Zach said on 26/Jun/09
Nice work Lucio. Although I do believe you may be chopping a thin slice of Lou's cranium there.
Metric said on 26/Jun/09
Ferrigno has never been close to 6-5. He was towered by legit 6-5 Deacon on King of Queens. He never looked more than 6-3.
Vladimir said on 26/Jun/09
Lucio,this is Excellent!! Way to Go, Man!!
Lucio said on 26/Jun/09
In response to the Ali to bring a photo comparison between Arnold and Ferrigno with a good viewing angle, there it is satisfied!
I developed this image with a CAD design program, drawing the yellow lines, with good approximation, on the summit of heads of each them.
In order to do this by not precise reference points, I climbed the picture on to Serge Nubret height, assuming that his height is 5'11 "(180 cm found on many websites).
As you can see, I believe to have obtained with good approximation, a good example for comparison.
Obviously I don't pretend that my preparation can be taken as absolute reference, but perhaps a further proof to showing that the Arnold height in his prime, was close to 6'2 ", definitely more than 6'1 ".
You will see that the Arnoldtrolls, Ali for first, their will bring reasons on reasons to discredit and depriving of truthfulness foundation my photos, but many of you, I am sure, will appreciate.
Click Here
Halb said on 26/Jun/09
Don't American football teams measure players?
Frank Stallone said on 26/Jun/09
If seen a lot of pics of Arnie in his Prime and he was a strong 6'1" weak 6'2". However from the mid 90's on you could see that he progressively shrunk some to a now height to a about 6.05". I think in your late 40's is when your ligaments really start to contract. His daughter is pretty tall, about as tall as he is now.
Guy said on 25/Jun/09
Wow Lynn, you are absolutely one to talk. You've basically made up heights for many individuals since the beginning of time. You've never sourced or backed any of your ridiculous claims even when asked, so you are nothing but a hypocrite.
juggernut7 said on 25/Jun/09
sounds pretty accurate 2 me
miko said on 25/Jun/09
As for his "real" height at his peak, he probably was slightly closer to 6"1 than 6"2 in the daytime. Out of bed, close to 6"2.
Lynn said on 25/Jun/09
GeorgeStrombo says on 24/Jun/09
derek d: Correct. Ferrigno is now shrunk to 6'2.5" - 6'3" while his prime height was 6'4.5". It was measured and officially stated in his record during his football career with CFL Toronto Argonauts.
Source please.
There is no proof that Ferrigno was ever measured!
GeorgeStrombo said on 25/Jun/09
Guy: Excellent post proving how throwing your weight on another person of similar height and compressing him by putting your arm around him will create the illusion of shorter height for the other person.
If Jim did not have his arm thrown on Arnold's shoulder and not compressing him, I could have seen it is a valid comparison.
Another thing you have to consider, Arnold seems extremely humble in that picture, but he was always known for his huge size. Here is Jim's opportunity to brag to his friends that he is bigger than Arnold. Looking at how Jim is posing for the picture, he seems to be doing absolutely everything he can to look bigger than Arnold. That includes puffing his chest out as hard as he can, throwing his weight on Arnold and compressing him by putting his arms around his shoulder and quite possibly (again, possibly) lifting himself up on his toes as his weight is supported by Arnold so he should not have any issues standing on his toes.
Case in point, that picture with Jim proves nothing. If anything, it is that Jim and Arnold are very similar in height that is getting skewed by Jim throwing is weight on Arnold by putting his arm around Arnold's shoulder.
Guy said on 24/Jun/09
This whole taking the Jim photo above literally with no consideration for how Jim is riding up on Arnold is pretty limited in thinking. Jim's full weight is imposed on Arnold and not the opposite. Look at how Jim's arm is rigidly barred across Arnold's shoulder and neck while Arnold's arm is barely touching Jim. One half inch or more is VERY easy to lose due to posture which is why the above photo could never be used as a definitive example. Case in point let's compare Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal. Both look very similar in height but if anything Federer looks slightly taller most of the time.
Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here Click HereBut then we have Nadal embracing Federer and you'd be forgiven for thinking otherwise. A more extreme example to the Jim photo, but nonetheless Federer does LOOK shorter there. The concept is the same.
Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here Click HereSo it really is quite an easy concept to understand. If someone wants to just draw a line from the top of Jim's head to the top of Arnold's head as easy as that, fine. What's stopping you. But the people here who not just think with intelligence but basic common sense know that such a thing is ridiculous. It's either a sign of someone who lacks the ability to understand the most basic concepts or they are completely biased against it. Or both.
Roger said on 24/Jun/09
While Arnold could look a legit 6'2'' in the 80s up to the mid 90s, he certainly was not that tall. The photo with Jim shows Arnold's max height must have been 6'1.5'' in the morning. On the photo with Jim, Arnold looks 6'1'' straight.
GeorgeStrombo said on 24/Jun/09
derek d: Correct. Ferrigno is now shrunk to 6'2.5" - 6'3" while his prime height was 6'4.5". It was measured and officially stated in his record during his football career with CFL Toronto Argonauts.
bob said on 24/Jun/09
Arnold height was full 188 cm, today 188 would be laughable, today he is 185-186cm. That's the fact, he admitted he is 6'1 today.
Lucio said on 24/Jun/09
Ali, how much is tall Reg Park?
Zach said on 24/Jun/09
Anonymous says on 20/Jun/09
LOL, Arnold was never a strong 6-2.
Probably not, but certainly a 'weak' 6'2 i.e. close to it in the morning. At the very least in the 6'1-1.5 range peak.
177cmmm said on 24/Jun/09
i can believe some people here are saying in his peak Arnold was around 5 f 9 that is the biggest loud of bull i have ever heard.
derek d said on 24/Jun/09
Well the actor he is with in the youtube clip is a strong 6'4. Lou looks 1 - 1.25 inches shorter, so he probably shrank to around 6'2 3/4 - 6'3.
bam said on 23/Jun/09
ali, I'm sorry but arnold is a legit 6ft. 6'1.5-6'2 peak. There is a 100 percent chance you are wrong. Sorry.
runt said on 23/Jun/09
I was listening to an old episode of the Phil Hendrie radio show where Phil mentions meeting Arnold. He said regarding Arnold: "...first of all he's short. I'm 6 feet and he was shorter than me" This could indicate 5-11.5 for Arnold. However, from seeing Phil Hendrie on a few video clips, I tend to say that Phil Hendrie looks a little taller than his 6 foot claim.
GeorgeStrombo said on 23/Jun/09
6'2" for Ferrigno according to Ali?? Hahahaha!!! This keeps getting better and better. This is just too funny. I am really beginning to enjoy it now!
Guy said on 23/Jun/09
Ali: blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah
Everyone, I sooo predicted Ali would begin using the tactic of lowering everyone else's height around Arnold to fit his needs. This guys got no shame or dignity. If Arnold stood barefoot in his prime next to him, he would even lower his OWN height to make Arnold shorter.
GeorgeStrombo said on 23/Jun/09
ACG: Scroll below and see what I had written about this Ali program on crack!
Lucio: No need to ask that question, let alone to a demented
troll program that throws some of the most unbelievable cr*p on this board that baffles the mind. I am sure it will exactly be a calculated number of 5'9" for Arnold + 5 inches difference = 6'2" prime for Ferrigno.
Ferrigno was measured 6'4.5" for his football career with CFL where he played for Toronto Argonauts. It is archived in his football records. That is iron clad that Ferrigno was 6'4.5". In 1977, he competed for the World's Strongest Man contest where his stats were 6'5". He was just as tall as shot put champ 6'5" Brian Oldfied with both in training shoes so he could even qualify for 6'5".
Lucio said on 23/Jun/09
Watch case is the current height listed by Rob on this site, even if his peak was 6'4 .5 ".
Ali, how much is tall Reg Park?
ACG said on 23/Jun/09
Lucio says on 22/Jun/09
Ali, how much is tall Lou Ferrigno?
Are you really turning to Ali for info on someone's height? I assume you're just baiting him to see what ridiculous number he comes up with.
Ali says on 23/Jun/09
Lucio, Lou Ferrigno is 6'2-6'3. Peak height probably half to
inch more. He is a tall guy, but not overly tall.
Ahhh, yes....I was right! 6'2-6'3 for Ferrigno!! I think you've outdone even yourself this time, Ali!!!!!
Ali said on 23/Jun/09
Lucio, Lou Ferrigno is 6'2-6'3. Peak height probably half to
inch more. He is a tall guy, but not overly tall.
The idea that Ferrigno might have shrunk 1.5 inch is
really ridiculous. He is in fine health and stands
completely straight. He looks like very healthy and
not like a slightly shrunken older man. He probably
hasn't lost any height at all.
Click HereClint eastwood has shrunk 2-2.5 inches, but it is very
obvious. There is no such thing with Ferrigno. Maybe
half an inch and max one inch, although I strongly doubt it.
Ferrigno towers over Arnold in the bodybuilding contest
pictures. Please somebody post picture(s) of Arnold and
Ferrigno standing straight side by side. Pictures without
The Dantes and Conan cast picture shows Arnold being under 6 feet
even in his prime. There is no reason to debate. All this crap of
''look how tall Arnold is compared to..'' is ridiculous as we do not
know their heights so we can't compare.
Arnold never looked tall. He is always wearing his big shoes.
Look at tall guys like Connery, Eastwood, Hugh Jackman, Eric Bana. These guys
are legit 6+. They always look tall and there is never any doubt about
their shoes. With Arnold there is always the thick shoes with lifts inside(can't be prove I know).
Arnold is clearly shorter than Jim in the 1988 picture and
Jim isn't even standing straight.
Arnold is the same height as Blair, Tiger Woods(even slightly shorter).
He is 6 foot nowadays with his very suspect shoes.
Arnold claimed 6'2, but this height was questioned by a newspaper and
he lowered his height to 6 feet. A while ago he said his daugter measured
him at 6'1! The guy is shrinking and getting taller. A freak of nature.
Arnolds peak height is somewhere between 177 cm-180cm.
The rest is lifts which make him 6'0 or 6'0.5.
Guy said on 23/Jun/09
Metric: 5'10" + 4 inches = 6'2". Either way you are ducking the observable fact that Arnold towered over him by creating a petty dispute. This isn't the first time you've grossly exaggerated your opponents claims to suit your own tactic. What is this 5-11 + (at least) 4 inches = 6-3, possibly more like 6-4!! You've just further exampled the STRAW MAN even while trying to defend yourself of that accusation. Dude, whatever prescription you're on, cut the dose.
Metric said on 23/Jun/09
GeorgeStrombo says on 19/Jun/09
...Yet, Roger Walker always competed in the "Tall man category". He is listed at either 5'10" or 5'11" and 230 pounds competition weight. Yet, Arnold is towering over him by atleast 4 inches.
Do the math, Guy:
5-11 + (at least) 4 inches = 6-3, possibly more like 6-4!!
Where is the straw man argument, Guy!??
Lucio said on 23/Jun/09
Ali complains that we don't believe him, but I can ask myself the same question: why should we believe to idiocy Ali?
Big King said on 22/Jun/09
Schwarzenegger used his morning height too. Nowadays he's not less than 6'1".
GeorgeStrombo said on 22/Jun/09
Lucio: No need to ask that question, let alone to a demented
troll program that throws some of the most unbelievable cr*p on this board that baffles the mind. I am sure it will exactly be a calculated number of 5'9" for Arnold + 5 inches difference = 6'2" prime for Ferrigno.
Ferrigno was measured 6'4.5" for his football career with CFL where he played for Toronto Argonauts. It is archived in his football records. That is iron clad that Ferrigno was 6'4.5". In 1977, he competed for the World's Strongest Man contest where his stats were 6'5". He was just as tall as shot put champ 6'5" Brian Oldfied with both in training shoes so he could even qualify for 6'5".
Anonymous said on 22/Jun/09
Good observation Guy... "evidence vs. tactics" - good way to break it down.. seems like the short Arnie supporters can't ever give any concrete proof. They just pull stuff from their asses. Photographic evidence like stuff you, George and a few other guys put up is proof in the pudding. In the end we need them anyways to keep this site fun. Kinda like how good needs evil.
GeorgeStrombo said on 22/Jun/09
anonymous99: I knew Arnold's hands were huge (as were Ferrigno's) even when I was a kid and saw him on Larry King where he waved his hand with open palm while talking and promoting "Last Action Hero". A few times Larry King's hand were in front of Arnold and they looked absolutely tiny compared to Arnold's massive hands. His hands and feet are giant. His palms are absolutely flat and really wide.
Lucio said on 22/Jun/09
Ali, how much is tall Lou Ferrigno?
Hugh 190cm said on 22/Jun/09
187-188cm peak and 183-184cm now.
Guy said on 22/Jun/09
Lynn: did you not read the post that went with the picture? Does Bridgette have an abnormal gigantism cone head? Look at Arnold's eye level compared to Bridgette's. Arnold is still taller in that photo. Bridgette's hair is obviously mushroomed up through that head piece. That explains the conflict with her eye level. Women usually have shorter foreheads anatomically anyways. It's official. Lynn: you have never been accurate.
I've noticed that various posters, mostly Metric, Ali and Lynn, don't rely on evidence and facts but rather tactics. It's not so much how they can show Arnold looks a certain way but how he can SEEM to look a certain way. An example is Metric's strong tendency to use STRAW MAN arguments. This is a TACTIC that portrays an opponents argument as being ridiculous by falsely promoting incorrect facts on their behalf. They can then make their position stronger by dismissing this accused position, and hopefully come off sounding authoritative while making their opponent seem foolish. Metric has done this several times. Most recently he accused Georgestrombo of thinking Arnold looks 6'3"-6'4". No one has ever proposed Arnold is/was that height. Yet he attempts to make GS seem like some kind of idiot for something he never proposed himself to begin with.
Ali: well one thing is evident-he's a broken record. He's barely until very recently accounted for what his opponents have demanded of him. Many questions and demands have gone his way to which he's NEVER given response. It really is like a computer program that just randomly posts a series of a few messages= "He's 5'10" plus his 2 inch magic lifts." That's about the extent of his "argument". Ali has had a very hard time delivering any evidence for this claim. We have just only heard his empty statements and never any evidence to prove anything. Ali has scoured the internet for photos of Arnold ( avoiding the mountains of photos that show he was over 6' of course) to reinforce his original claim. This shows his claim was not at all based on evidence originally but his own feeling. It's his personal desire. He's always promoted the same position without any evidence. But he finally thinks he's "found" the proof after years of searching in an ambiguous photo where he thinks Arnold is standing barefoot on his tip toes and the other guy is in shoes. He's so warped to think this strange photo should be more powerful than the tons of other photos existing that say otherwise. That shows how closed minded and selective he is, and how ignorant he is towards anything that doesn't support his agenda.
Ali's second tactic is to propose to me to find a photo or film that clearly shows Arnold being measured by Vince Basille when he was measured at 6'1 1/2". Otherwise Ali is making the claim Arnold's measured height should be dismissed because it wasn't photographed or filmed. This is another STRAW MAN argument. Ali has himself upped the acceptable status of evidence to only include film documentary. There must be film footage of Arnold being measured by Vince Basille or else Ali won't believe anything. If that's the case, much of what you've learned about human history should be dismissed as the photograph and motion picture are relatively recent inventions.
177cmmm said on 22/Jun/09
Hey george strambo i agree with you that there is not 5 inches between ferringo and arnold but there is clearly a diffrence. I do believe in his peak arnold was at least 6ft 1 he was standing around almost naked without shoes most of the time people would know if he was less than 6ft tall. he claims 6 2 i believe him franco claimed himself 6 4.5 in his prime but people would round him of to 6 5 to make him seem impressive. i would say in the afternoon arnold was about
6ft 1.5 and ferringo 6ft 4 the diffrence betwen the 2 is is about 2 to 2 1/2 inches this makes sense to me.
anonymous99 said on 22/Jun/09
Damon Igou, yes arnold does have the hands of a giant, if you all ever seen The End of Days, pay close to the last part of the movie where the girl is holding onto his hands, they look absolutely huge.
Michael said on 21/Jun/09
Arnie's not as tall as I thought...I always thought he was a giant, way over 6'. But 6' is not that tall...
derek d said on 21/Jun/09
Damon Igou says on 21/Jun/09
I met Arnold in 2001. We worked out together and ate breakfast. I got a picture as well. Anyway I am 74"...if anything he is a little taller than me. When we shook hands, I was floored by how huge his hands are......It's like he has the hands of a giant. I was impressed with his strength and endurance...He is still very impressive after all of these years....I hope to be in as good of shape when I am his age
Then would you mind posting the picture? LOL.
Damon Igou said on 21/Jun/09
I met Arnold in 2001. We worked out together and ate breakfast. I got a picture as well. Anyway I am 74"...if anything he is a little taller than me. When we shook hands, I was floored by how huge his hands are......It's like he has the hands of a giant. I was impressed with his strength and endurance...He is still very impressive after all of these years....I hope to be in as good of shape when I am his age
GeorgeStrombo said on 21/Jun/09
Ali is royally f*cking stupid. 5 inches difference between Arnold and Ferrigno?? Ferrigno himself claimed Arnold was 6'2" in an interview and that he was Ferrigno's idol because he was the first tall man similar to himself in height that became the world bodybuilding champion shattering the myth that very tall men cannot become world champions in bodybuilding.
In an interview 2 months ago with Muscles and Fitness, Ferrigno said "Arnold's large frame could have easily allowed him to carry 280 - 290 pounds of muscle today". Ferrigno himself claims Arnold was 6'2" and called him closest to Ferrigno himself in height, you stupid F!
Anyone who sees 4 - 5 inches between barefoot Ferrigno and barefoot Arnold side by side in this picture is royally demented. Again Ferrigno himself claimed Arnold was 6'2" and "similar to himself in height"
Click HereClick Here
GeorgeStrombo said on 21/Jun/09
Ali is royally f*cking stupid. 5 inches difference between Arnold and Ferrigno?? Ferrigno himself claimed Arnold was 6'2" in an interview and that he was Ferrigno's idol because he was the first tall man similar to himself in height that became the world bodybuilding champion shattering the myth that very tall men cannot become world champions in bodybuilding.
In an interview 2 months ago with Muscles and Fitness, Ferrigno said "Arnold's large frame could have easily allowed him to carry 280 - 290 pounds of muscle today". Ferrigno himself claims Arnold was 6'2" and called him closest to Ferrigno himself in height, you stupid F!
Anyone who sees 4 - 5 inches between Ferrigno and Arnold in this picture is royally demented.
Click Here
Danimal said on 21/Jun/09
George Strombo, your continuous needs to chop 3" off of Franco Columbo's listed height destroys all credibility you are trying to establish. Franco was NOT only 5'2" for crying out loud. He was taller than 5'2"-5'3" Danny Padilla in 1981 BAREFOOT.
J.J. said on 21/Jun/09
Looked 6'0.75"-6'1" on Jay Leno show
adam said on 21/Jun/09
He was near 6-2 peak. Nowadays a lot shorter.
Jay said on 21/Jun/09
Bush is 5ft 11 or at least was when he stood by Blair. Arnold doesn't wear lifts. He appears to be 6 foot (1.5 inches shorter than peak height) every time presents the Arnold Classis statue to the winner of his show.
177cmmm said on 21/Jun/09
I think Arnold only uses lifts now because hes lost some of his height and as a politician extra height gives the impression of power.
Anonymous said on 21/Jun/09
Ali is right about George Bush's height though. Bush is no taller than 5-10 and could be as low as 5-9. Bush looked no taller than 5-9 standing next to 6-1 1/4 measured Glenn Dorsey.
Anonymous said on 20/Jun/09
LOL, Arnold was never a strong 6-2.
Ali said on 20/Jun/09
Ferrigno towered over Arnold. 2.5 inches difference between
Arnold and Ferrigno would only be 6 cm or so. No way. Ferrigno
towered over Arnold. Closer to 4-5 inches difference.
GeorgeStrombo said on 20/Jun/09
Metric: Again your Bronstein cr*p is coming back. Robert Duvall taller than Arnold in 6th day?? Are you kidding me?? Arnold towers over him by several inches in every scene.
Do you know the villain in 6th day Tony Goldwyn is 6'1"?? Arnold looks exactly as tall as him. Did you know Michael Rappaport (sidekick of Arnold) was 6'4" and Arnold looked roughly 3 inches shorter than him. Arnold was looking 6'1" in 6th day. Definitely not 6'2", but nothing less than 6'1" either.
Regarding Arnold competitive weight, Arnold was 240 pounds in his competition weight with only 6% bodyfat. He was never huge in his competition form. He was only big, but not huge unless he was in his off-season 260 pounds weight. His waist was only 33 inches. There is no way a 275 pounds 6'2" guy could have a 33 inches waist.
Look at Paul Dillet who is about Arnold's height of 6'2" weighing 270 pounds at the Mr. Olympia. He looks way more huge than Arnold ever did in his competition weight. Arnold weighed 250 - 260 pounds in his off-season weight.
Ferrigno was 2.5 inches taller than Arnold, yet he weighed 268 pounds in the 1975 Olympia vs Arnold's 6'1.5" - 6'2" at 230 pounds. Ferrigno was carrrying more fat and bigger than Arnold, yet could not compete at 275 pounds. How the hell would you expect Arnold to weigh 275 pounds competition weight when Ferrigno could not do it at 6'4.5"??
Here are pictures again of 6'4.5" Ferrigno at 268 pounds vs 6'2" Arnold at 230 pounds:
Click HereClick HereArnold looks every bit as 2 - 2.5 inches shorter than Ferrigno and is a strong 6'2".
Doug said on 20/Jun/09
At his peak Arnie had one of the world's most developed physiques. Lets not forget how extraordinary he was in his prime. With Arnie its always been about physique rather than how tall he was. Nowadays however his body is a wreck after all those years of heavy intensive training and he has let himself go. He has lost a good 2 inches in height. P>S I've seen the Conan image on Wilt Chamberlains page and I agree Arnie looked like a small boy in comparison and looked about 5'11". At peak he was 6'1.5", 6'2" out of bed which is reasonably tall but is obviously dwarfed by the giants.
Metric said on 20/Jun/09
Arnold looks far from tall in almost all of his movies.
In 6th day he looks borderline shortish. EVERYONE of the male cast are taller.
In some scenes Robert Duvall even looks taller!
Arnold has never been 6-2. He would have weighed 275 lbs. He weighed 240. Do the math.
Anonymous said on 20/Jun/09
I might not agree with Ali but he brings some strong points as well. Arnold looks 5-11 tops with Wilt.
Lucio said on 20/Jun/09
Ali, once again: if you bring me a photo in which Arnold seems to be "short than what he is actually that is 6'1" - 6'2, don't you doubt that there may be an explanation? (angle of shooting too low, close to the camera, incorrect posture, type of footwear worn etc etc).
Against of hundreds or thousands of photos that show beyond each doubt that Arnold is tall UNEQUIVOCALLY 6'1 - 6'2, you bring us a ONE photo (the one with Dantes) showing apparent ambiguity, which can be explained in a variety of ways and you demand that one only photo blows away all the thousands of others that show the opposite?
But don't you seem to exaggerate?
As for the website "", I know already and if you read well, there is no good evidence of what it says on that site, only rumors.
In this regard we quote the words spoken by Sarah Douglas from the site in question "...." A lot of very high heels. You can tell that I'm not used to walking on such high heels, because my arms swing backwards and forwards as I'm trying to keep balance... "
Finally you have not yet explained to me these two photos I posted previously with 5'10 Sergio Oliva and Frank Zane 5'9. Try to explain them to me.
Click HereClick HereAnd even this excellent Guy photo
Click Here
Ali said on 19/Jun/09
Lucio, the problem is you just don't want to
believe Arnold is 5'10.Lucio would you believe me if I showed the email or would you then accuse me of making a fake message? I suspect the latter. Why don't you email her yourself?
If anybody here does not believe me email her yourself:
Guy show me one picture of Arnold being measured at
185cm or taller, just one!
You can inflate all the heights of other people on pictures
with Arnold. There is not ONE single proof that Arnold is
185cm+ peak. Only one thing and that is vince basille measured
him at that height which I don't believe.
6ft and taller guys are tall. Arnold never looks tall. He is roughly
the same height as Roland Dantes(178cm).
Here is a picture with Arnold, Andre the Giant and Wilt Chamberlain:
Click Herescroll down
Arnold's height based on this picture is under 6 ft
conclusion of the writer.
I measured Chamberlain's height with a ruler: 20.4cm, but
he is not standing straight. Standing straight he would be
about 20.7cm. Chamberlain's height is 216cm. So 216/20.7=10.43cm
Arnold height is 17.2cm and completely straight 17.3cm. So 17.3cm
times 10.43= 180cm=arnold's height in the picture
Chamberlain is wearing very flat shoes. We don't know how much
Arnold is getting from his footwear, but it is definitely more
than what Chamberlain is getting from his completely flat shoes.
So Arnold under 6 foot. Yet another evidence. The Roland Dantes
pictures says all that is needed actually.
Arnold under 6ft peak height.
Midget said on 19/Jun/09
Great pic find GeorgeStrombo, you cant argue with that evidence.
Metric said on 19/Jun/09
GeorgeStrombo is the new fanboy nutsucker!!
He thinks Arnold looks at least 6-3 to 6-4 in his pic!!!
Ever heard of perspective and angles you squirrel (they suck nuts too
GeorgeStrombo said on 19/Jun/09
Click Here177cmmmm: This is the picture you are talking about? Yes, Arnold as usual towers over everyone by several inches here (1980 Mr. Olympia). He is a strong barefoot 6'2" with his true height in full glory.
It is also a very rare picture in the sense that Arnold is truly in military posture and letting his real height come out with stretched neck, upright back and shoulders pulled out (notice they are not steeply sloping because Arnold is lifting them square and pulling them outwards), which he never used in his bodybuilder days with twisted waists, hunched back and tucked in neck.
The bodybuilder standing right behind Arnold could actually entirely hide behind Arnold because Arnold is so much taller and wider. Yet, Roger Walker always competed in the "Tall man category". He is listed at either 5'10" or 5'11" and 230 pounds competition weight. Yet, Arnold is towering over him by atleast 4 inches.
The bodybuilder with the moustache behind Roger is Mike Mentzer who was 5'8" and 225 pounds at the 1980 Olympia.
The body builder on the extreme right of the picture is Boyer Coe who was 5'8" and he is closest to the camera yet dwarfed by Arnold.
Given 5'10" Roger Walker is getting overshadowed by Arnold barefoot, Arnold looks a strong 6'2".
Lucio said on 19/Jun/09
Yes George, if Ali didn't exist we should him invent, otherwise the Arnold height debate freeze dramatically! LOL.
GeorgeStrombo said on 19/Jun/09
I swear Ali is so stupid and dumb that I almost refuse to believe he is real. I would jokingly call him Editor Rob's program just to keep the debate alive on this board and keep it from dying since with plethora of evidence pouring in from every direction proving Arnold barefoot to be 6'1.5" - 6'2" undisputed, the debate starts to die off until this dumba** program called Ali spews the same nonsense again and everyone jumps right back in. LOL.
RobBoyTodd192cm said on 19/Jun/09
Arnold was 188,5cm out of bed and 186,5cm in the evening.
He lost 2cm during the day
Now he is 183, maybe a little more in the morning.
The tribut of Heavy Weight lifting.
That is the truth! RobBoyTodd the pure muscle machine!
Lucio said on 19/Jun/09
Warning for all guys of this Arnold page: I would recommend you from now that if you need to post some Arnold photos, take care he has without shoes, so Ali can not say that he wears his magic shoes that give him extra height and even that wear massive lifts. lol
Lucio said on 19/Jun/09
Here's another photo where you can see how long Arnold's feet are.
Click HereTo Ali: Keep mind that the height of a person is measured barefoot with no shoes.
As usual, we all can see that my previous request to Ali to show the mail riceived him from Sarah Douglas has remained unheard, as are also my photos of comparison with Sergio Oliva and Frank Zane in the previous post.
I'm not surprised.
177cmmm said on 19/Jun/09
Scroll down to 16/June And look at guys link.
This is a fantastic photo at judging height because he has no shoes and you can see the body proportions. Bodybuilders back then were short and Arnold was a monster among them im 5 '10 and if i was standing in that line up i could tell i would be at least 2 inches shorter than Arnold. In his peak he was at least 6 ft. To say things like he was 5 9 is absolute rubbish when he claimed 6 2 he was in underwear without shoes on you would think someone could tell he was lying if he was only 5 '9
Guy said on 19/Jun/09
Ali: just screw off. You don't exist.
Guy said on 19/Jun/09
The comparison to Bridgette Nielsen has been attempted many times over the past while and it's never worked. For starters, unless she has some kind of abnormally massive conehead cranium, we can assume her hair is mushroomed up through that head piece she's wearing. It shows as her eyeline is well below Arnold's, and she's not likely going to make up for it with gigantism of the upper head. All in all, this seems pretty accurate
Click HereYou can see where the top of Arnold's head is where his hair part is. So to measure from the top of Bridgette's hair as her true apparent height is ridiculous. The film's producers would have sought to capitalize even more height out of her to make her appear even more Amazon.
adam said on 19/Jun/09
Arnold was definitely 6-1
Ali said on 18/Jun/09
Danish Actress most memorable for Red Sonja. A commenter pointed out she said in behind scenes clip for Beverly Hills Cop 2: "Eddie [Murphy] says that he's 5-10 and he says that I'm 6-2. I think that the real thing is that I'm 6 feet tall and Eddie's maybe 5-9 and a half.
Brigitte Nielsen is not 6'1, but 6 ft. In the picture with
Arnold, Nielsen is not standing straight, but Arnold is.
You think Arnold is going to let her stand taller in such
a photo?
Arnold Schwarzenegger an inch taller than Obama? So now
he is 6'2.5? Ah so he has a new peak height at the age
of 60+? Your deluded.Arnold with his lifts stands 6 foot.
Obama is 186-187cm.
Guy, Bush is not 5'11. He is 5'10.
He is shorter than Gordon Brown, who is
Guy, Blair is 6 foot. He might be half an inch shorter.Everybody agrees on this. That is his official height. Clinton is slightly taller. 183-184cm, peak
height might have been 185 cm.
Lucio said on 18/Jun/09
Ali says on 17/Jun/09:
Sarah Douglas(Conan the Destroyer) emailed me back when I asked her about Arnold's height. She told me they were about the same height. She is 5'9 or
Ali, do we show the email in which Sarah Douglas says her tall as Arnold?
Ali, seriously, do we explain this photo with 5'10" Sergio Oliva?
Click HereAnd this one with 5'9" Frank Zane and others?
Click Here
Roger said on 18/Jun/09
Strombo, the pictue with Nielsen is worthless. She is slightly bending. I have seen a photo of her with 5'6'' to 5'9'' guys (Don Simpson, Bruckheimer, E.Murphy), and she does not look taller than they do, though she obviously would tower them all:
Click Here
Roger said on 18/Jun/09
Strombo, Ali is not put to shame because he gets attention - which is what he wants. Ignore him, and he'll fade away soon.
miko said on 18/Jun/09
George that picture with Obama is one of the worst for gauging height I've ever seen. Arnold is on a raised platform!
Arnold is 6"0 at best nowadays.
Ejel Khan said on 18/Jun/09
Arnie has shrunk ... ok! He's barely 6' now. Yes, was much taller, maybe 6'.1.5" in his peak. But he's an ex-bodybuilder, which means osteoporsis, may have set in. I sincereley hope not!
GeorgeStrombo said on 18/Jun/09
Arnold looking 1 inch taller than 6'1" Barrack Obama. Though, the camera is closer to Arnold, the angle at which Obama is looking up to Arnold clearly shows Arnold is atleast an inch taller than Obama:
Click Here
GeorgeStrombo said on 18/Jun/09
Lynn: I am trying to locate the source. It was actually some shoe company where Arnold regularly purchases shoes from that claim he is a size 13 US.
I will post the source up soon. You can see in this picture how long Arnold's feet are. He does look barefoot a strong, undisputed 6'2" since he towers over all the average height guys (5'8" Mentzer, 5'10" Roger Walker and 5'9" Boyer Coe) by several inches.
Click Here
Haze said on 18/Jun/09
made a mistake in last post. meant that the space between ur elbow and wrist is the same size as ur foot. turn ur arm upside down and line ur foot up and it should be the same length (according to wat ive seen) on all people
Haze said on 18/Jun/09
yea kev i would classify a 5'9 guy wearing 12's as wearing clown shoes. i am 6'3 i wear 13 boots and 14 shoes. just off the top of my head..... i can call to mind 6 of my friends that are more or less 6' (withing .25") and none of them wear over a 11.
but it is different for every person. i just think someone ur height wearing 12's would look very strange. if i recall right one of the contributors alex is 6' and wears a 14.
so i guess it just varies.
another thing about foot size that is unrelated but interesting. i was told that the size of ur feet has a direct relation to ur reach (lenght of arms) and was told that the area between ur wrist and elbow is excactly the same on every person.
i didnt believe it but ive had about 20 people i know test this theory and every one of them is DEAD ON the same size, including myself.
take ur bare foot and try it out
Somebodywhoknows said on 17/Jun/09
I just met the governator. I shook his hand and spoke with him for a minute. The only reason I am even on here is because of how shocked I was at his height, I had to look it up to see how tall he says he is. I stand 5' 10'' tall and Arnold couldn't have been an inch taller than me at the most! It was crazy. I would put him at 5' 11'', and I am being generous...I truly felt we were the same height.
Guy said on 17/Jun/09
Arnold certainly does look around 6' there with Bush. Keep in mind Bush is standing straight with his head up to meet Arnold's height and Arnold is slightly hunched with his head hanging to meet Bush's height. It definitely shows Arnold is very minimum 6' today. Maybe if Arnold stood up straight, he would even appear a little taller. If he were only 5'11", as many here claim, he would always just be Bush's height. It's clear in proper photos for comparison that Arnold is always taller than Bush. This is coupled with photos with Blair, Obama, Clinton etc. 5'11" is just a dream. Clinton and 5'11"!?!? Arnold.
Click Here Click Here Click Here Click HereExcellent comparison photo with Obama that this site gives a height of 6'1.25". The internet gives 6'1.5". Arnold looks about exactly one inch shorter.
Click HereCould a 5'11" guy look like this next to Obama?
Click Here
dman said on 17/Jun/09
6'1" in his prime 6 feet now
Lynn said on 17/Jun/09
GeorgeStrombo says on 17/Jun/09
Lucio: Correct. I read that Arnold has really long feet. He is a size 13 (US).
Yes, Arnold has big feet, but where did you take his exact size?
GeorgeStrombo said on 17/Jun/09
Lucio: Correct. I read that Arnold has really long feet. He is a size 13 (US).
Lucio said on 17/Jun/09
When looking at the pictures between Arnold and Blair, someone makes the suspicion that Arnold uses lifts in shoes, should see this picture
Click Here to realize that he always wore big shoes, without necessarily be suspected of wear lifts in his shoes.
He wear wore stylish shoes simply because he has large feet in proportion to his height.
jaked said on 17/Jun/09
Click this link- with 5-11 Bush. Certainly looks 6' on the dot here.
Click Here
anonymous99 said on 16/Jun/09
Guy says on 16/Jun/09
Which one of these guys stands out from the rest?
Awsome, simple and to the point, great post
Sidney Crosby said on 16/Jun/09
Arnold just like Sly Stallone had a brainy head on top of all that muscle. And he's where he's at mostly because of his head, not his muscles. His muscles are just a consequence of the career he intitially pursued in professional bodybuilding. You can tell he was smarter, wittier and more cunning than the average Jo Blo. You can totally see this in Pumping Iron. Both Arnie and Sly are always charming and funny in interviews. Arnold also was very disciplined and driven. If not bodybuilding, he would have been a winner at anything else he chose to be. Saying Arnold made it to the top on roided muscles alone is akin to saying all of you guys are where you are in life only because you were born.
Jay said on 16/Jun/09
Arnold peaked as a bodybuilder in 73. After that he was making so much money in real estate that earning crumbs as a bodybuilder made less and less sense. Oh yeah he wanted to be an actor too.
Guy said on 16/Jun/09
Which one of these guys stands out from the rest?
Click Here
tubbs said on 15/Jun/09
Arnold must be lying when it comes to his footballing exploits then. I recently saw an interview with him from the 70s where he says he played for the Austrian national youth team. Whether he did or not doesn't matter, all I can say is that he would have made an uncomprimising centre half in his my view 6'2" is the optimum height to play at centre half, any thoughts on this guys?
Lynn said on 15/Jun/09
Metric says on 15/Jun/09
Arnold by far had the best upper body of all the competitors in the 80 Olympia.
Mentzer looked like crap compared to Arnold. Zane was great but just too small.
I simply cannot see any other than Arnold deserving to win that night.
In "Arnold Rebuilt" there is footage of him training before the contest.
He looks incredibly HUGE. He looked so fab.
IMO he was better in 80 than in 75. Rippedness, muscle maturity everything came together beautifully in Sydney.
I perfectly agree with you.
He deserved to win the 1980 Olympia.
GeorgeStrombo said on 15/Jun/09
Anonymous: That is flex wheeler and not ronnie coleman.
Roger: To quote Arnold's competition weight, the highest he weighed in an Olympia was in 1971 where he weighed 251.4 pounds and the lightest he weighed was at the 1980 Mr. Olympia when he weighed only 225 pounds. Arnold's best Olympia year was actually 1974 Mr. Olympia when he achieved the perfect balance between muscle size, proportions, conditioning and definition. His legs looked fabulous and huge in 1974 Olympia. He weighed 239 pounds in the 1974 Mr. Olympia evening event. In 1975, Arnold weighed 228 - 230 pounds, but had excellent muscle conditioning simply because he could not put all his muscle back on in time for the Olympia since he lost 40 pounds as per the request of the producer of the movie "Stay Hungry".
Metric said on 15/Jun/09
Get some glasses, dude.
It's Flex Wheeler NOT Ronnie Coleman!
Lucio said on 15/Jun/09
And if you want to own me tell you the truth, for me, still today, if Arnold is training well and put in good physical shape, i do not say he would be win Mr.Olympia, but certainly would be better than the current freaks body builders.
Anonymous said on 15/Jun/09
Arnold in what looks like liftless shoes but thick heels on stage with Ronnie Coleman and Joe Weider...
Click Here
Halb said on 15/Jun/09
"abnormally long torso"? In the image posted by Danimal on 13/Jun/09 his legs look same length as 6'4ish Lou. it looks like he has a smallish upper frame compared to his legs.
Metric said on 15/Jun/09
Arnold by far had the best upper body of all the competitors in the 80 Olympia.
Mentzer looked like crap compared to Arnold. Zane was great but just too small.
I simply cannot see any other than Arnold deserving to win that night.
In "Arnold Rebuilt" there is footage of him training before the contest.
He looks incredibly HUGE. He looked so fab.
IMO he was better in 80 than in 75. Rippedness, muscle maturity everything came together beautifully in Sydney.
In the 70s he just looked like a fat b**t*rd!
Lucio said on 15/Jun/09
Roger, of course Arnold was not very heavy for a tall guy like him, but want to make with today bodybuilder ?
There is no comparison to be done!
Arnold was not very heavy, but this it was to the benefit of the line of proportion and harmony, all things that the today bodybuilder do not even know with them formless masses of muscle mass.
Roger said on 14/Jun/09
True, Arnold was not that heavy for a 186cm guy - at least not compared to today's builders. In 1980, he competed at only around 225 pounds - he would be considered small by today's standards. Though it must be added, he should've never won the 1980 Mr Olympia.
GeorgeStrombo said on 14/Jun/09
BTW, only from the back one can tell how straight the person is standing.
Arnold always stood with his back hunched and curled in so that he could tense his abs and squeeze his stomach in while making his abnormally long torso look short relative to his legs.
Look at this picture from the back and see how badly Arnold used to hunch while posing in bodybuilding:
Click HereIn short, Arnold never really stood up straight in his bodybuilding poses simply because he wanted to make his physique present the proper X-frame and tense his abs.
Guy: You hit the nail right on the head about low angle shots. Don't forget Ferrigno had a lot more hair with his Afro-style hair compared to Arnold's flat and insignificant hair volume at the top of his head.
Here is a far more fair side-by-side comparison of 6'4.5" Ferrigno and 6'2" Arnold. Ferrigno as usual has his poofy afro-style hair and is closer to the camera, yet Arnold does not look shorter by 2 - 2.5 inches maximum.
(Again don't forget Ferrigno's poofy afro hair at the top and the fact that he is closer to the camera).
Click HereClick HereFunny thing is how Arnold (according Ferigno himselfin a recent interview with muscles and fitness with his two sons) weighed 229 pounds at the night of 1975 Mr. Olympia while Ferrigno himself claims to be weighing in at 268 pounds at the night of 1975 Olympia, yet it barely looks Arnold is close to 40 pounds lighter than Ferrigno.
That goes to show how amazing Arnold was at presenting his physique that he could actually make himself look bigger than he actually was especially with his massive chest and arms.
Ferrigno was a maximum 6'4.5" (like his CFL football records say) and Arnold could fluctuate between 6'1.5" - 6'2" Arnold Schwarzenenger.
Jay said on 14/Jun/09
Your personal attacks and wannabe credentials is boring and flies right past me. Here's one fact to end you off : Just about all top strength athletes and bodybuilders have used nandrolone for a long time and do not exhibit the problems you associate with your amazingly talented nameless Danish guys at your heaviest gym in Denmark. The only complaint I have ever heard of Deca use is loss of erectile strength when used for a very long cycle (people who do a cycle for more than 12 weeks are clueless anyway). Easily reversed side effect when a cycle is ended and a luteinizing hormone is used.
End of story.
Metric said on 14/Jun/09
Jay - That's funny. Alot of the HUGE dudes at my gym (the heaviest in Denmark) are on Deca. Many of them who are mid 20s and have been on the stuff since their late teens complain about how it has destroyed their tendons among other things.
It's hilarious to see these guys use smaller weights than me because they are TWICE as big some of them! But they are in pain constantly and can rarely lift heavy if at all?
So yes, Deca is safe.
Hey, I will take your word for it!
Guy said on 14/Jun/09
Danimal:Photography 101. Low angle shots are horrible for judging height especially if one person (Lou) is closer to the camera. Arnold's case here on this site is unique in that he was measured. I don't know of any other celebrity here who has that credential. Essentially photos are estimates and can never replace or override the measured height no matter what someone thinks. Someone might say Arnold just looks 6'.5" in some photo as if this estimate has power of attorney over his MEASURED height. What it comes down to is if he was measured a certain height, he would just merely LOOK some other height in a photo. Even if you look at other celebrities on this site, one 6'2" guy might look taller than another 6'2" guy photographed with Rob. This is due to posture mostly, but shoe heels, or distance from the camera. That doesn't change the fact that both are 6'2" and are the same height.
With the photos displayed of Arnold in his prime bodybuilding days, it would be difficult and tedious to estimate an exact height and unrealistic to expect it to always match his measured height. One thing for sure is that he was definitely something over 6' in photos which corresponds with his measured height. As mentioned before, Arnold's peak height is probably about the best open and shut case on this whole website.
Danimal said on 13/Jun/09
unknown says on 12/Jun/09
George...great points. Also I agree Arnold was 6 feet 1 to 6 feet 2 inches. He fell off a stage on his knee I believe in the 70's or so. So he did have injuries but near Lou F....never looked shorter than 2 inches or so.
Never more than 2"??????
Click Here
Danimal said on 13/Jun/09
I feel comfortable with 5'11.5" for Arnie today (2" height loss).
GeorgeStrombo said on 13/Jun/09
TELLEM: Ferrigno is standing upright while Arnold has his abs tensed and sucked in. That requires curling the lower back, which results in poor posture as far as maximum height is concerned.
I posted side by side pose down pictures of Ferrigno and Arnold. Arnold was 2 - 2.5 inches shorter than Ferrigno at best. I can post them again if you want to see them.
Ferrigno was 6'4.5" peak out of bed while Arnold was 6'1.5" - 6'2" depending on time of the day.
Frank2 said on 13/Jun/09
What reality? What planet are you living on?
yoyo said on 13/Jun/09
in reality arnold hits 5ft11 in morning.. 5ft10 at evening/night hour..
unknown said on 12/Jun/09
George...great points. Also I agree Arnold was 6 feet 1 to 6 feet 2 inches. He fell off a stage on his knee I believe in the 70's or so. So he did have injuries but near Lou F....never looked shorter than 2 inches or so. The movie pumping Iron with them together in the 1975 with them barefoot on the stage didn't show just a 6 feet 1 guy.
Parker said on 12/Jun/09
Jay - Lou Ferrigno is 57 years old. You really believe most men of his age are in an old peoples home and pooing themselves? Your a funny guy.
Roger said on 12/Jun/09
The problem is, Jay, you are never 100% on the safe side when consuming AAS. Never. No matter if you have a dozen PhDs in all fields related to the human body and its chmemistry.
We'll never know for sure if Arnold's heart problems are related to a birth defect (the official version, which IS plausible) or are steroid abuse related (also entirely possible).
To give you an example, I've found people in forums talking about how they did a mild oral only cycle, that many pros might not even take seriously, and messed up their blood lipid values badly. Winstrol was very popular back then, and it is one of those lipid killers. A possible long term side effect is a heart attack.
Lucio said on 12/Jun/09
If we want to know the exact height of Arnold in his prime, just watch pumping iron. The last week I rewatched him and at some point, toward the beginning, the narrator says: "... Arnold Schwarzenegger 28 years age , 6 foot 2, 240 libs weight ... " etc etc..
According to me in a documentary-film like pumping iron, they must tell the truth because technical data such as weight, height and age must be accurate in a competition like Mr. Olympia.
On the other hand, in 1975 Arnold had not yet become a star movie, therefore there was no need to lie about his height.
Guy said on 12/Jun/09
As mentioned Arnold is hunched in this photo and Draper and Park are standing straight
Click Hereso whatever slight lack of stage level, Arnold would easily make up by standing as straight as Draper and Park. I don't see Draper standing far enough back (1 inch?) to make any real difference in a photo shot from that distance. Whatever the case Arnold still looks close to two inches taller than Draper despite Arnold's curled spine ab flex. If you want to correct for flaws in the photo, it doesn't really change anything. There is absolutely no way Arnold could have been under 6'1" in that photo as a minimum.
Ed(1) said on 11/Jun/09
After watching Predator the other night, I can honestly say Arnold looked a legit 6ft1 back then, and that was 1987 making him 40 years old. I'd guess he's around 6ft now, but it's possible he could even be 5ft11.5. The 6ft1.5 peak is a possibility, but I'd say a solid 6ft1 is more like it.
Anonymous said on 11/Jun/09
Arnold's spine is curled to flex his abs while Reg Park is totally stretched out. I think Arnold would have at least another inch if stood perfectly straight.
TELLEM said on 11/Jun/09
JC says on 11/Jun/09
To Ali--- the Roland Dantes picture has been photo-shopped and altered, Take a look at the skin color difference between Euro Arnold and S.E.Asian Dantes.
Dantes appears white and Arnold dark,then look at Norris and Dantes,and you see Dantes is darker. Finally look at dantes next to another asian man in the bottom photo, pretty mich same complexion.
Obviously the photo of Arnold and Dantes has been altered graphically, this tone difference is not due to camera flash, as they are both the same distance from the camera. Once someone starts altering a photo, who knows how far they will take it. I personally could make Mini ME look 6'0 in a doctored photo.
I have worked in photo retouching and CG. for 20 years, and I can tell all of the forum ,DO NOT BELIEVE ALI OR THIS PHOTO...PERIOD.
these arnold fanboys are a riot. Now you say the roland dantes pic and arnold is fake? the guy has the photo up on his myspace. why would he stretch his pic out? do you know how ridiculous you sound? it doesn't matter how many years you've been doing photo retouching, mistakes like this post of yours are bound happen either way.
Halb said on 11/Jun/09
Guy says on 10/Jun/09
...Why would this Dante photo ever be taken as stronger than this photo with a 6' and 6'1-6'2" guy. They are standing in perfect line with each other and in the same posture...
I don't know who those other two are, but AhNold is in front of the one closest to him, and the pic is not level and is on an incline with makes AhNold slightly taller than he should be with the guy on the far right.
Dominic said on 11/Jun/09
The Reagan photo is deceiving because Arnie is standing much closer to the camera. They were probably about the same height right next to eachother.
JC said on 11/Jun/09
To Ali--- the Roland Dantes picture has been photo-shopped and altered, Take a look at the skin color difference between Euro Arnold and S.E.Asian Dantes.
Dantes appears white and Arnold dark,then look at Norris and Dantes,and you see Dantes is darker. Finally look at dantes next to another asian man in the bottom photo, pretty mich same complexion.
Obviously the photo of Arnold and Dantes has been altered graphically, this tone difference is not due to camera flash, as they are both the same distance from the camera. Once someone starts altering a photo, who knows how far they will take it. I personally could make Mini ME look 6'0 in a doctored photo.
I have worked in photo retouching and CG. for 20 years, and I can tell all of the forum ,DO NOT BELIEVE ALI OR THIS PHOTO...PERIOD.
Brad said on 11/Jun/09
Should be 6' 2" peak.
mofo said on 11/Jun/09
he seems very friendly in the pics and looks every bit 6ft maybe even 6ft0.25!
Danimal said on 10/Jun/09
Zane has stated MANY times that his peak height was 5'9.5".
TELLEM said on 10/Jun/09
1st of all Guy, i never said anything about ignoring all other evidence. yes, its one pic, so yes, it should NOT be IGNORED just because it doesn't fit your standards. Because regardless of how GREAT you say your pics are, its not gonna change everybody's opinion of what they think arnold's peak height is so please back off on saying i ignore evidence when you clearly ignore my pic.
derek d said on 10/Jun/09
Guy, the first picture you posted pretty much proves Arnold was at least 6'1 peak, probably 6'1.5. Great picture.
Anonymous said on 10/Jun/09
Trudat Roger, Metric's a communist. lol
Anonymous said on 10/Jun/09
Hahaha boohoo I'm cryin a river cos Arnold is my hero! Just as I suspect Metric, I bet you're the total douche you portray Arnold as being. Totally shows. Guess it takes one to know one eh? Or maybe you're just mirroring or venting what you hate about yourself onto Arnie? Whatever the case, it doesn't take a genius to see everything Metric's said about Arnold, his height and all is deeply rooted and biased towards his personal feelings of the man. I pity the foo!
Roger said on 10/Jun/09
In general, bodybuilding is borderline narcissm, why should Arnold be different here? He went into the world saying "I want to succeed", and that he did. He could not have achieved it by being Mr Nice Guy.
Back to his height, He was slightly taller than Ronald Reagan, when he still had his prime height.
Metric said on 10/Jun/09
Anonymous - LOL, are you sure you are not an Arnold worshipper!???
Sure sounds like it to me, little man.
Well, dry your eyes now and go to bed like mammy says!
See ya, fool.
TELLEM said on 10/Jun/09
heres a closer pic of arnie and roland:
Click Herearnie's foot isn't flat
Anonymous said on 10/Jun/09
Megalomaniac or not, you can't just insinuate that this implies he uses lifts to boost his ego. Stick to the facts like the mounds of liftless photos and accounts from reliable people who've met him like Frank2. Have a good life. Or get one, so you can become your own narcissist and not have to lay down your own shortcomings on Arnold.
SIRCAM said on 10/Jun/09
Arnold with Ronald Reagan 6 ft 1...he really look taller than Reagan...about 2 or 3 inches..
Click Here
Metric said on 10/Jun/09
Anonymous - I'm not denying Arnold has achieved an impressive amount of success in life.
He certainly has!
But there are plenty of other people in the world who are wildly successful and never felt the need to parade themselves around like a clown while screaming "LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME!!!"
No, I'm not borderline but Arnold is clearly narcissistic.
And a megalomaniac.
Have a nice day.
Roger said on 10/Jun/09
Sorry, tubbs, you are wrong. Arnold never played on the national soccer youth team. He was, like many young men, steered toward it, but never took it up. There is no valid and known fact of him having realized anything remarkable in soccer at all.
tubbs said on 10/Jun/09
Arnold could have been a professional footballer too, he played for the Austrian national youth team, but decided to concentrate on bodybuilding instead, a remarkable man.
Metric said on 10/Jun/09
Funny how we haven't heard from Jay on that last link I posted.
Chuckle chuckle.
Ali said on 9/Jun/09
5'10 ish peak height. Has been
wearing his big shoes for 30 years now to
reach 6 foot.
The Dantes picture proves that he was under 6 foot even
back in 1969.
The Arnold height debate has become much easier. The 6'2;6'1 and
6 feet stories can be put in the trash.
Big King said on 9/Jun/09
Danimal, you've forgotten to mention one important celebrity who lost several inches as well and his name is David Prowse who played Darth Vader. He stood 6'6"-6'7" in his prime and he's a weak 6'3" nowadays because of his surgeries. And yes, I think that I'll shrink down to 6'3" when I'm 80 years old and still alive. And sorry I didn't know that we were talking about height loss at older ages.
miko said on 9/Jun/09
As much as I admire Arnold, he is a shadow of his former self today. Age and steroid usage has caught up with him badly in the last 3-4 years.
Unless he gets some serious work done and starts working out again he can forget re-launching his movie career, I'm not sure if his hair is his own anymore as it seems to go thin at the front and then thick again 2 weeks later.
patrik said on 9/Jun/09
I have a photo of me standing next to the wax figure of him in Madame Taussand. I appear to be 1-2 cm taller than him, and I'm about 186 cm, possibly 187. I wore shoes with probably 3 cm heel. So i would be almost 190 cm with these shoes. Do they include the shoes when they determine the height of their figures there?
Jay said on 9/Jun/09
ha @ Metric
So show us by what biological processes does testosterone (natural or synthetic) cause height loss when it is one of the hormones (along with GH) which cause you to grow in the first place?
Metric said on 9/Jun/09
Lucio - I'm not hating Arnold just making an objective observation of the man.
Anyone with half a brain can see that this guy is a self inflating megalomaniac with serious psychological issues.
The thing that never ceases to amaze me is how people (also on this thread) often refer to Arnold as a "down to earth kind of guy"!!!???
I MEAN WTF!!!????
Have you guys EVER read any of his quotes about how he thinks he is born to lead and that 95% of the population need to be told what to think and do!??
This is a man who genuinely feels he is ABOVE the average guy on the street. In accordance with his own quote he feels better than 95% of the population = ALL OF YOU (and me)!
Arnold as a consequence has a dangerously inflated ego a fact which he is gleefully selfconscious about and in fact takes great pride in sharing with all of us!
If ANYONE can call that "down to earth" you need your school money back plus a trip to the local psychiatrist for some tried and tested medicine (to snap you out of your delusional fantasy world)!!
I know Arnold has fooled many people with his happy-go-lucky facade but beneath this perfectly crafted veneer lies another and less flattering truth.
I believe Arnolds psychological makeup stems from the fact that he grew up with an abusive father who was waay too harsh on his children and never showed them true emotions.
Thus Arnold is desperately trying to find the love he never felt from his father through his increasingly clownish public circus and the adulation from countless of gullible fans.
This is also why I don't hate the guy. For in a way I feel sorry for the man and pity his screwed up childhood.
Metric said on 9/Jun/09
Jay - sure you're right! And I'm getting Santa over for dinner this evening!
Have a happy life in Wonderland, bro.
Lucio said on 9/Jun/09
Metric, and then you say not to hate Arnold?
You continue to tell him of all colors.
Sarah said on 9/Jun/09
I'm a 6' 1/2" woman, and I can tell you that Arnold is muchhh shorter than me! I stood next to him two years ago and I doubt that he was over 5'10" or maybe 5'11". I was shocked by how short he was. I really think that 5'10" is the more accurate height estimate.
Mr. Journy said on 8/Jun/09
Arnold cannot be only 183 cms, no way. He's really 188 cms.
Roger said on 8/Jun/09
Metric, can you please stop this Roid nonsense! The reason the skin of Arnold is so full of wrinkles is simply because the skin got stretched when the muscles were full. Now his muscles have atrophied, but the skin stayed stretched, of course.
Danimal said on 8/Jun/09
Big King says on 8/Jun/09
Danimal, well I don't think that any human has the possibility to shrink 4-5". It is different. Most people lose 1" during the day, some lose 0.5" and there are other people who lose 1.5" and a human can lose 2" but not more.
Kid, we're not talking about morning and evening height....haha. We're talking about when someone gets OLDER, they lose height (NOT talking about morning/evening height). We ALL lose height as we grow older (past 40) and if we have surgery on our spine, hips, etc, we lose even more. YES, the human body CAN lose INCHES of height. There are MANY people on this site who HAVE: Roddy Piper, Hulk Hogan, Clint Eastwood, Lou Gosset Jr., ect. AGAIN, we're not talking about morning height. We're talking about ACTUAL PERMANENT height loss.
Big King said on 8/Jun/09
Danimal, well I don't think that any human has the possibility to shrink 4-5". It is different. Most people lose 1" during the day, some lose 0.5" and there are other people who lose 1.5" and a human can lose 2" but not more.
Vladimir said on 8/Jun/09
Arnold with 5'7" Ed Corney:
Click Here
GeorgeStrombo said on 7/Jun/09
Even if Franco was 5'2", he never reached higher than Arnold's shoulder level. That is about 1 foot difference between the two. Arnold was atleast 6'1" in his prime and the pictures I posted below of him barefoot prove it without any doubts.
derek d said on 7/Jun/09
Vladimir says on 6/Jun/09
If Joe Weider is listed as 5'11", than Arnold is about 6'2" barefoot in this picture:
Click Here
and this:
Click Here
Remember, Mike Katz (left) was listed as 6'1" (sometimes 6'2")
Arnold was a tall man in his prime, NO DOUBT!!!
Great post. Arnold is there almost towering a 5'11 man in shoes while he is barefoot. That shows a 6'1.5 minimum peak. I do believe he has had major height loss but I also believe his height loss started in the 80's, not recently.
brotha said on 7/Jun/09
This bs about Arnold not being over 6 ft in the 70's is absolutely laughable. I've posted on more than once a link to a bodybuilding forum where there's a 100 page thread where Serge Nubret HIMSELF say's he used to be 6ft. but now has shrunk to 5'9". I'm not going to bother posting it again as eventually it will be lost in all the crud posted by the
trolls on here which equals about 50 percent of all the posts on this Arnold page.
Big King said on 7/Jun/09
Well, Arnold could be 6'2" out of bed but most of german websites have him at 186cm what is rounded 6'1".
Mr T-Cakes said on 7/Jun/09
in The Running Man, Arnie was visibly a lot shorter than Yaphet Kotto. But I would say he was no less than 6feet, surely.
Danimal said on 7/Jun/09
Franco Columbo was NOT 5'2". They would not have inflated his height by 3". He was said to be no more than 5'4". In 1981, he was taller than 5'2"-5'3" Danny Padilla on stage (BAREFOOT).
Danimal said on 7/Jun/09
Ace says on 6/Jun/09
Reg Park at 5`10 is one of the more laughable things i have ever heard. Serious Ali, why are you doing this. You are only embarrassing yourself with self-contradictory evidence, and poor rationalizing. I know rob won't ban you since all you have done is state your opinion, but it is seriously getting tiresome. Arnold was at absolute minimum 6`1 at his peak, and likely closer to 6`2.
Reg Park was about 4" shorter than Arnold just before he died. There are a ton of pictures floating around from Reg's LAST appearance. It's sad to see a man who was EXACTLY Arnold's height barefoot 40 years ago DID go down to about 5'9" just before his passing. Joe Weider who was a legit 5'10" man (some references have him at 5'11") is around 5'6" today. It's sad, but some people CAN shrink 4-5" if VERY ILL.
Lucio said on 7/Jun/09
Ali, you're a giant
troll that pretends not to know !
Since you are here to make a race who can shoot the largest, at least make sure that the nonsense you say have a minimum of truthfulness, if not no one take more seriously.
For what can serve, here is the page of Reg Park with the data of its measures to its peak, including his height.
Click HereI agree with Guy, Arnold in the photo with dantes is in a relaxed position that makes it very difficult if not impossible, to stand on tip toes.
So Arnold is certainly not on tiptoe, but seems to be due to the particular angle that was taken the photo.
So save your arbitrary drawings on the photo that you have posted so why not show anything.
If hundred photos that say one thing, there is one who says something different, you can not take that one photos as evidence, because it can be explained in several ways.
For example, here is another pictures of Arnold barefoot with a 5'9 "Frank Zane
and others body builders
Click Here
Guy said on 7/Jun/09
Well Ace, as predicted, Ali begins to dramatically downgrade everyone's height to meet his own personal criteria. Ali: overdose on whatever drug your taking to hallucinate Draper and park were 5'9" and 5'10". Do you have proof? You are just making up your own facts in your own reality. Everyone, didn't I predict he would do this! As expected he says nothing about the Sergio and frank Zane photos I provided.
GeorgeStrombo's response to his David Letterman logic was spot on. I couldn't be bothered at the time to comment how stupid it was because it seemed redundant. It's just mixed up convoluted logic that no intelligent adult would ever try and pass off. Like I've said before, Metric and Lynn are at least reasonable albeit wrong with promoting Arnold at 6' or 6' 05". We are talking about a pitiful inch or inch and a half. But 5'10" is pathetic from every level you could imagine.
Again Metric posts a photo with an angle that has a poor angle advantage for Arnold. Arnold looks small compared to Cameron who is much closer to the camera but not at all as short compared to Cameron's twin brother Tyler. It's funny how I commented on this kind of photo send up with Metric in my last post and then BAM! You could argue (with Metric's logic) that Tyler is 4 inches shorter than Cameron there. He certainly looks it.
Roger said on 7/Jun/09
Why do I make more sense these days? It's useless to make nonsense posts like Ali (who must be having ball because some here refuse to ignore, but try convince him of what he knows, but has fun denying) and sometimes Metric ("James Belushi is taller than Arnold", lol).
I think Arnold is only interesting in that estimating his shrinkage to be continued is fun. Will we see 5'10'' for him? I don't rule it out anymore
As of now, I just have him at a weak 6' after sleep and around 5'11.5'' for the rest of his day. Nothing new here, been saying that now for close to a year.
The more I read about his medical past, the more sense it makes. I honestly did not know Arnold had hip surgery or even a hip replacement.
Lucio said on 6/Jun/09
Ali, you are not stupid, you do the stupid!
You are a giant
Since you are here to make a race who can shoot the largest, at least make sure that the stupidity you say have a minimum sense, if not no one take more seriously.
For what can serve, here is the page of Reg Park with the data of its measures to its peak, including its height (Ali, do the effort with the scroll wheel mouse up to half page).
Click HereI agree with Guy, Arnold in the photo with dantes is in a relaxed position that makes it very difficult if not impossible, to stand on tip toes.
So Arnold is certainly not on tiptoe, but seems to be due to the particular angle that was taken the photo.
So save your arbitrary drawings on the photo that you have posted so why not show anything.
If hundred photos that say one thing, there is one who says something different, you can not take that one photos as evidence, because it can be explained in several ways.
For example, here is another pictures of Arnold barefoot with a 5'9 "Frank Zane
and others body builders
Click Here
Vladimir said on 6/Jun/09
If Joe Weider is listed as 5'11", than Arnold is about 6'2" barefoot in this picture:
Click Hereand this:
Click HereRemember, Mike Katz (left) was listed as 6'1" (sometimes 6'2")
Arnold was a tall man in his prime, NO DOUBT!!!
TELLEM said on 6/Jun/09
arnold at the most i'd give him would be 6'1 peak
TELLEM said on 6/Jun/09
look at arnie's feet in the roland dantes pic, and tell me that isn't tip toeing. his feet aren't flat on the floor, he has height advantage.
GeorgeStrombo said on 6/Jun/09
Like I stated in my previous post that Arnold was Ferrigno's idol because he shattered the myth that tall bodybuilders can never become Mr. Olympia and Ferrigno in his book states Arnold had "similar height" as Ferrigno himself so he was closest he could emulate alongside Steve Reeves (but, Steve Reeves did not have the mass Ferrigno wanted). FERRIGNO HIMSELF SAID ARNOLD WAS 6'2"!!!!
Barefoot Arnold vs 6'4.5" Ferrigno (Verified in CFL Football records and 1975 Strongest Man Contest. NO BULLSH*T HERE!)
Click HereArnold is no shorter than 2.5 - 3 inches maximum. If Ferrigno is 6'4.5", Arnold could not be shorter than 6'1.5" in 1975. IMPOSSIBLE!!!
Arnold barefoot with 6'1" Reg Park
Click HereArnold on-stage barefoot is taller than 6'1" Reg Park, which puts him at 6'1.5" - 6'2" in the 1960s and 1970s
Arnold barefoot vs 5'9" Sergio Oliva and 5'11" Serge Nubret
If Arnold was 5'9", what does that make the mass monster Sergio Oliva?? 5'4"?? What a load of cr*p!
Click HereClick HereArnold barefoot at Mr. Olympia 1980
Arnold stuck out like needle in a heystack at the 1980 Olympia towering over every other competitor BAREFOOT!!
Arnold towering over 5'8" Mentzer and 5'10" Roger Walker
Click HereArnold towering over 5'6" Chris Dickerson and 5'9" Frank Zane at 80 Mr. Olympia
Click HereArnold towering over Mentzer, Zane and Tenerino at 80 Olympia
Arnold was undisputedly 5 - 6 inches taller than Mentzer (Mentzer himself called Arnold 6'2" and himself 5'8" in a 1984 interview).
In this deceving picture Arnold looks only as tall as 5'8" Mentzer:
Click HereHere is a true height comparison of Arnold with Mentzer where Arnold towers over Mentzer:
Click Here
Jay said on 6/Jun/09
The problem you have is you can't measure an inch properly. You think there is two inches from Arnold's eyebrow level to the top of his head. Everyone here apart from you has long known that there are at least four inches from your eyebrows to the top of the crown of your head and sometimes five inches for some people. You also have to stop counting Roland Dantes big hair as his real height. The top of his skull reaches the middle of Arnold's nose.
Iceman said on 6/Jun/09
I'm just shy of 6'. About 1976 Arnold was in Seattle for a book signing, He and I waked side by side out a door. He is just a shade shorter than I.
Doug said on 6/Jun/09
5'8'' peak and 5'6.5'' by now? What kind of a joke are you? Yeah and Stallone is 5'1". Arnie is STILL close to 6' in shoes or not. Certainly no lower than 5'11".
Doug said on 6/Jun/09
Watched Terminator 1 from 1984 and I have to say Arnie looked a lot taller than he did in the sequel and evne in the 90s. In some scenes I thought he looked as high as 6'3". He was definately close to a legit 6'2" in his prime. Nowadays looks somewhere between 5'11.5" and 6'0.5" which is still tall but not noticeably tall.
Ace said on 6/Jun/09
Reg Park at 5`10 is one of the more laughable things i have ever heard. Serious Ali, why are you doing this. You are only embarrassing yourself with self-contradictory evidence, and poor rationalizing. I know rob won't ban you since all you have done is state your opinion, but it is seriously getting tiresome. Arnold was at absolute minimum 6`1 at his peak, and likely closer to 6`2.
Ali said on 6/Jun/09
Draper, Reg Park are all 5'9 or 5'10.
Arnold is only as tall as Roland Dantes, that
makes him around 5'10.
Any intelligent human being knows that Arnold did not grow
after 1969. So how did he become as tall as 6 ft and 6'0.5 guys
like Letterman, Eastwood etc... The answer is simple lifts.
It does not matter whether he is broad, skinny, wide, muscular etc..
He is only 5'10 and the picture with Roland Dantes shows it. The
extra height he gets, is from lifts.
You can say Reg Park is 6'1(5'10) or Lou Ferrigno was 6'5(6'3) or Franco
Columbo was 5'5(5.2) It's all nonsense.
The Arnold height debate has become much easier now with the Roland
Dates picture. Arnold is tiptoeing big time and he is closer to the camera.
Arnold's tiptoeing advantage is bigger than the extra height Dantes is
getting from his shoes.
Here check this out:
Click HereThe 6ft, 6'1 and even more absurd 6'2 claims can stop.
Metric said on 6/Jun/09
Arnold VS 6-5 man:
Click HereCameron Winklevoss (pic) has terrible posture.
Arnold is standing straight like some kind of Stallone.
Still he gets owned seriously.
He looks however no shorter than 5-11 and no taller than 6-0 here
Guy said on 6/Jun/09
Ali, Metric (Roger's making more sense these days) and many others are typical
trolls in that they ignore the mountains of evidence provided for Arnold being tall in lieu of these pitiful scant obscure photos. Ali makes mentioning at the end of his post that the debate is now over. This is the classic case of a self absorbed tunnel vision ego approach where nothing exists outside of his own world. The fact this one photo, to which he thinks Arnold is standing on his toes (he's not), should destroy all the hundreds and thousands of other bare foot bodybuilding photos is a clear case of this. Why else would Ali ignore the barefoot shots with 5'10" Sergio, and 5'9" Zane? What do you think of these photos.
Click Here Click Here Click HereWhat about the recently posted 6' Draper and 6'1"-6'2" Reg Park. Why are those photos never reflected on? I mentioned before Ali won't and will not attempt to account for them. He'll find some other stupid excuse or give up and go back to his usual spamming 5'10" plus lifts routine.
Then we have Metric, who really is very similar to Ali in thinking style, who cherry picks photos with bad angles as his proof or recently a video clip where David Letterman is closer to the camera 90% of the time. His style is to use any photo or video where Arnold looks shorter regardless of variables. If Arnold appears literally shorter on screen he'll pump it up as the "proof" even though it's clear Arnold is farthest from the camera or there's a strange angle involved.
Midget said on 5/Jun/09
Excellent point Frank2. I agree with Arnie still being over 6' tall nowadays.
Lucio said on 5/Jun/09
first point: when it suits you very well know to go see the heights of celebrity (Dantes) when you do not agree you find any excuse to not admit the truth (Reg Park) that is tall 6'1 ".
If I were in any doubt you comparing the photos I posted with that of dantes I would, but we continue.
Second point:
I agree with Guy, the posture of Arnold is relaxed and completely incompatible for someone who stand in the tips of the feet, which must be given by the effective optical particular angle of the photo.
Third point:
Dantes in sneakers that give him an advantage of about 1 inch, so rather than being 5'10 "is about 5'11", while Arnold is barefoot.
If out of 10 pictures that prove a fact there is one that seems to say otherwise, you can not take one single picture and take it as evidence, because it raises some doubts.
Daniel said on 5/Jun/09
Have you seen the photograph in the Roland Dantes page, Frank2?
James said on 5/Jun/09
Arnold 6'0 in his peak? hahahaha The man was at least 6'1.5, probably closer to 6'2.
Metric said on 5/Jun/09
I agree with Daniel.
TELLEM said on 5/Jun/09
anyone can see that arnie is on his tip toes in that pic. it doesn't take a scientist to figure that out.
Frank2 said on 5/Jun/09
I've met him on at least two occasions and each time he appeared to be at least 6'2". And both times he did not appear to be wearing lifts or shoes with large heels.
Why is it that guys who are truly tall get so much time devoted to them on this website? Makes zero sense to me. Like those who argue John Wayne wasn't 6'4" but was more like 6'. It's kind of silly.
Arnold is such a broad guy that when you see him in person from a distance he doesn't appear to be 6'2". But when you walk right up and stand next to him you instantly come to realize he's well over six feet.
Daniel said on 5/Jun/09
What a bunch of stubborn Arnold's supporters we have here! Maybe Ali is exaggerating when he claims only 5'10'' for Arnold Schwarzenegger peak height, but that photograph PROVES that the Austrian guy was NEVER above 6' even. Please, when are you gonna stop this BS about 6'2'' for Schwarzenegger?
GeorgeStrombo said on 5/Jun/09
Guy and Anon are completely correct. I am sure editor Rob will confirm that as well. It is physically impossible to be tip toing and being able to hold the posture Arnold is holding with Dante. Arnold's back is curled in and flexed so he is not even standing completely upright.
If anything, the picture tells taking out Dante's poofy hair and the fact that he is wearing training shoes giving him 0.75 - 1 inches, Arnold was atleast 6'12.5" - 6'2" in 1969. End of story.
Ali said on 5/Jun/09
Guy,Anon, Georgestrombo the truth is
there and everybody can see it.
Arnold was never even 6 feet. The matter has been
Now we can discuss wat is height is, 5'9.5,5'10 or 5'10.5.
My god Arnold was sensitive about his height even all the
way back then. Tiptoeing big time. Giving himself and inch
or more by tiptoeing. Also Arnold is standing closer to the
Arnold and Dantes are about the same height.
Editor Rob, what is your opinion on this picture?
Hugh 190cm said on 5/Jun/09
6ft2 peak definetely.
Metric said on 5/Jun/09
You are in denial, Guy.
Arnold is clearly on his toes! No fake angles or BS here!
Just plain proof that prime Schwarzenegger was NEVER more than 6-0 at best.
Guy said on 5/Jun/09
Ali: at least you are starting to do some work instead of just filling the board with spam. I checked out the photo. If Dante was 5'10" he is 5'11" in shoes. Regardless of whether he is standing on his toes or not, Arnold is still a full 3 inches taller. Arnold would look about 6'2" there. I'm not entirely convinced Arnold is standing on his toes there. For one thing, you try standing like that on your tip toes with your one leg straight and the other knee bent and leaning in. That's difficult and impractical. secondly I think it just looks like Arnold is standing on his toes because of the angle. The angle of the sole of his foot looks too straight for him to be standing on his toes. Either way it doesn't help your cause much. You claim Arnold was 5'10" max barefoot. A 5'10" guy would never look like that standing on his toes. If Arnold was only 5'10" and always claimed 6'1 1/2"-6'2", why in the world would he ALWAYS work the gym in bare feet? There is a big difference between 5'10" and 6'2" as one height is average and other is a genuinely tall status height. He wouldn't fool anyone. Just like a 5'6" guy would be a fool to claim 5'10". It would be even more ridiculous of course if that 5'6" guy would always strut around bare foot. If anything that photo shows Arnold looked around 6'2" in 1969. Don't forget he WAS measured in that same year.
Ron said on 5/Jun/09
Arnolds not tiptoeing, Dates is wearing shoes too. Arnold is at least 6'1 in this pic
Ali said on 4/Jun/09
HAHAHAHAH. Go look at the
Roland Dates site here.
Arnold and Roland Dates together. Roland Dates 178cm
and Arnold are about the same height.Arnold is tiptoeing
big time.
This is the proof that Arnold was never 6'1.5.HAHAHAHAHAH.
Only 5'10.
Click HereEven in those days Arnold was sensitive about his heigt, tiptoeing
to look taller.
Come on editor Rob, you cannot ignore this proof. While we cannot
really see if Arnold is 5'9.5,5'10, or 5'10.5, it's clear that
the 6'1.5 claims were ridiculous.
He isn't even 6 feet in the picture and this is when he was
in his prime.
The Arnold height debate can finally stop.
Ali said on 4/Jun/09
GeorgeStrombo Letterman is not 6'2. He is
not even 6'1.
Obama isn't 6'2 and he is clearly taller than
Letterman. So how is Letterman 6'2? Magic?
You have a 1990 video of Arnold with Letterman
promoting ''Total Recall''? You are as a I expected
nothing more than a fan and your biased.
Arnold peak height 5'10. Nowadays 5'9.5. He gets 2
inches from his lifts. Making him 6 foot.
Roger said on 4/Jun/09
Arnold was slightly shorter than Letterman, he was for sure not 6'2''.
He was also for sure never 5'10'' max., I think everyone including Ali know it too well. 187 cm was his absolute max. in the morning, 188 cm is out of question.
Daniel said on 4/Jun/09
GeorgeStrombo, instead of acting like Glenn and insult Ali, why don't you go to the Roland Dantes page and see the picture of Schwarzenegger and Dantes together?
GeorgeStrombo said on 4/Jun/09
Metric: Wrong. Like I said, wait till the evening and I will put up proof of Arnold and 6'2" Letterman side-by-side in 1990 when Arnold was promoting "Total Recall".
Arnold was IDENTICAL to 6'2" Letterman in height.
Metric said on 4/Jun/09
Arnold was NEVER as tall as Letterman. He always looked at least 1 inch shorter!
Click Here
GeorgeStrombo said on 4/Jun/09
Ali: You are a complete
troll. Shoot the messenger or shoot the
You NEVER EVER admit to any of the proof supporting the evidence Arnold was atleast 6'1.5". You keep coming up with bullsh*t like Arnold was 5'9" and 6 foot with lifts?? You are nothing more than
Arnold shorter than Letterman?? WTF are you smoking dude?? What does that have anything to do with your claim of Arnold being 5'9" and wearing 4 inches lifts to become 6'1"??
I have a video at home I will post up tonight of Arnold from 1990 promoting "Total Recall" at David Letterman. They both stood right side by side for a good 5 - 7 seconds shaking hands and Arnold was identical to Letterman in height. Arnold was farther away from the camera and yet he was still as tall as letterman.
Wait till the evening when I get home and post up the video proving Arnold was identical in height to Letterman. Arnold was atleast 6'1" even in the early 1990s and this video will prove that beyond a doubt.
Then again, Arnold compared to Letterman has nothing to do with your claims of Arnold wearing 4 inches lifts to become 6'1" when his real height according to you is 5'9". That still does not explain Arnold's 5000+ pictures barefoot including people who say him barefoot in the gym every day vouching for the fact that he was 6'2" including his enemies like Mike Mentzer or people who measured him yet hated him like Vince Basilli.
You are a biased ignorant fool in denial and here with an agenda to disrupt the flow of discussion. Nothing more and nothing less.
Metric said on 4/Jun/09
Read the article, Roger. It says Arnold has a medical record worthy of a senior citizen! In other words he is like a 80 yr old man!
Hell, he already shrank as much as one!
Can you spell r o i d s ??
Ali said on 4/Jun/09
Roger and Lucio instead of killing the messenger,
why don't you answer the points I made in my
previous post.
Arnold was shorter than Letterman. Letterman is
shorter than 185 cm. This is not recently,but
about 20 years ago.
So even 20 years ago he was shorter than 184cm.
If you don't want to answer these points, it's simply
that you cannot handle the truth.
Roger said on 4/Jun/09
Metric, have you actually been so close to Arnold that you heard "his bones snap like twigs all the time"? I doubt it.
Metric said on 4/Jun/09
Lol, that dr. Kevin Ehrhart must be Glenns deluded medical friend!?
I mean Arnold has "excellent bone health"?? Yes, OF COURSE, doc!
That's why his bones snap like twigs all the time and why his hip completely pulverized!
One word, "doc": ROIDS!
Wonder how much Arnold Inc. is paying this deluded nutter to lie like this?
Schwarzenegger is in "excellent health"!?
Now that's true comedy, folks!
Daniel said on 4/Jun/09
Go to the Roland Dantes page and see by yourselves Arnold was never more than 1.83m (6 feet even) at his peak
Mathew said on 3/Jun/09
I would guess he was a legitimate 6'1" prime, and a strong 5'11" to weak 6' now.
Lucio said on 3/Jun/09
Ali, it's useless to talk to you, go forward in your street without hearing or seeing anything, take any evidence, even the most obvious, is discarded a priori.
As I have said you before, the height of Reg Park is on this site under the letter "P" and is 6'1, but so is unnecessary, you will continue to deny that Arnold is more than 6 'even if you meet in person!
Thanks Guy, but with Ali is useless.
TELLEM said on 3/Jun/09
arnold at 5'10 is a riot. Since when has he been accused of constantly wearing lifts? thats stupid. its common sense that a 5'10 man would NOT be claiming 6'2
GeorgeStrombo said on 3/Jun/09
Roger: Yes, Arnold has had his hip bones replaced as well (must be because of squating over 500 pounds on his back for reps).
Here you go. A good detailed article on history of Arnold's surgeries. It mentions Arnold's hip replacements as well:
Click Here
Cobra said on 3/Jun/09
Roger says on 3/Jun/09
Btw, I have Arnold at 5'8'' peak and 5'6.5'' by now. He wears custom lifts and also has bionic modules inserted in his hip region that are detectable on some photos. Might be 5'5'' in the not so distant future.
That`s not true. I saw him 3 years ago when I was on vacation in California (with my family) My mum is 5ft6, and she stood next to him. (she in sandals, he in dress shoes) He was at least 2 inches shorter, so, he was 5ft4 at that time (being generous). Not sure how tall he is now. Back then he could also have worn lifts though. Wouldn`t rule out 5ft3 then. Maybe even 5ft2. Wouldn`t go under 5ft2 though.
Roger said on 3/Jun/09
Hip replacements? I did not know that. Where did you find it?
I think Ali in general enjoys stirring us up here from time to time. My suggestion: let's ignore him, his routine is so lame by now.
Btw, I have Arnold at 5'8'' peak and 5'6.5'' by now. He wears custom lifts and also has bionic modules inserted in his hip region that are detectable on some photos. Might be 5'5'' in the not so distant future.
GeorgeStrombo said on 3/Jun/09
Roger: You forgot Arnold's hip replacements, broken leg in a ski accident, damaged knee ligaments in motorcycle accident and broken ribs in another motorcycle accident.
Roger said on 3/Jun/09
One thing is for sure, as dumb as Ali is, he is fun. Especially that he describes Arnold as a "healthy" man. I would not call a man who had one of his valves replaced as "healthy".
tubbs said on 3/Jun/09
I remember watching a documentary on the making of Terminator, and one of the producers said originally Lance Henriksen was lined up to play the Terminator, and portray him alsmost as a preying mantis......Lance's size and shape fitted the bill of someone who wouldn't stand out, he then mentioned that it was great when Arnold got the job as it was funny that a 6'2" guy who was ripped was meant to be a silent assassin, but stuck out like a sore thumb.
GeorgeStrombo said on 3/Jun/09
yoyo: You are completely wrong. Jim claims to be 6.175 and now 6.125 so check your math.
If Arnold and Jim stood side-by-side without the stupid and dodgy arm around Arnold gesture Jim is putting on, they would nearly be identical in height (excluding Jim's poofy hair).
Secondly, that Jim picture should not even be there since he has an unfair advantage over Arnold of putting his arm over Arnold's shoulder. Arnold is actually support Jim's weight and Jim's weight is compressing Arnold. Have you ever noticed in the hospital how a sick person not able to walk properly being held by a nurse at a hospital compresses the nurse and makes him/her look shorter?? Same is the case here.
It is also easy for Jim to lift his heels up while staying stable and errect straight as well since Arnold is supporting his weight and it further compresses Arnold as well.
Secondly, Jim's hair are very poofy atleast compared to Arnold. That is giving him about 1 inch advantage.
All in all, Jim and Arnold were nearly identical in height give or take 0.5 an inch.
Ali said on 3/Jun/09
Lucio, you and many try the same thing everytime.
How do you know that Reg Park was 6'1?
Vince Basille measured Arnold at 187cm. I don't
care about these things as it is clear that Arnold was
never taller than 6 feet(with lifts).
He simply is not a tall man. Even the idea that Arnold
who according to many fans here used to be 6'1.5 has now shrunk
to 5'11.5 is completely ridiculous! Arnold is a healthy man
who stands strong and straigth and the idea that he lost 2 inches
at age 60 is just a pathetic coverup. Now Clint Eastwood has lost
2-3 inches height, but Arnold no.
Tellem Arnold claimed to be 6'2 even when he was
in politics. Then many reporters started to question
his height and he lowered it to 6'0.
Arnold claimed 6'2, because he is 5'10 ish, with
lifts that make him 6'0. Well 6'0 in Hollywood
is often more than 6'0. That is why he claimed
6'2. Arnold was the ''BIG'', very strong actionhero.
Arnold was shorter than David Letterman. David Letterman
is no 6'1. I have proven this.
David Letterman is the same height as Bill Clinton. Bill
Clinton is an inch shorter than Obama who is 186-187cm,
which makes Bill about 184cm. Obama was also clearly
taller than Letterman.
Click HereClick HereNow since Letterman and Clinton are exactly the same height
and Arnold is shorter than Letterman, you do the math.
He was less than 184 cm WHEN HE WAS STILL YOUNG with
his famous lifts. Don't tell me he had lost height
at this age.
Arnold in 1988 is shorter than Jim in the picture on this site. He
is clearly more than an inch shorter and Jim isn't even standing
straight. Let's not forget the famous Arnold lifts.
Arnold peak height 5'10 with lifts 6'0. Nowadays he has
lost about 0.5 inch making him 5'9.5 and with lifts
he is 5'11.5. For special occasions he has bigger lifts
giving him another 0.5-1 inch.
MHouillon said on 3/Jun/09
6 ft is a bid too high for him today, though 5'10 is too low. 181-182cm is Arnie's height today.
yoyo said on 3/Jun/09
i realise jim whose 6ft1.25 above looks 1.5inch over Arnie. Arnie could be 5ft11.5 at his hey day. nowadays close to 5ft11.
Guy said on 3/Jun/09
Good post GeorgeStrombo.
RisingForce said on 3/Jun/09
Fair enough Roger, but to me it seems highly unlikely that he was at his highest in the evening when Basille measured him.
Guy said on 3/Jun/09
That's a good comparison Lucio. It is physically impossible for someone 5'10" to pull off that impression in bare feet. Dave Draper himself was 6' tall and Arnold looks almost 2 inches on him. In that photo, the ground is level, they are each standing straight in the same fashion, and they are standing in perfect line with each other so no one is closer or farther from the camera. To top it off they are all barefoot so we can't have any whining about heels or lifts.
What it comes down to Lucio, Ali can't and won't explain it. The only way is to emulate Lynn by retrofitting each person photographed with Arnold with a new and lower height. I seriously think Ali is either a child or a slow adult. He really doesn't understand the concept of proving a point with evidence. He makes no attempt to search for and provide any evidence for these lifts, but thinks we can all share in his belief that they are "magic". That also makes me wonder if he's possibly schizo. I agree with whoever said we are just feeding this guy attention which is what he seems to desire. I'm just curious, if he is in fact a fully functioning adult, how he goes about his life and what makes him tick.
Roger said on 3/Jun/09
We don't know how long Arnold was awake when Vince photographed him. And height loss is very individual. There might well be fellows who lose surprisingly little.
Metric said on 3/Jun/09
True, Rising. Arnolds present height is the most interesting.
RisingForce said on 3/Jun/09
Roger, do you honestly think that Arnold would lose less than half an inch from morning to evening?
Midget said on 2/Jun/09
I agree RisingForce. Arnie must still be close to 6' these days.
Lucio said on 2/Jun/09
Ali seriously, out of curiosity try to explain this photo:
Click Here Reg Park is listed here at 6'1 (185 cm), both are barefoot then you can't adduce as evidence that Arnold wearing lifts or "magic shoes that give him extra height".
Now tell me how a guy tall (in your opinion) 5'10 (Arnold at his peak) can be tall as a 6'1 guy like Reg Park.
Roger said on 2/Jun/09
No, RisingForce, we don't know how much Arnold had lost when he was measured. So, yes, 6'1.5'' is fact, how much above will always be speculation.
RisingForce said on 2/Jun/09
Every time I watch Red Heat it's obvious that Arnold was noticeably taller than Belushi. I don't get this debate about Arnold's peak height. He was measured specifically at 6'1.5" in the evening by a man who doesn't even like Arnold and would have no reason to lie. Arnold looked that height next to countless bodybuilders barefoot. Lifts aren't the answer to everything. Arnold was 6'1.5" evening height and 6'2" in the morning. That's a fact.
I'm not sure how tall Arnold is now, but I'd guess about 6 feet. That's the real question, his height now. Unlike his peak height, his current height hasn't been proven.
Danimal said on 2/Jun/09
Why are you all feeding the
troll = Ali?
TELLEM said on 2/Jun/09
This Ali guy is funny, 5'10 for arnold? LOL. so all these 6'2 CLAIMS that arnie has made are a big huge JOKE? WHY would arnold not just claim 6'0 if he was 5'10? thats a big joke.
GeorgeStrombo said on 2/Jun/09
Ali is royally stupid and dumb with a secret agenda of deflating heights. Calling Arnold 5'9" prime is borderline demented and completely fabricated lie. I posted proof of Predator cast calling Arnold 6'2" (Sonny Landham, Jesse Ventura, Carl Weathers and John McTiernan).
It is beyond belief especially in the wake of 5000+ pictures of Arnold barefoot back in his bodybuilding days towering over 95% people by more than 4 inches easily.
Heck, even his enemies who competed with him on-stage vouched for the fact that Arnold was 6'2" barefoot prime.
- Vince Basilli who measured Arnold at 6'1.5" in particular hated Arnold because as a judge Arnold was the only judge to place him in last place at the 1974 Mr. Australia contest.
- Mike Mentzer in his furious interview in 1984 against Arnold about the 1980 Olympia said Arnold was "skinny" at 6'2" and 225 lbs at the 1980 Olympia while Mentzer himself weighed 225 pounds at only 5'8"
Given mountains of evidence, calling Arnold anything less than 6'1" prime is simply false and a lie. Period.
Guy said on 2/Jun/09
Circumstantial evidence doesn't cut it Metric. Nice theory but what about all the other people photographed with Arnold that show he was over 6' in his prime. Since when was Glenn the be all end all final verdict on this anyways let alone this "Glenn formula" which you claim takes 1-1.5" off his estimates. Your thinking is almost surreal.
Second. Ali, do ever reread what you write? Do you see anyone here thinking you make great points and show convincing evidence? All you do is spam, spam, spam. It's all about the lifts. Was Arnold wearing lifts barefoot on stage bodybuilding or barefoot in the gym. You are either schizo or seriously lack something else that makes you appear slow.
The Belushi photo certainly could never be used as an additional photo at the top of this page. At such a close range shot, Belushi has some camera advantage, and Arnold is throwing his head back which places it even further from the camera. Belushi is only 54, so assuming he's lost any height is not likely but not not out of the question. We should assume he is still about 5'11" but many say he is a little more. The photo is imperfect, but understanding what is wrong with it, Arnold still looks minimum 6' there. It's still a far cry from Red Heat where Arnold did look almost 6'2".
Click Here
Jay said on 2/Jun/09
Glenn did not meet Arnold in his prime. Arnie was well in his 40s when Glenn met him.
Metric said on 2/Jun/09
The consensus around here seems to be that Glenn inflated most celebs 1-2 inches!? Right?
Remember how he saw Arnold at 5-11?
That would actually put Arnold at 5-9 to 5-10 !!
Remember the pic of Arn and Glenn? Everyone was always saying how Arnold towered Glenn and look every bit of 6-2 there. Now that we know Glenns true height we can easily deduct 1-1.5 inches from that pic. If we do that AND adjust for perspective (Glenn was far in the background) we end up with a 6-0 PRIME Arnold in that pic!
AGAIN this is in line with Glenns own estimations IF we remember to adjust for his tendency to overestimate celebs: Glenn said 6-2 for Arnold early 90s which would mean around 6-0 adjusted!
Everything fits together nicely. 6-0 prime, 5-11 today and probably 5-10 in just a few short yrs??
Metric said on 2/Jun/09
Taylor - he looks shorter on my screen.
Ali said on 1/Jun/09
That's right Metric. Arnold is not a big guy. He used
to be big simply because all of the muscles. His chest
and shoulders/arms are really average.
We see Arnold being the same height and maybe even smaller than
Arnold is 5'10ish without lifts. He was never tall. He used to be
about 6 foot with lifts. We all know that 6 foot in real life is
is 6'1 or 6'2 in Hollywood.
Yes Roger, Arnold is shorter than Belushi when he is not wearing
lifts. Belushi is above average. Arnold was taller than Belushi
in ''Red Heat'' because he wore lifts.
Anonymous said on 1/Jun/09
Good scenes with Arnie and Belushi in Red Heat. Arnie had Belushi by about 2-3" it seems.
Click Here
Lucio said on 1/Jun/09
But he also sees a blind man that the posture of Arnold is bad, he's all tilted to the left and we don't see what kind of shoes they wear.
Bad example to evaluate the height.
Jay said on 1/Jun/09
Tony Blair does not wear lifts. I bumped (literally) into Cherie Blair before Xmas and she was 5ft 11 in heels. I apologised and let her walk ahead of me and we walked in the same direction for a minute. I was shocked because I had never thought of her as tall. When I got home I checked photos of her and lo behold she is generally about 5ft 10 to 5ft 11 depending on the size of her heels. Blair was always 6ft 1 in shoes.
Taylor said on 1/Jun/09
Wow... in no way does Arnold look shorter than Belushi there. You have to be insane to see that.
Metric said on 1/Jun/09
No, Roger. I'm TELLING you that's the way IT IS! Don't be such a bit*h about it.
Roger said on 1/Jun/09
Wtf??? Is it Bronstein time all over again, Metric? Are you seriously suggesting Arnold looks shorter than Belushi???
Metric said on 1/Jun/09
Lol. Arnold looks 5-10 next to Belushi!! He is also smaller; chest and shoulders. Belushi looks like he could crush him. It's the reverse of Red Heat!
Roger said on 1/Jun/09
If Belushi (who looks awful in the picture, btw) is 5'11'', than Arnold is 6'. He has an inch on him.
GeorgeStrombo said on 1/Jun/09
MHouillon: Granted I believe Arnold today has shrunk to 5'11.5" - 6' now from 6'1.5" - 6'2", but so has James Belushi. Arnold was close to 3 inches taller easily in Red Heat over Belushi.
This picture was taken in 2007 with James Belushi and still if you only see 0.25 - 0.5 inches between the two, you need a pair of glasses. If you take Belushi's hat off, there will be a good 1.5 - 2 inches difference between Arnold and Belushi.
Arnold shrunk height today: 5'11.5" - 6' barefoot
James Belushi's height today: 5'9.5 - 5'10" max barefoot
RisingForce said on 1/Jun/09
As far as I'm concerned Jay Leno is 5'11", no more and no less.
RisingForce said on 1/Jun/09
Fair enough Guy, I just find them too close to tell in the full body shots.
Click Here Click Here
MHouillon said on 1/Jun/09
James Bekushi is 5'11 and wearw no lifts. Look here, it's clear, that Arnie is in the 5'11.5-5'11.25 (182cm-181cm) range.
Click Here
Ali said on 31/May/09
I don't know why sometimes my name isn't mentioned in
my posts.
I wrote that Leno was 3-4 inches shorter than a 6'1
dutch interviewer. The show was about classic cars
I think. Jay Leno was checking the cars and the Dutch
interviewer(Winston Gerschtanowitz) asked him some
questions. He was 3-4 inches taller.
Winston is about 184-186cm. He is no 6'2. I can't
prove it, but I just know. He was much taller than
Leno. Leno was really looking up.
Jay Leno is 5-9, maybe a bit taller. With lifts he can
look like he is 5'11.

Editor Rob
always make sure your name is in the 'name' box. Sometimes cookies get cleared and people forget and then they get anonymous in the box.
TELLEM said on 31/May/09
jay leno is 5'10, 5'10.5 max. he was the same height as eric bischoff back in 1998 and bischoff is no more than 5'10.5
Danimal said on 31/May/09
Leno has stated his height as having been 5'10" YEARS ago. That was his MAX height. He's not 5'11". He was 5'10".
josh said on 31/May/09
i met him at the 2004 super bowl party when the patriots were playing the panthers in encino and i say he was about 6 feet ath that time definately not 6'2 nowadays
Roger said on 31/May/09
Wtf??? I did not write Arnold has a posture advantage, I did write that Arnold looks similar in height to Blair in almost every photo.
Guy said on 31/May/09
RisingForce: the main point of me displaying those photos, where Arnold does seem to edge out Blair, wasn't entirely to show Arnold is 1/2 to 1 inch taller but to show he really can't be under 6'. I'm fine with the above present listing. It was Roger who weasled a nonsense assumption that defies all logic. He argued Arnold has the posture advantage for the reason he looks taller in so many pics. That part is fine and is not that much of an issue. But then he casually mentioned Arnold would actually be under 6' and therefore less than Blair without this posture advantage. Honestly I don't see Blair slouching that much or to any moderate degree and Arnold isn't standing rigid tall in light of that. What it comes down to is Roger and others are just making up false conclusions and passing them off as real. For the record, I don't see any real posture advantage here. We just assume so because Arnold looks taller.
Click Here Again if you measure, Arnold looks at least an inch taller here. Blair isn't exactly slouching but if he stood as straight as possible he'd probably still come up 1/2 inch shorter.
Click HereAgain very similar posture. Arnold is not standing perfectly straight rigid either but I think this one does accurately show Arnold looks closer to 6' 1/2". Whether you want to believe that or not is not important. What is important is that Arnold definitely does not look 5'11" there.