Nik said on 20/Jun/20
He looks pretty tall!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 18/Jun/20
ππ Correction Time! ππ
In the final sentence of Barry's Birthday Greeting, it should have read, 'and an INCH less today' instead of an 'in'. It was, of course, the autocorrect!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 17/Jun/20
ππππ Happy Birthday Barry! ππππ
A Very Happy Birthday to Barry Manilow, who turns both the sevens 7οΈβ£7οΈβ£, on this day! Congratulations to him and many thanks for all the pleasure he's been giving to so many over the years! XX
6ft for Barry's peak and an in less today. Jolly good going....!
Marge said on 12/Nov/19
I recently saw Barry Manilow on the Johnny Carson show. He looked about 5'6" tall compared to the other guests (David Letterman, who is 6'2", and Chevy Chase, who is over 6'). So he must be wearing lifts part of the time.
berta said on 20/Sep/18
the average guess seems lite of :p
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Oct/17
I did think he looked over 6ft when he was younger...
Tom said on 5/Sep/17
That is one weird photo! Manilow always looked like a six footer. Very thin.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 4/Sep/17
Yeah, his proportions make him seem tall when standing by himself. If I hadn't known how tall he was and saw this pic, I would've thought he was 6'3"+
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Sep/17
Looks about 6ft5 in the above photo!
Fanilow said on 1/Sep/17
Looks a good 6ft to me on many recent youtube videos.
Kelly said on 31/Jul/17
I'm 5"11" and sang with him in 1994. He was about 2 in taller than me. He has shrunk now esp at 74. I would say about 5' 10" or so now.
Big T said on 11/Jul/17
He looked a fair bit shorter than Fallon
Concert Promoter said on 11/Jun/17
He may have shrunk since I stood next to him in 1991. But then, and now, I stand 6'2". He was at least my height, but probably half my weight.
Prime minister x said on 6/Apr/17
I think Barry Manilow is 6, 1 or 6,2
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Jan/17
he looks super tall in that photo
Chris said on 8/Feb/15
He has the face/head size/length of a 5ft 6 man though. Weird.
Former Radio Guy said on 12/Jan/15
In my old line of work, I met Barry on multiple occasions. I'm 6'1". He's a couple inches taller than me. Really skinny, too.
Some dude said on 31/Jan/14
He's described in Barry annual as '6'1'. So he's quite tall. Glenn Campbell is around 5'11 and he TOWERED over him at an awards event in the late 70's. It's on youtube.
Mike Stone said on 15/Nov/13
No, surely not I stand 5'11 1/2 yet when he signed a signature for me he had
a good inch on me.
Arch Stanton said on 31/Jul/13
Extremely surprising. I thought he was a tiny little fella like 5'4" or something.
Russ01 said on 21/Sep/12
I met him in 1998. I am 5'11 and he had a couple of inches over me!
Bob said on 22/Jan/12
Im 3'6" and when I met him he was a good 2" shorter than me.
Godred said on 5/Jan/12
@Dan - Ha he`s nothing over 5`11 now,maybe 6 ft peak, you need to measure yourself again.
Dan said on 16/Dec/11
I met Mr. Manilow in person in 1987. I am 6'1", and he was a couple of inches taller than me.
art said on 1/Dec/11
look at the jonny carson youtube video you will see ed mcmahan towers over barry! this on appears accurate barry very skinny gives trim makes look taller
Shaun said on 2/Sep/11
Very surprised. I thought he was a little pip squeak!!
Joe Bloggs said on 9/Jul/11
Burt Reynolds's dictum about how nobody is 5ft11, they'll always say 6ft, seems not to apply here. Perhaps Manilow was always 5ft11 and wore lifts to hoist himself over the top, so to speak.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/May/11
Rob how tall would he be today?

Editor Rob
I think he's looking shorter than he did 10 years back, maybe 5ft 11
Jeff said on 23/Feb/11
Could have fooled me. Just saw him in Vegas (close seats) and he looked like a shrimp - maybe 5'6". Oh well.
sant said on 13/Feb/11
He came to my home the other day. He is above 6 feet tall...
Doug said on 21/Apr/09
LOL I could have sworn this guy was 5'5"! He looks like a short man!
jonny said on 27/Mar/09
i really don't understand why people consider him to be short, but perhaps it is because he is narrow-shouldered. so, in a close up, it appears he has a small body, but in a long shot you see how lanky he really is
Andrea said on 19/Feb/09
Barry's is certainly 6 feet tall with no shoes. During his concert "Music and Passion" before it was changed to "Ultimate Manilow" i sat in the first row and he is tall XD during the concert he might be 6'2 cause he wear the 2inch shoes. Don't forgot his crazy/spiky hair :P that make him look taller too :)
Slice said on 19/Dec/08
Was standing at urinal next to him while he was humming and peeing. Weird...I know. He's definitely 6' or taller. I'm 6' and he seemed a little taller than I but he could have had some fancy high heeled boots on or something.
Barbara Miller said on 12/Dec/08
I have seen the man dozens of times, no furthur back than second row. Definitly taller than 6' in stature, but when it comes to a heart of pure gold and the kindness of this man, he is as tall as the tallest mountain!
Lain said on 23/Nov/08
Fan of many many years when I have been lucky enough to meet Barry a number of times and even sing with him on stage once ... yes, he is over 6 foot tall.
Frank2 said on 30/Jul/08
I've met him and when I did we were eye-to-eye the same height. I'm 5'11". He used to frequent a model train store in LA. I also used to see Gary Coleman shopping there. Very short guy!
Russ said on 15/Jul/08
I had a annual (1982), and in that it stated his height was 6'1.
Brad said on 6/Jul/08
Saw him in Palm Springs with his, er um, lets say manager, he's 6' but starting to look like a Brooklyn doctor. Still sings like 1977, better actually. Imagine telling Bette & Barry working some dumpy club in '72 that Bette would be at Caesars & Barry on the stage Elvis hit at the Hilton in '08.
Krysia said on 6/Oct/07
We've just come back from Las Vegas and were lucky enough to get front row seats at the Hilton Theater (fabulous show), He was about 3-4 feet away from us and only looked about 5'6" - 5'8". Perhaps because we were looking up at the stage it gave the appearance of him being shorter than he actually is. I though he had the figure of a teenage boy.
foodjunkie said on 22/Aug/07
wow, i didn't know he was that tall...
julie said on 3/Dec/06
saw him on x-factor uk, and he stands taller than Ben, who looks 5'11-6, so i'd assume mr manilow be around 6-6'1..
Brad said on 2/Dec/06
I'd accept that. My aunt sees him all the time in Palm Springs. He must jet to his shows in Vegas.
SpiritDancing said on 20/Nov/06
Barry and I were in an acting class together in 1979-1980 with Nina Foch. I'm just barely under 6' in my naked feet. I remember when I met him, I had on short heels (dance character shoes -- maybe 1.5 inches) and we were looking eye to eye. He's definitely taller than I am. I'd say at close to 6'1" maybe a little taller. No lifts in his loafers either -- he kicked them off at one point. A VERY nice man too.
library nerd said on 26/Sep/06
the guy is six foot, not taller..
Jennifer said on 24/Apr/06
Wow... I lost a bet on this one! I thought for sure he was small... :(
Sue said on 18/Mar/06
I've been a Barry fan for 25 years and I still don't know how tall he is, I'm nearly 5' 11" and i think he tends to walk awkwardly because from personal experience I know that some tall people don't know what to do with their bodies. They can be very self consciousness. In his bio's his height is listed as between 6 and 6'2". I have seen him wear cuban heels however and high heeled cowboy boots which would cause some confusion! I think he did mention once that in his bare feet he's exactly six foot!
Glenn said on 10/Mar/06
6 Feet Is Correct.
Horatio said on 10/Mar/06
I saw this guy on TV, and he was wearing shoes with comically large heels. They looked like women's shoes.
CelebHeights Editor said on 22/Aug/05
From Manilow newsgroup:
"I'm 6 feet tall..I stood next to him and had to look up to him..he has to be at least 6' 2" or so..not sure..just know I had to look up at him a little :)"
"This summer I was about 3 feet away from him at the Copa Gala Party in Pittsburgh and was surprised that we were not that different in height. I'm 5'7" so I'd say 6' is about right"
"Barry's definitely six foot....I'm 6'2" and when I sang Can't Smile with him, I kicked off my 3" heels (for obvious reasons!), and with his shoes on, we were near the same height (but I was still a bit taller)"
"Barry said in a TV interview in 1985 that he's 6' tall, and at that time weighed 140"
Shannon said on 21/Feb/05
I saw him out shopping and it struck me how tall he really was (I had always thought he was short) he's about 6'3" or so. That's how tall my husband is and he (Barry) was as tall or taller than he was and very thin.