How tall is Arnold Schwarzenegger - Page 29

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Average Guess (1339 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 1.04in (185.5cm)
Current: 5ft 11.06in (180.5cm)
roger2 said on 23/Mar/09
He is 186cm today, but back to 90s he've been max 188-189cm, it seems to be stupid that somebody puting 5'11 or 6'0. I saw a fitness program he and Bill Clinton 6'2 (188cm) back in 2007. They were exactly same height.
Doug said on 23/Mar/09
Yeah compare Glenn with Gabrielle Reece (6'3"), Laird Hamilton (6'2.5") and Tim RObbins (6'4.5") and now look here. Clearly the man was close to 6'2" peak.
RisingForce said on 23/Mar/09
Lucio, wasn't that picture from 1999? I think Arnold started losing height after that.
miko said on 23/Mar/09
Most of the time Arnold is in flat shoes, like when out shopping or with his daughter etc.

I think he wears small lifts at movie premiers. Like when he was with Stallone he might have slipped a small 1" lift in his shoes.

I don't think he wears big lifts. If anything its usually just a bigger heel with Arnold. The only time he probably has worn huge boots is in his movies such as Terminator.
Red said on 23/Mar/09
Ginko says on 21/Mar/09
Arnold is tall 6' 2" or More. Look this picture with Dwayne Johnson (The Rock). Click Here

Rock is 6
glenn said on 22/Mar/09
don johnson towers me in my pic.he looked 5-11 at least,if not 6ft.we know or assume he wears lifts.i mightve been 5-7 in that pic at that age.but i believe don is closer to 5-10 barefoot.5-9 is not absurd.but anything lower which i also heard is absurd.
glenn said on 22/Mar/09
roger-anythings possible.he may also not lose anymore height.ejel is wrong.he never saw arnold or sly.arnold lost height.sly never did and is 5-10.seeing in the flesh more than once is believing.
RisingForce said on 22/Mar/09
Arnold's footwear looks unusually big in this 2002 picture.
Click Here

I've seen him on a few other ocassions where his footwear looked pretty big. I don't think he wears lifts 24/7 like Stallone, Pitt, Downey or Reynolds. But it wouldn't surprise me if he wears them ocassionally.

When do you think Arnold first lost a noticeable amount of height? I thought that he still looked 6'2" in the late 90's, especially since Jessie Ventura didn't look much taller than him. He still looked atleast 6'1" in The 6th Day and Collateral Damage in my opinion.

He started looking noticeably shorter to me in about 2003. He had an injury just before Christmas in 2006 though which required an operation that could have made him lose even more height as well. His height seemed to be written about even more around the time he ran for Governor. I think he's been a flat 6 foot max for the past 5-6 years and maybe these days he's a bit under that.
Metric said on 22/Mar/09
EXACTLY, Miko! But what's in his shoes?? He may be a tad shorter than 6'1" peak.
RisingForce said on 22/Mar/09
Glenn saw Arnold at 6'2" in the early 90's though. I believe he was that tall. He seems 6 foot max these days.
miko said on 22/Mar/09
Looking at the photo above, Glenn is about a foot back from Arnold and looks 6" shorter. But bring Glenn forward a step and I feel he'd just be below his eyeline so the gap would be around 5". Which would put him at around 6"1 back in the early 90's.
\-_-_-(Hugh) said on 22/Mar/09
Arnie was 6ft2 in his prime. The 5ft11.5 claims even now are stupid. Today he's 184cm-185cm. 188cm peak was his official height when bodybuilding. I'm still confident that he was 6ft2 in the Terminator movies. He towered over everyone.
Roger said on 21/Mar/09
Regis was towered by Tom Cruise! He most certainly is a dwarf.
RisingForce said on 21/Mar/09
I agree that it's highly likely that McCain wears lifts. I mean anyone who will stand on a box to look taller will surely wear lifts as well.

The video of Regis and Van Damme is from 1990.
Ejel Khan said on 21/Mar/09
Arnie is still 6'1"
Doug said on 21/Mar/09
Regis is a little dwarf. I remember Pierce Brosnan being on the show and Regis looked tiny. The man is 5'5" tops. Maybe he was 5'6" peak but he is no more than 5'5" now.
ACG said on 21/Mar/09
I don't think there's any way in hell McCain could be as low as 5'6 or even 5'7. I see him as 5'8 bare min for today, and quit possibly still 5'9.
Guy said on 21/Mar/09
McCain is a bit of an enigma. Some reports (possible internet rumor or rough eye estimates) place him as low as 5'6" and his medical report stated he is 5'9". One thing for sure was that he went up against a considerably taller and younger opponent so if he was ever going to wear shoe lifts it was then. Of course that is just conjecture until verifiable evidence actually shows he wears lifts. One thing I think is very doubtful is that he is as low as 5'6". Even a 5'6" guy with lifts isn't going to look like this next to min 5'11" (5'11.5" peak) GWB.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
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Click Here
So I don't get this guy. He looks about 5'9" next to GWB. But he easily and likely could be wearing lifts to do so.
Here he is with confirmed 6' Tony Blair.
Click Here
Looks very similar to Arnold's proportion
Click Here
And for interests sake Blair and Obama
Click Here
Click Here
Obama looks about 1-1.5" taller than Blair. That would confirm Obamas 6'1"-6'1 1/2" listings. In the end I think whatever the method, McCain comes off looking 5'9". Whether it is due to shoe lifts or his actual height is up for further debate. It does continue to confirm that Arnold is still at least 6' today. This is also backed up with Arnold being no less than 6' Tony Blair, who himself stacked up very comparatively to McCain.
Ali said on 20/Mar/09
Roger, Don Johnson is well below average. I haven't seen
him in person, but some friends of mine saw him and said
they were very surprised at how short he was.

Bruce Willis is also below average.

Roger when you see Arnold barefoot than you will understand that he
is really only 5'10 or so. He was never 6 feet. a 6 foot man is a big
dude. Arnold was very muscular, but not big.

A lot of the hollywood heights are bogus.

Saying Arnold was 5'10-5'11 prime is not bashing him. He just never
was 6 foot or taller.

I have many friends who are 6 foot and taller and they have never
looked 5'10. Not even close. Many people have seen arnold and were
surprised at how short he was.

Arnold wears big lifts and this is a fact. It does not make him
a bad person, just that he likes people to believe he is a bigger
person than he actually is. Don't we all want that, lol.

mId said on 20/Mar/09
Glenn: I don't know anything about regis height.. when I found the clip I glanced at the regis site and saw people estimated him 5'5-6. and I think it looks like 2-3 inches difference.. I'm no expert :) And it's funny you estimate van damme 5'9 minimum and I would say that is his tops.. MAYBE half an inch taller but even that would be very unlikely for me :)
Scott B said on 20/Mar/09
Bruce Willis is at least 5'11. He towered over Dennis Franz in Die Hard.
Arnold is 2 inches taller than Willis Period. Franz is listed at 5'10 but looks like 5'7.
Roger said on 20/Mar/09
Doug, very good post - you have the right attitude, no Arnold bashing or putting him on a shrine, just analyzing the hard, cold facts.

To say Arnold was 5'11'' prime is nonsense, sorry Ali. That would mean Bruce Willis was 5'9'' prime, Don Johnson 5'7'' etc. You get my point. But I'm surprised about the fact that the Federer / Woods photos are not being debated more here. Because, Tiger certainly does not look 184 cm on the photos next to 186 cm Roger Federer. Of course, lifts for Tiger are a possiblity, too.

Glenn, what is your take on my idea that we might witness Arnold standing 5'10.5'' in a few years? Do you think that's a possibility?
SuperAnonymous said on 20/Mar/09
Metric: I don't care what it says in CM or in the Danish version. Conversions always can be tricky and can skew results. I have the original US/European 1984 Guiness Book of World Record right in front of me and it says 6'1" (no cm. just 6'1").

Also, no the Musclemag says nothing about the passport. Do you want me to scan the page and put it up here for you?? I mentioned before there is nothing about passport anywhere whatsoever in that magazine. On page 129, with Arnold's side chest post, his height of 6'1.5" was taken from his 1974 Mr. Olympia contest and all the measurements were done right before the contest. The Musclemag 50 years of Arnold magazine says nothing about passport whatsoever anywhere.

I have the magazine right in front of me.
Metric said on 20/Mar/09
Superanonymous: In danish Guinness Book of Recorld Arnolds height is 185 metric cms = exactly 6'0.75". Go to your library have them take it home and see for yourself. About Arnolds passport I KNOW I have seen it somewhere?? There must be somebody on here who have followed the Arnold gospel and can verify? It is def from one of the muscle magazines. I was sure it was in the Spec. Ed. I will see if I can dig it up.
glenn said on 20/Mar/09
gotcha superanonymous.
glenn said on 20/Mar/09
mid-ill try to look at it tonight when im on an actual computer.thats fascinating.i bump into regis almost every night.5-6 if he is lucky.could be 5-5.
glenn said on 20/Mar/09
ejel-you could be right.but as anonymous mentioned,i think thats morning.
RisingForce said on 20/Mar/09
Maybe more like 3 inches between JCVD and Regis at the end of that clip actually. There's a 3-4 inch difference.
RisingForce said on 20/Mar/09
mId, Van Damme had a solid 4 inches on Regis barefoot.
RisingForce said on 20/Mar/09
Guy, look at that first picture you posted.
Click Here

The line I drew from McCain's head shows him about 3 inches shorter than Arnold. I honesrly don't know if McCain is 5'8" or 5'9" but he's listed here at 5'8". I still see Arnold in front of McCain in that other picture.

Now maybe McCain is 5'8" and wears lifts. I wouldn't put it past him. Look at this. Click Here

McCain stood on a box during a debate with a taller candidate so lifts are possible. But if he isn't getting any kind of boost and his listing here is correct then he looks no more than 5'11" in two pictures with Arnold.

Guy, the reason I reject your explanations is because they seem like a stretch to me. I agree that those other pictures aren't any good though. Woods is mid-stride in one and much farther away from the camera in the others.
Anonymous said on 20/Mar/09
Rob, that photo with Woods and Federer walking side by side, just shows how small woods is. He looks 2.5 - 3 inches shorter than Fererer. I would Woods at between 5'10 - 5'11 max. If that is the case, how short is Arnold.

We are slowly closing in on Arnold's height. I now think Arnold was now around 5'11/11.5 peak and now only 5'10 with age.
Doug said on 20/Mar/09
I would estimate Arnie is close to 6' out of bed barefoot now. 5'11.5 through much of the day, 5'11.25" by evening. He is definately 100% certain no shorter than 5'11" currently. He is not the 6'1" barefoot that he claims any more though.
Lucio said on 20/Mar/09
Guy, i'm agree with you.
Maybe once and for all, there are two pictures that demonstrate beyond any reasonable doubt, what is the actual height of Arnold: Click Here
Here we see clearly how they are the same height, even if we see good Arnold has his left leg slightly flexed.
On the other hand Click Here are perfectly aligned and both with excellent posture are known as Arnold is at least 184 cm. 1 cm. more blair (assuming that Blair is 183 cm).
So, summarizing: 184 cm. the evening and 185/186 cm. in the morning.
Guy said on 20/Mar/09
What about this photo where Arnold actually meets McCain's military posture and isn't relaxed greeting the smaller man. This is what happens.
Click Here
Arnold is obviously standing in front according to you in the Arnold/McCain photo.
Click Here
Its funny how you avoid that issue with the "perfect" Arnold/Tiger photo. Unlike the perfect Arnold/Tiger photo, Arnold is standing side to side. In fact a comparison between these two photos
Click Here
Click Here
shows an identical head size ratio between Arnold and McCain. So Arnold, I'm afraid, isn't standing closer.

You avoid the fact that Arnold doesn't even claim 6'1 1/2" like Obama does. If Obama is tilting his head as you said, he still doesn't look 6'1 1/2". He certainly doesn't here....
Click Here
It was a relative comparison. No one says Arnold should look as tall as Obama or identical in height. I'm also not going say Obama is as short as he looks in those photos.

I also just don't understand why if you really think Arnie is 6', you seem so vehemently stubborn in rejecting all explanations why he could only "look" 5'11". If he's 6', he's not 5'11". So 5'11" must be an illusion, camera distortion, shoe discrepancy.....yet without a doubt you reject all explanations that could account for this. So it seems strange to me that you admit Arnold just looked 5'11". But you don't want to know why he just looked 5'11". In fact you'll argue to the death any explanations for it.

Still its better than these photos
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Way to use camera favoritism to your advantage.
mId said on 19/Mar/09
if it won't show in the van damme section, I'll try reposting it later.. in the meantime.. try youtube van damme and regis.. it's the 2'nd part.
glenn said on 19/Mar/09
nobody knew he was in town when i saw was funny,cause photogs and autograph dealers would walk away not knowing he would show where they just kept it quiet.that 5-7 photog claim was from another trip.
mId said on 19/Mar/09
glenn: you should watch the link I posted on the van damme page.. if it will ever show up? it's a video of a barefoot van damme and barefoot regis (the morning host guy) doing some light training and sparring etc.. van damme don't look all that much taller to me.. you should check it out and see what you make of it.
Anonymous said on 19/Mar/09
5'11.5 peak, now 5'10.5 and 6'0.5 - 6'1 in lifts and built up shoes.
Ali said on 19/Mar/09
Sorry some times I forgot to include my name.

Roger you wrote that Woods is max 184 cm. Federer is 185-186 cm and he
is more than an inch taller than Woods. Woods is about 182 cm.

Glenn I have seen Van Damme in person and he was very obviously smaller
than me even with his ''bigger shoes''. I am 178 cm and on a good day

Van Damme was about 173 cm, with long legs and a short upper body.

So many people see Arnold at 5-10 some even think he is smaller. There
are virtually no people who believe that Clinton, Obama, Connery, Hugh Jackman,
Clint Eastwood and other real 6 footers are below 6 foot. Why? Because these guys are real 6+ in height.

I do think Arnold has shrunk half an inch, but still even in his prime
he was not 6 foot. He might have been a shade under 180 cm in his prime which
is a nice hight I think in the USA.

Here in the Netherlands my 5'10 unfortunately is below average.

Arnold can be 5'11, 5'11.5 or 6 foot and even taller if he wishes
with his special shoes and lifts.

Look at this picture of Arnold with Bill Clinton:

Click Here

It's obvious that Arnold is considerably smaller than Clinton.
Clinton stands strong with his almost 6'1 while Arnold looks
like a schoolboy.

Arnold should get a new tailor because he does not look very good
in his clothes.

Arnold today is 5'11 with lifts.
Ejel Khan said on 19/Mar/09
Arnie is still a 6 footer .... far as I'm concerned!
ACG said on 19/Mar/09
iirc, glenn told us that when arnold was in town it was only he and a select few others that it's not like arnie was expecting huge crowds or tons of pictures being taken. that's why he most likely wasn't in any sort of height enhancing footwear, especially with glenn's 5'11 sighting.

and, surprisingly enough, glenn's 5'11 sighting was the highest of that evening! the friend glenn was with saw arnie at 5'9, and a bunch of photographers who were present claimed the great terminator was only 5'7!!!

Of course there's zero chance he is under 5'11, but there's no doubt he can leave a shorter impression.

That's why I'm inclined to believe 5'11 and some change for Arnie's present-day height.
Roger said on 19/Mar/09
I only now tried to find pictures of 186 cm Roger Federer and Woods (btw, Federer is listed on his very own page as 186 cm and that looks very likely).

I could not find a single one where Federer is not visibly taller than Woods.
Click here Click Here and here Click Here
Now, that makes 184 cm max. for Woods again very likely, and 181 cm for Arnold - a strong 5'11'' for the Governator. Glenn was and is totally right about this.

I still had hopes for a 6' Arnold, but this is out of question now.

While I find 5'10'' or 5'10.5'' impossible to believe as of now, he might get there within the next 15 years or so if this frightening trend continues...
Doug said on 19/Mar/09
I'm virtually certain at peak Arnie was 6'1.5" legit barefoot. He looked so close to 6'2" to have been any lower at peak just check out the 80s pics with Willis, Stallone etc. The man has lost 2 inches in height through the effects of weight training all his life.
Doug said on 19/Mar/09
Hes definately shrinking but 5'10" is just rubbish. The man was virtually the same height as Tony Blair who is not a hair under 6'. He is around 5'11.5" it would seem today. I agree he is looking short compared to his prime- he is looking shorter now compared to tall guys but 5'10" is too low it really is. He is clearly over 178 hes nearer 182,
RisingForce said on 19/Mar/09
Guy, McCain is in the backround in that first picture! So there's one big thing wrong with that.

Yes Guy, that pictures of Obama and McCain are a lot different than this one.
Click Here

Obama has a visible slouch, Arnold really doesn't. He's looking down slightly, but his back is pretty straight. With his head straight he wouldn't be more than 3 inches taller than McCain in my picture. And unlike your picture they're equal distances from the camera.

Guy, I'm not acting dumb, you clearly have an agenda. The picture isn't obviously using a zoom lense. That's just your opinion which nobody else seems to share. I'm not hard pressed to show he can look 5'11". He can look it, the proof are the pictures. It doesn't mean he's not 6'0", but he can look 5'11". No I'm not curious why Arnold looks 5'11" a couple of times, anyone can look an inch shorter than they are.

This is pointless, you'll just continue to post bad pictures to try to disprove those 2 good ones. I think everyone else here sees that Arnold can look 5'11".
glenn said on 19/Mar/09
van damme is not of the few celebs i never met.but looks 5-10 in all my friends and peers he is 5-9 minumum.possibly more.and i can see his sneakers in some photos.nothing tricky.i agree that arnold is shorter than people think nowadays.5-11 minimum though.5-10 is an illusion that i dont find crazy at all.
Anonymous said on 19/Mar/09
Tiger Woods is not 185 cm. Roger Federer is and he is at least
an inch taller than Woods. Tiger Woods is about 5'11.5 and 6 foot.

Here is 6'1 Federer with Tiger Woods who is clearly shorter:

Click Here

Here is Sampras with Federer who are both 6'1:

Click Here

Arnold is about 6 foot with lifts. 5-10 without lifts.

The 6-1 claims for today are nonsense as we have seen that Arnold
is only as tall as Blair who is 6 feet.

Arnold was shorter than Brigitte Nielsen
in Red Sonja, but nobody here wants to know about it.

Did somebody here write that Van Damme is 5'10? That is insane!
Van Damme is only 5-8 or so.

It's funny that every time it comes up that Vince Basille has
said he measured Arnold at 187 cm. That is no proof at all.
Everybody can see with their own eyes that Arnold was never
over 6 foot with lifts!

It's incredible that people on this site agree that Brad Pitt,Sylvester
Stallone wear lifts, but can't agree that Arnold wears them too. It's
so obviouse, just look at Arnold's very long legs and very long lower leg.

Look at how Arnold clearly is signicantly shorter than Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton is shorter than Obama who is about 6'1. Clinton is about 184-185 cm. Obama is I think 186 cm.

Arnold is about 1.5 to 2 inches shorter than Clinton.

Arnold is 5-10 max.

Let's talk about big shoes worn by Arnold:

Click Here

Arnold has a few other big heeled shoes and he also
wears lifts in the shoes.
Guy said on 19/Mar/09
What's wrong with this photo?
Click Here
They are standing side by side and both Arnold and McCain are standing straight with equal posture. Your tendency to pick certain photos and use them as 100% definitive measures, is bewildering especially if more rational photos are presented. Its like Roger a while ago displaying the one photo where Arnold looked the shortest next to Angela Merkel. He chose (deliberately) the one where Arnold was greeting her and appeared much shorter than others from the series where he was standing straight and taller. Side to side greetings shots can be very effective if both have roughly the same height. They tend to stand straight to look eye to eye. But taller/shorter greetings can't ever be given the complete gold seal, especially if others exist where this does not appear so. Again, look at Obama (6'1 1/2") in shots with McCain.
Click Here
This one is not much different than your Arnold/McCain photo.
Click Here
If I were any number of people here who might want Obama to be a certain height, I could use it as a definitive example, but I never would. If you look, McCain usually seems to stand very straight to his max height to these taller men. In this photo
Click Here
their postures look very equal (Arnold does not have shrinking posture) and this is the more accurate photo to go by.

As far as the Tiger/Arnold photos. You're acting dumb again. Duh! I know that's not the same photo, but it's clear its one of several that would have been taken at that moment including the other one. It is clear Arnold is standing closer in that shot and he also looks like he's standing closer in the other. Your photo obviously is using a zoom lens, to contrast the distance shot with the close up. The camera is positioned a little high, like the Arnold/Eastwood photo, and BOOM! There's your answer. This is the tenth time I've explained this. Answer me this. If you think Arnold is in fact 6', aren't you curious why he looks so short only in that photo? Why are you so hard pressed to show that true 6' Arnold can merely appear 5'11"?
brotha said on 18/Mar/09
Guys go to and search the forums. There are many people, specifically gym owners and bodybuilders that state when they met Arnold in the 70's he was right around 6'1.5". Serge Nubret has his own thread with about 100 pages of posts. On page 9 of that thread he says he was 6 ft, when he started bodybuilding and that he is now 5'9" at age 68. Mike Katz is even described as being around 5'11" now and he's well in his sixties. He was listed at 6'1 in the 70's and many people said he was taller than this.
glenn said on 18/Mar/09
he isnt 6-1 now george.6ft when he wakes if he is lucky.
ACG said on 18/Mar/09
Sorry, forgot to mention....even though I see him as 5'11.75 today, I think he wakes at 6' even. So if you were to go by morning heights, yes, I think he still stands 6' as of now.
Anon2 said on 18/Mar/09
Lol, Metric gets owned! Miko, that Letterman footage is a terrible angle to guage height, it's taken from a low viewpoint and Dave's closer to the cam. I can maybe believe Arnold saying he's now 6-1 if it was a morning height, fully stretched out, with perhaps a bit of rounding up (i.e. his daughter measured him 6-0.5 barefoot in the morning).
SuperAnonymous said on 18/Mar/09
Metric: Arnold's height in 1984 Guiness Book of World Records is 6'1". I also have a copy of that so no it is not 6'0.75", which must be because of conversion from metric system to imperial system.
SuperAnonymous said on 18/Mar/09
Metric: Like I said, I have the magazine in front of me. The 6'1.5" measurement was taken from the 1974 Olympia as it clearly states on the magazine.

Either tell me the page number so that I can verify it where it states that it was taken from the passport or simply your point has absolutely no credibility whatsoever.
RisingForce said on 18/Mar/09
Arnold has defintley shrunk more than a half an inch. According to Vince Basille who doesn't even like Arnold, he measured at 6'1.5" one evening in 1969. Arnold's peak height is pretty much settled. 6'1.5" evening, 6'2" morning. Now he's about 2 inches shorter.
George said on 18/Mar/09
I don't think he every lied about his height or wore lifts. He was 6'1.5 and just rounded up. Nowadys he's about 6'1.
Guy said on 18/Mar/09
Metric has no agenda. That's a good one.
RisingForce said on 18/Mar/09
Once again Guy that's not the same Tiger picture. And I don't care if the Eastwood pictures were taken seconds apart, the angle on that one you posted is terrible. It's pretty funny that you had to post a picture of McCain in the BACKROUND as well to attempt to disprove my picture.

Posting worse pictures of the same two people doesn't disprove my pictures Guy. Get over it, Arnold has looked under 6 feet. Everyone else saw him under 6 feet in the picture with Tiger. Even Rob referred to that picture as a time when Arnold looked less than 6'0". I believe he also used that as one of the reasons why he thought Arnold was being generous when he claimed 6'1". Looking under 6 feet in a couple of pictures doesn't mean he is, although he could be. I think he's 6 feet even honestly, but he has looked under that in some pictures.
Metric said on 18/Mar/09
I'm 100% sure I read somewhere that he was measured 6'1.5" for his passport! And I'm sure it's in the Special Edition somewhere? Unfortunately I don't have mine right now. But why would I lie about this? I have no special agenda and gain nothing from exposing Arnold's tiresome height lies. Actually I was hoping that someone on here (who owns the mag) could verify? But of course I'm not surprised that the "Arnold-is-tall" camp won't. So let me point to another source that is very easy to verify: In the danish (+many others) version of Guinness Book of World Records Arnold height was given as 6'0.75" from 1978-1991. That's a fact. Why would they do this if Arnold was measured 6'1.5" barefeet? There is so much inconsistency in his various official heights, ranging from 5'11.5" (old Muscle & Fitness) to 6'2" (the deluded fantasy of Arnolds own twisted mind and wet dreams of scores of starstruck fanboys) that it must be clear by now that something is indeed very fishy. I know this may sound arrogant but unless I was present at the '74 competition or at the notorious Vince Basille "measurement" I won't just take their words for good measures. Because that's all it is: words! Where is the photo evidence?? Where is the film footage that shows Arnold being measured?? You should think that a man who has gotten 5000+ pics taken of himself oiled up in tiny little posing trunks at least be able to show ONE (that is ONE) good pic of himself getting measured!!?? But alas, he can't. Go figure. The truth is that a 6'2" man does not get the amount of short sightings that Arnold did/does. Remember the 5'10" sightings goes all the way back to '84. He most certainly was never the towering figure the bodybuilding community so feverishly tried to make him. He was Weiders little cash cow/pet toy and it just so happens that 6'2" sells alot better than 5'11.5". Pure and simple. I'm as much interested in the truth as everyone else on here. Hell, if some piece of unquestionable evidence showed up and Arnold turned out to be 6'3" I would be the first to accept it! However I DO NOT take bodybuilding folklore or obscure statements with NO photo evidence to back them up (Basilles "measurement") as unquestionable evidence! I'm amazed how many of you blindly accept these STORIES as truth just because they are printed in a magazine. It's just words, folks...
ACG said on 18/Mar/09
ACG's official Schwarzengger height analysis:

I know that these pages will stay open, but if anyone's height on this site warranted a "case closed" label, it would be Arnie's.

To me this height is the least of height-mysteries on this site by FAR....

6'1.5 barefoot, measured as a famous bodybuilder during the afternoon. Therefore it's safe to say he was a solid 6'2 morning height. The "famous bodybuilder" bit is vital, as there is likely no other profession in the world where one's real height would be more open to the public. It would be nigh impossible for Arnold competing as Mr. Universe to have fudged his height, standing almost naked with other guys whose heights are also well established. If you want to put Arnie at 5'10, 5'11 peak, then you're gonna have a L-O-N-G laundry list of names that would have to be downgraded to ridiculously low numbers.

What about today, you may ask?? While less concrete than his peak height, I think it's still pretty obvious....he lost height, no doubt, but as to how much is somewhat up for debate. As I see it, there's no way on earth he is under 5'11 in 2009 and it's very unlikely he is over 6'. That leaves only a one inch discrepancy, so I'm fine with anything between 5'11 and 6'. If I had to bet to the the nearest 1/4 inch, I'd actually say that Arnold is currently 5'11.75 and reaches 6'1 with ease by utilizing lifted footwear.

The 5'9, 5'10 claims defy logic and aren't worth mentioning in the least....ditto the people who insist he is still every bit of his barefoot peak height.

So, yeah...that's what I think, nothing earth-shattering; in fact most of what I wrote should be excruciatingly obvious, imho....

thanks for listening, bye... XD
Metric said on 18/Mar/09
It's the page where his stats are given. There is a pic of him doing a side chest. He looks 20 yrs old in the pic.
Anon said on 18/Mar/09
I believe Arnold when he says he's 6'1". At least he admitted that he has shrunk. Technically he said he is 6'1 1/8" because he said his daughter measured him again and that time he went as straight as he could get and got an extra 1/8th of an inch.

Although it is possible that he was wearing shoes when he was measured...but Arnold in the 70's NEVER wore shoes, he was always barefoot walking around gyms and beaches. And when he wore shoes they were like little slippers with no heels at all. So he was never insecure about his height.
Guy said on 18/Mar/09
RisingForce: ya, Arnold isn't standing that much in front. Of course....
Click Here
Also the two Arnold/Clint photos are taken at pretty much the same second just from different perspectives so the old slouching tricks not going to work. Your just making more excuses. It also obviously doesn't matter if the shot was taken on an angle, because Clint is still furthest but still ends up taller. Anyways, I'm tired of explaining what seems simple and elementary over and over. Your responses don't even out the scale on this argument at all, and yet here we are. Like I said, I'm not sure if its a cognitive thing or stubbornness, or making it seem like a cognitive thing to avoid issues.

Second, here is a good comparison of Arnold and McCain I posted before that I think is excellent. Yes they are standing side by side, standing straight, and the camera angle is good and equal.
Click Here
If McCain is 5'8"-5'9", Arnold can't be under 6' there. As I've shown with the Angela Merkel photo, a taller man will offer a much looser stance and posture when greeting a shorter person. Compared to the other Arnold/McCain photo (where both are undeniably standing equal and straight), it is likely the case here.
Click Here
And if you don't buy that, take a look at the other Obama/McCain photos I posted where a 6'1 1/2" man can "look" 5'11" next to McCain.

Metric: Nice long post (whether its true or not), but Vince Basille measured Arnold 6'1 1/2" barefoot in 1969. Fact. All your evidence seems to be based on suspicion, conjecture, and assumption. It almost seems angry and delusional. Your logic has always been flawed. Just like if Arnold is a "liar" by personality, that proves 100% he lied about his height. Like that, this actually proves nothing.
Roger said on 17/Mar/09
I believe 185 cm for Tiger Woods is entirely possible, too. But how can someone like anonymous say 186 cm for Arnold today? So Arnold is taller than Tiger Woods?

People, if you want to contribute even half seriously here, please at least try to add some value with your comments. No one can seriously believe that this man still stands 6'1'' even in the morning, not even Arnold himself.
Anonymous said on 17/Mar/09
Metric, you are FULL OF IT. He was measured by a VERY respected person in the industry in the 1970's AT NIGHT at 6'1.5". You obviously have an agenda.
glenn said on 17/Mar/09
vibram-im sure that was california.he doesnt come here to shop.only politics.hence the,the secret service are usually around in those casual looking pics.10 to 20 feet away making sure he is safe.its not impossible.i can get it again.just hard work.
glenn said on 17/Mar/09
he was measured at 6-1.5 barefoot,on stage,filmed.this was mentioned a million times.
Roger said on 17/Mar/09
Metric, where do you have this info from about being measured in shoes? I myself did not get measured at all, I was asked how tall I am, and that height is now in my passport. 6' prime is almost certainly too low.
SuperAnonymous said on 17/Mar/09

Metric: What page number?? Sorry you are lying unless you tell me the page number (remember you have been busted before). The measurements were done at the 1974 Mr. Olympia. No where else I could find anything about Arnold's height and specifically any mention of taken from passport.

I have proof in front of me.

Arnold was measured barefoot by Vince Basilli in 1969 barefoot.

I have that exact Musclemag from 1997 magazine you are talking about and there is no place it says it was taken from his passport.

Here is exactly what it says (I am typing it up exactly as it appears in the magazine):

Page 129, Musclemag 1997 Arnold's first 50 years

Arnold Schwarzenegger's Top-shape measurement

(from the 1974 Mr. Olympia Contest) BINGO!!

Height: 6'1.5"
Weight: 235 pounds
Arms: 22.5 inches
Chest: 57 inches
Waist: 33 inches
Thighs: 28.5 inches
Calves: 20 inches

So in a nutshell, you give me the page number of the magazine so that I can verify. You are straight out liar to say it states in the magazine that it was taken from its passport! Provide me with the page number so that I can verify for all people.
miko said on 17/Mar/09
Check this out, backstage with Letterman.

Click Here

Look at the segment closely, when they are face to face Arnold looks 1" shorter and Letterman appears to be slouching aswell. Interesting.
Metric said on 17/Mar/09
In Musclemags "Arnold: The first 50 yrs" Special Edition (1997) his height is given as 6'1.5". It specifically says that this height is from his passport. Arnold was measured for his passport as a young man in Austria. Now in Europe when you go and get measured for a passport you are measured IN YOUR SHOES! That's why Arnold CANNOT have been 6'2" (EVER!!!) and why he must have been AT LEAST 1 inch shorter than the 6'1.5" stated in the passport! AT LEAST! Depending on the footwear he wore on the day of getting the passport made it is reasonably safe to say that he was around 5'11.5" - 6'0.5" barefeet! Anything over or under that seems highly unlikely? My own passport-height is 3 inches taller than my real barefeet height!! I wore hiking boots with size XXL soles plus tiptoed a little inside just as they measured me! Nobody noticed! I had everything preplan ned! I knew that many years from that day whenever someone asked me about my height I would give the passport-height and have proof to show should anyone dare question my numbers!! LOL. Actually I think many young men in Europe do this? From what I hear and see I'm certainly not the only one who boosted myself a little. Arnold probably was nothing different. Bottomline is: 6'2" for this man is nothing but fantasy. Even his official passport-height (IN SHOES/maybe BOOTS??) does not support this deluded nonsense! He was around 6'0" prime and shrunk to 5'11" today. No big mystery.
Vibram said on 17/Mar/09
I guess your unlikely to get him again glenn with him being senate w / body guards. But wasn't he snapped alongside his daughter in a shopping mall, totally alone?
anonymous said on 17/Mar/09
I don't get why speculating about his height, he is 186 cm now. His peak was 188 cm. He admitted lately that he is 6
RisingForce said on 17/Mar/09
Are you kidding me Guy? That first picture is better because Arnold isn't as much closer to the camera and the angle is taken straight on as opposed to from the side. Another reason why Arnold comes out shorter in that picture in comparison to the other is his posture. In the picture taken from the side Arnold is visibly slouching while he isn't in the other.

I actually believe that Arnold was likely about the same height as Clint that day. Now if he had a footwear advantage is another story.

Don't act like I'm trying to downgrade Arnold either. I have him at 6'0", I wouldn't call that downgrading. I'm just saying that he can look 5'11" if you compare Arnold to some of the heights given on this site. There's no way around it, Arnold looks 1.5" shorter than Tiger in the best picture available from that day. Now maybe Tiger is a full 6'1" and not 6'0.5". I don't know, but what I do know is Arnold is atleast an inch shorter than Tiger in that picture, probably a little more. I also know that he only had 2-3 inches on John McCain in the picture I posted. McCain is listed at 5'8" here, maybe he's 5'9" as well.
Metric said on 17/Mar/09
Arnold is shorter than Eastwood in all pictures. Use your eyes, Guy!
Guy said on 17/Mar/09
RisingForce: How is this photo
Click Here
much different from this photo
Click Here
If Arnold were to turn around and face the camera in the Eastwood photo, he would appear about an inch shorter or more than in this side to side
Click Here
Listen, I'm giving you baby steps here and you seem to gather some parts, such as Arnold being closer to the camera, but then act intentionally dumb for rest as a way to avoid it. Its very simple and makes sense. This photo is not very strange looking
Click Here
its angle is not that strange. It barely looks like the camera is high at all. The side angle is irrelevant because Clint is still further from the camera. But what it comes down to is according to you, Arnold is in front and so should always be favored, but we know he is not because Eastwood is not that tall.
Click Here
The two photos are probably from the exact same moment just from different vantage points. Look at Eastwood's eye level between the two photos. He gains about an inch of eye level in the other photo. So basically your "perfect" photo cannot be fool proof. If anything the angle looks weird in that photo. It looks almost like they're standing on a slope. That's because, like the Eastwood photo, the camera is a little high. You dismissively admit (because you're forced to) that the Arnold/Eastwood photo is flawed, but the Arnold/Tiger photo is still, perfect? Your constant referral that it's flawless is total bull.
Click Here
It's no different than this photo's perspective.
Click Here

BTW I am absolutely positively sure if the the other side to side photo with Eastwood didn't exist, RisingForce, Roger, Metric etc would pounce all over this last photo as proof Clint is still taller than Arnold. Then I'd get the same dumb treatment when I explained it.
Richard E. said on 17/Mar/09
In and old Muscle Fitness magazine his height was listed 5'11.5
Roger said on 16/Mar/09
Yes, Miko, sad to see it certainly is. And as I forecast it, it's not the end of the shrinkage for Arnold!
glenn said on 16/Mar/09
anon2-dont need to convince me.i witnessesed
SuperAnonymous said on 16/Mar/09
Arnold was definitely 6'2" in the early 90s.

Here during promotion of Total Recall, while standing next to undisputed and strong 6'2" David Letterman, he looks exactly as tall as him.

Click Here
miko said on 16/Mar/09
I think Arnold is 5"11.5 today.

Gone are the days of the 6"2 imposing figure of Arnold, to a 5"11.5 average guy, who now looks up to the six footers. Its sad to see.
RisingForce said on 16/Mar/09
Regarding this picture where Clint Eastwood looks a hair shorter than Arnold.
Click Here

If we assume that Eastwood's slouch is making Arnold taller and call them the same height then Arnold still looks 6'1" there.

So we've established the fact that he can look 6'1"(also in the Bronstein video). But that brings us back to footwear. Arnold was wearing these shoes that night.
Click Here

You may recognize those as the shoes he wore in the pictures with Tony Blair. He wears those quite often actually. But does he have lifts in them?
RisingForce said on 16/Mar/09
I don't understand you Guy. Why speculate how much Tiger is losing by slouching or losing by Arnold's advantage in the picture with the poor angle when we have a much better picture to go by?

The angle in the second Clint Eastwood picture is horrible as well. I was talking about when someone is ahead of the camera in a good angle picture.

Just about the only thing you said that's the right was that Tiger Woods could be 6'1", which is possible.
Roger said on 16/Mar/09
Vibram, very well said "The Austrian oak's decreasing timber". Gotta love that expression.
Roger said on 16/Mar/09
RisingForce, but also Guy and all - please go over to Chuck Liddell's page here, I made some troubling discoveries (I also noted this on Glenn's page, just want to make sure it does get noticed by as many people as possible, it's so meaningful!).
glenn said on 16/Mar/09
i tried vibram.he ignored me a couple of times.finally,hours later,with secret service in my way,he looked at me and motioned with his hand as if to say "what do you want?".i said "can i get a photo with you".he then walked off as if i had not requested anything.
Vibram said on 15/Mar/09
I'd love it if glenn gets a recent pic with Arnie, some 18-years? later after the one above. It would really show the Austrian Oaks decreasing timber.
Guy said on 15/Mar/09
RisingForce: This is like the third time I've posted this example
Is Clint Eastwood taller than Arnold here?
Click Here
The answer is no, to put it bluntly. Is Clint Eastwood taller than Arnold here?
Click Here
The answer is yes, to put it bluntly. But according to you, standing in front could ONLY give someone the advantage. This is proof that that statement is not true. Its about perspective. If you don't want to believe it, click on those two links above back and forth, back and forth, to see that even a slight camera angle can give those standing behind the advantage. If you don't think this applies to the perfect photo, then
1: Arnold is standing a little ahead
Click Here
2: Arnold does look lower in the photo, as if he were to step back one step he would rise to Tiger's height
3: Both Tiger and Jobs aren't as tall in other shots. Even if corrected for Angle, or if Tiger lifted his head (all he has to do, otherwise posture is good), they aren't going to match their expected heights from the other photo.
Click Here
Do you really think Tiger is going meet the top line in this photo
Click Here
if its a little better aligned. Unless he's a mutant maybe. I didn't take these photos, I can only work with what I have. It is slightly in Arnold's favor, but the most Tiger gains is an inch maybe, as they are both looking eye to eye. Even Tiger's height is not a solid fact. He could very well be a full 6'1" as most sites place him at.
Anonymous said on 15/Mar/09

Van Damme is 5'10" even.
glenn said on 15/Mar/09
i know risingforce.that was my favorite thing to read on the site.of all time.and he took it down.
Roger said on 15/Mar/09
RisingForce, Guy is a lost case. The picture with Tiger Woods is without a doubt one of the best available, simply because it's a no-excuses pic. The angle is right, and Arnold is without a doubt shorter than Woods.

I'm amazed you still have Arnold at 6', though, but that is your choice. I think everyone by now should realize that a weak 6' is all that's in the cards for Arnold, with 5'11.5'' being most likely.

We have not seen the end of the tunnel for Arnold, a straight 5'11'' is imaginable if his height downward spiral continues.
Metric said on 15/Mar/09
The reason Arnold looked 5'11" with McCain and Tiger Woods is because he IS 5'11".
derek d said on 15/Mar/09
Anon2: Who said Hogan was 6'3 in his prime? He was obviously 6'5 - 6'6 in his prime, but definitely more around 6'3 nowadays though. He lost height just like Arnold did.
Danimal said on 15/Mar/09
Anon2, Van Damme is NOT 5'10".
RisingForce said on 15/Mar/09
Standing slightly in front, and that would only give Arnold the advantage.
Guy said on 15/Mar/09
RisingForce: I think its more the idea you don't understand. Either cognitively or something else. At least you now acknowledge Arnold is standing in front.
Lawrence said on 15/Mar/09
Hogan was 6'5.5''Lou was 6'4.5'' and Arnold was 6'1.75'',how tall there are now is another matter.
RisingForce said on 15/Mar/09
Guy, you still make no sense regarding the Arnold/Tiger pictures.

First of all that first picture is not the same exact one as the picture I posted. Arnie is also barely standing in front, certainly not enough to prevent it from being better than that terrible angle picture you posted or the one with Tiger slouching.

Not to mention that second picture you posted was taken at a TERRIBLE angle. You have to be kidding when you say that's the better picture. The fact is that in the best picture available from that day Arnold looked 5'11". It doesn't mean he is, but he looked it. You can post as many bad angle pictures or pictures with Tiger slouching as you want, but it doesn't change that he looked 5'11" in one picture.

Arnold and John McCain are also facing eachother in my picture and he isn't stooping as much as the picture you provided. Some of the pictures you posted showed one of them standing pretty far behind the other and one was taken mid-stride.

I personally believe Arnold is 6'0", but the fact is that if Tiger is 6'0.5" and McCain is 5'8" then Arnie looked no more than 5'11" in those 2 pictures I posted.
Guy said on 14/Mar/09
Answer this: How can that photo with Tiger Woods be the perfect example, when they ARE NOT standing side by side. This is fact. Whether Arnold gains advantage through camera angle or loses advantage through camera angle, IT IS NOT a perfect picture. You can see clearly how Arnold is standing ahead of the others for the photo shoot.
Click Here
Whether you don't want to agree about camera height, or zoom lens, you have to acknowledge that they are not standing side by side, so therefore it is a bad photo for comparison. That is why he looks shorter than both Tiger and Jobs there and not here.
Click Here
This is the better photo because they are facing each other. You can't use the excuse Tiger is slouching or hanging his head. They are looking eye to eye. Tiger is not taller. In fact since Arnold is slightly favored, he looks a little taller. With that factored in they are about the same height. The top yellow line is where Tiger should be according to the "perfect" photo.
Click Here
and in this photo
Click Here
That seems too far fetched and genuinely impossible. Then we have Steve Jobs who according to the "perfect" photo should be roughly the same height as Arnold, also considering he doesn't have much hair. Again this is a more sobering shot that is wholly consistent with the other photos that night where he also doesn't look as tall in side to side shots.
Click Here
So in the end, if this photo
Click Here
can make Arnold look under 6', it is just one instance where standing position, and camera angle can be successful at that. Given all the other evidence that shows strong inconsistency, and the very imperfect nature of the photo (Arnold standing in front and higher angle shot), its not very intelligent to use it as a stand alone definitive piece of evidence. But I suppose those who most desire it to bolster their point, are not going to let go of it no matter what.
Ejel Khan said on 14/Mar/09
Arnie is still is six-footer! ok? All is 5'10" business .... no way!
Roger said on 14/Mar/09
SuperAnonymous, good to see you can accept Arnold's 5'11.5'', which is most likely his height today. It's rare people are willing to accept what is without a doubt "shocking", as Glenn rightfully remarked.

The funny thing is, as great as the gazillion times posted Tiger Woods / Arnold photos are, some will continue to see a bad angle there. So it's pretty much a wasted effort by now. I do wait for Arnold's coming out (unrealistic, I know) or better a reporter who grills him on the subject, not allowing Arnold to lie!

Maybe the Glennster will have a chance to confront Arnold!
RisingForce said on 14/Mar/09
McCain is listed 5'8" here, I'm not sure how tall he is but I haven't seen many 5'9" guys who look as short as him.
RisingForce said on 14/Mar/09
Rob, can you put that comment about Arnie being 5'10" and having "risers" in his boots back at the top fo the page? That's one of the funniest height related comments I've heard.
Vegas said on 14/Mar/09
SuperAnonymous says on 13/Mar/09
Hulk Hogan never was 6'6" even in his prime. Not even close. The maximum true height he had was 6'3" tops.

The 6'6" estimates were based on his wrestling appearances. Hulk Hogan all through 80s and 90s wore huge boots in wrestling matches in his WWF days. He had huge lifts in those boots and watching the video footage of 80s and 90s, he used to walk with his knees constantly flexed. He never could straighten his legs out while walking, which is a smoking gun of someone hiding lifts in his shoes.

hogan didn't wear huge boots while wrestling in wwf in the 1980s and 1990s and you would have a tough time convincing anybody that hogan was 6'3 tops (meaning you believe he was in the 6-2 range) in the 1980s Click Here Click Here

RisingForce i don't see mccain under 5'9, look at the photos and video and especially the videos of him next standing to obama, if mccain is 5'8 obama is not even 6ft, probably only 5'11
RisingForce said on 14/Mar/09
I still don't get how people think Arnie only shrunk 1/4 inch from the morning to the evening. We know he was 6'1.5" in the evening meaning he must have been 6'2" in the morning.
SuperAnonymous said on 14/Mar/09
I can believe Arnold being 5'11.5" today and 6'1.5" peak (completely undisputed and measured) and 6'1.75" in the morning.
RisingForce said on 14/Mar/09
I've seen Arnold look no more than 5'11". The following heights are what each person is listed at here.

Arnie and 5'8" John McCain
Click Here

Arnie and 6'0.5" Tiger Woods
Click Here

That obviously seems like the best photo of him and Woods to me. The angle is as good as the picture where Tiger is slouching, but unlike that picture Tiger has good posture.

Tiger has more than an inch on Woods and not even 3 inches on McCain in those 2 pictures. Whether you think that's reality is another story. I personally think Arnold is 6'0", but he does look 5'11" in those pictures.
Doug said on 14/Mar/09
Rubbish, you can SEE on Hogan Knows best of him in flip flops the guy is near 6'4" today. Hogan very likely is 6'3.5" now. He has lost 2.5 inches meaning yes at peak he was a legit 6'5.5-6'6". Never 6'7" or 6'8" as was claimed but you look at old pics of Hogan without boots and he was still as massive man of around 6'6".
miko said on 14/Mar/09
Hogan at 6"3 peak is stupidity. That would have meant that

Andre the Giant was 6"8
Undertaker was 6"5
McMahon was 5"10.

The guy was 6"5+ at his tallest.
Guy said on 14/Mar/09
I have yet to see Arnold look 5'11". Remember he also looked tall in this photo next to Tiger Woods.
Click Here
And like this next to strong 6 foot Tony Blair
Click Here
He's still at least 6' today and maybe 6' 1/2" if standing straight for measurement. Bottom line, 6' is fine for his present listing today. It's impossible to know for certain without an actual measurement. What it comes down to is that mere 1/2 inches are futile to argue with photos. 1/2 inches seems to be the debate here. A celebrity can lose fractional height just by standing a little looser than the person next to them. Therefore photos are really more estimates than anything. Anything disputed less than an inch becomes more vague unless its noted both individuals are standing exactly alike and camera conditions are identical. That's why I doubt Arnold is less than 6 feet today, because Tony Blair never appeared taller than Arnold in their numerous photos together, but Arnold appeared taller in a few.
Roger said on 14/Mar/09
Video is not worth that much, as Arnold still insists on 6'1'' when most of us know by now that this is not the case.
Anon2 said on 14/Mar/09
Arnie tells in an interview how tall his family measured him at, and mentions about shrinkage:

Click Here

Personally I don't buy his current height though, he really does seem 5-11 these days, 6-0 at most with good posture.
SuperAnonymous said on 13/Mar/09
Hulk Hogan never was 6'6" even in his prime. Not even close. The maximum true height he had was 6'3" tops.

The 6'6" estimates were based on his wrestling appearances. Hulk Hogan all through 80s and 90s wore huge boots in wrestling matches in his WWF days. He had huge lifts in those boots and watching the video footage of 80s and 90s, he used to walk with his knees constantly flexed. He never could straighten his legs out while walking, which is a smoking gun of someone hiding lifts in his shoes.
Anonymous said on 13/Mar/09
Rob, i think you should downgrade him down to 5-11.5 now. 6'1 peak
Roger said on 13/Mar/09
Doug, very well summed up. That someone can loose 4 inches sounds unbelievable, but I just checked out his page here.

I'm really looking forward to whether we'll see a straight 5'11'' Arnold (maybe as president, he wants it, and he might get the constitution changed!) within the next 5 years.
Antonio said on 13/Mar/09
Don't forget about Arnold's open heart surgery. He had a valve replacement, a few years back. I have had this surgery, too, and it did have an effect on my height. Initially, it compromises your posture, and then I think that poor posture creates more spinal curvature ... and then height decrease.
Doug said on 13/Mar/09
Yes thats mostly correct, bodybuilders of the extent that guys like Arnie and David Prowse were will loose a lot of height. Its already happening with Dolph Lundgren who was a full 6'5" at peak. David Prowse stood 6'6.5" peak, he has now lost 4 inches in height believe it or not after operations and is now barely over 6'2". Same with Hulk Hogan, heavy bodybuilder, lost around 2.5 inches in height by 50 after operations and obvious strain on his cartlidges. Arnie yes today is struggling with 6 foot but at his peak the guy was undoubtedly near 6'2". The image I've seen of Arnie with Bruce Willis, Stallone and Russell Arnie appeared to have a little over 2 strong inches on Bruce Willis. Arnie I believe was a legit 6'1.75" peak height. He's lost two inches.
SuperAnonymous said on 13/Mar/09
Danimal: Did you forget to look at the ground level in the Mueller and Arnold picture?? Look closely and you should easily be able to see Mueller is on higher ground than Arnold.

In the 90s Arnold had a picture with Mueller and he looked no shorter then 4 - 4.5 inches in that side by side picture with Mueller.

Michael Rappaport is 6'3" (sometimes even reported 6'4". he was taller than 6'3" Samuel L Jackson in Deep Blue Sea so 6'4" is not out of the question).

Arnold was 2 inches shorter than Michael Rappaport in 6th Day. So 6'1" is where he was in 6th day.
M.o.r.g said on 13/Mar/09
Yeah that sean slater lookalike with the red hair in the 6th day looks about 6 foot 1(hey he could be bigger) and he's way taller than arnold.
Roger said on 13/Mar/09
Metric, are you a danish citizen? If so, can you tell me if Arnold ever starred in a "Color Climax" production?
RisingForce said on 13/Mar/09
Metric, one of Arnold's co-stars was Michael Rappaport who is 6'3". I don't think he had more than 2 inches on Arnold.

I agree Guy, his peak height is fact. The only argument is whether you go by morning height or evening height. 6'1.5" evening and 6'2" morning. I also agree that the picture with Ralph Moeller was terrible, especially since Arnie was not only in mid-stride with his head down, but Moeller also had acamera and pavement advantage.

I'm fine with anything in the 5'11" to 6'0" range today for Arnold.
Roger said on 13/Mar/09
Arnold is 6'1.5'' in lifts and 5'11.5'' barefoot. The 5'10'' stuff is nonsense.
Guy said on 13/Mar/09
Listen, what it comes down to, is that anyone can find any photo from the past that discredits Arnold's peak 6'1 1/2". But if you look, Arnold isn't standing straight, or he's scissor stepped in mid stride etc etc. These types of photos can always be promoted as "proof" against the established norm. Lets face it, very few celebrities on this site receive as much scrutiny as Arnold, so all photos from good to bad are thrown in to make some kind of stand. Anyone can look shorter due to camera angle, footwear, posture, and relative distance from the camera.

Very few celebrities receive as much rabid intensity to expose disparaging photos. For various reasons he can look shorter or taller in photos, but it doesn't matter. He was measured 6'1 1/2" in 1969 after claiming 6'2". His peak height is fact. Next to no celebrities on this site have this validation. Any dispute concerning his peak height with newly revealed photos looking like this or that, are just examples of all the variables that can produce such an illusion. He was measured 6'1 1/2". Today is different. We don't have Vince Basille measuring Arnold today to produce new results. I think the above height is fair of 6' today. He looks this next to strong 6 footer Tony Blair, or slightly more. 6' is fair and accurate. He looks about eye to eye with Tony Blair here who is a strong 6 footer (6' 1/4" maybe).
Click Here
Looks a slight bit taller here by maybe a half inch
Click Here
What it comes down to is Arnold is absolute min 6' and probably a little more today.
Metric said on 13/Mar/09
Sixth Day was on danish television yesterday. Arnold looks nothing 6'1" or 6'2" in that movie! Ludicrous! Almost everyone in the male cast are taller. He looks 5'11.5"-6'0" (MAX) in many scenes. That was 10 yrs ago. He is 5'11" flat today.
ali said on 12/Mar/09
Danimal wrote:

''Recent pic of Arnold being DWARFED by 6'6" Ralf Moeller'' Click Here

Danimal look at the length of Arnolds legs! That is legs+lifts.
It's so obvious

Arnold is 5'10 + lifts which make him 5'11.5-6'0
mId said on 12/Mar/09
ok guys.. i was wrong about couture looking taller than arnold in the video.. I saw pictures from that scene shot straight on. and arnold is looking taller than couture.. about 1" looks like arnold has on fishy shoes though. I'll post pics later if you are interested.
Danimal said on 12/Mar/09
Graham is lucky if he is 5'10"-5'11" today and Hogan is struggling with 6'3".
Roger said on 12/Mar/09
RisingForce, those photos are great, however - as unimaginable as this may sound - some will come out and say that Arnold is TALLER than Blair on those photos! It happened already, as those photos are known.

He is Blair's height max., his shoes are huge! And I mean heightwise, not lengthwise.

I'm glad Glenn is not willing to back down in this debate, though it seems Rob is unwilling to reduce Arnold to 182 cm. I've inquired several times about it, he never answered me.

If we only knew what caused this dramatic shrinkage. We know he broke a leg while skiing three years ago, and that he had a motorcycle accident shortly before filming T3. But only ribs were broken there, so I imagine this was not so relevant.

It is imaginable that because of his heavy lifting as a bodybuilder, his intervertebral discs decay faster than they do with non bodybuilders / weightlifters.
M.o.r.g said on 12/Mar/09
wow cool never thought i'd see brock and arnold together.I think brock is 6'3 but everyone here says he's 6'2.Arnold looks tiny next to brock and lesnar isnt even at his biggest.Even back in the day schwarzenegger couldnt come anywhere near the size or height of lesnar.Schwarzenegger looks a good 3 or 4 inches shorter than brock.No doubt he has always been 5'10-11.throws the 6 foot+ crap out of the window once and for all.
miko said on 12/Mar/09
Anon I agree Graham could have been close to 6"4 at his tallest. But he was billed at 6"4 so he wasn't any higher than that. Somewhere between 6"3 and 6"4 sounds fine.

Look at the video, could Graham also be in cowboy boots as well as Hogan? There is definately a noticable heel at 3:30 on the video.

Grahams height loss of upto 4 inches is proof if any that Arnold's height loss of around 2 inches is more than possible.
MHouillon said on 12/Mar/09
ha HA !

A German Bodybuilder-site has him on 182.5cm now. (a little [VERY, VERY LITTLE] over 5'11.5). Just as I posted.

Come on. the 5'10 is too low, but the 6 ft is a little too much. He WAS 6'1, and he is 5'11.5 max now.

The 6'2 was his Hollywood-height.

A friend saw him at 184cm (6'0.5") in his prime and at 181cm (5'11.25") now.
SuperAnonymous said on 12/Mar/09
Anon2: Like I said, it is a well known fact Hulk Hogan used to wear big lifts in those huge boots back in his WWF days.

Want proof?? Look at him walking. His knees are constantly flexed while walking. They never lock and fully straighten out when he is walking.
Anon 2 said on 12/Mar/09
You're right Vegas, but it doesn't change the fact Superstar has profusely shrunk, which is the main point.

Even if some believe Graham was 6-3 at his peak like Miko says (tho all sources on the web tell you he was 6-4 which I think is more accurate), he's clearly not that height with Hulk Hogan. If Hogan was 6-6-ish at his peak, that'd make Graham about 6-1 there in the vid. That's clearly a shrinkage of at east 2", but more likely 3" from his peak height of 6-4. Some even think Hogan we really only 6-5 or 6-4, which could even further Superstar's shrinkage. I believe Hogan was a legit 6-6 though...

If Superstar can shrink 3", so can Arnold. Conjecture or pure fantasy? Try reality and hard cold facts. Glenn himself has seen Arnie in the flesh numerous times and supports the shrinkage theory. Stop the denial guys.
SuperAnonymous said on 12/Mar/09
Anon2: Don't forget Hulk Hogan used to wear huge lifts in his big and thick boots back in his wrestling day.

Watch him walk in that video footage you posted at the end. His knees are constantly flexed while he is walking. His knees never really straigthen out fully because he is wearing huge and long boots with lifts in them.
SuperAnonymous said on 12/Mar/09
Anon2: Those pictures of Arnold barefoot next to 6'4" - 6'5" Bill Graham make him look a strong 6'2" barefoot. If Arnold stood straight up rather than hunching forward, he would be 2 - 2.5 inches shorter than Billy Graham.

Don't forget what Billy Graham himself said about training with Arnold in an interview. I read it myself and it said

"Arnold was big. He was 250 pounds and 6'2". Very strong and powerful".
RisingForce said on 12/Mar/09
Interesting answer Glenn. So I guess Arnie's 6'1" claim is pretty much impossible.

I think the pictures with Tony Blair are among the best still for judging Arnold's height. If Blair is 6 ft then it seems very unlikely Arnie is anything over.

Same height in these 2 full body shots
Click Here
Click Here

Now a look at Arnold's footwear up close.
Click Here
Click Here

The heels do seem pretty big on his shoes, but I'm not sure if there's any reason to be suspicious. What do you think about his ankle position?
Lucio said on 12/Mar/09
Ejel Khan you have right.
let's leave the speculation that everyone can do, but stick to the facts.
A loss height of 8-10 cm as anyone conjecture is pure fantasy.
glenn said on 12/Mar/09
risingforce-amazing question.5-10 is too low.but i guess thats more likely than 6-1.i know what my eyes saw.he was under 6ft.and he was 6-2 in the early 90s in front of me.
Ejel Khan said on 12/Mar/09
C'mon guys Arnie was 6'1.5" by his, and others estimates ... who actually measured him! This was obviously during his bodybuilding days .... yes he's lost height, but is still 6'1". In his peak he did claim 6'2", because everyone is taller in the morning!
Vegas said on 12/Mar/09
Anon2; that photo and that video of hogan/billy graham you posted are THE SAME SHOW the 1987 slammys (its obvious just looking at both mens clothes and the gold curtain in the background) what your video proves without question is never ever trust photos especially when people are not side by side
Anon2 said on 12/Mar/09
I should also mention Arnold is severely hunched (neck hunched over and bent at the waist)in the first pic with Superstar, where Superstar is standing as erect as a man can be, shoulders even pushed up for the bulging bicep. Plus Hulk Hogan himself has shrunk to only about 6-3.5 today, which makes the shrinkage of Superstar even more insane!
Anon2 said on 12/Mar/09
I haven't been on this site or thread for a while, and it still just amazes me that people could still think Arnold anything less than 5-11, especially in his prime. Just so much ample evidence the man once stood near 6-2. Just look at how he dwarfed bodybuilders of his day (unless you think greats like Frank Zane, etc... were only 5-6), how he stood toe to toe with Brigitte Nielsen, the flip-flop pic with Stallone and Columbu, etc...

YES the man HAS shrunk! The pic with Ralph Moeller proves this (although Arnie is in mid-stride which makes it hard to accurate decipher). Get over it people! 6-1.5 -> 5-11ish! Why's that so hard to understand?!

I think what's killing the short Arnie believers, is the fact they can't believe anyone with once greek-god proportions, once "Mr. Universe", 7-time Mr. Olympia, biggest action-hero of all time, etc.. experiencing such shrinkage, but it happens, even to the best. Once you reach your 60's, no matter how healthy one is in their youth, genetics takes over... a healthy 20 year old ain't necessarily gonna be a healthy 70 year old, etc... Arnie hasn't aged as well as Sly who still has a great body for a man in his 60s. Probably trading weights and time in the gym for pencil-pushing in the oval office (which is ironically what he told Carl Weathers in Predator after beating him in the arm-wrestle) has caught up with good ol Arnie. And don't forget his multiple surgeries for his ailing heart, motor-cycle accident, skiing accident, etc...

For disbelievers of extreme shrinkage on healthy iconic figures, look at Superstar Billy Graham who was once 6-4 or so give or take an inch, here clearly owning Arnold by about 2.5 or 3 inches (Arnie is barefeet tho):
Click Here
Click Here

Here's a man who once stood toe to toe with Hulk Hogan who was 6-6 or so in the day:
Click Here

Look at both men today and be shocked!
Click Here

Shrinkage is real, get over it people. Arnie was once near 6-2 and has now shrunk to about 5-11. End of story.
RisingForce said on 12/Mar/09
You're right Guy, he was measured 6'1.5" and in the evening at that. But that was in the late 60's. I have no doubt that Arnold was 6'2" out of bed back then, but now he's quite a bit shorter.
Guy said on 12/Mar/09
Arnold is behind Moeller here, and also scissor stepped. Bad comparison.
Click Here
I will keep repeating this over and over......Arnold was measured 6'1.5" by an indignant third party.
RisingForce said on 12/Mar/09
Glenn, what do you think is more likely now? Arnold being 5'10" barefoot or 6'1" barefoot?
Roger said on 11/Mar/09
Danimal, the photo is good, though posted already. Btw, Moeller is not 6'6'', but 6'5''.
Doug said on 11/Mar/09
Robin Williams was 5'7.5" in his prime. I think I'm pretty good estimating heights too. Arnie has clearly lost a lot of height, common to body builders like this. He looks nearer 5'11" today but he was a strong 6'1" peak no doubts, a little over at 187. It is quite unbelievale to see how small Arnie's frame looks compared to Ralph Moeller today. ON films in the 80s and 90s you'd find it hard to believe anybody could dwarf Arnie in body size and muscle but Moeller looks enormous in comparison.
Gago said on 11/Mar/09
I also saw him at 5'11 several months ago, even one of the guys from his security staff confirmed that, it's all part of the image, "don't believe what you hear, believe what you see".
glenn said on 11/Mar/09
great collection you found there compiled the best of that era.
Anonymous said on 11/Mar/09
Click Here

Arnold and ralf moeller in 90s?

Click Here

Ralf with russel croww
Click Here

Arnold look easy 187 cm there, its ridicilous to say he is using 3 inches lifts, i have never even seen a shreed of evidence he uses lifts, like with Stallone. Arnold is around 184 -185 cm and almost every pic shows it, that is posted her, expect tiger woods pic.
RisingForce said on 11/Mar/09
That is funny Glenn and I found the link Click Here

"He wears risers in his boots," counters Mulholland. "He's a 5ft 10in citizen of Austria who believes his real place in history is to be president of the United States.

I do remember one political rival also saying something like "his statements are made up, like his claimed height". I also remember one other politician trying to measure Arnold to settle the debate! Here's a link to that. Click Here

I heard 5'10" claims for Arnie going back to the late 80's as well. In fact as a kid I always thought Sly was 5'7" and Arnie was 5'10", probably because that's what I heard and I didn't understand that camera tricks/footwear can only do so much.
glenn said on 11/Mar/09
there was a 5-10 claim or 2 from the earlys 80s for arnold.i think one was from a director,no? and the best was the political rival that said he is a "5-10 austrian citizen that wore risers in his boots",that was on top of this page for a couple years.i use to laugh at that
Danimal said on 11/Mar/09
Recent pic of Arnold being DWARFED by 6'6" Ralf Moeller: Click Here
ali said on 10/Mar/09
superanonymous wrote:

''Cobra: Very good footage. Eventhough, the angle is not good, but definitely Arnold is taller by 2 inches than Couture and about 2 inches shorter than 6'3" Brock Lesnar.''

You are kidding right! Arnold actually looks shorter.

Arnold was shorter than 6'0 foot Tiger Woods.
Roger said on 10/Mar/09
It just is so amazing to see people shrink, sometimes heavily. Arnold is a prime example, Robin Williams less so but also a bit. I remember seeing him in this movie where he plays Sy Parrish, a supermarket cashier going on a rampage.
He stands next to a wall chart there in a shot, and his height is given as 5'7''.

Back to Arnold, I'd love to see him barefoot next to Tom Cruise. Just to lay the 5'10'' rumours to rest, cause this I consider entirely impossible at the moment. I stick to 5'11.5'', with a slight possiblity of 5'11.75''.
Metric said on 10/Mar/09
Downgrade for Arnold.
RisingForce said on 10/Mar/09
Roger Ebert said about 5 years ago that he'd guess Arnold was 5'10" or 5'11". I still think he's 6 foot even, but I wouldn't rule out him being slightly under.
glenn said on 10/Mar/09
roger-i never had a problem estimating heights.robin williams was indeed 5-7,5-8 in his prime.i have picw with him to prove that.but 2 years ago,he was in flat sneakers,and so was a full body pic i look 2 inches taller.i was intentions of bringing up the 5-7 wasnt to dissect or critique ones height estimate.but too show how arnold has short sightings,that i too witnessed.
brotha said on 9/Mar/09
Guessing Arnold's height from the Couture video is not very accurate. I agree he does look close to Randy's height though, but who knows about the footware. Arnold must have meant he's 6'1" in shoes when he said his daughter measured him. He never did specify that he was barefoot in the Bronstein video, did he?
Sam said on 9/Mar/09
He looks the same height as couture, and shorter than Lesnar by 2 inches, Lesnar who is no more than 6'2 . Its very unlikey that AHHHHNOLD is over 6'0 at all.
mId said on 9/Mar/09
I can't see how you think arnold looks taller than couture in that video.. that's the video I'm talking about and I think couture looks like the taller one? not the best angle so I could be wrong.
Roger said on 9/Mar/09
A poster here had him at 5'11.5''. Arnold though is for sure taller than him in this video, just by how much is impossible to judge by this video.
Also, we don't see the footwear of the two.

As I have Arnold on lifts, I give him a weak 6' or strong 5'11.5'', whatever you prefer. Never ever more today and not in the future, except he'd visit a stretch bank regularly to gain half an inch or even an inch.
Guy said on 9/Mar/09
Roger: your Christian Wulff example proved to be not too exciting. The photo used to display that was a joke of extreme bad angles taken advantage of. That was no mistake on your behalf. Arnold looked pretty big next to Couture and Brock Lesnar. So why are you so confident?
Roger said on 9/Mar/09
Glenn, thanks for this information, though the 5'7'' thing is, without a doubt, not valuable as a height guideline. Not to downgrade this photographer, but if he was serious about this, his ability to estimate heights is worth as much as Cheney telling us about WMD in Iraq.

But it is obvious that no one had him at 6' or above, and that should everyone here make seriously think if Arnold can be 6'1'' anymore today.

On Robin Williams, 5'6'' it totally possible, without a doubt. I remember seeing a photo of him and NIN frontman Trent Reznor 7 years ago - they were both same height. And many people say that Trent is not even 5'7'' (including a fan I know who stood in front of him). Without a doubt, if anything, your ability to estimate heights has improved.
glenn said on 8/Mar/09
yes,its true.i cant be accused of overestimating arnold.i do believe he was around 6-2 in his prime.or a hair under.on the pitt page you guys have me convinced pitt might be 5-10.clint eastwood shrunk a few inches.robin williams i swear is 5-6 on rare occasion i do go the lower end.
SuperAnonymous said on 8/Mar/09
Cobra: Very good footage. Eventhough, the angle is not good, but definitely Arnold is taller by 2 inches than Couture and about 2 inches shorter than 6'3" Brock Lesnar.

A strong 6'1" in that Arnold Classic video.
glenn said on 8/Mar/09
roger-great question.i have to ask photog i didnt know well said 5-7 for lie.the friend i was with that day and night 18 months ago,saw arnold at 5-9 in front of me.i saw the short sightings have some truth to them.
Cobra said on 8/Mar/09
Click Here

Not the best angle, but Arnold is def. taller than Couture, and maybe 2 inches shorter than Brock.
Roger said on 8/Mar/09
Glenn, how many of your friends have seen Arnold in person, and what is the consensus opinion about his height among them - those who have seen him within the last 3 - 5 years?
mId said on 8/Mar/09
I saw a video of arnold and randy couture when they were at the arnold classics.. arnold was like 1" shorter than couture.. and some people.. including myself think randy is just under 6' these days. bottom line is.. arnold is not 6' to me.. he's under.. but by how much I can't say.. I would guess 5'11 tops based on couture video.
MHouillon said on 8/Mar/09
Nowadays 182cm dead-on. (5'11.5").
Anonymous said on 8/Mar/09
I agree with Glenn, Arnold is now about 5'11, but peak i disagree with the rest who say 6'1/2 but was really around 6'0.
Ejel Khan said on 8/Mar/09
Roger .... Tiger is listed as 6'1", and Arnie is comparable in height.
Guy said on 8/Mar/09
Craig R. Barrett was also 6'2", at least in his prime.
Guy said on 8/Mar/09
No one is saying Wulff isn't taller than Arnold. Even Arnold admitted he's no longer 6'1.5". Its just the use of a photo like this....
Click Here
is ridiculous and REALLY DOES show heavy agenda if it is used to prove any point. The fellow on the far left, Craig R. Barrett, also looks significantly taller than Arnold. He doesn't here though......
Click Here
This illustrates further how out of whack the above photo is to prove anything.
glenn said on 8/Mar/09
outstanding work risingforce.
Roger said on 8/Mar/09
RisingForce, the photo with Harrison Ford is great, very good find. I have Harrison at 183 cm, btw, which makes Arnold at 182 again most likely.

For Guy to say that the Woods/Jobs/Arnold photo has cameraangle issues, well, it makes discussing with him fruitless. It is in fact possibly the best photo of Arnold available to measure his dwindling height.

Every photo of Arnold and Wulfff - every photo - shows Wulff being taller than Arnold, and Wulff is 187 cm.
Guy said on 8/Mar/09
RisingForce: you can't just absolutely count the inches difference in every shot between individuals. Photos are never fully accurate as postures can warp whatever direct comparison you can make. This is another good example of inaccurate comparisons. You can't count the inches with a photo like.....
Click Here
because Arnold is leaning and relaxed. You can't see their legs or feet. How can this be thought as accurate.
Ford doesn't look taller here....
Click Here
This one has a better angle.
Guy said on 8/Mar/09
Metric: you have to be one of the most stubborn people on the whole internet. ARNOLD WAS MEASURED BY VINCE BASILLE! Can you not at least admit that? Whether you think Arnold is a natural pathological liar is irrelevant. Honestly you've been arguing crap for a very long time. Now you're to the point where Arnold could not have been near 6'2" because his "character" suggests it could not have been true. That's bad logic for everyone else for you. That tells you something.

Second, the evidence of late that seems to have swung the scale in the other direction has not actually added up in the end. Roger wants to use a horrible high shot of Christian Wulff as a stand alone when it is obvious to anyone with half a brain the photo is corrupted by bad angles. But that seems to be the nature of affairs with him and others. It seems easy to understand but maybe it's not for some. Or maybe its being so heavily biased and agenda driven to ignore bad comparison photos. It goes to show if you really really want something it can seem true. To me it seems ridiculous to propose that photo as a comparison shot given the nature of the angle. Other photos of Arnold and Wulff display otherwise, but you won't see Roger or Metric posting those photos. As far as the Tiger Woods photo, I've debated that a while ago. It doesn't add up. Its not conclusive. Arnold was standing in front and camera angle was high. See my Arnold/Clint Eastwood example. I don't have the time or energy to go into that again.
RisingForce said on 8/Mar/09
Here's some more evidence that Arnie may not even be 6'0" today.

Arnold looks 2 inches max taller than Kurt Russell. Russell is 5'9" or 5'10".
Click Here

To illustrate how much Arnold has shrunk look at how Arnold towered over Kurt by atleast 4-5 inches 15-20 years ago.
Click Here

In 2007 Harrison Ford(listed 5'11.75" here) looked taller than Arnold.
Click Here
Roger said on 7/Mar/09
Ejel Khan, so Arnie is still 6'1'' (185 cm), but shorter than 184 cm Tiger Woods?
That's an interesting point, you are one hell of an observer.
Ejel Khan said on 7/Mar/09
Arnie is still 6'1" and a legend ..... may be not 6'2", but he's in his sixties now, and still looking good!
Metric said on 7/Mar/09
Danimal: I don't exactly hate Arnold. It's just that liars tend to make me a bit angry.
glenn said on 7/Mar/09
thats not true have it mixed not in the mood to get into not sure how tall i was then.judging from pics i have,celebs and friends i saw then and now,im taller.i did grow a bit.and yes,i didnt know about morning height.neither does half the world.
brotha said on 6/Mar/09
Thanks, Metric and Roger for ellaborating. You guys bring up some good points about the bb industry that I wasn't aware of. Anyway, I agree with Arnold being less than 6ft today with the lastest evidence, and of course my friends pics with Arnold five years ago, where Arnold was 2" shorter than my 6'2" friend. I used to think Arnold was right at 6ft, now I think he's my height. I'd be shocked to look Arnold right in the eye in person after idolizing his movies during my younger years.
Danimal said on 6/Mar/09
RisingForce says on 5/Mar/09
Shouldn't Glenn be listed 5'7" at the top? Wasn't this before he grew to 5'8"?

He didn't GROW to 5'8". He didn't realize there was morning and evening height at that time. This HAS been discussed.
Danimal said on 6/Mar/09
Metric says on 5/Mar/09
Wait a minute, Guy. Arnold has admitted himself that he is a liar: Click Here (his fathers funeral, end of interview). This deluded megalomaniac wouldn't know truth if he fell on it. WHY in the world should we trust his height claims when he so blatantly lies about almost everything else?? It's not bad logic but common sense.

Your hatred towards him is SO obvious based on your post.
Roger said on 6/Mar/09
It is without doubt true, Arnold was instrumental not only in bringing excitement for this sport to the masses (not a bad thing, for sure), but also in the expansion of the Weider empire. And Weider was clever in creating the IFBB, producing magazines and requesting the IFBB pros to endorse the often low quality Weider supplements. He had countless fights with the FDA and had to pay fines because of claims made in his ads that were nonsensical.

It is well understandable that the image Arnold created of himself is not well suited for a governor today (Remember his interview, where he said "If she's a good ****, I'll take her"? Was back in 1977, I think, or '79). But spinning goes only so far, I don't think anyone seriously can doubt Arnold was a tough-as-nails selfmade man. Let's face it, you don't get far in showbiz by being the friendliest guy around.

Arnold is 5'11.5'' today, and with lifts can look 6'1.5'' still. If anyone, after seeing him next to Tiger Woods or Wulff (or Merkel) still has him at 6'1'', well, not much one can do about it. Here's, once again, the photo already posted by RisingForce, showing Arnold, Tiger, and Jobs. Now, does Arnold slouch here? Do they stand on uneven terrain?

Click Here
Metric said on 6/Mar/09
Brotha: For years this story was promoted as absolute and pure gospel in bodybuilding circles. Arnolds "ability" to psych out his components, be cold (fathers funeral) and brutal has been written extensively about in publications such as Musclemag, Muscle & Fitness etc. Everybody accepted these "facts" as truth. That goes far beyond being a mere "angle". In other words the established bodybuilding community (headed by Mr. Delusion himself, Joe Weider) has been subjecting good suspecting fans to a scam of proportions for a timespan of some 30 yrs !! This is also why I don't trust ANYTHING that comes out of these deluded circles! Like for instance Vince Basilles "measurement" of Arnold?? The 6'1.5"-6'2" height could very well be another "angle" (read: LIE) to make Arnold appear more in line with the image of being the world's most perfect physical specimen. Remember he was once promoted as such and basically this illusion was what built Joe Weiders vast empire.
bbbb898 said on 5/Mar/09
Metric, Arnold lied about a lot of things in the Docorama Pumping Iron, and so did the other bodybuilders because they were told to fib and turn situations around to make the Moive Pumping Iron, a Docurama not a Documentary.
RisingForce said on 5/Mar/09
Shouldn't Glenn be listed 5'7" at the top? Wasn't this before he grew to 5'8"?
Metric said on 5/Mar/09
Wait a minute, Guy. Arnold has admitted himself that he is a liar: Click Here (his fathers funeral, end of interview). This deluded megalomaniac wouldn't know truth if he fell on it. WHY in the world should we trust his height claims when he so blatantly lies about almost everything else?? It's not bad logic but common sense.
SuperAnonymous said on 5/Mar/09
Guy: Excellent pictures. Arnold looks at the most 1 inches shorter than Wulff.
Lucio said on 5/Mar/09
As Arnold said in Bronstein interview, has shrunk from 6'1 and 3/4" to 6'1".
I don't see why Arnold should lie about your height.
So I agree with what he says Cobra and that is: 186 morning and 184 evening.
A height loss of 5 cm as Roger says is too much for a person of 60 years
Lucio said on 5/Mar/09
As Arnold said in Bronstein interview, has shrunk from 6' 3/4" to 6'1".
I don't see why Arnold should lie about your height.
So I agree with what he says Cobra and that is: 186 morning and 184 in the evening.
A height loss of 5 cm as Roger says is too much for a person of 60 years
Guy said on 4/Mar/09
Metric just because Arnold "lies" about a lot of things doesn't prove he's lying or lied about his height. That's bad logic. Besides that, Vince Basille backs up the fact that he measured Arnold. If your counter proof is that Arnold is a "liar" in his character, you should explore whether Vince is also a liar and everyone else who backs up that height. Second, Roger has been shown to be as weak as he's always been at displaying plausible evidence. I've shown how his supposed breakthrough photo with Christian Wulff is wrong and incorrect and he continues with the party without acknowledgment. There's no breakthrough. It proves nothing. In his own mind its a victory but I'm left scratching my head on this guy.

Arnold might be a little closer to the camera but not much. Certainly Arnold doesn't appear to be 2+ inches shorter here....
Click Here
Arnold certainly does look as tall as Wulff here. I'm willing to assume there is some illusion to that, and Arnold is likely still an inch shorter.
Click Here
Danimal said on 4/Mar/09
glenn says on 4/Mar/09
i told you guys how i saw it.arnold was 5-11 to me 18 months ago.

I believe you Glenn.
brotha said on 4/Mar/09
Awesome pic Cobra of the Conan cast and crew. Never seen it before, the big (tall) guy Ben Davidson was listed at 6'8" in his pro football days some places say 6'7", which either way means Arnold in that pic is 6'2" all day.
DEANO said on 4/Mar/09
eh why is arnold put as 6 ft 1 1/2 at peak I mean the reason they put them at 6 ft 2 is because they must of been pretty drn close to what they were put as I mean in the morning straight after you wake up you are 3 quarter of an inche taller I mean if you sleep alot of course you will be 3 quarter of an inch taller in the morning then soon you will lose 1 quarter and later in the day just to make sure - in the evening you will have lost the full 3 quarter inch so if arnold is put down as 6 ft 2 then he must be in the evening 6 ft 1 and qaurter this isnt a lie cause I checked my height throughout the day.
Lucio said on 4/Mar/09
I believe that the optical surgeon would need you, however Arnold is also hunched in this photo.Click Here
Metric said on 4/Mar/09
Arnold lies about alot of things. His height is only one of them. He was never 6'2" - not even prime fresh out of bed. Wullf destroyed him at CeBit. 6'2" Terry Crews destroyed him. All the evidence is there.
Ejel Khan said on 4/Mar/09
Arnie has shrunk .... he admits it .... still a strong 6' footer, though!
Jake said on 4/Mar/09
My mother was 5'3.4" tall. She is 57 and seems to have shrunk to 5'1.8". My father, 61 years old, has lost 2". I think height issue is a bit complicated. I was measured 6'2.4" at the age of 19. I started taking testosterone injections through deficieny at the age of 26. Some of my friends who haven't seen me for a year or so said I had got taller and I exactly felt the same way. I measured my height and it turned out to be 6'2.6". I don't know if a 27-year-old person can get any taller. I might have got taller by 0.4"-0.6" inches but I don't know how can people including me! realize it. Improvement in posture and standing straighter might have done that too. I doubt if I have got taller but I felt a huge difference.My muscle mass came to a climax and exceeded the reference range. So straightening of the spine might be the case.

When It comes to Arnold, he was a tall man and possibly around 6'2" once. Yet, people do shrink as they get to their fifties and he might have shrunk as well.
Roger said on 4/Mar/09
Yes, Glenn, and I'm glad you reinforce it. It is shocking, for sure. I would probably still refuse to believe it were it not for those photos (add the ones of him and Dubya, of him and Tiger Woods etc.) and the repeated reports I read from people who showed surprise at how short he is / has become.

Danimal, I guess most of his medical history will be kept a secret, besides the heart surgery. We do know that he had a motorcycle accident in, I believe, 2002 and had a few broken rips. How much this, if at all, might have influenced his height, I don't know. Funny how Arnold insisted on 6'2'' a few years back when a 6'1.5'' guy (Christian Wulff) is obviously taller than him. Does Arnold really need to lie about his height?

Lucio, you see the same height in this photo? Then I think you should see an optical surgeon rather soon.
glenn said on 4/Mar/09
i told you guys how i saw it.arnold was 5-11 to me 18 months ago.
Danimal said on 3/Mar/09
Starting to believe that Arnold HAS dipped below 6'0" nowadays. I'll say lowest 5'11.5" for him. Seems like he's lost a good 2". That's NOT natural height loss for 62. He must have had some major surgery done on him (hip replacement or back surgery perhaps)?
Lucio said on 3/Mar/09
Roger, you may be right, but Arnold is slightly tilted in this photo Click Here
But if you look at this picture inserted by Guy, Wulff, and Arnold seem the same height.Click Here
Roger said on 3/Mar/09
Glenn, thanks for the thumbs up. Those pictures certainly support a possible "shocking 5'11''", as you once wrote - though my final verdict is now a certain 5'11.5''. Would have loved to see a strong 6', but there is no way he still is this height. And great to hear the Ad Rock photos will be posted, can't wait for it.

Lucio, look at how Christian Wulff compares to Arnold - and Wulf is 1.87m (Supposedly, Arnold was once this tall, too.)
No one can have Arnold at 6'1'' after these photos, not even the staunchest fan of Arnold. A weak 6', but not more.
Guy said on 3/Mar/09
Roger you are such a cherry picker. You go to Getty Images and select the very worst pictures that can bolster your agenda. There are dozens of photos there. Why choose these? How about this one with Christian Wulff where they are level and in line.
Click Here
Arnold is hunched and leaning again as he greets Merkel. Standing as straight as Wulff he's no more than an inch shorter if that. But somehow you wanted to "fool" us all with that other pic where he looks half a foot taller from above.

How about a pic of Arnold where he's not hunched greeting a smaller person.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
So in the end, don't be fooled by Roger and others with their little tricks.
Guy said on 3/Mar/09
Roger: Look at the height of the shot. Its an overhead shot. If you would just draw a straight line across and leave it at that to compare, than you really have little common sense on this site. Are all the people in the back of this photo 8-9 feet tall because they could easily look it.
Click Here
What it comes down to is that it is a bad photo for any comparison.

Merkel is roughly 5'5" with heels looks 5'7". Arnold does what most taller people do when greeting or the shaking the hand of a much shorter person is to relax their posture and hang the shoulders and head. If Arnold stood as straight as Schroeder in the other photo (another bad comparison) he could easily be 5-6 inches taller than Merkel in heels.
Lucio said on 3/Mar/09
Yes, but Angela Merkel is supposedly in heels, (minimum 6-7 cm. elevation), therefore if Arnold is tall 6' - 6'1" there's 10-15 cm. of difference between him and her like in this photo Click Here show.
So, Angela Merkel 1.64m + 6-7 cm. heels = 1.72-73m, Arnold 6' in barefeet, 6'1" / 6'1.75" in shoes, still 8-10 cm of difference.
glenn said on 3/Mar/09
good work the way,i sent rob those adrock pics.horrible for height though.adrock i suspect was on his tip toes.
Roger said on 2/Mar/09
Arnold is now in Hannover/Germany to open an IT exhibition here, the CeBit, he did so with our chancellor Angela Merkel (5'4.75'' / 1.64m) and Lower Saxony's governor Christian Wulff (6'1.5'' / 1.87 m, said so himself when asked for a candidate portrait back when he ran for governor). The guy on the far right is Wulff: Click Here

Arnold and Angela Merkel: Click Here

And, to give you an idea of how to judge the height difference - here's Merkel with former german chancellor Schroeder, who is 1.74 m (5'8.75''): Click Here

Can anyone seeing those photos still be serious about Arnold being 6'1'' today?

This man is a sobering 5'11.5'' today, maybe we'll see him at 5'11'' straight sometime in the future.
TELLEM said on 2/Mar/09
Danimal, can your step father stand up completely straight like when he was 38? or is he hunched due to old age?
Guy said on 2/Mar/09
Puddle Jumper Pilot: did you measure Arnold? We have a guy above who did on a professional height measurement device? In bare feet. The end.
Danimal said on 1/Mar/09
I measured my step father at 6'1.5" when he was 38. He was recently measured at 57 years of age and he's just over 6'0". I should mention that he maintained a bodyweight of 255-295 pounds for the last 20 years he's been my step father. My mother used to measure 5'2 3/4" and is just over 5'1" today at 63 years old. Her mother has lost 3", once having measured 5'1.5" and is today 4'10.5" at 84 years old. My uncle is the same age and used to measure 6'1.5" and is 5'11" today. My own father used to be 5'8" and is barely taller than my 5'5.5"-5'6" brother in law today.
RisingForce said on 1/Mar/09
I highly doubt Arnold only shrunk one quarter inch from the time he got out of bed until the evening.
Ejel Khan said on 1/Mar/09
Arnie has consistently looked 6'1"+ in his pics .... Sly's the controversial one .... try his page ... controversy never stops!
Chaz said on 1/Mar/09
most people round there height up or down,you would sound a right prat if you said'im'5'10'3/4''like I was when i was 21,and by the way I'm only 5'10''now I'm 46,i used to say 5'11''or some times i would say about 6' in my shose,now after 30 years of weight training and bad and posture Iv lost 0.75''.
Puddle Jumper Pilot said on 1/Mar/09
5'11" never taller. I've flown him into/out of MVY at LEAST 50 times over the years. The ridiculous heights listed here are either starstruck fans, PR or judicious use of lifts. The end.
Ejel Khan said on 28/Feb/09
Arnie's still 6'1" ..... forget all of the detractors.
Guy said on 27/Feb/09
Some people lose height, some don't. I measured my Dad when he was 45 at 5'9 1/8", and then measured him in his early 60's at that exact same height. He's 65 now and have yet to measure him, but he certainly looks easily as tall now as back then. My Dad never drank excessively or smoked, and ate like a health nut and exercised regularly so he was never heavy. If he was fat and vapid it might be a different story.
Gordon said on 27/Feb/09
Some men lose height as they age, as do women. However the operative word here is 'some'. I will be 69 years old this year, and am still exactly 6' tall as recently measured by my doctor. I was also exactly 6' when I was 21 years old. So, keep things in perspective folks, some people will shrink a little while others will not.
Danimal said on 27/Feb/09
Leonari, you have some serious anger management issues. To call another person's post CRAP speaks volumes at how CLASSY of a person you are. MANY MEDICAL WEBSITES STATE WHAT I WROTE AS A FACT. Do your research man.
TELLEM said on 27/Feb/09
and thats what i bet he did superanonymous...he was never 6'2 but just claimed it since he was a quarter from reaching it, and now he decided to say his real height in that recent interview which it all makes sense to me.
miko said on 27/Feb/09
A prime example of height loss is Clint Eastwood.

6"4 peak - down to 6"1 now. He could even be shorter today.
JAK said on 27/Feb/09
leonari says on 26/Feb/09
Danimal: Most men lose an inch at 50 years of age? Where do you find that kind of crap? Pure fiction. Really. Get a grip on reality. Most men barely lose height before late 50ies early 60ies. Then it goes fast. You are right.

people usually lose 1cm not 1 inch by their 50s and then this loss is caused by a number of factors such as: compression fractures of vertebra, degenerative disc changes and poor posture

My grandad is 72 and he was 6'0 in his prime. I'd say he is between 5'11.75 - 5.11.5 now. He was a big, muscular man, and he isn't small today either. I think it has more to do with lifestyle than anything.
George said on 26/Feb/09
They measured Arnold at 6'1.5 when he competed in Mr. Universe, therefore he must have been around 6'2.25-6'2.5 out of bed. These days he looks around 6'0.
SuperAnonymous said on 26/Feb/09
Arnold in the mid-90s with Clint Eastwood (Clint was 6'4" peak and shrunk to 6'1.5" - 6'2")

Click Here
SuperAnonymous said on 26/Feb/09
TELLEM: Arnold had always called himself 6'2". Watch the movie "Pumping Iron" and they describe him "6'2" 240 lbs". On his official website he had himself at 6'2".

Just recently, I was surprised when in the Bronstein interview Arnold for the first time ever called himself "six foot 1 and three quarter" essentially admitting he had been rounding up his height to 6'2". No one can tell the difference between 6'1.75" and 6'2" in every day life since they are too close. It was not wrong of him to round himself up to 6'2".
RisingForce said on 26/Feb/09
Well he claimed both figures. 6'2" morning adds up with the 6'1.5" evening height measurement much better. I have no doubt he measured 6'1.75" at one point, but I doubt it was out of bed during his prime.
George said on 26/Feb/09
Leonari, my dad isn't even 50 yet and admitted he has already lost a full inch of height!
TELLEM said on 26/Feb/09
oh c'mon risingforce, i believe his recent clip of him actually saying "6'1 3/4" over that text interview. 6'1 3/4 fresh outta bed for arnold.
Vegas said on 26/Feb/09
leonari says on 26/Feb/09
Danimal: Most men lose an inch at 50 years of age? Where do you find that kind of crap? Pure fiction. Really. Get a grip on reality. Most men barely lose height before late 50ies early 60ies. Then it goes fast. You are right.

people usually lose 1cm not 1 inch by their 50s and then this loss is caused by a number of factors such as: compression fractures of vertebra, degenerative disc changes and poor posture

Click Here
RisingForce said on 26/Feb/09
TELLEM says on 23/Feb/09
arnold would claim 6'2 if he was THAT out of bed. but he just wasn't. he was 6'1 3/4 outta bed.

He did claim 6'2".

"I'm 6'2". I've heard rumors that I'm really much shorter in real life - like 5'6" or something like that - which is ridiculous. I can assure you this is not the case. People look up to me, and not just because I do a lot of work in the community. I mean, most people really LOOK UP to me."

Click Here
RisingForce said on 26/Feb/09
Here are some pictures that aren't posted that much. The following heights given for the other celebrities are my estimates.

Arnie and 6-0ish Roger Moore(early 90's)
Click Here

Moore like Arnold I believe was 6-2 out of bed, but by the early 90's Moore was well into his 60's and had lost a considerable amount of height. Moore was still atleast 6 foot though. Arnie looks every bit of 6-2 there, even considering his camera advantage.

Arnie and 5'9" Jack Nicholson
Click Here

Arnie looks about 5'11" initially, until you factor in Jack's better posture and camera advantage. He looks atleast 6 foot in that picture. I also suspect Jack of wearing lifts at times(he looked every bit of 5'10" at the Departed premiere).

Arnie and 5'8" John McCain
Click Here

If McCain is 5'8" then oddly enough Arnie doesn't look any taller than 5'10.5" here. Could McCain be 5'9"? I guess it's possible he wears lifts too. McCain always looked 5'8" to me next to Obama.

Arnie and 5'10" James Caan
Click Here

Even considering the tilt and posture it's clear that Caan was only 1" or 1.5" shorter. This picture from the same night seems to back that up.
Click Here

Arnie's shoes don't seem that suspicious although it's not impossible to have lifts in these.
Click Here

Arnie's legs however don't seem very long, in fact they seem unusually short compared to his torso so I'll say he probably doesn't have lifts there. Caan on the other hand has unusually long looking legs in this picture and the heels of his shoes are a little bigger than Arnie's.
Click Here

Caan seems 1" to 1.5" shorter, but he probably has atleast a 1" footwear advantage. So once again this does suggest to me that Arnie is atleast 6'0" although many think Caan is only 5'9".

Arnie and 5'9"-5'10" Patrick Swayze sometime during the early 90's.
Click Here

Standing straight equal distances from the camera, Arnie would have 3 inches on Swayze. What's also interesting is how much higher Swayze's waist is than Arnie's. There's no way in hell that Swayze has longer legs than Arnold so he obviously has a big footwear advantage.

I do think Arnold is in the 6'0" to 6'1" range unless he wears lifts, but that's something we have no way of knowing. He does look anywhere from 5'10.5"(with John McCain) to 6'1" with Phil Bronstein even these days. I think 6'0" is the safest estimate.
leonari said on 26/Feb/09
Danimal: Most men lose an inch at 50 years of age? Where do you find that kind of crap? Pure fiction. Really. Get a grip on reality. Most men barely lose height before late 50ies early 60ies. Then it goes fast. You are right.
TheoJ said on 26/Feb/09
I saw Arnie in person in 1996 when I visited Fox Studios in LA.
I bumped into him as he was about to go on set to film Jingle All The Way.
I was surprised that I wasn't looking up to him, but he was roughly the same height as me and at the time, when I was 18, I was 6ft 1/2 or 184cm.
Ejel Khan said on 25/Feb/09
Arnies weight fluctuated during his competition heydey ..... his height is another matter completely ... yes he's 6'1" now, maybe he needs a upgrade
Robbo said on 25/Feb/09
I'm 57 and I havn't shrunk a single cm!
SuperAnonymous said on 25/Feb/09
Arnold looking exactly as tall as officially 6'2" (both claimed by David himself and Celebheight verified) in 1990 promoting "Total Recall":

Click Here

He was definitely 6'1.75" without a doubt in the early 90s (ofcourse, no one can tell the difference between 6'1.75" and 6'2" with naked eye).
scata said on 24/Feb/09
do people really shrink that much by age 50? Im scared.. I dont want to shrink down to 5'9 =(
TELLEM said on 24/Feb/09
risingforce: he hasn't claimed 6'2! what part of that is hard to understand??? he said 6'1 3/4. quit making it so hard for yourself.
Ejel Khan said on 24/Feb/09
Superanon maybe your're right about Arnie's eak weight of 250llbs ..... all i know he's a giant of a man.
Roger said on 24/Feb/09
5'11'' peak? Where in the world did I write that? I have him at 186 cm peak (6'1.3''), out of bed, and 5'11.5'' / a very weak 6' today. For sure not above 6' today, as some strangely still believe.
Guy said on 24/Feb/09
Arnold was also measured in the evening after a no doubt grueling workout regimen at 6'1.5". He could easily have measured closer to 6'2" if he was a regular guy with a desk job. So Roger do you still think Arnold was like 5'11" peak?
Roger said on 24/Feb/09
Danimal is right. I didn't know he was only 220 lbs at the 1980 Mr O., thought 225 lbs. But this last title was a gift by good ol' Joe, anyhow.

And Arnold was never 6'2''.
Vibram said on 24/Feb/09
He looked his biggest build/size in that shamefully hideous movie 'Hercules In New York' (1970). He was only a young man of 23.
Ian said on 23/Feb/09
Arnold could shrink an 1nch and half by the end of the day.I suppose if he's weight trainer with heavy barbell doing squats or clean and press. He could be 6ft tall by late evening but I remember him saying he used to have afternoon nap after training so he would regain some height.

Arnold claimed himself he was 6ft2 in his encloypedia of bodybuilding. He was measureed as that barefoot.

He was best at 235lbs because he said in his book he had to lose 10 pounds to get ripped up because at 245lbs, he was massive but not ripped. Off season he would be 260lbs. States that in his book. Others have already said that and I can say that's true.
Guy said on 23/Feb/09
One thing is for certain, his current height is not confirmed. Especially anything under 6' today is a drop in the bucket. That's not to say its out of the question, but they simply can't be quoted as confirmed facts. Who can tell the difference between 5'11 1/2" and 6' anyways?

His peak height is fact. He was measured by someone who was indifferent to him through the years but nonetheless spoke truthfully of his exchange. Lets face it. 6'1 1/2" is one persons 6'2" and another persons 6'1". Estimates from fiends etc will reflect this. In the end it is all meaningless next to the exact mechanical precision of the stadiometer which gives a measurement no matter what anyone thinks.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.