yakki1234 said on 21/Aug/22
Lightning McQueen lol I just watched Vengeance. You should also... 100%
heightPoirot said on 26/Jul/22
Rob, interesting how much a big head paired with narrow shoulders can make someone not particularly short seem short? BJ seems close enough to 5'8 yet in the office and Inglorious Basterds he's referred to as a little man, despite being taller than some of his male costars such as Christoph waltz.
Pero said on 4/Mar/21
Rob, do you think there’s a chance Novak could be the same height as Carell? They looked very close in height in most of the office scenes they were in together. Also BT he looks like he’s wearing lifts, or at least shoes with a very thick heel in the NPH photo

Editor Rob
of course they might be closer than I give them...at times I can see they can seem quite close
Lightning McQueen said on 26/Feb/21
5’7 100%
BT said on 22/Feb/21
Looks his claim here and then some if NPH is 5'11.5
Click Here
Nickotonic said on 3/Jul/20
I swear to god he is 5'7" at best, he looks consistently shorter than Steve Carell by an inch, and I know Steve Carell is 5'8" at best!
M.E said on 24/Jan/18
he looks only one inch shorter than Carrell
Jim said on 21/Oct/17
Wasn't he just listed at 5'7.75"??
Adamz said on 19/Oct/17
67 flat.
I change my mind.
Adamz said on 7/Sep/17
5 foot 7.5
edguy282 said on 9/Apr/14
Novaks looks under 5'8", but slightly so...I would estimate 172cm instead.
erherage said on 10/Feb/14
5'7, i think he could be a lift wearer
Bill said on 5/Nov/13
Standing next to Stamos:
Click Here
Stamos is listed as 5'10.5, which is generous imho. Looks like Stamos is about 2 in. taller in this pic
lol said on 3/Jul/13
funny how christoph waltz called him a little man in inglorious basterds
Johnny said on 21/May/13
On the office they act like he is so short.
Voiceless Dental Fricative said on 9/Apr/13
Depending on the photograph he looks .5 - 1 inch above Christoph Waltz. He could be 5'7.75.
Adamz said on 9/Sep/11
BJ might not be as short as 5-7 flat like i thought earlier. Could be what is listed here but I dont think any taller.
Toby said on 18/Aug/11
He may be this height but he just looks alot shorter and scrawnier
voiceless dental fricative said on 16/May/11
Doesn't look 5'8.75 with Eli roth - who Rob has said is not over 180cm.
Click Here
Note that Roth is bending his head down a bit in the picture.
Adamz said on 13/Feb/11
5-7 for BJ. Knock 'em DOWN.
J said on 5/Feb/11
Strong 5'8, but not this close to 5'9. Carell himself is a weak 5'9, and Novak consistently looks about .75-1 inch shorter. I'd give him 5'8.75 in the morning, MAYBE.
MD said on 28/Dec/10
This guy has a massive height complex. If you ever see pictures of him at formal events, he's ALWAYS tilting his head in a very noticeable manner. It's ridiculous.
JMS said on 28/Dec/10
In the PSA announcement he says 5'9 is average, not 5'7. Then he says "even 5'8 and 3/4." is average. That seems to be his story and he is sticking to it. I'd say he is like 5'8.5 and Carell is probably 5'9"
Adamz said on 3/Dec/10
IMO, BJ isnt this tall.
MD said on 21/Nov/10
What we know he isn't is close to 5'9", which is why I can't for the life of me understand why he was even started this high. Honestly, Rob could take a good inch off, and that'd be a good place from which to start.
Mr. R said on 20/Nov/10
@Adamz: What you say is possbile. But he could also be close to 5-8 in the morning, and then when I would see him later in the day, he was shorter than that.
Adamz said on 18/Nov/10
Mr. R says on 17/Aug/10
B.J. is lying. He was a writer on the Bob Saget sitcom that I did several years ago, and he is 5-7 at the tallest point of the day.
So 5-7 flat out of bed? Which means approx. 5-6.5 by evening, correct Mr. R?
Wallace said on 16/Nov/10
@Dirk Anchlus
Actually, I'm pretty sure he says 5-9, cos I'm that height and I remember thinking I'd look about his size if I were on the show.