person by any stretch. You can tell that he once stood much taller by his disproportionately long arms, large hands, large frame and shortened torso. Nice work Rob.
Harold said on 9/Dec/15
Well, Marcus, since there is 'too much evidence of him looking tall,' please, submit some shots or direct us to them of him actually standing anywhere near 6.1.25". But I hate to break the news to you, his 'extremely heavy lifting' (he never lifted heavy by powerlifting standards) completely stopped by 1975, when he entered the fantasy land of tinsel town and the category of actor. As to his 'injuries from dong action movies,' what would that be: the diarrhea he suffered from while making Predator? He did none of his own stunts, simply because the picture would be impossible to insure if the actors couldn't continue the shoot. The only problem with your 'extreme weight lifting' theory is it's difficult to come up with one other person who has seemingly dropped so much height before they were sixty-something. The other problem is the Washington post revealed Schwarzenegger's height as five foot ten fifteen years ago. Don't believe the hype.
jasperwazup said on 8/Dec/15
Arnolds' s co-star sarah douglas claims he was virtually the same height as her.she has been measured as a legit 5'10''. This claim comes from the time in the early 80's when they did conan the destroyer. Arnold appears noticeably taller in shots with her and grace jones 5'9''but with a boot of uncertain amount. But in other shots the difference is 2'' while still wearing those boots?
Dmeyer said on 8/Dec/15
can look 6ft wearing 1.7in cowboy boots the guy is 5'11.25-11.5 today he steel clears 5ft 11
Marcus said on 7/Dec/15
Absolutely no doubt in my mind he was once at least 6'1.25" peak (or 186cm) and probably 6'1.5", there's just too much evidence of him looking tall.. However don't forget he was born in 1947, so by Terminator 2 he was already 45 years of age, and his extremely heavy lifting combined with injuries from doing action movies might have resulted in him losing height already at that period. Most pictures I see used to debate whether or not he was 6'1.5" peak are from the 90s, but maybe we should all stop and consider that the 90s were already over his peak! My hypothesis is that he dropped to 6'1" in the 90s, to 6' in the 2000s and is currently hovering above the 5'11" mark. I definitely think it's possible, given his extreme weight lifting.
Harold said on 6/Dec/15
Too bad we don't see footwear in the Jon Pall Sigmarsson and Douglas Edmunds photo. Leiderhosen Boy's affection for cowboy boots ("I never leave home without my high heels") would explain the lack of height disparity. As for the Reagan comparison, it only shows with (once again, no footwear in the photo: how convenient for the Fanboys), Arnie was shorter than the six foot-challenged Reagan. As for Larry and Leiderhosen Boy sightings at the gym, I don't believe anyone on this planet claims as low a low (sorry guys) of five foot eight and even lower for Arnie. Five foot ten, maybe. Six foot two? In his dreams and in his merchandising material. Hollywood sells you the fantasy. That doesn't mean you have to get fleeced.
Cantchooseaname said on 5/Dec/15
How big would you say his head looks, Rob?
Danimal said on 4/Dec/15
Arnold with 6'4" Jon Pall Sigmarsson and 6'3" Douglas Edmunds in 1992:
Click Here
If you don't believe that Douglas Edmunds is (or WAS 6'3"), here he was next to 6'4"-6'5" Manfred Hoeberl in the late 90's:
Click Here and here he is next to Mikhael Koklyaev 6'4"-6'5" in 2005:
Click Here and lastly, a younger Douglas Edmunds in 1983 (2nd from left and clean shaven with a gray t-shirt) standing 2 away from at that time 6'5.5"-6'6" Geoff Capes (the guy in the middle with the black beard):
Click Here
So, YES, Arnold was close to 6'2" at his peak. Everyone low-balling his peak height is wrong.
Danimal said on 4/Dec/15
Arnold and Ronald Reagan in the early 80's:
Click Here
Larry said on 4/Dec/15
Arnold Schwarzenegger looks to be at least 6 foot or 6' 1". I see him regularly at the gym. Although he doesn't slouch he seems not to stand or walk very straight up and he's usually wearing very flat shoes with no heel .
He's definitely taller than my 5'8" stature And I've stood right next to him . I think people expect him to be a giant! He sometimes looks smaller only because the guys he works out with really are Giants. Ralph Moeller works out with him . Huge guy .
Let's face it . We're all getting older.
Mightyman said on 30/Nov/15
He was only and inch or so shorter than Yaphet Koto in Running Man. He was at least 2-3 inches taller than Lawrence Fishburn in Redheat. So I'd have to say he was clearly 6'1-6'2 in his prime and has definitely shrunk a few inches now..
Lorne??? said on 29/Nov/15
He could still pull off 185cm well into the 90's...
Dmeyer said on 26/Nov/15
nothing under 6'0.75-6'1.25 peak 185-6cm evening height peak now 5'11.25-11.5 181-181.5cm now 10 years back 183cm 15 years back 183.5-184cm
JM said on 25/Nov/15
Sub 6 foot now, but not by a great deal. I've met the man. I'm 5'10 and he was easily taller than me. And his sheer size - his frame, the size of his head and hands etc - rule out the possibility of a short man merely wearing gigantic shoes. I'd say in his younger days he was certainly over the 6 foot mark, and now has fallen beneath it. The heights listed at the top of this page would be pretty much spot on.
Che said on 24/Nov/15
Definitely a weak 6' 2" in his younger days, definitely not that any more. He has had a few knee and back surgeries over the years.
Sebs said on 23/Nov/15
Peak seemed 6 ft about 5'10.5-11 now
Harold said on 21/Nov/15
Now, now, Oh Dear.
Do you see what I mean, Nigel? Once again, words and reason fail the fanboy and he resorts to clenching his tiny fists, stomping his size five feet, and hurling personal invective.
As for you, Oh Dear, I have no doubt whatsoever that a man who has spent his life shaving his legs and underarms and aspiring to grow breasts bigger than his own mother is your role model...
Your set, Sunshine.
And don't cheat on your reps.
Smarty said on 20/Nov/15
I think Arnold was never more than 6' 0.5'' , anything above was probably his spiky hair contribution to height. Now he looks barely if at all 5' 11''
Mike said on 19/Nov/15
Old height: 6'0.5
Today: 5'11
I know it's the angle, but his legs look comically tiny in the pic you've posted.
Oh dear said on 19/Nov/15
... there goes Rabid Harold again. Give it a break, pal, leave the house and get some interests. And don't forget to wipe away the foam from where you've been frothing at the mouth.
Nigel said on 17/Nov/15
He doesn't look very tall next to Lucille Ball and Art Carney in "Happy Anniversary and Goodbye", 1974. Check it out on Youtube
Robert W. Duncan said on 15/Nov/15
He was over 6'5 in the Genisys mugshot
I'm sure he "paid" to have that scene put in
Morningheight 5'11.5 said on 12/Nov/15
This guy is a strange case I think he lost a lot of height during the years like 2 inches or even more
184.3cm (Night) said on 12/Nov/15
He looks a good 6'1 in all of those movies, although his spiky hair can fool you. I've never seen Arnie ever look 6'3, in Last Action Hero he could look about 6'2 next to a big 6'5 guy but he had cowboyboots on.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Nov/15
Probably was clearing 6ft3 in Commando and Terminator w/h those boots
sabot said on 11/Nov/15
"Ryan Fiveten said on 10/Nov/15
He just looks massive in those movies."
He did. But did you check his footwear in aforementioned movies? It was also massive.
Ryan Fiveten said on 10/Nov/15
This is surprising! I always thought Arnold Schwarzenegger was a giant! Like 6'3" at least! My favorite movies of his are The Terminator, Predator, Commando, and pretty much all of his 80s classics. He just looks massive in those movies.
J.Lee said on 10/Nov/15
Rob how did he shrink 2 inches

Editor Rob
stopped visiting
a combination of several decades of intense lifting, his cigar habit (which isn't great for the density of bones or the tissues) and injuries...all these I think knocked his back in.
josey wales said on 10/Nov/15
Rampage i remember he was in them snske skin high heeled boots.. he prolly was around 6' or just over at the time..
nathaniel.t said on 9/Nov/15
i think Arnold is 6 foot 4 because in the terminator genisus he was 6 foot 4 or 5 in the movie.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Nov/15
He could look close to James Cameron at times.
Also, I watched The Last Action Hero and he held his own beside 6ft3 Charles Dance.
Danimal said on 6/Nov/15
Dan said on 28/Oct/15
So he lost 5 cm of height? That's a lot!
He's lost 3". Rob has him 1" too high.
184.3cm (Night) said on 6/Nov/15
Ferrigno was never 6'5 i think most would agree with that. Saying Ralph Moeller never saw 6'6 is a bit more sketchy however. I saw him claim a few years back 197cm Which is only 1cm from 6'6 and he is 59 years old now and was also a bodybuilder. He could have lost a small fraction.
Lorry said on 4/Nov/15
Walked by him and Maria, he's lucky if he's 5'11".
Mathew Robinson (190 cm) said on 1/Nov/15
Alucard said on 17/Oct/15
O'Hearn is not over 6'2, confirmed by people who met him, Ferrigno is there, never been 6'5... Do you know for a fact that Moeller is almost 6'6? He's not, that's Undertaker range, Moeller is shorter than 6'5 max Wladimir Klitschko, try again Doug...
Okay. I agree that Ferrigno has never been 6'5" but no way I'd say Wladimir Klitschko is "6'5 max". The dude is at very minimum the full 6'5". And probably a strong 6'5"-er at that, 196 - 197 cm range.
Dan said on 1/Nov/15
Rob, it's pretty rare for a man to lose 2 inches isn't it? Especially that at 68 years old he's not that old. Is it the heavy lifting that has done that to him? I love going to the gym but I'm really starting to get scared to lose height as I get older. If I avoid squat and deadlift I should be fine?

Editor Rob
yes, the heavy repetitive lifting has taken it's toll on his body. Plus other factors that might effect bone density such as smoking, boozing.
Grant said on 30/Oct/15
Just saw your heightnalled video, that was funny! And I thought this guy was 6'3?

Editor Rob
Arnie sits there on his throne and replays that scene over and over.
It's a rare moment you will see Arnie genuinely listed 6ft 3 peak and 6ft 2.75 current height ;)
if anybody questions his height, he simply shows them the 3 second clip and offers them a cigar and a smile...
Matt said on 30/Oct/15
Emilia Clarke 1.57 mts and Arnold with Elevator Shoes
Click Here
In present time Arnold has the same stature of Sly
Click Here
Rob you know that Arnold also uses elevator shoes?

Editor Rob
if he does, I don't personally see any problem...people are free to wear whatever they want, of course internal lifts make it harder for us to guess their heights :)
It would be a helluva lot easier if everybody went about barefooted!
When you think about it, women elevate themselves by about 60-70% greater amounts compared to men on average...
Dan said on 28/Oct/15
So he lost 5 cm of height? That's a lot!
Grant said on 27/Oct/15
Do people like Arnold and Justin usually intentionally lie due to insecurities? Or are they just delusional and think they're taller than they are.
josey wales said on 22/Oct/15
Alucard... personally i likens arnold to have had the greatest most pleasing bodybuilding physique of all time. His best years no doubt 73&74. He cerainly had the potential to have been even larger than he was did he not feel he reached the perfect balance at the time. Now, he did straight on bicepd poses but would by his own words twist to smallen his waist especially next to oliva. I wouldnt attest arnolds hands n feet to GH but his are par of the course for a six footer with a biggish frame. He cerainly didnt/doesnt have thin wrists or s light frame. Pics i saw of his dad also show a bigger than average guy, although i always thought he takes after his mother.. i think his substance abuse, although unquestionable, is to an extend over exagerated.
ManKo said on 21/Oct/15
Rob, how tall do you think Christina Schwarzenegger is? (She is Arnold´s daughter)
Click Here
Click Here

Editor Rob
could look near 5ft 10
josey wales said on 20/Oct/15
Arnold didnt have the greatest structure for bodybuilding nor a "thin" skeleton. He akways mentioned how he had to compensate in certain poses for realitive wide waist and his natural dropped shoulders. He also diesnt have thin wrists. Quite large hands and feet if you care to look. He did respond well to training and had great muscle bellies which is what sets him apart from so many others. On stage he was massive yet somehow elegant. He menrioned visualising hisself like a big cat, by havin a show mans body as opposed to beung muscle bound. He was quite a big feller in his day with
heavy thick muscle. I really, really doubt his muscle
mass was to match for his frame.... a lot of people got some misconceptions regarding his actual size. Even today his got a heavier than normal frame. Nott talkin muscle , just his natural build.
julian said on 20/Oct/15
! really doubt he was taller than 186 cm tops in his prime. I'm a fan since childhood and i've looked at many pictures of him
Alucard said on 17/Oct/15
O'Hearn is not over 6'2, confirmed by people who met him, Ferrigno is there, never been 6'5... Do you know for a fact that Moeller is almost 6'6? He's not, that's Undertaker range, Moeller is shorter than 6'5 max Wladimir Klitschko, try again Doug...
DougQuiadHauser said on 15/Oct/15
Mike O'hearn is 6ft3 and they look the same height. There is another Mike training vid with Ralf moeller (6ft5.5) and there does not look more than a couple of inches between them, indicating a 6ft3 minimum for Mike. Try again.
Davej said on 15/Oct/15
6'0.5 out of bed today.
TruthSeeker said on 14/Oct/15
George St Pierre from the UFC is a legit 5'10" guy and so Arnold must be 5'10" and or 5'11" today tops. It is possible that he was 6'0"-6'1" during the 70s and 80s when he was younger. Guy is 67 so he definitely lost a good 1-2 inches in height due to aging.
Click Here
josey wales said on 14/Oct/15
To rob: respect sir , thankyou.
Alucard said on 13/Oct/15
Claims of over 6' for Arnold are also easily debunked by Ferrigno... Watch a Youtube interview done by 6'2 max bodybuilder Mike O'Hearn with supposedly 6'5 Ferrigno, O'Hearn is taller... Well, what does that make Arnold? Exactly...
dmeyer said on 13/Oct/15
Peak 185-187cm is arguable now 180-182cm is arguable
josey wales said on 11/Oct/15
i will stick to my 6'1"" peak current 5'11" outta bed estimate.

Editor Rob
harold's comment has been removed, he always tries to walk over the 'metric' line...
Dmeyer said on 10/Oct/15
To me arnie looks a solid 5'11 now when in 0.5in more shoes he can look 6ft and the Guy is near 70 and compressed so defenetly was aleast 3-3.5cm taller smallest peak Will be 6'0.75/185cm
? said on 9/Oct/15
"Not far from half a foot", Harold? As stated above, Arnold in 2013 listed his then height at 6.05. Even if he was now 5'10" as lots of people who've never met him like to insist that he is, that is hardly a discrepancy of 6 inches. People do lose height over the years, and Arnold was not always sub 6 foot, even if he is now.
josey wales said on 6/Oct/15
So that would make robs 5'11.5" estimate pretty near accurate..
Grant said on 5/Oct/15
Did he get another downgrade recently?

Editor Rob
quite a few months ago he was put on 11.5
sabot said on 4/Oct/15
"Dmeyer said on 3/Oct/15
Today he is 6'0.5 with a 3cm shoe "
+1. That's probably closer to the truth.
Dmeyer said on 3/Oct/15
Today he is 6'0.5 with a 3cm shoe
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Oct/15
6ft0½ out of bed today isn't impossible.
Dan said on 30/Sep/15
I've seen him in the streets of Zurich in 2013. I am 191 cm and he looked a lot shorter than me. I would say MAX 183 for him.
james said on 27/Sep/15
Yeah I can believe 5'11.5 he has shrunk with his old age .I remember seeing him with 6'1 Pres Obama and Arnie was clearly shorter than the President
HeightMan said on 26/Sep/15
After watching through his movies and looking at many photos I'd say 186 - 187cm in the 80s is entirely realistic. The only movie before Terminator 2 in which he looked shorter was Total Recall, there he appeared oddly proportioned in some scenes.
These day I'd say standing straight he's 182, but through his bad posture he goes down to 179-80.
Nathaniel said on 25/Sep/15
You realize Arnold wears height shoes quite abit not always
186.7cm said on 25/Sep/15
Do you think he's claiming his morning height rob as 6'0.5

Editor Rob
or a shoe height!
andre said on 24/Sep/15
arnold is 5ft11 barefoot
stalone is 5ft7.5 barefoot
tom cruise 5ft6.5 barefoot
dmeyer said on 23/Sep/15
Lately arnie seems in that 5'11-11.5 and looks a solid 3in on sly so 5'8.25 is possible it seems like sly in the last 2yrs lost a cm
guk said on 23/Sep/15
One thing i notice about arnold is the edge of his shoulders fall very low for his height. People sometimes judge height by this. Stood next to an average 5ft10 man the shoulders would probably be at the same height so some may assume that is his height. But arnolds shoulders habe a very steep angle to the bottom of his long neck and big head, this section takes him up a bit over the shoulder impression to around 5ft11 these days one probably 6ft
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Sep/15
Arnold would edge Dean Cain today whose 5ft11 max. His 6ft2 claim sounds pretty arrogant though "people look up to me"
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Sep/15
Arnold would edge Dean Cain today whose 5ft11 max
Robert said on 23/Sep/15
Rob how does he look 182 he looks barely 5'10 sometimes

Editor Rob
with loose posture he will look 5ft 11 to many people, even 5ft 10.5 to some...but I think he still measures over 5ft 11.
179 cm said on 22/Sep/15
if you look up Arnold schwarznegger and Gould who I think would've been at his peak 188cm at the time arnold looks shorter except one photo where I'm not sure but arnold is young there and I'm not sure if he was wearing footwear or anything but Gould was. Do you think it's the camera angles favoring Gould
Click Here
Click Here
One where he looks similar in height
Click Here
Second period picture down also looks similar
DougQuiadHauser said on 22/Sep/15
Kevin Sorbo is a bitter idiot. When has Arnold ever claimed to be "6ft3" as Sorbo put it?
Arnold mostly claimed 6ft1 and rounded it up to 6ft2 for Hollywood like most.
Jim Hopper said on 21/Sep/15
As Danny Devito once said. "Soon as you become famous you grow a few inches". Arnie,Sly,
Vin Diesel,most of WWE can attest to that quote of truth.
Vladimir said on 21/Sep/15
Most recent picture - Arnold & Sly
Click Here

Editor Rob
hope sly picked up the falling bill!
Harold said on 20/Sep/15
High time, I think, to alter the description above from Kevin Sorbo saying, 'with a straight face', Arnie is five eleven or so to Arnold saying, 'with a straight face' that he was ever over six foot in height. Sorbo's height is obvious to all. Arnie's? Uh, no.
Sammy Derrick said on 16/Sep/15
In Terminator:Genisys The mugshot of his character is 6'6!!!!And I was stunned.
Arch Stanton said on 16/Sep/15
Actually in looking at it I think Gould has more than 1.5 on Arnie because he's standing with poor posture, he looks at least 2 inches taller I think if Gould stood his best. If Arnie is in shoes too bad news. He looks nowhere near 6'2" there with Gould.
Arch Stanton said on 16/Sep/15
@Rob, check out 1 hr 35 range here with Elliot Gould
Click Here 6'2 Gould looks between and inch and two inches taller. Now is Arnie barefoot and him in shoes though. I tried pausing it as he walks out but can't make it out. I'd guess barefoot likes the others. Which if that's the case 6'1.5 checks out. If not it would point more towards 6'0.5!
Mightyman said on 15/Sep/15
Arnold has visibly lost a lot of height. The fact he had to have a hip replacement proves he's got bone problems. Hip replacements generally only happen when your bones are thinning and get compressed meaning the ball socket joint is no longer round but more egg shaped. He suffers from estrogen dominance a common problem for older men, the hairloss later in life is a clear indicator. It can cause extreme bone loss. He probably didn't realise he had it and continued weight training when he shouldn't have. This would have compressed every weight bearing bone depending on the excercise. Compare his torso nowadays to earlier photos and his spine is really compressed by a lot. It's easy to lose up to 4 inches in height if u lose it in the spine and hips combined. He needs cabergoline to reverse the estrogen dominance and oxandrolone ( Anavar 10mg a day + silica + magnesium + glucosamine chondrotin, u have to take these together for it to work) to quickly harden the bones back up. ( he probably needs to add low dose hgh after stopping 3 months cabergoline ) it's the silica that converts to calcium in the bones. Lights weights speeds up the healing process.As for regaining height he could add another 1.5 - 2 inches by regular use of a inversion table if he's lucky while holding some dumb bells and gentley doing inverted sit ups daily. It will stretch the spine but unlikely to cause his spinal bones to go back to their original shape but he will gain space between the bones increasing height. Imagine playdoe that's been squashed between your finger tips. He was definitely 6 foot if not taller before. Lately he's shrunk rather fast. This is endocrinology 101 guys. Hope Arnold reads it too before he gets even smaller. He's still the man.
Heylo said on 14/Sep/15
Sabot, lol looks like his neck got shorter by several inches!
Jim Hopper said on 12/Sep/15
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Sep/15
Dean Cain is full of it So you have been in the movie business more and around people who see arnie in real life?? Fanboy
josey wales said on 11/Sep/15
The terminator is 6'5 not arnold who i beleive is a dolid 5'11" today. Bit dilly to let the terminator be "6'5".. i rember stallones judge dredd be listed on the computer as 200cm...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Sep/15
Dean Cain is full of it
Jim Hopper said on 8/Sep/15
Daniel said on 6/Sep/15
Dean Cain (5' 11" 5/6) says Arnold is shorter than him: So true. 6-0" peak height.
wingwalker said on 7/Sep/15
In the new Terminator film there's a shot of him walking next to Jai Courney (listed at 185) on even ground, and Jai seems to have about 2cm advantage over him, but it looks to me like Arnold is wearing lifts as there's something unnatural in the way he moves. Point being, I'd say there's more than 3cm between them.
Also, the police mug shots from the same film have at Jai 6'3'' and Arnold at whooping 6'5'' (actually about an inch lower since camera is located below top of their heads) but that's clearly BS, at least in Arnold's case.
Allie said on 7/Sep/15
Can anyone give me a possible guess on how tall his daughters are? I've seen seen pictures and Depending on the picture, he either is like the exact the same height or an inch taller.
LosGatos said on 7/Sep/15
I'm 5'7" and standing next to him in the gym, he was not much taller than me. He's no where near 5'10". Dude is shrinking fast if he was every 6 foot.
Daniel said on 6/Sep/15
Dean Cain (5' 11" 5/6) says Arnold is shorter than him:
Click Here
189cm (night) said on 6/Sep/15
Rob why do you think he was barely as tall as George bush jnr when he was in politics

Editor Rob
by the time he was into Politics, he had lost some height.
Jim Hopper said on 4/Sep/15
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Sep/15
Pushing 6ft2½(189cm) out of bed in his prime. Oh my............just stop it pls! 6-1" out of bed for a few seconds if hes lucky! 6,0-5" MAX
Fran said on 4/Sep/15
Of course, Rampage. He was taller than Ferrigno. :)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Sep/15
Pushing 6ft2½(189cm) out of bed in his prime.
AK said on 29/Aug/15
i think his peak height is between 6 ft 0.5 inc -6 ft 1.25 inc
Now 5 ft 11 inc-5 ft 11.75 inc
Danimal said on 28/Aug/15
Jim Hopper said on 23/Aug/15
6-1" Nielsen???? Are you on acid??? @Danimal??? If she is 6-1 flat in those shoes shes 6-4" shes not. Click Here
TAKE IT EASY!!! She was listed just as often as 6'1" as she was 6'0"!!!
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 27/Aug/15
Jim Hopper said on 23/Aug/15
6-1" Nielsen???? Are you on acid??? @Danimal??? If she is 6-1 flat in those shoes shes 6-4" shes not. Click Here
Nielsen gave her height as 1,82m on german tv and said Stallone was 1,74-1,75m
sabot said on 26/Aug/15
Arnolds neck/posture back in the day:
Click Here
Click Here
So much for "no height loss".
Dingus said on 26/Aug/15
Peak height: 6'00.00"
Current height: 5'10.75"
Harold said on 25/Aug/15
Let this be a lesson to you, youth of America: when you want to get ahead, lie. Pretend to be something you're not and pass your fiction off as fact. And do it repeatedly and shamelessly. This way leads to the White House. Or at least the Gubernatorial Mansion. Free maid service included.
Tarinator said on 24/Aug/15
Why does he look more 182 cm than 184 cm?
184.3cm (Night) said on 24/Aug/15
Nielsen was measured at 182cm not 185cm by guiness.
Gianni Dioro said on 23/Aug/15
I saw Arnold speak at our university in the early 1990's when he was George H. W. Bush's Presidential Fitness Chairman. When Arnold came out, we all cheered and shouted, "Arnold, Arnold, Arnold!"
One of the guys next to me said to his friends, "He's small!" He was smaller than I expected too. I had imagined him being 6'3 or 6'4, but he wasn't. He was built more like a linebacker than lineman.
As he gave his speech, I kept wondering how tall he was. So as he was finishing up, I got up and went down to where he would have to pass when he left the stage. That way I could eye him up and make a good estimate of his height. He walked right past me and i looked him in the eye. We were both wearing tennis shoes. I am 5'9". He looked about 1½ to 2 inches taller than me, making him 5'10½ or 5'11". This was around 1991 so he was already that height then. He hasn't shrunk recently if ever at all.
dmeyer said on 23/Aug/15
To me arnie in good posture looks a solid 181cm dinner time considering all the weight lifting and the fact that he is almost 70 , 5cm loss is believeble
Jim Hopper said on 23/Aug/15
6-1" Nielsen???? Are you on acid??? @Danimal??? If she is 6-1 flat in those shoes shes 6-4" shes not.
Click Here
Stuboy82 said on 23/Aug/15
I think rob has it spot on here... bodybuilders do gain/lose a lot of height in and out of peak. Thats a fact. Arnie was definately 6"1 or over in his 20s
184.3cm (Night) said on 21/Aug/15
Well this page went downhill fast. A 5'10 peak Arnold , A 6'2 peak Clint Eastwood. Laughable.
@Yati Pic has even been posted before but they will ignore it as a 6'1 Arnold is impossible you see?
Even although he looks 1 inch under George Bush Snr there as well.
Danimal said on 20/Aug/15
Dannon said on 12/Aug/15
Arnold has lost 3 inches. 6'1.5 peak and now 5'10.5
5'11.5 is crazy for him.
This times 1000!
Danimal said on 20/Aug/15
Ali said on 19/Aug/15
5'10-5'11 peak. Arnold was never tall. Look at his picture with Roland Dantes. He was a young man in that picture. No height loss what so ever. Arnold is tiptoeing to look taller.
Click Here
Here is a picture with Tom Arnold:
Click Here
another one:
Click Here
What other sites do you
Danimal said on 20/Aug/15
Yati said on 19/Aug/15
1985 Red Sonja. Brigitte Nielsen a legit 6'0". Arnie easily has 1" on her. Identical footwear. Yes he's about 5' 11.5" today.
Actually, she was apparently a legit 6'1".
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 20/Aug/15
Bork said on 19/Aug/15
How tall is director Alan Taylor?
Click Here
Taller than Arnie
Yeah about 2.5" taller than Arnie but shorter than Hemsworth and even 6´1.75" Hiddleston
Click Here
Arnie looks a tad under 5´11" there
DougQuaidHauser said on 20/Aug/15
Do you actually have any clue what 2 inch difference looks like?
There is barely any difference in height with the 2 Tom Arnold pics. Additionally, they are recent and not peak.
Clutching at straws....
Harold said on 20/Aug/15
Ali, to add to the comedy Joe Weider spent his life proclaiming his height to be five foot ten. In the photo you've included, if you look at his height next to George Bush, Sr. a legit six foot two, well, Joe comes up a little short. Actually, a lot short. Preposterous physical claims are the bread-and-butter of bodybuilding. Or at least the non-fat milk.
Yati said on 19/Aug/15
1985 Red Sonja. Brigitte Nielsen a legit 6'0". Arnie easily has 1" on her. Identical footwear. Yes he's about 5' 11.5" today.
Bork said on 19/Aug/15
How tall is director Alan Taylor?
Click Here
Taller than Arnie
Ali said on 19/Aug/15
5'10-5'11 peak. Arnold was never tall. Look at his picture with Roland Dantes. He was a young man in that picture. No height loss what so ever. Arnold is tiptoeing to look taller.
Click Here
Here is a picture with Tom Arnold:
Click Here
another one:
Click Here
Tom Arnold is clearly about 2 inches taller. Arnold probably did not wear his special shoes for these occasions.
Just to remind Rob and all others.
-Bob Mulholland also claimed Arnold was 5'10" and that he wore risers in his boots.
-Kevin Sorbo sayid: "Arnold Schwarzenegger's about 5-11...yeah he says he's Six Three".
-Interview with Sarah Douglas:Interviewer #1 :"I notice you seem to be taller than him in this sequence"
Sarah Douglas : "It's funny you say that, because he's not taller than me in real life. And i've got high heels on so I'm amazed he allowed that to happen. I suppose his mere size was quite enough."
Interviewer #2 :"My guess is he doesn't allow that to happen anymore. This was his second kind of starring role, and presumable after having the sort of huge breakthrough on 'Conan' he was grateful..."
One more picture to prove that Arnold wears lifts to appear taller:
Click Here
Look at the lenght of his under leg(below the knee cap) and look at his shoes. Rob you made some videos on special shoes that increase your height. Don't you agree that Arnold's shoes and the fact that his leg below the kneecap is disproportionately long very suspect?
Here is Arnold bare feet:
Click Here
Now his leg below the kneecap looks much more in proportion to the rest of his body.
Arnold has been wearing lifts his whole life. He was never 6'2, not even with the special shoes.
This is the picture of a 6'2 man with Arnold:
Click Here
Alucard said on 19/Aug/15
Well put Harold... You should never, never ever, compare height between celebrities, even worse in a movie with camera tricks and all that stuff... Clint Eastwood was never 6'4 even in his younger days, he had a lean long build, great presence, and towered over 90% of Hollyweird... Was he tall? Hell yes, but 6'4 tall? No way, around 6'2 max, no more... Eastwood was/is in that range over 6', but Arnold? Not even close...
Harold said on 17/Aug/15
I agree with you that 'many heights should be reviewed.' We are talking about entertainment figures that get paid to be larger than life. That means the resume, whether physical or otherwise, is frequently padded. Some lie. Some don't. On the other hand, I disagree that Arnold was ever six foot one. With cowboy boots and lifts? Yes. Without them? Not a prayer. The man owns, by his own admission, over 50 pairs of cowboy boots. Why? Because the male high heels give him what nature did not give him: height. As to his real height, despite the shrieking of fanboys and the screaming of anti-Arnold's, who really knows? The problem of relative heights of actors in comparison shots in photos is that someone will say, for instance, Arnie must be six foot or more because Jeff Bridges is. But how do you know that Jeff Bridges is what his actor's resume says he is? This becomes a chain: Clint Eastwood is six four, because he says he was, and Jeff was just three or so inches shorter in Thunderbolt and LIghtfoot and Arnie was similar to Jeff in Stay Hungry, thus Arnie must be six foot or six one because of this chain. But what if Eastwood was never six four? Given camera angles and lifts, it can get very, very deceiving. And it is always a benefit to the leading man's physical resume, his appearance, to stand out from the crowd. Given Arnie's, uh, repeated preference for fiction over fact in his own resume, to think Arnie was ever what he said he was: six feet two, well, you'd have to be, shall we say charitably, a tad naïve.
Jim Hopper said on 17/Aug/15
Lewis around 5,7.5". He is in "flat shoes" here. Arnie is ????? 6-0" no chance.
Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Aug/15
Click Here
Edging Tom Arnold this past year!
grizz said on 15/Aug/15
Regarding 1969 measurement, there's a fair chance Vince didn't measure Arnold's height properly. He might have measured his height from toes to hair instead of from toes to top of his head. Arnold did have a fluffy hair even back then which might add him half an inch (these days 1 inch) in height.
Jim Hopper said on 15/Aug/15
In stay hungry hes under Jeff in thin shoes. looks 6-0".
Click Here
Aaronious said on 15/Aug/15
Arnold broke his legs in a ski accident, had kneed surgeries on both knees, and also had a hip replacement on one side...
that combined with the large amount of muscle mass lost over the years ( yes, body builder's gain height from the thick walls of trepizius, spinal erectors, and latisimus muscles). i would say 2-3" inches is easy to lose. my Dad was legitimately 6'4" as a youth, barefoot at the doctors in his 30's, and these days, hes barely 6'3", maybe less, and hes had a normal life devoid of back injuries.. so if a normal undamaged spine can shrink, so can a damaged one... very easily. 40% of your spinal column height is comprised of disc space, the other 60% from bone(vertebrae). as you age, the discs lose their ability to retain water...and they shrink
josey wales said on 14/Aug/15
Hi andy, i wasnt tryin to be rude, but to post a height estimate goin on somebidy who you know who saw him is,a bit like saying oh i heard this as fact from my brothers girlfriends sisters aunt.. if you understand what i mean. Cheers mate
Height183 said on 14/Aug/15
I don't know about his peak, but today he looks a strong 5'11'' range. Probably 5'11.25'' if he stands up with good posture. His son is 6'0'' and has an Inch on him or just slightly less.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Aug/15
Barefoot, he looked the same height as a shoed Jeff Bridges in Stay Hungry.
NBAer said on 13/Aug/15
Proportionally speaking,he looks barely 5'11 range today,but back then in the 70's-90's,his build and presence was impressive.He was an intimidating tall guy and noone could deny that.Also the fact that he was measured at 187 back in 1969 could be true,but it may have been an in-shoes measurement.On the other side though,noway a legit 188 guy can look that short next to legit 216 Wilt Chamberlain and 213-214 prime Andre the Giant,just look at the picture where a young Arnold stands between the 2 giants...He's below their shoulder level,and the distance between shoulder and top of head on people that tall is ATLEAST 30cm(hell my shoulder height is barely 149-150,and im 179-180).Then again camera angles can add or take height in pictures,so
i still believe Arnold was 184-185 flat back in the 70's-80's,and possibly even a strong 185 in the 60's.
Flabbio said on 13/Aug/15
I used to think Arnold was 6'1" in in his prime but after the recent pic side by side pic with UFC star Georges St Pierre Has made me conclude otherwise. I think its obvious Arnold is around 5'10" today at best. St Pierre was listed at 5'10" but most who have seen him in real life or met him say hes actually about 5'9", granted his shoes are thicker than Arnolds so that would make Arnold about an inch taller.
Click Here
Im going with a prime Arnold height with something like 5'11" 7/8 or maybe 6 feet even, and now with age and heavy lifting taken its toll hes lost 2 inches or close to it, I just dont see someone losing almost 4 inches of height even for a bodybuilder is ridiculous and he was healthy into his 50's. Arnold wasnt short however since its ARNOLD he needed to be above 6 feet for Hollywood, bodybulding to add some validation I guess. Hes still the best bodybuilder ever regardless of how much he inflated his height.
BTW Arnolds max bench was also not 500+ pounds it was 440 lbs, he clearly states that in the Musclemag 50 year retrospective issue.
Lucio said on 12/Aug/15
bob said on 27/Jul/15
Click Here
with six foot dean ambrose
Rob, you've take a look at this video? At least from what we see, his shoulders have an excellent training level, and also the collar bones have a good acromion as he had to be younger.
As for the height I don't know, do you think he'll be barefoot?
Dannon said on 12/Aug/15
Arnold has lost 3 inches. 6'1.5 peak and now 5'10.5
5'11.5 is crazy for him.
Andy said on 12/Aug/15
Joseywales the guy was the as e height as me (6ft) and saw Arnold when he came to the theatre dressed as the terminator, and he was noticeably shorter.
That's not to say he was always this height.
I imagine his back operation and past steroid were both contributors to a decline in height.
GP said on 12/Aug/15
I recently saw him at Golds Gym in Venice, CA and also at a breakfast place. It seemed that Arnold has developed little bad posture. He was working out with Ralph Moeller and Arnold didn't seem taller than 5'11". At breakfast, I was closer and he seemed lower than 5'11". What's really deceiving is that he has larger head and with his hairstyle he gives the impression that he is taller than he is.
Can anyone here provide any evidense that the 187 measurement wasn't taken in the morning? I know lot of people when measuring height they don't press the hair down, so that could have been the case also.
Danimal said on 11/Aug/15
Dom said on 11/Aug/15
@David. He was MEASURED in 1969 at 187. That is a fact. Also, there are no rules for how much height you can lose. Clint Eastwood lost 3 inches. Your post is complete bunk...
Eastwood was 6'4" and is around 5'11" today.
Dom said on 11/Aug/15
@David. He was MEASURED in 1969 at 187. That is a fact. Also, there are no rules for how much height you can lose. Clint Eastwood lost 3 inches. Your post is complete bunk...
Dmeyer said on 11/Aug/15
He seems to be in that 5'11.25-11.5 zone as he looks about 6ft when in 1.6in cowboy boots at worst he is a big 5'11 guy like 5'11 1/8in like 180.5-1cm range he is in the 180.5-181.5cm not 180 or 182
Dmeyer said on 11/Aug/15
To me arnie peak 6'1-1.5 by 90s 6'1 95 6'0.5 2000 6ft by 2010+ 5'11.5 like ex2 time and now 5'11.25 by genysis time as he looks 5'11.75-6ft while in solid 0.5in more shoes , could be 5'11 very soon its normal that a legit 5'11.25 will look 5'10.5-10.75 often as he stands poor at times
grizz said on 11/Aug/15
@Bran,that interview with 6ft Bronstein-he literally is the same height as Arnold! Don't let Arnold's elevated hair fool you-when you'd cut it off,there'd be no height difference between them.
Not a clear indicator all the time,but their shoulder level is identical,which might indicate identical height.
My claim about his 6'1 prime height still stands.
Allie said on 11/Aug/15
Did he shrink so much cause of bodybuilding or an operation?
Alucard said on 10/Aug/15
5'11 max peak for Arnold, nothing more, 5'9-5'10 today... Regarding his strength, those 520lbs bench and others claims are all baloney, but not his 710lbs deadlift, it is documented with pics when he competed in a german powerlifting show in the 60s, it seems legit... Arnold was never about strength though, he did what every pro bodybuilder does and should do, volume and pumping the blood, stimulate the muscle...
josey wales said on 10/Aug/15
David i for one agree with youre post. Makes alot of sense to me.
Johnny said on 10/Aug/15
In his prime
6'1 barefoot
6'2 in shoes
5'11 1/2 barefoot
6'0 in shoes
andre said on 9/Aug/15
how can he was 6ft2 and now 5ft10 ???
maby he was never taller then 5ft11 at prime and now is 5ft10
josey wales said on 8/Aug/15
Andy, that isnt a very substantial claim.
David said on 8/Aug/15
Hi guys,
The puzzle is : how come Arnold looked like he was 6'-2'' when he was young (in movies such as Predator or Terminator for instance) while he looks like he's not much more than 5'-11'' in a couple of recent pictures and videos ? Some say he's shrunk. That's true, due to a serious back operation he underwent and to the strain he put on his back all his life long. But the loss from that is about one inch, it cannot be more on medical grounds, certainly not three inches at his age. My explanation is that, when Arnold was young, his peak height was 6'-1'', maybe even slightly less. He was very similar in height to Jeff Bridges, maybe 1/2 inch shorter. Whenever he looked over 6'-1'', it was because he was wearing lift shoes that made him look about one inch taller. Likewise, when he looks like he's about 6' or even slightly taller today, such as in the pics with Tony Blair or Barack Obama when he was governator, it's because he's wearing lift shoes again. Tony Blair is a genuine 6' and Arnold looks very similar to him in the official pics. Obama is 6'-1 1/2'' and Arnold looks 3/4 of an inch smaller than him. But the reality, as shown by other pics, is that Arnold is not more than 5'-11 1/2'' today, having shrunk from a peak height of 6'-1'', maybe only 6' 1/2''.
So Arnold never was very tall nor is he short today. People imagined him as taller because he was a bigger-than-life character.
Andy said on 7/Aug/15
I met a guy today working at the Chinese Theatre in LA who confirmed Arnold is in fact 5'10".
Hollies said on 6/Aug/15
Its surprising to see how many have lost height on this site. My dad is 68 and he hasn't lost anything. Has always been a shade over 6-0. My uncle is 77 and has always been 5-8.
Danimal said on 5/Aug/15
GR says on 30/Jul/15
My parents met him about 3 years ago and took a couple pictures as well. My dad was surprised at his height, said he was short. So basically, my dad was taller than him... that's dads definition of short.
For the record, my dad stands at 5'-11" right now, and my mom at 5'-2". He was between there, I'd say about 5'-9" to 5'-10".
FWIW I'm barely 6'-0" on a good day, but if you go back some 25 years and look through my pictures, you'll find one of me getting my height checked and on that day I was no less than 6'-2 3/4" tall. A lot of that was lost directly from a car accident.
So maybe Arnold was taller at some point. I can assure you today he's somewhere south of 5'-11" unless he just stands slouched all the time and that did not appear to be the case.
I believe you and so should more people. He's definitely under 5'11" today.
Danimal said on 5/Aug/15
Juby says on 1/Aug/15
Next to Sam Worthington (5'9") in 2012.
Click Here
Click Here
I think his peak was 6'1.25" (186 cm), but now he's not taller than 5'10" (178 cm).
Unfortunately your post will be ignored. People can't accept that he's lost THAT much height, which I believe he has. Looks in the 5'10" range these days.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Aug/15
trolls who consistently say Arnold was sub-6ft1 in his prime.
For once I agree with Danimal's peak estimate. He was very close to 6ft2.
Jim Hopper said on 5/Aug/15
Lewis Hamilton let the cat out of the bag not long ago. "I thought you were taller".....says it all really. Fanboys cursed Hamilton for that. 5-11" today. 6-.025" prime.
Bran said on 5/Aug/15
I just get the feeling he's telling the truth in many of these claims
Click Here
Maybe sometimes after a tough workout he could appear less, but at prime around 6ft1.5 looks a strong shout, but with all that increased power lifting maybe even by early 40s he'd creaped nearer 6ft1 flat, hence to why some people may call this listing generous.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Aug/15
187-188cm peak
DougQuaidHauser said on 4/Aug/15
At a guess I'd say Arnold was 6'05" to 6'1" tops in his prime but I lean towards 6'05", easily a strong six footer. Now I would say he is closer to 5'11" due to age and injuries.
What people forget is that Arnold was known for his physique/muscles, not for being some lumbering super tall blob, plenty of those around everywhere.
Ali said on 2/Aug/15
Arnold was never tall. Even when wearing lifts he isn't 6'1. Arnold was about 5'11 at best.
Go back and look at the picture of Arnold with Roland Dantes. ''Come with me, if you want to live''. Arnold is bigger than life.
Chase Witherspoon said on 2/Aug/15
Recall watching him compete/train with his 5'10-11" barefoot contemporaries Weider, Waller, Panther et al c.'74 and he looked 2-3" taller than those peers... 184-185cm was my est., I always thought the 6'2" claim was just part of the brand...
Juby said on 1/Aug/15
Next to Sam Worthington (5'9") in 2012.
Click Here
Click Here
I think his peak was 6'1.25" (186 cm), but now he's not taller than 5'10" (178 cm).
NBAer said on 31/Jul/15
He didn't look more than 13-14cm shorter than Joe Manganiello in Sabotage(which,by the way,was a pretty disappointing movie imo),and Joe is definitely 195,so you could still argue 181-182 for Arnie just by that film.
Then again the amount of pics showing Arnie with other actors of known height looking MAX 180 is undeniable,hell i was really surprised that Jimmy Fallon,a 5'11ish guy seemed 2 inches taller than Arnie in his show(it is known that Fallon wears lifts sometimes,but Arnie could also wear suspicious footwear that night).Still,i wouldn't go below 179 for him
Harold said on 30/Jul/15
Daniel: Amen to that. Height aside, when he finally figured out his diet, in the early 1970's, Arnie did look amazing. He, along with Sergio Oliva, was far ahead of the bodybuilders of his day. The fact that the likes of Lee Haney far surpassed him fifteen years later is simply the evolution of the activity. Having said that, when it comes to praising a man who wins the best body in a bathing suit competition, I applaud Arnie from that period. But if know anything and I mean anything about the guy, you question everything else - from billed strength (don't ask Bill Kazmaier how 'strong' Arnold was) to billed height Arnold is a great showman. No doubt about it. But he ain't what he says he is: meaning he's never seen six foot two one day in his life without wearing stilts.
GR said on 30/Jul/15
My parents met him about 3 years ago and took a couple pictures as well. My dad was surprised at his height, said he was short. So basically, my dad was taller than him... that's dads definition of short.
For the record, my dad stands at 5'-11" right now, and my mom at 5'-2". He was between there, I'd say about 5'-9" to 5'-10".
FWIW I'm barely 6'-0" on a good day, but if you go back some 25 years and look through my pictures, you'll find one of me getting my height checked and on that day I was no less than 6'-2 3/4" tall. A lot of that was lost directly from a car accident.
So maybe Arnold was taller at some point. I can assure you today he's somewhere south of 5'-11" unless he just stands slouched all the time and that did not appear to be the case.
martijndepro said on 30/Jul/15
Click Here
Arnold's a lot taller than any of the Guns N' Roses bandmembers...Peak height.
Daniel said on 30/Jul/15
You're right - who knows for sure if he's wearing a nice heel in that picture or not. You're also right about his weight lifting claims. There's a great article from Ric Draisin on this topic - google it, Ric routinely out-benched Arnold (both were on "supplements" at the time.)
He's good 5cm shorter than the big guys in that picture (who are maybe 185cm), that much is clear.
Who has actually met him here? Because I have, and he's nowhere near 6'2". That would mean he's lost 8-10cm of height then. Albert Busek (his friend) claimed at one point he was 6'3" in an article in the late 60's. Good luck to you if you believe that. I don't care what Basile says (whose opinion is suspect at best anyhow.)
He's in remarkably good shape and has a great posture for someone who has apparently suffered horrific spinal column difficulties.
The more logical answer is that as man rapidly approaching 70, he's perhaps lost a centimeter or two and that he has just played the game that Weider taught him so well. Lie. He was a larger than life character, a huge machine of a man, working our five hours per day (you *understand* why he says that, don't you?) and that's what sells, not reality.
Still, he had an awesome physique. There's a reason why his picture still graces the covers of workout magazines.
josey wales said on 29/Jul/15
His 520 bench is pushing it , he really wasnt build right for the bench ie long arms, triceps not propotionately heavy enuff. Probably 450lbs or over. But the long arms and his reported very strong back woukdve helped his deadlift. there is proof online of him pulling well over 600lbs as a teenager in a german weightlifting competition with what looked like some very difficult equipment , not olympic bar and the bigger (higher standing) disk barbell plates thats cimmin today. His 710lb claim is beleiveable, more so than his 6'2" height claim. I have read that both joe weider and franco colombo atleast mention 700 lb deadlifts for arnold. No he never caimed to be the strongest man in the world. But a newspaper in germany called him the strongest man in germany in 1966 after winning a stone lifting competition (560lbs if not mistaken).
Danimal said on 28/Jul/15
Nick says on 25/Jul/15
Schwarzenegger with 6'1.5" David Letterman in 1986. Arnold clearly appears slightly taller and has proportionately bigger limbs and bones. Arnold must have been around 6'1.75" near his peak height in 1986.
Click Here
Letterman was 6'2" in his prime. The man is almost 70 today.
Harold said on 28/Jul/15
Yeah, 6ftMagician, Arnold claimed a 520 bench and a 710 deadlift. He also claimed he was six foot two. Credibility: zilch. Not one person in the gym in his lifetime saw him bench 520. There are many people walking around on this planet much stronger than Arnie ever was and who haven't lost four inches in height. That's not called 'heavy lifting accelerated his height loss,' that's called 'the older he gets, the taller/stronger he was.' Give him another five years and he'll tell you what a loyal husband he was...
martijndepro said on 28/Jul/15
Click Here
Look at the height of Arnold's knees in very flat shoes. They're about the same as legit 6'2" Cameron. Too bad they don't stand up in the video, but you can see Arnold's a big man. 6'1" is definitely a very good guess at his peak height.
bob said on 27/Jul/15
Click Here
with six foot dean ambrose
Dmeyer said on 27/Jul/15
To me in those clips he looks slightly smaller than david so about 6'1
Uh Oh said on 26/Jul/15
Quick height reference
6'0= 182.9cm
6'1= 185.4cm
6'2= 187.9cm
Arnold is still considered "6 foot" range.
Dmeyer said on 25/Jul/15
Daniel says on 17/Jul/15
With 6'1" Jason Clarke and 6'1" Jai Courtney
Click Here
I guess he forgot his high heels again. To me he dosnt look under 181-181.5 in That pic
Harold said on 25/Jul/15
There's a clip out on the internet now of a 1974 American made-for-tv CBS movie called "Happy Anniversary and Goodbye." It stars Lucille Ball and Art Carney. At one point, Arnie walks into Lucy's home. Arnie playing "Rico," an Italian Masseure, who comes to the house of Lucille Ball to give her a massage. When Arnie walks through the door we see his footwear and we see Lucy's footwear. Lucy was, peak five six and one-half or five seven (billed height). Arnie is no more than three inches taller than her. Meaning around five foot ten. That is peak for him in his late 20's. Dream on, Fanboys.
Nick said on 25/Jul/15
Schwarzenegger with 6'1.5" David Letterman in 1986. Arnold clearly appears slightly taller and has proportionately bigger limbs and bones. Arnold must have been around 6'1.75" near his peak height in 1986.
Click Here
Nick said on 25/Jul/15
Sean says on 17/Jul/15
Here's the Letterman appearance I was referring to (1991)
Click Here
Definitely, looks about 2 inches taller than 6'1.5" David Letterman. Most likely Arnold had a footwear advantage. In the early 90s, Arnold had lost a bit of height, but was a strong 6'1" (as his pictures from that era show).
Nick said on 25/Jul/15
Australian article from 1974 when Arnold visited Australia for guest posing. The article as it appeared originally is below.
His measurements in 1974 (off season) where 18.5 stones ( 260 pounds), 6'3" (????), 23 inch arms and 60 inch chest
Click Here
martijndepro said on 24/Jul/15
Click Here
In this video Arnold is definitely taller than Letterman. Unless he's wearing crazy heels, which I'm not buying. Arnold's Torso nowadays looks very compressed, especially compared to his bodybuilding days. His body is aging poorly in terms of height loss I guess.
Rey said on 23/Jul/15
Sean says on 17/Jul/15 response ..Letterman always wears flat Italian made shoes...the heal must be 1/4 inch at compared to Arnold's armored tank boots! The angle of this shot is curious, too.
Jessie said on 23/Jul/15
How did he loss 2 inches, Rob?

Editor Rob
old age and spine/joint degradation.
Dmeyer said on 21/Jul/15
Looking at ex2 France première were Arnie has 1cm more shoes than evry body else he looks 5'11 flat wish means 5'10.5 with 6'3 lundgren
Harold said on 21/Jul/15
Daniel, as to the photo with the 6'1" duo of Courtney and Clark, and the diminutive Arnie beside them, what makes you think Arnie isn't already boosted with high heels? Maybe that's the best he can do? It's possible that without the boost, he'd be even shorter by comparison.
Casual Observer said on 21/Jul/15
I saw him standing next to James Corden who is 5'8", and Arnie could not have been more than 1-1 1/2 inches taller.
the shredder said on 20/Jul/15
With Jason and Jai he looks still over 5'11.
Alex said on 18/Jul/15
Ger what the hell are you saying? They are standing nose to nose, arnold is barefoot and jeff is wearing shoes. Jeff looks 1/2 cm. (not inches) taller than him, this confirms bridges height around 188 (6'2) and arnold's one around 187.
Sean said on 17/Jul/15
Here's the Letterman appearance I was referring to (1991)
Click Here
josey wales said on 17/Jul/15
Never saw even an inch between jeff and arnold in stay hungry. Never use mirrors to judge heights.
Daniel said on 17/Jul/15
With 6'1" Jason Clarke and 6'1" Jai Courtney
Click Here
I guess he forgot his high heels again.
Liftboy said on 16/Jul/15
Sly has no lifts, no proper heal either. If you notice the sole of his shoe is @ floor level. Arnie on the other hand is definitely has lifts and his shoe has a lifted soles. Eventhough it looks like there is 4 - 5 cms between them in that picture, if you remove their shoes from the equation, the difference can't be more than 2 cms. That puts arnie in 5'9-10" range.
monkeyman said on 14/Jul/15
With the Jai courtney pics i found on google Arnold looks spot on 182 cm just as rob pegged him. arnold looks 2 cm shorter but he has cowboy boots on. Rob is a height genious.
Ger said on 14/Jul/15
Look at him in the film Stay Hungry, with Jeff Bridges. He and Bridges stand side by side lifting weights in front of a mirror, and Bridges is a good four inches taller. He's also 6/1!
Junior31 said on 14/Jul/15
Harold says on 12/Jul/15
In other words, Junior31, when you say, "And these guys exemplify the meaning of height loss time and time again," I would amend that to, "And these guys exemplify the meaning of lying time and time again." But they are in a tough position: they work in the illusion industry. If Arnold actually admitted he was five ten or so, wouldn't that put his 'peak height' into question? And given he built his career off his (supposedly accurate) physical resume, wouldn't that put his entire brand into question? And his entire life has been about promoting his brand.
Again your missing the point. Regardless of lying or not the argument is saying 2-3 inches of height loss is 2-3 inches of height loss. Despite the peak.
Who cares what they say? These celebs can say what ever they want "yes ism 6'5". It's the people that see them that say whether it's accurate or not so despite if Arnold or any celebrity lies about there height it's what the people who have seen or been around him say. Leave the personal preference of the celeb alone. Has 0 bearing on the height. And in the case of Arnold most ppl those who like the guy and don't see him at 6'1 and change peak and weak 5'11 today based upon comparisons to other ppl and celebs and evidence period end of Story
The psychology needs to stop. How tall do you think he is dude based upon comparison and people's evidence. That's it leave the Freudian ideologies alone.
Alucard said on 13/Jul/15
I absolutely agree with Harold, as i said times ago, around 5'11 peak for Arnold, today barely 5'10... There's no way to lose 3 inches or more naturally without some serious bones problem or surgeries... Do not agree about Oliva (who was around 5'7-5'8 by the way) being so much better than Arnold though... Both were genetic freaks, Oliva had one of the very best structure ever, second only to Paul Dillett, very complete with every muscle super full and long insertions... But Arnold had things going, was taller and super wide too, could present himself much better and was always much better conditioned, cut and dry... Oliva was always watery, Arnold in 1974 is as good as the best Myth of 1972 and 1973... No doubt that Arnold was Weider's boy, but he was that good still... Both two of the very best bodybuilders of all time, far superior than today's bloated jokes...
JM said on 13/Jul/15
Met Arnold at an event in London last November. He was a solid 6 foot, but his posture does him no favours. He sits, and stands, quite slouchy. I'd imagine this was the case in his younger years too, when he could well have been close to - if never quite - 6'2.
Harold said on 12/Jul/15
In other words, Junior31, when you say, "And these guys exemplify the meaning of height loss time and time again," I would amend that to, "And these guys exemplify the meaning of lying time and time again." But they are in a tough position: they work in the illusion industry. If Arnold actually admitted he was five ten or so, wouldn't that put his 'peak height' into question? And given he built his career off his (supposedly accurate) physical resume, wouldn't that put his entire brand into question? And his entire life has been about promoting his brand.
jervis said on 11/Jul/15
6ft1 Bridges was about 1.5inches taller than in stay hungery.Arnold was bear foot so lets say Bridges had .5 of an inch on Arnold,makeing him 6ft.5 peak.That would mean he has lost 1inch from peak thats normal.With a good lift he can look 6ft3 in shoes and seem 6ft2 .bearfoot
Harold said on 11/Jul/15
Fran77, on two or three different occasions, Weider juggled the jury on the night before the contest to ensure the man in whom he made the financial investment would win. Weider had a financial interest in stacking the deck. Oliva retired in his mid 20's rather than deal with Weider and his shenanigans. Oliva had it all - except for one crucial component: he couldn't sell bodybuilding. As for Arnold, as Robby Robinson once said to him: "Keep flexing your biceps and pecs and no one will notice your legs..." (Oliva's structure (wide shoulders, narrow hips) blew Arnold's away. As for Frank Zane, his style of lifting was much less destructive to his body than most, which is why he's not the guy who has had open-heart surgery, shoulder surgery, knee surgery, and hip-replacement surgery (twice). That would be Arnold, the epitome of 'health and fitness.' Pause for raucous laughter. Did Arnold ever actually believe he was six foot two? Quite possibly he did, as he recently said he'd do a much better job of President than Obama. This from the guy with the lowest approval ratings upon leaving office in California Gubernatorial state history. It's as amusing as Arnold's constant references to his 'business degree' from a college with a 90% acceptance rate that gave him academic credit for 'life experience.' And the fraud plays on... But it's not just Arnold, it's the entertainment industry, that pads the stats for entertainment purposes. If Arnold had ever been six feet two, the media would have told us he was six foot five (wait, that's exactly what they did with Lou Ferrigno). There's footage of Herschel Walker running into the running back, Marcus Dupree, in the locker room after the game and they talk personal height stats and Walker had to tell Dupree that the media always makes them out to be taller and bigger and stronger than they actually are because, well, it's show business, not accuracy business.
grizz said on 11/Jul/15
@NCL,to be more precise,Jai is 6'0.75 on this site.
So,this really doesn't look too good for Arnold. 5'11 flat is possible only if his boots give him only 1in in height,which I doubt.
Fran77 said on 11/Jul/15
Harold, agree with you about peak height UNDER 6FEET. I could buy 6.00 morning height with perfect posture (1.83cm) but I think he was 181-182 max for the rest of the day. But saying Oliva was five times the bodybuilder he was... in his prime, 1971, NOT 1974, it could go either way between him and Oliva. Check in youtube 1971 Mr Olympia Footage. Check 1:06 - 1:12; 245 pounds with 5.11´5. It´s almost fifty year ago, he was a monster. You´re talking about Arnold as he was like Frank Zane
avillax said on 11/Jul/15
Check this clip, pause at 0:54, Bridges looks 1/2" taller than Arnold but he's wearing shoes and has a bit more hair volume so I would say they're even, I say they're both 6'2. Arnold was not shorter than 6' 1.5" peak height, no way.
NCL said on 10/Jul/15
Just saw the new Terminator - Jai Courtney, who played Reese, was barefoot in a few scenes with Arnold in boots. He looked about 1" than Arnold (again when he was barefoot and Arnold was in boots). I M D B has Jai as 6'1". I think that would put Arnold around 5'10"-5'11" depending on how much height the boots gave him.
Keep in mind I just saw it and was in the front row so take this with a grain of salt. It'll be easier to tell when it's on DVD.
Few other quick notes: there's a scene where Arnold and Jai are in front of height charts. It had them I think at 75" and 77" respectively which was pretty ridiculous :-)
NBAer said on 9/Jul/15
184-185 PEAK days of bodybuilding and early acting career(any guy at this range with a decent built and ripped can get away with 188 to most people)
179-180 as a nearing 70-year old man,although sometimes looks barely even 177 due to bad posture or low camera angles in photos(which is why people in here downgrade celebrities,based on photos against the celebrity- i mean Taylor Swift at 5'6??!Ok she's definitely not 180 or 178,but anything less than 175 is illogical)
C.I.A. said on 9/Jul/15
I'd say he was *just* north of 6ft 0in at his peak...perhaps 6ft 0.25i n...maybe 6ft 0.5in....and he's lost about an inch since then so a current 5ft 11.5in is about right
No way am I buying the 6ft 1.5in peak number
184.3cm (Night) said on 9/Jul/15
It seems to be some people have some kind of obsession here with getting Arnie downgraded. The fact is many men are jealous of him, celeb's too. Sorbo,
Vin Diesel, Sly during the 80's.
I will never forget reading an article about a young guy breaking into acting called
Vin Diesel, who attacked Arnie for his accent, claimed his physique was superior (lol) and how he would be so much better blah blah blah. When you feel the need to put others down it says a lot about what kind of man you are.
And what he didnt realise was that he was just one clown in a long line, insulting Arnie claiming he would take the crown. Man is a true legend and inspiration to millions and maybe he was fudging his height with an inch or so, however looking at him now as he nears 70 years old its obvious to anyone capable of rational thought that he would have lost height.
So he can still look 180cm in his old age which has been proven time and again on this page , so is a 185-186 peak so crazy considering the beating his body has taken over the decades?
Junior31 said on 6/Jul/15
Harold says on 4/Jul/15
In the immortal words of Burt Reynolds, "All actors are six foot tall or over in their biographies. Mine says I'm six feet one but I'm only five eleven." Arnie fanboys take note: it's not necessarily a character flaw of the actor to lie, but an essential part of the entertainment industry to be larger/stronger/taller than you actually are. Comes with the Action Hero package.
Before being a famous action star even before being a famous body builder he was measured a strong 6'1. Truth is avg height ppl can get away with it but when someone is short or tall the claims become more obvious.
Matt said on 5/Jul/15
Rob, when you can read this article:
Click Here
It is the reality of Arnold

Editor Rob
I think 5ft 10 is a bit of a joke when you had him barefoot walking about with jeff bridges in 5ft 10 man would look that tall.
Sam said on 5/Jul/15
@Harold, Wouldn't people notice though? Or is that special "over 6 feet" claim so impressive-sounding to people that it doesn't matter whether you're 5ft6 or 6 feet tall, the fact you said it gives you a free bypass? Arnold was one of the guys that could claim over 6 feet, since he was at least 6ft1 in his prime if not the peak height he is listed.
Jim Hopper said on 5/Jul/15
Was only just over 6-0 prime years,now an 1" or more shorter hence the 5-11" height in truth. Shoe wise is any ones guess but like Sly,Diesel,Cruise they all do use the bump-me-up footwear. If you met them ever with no shoes on you might be shocked on a true height figure,but thats hollywood.
richie said on 5/Jul/15
Arnie's peak height was definitely 6'2", watch Pumping Iron, Mike Katz who was 6'1" was slightly shorter than him and Arnie's close friend Ken Waller who was just 6' was 2 inches shorter than him. I don't know why people continue to dispute this ,the guy was certainly over 6' during his peak years no question, probably close to 6' these days but back in the day was on or around 6'2"
Harold said on 4/Jul/15
In the immortal words of Burt Reynolds, "All actors are six foot tall or over in their biographies. Mine says I'm six feet one but I'm only five eleven." Arnie fanboys take note: it's not necessarily a character flaw of the actor to lie, but an essential part of the entertainment industry to be larger/stronger/taller than you actually are. Comes with the Action Hero package.
Amaze said on 4/Jul/15
Rob arnie was 187 in t1
Was he still 187cm in t2 or was he shrinking to 6'1(185-6 by then)?

Editor Rob
by T2 I'd say he lost a bit.
grizz said on 4/Jul/15
Click Here If 182cm is bigger than 185cm in numerical system, then I'm with you- he's 185 cm.
Harold said on 4/Jul/15
Actually, by his own admission, Arnold hasn't lifted heavy since around 1974/1975, the latter year being his first retirement from bodybuilding. After his open-heart surgery, heavy lifting was clearly out and survival was in. As to his 'youthful appearance' just prior to politics, it's called plastic surgery, hair dye, and capped teeth (ROTFL). As to whether he'd 'still be' 6 ft tall, tough to be what he never was. Only his paid publicists still cling to the six foot plus fantasy.
Bill said on 3/Jul/15
Same height as me 185 cm, there is no way he is 182.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Jul/15
I think he stated dipping under 6ft about 2-3 years ago.