Canson said on 16/Dec/17
@Christian: in keeping with what you said about his height being all over the charts here’s another pic with Magic where he looks a good 5” shorter. Now the argument on this would be that Magic is closer to the camera but just again shows how Boris’s height looks different based on the pics
Click Here
Canson said on 16/Dec/17
@Andrea: I didn’t tell you to “agree” with anything but don’t say it’s a “fact” that’s it’s not or is just because you don’t agree with it either. That’s something you’ve done all along. All I said was if someone tilts their neck a bit esp if a long neck and their crown is tilted upward chin down it will add height and it does as I have tested it.
Canson said on 16/Dec/17
@Checker: Boris imho is no better than a legit 6’3” and that’s honestly a stretch. A guy who is 6’2.5-.75 pulls 6’4 in shoes with ease esp in dress shoes boots or a good pair of sneaks. That’s what most celebs do they claim their shoes. Christian says it well Boris’s height in the pics here is all over the place. He can look 6’5 or more or 6’2” at times. But the Kobe pics taking into account camera angle and shoes he looks 2” shorter and Barkley at least 1.5” shorter in those pics. Barkley is older tho and may very well have lost height. I do know that Barkley’s height has always been a hot topic for debate in the time I’ve been on this page. Many think he’s taller than listed or claimed despite only measuring 6’4 5/8 but he’s not. Dan Majerle Danny Ainge Joe Klein even
Michael Jordan have said he’s 6’4 range don’t see why they would lie. Not to mention I not only know a scout who’s 6’2 that confirmed he’s 6’4/6’5 years back but my 6’3” (reliably measured) friend met him more than once as well and said both times he was about 1.5” taller (1-2”). That doesn’t add up to a guy who is 6’6. A guy his size is not going to be listed barefoot when he’s already starting at a disadvantage especially when the other players are all listed with sneakers on. Karl Malone admitted he’s 6’8 so was listed 6’9. He had Barkley by minimum 3” standing in front of him at the HOF induction and Malone could be a sub 6’8 as well (only looked about half inch taller than Magic did and Magic peak isn’t more than about 201cm or even 6’7” flat possibly). Yet both were listed 6’9” on the roster. Don’t see why Barkley wouldn’t be put at a height in shoes as well. Dr J was taller than him by an inch too and listed 6’7” when he played so no way Chuck is 6’5 1/2 or 6’6” if Dr J was 6’5 1/2 when he played which is about what he was. 6’5 and change barefoot not as tall as Dennis Rodman or Dominique Wilkins were
Andrea said on 15/Dec/17
Christian, again, most of the pictures you have posted can make Boris look noticeably taller/shorter than 6'4 because he has a noticeable camera advantage/disadvantage. I for sure would never post pictures like those to prove anything. The only one where you can say he apparently has no camera advantage or disadvantage is the one with Akon. And yeah, he can look more 6'2-6'3 there, if Akon is 5'10. I would say there is more than 4 inches between them because Boris seems to have a bigger eyelevel than average. But yeah, he certainly doesn't look 6'4 there. But again, as far as we know, Akon could even be standing on his tip toes there. And no, it's not an excuse. Look at this picture of
Jason Momoa with David Benioff (the guy on the right):
Click Here Judging by that picture, you would never think that David can be much over 6'. When you take a look at other pictures of him with other celebrities though, it is pretty clear that he is noticeably taller than that and probably somewhere between 6'2 and 6'3. My explanation for that picture with Jason? Jason must be standing on his tip toes. And Jason is a pretty big guy himself, so you would never think he could be standing on his tip toes (especially with a smaller guy). But I think he's doing that there. A guy like Akon, who apparently is 5'10 (so a lot shorter than Boris), would have even more reason to do that...
As for Charles Barkley's pics, I can see about 1.5 inches between them, but again Charles seems to have at least a 1/4 inch more footwear than Boris, so it might still be no more than 1.25 inches. And Charles certainly doesn't seem under his 6'4.75 listing to me. As I said, maybe 192 is not something you can 100% rule out for Boris, but he generally does look a comfortable 6'4.
As for Shawne's claim, what you said I think is pretty clear: "The way you posted his 6'5" claims made it seem like you were somehow using them to try to "prove" that he's taller than 6'2"-6'3". There's nothing to add. Of course you're gonna say that you said "seem", so you didn't jump to conclusions. Whatever... Again, I'm certainly not the first one who "accuses" you of that (misunderstanding things). There must be a reason for that. As I said, the problem with it is that not only you often do that, but you also don't even think twice before attacking someone, like you did with me there.
Andrea said on 15/Dec/17
Canson, saying that tilting your head down can make you appear/measure taller than you are is not really an opinion. It's like saying that you can measure 2 cms taller in the evening compared to the morning, when we all know that it's the opposite. If you want to see it as an opinion, go ahead. I don't really see why I should agree with an "opinion" like that, though...
checker said on 15/Dec/17
You want to talk about an inexplicable pic. How does 6'2 Terence Garvin look 3 inches taller than Sinbad.
Click Here
The flunctuations with Boris is wild though.
Canson said on 15/Dec/17
@Christian these are very good pics. Best case for Barkley 6’4 5/8 and to what I was saying to Andrea both their heads are straight here I’d Barkley had his neck tilted downward his crown would stick up more. He doesn’t believe me on that
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 14/Dec/17
Don't know why I didn't discover these pics earlier, but Boris looks about 1.75" shorter than Charles Barkley who's about 6'4.5", and these are pretty good quality pics too with not much variation in camera angles, so this furthers my notion that Boris is 6'2.75" or at most 6'3"
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
And you can see their footwear
Click Here
Canson said on 14/Dec/17
@Andrea: yes that is an opinion on your part and no no it’s not talking about nothing. That’s only because you don’t agree or sorry I don’t agree with you
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 14/Dec/17
Maybe your definition of "photographic difference" is different than mine then. Maybe you define it as the difference between two people EXCLUDING posture, footwear and camera angles (AKA just judging by their heads). If that's how you define it, then I agree that it's 100% factual. But I define it as the visual height difference between two people INCLUDING posture, footwear and cqmera angles. This is why I keep saying that photographic differences are partly an opinion, because whether how much posture someone's losing, how thick their footwear is, and amount of camera advantage they're getting, is subjective to an extent.
And if you think that whenever Boris doesn't look 6'4" is due to massive camera advantage/disadvantage, then you're gravely mistaken. He looks 6'2" in 3 two pics here with 5'10" listed Akon without seemingly having camera disadvantage
Click Here and next to 6'0.5" listed Michael Jai White, I know Boris is standing farther away from the camera, but he still looks about 6'2.25" if stood in the same distance with him
Click Here next to 6'3.5" listed The Game
Click Here and in that pic Boris might have the slight camera advantage if anything, plus The Game has a bit of disadvantage because his legs are spread wider apart. Now Boris looks 6'5"+ in these two pics, as he looks minimum 2cm taller than 6'4.5" listed Tyler Perry, making Boris look easily 6'5.25" here, and I acknowledge that he has a bit of advantage with the camera position, but I don't think anyone can argue that it doesn't look any less than a 2cm difference
Click Here and with 6'3.75" listed Dwyane Wade, Boris looks about 6'6.5" but my opinion is that Wade's more like 6'2.75" but even if I base it on that, Boris still looks 6'5.5"
Click Here
And yes, you did misunderstand me regarding Shawne's claim. I never said that you didn't know that celebs can't be under a certain height just because they claim a height, yet you accuse me of implying that, due to your own misunderstanding and jumping to conclusions. And I already confessed that I misunderstood your comment on the Michael Winslow page. Why can't you do the same and admit that you misunderstood my comments as well? Are you really that self-righteous and prideful?
Canson said on 14/Dec/17
@Andrea: to be fair Christian has a strong point. Look at all the pics where Charles Barkley and Kobe look 6’5 1/2 and 6’6”. I know people that have met Barkley and Kobe both as well as Jordan. One guy is a scout and called Barkley 6’4/6’5 (said he’s “about” my height as is Jordan) Kobe 6’5ish (which for a guy who’s 6’2 can look 3” if he’s 2.5-2.75 taller and MJ 6’4 and change which in essence other than MJ is how Rob had them listed yet because Barkley or Kobe dwarf a 5’10.5 guy like Jimmy Kimmel who claims 6’1 and is listed 5’11.25 here they believe those guys are taller than advertised. Not saying you can’t use pics but Kobe and Barkley as well as MJ can both look all taller this, but that just shows it
Andrea said on 13/Dec/17
I'm not sure that's really an opinion though, Canson. And no, I know you are obsessed with that idea, but it has nothing to do with Rob (whose opinion, in any case, is certainly much more important than yours to me, btw). All I did was posting a clip of him which showed what I was trying to say. You can measure a hair taller by tilting your head up and a fraction shorter by tilting your head down. And that's my case as well. So I'm basing what I say on my personal experience. You say the opposite. Fine. Upload a good video of you measuring your height and prove that by tilting your head down you actually measure taller than what you'd do if you didn't do it. Until then, you are talking about nothing...
Canson said on 13/Dec/17
@Checker: he was listed at 6’3” at MD and college listing are even more inflated than pro football. I was surprised he measured 6’2.5 honestly. Looks a classic 6’2” at best maybe even less with Vernon Davis. 6’2.5 is too high for him honestly
checker said on 12/Dec/17
The 6'4.3 stuff is so laughable for Merriman when he can look 6'1 with people. I knew it was a joke in 2005, especially since he was listed at 6'3 in college. And then I saw he was measured at his correct height of 6'2 at his pro day.
Click Here
Here he is with 6'5.5 Omar Benson looking 6'1.
Click Here
Andrea said on 12/Dec/17
For the last time, Christian, the photographic difference is one thing and it is more or less a fact, while the measured difference also depends from those things you have mentioned, like posture, footwear and camera angles, which most of the time can be a fact as well, other times they are harder to tell, so you can say it can be an opinion. To a certain degree though. So no, I'm not misunderstanding you. You are the one who doesn't want to understand.
And no, Boris' height is not all over the place. If you consider those pictures where he has a noticeable camera advantage/disadvantage it's obvious that he can look over a huge range, like you say. But again, that can be said for any celebrity on here. If you are aware of these things, he constantly looks more or less the same range: a textbook 6'4.
And stop saying that I misunderstood you (which I didn't) and trying to turn what I told you against me. Speaking of Michael Winslow, there's nothing wrong about the fact that you clearly misunderstood my words and the context in which they were meant. It can happen to anybody (and it certainly seems to happen a lot to you). The problem with it is that, since your main purpose of that comment was trying to discredit me ("6'5"??? Are you crazy? No wonder why no one really takes you seriously."), you should have at least thought not twice, but ten times before submitting a comment like that.
Canson said on 12/Dec/17
@Andrea: again with the pointed crown. Yes if you tilted the top of your head downward and you have a crown on top the crown will raise up. I know based on having done it. And It’s ok if you disagree but quit saying things like it isn’t true etc because that again is your opinion. And what Rob says is not a universal thing. you seem to preface a lot of what you think or argue as fact based on what Rob says and make it a truth. His words are an opinion just like anyone else and no more so than yours Christians or mine. As I mentioned Rob’s head isn’t the same shape as mine. But look at Charles Barkley’s head where the crown is pointed. If he tilts his chin down the crown will raise up and add a tiny bit and since it is raised higher than the rest of his head it does give a bit extra. Not a lot but some mm
Click Here
Andrea said on 12/Dec/17
A pointed crown? Again, what are you even talking about? Apart from the fact that, having another look at the photo, Boris is slightly tilting his head down, so I don't even know why we're talking about this... Anyway, as I said, by tilting your head down, you can measure/appear shorter than what you are, if anything. But certainly not taller.
As for me saying that Christian often jumps to conclusions way too fast, it has nothing to do with the fact that he agree or doesn't agree with me. Did you even read my comment? -.-
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 12/Dec/17
Again, I'm not confused at all. I already know that the difference between Rob and Daniel (judging only by their heads and not posture) is 9", and that's 100% undisputable. What I'm saying is that height differences are partly an opinion ONCE you factor in the posture, footwear and camera angles. You're misunderstanding me here.
And the reason why I said "Boris just might be one of those celebs where he just happens to be frequently favored by the camera lens to the point where he often looks taller than he actually is.", is because his height seems to be all over the place. He can look as tall as 6'7"-6'8" in a few pics, 6'5" in some, 6'4"-6'5" in some, 6'3" in some, 6'2"-6'3" in some, and 6'2" in a few. I've never seen a celeb that has his height all over the place to the degree of Boris. And I can also argue that the lens might sometimes give him a disadvantage because he can look 6'2" at times. Again, you've misunderstood me.
As for Shawne's claim, Of course I know that you know that just because a celebrity claims a height, it doesn't mean that they can't be under a certain height. This is the third time you misunderstood me and jumped to conclusions in a single comment. You're doing exactly the same thing you accuse me of doing. That's the very definition of being a hypocrite.
And I'm man enough to admit that I misunderstood your comment on the Michael Winslow page. I have a valid reason for it though. Once I read your comment, I didn't read Rob's comment below mentioning about Tom Noonan. I just stopped reading once I read your comment because I was surprised that you said "he looks well over 6'5"" (because at the time I thought you were referring to Winslow looking over 6'5"). That's what really happened.
Canson said on 11/Dec/17
@Andrea: that’s an opinion that Christian jumps to conclusions and everything else you said about him. Sounds like you are saying that because he doesn’t agree with you once again. Nothing is a fact despite the fact you may believe it doesn’t mean it is true everything is open for debate here
Canson said on 11/Dec/17
@Andrea: rob doesn’t have a pointed or high crown on his head either like I have. Look at Charles Barkley or Boris and both have similar crowns. Barkley is more pronounced tho which is how mine is. When I tilt my head down my eye level will be lower but the back where the crown is will raise up higher
Andrea said on 10/Dec/17
New picture with John Cena:
Click Here
Andrea said on 10/Dec/17
So, Rob, how tall do you think Shawne really is? Do you think he is worth a page?
He apparently got measured once at 6'4 3/8 (
Click Here ) and once at 6'2 4/8 (
Click Here ). And he himself claims to be 6'5 on Twitter:
Click Here
Here is with Boris, which is the main reason why he was brought up on here:
Click Here

Editor Rob
At College he certainly had been called 6ft 3 and 245 pounds, back in 2003.
the 6ft 4 3/8th figure was widely publicised in 2005, see
This example.
I don't know about that couchscout, as I've said in big data sets sometimes errors occur.
I'm not sure of the guy's real height, but he may well have got an earlier in the day
Busting a Gut measurement like that. Maybe raised his eyelevel too, which for some people can add a cm.
Canson said on 10/Dec/17
@Checker: on a normal listing it would read 6024 for 6’2.5 what throws this one off is the decimal listing not to mention that one guy there is 6’5.8 which would mean 605 8/8 and should just be 6’6 in that case. But you could be right I’m not sure. My rationale also comes from the fact his combine was 6’4 3/8 so may be that he was overlidted by 2”
Andrea said on 10/Dec/17
Christian, from what you've just said, you are indeed confusing them. In Daniel Naprous' case, the photographic difference between Rob and him does look right around 9 inches and that's a fact. Of course the measured difference between them might have been less than that if Rob was dropping more height than Daniel, hence why I said what I said. As for Magic, although you can't rule that out, to me his posture doesn't look much different than Boris' there, to the point that I could easily say the same for Boris: "I think that the difference between them is no more than 3 inches because, in my opinion, Boris is losing more height in posture than Magic there". I'm not so sure about that though. However, as I said, you're perfectly entitled to believe otherwise...
And saying that Boris frequently looks at least 6'4 just because he frequently is favored by the camera lens is one of the biggest jokes I've ever heard. Are you trying to say that Boris looks that range in over 20 occasions just because of that and that the very few occasions where he looks shorter than that (only in that single picture with Jamie Foxx and possibly with Shawne, if he really is as low as 6'2-6'3, in fact) are because he doesn't have this "camera lens advantage" you're talking about? LOL According to that "logic", I could say the opposite, which is that Boris could actually be even taller than what he looks like in pictures because he just might be one of those celebs where he just happens to be frequently UNFAVORED by the camera lens to the point where he often looks SHORTER than he actually is. I would never say something like that though because that could be said for any celebrity and that would mean that anyone could potentially be an inch shorter or taller than a certain height and I certainly don't think that is the case...
As for Shawne's claim, you tried to teach me that if a celebrity claims a height, it doesn't mean that they cannot be under a certain height... As if I didn't know that. So yeah, it looks like you jumped to conclusions, again. And don't worry. After what you said on Michael Winslow's page, I certainly don't need any more "proof" that you often misunderstand things and jump to conclusions way too fast...
Andrea said on 9/Dec/17
Well, Canson, I don't have a deformed head either, but I certainly don't measure or appear taller if I tilt it down. Rob even made a video about it in the past and, as you can see, by tilting his head down, he can measure about 5 mms SHORTER than what he'd be if he didn't do that:
Click Here So, if anything, Boris could appear slightly taller there if he wasn't tilting his head down like you say he is, but certainly not shorter...
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 9/Dec/17
No, I'm not confusing anything. The photographic difference isn't 100% a fact either, once you consider the posture, footwear and camera positions/angles, because those 4 things are subjective to an extent. One might think someone in a pic has bad posture, and another person might think that he has better posture. For example, remember the pic with Daniel Naprous? I used to think that he looked weak 6'5" because I preceived that Rob had looser posture than him, until Rob said that he didn't drop any more height than Daniel did (meaning that they both had the same amount of posture) then I estimated him to be a full 6'5". And of course Rob had the best knowledge because he was in that pic. And even you admitted that photographic differences are somewhat of an opinion, when you said:
"Andrea said on 6/Jun/17
Wow Rob, you have this guy at 6'5 and he does look right around 6'5 with you. I'm impressed!
I could even buy a solid 6'5, based on the picture. This IS how a 5'8 guy should look next to a 6'5 one...
Unless you're dropping more height than him, of course..."
Especially note the "Unless you're dropping more height than him, of course..." part. If you really believe that photographic height differences are 100% factual, you would never say something like that. You're hinting the possibility that Rob's dropping more height than Daniel. So why aren't you also hinting the possibility that Magic's dropping more height than Boris then?
As for Ray's pic, you proved my point when I said that some pics don't do justice, because Rob said that Ray looked taller in person than what the pic suggested. This happened many times, like the ones with Michael Rosenbaum, Jeremy Jordan, Alexis Denisof, Jesse Eisenberg, Jim Parrack, and many more. All 5 of them I just mentioned look at least a half inch or more shorter than what Rob thought them to be. Rob said before that the camera lens can sometimes exaggerate or diminish the visual height differences in pics. This may explain why Boris often can look 6'4" and at times even 6'5" in pics. Boris just might be one of those celebs where he just happens to be frequently favored by the camera lens to the point where he often looks taller than he actually is.
And how was that "proof" that I jumped to conclusions when discussing about Shawne's claim? I said "seem", so I wasn't accusing you of actually doing it.
checker said on 8/Dec/17
6'2.4 is 6'2 1/2
Merriman doesnt look taller than a flat 6'2 max face to face with 5'11.5 Rampage Jackson.
Click Here
Canson said on 8/Dec/17
@Andrea: well my head isn’t deformed that’s just how it is when you have a crown that is pointed like that. If the front (face) is tilted downward the crown will be raised. If Boris were to tilt his whole neck and face down to look at someone shorter you see the crown on the top of his head will raise up. That does make me taller as the top of his head if his entire neck and face Are tilted downward significantly will raise the top of my head. I have a long neck as well
Andrea said on 7/Dec/17
Canson, again, I don't know what you're talking about, but unless you have a deformed head or something, you're not gonna measure/appear any taller by tilting it down. If anything, if you tilt it down too much, you can measure shorter, but not taller. As for the other picture, as I said, there's nothing that suggests that Dennis is not standing straight. I mean, you can't rule that out, but from the picture alone I could say the same for Boris, considering that they seem to be standing quite similar there...
As for Shawne's alleged measurement, regardless of how tall he is/you think he is, I think that 6'2.4 simply means 6'2 4/8. I'm aware of that 6'5.8 figure, but I think it might simply be a typo. As I said, I don't think it is just coincidence that there are no x.9 listings...
Canson said on 6/Dec/17
@Andrea: I also have a crown (pointed portion on my head) and if my head is tilted down and the crown higher I will appear taller and actually am taller. Charles Barkley is another example. However if I have my head even which is how the doctor will measure me I’m right at what I claim. As far as the measurements for the guys in that draft, I don’t know for sure. I actually asked Free below as you may be right but Duncan 6’5.8 made me wonder. 6058 would be 6’6” flat as that’s 8/8. So not sure. Having seen the other posts below about Merriman tho that 6’2.5 seems high imho. The comment about a 6’2 guy from the NBA player as well as him looking an inch shorter than Vernon Davis Davis is for sure 190-191 range
As far as the losing height not being a fact or because he said it doesn’t make it a fact. That can be said about what you are saying as well. It isn’t a fact that he “isn’t losing height” or about other stuff you’ve said as well. Some could be but other stuff that you, Christian or I have said are many opinions
Canson said on 6/Dec/17
@Andrea: I also have a crown (pointed portion on my head) and if my head is tilted down and the crown higher I will appear taller and actually am taller. Charles Barkley is another example. However if I have my head even which is how the doctor will measure me I’m right at what I claim. As far as the measurements for the guys in that draft, I don’t know for sure. I actually asked Free below as you may be right but Duncan 6’5.8 made me wonder. 6058 would be 6’6” flat as that’s 8/8. So not sure. Having seen the other posts below about Merriman tho that 6’2.5 seems high imho. The comment about a 6’2 guy from the NBA player as well as him looking an inch shorter than Vernon Davis Davis is for sure 190-191 range
Andrea said on 6/Dec/17
Christian, I think you are confusing the photographic difference with the measured difference, which, unlike the first one, also depends from those factors you have mentioned, like footwear, posture and camera advantages, hence why it is harder to tell at times. As for Ray, it is a fact that there isn't much more than 5.5 inches between Rob and him in the photo, but this certainly doesn't mean than the measured difference between them can't be more or less than what it looks like. The same Rob said that Ray looked taller in person than how he looks in the photo, in fact, although I don't think that Rob has any posture or camera advantage over Ray there (and Ray's eyelevel doesn't really look much different than Rob's one, so not much more than 4.5 inches)... As for Kobe, I never disregarded those things. I agree that Boris is standing a bit closer to the camera, but again Kobe seems to have a little better posture than him. And I'm giving him the benefit of doubt that he's not gaining any height by going up on one foot. As for their footwear, although I'm not a "shoe expert", their shoes don't look much different to me. Rob, who certainly has more knowledge about that, says the same thing. And he even gave a very good explanation of why he thinks that way... As for Magic, if you think that the difference is more than what it looks like (not over 3.5 inches) because in your opinion "Magic's back is hunched more than Boris'", that's another matter. To me they seem to be standing quite similar there, but you're perfectly entitled to believe otherwise...
As for Shawne's claim, the fact that you say "The way you posted his 6'5" claims made it seem like you were somehow using them to try to "prove" that he's taller than 6'2"-6'3"." proves, once again, that you jump to conclusions way too fast at times because that certainly wasn't my intent. As I said, although it is always interesting to see what they claim, celebrities can say to be the height they want, but how tall they look in photos or videos is the only thing that matters to me when it comes to guessing their heights. Look at Josh Peck. He came out with a very optimistic 6'1.5 on Twitter, but he certainly looks nowhere near that and, as I said in the past, he can even look barely 5'10 at times. As you can see, it doesn't matter if he claims to be 6'1.5 tall, if he doesn't look much more than 180, then him claiming 6'1.5 isn't gonna make him any taller than he actually is. 😉
checker said on 6/Dec/17
Shawne Merriman face to face with 5'11.5 Rampage Jackson.
Click Here He looks 6'1.5
Andrea said on 5/Dec/17
No offence, Canson, but what you're saying about "his crown tilted upward and his head tilted down" honestly makes no sense... He's not getting any advantage by doing that in the picture. And neither of them seems to have any camera advantage there. As for the other picture, he seems to be standing quite straight and actually very similar to how Boris does. And just because Christian, according to you, says the same thing (that he's losing height), doesn't make it a fact. It certainly wouldn't be the first time that he says that someone is losing (more) height, when they actually aren't...
As for Merriman, if you take a look at that page that Christian posted (
Click Here ), the decimal part of all those heights ranges from 0 to 7, which leads me to believe that they are stored in 1/8 inches, like I said. Not any different than the combine site, in fact. I don't think it is just a coincidence that there are no x.9 listings, although, having another look at it, there is actually a x.8 one, but maybe it was just a typo?
Canson said on 5/Dec/17
@Checker: That looks right for Ray. If he measured 6’0 5/8 or 3/4 depending on what that means. It’s ambiguous because 6006 is 6’0 3/4 while 6005 is 6’0 5/8 but that says 6’0.6 which leads me to 6’0 5/8 that’s probably 6’0 1/2 at his lowest or a hair lower. He looks about the same height as Trump does today as well
Canson said on 4/Dec/17
@Andrea: this is what I’m talking about with the crown on his head. Look at it in this pic. Then look at the pic with just he and Haysbert. It is giving him height because the front of his head is tilted down the Crown is elevated. Also in the pic Haysbert is leaning his head in toward Boris and not up straihht either. If you want to talk camera angle here Boris is actually favored as well. Now not saying How much that changes but I’m willing to bet Boris would no longer have an advantage on him as there is very little like maybe a cm all things considered to begin with
Click Here
Canson said on 4/Dec/17
@Andrea: if you look at Boris’s head tjr Crown is tilted upward while his head is tilted down. That has to do more with the shape of his head. That will add height no matter what you say due to the shape vs him having his head straight because the crown is raising up. As for Merriman 6024 would be 6’2 4/8. I believe 6’2.4 is 6’2 3/8 which is 6’2.375. It says 6’2.4 not 6024 like it does on the combine’s site
It’s clear Dennis isn’t standing straight in the second pic as well. He’s losing height in the pic like Christian said
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 4/Dec/17
You missed a key point. I said "to a certain extent" right after it. The reason why I say "to a certain extent", is because height difference is somewhat of a fact, but there's the other side of the coin to that. People have different opinions on footwear, posture and camera advantages. You're correct in that there's visually about a 2.5-3cm difference between Kobe and Boris in the pic just by judging their heads alone
Click Here but the reason why I believe it's about a 5cm difference them is because of the footwear, posture and camera advantage, as Kobe wore seemingly thinner shoes, had one of his knees bent, and stood farther away from the camera, therefore giving him disadvantage. But you basically disregard those, and even once said that Kobe was possibly gaining a bit of height with his bent knee, that's why you think it's only a 2.5 or 3cm difference between them. The same with Magic. Sure, it looks about 3.5" if judged by their heads alone, but I believe it's like 4" because I believe Magic's back is hunched more than Boris'. If Magic would've straightened up more, it would've been a 4" difference. As for Ray, he does look about 187cm just by judging by their heads, but I disagree with your 187cm estimate, I personally believe he looks 188cm with Rob. Why? Because in my opinion, if Ray had the same amount of posture and stood to the same distance from the camera as Rob did, his head would've touched the 6'2" line. And not to mention, Ray's eyelevel is around 5'9" as it is, and he's got a pretty long eyelevel too, about 4.75"-5" to the tip of his head. Now, if someone said that Ray looked 180cm, then of course they would be wrong. But me and you disagree by only 1cm, and posture and camera advantages can alter that 1cm easily. So a 188cm estimate is just as reasonable as a 187cm estimate is. So this is why I keep saying that height differences are an opinion (somewhat).
And Shawne's claim being outrageous has nothing to do with it. It doesn't matter if he claimed to be 7'0" tall, if he looks 6'2"-6'3" and reported to be measured at 6'2.4", then him claiming 7'0" isn't gonna make him any taller than he actually is. The way you posted his 6'5" claims made it seem like you were somehow using them to try to "prove" that he's taller than 6'2"-6'3".
checker said on 4/Dec/17
Ourlads had Ray Lewis at a measured 6'0.6 when he played.
Shawne Merriman can look 6'1 at times. He looks a good inch shorter than 6'2 Marcus Allen and barely 6'1 with 5'11 Mario.
Boris looks 6'3 at most with 5'11 max James Vanderbeek. People on vanderbeek's page say he looks 5'11 with other actors on other tv shows. He always looked at least an inch shorter than 6'0 John Wesley Shipp on dawsons creek.
Andrea said on 3/Dec/17
I know that photos can be deceiving at times, Christian. What are you trying to say though? In those photos you have posted (with Ray Lewis, Magic Johnson and Tyrese Gibson) Boris looks a lot taller than 6'4 simply because he's standing a lot closer to the camera (which makes an even bigger difference if the camera is low, like in Tyrese's case) and/or because they're shot from a very bad angle (like in Magic's case). In fact, I would never post pictures like those. You will agree with me that they're quite useless and they prove nothing. I doubt you can say the same for the ones I have posted...
As for Shawne, I don't think I've ever said that he must be 6'5 or that he can't be as low as 6'2-6'3 just because he himself claims 6'5. Do you really think I am that stupid? Celebrities can say to be the height they want, but how tall they look in photos or videos is the only thing that matters to me when it comes to guessing their heights. The only reason why I have posted his claim (and he claimed to be 6'5 several times on Twitter) is because, if he really is as low as 6'2-6'3 range, his claim is outrageous, to say the least. Just for that, Rob should give him a page... That being said, I haven't seen enough to say that he really is as low as that. With that Kasim guy he actually can look taller than that, assuming that Kasim seems to have been measured at 6'4 7/8 at one point...
As for height differences, I think you didn't get the point of what I said, just like you didn't the first time we had a discussion about it. Sure, anyone can say what they want and can have their opinion, like you say. But there are right and wrong opinions because the actual height difference that appears in photos (the photographic difference) is not really an opinion, but a fact. In Ray's case, a person can certainly have the opinion that Ray looks only 5 inches taller than Rob, but that's a wrong opinion because it is a fact that the difference looks more than that. It's no coincidence that the mugshot lines put Ray somewhere between 5.5 and 6 inches taller than Rob there. Why? Because the photographic difference, in that case, is somewhere between 5.5 and 6 inches (actually not much more than 5.5). Not because I say it, but because it looks that way. Same thing for Kobe's, Rick Fox's, Magic's and Wayne Brady's pictures. Btw, I said that Magic can look 3-3.5 inches taller than Boris, not only 3 inches. Anywhere in that range seems possible and I even gave an explanation of why it looks that way (I certainly didn't just make that number up from nowhere):
Click Here "The amount of height that Magic has on Boris is the same amount you can see on Boris' head. So more 3-3.5 inches than 4, unless Boris' eyelevel is something like 6 inches range, which I doubt." If you really think that height differences are an opinion though, then let's just say that I strongly disagree with your "opinions" about those differences. But again, if you truly believe in that, it makes no sense at all to tell a guy that he lies about actual height differences just because he disagrees with you. After all, height differences are an opinion, right? :)
Andrea said on 3/Dec/17
Canson, I think that those heights are stored in 1/8 inches, so 6'2.4 simply means 6'2 4/8, which is 6'2.5...
And, for the last time, what's the connection between Kobe's photo and Dennis' one? Kobe doesn't look more than 3 cms taller than Boris, just like the same Boris does look near 2 cms taller than Dennis in that single picture (no less than an inch in the other one). And since when tilting your head down gives you more height? What are you even talking about? If anything, if you tilt it down too much, it can give you less height, but certainly not more. As for other picture, there's nothing that suggests that Dennis is not standing straight. They seem to be standing quite similar. And Dennis is even standing a bit closer to the camera, giving him a slight advantage...
Canson said on 3/Dec/17
@Checker: my guess is Merriman is 6’2 like you and free both say. I would put him maybe 2” under Tom brady and say both may dip to 6’2-6’2 1/4 and Brady 6’4-6’4 1/4 Vernon Davis 6’3-6’3 1/4
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 3/Dec/17
Pic where Boris looks about 6'7" next to 6'0.5" Ray Lewis
Click Here
checker said on 3/Dec/17
James Vanderbeek isnt 6'0 thats for sure. Consistently looked 1 to sometimes 2 inches shorter than 6'0 John Wesley Shipp on dawsons creek.
And Shawne Merriman doesnt look taller than 6'2 with 6'4.7 Kasim Osgood here.
Click Here Click Here
Canson said on 2/Dec/17
@Andrea: yes i agree with you it’s better not to say someone has no clue about height differences because this is mostly subjective. Boris and Kobe for example vs Boris and Haysbert. That’s more than just a 1cm difference between the two pics. Looking at the way Boris’s head is tilted (crown raised) if that weren’t the case i doubt there would be a difference in height. As for Boris and Hatsbert in the other pic that’s a much greater difference than the first pic but because Haysbert is not standing straight. Kobe and Boris can actually look close to 2”. You saying it’s nowhere near it is an opinion just like you saying Boris has a 2cm diffeeence on Haysbert and Kobe having only 3 on Boris when it looks substantially more between the two pics is your opinion.
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 2/Dec/17
Photos can be very deceiving at times. Here's Boris with 6'1" listed football player Ray Lewis with visible footwear and ground level
Click Here as you can see in this next photo, Boris honestly looks about 6'7-6'8" because he looks about 6"-7" taller than Ray
Click Here And we know 6'7"-6'8" for Boris is complete absurdity. Btw Ray's 6'1" listing isn't far off because he looked about 1.5" shorter than 6'2" Shawne Merriman
Click Here Click Here and roughly the same as Donald Trump
Click Here so 6'0.5" may be fair for Lewis, which would still make Boris look around 6'6.5" in that photo, and 6'6.5" for him is obviously way too high also. I've said before that some pics and clips don't do justice. I've seen many other celebs where in certain pics they look way taller than listed, and other times way shorter. Like this pic where Boris looks a strong 6'5" with 6'7" Magic Johnson
Click Here looks 6'7"-6'8" with 5'10.75" listed Tyrese Gibson
Click Here And shorter too, like how Boris only looks 6'2" next to 5'10" listed Akon
Click Here
As for Shawne, he can make up any height claim he wants to, just as anyone else. No one put a gun to his head and forced him to claim 6'5". Him claiming 6'5" doesn't prove or even hint he's a weak 6'4". Like I said, anyone can make up a claim, because after all, it's just a claim. This is why I take people's height claims with a very small grain of salt. I've seen 6'3" and even 6'2.5" guys claim 6'5" before, but does that make them any taller than they actually are? No. I was taller than them by around 2.5" or 3". There are even a few celebs that height who claim 6'5", like The Rock and peak Kane Hodder.
As for height differences, I don't know how many times I gotta remind you that they're an opinion, although to a certain extent. This is the same reason why you and Rob guessed Kobe and Boris to only be an inch apart, while Canson and I think it's more 2 inches. The same reason why you and Rob think there was a 1.5" difference between Boris and Rick Fox, while I think it's 2.25", and Canson think it's 2.5"-3". The same reason why you think there was a 3" difference between Boris and Magic, while Rob thinks it's 3.5", while Canson and I think it's around 4". And the same reason why both you and I think there was a 5"-5.5" difference between Boris and Wayne Brady, while Canson think it was 4"-4.5". Notice that all 4 of us disagreed at some point. If height differences are a fact like you say, then all 4 of us would've agreed on all of those pics, and there would've never been any conflicts about height differences on this site, but that's certainly not the case. I've used these two examples in the past, but look at how some people guess Ray Fisher to be 187cm, while others 188cm, while others 189cm. And the fact that people gave different guesses on the Height Challenge series. If differences are really a fact, then everyone would've guessed Ray as the same height, and everyone would've guessed all the Height Challenge participants as the same height.
Canson said on 2/Dec/17
@Andrea: for Merriman 6’2.4 is 6’2 3/8 (.375). It’s likely that is his actual height and that the 6’4 3/8 is not
Andrea said on 1/Dec/17
Christian, I understand your point, but there are still many pictures or videos where you can see these things (the footwear, the ground level and the way they're standing) AND Boris looks 6'4 range in every single one of them. The thing with Dennis is that, although it is true that we can't see the footwear and the ground level, we have two pictures taken in two different occasions where the difference between them seems pretty similar and consistent with each other: around an inch, give or take a fraction. Anything is possible, but are you trying to say that Boris has footwear and ground advantage twice, to the point that he looks 1-2 inches (depending on how tall you think Dennis is) taller than he really is? And Wentworth and Kim, they both did a movie with Boris and, speaking of Wentworth, I'm sure he is in pretty big boots throughout the movie. If you don't believe me, go check it yourself (I certainly cannot post the entire movie on here). And there is more than one scene of them together where Boris looks comfortably over 3 inches taller than Wentworth and no less than 3.5 inches, in fact. If Boris really was 6'3 barefoot, that would mean that he is in lifts. There is no other explanation. I mean, Wentworth must be at least 6'1.75-6'2 in those shoes, assuming he is near 6'0.5, which makes Boris AT LEAST 6'5.25-6'5.5 in whatever shoes. So, or he is in 2.5 inches lifts or he must be somewhere around 6'4. As for Kim, I honestly don't remember what kind of shoes he wears, but Boris looks at least 4 good inches taller than him and can even pull off looking more 5 inches taller in some scenes. And Rob met Kim and said that he is not under 5'11.5 in person...
As for Shawne, I honestly am not so sure about him. Maybe Rob should give him a page. I can see how he can look barely 6'3 at times, but he can also look nearer 6'4 next to those two measured guys. Does that 6'2.4 figure (which I think means 6'2 4/8, so 6'2.5) really comes from an official measurement? If yes, he apparently got measured once at 6'4 3/8, once at 6'2 4/8 and he himself claims to be 6'5 on Twitter:
Click Here Just for that, he should be added on here :P If he really is as low as 6'2.5, I have no problem to admit that Boris looks barely 6'3 in that picture I have posted. In fact, like you say, Boris doesn't look more than a cm taller than Shawne there...
As for height differences, I don't think they are an opinion. Take Rob's picture with Ray Fisher, for example. The difference between them looks over 5 inches but not quite 6 inches, so saying that Ray looks only 5 inches (or under) taller than Rob or as much as 6 inches (or over) taller than Rob is WRONG. It's no coincidence that Ray looks 6'1.5-6'1.75 under the mugshot lines that Rob added to the photo. He looks that way because height differences are not an opinion, but a fact. Same thing when it comes to guessing celebrities' heights. There are always degrees of believability, in fact. Speaking of Boris, 6'3 certainly seems quite hard to believe, to say the least. Why? Because he constantly looks taller than that. Not with one, not with two, but with many people (basically every person he appeared with). That being said, I could even respect your 6'3 estimate for Boris (although I honestly don't know based on what you think he is as low as that), but don't say that you respect my 6'4 estimate because it certainly doesn't look like that, especially at the beginning of this discussion. And when I said that you or Canson have no clue about height differences was because you insisted that Boris looks "clearly 2 inches shorter than Kobe, at least 4 inches shorter than Magic, 2-3 inches shorter than Rick Fox" or even "4 inches taller than Wayne Brady" (in Canson's case), when it's not really the case... Now, I admit that saying "you have no clue about height differences" might have been a bit too harsh to say, but again, not only you insisted that the difference was "clearly" as much as you said, but you also made fun of me when I said that the difference between Boris and Kobe looks no more than 3 cms, the difference between Boris and Magic looks no more than 3.5 inches and the difference between Boris and Rick looks no more than 1.5 inches (which, guess what, later turned out to be Rob's same thoughts)...
Canson said on 1/Dec/17
@Christian: and it’s something Rob actually said a while back where having large data sets like that make the chances of error even higher. NFL is hundreds of players per year that go to the combine more so than NBA. Free actually told me that on Michael Irvin’s page.
Canson said on 1/Dec/17
Nice insights Free! I actually thought he was taller but asked someone who has met him and said the same thing you told me on Irvin’s page that he was 6’2” tops. When i met him i wasn’t close enough to tell but having met Davis he’s a legit 6’3” and turns out is taller than Merriman
Free said on 1/Dec/17
Good photo lineup of 6-2 Merriman with 6-2.6 Luis Castillo and 6-4.3 senior bowl measured Vincent Jackson.
Click Here
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 1/Dec/17
If you say that the pics I provided "prove nothing", then I can easily say the same for your pics as well. Most of the pics you provided where Boris looks 6'4"+ don't show footwear, ground level, and the way they're standing either, like the ones with Dennis Haysbert, Boris Becker, Steve Harvey, Tyson Beckford, Wentworth Miller, and Kim Coates.
And if Shawne's really a weak 6'4", then it makes no sense at all for multiple people (both on Celebheights and outside) to have met him and guessed him at 6'2". So you're saying that all those people either lied or underestimated him by nearly 2 inches? Btw, 6'2.75" wrestler Titus O'neil looked quite a bit taller than Shawne here
Click Here and if that's not enough for you, Shawne was measured 6'2.4" at the draft
Click Here and listed 6'2" on his official NFL pro day
Click Here
And the fact that I used terms like "downgrade" and "upgrade" doesn't mean that I don't think guessing height is an opinion. I say "downgrade" and "upgrade" because of my opinion that certain celebs are overlisted or underlisted. Those terms I use are opinion-based, not fact-based. For example, I say that Rampage tends to upgrade celebs, because it's my opinion that a lot of celebs aren't as tall as Rampage says they are.
Even height differences are an opinion, but you're right about one thing though, there are degrees of believability. For example, if one celeb in a pic is a full head taller than the other one, and poster A thinks it's a 9.5" difference, and poster B thinks it's a 6" difference, then of course, poster A is much closer to the truth and that's undisputable. However, if poster B thinks it's a 9" difference, then poster B's estimate is just as reasonable as well, because depending on the head size of that celeb, or footwear or posture, can affect that half inch easily.
I actually do respect your 6'4" estimate for Boris (contrary to what you think) even though I disagree with it. You don't have to agree with my 6'3" estimate for Boris either, but at least respect it instead of saying stupid crap like I have "no clue about height differences" just because you disagree with my opinions.
Free said on 1/Dec/17
Merriman looking the same height as 6-2 Larry English.
Click Here
Free said on 1/Dec/17
Andrea, Merriman was measured 6-2 at his pro day
Click Here
Couchscout had him at 6-2.4 exactly.
Click Here
Canson said on 1/Dec/17
Jordan is 6’4 1/2. Look at him next to 6’9 Larry Bird
Click Here
Canson said on 1/Dec/17
@Checker: i think 6’2” for Merriman
checker said on 30/Nov/17
Tyson Beckford is really 5'11.
checker said on 30/Nov/17
Not sure how Merriman only looks 6'0 with 5'11 Mario.
Click Here
And shorter than 6'2 Marcus Allen
Click Here
Andrea said on 30/Nov/17
I agree that Shawne doesn't look as tall as his alleged 6'4 3/8 measurement, Christian, but I'm not sure he's as low as 6'3 flat, let alone under. That picture with Vernon is quite bad and really proves nothing, considering that it's being shot from a very bad angle and that there is even some tilt in Vernon's favour. I mean, if Vernon really is as tall as 6'3 range, Shawne doesn't look much more than 6'1 there... Same thing for that photo with Nelson. It's being taken from a very low camera angle, which makes Nelson noticeably taller than he really is, considering that his head looks closer to the camera. And no, before you say that, I'm not making any excuses. I'm just analyzing those pictures. And Tyson Beckford... You can directly compare him with Boris, considering that there is more than one picture with him where Tyson looks at least 4 inches shorter... That being said, I'm not so sure about Shawne, but he can certainly look nearer 6'4 than 6'3 with other measured athletes. The guy on the left, Victor Cruz, was measured near 182 and he actually looks around that mark with celebrities:
Click Here You can also see him with this other guy, Kassim Osgood, who apparently got measured at 6'4 7/8 (
Click Here ):
Click Here Maybe that 6'4 3/8 figure comes from a very early measurement and he's more a weak 6'4... As for
Michael Jordan, that 6'4.5 measurement seems more an anecdote than a fact to me. From the few photos I've seen of him, I think he looks closer to 6'5 than say 6'4.5, but he may well dip a fraction under 6'5 and be more 6'4.75-6'5 than "the full 6'5". The thing with those pictures with
Michael Jordan is that Boris is standing too close to say anything about them. I mean, you can't even tell the exact difference between them. In this one you have posted,
Click Here, I can see an argument for Boris looking over an inch shorter than Michael, but again you can't see the footwear, the ground level or even the way they're standing. If you think that these things are just an excuse and they have no meaning in your head, then you must take this photo into consideration as well:
Click Here I mean, it's not any different from the other one (you can't see the footwear, the ground level and the way they're standing), apart from the fact Boris looks taller than Michael of course (and he is not standing any closer to the camera in this case). I could easily use it to say that Boris is over 6'5, assuming that
Michael Jordan is near 6'5 himself, but I don't because I do realize that it's not an ideal photo. Just like the other photo...
As for using the terms "downgrade" and "upgrade"... I totally expected an answer like that from you, LOL. You obviously didn't get the point of what I said. You are the one who says that everything is an opinion. Not me. We've already had a discussion about that, where you kept saying that you respect everyone's opinion (it certainly doesn't look like that) and that everything is an opinion on here, even the height differences. If you have a decent memory, you should remember that I always said that I disagree about that and that I don't think that everything is an opinion (meaning that I think there are always degrees of believability), hence why I can easily use those terms. You can't, if you want to be coherent with what you say. But again, you obviously aren't...
Canson said on 30/Nov/17
@Ramage: i don’t think a flat 6’2” either but his website did list home 6’2.5 and Bobby3342 and Bennett both said he’s about 6’2.75 while Mr R said 6’3 or a hair over. My guess is he can be as high as 6’3” but a weak 6’3” looks very likely with Merriman or Kobe honestly. A full 6’3” with magic perhaps
Canson said on 30/Nov/17
@Christian: i think that’s a discrepancy on MJ’s height tho but not on your part more on the website’s. That was supposedly when he was at Chapel Hill when he measured that likely when he had a tad bit of hair imho but I’ve heard conflicting reports that it was in one or the other. I totally believe Barkley’s tho as a 6’4 5/8” would be rounded up on a 1/4” system even today and to 6’5” more than likely back in 1984.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Nov/17
6ft2 is a joke
Canson said on 30/Nov/17
@Christian: that’s correct on Davis. He’s a “good 6’3”. My buddy who is 6’3” wouldn’t appear any different and he dips to 190.3-190.4 i believe at night but unless they stood back to back i would have a hard time telling who’s taller. Wouldn’t surprise me if Davis does edge him tho but it’s not anymore than maybe 1/8”-1/4” and would need to measure them most likely to tell. As for Merriman we were at a game think Checker is right it was against Miami (my 6’3 friend works for a firm in the DC area as an Exec and gets tickets to Nationals capitals redskins wizards DC United Maryland, American university, George mason and Georgetown games games pretty often and even has season tickets for the Capitals and Wizards). So we all have been to multiple games over the years with him. As for Merriman i saw him from a good distance when we were in line at the concession stands but he wasn’t close enough to where i could tell how tall he was. I assumed he was about 6’3-6’4 But after poster Free made the comment to me, i asked someone and he had met him and he agreed he’s not as tall as me or even my 6’3” buddy and was only about two inches taller than him (he’s 6’0) and said Merriman is no more than 6’2”. But it’s not uncommon there as we were at a Basketball game once and met Jared Gaither (ex football player) who played pro for the Ravens and the Raiders. Gaither was combine 6’8 5/8 and listed 6’9 in the NFL and my 6’7” friend was right next to him and shook hands etc and was only “about” an inch shorter when we saw him. He’s def not much higher than 6’8”. Then again he had to have been 350+ so maybe he loses more height during the day
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 29/Nov/17
Again, Rampage's opinion on the height of celebs has nothing to do with his character as an individual. I disagreed on a lot of his estimates, but it doesn't mean that I think negative of him. And I could care less if he gets on my side or not, that's not my issue.
And Shawne's not the 6'4 3/8" like he's listed. Here he's about an inch shorter than 6'3 1/4" measured Vernon Davis
Click Here Click Here (whom Canson also met and confirmed was 6'3") and about 3" shorter with 6'5 1/8" measured Nelson Rosario
Click Here Click Here also around 3" taller than Tyson Beckford who's listed 6'0" by Rob
Click Here so even if Tyson's actually 6'0", it still puts Shawne at 6'3". Boris looked at best only 1cm taller than Shawne in their pic together.
Click Here So no way Boris looks 6'4" there. And Jordan's more like 6'4.5" rather than 6'5". He doesn't look any taller than 6'4 5/8" measured Barkley in most of their pics, and matter of fact can even look a bit shorter than Barkley in some of them. Also Jordan was measured 6'4.88" in 1992 which is very likely an early measurement
Click Here and according to NBA executive and coach Pat Riley, Jordan was measured 6'4.5" when he entered the league.
Click Here So even if you think that Boris only was an inch shorter than Jordan (which I think the difference is a bit bigger than that), it would still put Boris at 6'3.5" tops.
And you used the terms "downgrade" and "upgrade" plenty of times in the same context like me and many other posters use, so don't act like you're better than me.
On Deborah Ann Woll's page:
"Andrea said on 28/Oct/16
The only actress who needs a drastic downgrade here is Elodie Yung, who certainly doesn't look anywhere around her 5'5 listing with the Daredevil cast! Even 5'4 really seems too much with Deborah and Elden!!!"
On Kenny Johnson's page:
"Andrea said on 11/Oct/14
Rob, could you downgrade him to at least 6'0.5 or i must put the scene with Tom Welling? Even 6' is arguable with him!"
On Geoff Stults' page:
"ANDREA[ITA] said on 25/Oct/11
Lan, why you gotta downgrade everyone? Hes taller than 6'2! 6'2.5 is right! Vince vaughn is taller than 6'4! 6'4.5 is about right!"
On Corey Hawkins' page:
"Andrea said on 5/Aug/17
Why the upgrade? I thought the full 6' was already generous enough...
As you said, he looks barely, to say the least, 6' with that Christian Camargo guy.
With Dominic and a few other guys: Click Here
Not the best picture but I think he would be easily shorter than Dom, more than a quarter, without considering the fact that Dom himself might be more 6'0.25..."
On Christian Masterson's page:
Andrea said on 13/Feb/16
Is she really 0'0 range in person? She does look taller than that with you...
5'3 range is more realistic, upgrade her, Rob!"
On Jonathan Banks' page (my favorite):
"Andrea said on 21/Mar/16
Stop downgrading? Where did I downgrade here?
I did say i can't say anything about his peak but on BB and BCS he generally can look anywhere in 5'7-5'7.5 range, at times even almost 5'8! I said you can argue he looks just 5'7 flat at times but i wouldn't go lower than that! This is not called downgrading, but discussion :)
The fact is... that you should stop UPGRADING everyone! Almost every page is spammed with your silly estimates!
I wonder why Rob still allows you to post on this site..."
Canson said on 29/Nov/17
@Andrea: well you’re not accurate there because Boris for sure isn’t 6’4” if you’re saying he and shawne merriman are the same height. Vernon Davis Is 6’3 as he is listed and is taller than Merrmiman. Like Christian as well as checker below and the others like Free said here on Celebheights Merriman is only 6’2”. And i am already anticipating something about the picture having some type of issue. So it won’t shrprise me one bit the excuse that comes up. But looks no different than your pic with Haysbert and you can’t claim Davis has a camera advantage because he doesn’t in this pic.
Click Here
Andrea said on 28/Nov/17
Well, Rainn is just one of the many cases... You often attacked him for "upgrading" celebrities. Which is funny, considering that if you really believe in what you say ("Everything is an opinion"), the words "downgrade" and "upgrade" make no sense on here. It just goes to show your hypocrisy, again! Funny how you even try to get him on your side, by saying that he seems a decent guy (unlike me, of course 😁), after what you told him in the past, LOL. You must be really desperate!
As for those pictures with Idris, Idris has a clear camera advantage. Even a blind man would see it... As for Jamie's picture, Jamie is standing a bit closer to the camera as well, but he doesn't seem to get a noticeable advantage like Idris does in those pictures. In fact, I never denied that he looks noticeably under 6'4 there, but again that's the ONLY occasion where he can look as low as that. As for the other pictures you have mentioned (with Shawne, Magic, Rick and Kobe), Boris still looks around 6'4 in all of them, all things considered. As for
Michael Jordan's pictures, you are the one who first brought them up, so I don't see why you're saying that Boris has a ton of advantage now...
Free said on 28/Nov/17
Boris looks around 191-192 range
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 28/Nov/17
First off, I've never called Rampage himself as pathetic, I just said that his constant inflating is. And just because I disagree with his opinions, doesn't mean that I can't have respect for him. I respect Rampage as an individual, because overall he seems like a decent guy (unlike you). I just didn't really like the fact that he upgraded Rainn Wilson to 6'2", despite Rainn himself claiming both 6'1.5" and even as precise as 6'1 5/8". It makes totally no sense for a legit 6'2" to ever claim something like 6'1 5/8" unless if he's actually that height.
And are you seriously implying that all the pics where Boris looks about 6'3" is due camera disadvantage? There was no camera disadvantage in that pic with Jamie Foxx. There was no camera disadvantage in that pic with Shawne Merriman. There was no camera disadvantage in that pic with Magic Johnson. And Boris even had a slight ADVANTAGE in those pics with Rick Fox and Kobe Bryant. And clearly a ton of advantage with
Michael Jordan.
Click Here Click Here
Andrea said on 27/Nov/17
So saying that Idris has a clear camera advantage, because he does, is an excuse now? LOL You crack me up, Canson! Idris has a clear camera advantage in all of them. Should I deny that to make you happier? The fact that you say that neither has an advantage speaks again about your inability of gauging photos and height differences. Funny how you say that Boris doesn't look over 6'3 with Kobe "to an unbiased objective person", when even Rob says that the difference looks about an inch. So you're basically saying that Rob is biased as well. I think I've heard it all now (well, more than I already did), LOL. I guess that the only unbiased and objective people on here are you and Christian, right? 😂😂😂
"Now had Boris been taller you wouldn’t have even mentioned any of that." --> And you're wrong once again... If that was really the case, I wouldn't have hesitated to post this clip as some kind of evidence:
Click Here Boris can look near 3 inches taller than Idris in that scene but he has a noticeable camera advantage, so the clip is quite useless, hence why I have never posted it because I didn't think it was worth it. This is the difference between me and you...
Canson said on 27/Nov/17
@Andrea; let’s stop bringing up other people’s past interactions because for you to critique Christian or me would mean that you would need to be free from confrontations when it’s already been established that you aren’t. If your house isn’t clean don’t go commenting on someone else’s period. It’s just that Christian and I didn’t go there with you and even bring that up you brought it up with us instead in a very hypocritical action on your part.
Canson said on 27/Nov/17
@Andrea: wow you really are like clock work. how did we know that you would make another excuse for christian’s pics with Idris just as you did with the one i posted? And just like you did with Foxx. Tell me you are joking saying Idris has camera advantages with the pics Christian posted. Nether has an advantage. Now had Boris been taller you wouldn’t have even mentioned any of that. Love how your excuse has gone from Ground level footwear etc and how you asked or sorry begged the statement “i don’t see any PIcs where he clearly looks under 6’4”. Well these are pictures where he looks under it whether you like or accept it or not. Christian posted 2 (3 if you count Kobe because he also doesn’t look over 6’3 to an unbiased objective person but that clearly isn’t you). Instead it’s an excuse when he doesn’t look over 6’3 or even 6’2. but we should know that by now because it’s how you operate. And Boris with Magic Johnson in their pic is no different than the ones with Elba but because you “make the math work” to see he’s 6’4 it is deemed a good pic. And btw i don’t hear you say anything about Boris and Kobe where Boris is favored. Instead, you diminish their height difference. And i love your response making everything you say a “fact” when it’s not. It’s an opinion. Your opinions tho are considered fact because youre a know it all.
Andrea said on 27/Nov/17
Your past, Christian? LOL
The only reason why I brought your comment on Lesnar's page up was to show your hypocrisy, considering that you previously called a guy a liar just because he didn't see the same way you do and you later attacked me just because I said the same thing to Canson. As for your overall discussion with that guy, I couldn't care less. The Rock? I don't think I've ever mentioned any discussion of yours on his page. And Rosenbaum? I only mentioned the discussion you had with me on his page... Of course, you now have to mention Rampage because he's probably the only guy I have ever had a "serious" fight with throughout these years, even though you yourself have often attacked him in the past by saying that he's pathetic because he upgrades everyone. But now that you can use him to attack me, you even say that you respect him and his opinions. What a liar and hypocrite you are, LOL.
Again, you post 3 pictures where Idris has some big camera advantage... As I said, according to that "logic", I could post many pictures or videos where Boris looks 6'5. I don't, though. I don't because I am well aware of things like camera angles, camera positions and camera advantage. You apparently are not...
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 26/Nov/17
"but what's the connection between him and this discussion? I don't think I brought every guy you had a fight with on here up."
LOL, what a liar and a hypocrite you are. You brought up my past several times during this discussion, and try to use it against me, including the ones with the Lesnar, The Rock and the Rosenbaum pages, along with others. And I only brought up one guy (Rampage) into the discussion, so how is that "every guy"?
And there are at least 3 pics with Idris ALONE, where Boris looks 6'3" max
Click Here Click Here Click Here If you said that "I haven't seen a single pic where Boris looks short as that", that's one thing (even though you've already seen the first pic with Boris and Idris so that's still a lie) but to confidently say "he has never looked as short as that" makes it seem like it's a fact that Boris never looked 6'3", and that's even worse.
Canson said on 26/Nov/17
@Andrea: something i do often or you can “make a list”? this is exactly what i have been talking about throughout the entire argument. That is very hypocritical on your part. You keep saying stuff like “in more pics Boris looks taller” or you did it with Rampage but that “ i did it with multiple posters”. It’s not about volume or how many times you got in the argument or continue to. The Bottom line is if you do it or have done it in the past getting in progressive arguments like you have with Rampage, then it really leaves you no room to go and critique others about arguments they get in or have been in because you’ve done the same before. Sure i have but i didn’t make the comment below you did. I didn’t deny it or even accuse you, you accused me. i said what i did about you getting into it with Rampage because you brought it up with me below obviously in your post last week. So my response was not about how often either of us have gotten into an argument. Instead l, it is to prove that everything you say about me can easily be said about you as well, and that the approach that you take with me accusing me of the same stuff you do is a very hypocritical approach that you take. And this is not to be rude. i am just being honest with you as it appears that you make those types of comments you make to deflect attention off of yourself onto others and you tend to only think others do the things you do or don’t think what you do matters or is noticeable. Again, I don’t deny that I’ve gotten into it with others. Just like you say your arguments with Rampage have a history some of the ones I’ve had also have history with the posters before i got into it. As far as comments, if you want to make a list and just like you accuse me of with Moe for example, you made similiae comments to him before i did as you did to 6’3” saying what you did below. So that comment to me was better left out to be honest.
Canson said on 25/Nov/17
@Andrea; i have to disagree about the difference between the pics. The one with just Boris and Dennis doesn’t look 2cm if that’s the case then Kobe and Boris is at minimum 4cm. There’s a clear difference between the two pics. But in keeping with the two pics of Boris and Haysbert there is a difference between them as well. The one where they are standing with others and aren’t next to each other looks significantly different in terms of difference than the first one. And because Dennis is not standing straight. However I’d be hard pressed to find a difference in the first pic of more than a cm and only because Boris has his head tilted downward. As for the Merriman comparison Checker showed with Vernon Davis what Christian said that he’s 6’2. Now i mentioned before that I’ve seen Merriman from a distance but that was not a good way for me to determine height other than to say i thought he was near me because i wasn’t close to him. However i have stood right next to Davis before and am certain he is 6’3” and as suspected being I’ve never found a pic of both, Davis is taller than he is and the other pics Checker posted also show that he isn’t over 6’2. It adds up with what someone else told me that has stood in front of him that he’s 6’2 not 6’4. I myself am about 6’4 3/8. I’ve also seen Merriman next to Magic and that’s not a difference of only 2.5” or so. That’s more than that.
As for Idris Elba, i don’t see what makes the pic with Him any worse. Camera angle favors Boris is other pics but it’s never been addressed before. But My point with the Idris pic was to show another instance where he looks below 6’4 and he doesn’t look 6’4” with Elba. We differ on the Kobe Magic Fox pics. I believe all things considered in Kobe’s pic Boris isn’t over 6’3” that looks more than 3cm imho and of course Boris has a slightly thicker shoe. 6’3” therefore is the max i could give Boris. With Magic i never believed him to be 6’7.5. He’s noticeably shorter even than Kurt Rambis who was listed 6’8 and is doesn’t look that much taller than Jamal Wilkes who was listed 6’6” on the roster. I bring up listed heights because everyone knows in basketball that that isn’t usually a barefoot height. It’s at minimum rounded up. And also because a 6’6” small forward like Wilkes or a 6’8” power forward like Rambis (the latter especially) are on the small side for the positions in that era. Rambis i can buy 6’7” range as I look at pics with Carmelo Anthony who is his ore draft height at most 6’6.25 as I’ve met him and Rambis is not close to 2” taller than him. Now Rambis May have shrunken a hair but doubt that much as he doesn’t look that much smaller if at all than his prime in other pics. If anything i can buy him as maybe a 202cm range guy peak. That said Magic looked 6’7” and that’s a 4” difference in that pic. The one with Fox, Fox is leaning. That’s not a huge diff with the lean but if Fox stops straight it likely is much higher. To be fair tho out of the three the pic with Kobe is the only one where we can clearly see footwear.
Canson said on 25/Nov/17
@checker: meant to say that’s as low as i see him 189-190. But can see 6’3 In some pics too. 189-190 with Davis tho prob half inch
Andrea said on 24/Nov/17
Yeah, something you often do, Canson. If you want, I can make a list. Sure, I had my little fights with Rampage throughout the years, but I had my reasons and I never got as personal as you often do. And you do/did it not only with one poster, but with many...
As for Boris, it is true that we haven't met him, but this could be said for any celebrity. The Rock has never looked as tall as 6'4 to me, from pictures and videos. I haven't met him, though. Does that mean he could have really been near 6'4 at peak? I would completely rule it out, even if I haven't met him, because he never looked as tall as that. For the same reason, I would completely rule something like 6'3 out for Boris because he never looked as short as that...
"If you think it's more than that, that's your problem." was a nice way of saying that you are wrong, considering that the difference between Boris and Dennis does look close to 2 cms in that picture, just like the difference between Boris and Kobe doesn't look more than 3 cms, but whatever... One more thing, you tried to compare Idris' picture with Dennis' ones... Although it is true that you can't see the footwear and the ground level in any of them, the difference between them is that 1)Idris has a big camera advantage, while Boris doesn't (with Dennis) and 2)in Dennis' case, we have two pictures taken in two different occasions where the difference between them seems pretty similar and consistent with each other: around an inch, give or take a fraction. So it's a little bit different, but even in this case whatever...
Andrea said on 24/Nov/17
Sorry for the late reply, but I've been a bit busy. The only reason why I said that it was a big joke is because he has never looked as short as that. Even with Idris, Kobe, Magic, Jordan, Rick Fox, Jamie Foxx, and Shawne Merriman he does look nearer 6'4 than 6'3. The lowest he can look is 192 (only with Kobe, in fact)...
Why do you have to bring Rampage up now? I don't want to start another fight with him because I've already said what I think about him, but what's the connection between him and this discussion? I don't think I brought every guy you had a fight with on here up. And trust me, the list would be quite long! And once again you jump to conclusions... Sure, Rampage said that Metcalf looked under 6' with a slouch (which is not so clear, btw). Even without considering any possible slouch, he still looks over 6' with Jenny though. 5'11 is a big joke! As for Eamonn Walker, he explicitly asked Rob if 186-7 was possible for him. Sure, he didn't say "I think he is 186-7", but why asking something like that if you don't think that it is even remotely possible? This is not their pages though, and above all, I consider those discussions with him closed. Funny how you even try to use Rampage now, when you don't even know all the "background story" between us, to attack me, when this is what you told him a few months ago: "Your persistent inflating of celebs is really pathetic.". The HYPOCRISY... I now get why he got frustrated with you and suggested Rob to ban you...
Canson said on 23/Nov/17
Doubt it Checker prob 6’2.5 or .75
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 23/Nov/17
I doubt Titus is only 6'2". There are some pics where he looks easily 6'3"+, but 6'2.75" is fair.
checker said on 22/Nov/17
Could Titus be as low as 6'2?
Canson said on 22/Nov/17
@Checker: those are good pictures and good thoughts! I asked two people who has seen merriman up close. Both said he’s around 6’2. One is half inch shorter than me at 6’3 3/4 that i used to work with and said he’s close to 2” shorter than he is
Canson said on 21/Nov/17
@Checker: that actually sounds about right. I knew it was not too too long after he and Davis had both left and DHB was def there
Canson said on 21/Nov/17
@Checker: Davis is for sure in person very tall. I’m 6’4 plus myself and even to me was 1-1.5 max shorter. I don’t put him under 6’3 for sure and not above maybe 6’3-6’3.25. I don’t even see him as a guy who is 6’4” out of bed just prob a normal 6’3 or a touch over.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 21/Nov/17
I know I'm not perfect (no one is), but the only reason why I said the stuff I said on Idris' page, was because you explicilty said on Idris' page on 14/Aug/17 that "6'3 is a big joke for Boris!" This surely doesn't seem like an opinion either, but rather a fact. If you would've just said something like "I don't believe Boris is 6'3"", then I wouldn't have responded the way I did, and very likely the discussion could've ended a lot quicker and peaceful. And there are a quite few pics where Boris looks 6'3" range, such as the ones with Idris, Kobe, Magic, Jordan, Rick Fox, Jamie Fox, and Shawne Merriman, so 6'3" certainly isn't a joke.
And don't say I'm playing the victim here, when you're the one who took "you contradicted yourself" as an attack. Seriosuly, who gets insulted over something like that? It's not my fault that you have thin skin and get triggered so easily. That may explain why you had another long heated argument with Rampage Clover. I don't always agree with Rampage's estimations, but I get why he got frustrated with you. On the Terry Kinney page, you accused him of saying that Eamonn Walker's 186-187, when he clearly didn't. He said on Walker's page that he's 184-185 and also 6'0". Another example, on the Mark Metcalf page, you accused Rampage of being "bipolar" because he said that Metcalf looked 5'11" and then said he looked 6'0.5" (which is ridiculous because bipolar disorder isn't about being indecisive about height differences, rather it's a mental condition where a person fluctuates between depression and happiness on a regular basis) but you took his words out of context because he said "Looks under 6ft w/h a slouch but might still clear it when measured." He meant he looked 5'11" when slouched. I could give more examples, but I believe my message was loud and clear.
So don't accuse me of misunderstanding and jumping to conclusions, when you're doing the exact thing.
checker said on 21/Nov/17
There is another pic of Titus with Vernon where Vernon is clearly taller. I thought to myself, how the hell do people think hes 6'4?
Now I see where Florida listed him at 6'3. Titus could be just 6'2-6-2.5. Though he looks like he has over an inch on Merriman at least on video. I can see Merriman as low as 6'1.75. Couchscout had him at 6'2.4. The NFL site had him at an even 6'2.
6'7 Rudy Gay said Merriman played basketball like a "6'2 Jermaine Oneal" on his twitter a few years ago. Merriman didnt deny it.
checker said on 21/Nov/17
I had never seen that pic of Merriman and Titus. They look the same height. But in the video Titus looks to have about 2 inches on Merriman.
6'5 1/8 measured Nelson Rosario with Merriman.
Click Here Clear 3 inch difference.
Funny thing is If that 6'4.3 measurement for Merriman was true, that would make Boris a near laughable 6'5 since he edges him out in that pic.
About Vernon Davis, I thought for sure he was 6'2 before he was measured. Low chance he was the 6'3 he was listed by Maryland. Some even thought he was as short as 6'1. He must not be a guy who looks taller than his height. A guy who scouted a bunch of would be draftees in 2006 down in florida said Well, he looks at least 6'2, and he could be a full 6'3.
checker said on 21/Nov/17
I was at that Terps game. Miami 2006. Heyward-bey had 2 awesome touchdown catches burning Miami players. Merriman was suspended from the Chargers because they found a
Banned substance in his system. He was dressed in all black on the sideline down from the Maryland bench closer to the end zone. Somebody pointed to him to me and even from a distance I said, wow, he looks shorter in street clothes.
I got closer to him toward the end and he looked 6'2 to me. Ive been looking for these glasses he wore at that game forever. Coolest looking glasses.
Click Here
Also whats funny is my cousin was at that game as well, and I had no idea.
Canson said on 21/Nov/17
@Checker: concur with you. I’ve seen merriman “from a distance” but can’t give a qualified estimate as i wasn’t that close to him and assumed he was closer to my height of 6’4” but I was wrong and after doing research (i think you were one of the ones before who told me he was under). And I’ve been looking for a picture with he and Davis tho because i know how tall he is.I have stood right next to Davis and he is 6’3. In fact i won’t rule out Strong 6’3 (6’3-6’3.25).but I think if anything he’s got him by an inch (he looks taller) just due to the angle and looks comparable to O’Neill but may edge him too by a hair meaning Titus may be 6’2.75 like Christian has him pegged. I saw Merriman from a distance at a Terps game a while back (Wanna say he was with the Chargers at the time)
Canson said on 20/Nov/17
@Andrea: something i do often here? You should go check out your interactions over the years with Rampage. You’re really one to talk
checker said on 20/Nov/17
6'3 Vernon has always had a clear inch on 6'2 Merriman.
Click Here
6'2 Marcus Allen actually looks taller than him here If you scroll down a little.
Click Here
There use to be more pics of them on the internet since they both played at Maryland. There was video of them on youtube on the red carpet at the Espys where Vernon looked even taller than 6'3 next to him.
Canson said on 20/Nov/17
@Andrea: I’ll be reasonable here and say that I respect your opinion. I however have my own as does Christian as well that you need to respect
Canson said on 20/Nov/17
@Andrea: You proved both my point when you said you thought i was an open minded guy. Why would you say that unless you are trying to get me to change my opinion or my estimate? That basically is telling me you thought i would simply just “agree” with you. You made some points in the debate Andrea that i will not take away from you. However we also have made them here which is what i have said all along. At the end of the day none of us 3 has met him so we don’t know how he will end up looking in person.
Let me also add where you say the difference with them is 2cm and 3cm respectively and saying it’s “my problem”. Just like Christian told you before you make stuff “fact” when it may or may not be. I’m not going to go this route but I’m sure if others compared the pics with Boris/Haysbert and Boris/Kobe that anyone else will tell that that is a much greater difference where as the one with Boris/Haysbert is not all that noticeable. And again, you keep bringing up the difference there yet when i mention the pic with Elba, that one is all of a sudden a bad pic when you can’t see ground or footwear with the Haysbert pic either. You always choose to ignore when i day that as you likely don’t have a rebuttal to it because you know that I’m right. If there is a response it will be that you “never said it was a good pic”. You didn’t have to. You saying the other was bad when it has the same factors was enough said and the fact you posted that pic
Canson said on 20/Nov/17
@Andrea: You proved both my point when you said you thought i was an open minded guy. Why would you say that unless you are trying to get me to change my opinion or my estimate? That basically is telling me you thought i would simply just “agree” with you. You made some points in the debate Andrea that i will not take away from you. However we also have made them here which is what i have said all along. At the end of the day none of us 3 has met him so we don’t know how he will end up looking in person
checker said on 20/Nov/17
Titus Oneil was listed at 6'3 at Florida. Hes not taller than that.
Click Here
Here he is on video looking 2 inches taller than Shawne Merriman.
Click Here. Merriman was measured at his pro day at 6'2.
Click Here Click Here
Also, there were a couple of pics on 6'3 Vernon Davis's Instagram where he looked an inch taller than Titus. Could Titus only be 6'2? Well he actually looks 6'4 with 6'2 Shawne. And Vernon has always had an inch or a little more on Shawne in pics and video.
What does that say about Boris.
Andrea said on 20/Nov/17
We've already been there, Christian. Maybe you didn't specifically call me a fanboy, but you said "no matter how you much want him to be taller", which is something you often do when people say a celebrity is taller than what you think. You did it on Michael's page and you also did it at the beginning of this very long discussion about Boris, when everything was still civil. This is what you said on Idris' page, just because I didn't agree with you: "But knowing that you want Boris to be 6'4" so bad". And you even said: "This should end all the BS estimations about Boris being 6'4".". It certainly doesn't look like a simple opinion, to be fair. And, I repeat it, everything was still civil at that point... This is what I don't like about you. It really looks like that everything you say is a fact, when in reality it's not.
When I said that you jump to conclusions too fast, I wasn't specifically talking about your estimate for Boris' height. I was talking more in general. To give just one example, you accused me on Ray's page of something I never said (which later triggered another flameful and quite useless discussion on it): "It's funny how you put Ray at 6'1.5" yet he looks taller than
Ben Affleck, so where does that leave Affleck then, 6'1"? Lol. You even said once on the Boris Kodjoe page that Rob isn't off by more than half an inch whenever he meets a celeb. So you're saying Rob's off by a full inch if he's listing Ray as 6'2.5" yet you're insisting he's 6'1.5" You contradicted yourself.". Don't take that as an offence, but you should think twice before answering to someone, especially if your intent is to attack them. As for calling some of your comments stupid, I'm not taking it back. I still think that some comments you made were pretty stupid, but this doesn't necessarily mean you are a stupid person. I honestly don't think you are, in fact. It's just that, at times, you seem to misunderstand things and jump to conclusions too fast.
To be fair, I really do want to move on because I'm really tired of all of this. This has definitely gone too far. As I said, I've been on CelebHeights for about 7 years now (so for a much longer time than you, I think) and it for sure never happened to me before to have such a long and flameful discussion. With nobody! Only with you and Canson, in fact. I for sure have my faults, but don't act as if you are the victim and I am the perpetrator because you played a big part in it as well. If you are okay with this, for me the discussion ends here...
Andrea said on 20/Nov/17
Naa, nobody sent me that. That's simply the effect you had on me when I read that post, especially if you consider that they're all things we've already discussed about and that it seems you don't (or don't want) to understand... Let's forget about it, though.
When I said "Canson, if you still think, after all these pictures, that Boris is 6'3 MAX just because a random poster from the site who claims to be 6'4.25-6'4.5 met him and said he looked close to 2 inches shorter than him, I give up." and "I did think you were a very reasonable and open-minded guy from your posts... My bad!" was because, even though I had posted several pictures where Boris looked a decent 6'4, you still said that he never looked 6'4. This is what I don't like about you. You really seem to see only what you want to see and, when challenged, you just lie and/or make excuses. I mean, even recently, you said that the only occasion where Boris can look 6'4 is with Casper Van Dien, even if there are over 20 pictures/videos who say otherwise. And this has nothing to do with me wanting you to believe that Boris is 6'4, 6'5 or 6'6. As I said, I don't care about it. I simply hate ignorance. Without considering the fact that not only you said that, but you also accused me of wanting "my idol Boris" taller than he is, just because I didn't agree with you. Which is pretty childish, especially if you consider that 1) I am not a fan of him by any terms (I barely knew his face before this discussion, but, having seen him with a few celebrities in the past, I thought he looked one of the biggest 6'4 celebrities on here, kinda similar to Jared) and 2) I'm certainly not that kind of poster. In fact, I may be a big fan of a celebrity, but I'll always be an even bigger fan of objectivity, besides the fact that I don't understand why a fan would want his idol to be as tall as possible. As for Boris, I couldn't care less if he was 5'4 or 6'4. The simple reason why I think he must be somewhere around 6'4 is because he constantly looks that range. That's a fact. What is not a fact is how tall he really is. All I can say is that I have certainly seen enough (even too much) to completely rule out something like 6'3. I mean, if he was as low as 6'3, that would mean he wears lifts, always. That's the only way a 6'3 barefoot guy could pull off looking a decent 6'4 as he does...
One last thing, I've been on CelebHeights for a long time now (probably about 7 years) and, although I may have had some run-ins with a few posters every now and then, believe me... It never happened to me before to have such a long and flameful discussion (on here and on any other site/forum). I recognize I may have stepped over the line at times, but I also think you did it in the first place. In fact, that is something you often do on here: getting personal. I should have been smart enough to stop it before. That's all I regret!
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 19/Nov/17
You're keep twisting and misrepresenting my words. I never called anyone a "fanboy" on Rosenbaum's page. And what have I said that suggested that my estimates are facts? I've never called anyone here "stupid" or accuse someone of being clueless about height differences, both of which you've called Canson and I multiple times. I even said before "I understand why some people may believe Boris is 6'4" because he looks it in many pics".
And I'm jumping to conclusions too fast? Like I've said before, I'm never counting out the possibility of Boris being legit 6'4". If I was quick to jumping to conculsions, I would've said "there's absolutely no doubt Boris is 6'3"", but I didn't. And it was funny how you called my comments stupid, yet a few sentences later, said that you don't think I'm stupid at all. Which one is it, Andrea?
And the reason why it won't move on is because you keep on provoking us with your nonsense. This debate was civil until you started to make personal insults against us. I've had several disagreements about heights of celebs with several people in the past, but most of them weren't entitled immature brats like you are, that's why in the majority of those debates, I was able to end them peacefully without ever calling each other names.
Andrea said on 19/Nov/17
I am sorry, Canson, but the difference in that single picture does look close to 2 cms. Just like the difference between Boris and Kobe doesn't seem more than 3 cms. And yeah... I'm really saying that. If you think it's more than that, that's your problem. Let's just say that...
Don said on 19/Nov/17
IMHO he looks in between 6’3-6’4.
Canson said on 19/Nov/17
@Andrea: what did someone send you that and now you’re using it on me? You seem to be very good at finding things like that. Btw in your post back to Christian, you fail to mention that he looks under 6’3” with Idris Elba because that is, after all, a single occurrence.
I have the same issue with you that he does btw. You make things a “fact” and belittle people who don’t agree with you or try to hard to force your opinion. You’re saying he does it but you do it far worse than what you are accusing him of. I’ve never perceived that from him as a matter of fact. Only that he is very direct with people. You are too as am I. I admit all of us can teeter on the edge sometimes and come across that way but your phrases such as “if after all of this you still believe Boris is under 6’4, i don’t know what to tell you” and you saying “i thought you all were reasonable but i guess not” just reinforces all of that. Our opinions and beliefs on height don’t have to coincide all the time. Otherwise i really had no issue agreeing to disagree until all of that began and then it became personal where both of us said stuff would have been better left alone on this site.
Andrea said on 18/Nov/17
Christian, I said that the difference between Boris and Kobe looks no more than 3 cms. I never said that the difference is 2.5 cms. 1-1.25 inches is what you can argue there, all things considered. 2.25 is a pretty precise number, especially if you consider that the difference certainly doesn't look more than an inch in the picture. I mean, you basically calculated that Rick is dropping at least 1.25 inches in posture. How you did it, I don't know...
What I don't like about you is that you think that your estimates are always a fact and, when someone tries to have a normal discussion and disagrees with you, you simply attack them and come out with stupid comments like "you are a fanboy", "you just want him/her to be taller", etc. You first did it on Michael Rosenbaum's page and you did the same at the beginning of this extremely long discussion about Boris, when everything was still civil. That's all! I of course don't think that Boris being 6'4 is a fact. Nobody on here ever measured him, not me and not you. What I think is a fact is that, apart from that single picture with Jamie Foxx, there is not a single occasion where he looks shorter than 6'4 and closer to your 6'3 estimate (even if you can certainly make an argument for 192 with Kobe). And this leads me to believe that he must be somewhere around 6'4. It's simple logic! As I said, I don't think you are a stupid person, at all. Sometimes you seem to misunderstand things and jump to conclusion too fast though. If you are ok with this, maybe it's time to agree to disagree and move on. I think you will agree with me that this has gone too far...
Andrea said on 18/Nov/17
"Canson said on 17/Nov/17
@Andrea: LOL. how is telling someone they want their favorite celeb more insulting than telling them that they can’t estimate height differences? ...
Click Here
Canson said on 18/Nov/17
So Andrea, are you really saying that the difference with Boris and Haysbert is 2cm or 1” and that Kobe and Boris is 1” or 3cm max? There is a clear disparity between the two. Clear enough that it’s more than only a 1cm difference between the two pics. Yet you want to sit here and call me a liar because i don’t agree with you or say that I’m “unable to judge differences”. I’d be hard pressed to see a difference of more than “.25-.5 with the pic of he and Haysbert.
Click Here
Click Here
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 17/Nov/17
Boris was standing in a position that gave him a bit of an camera advantage. You don't necessarily have to stand closer to the camera than the other person to have an advantage. 2.25" is really not that precise, considering it's around 5.5cm. You said before that the difference between Boris and Kobe was 2.5cm, which is just as precise of a guess as 5.5cm
And the biggest problem I have with you is that you make everything as if it's a fact, and anyone who disagrees with you is considered clueless. Even if you believe Boris is 6'4", at least respect my opinion without belittling me and I'll be cool with you. You really don't know how to correctly hold a debate it seems, as you constantly use ad hominem attacks (criticizing the opponent instead of criticizing the opponent's arguements itself.)
Andrea said on 17/Nov/17
The difference between Boris and Dennis looks close to 2 cms in that picture, whether you like it or not. Just like the difference between Boris and Kobe looks no more than 3 cms (again, I never said it is only 2 cms, stop putting words in my mouth). So yeah, "the difference between those two differences" is probably no more than 1 cm. The fact that you keep questioning it proves that you have no clue about height differences, once again. Or that you lie about it on purpose. I still have to figure it out...
Canson said on 17/Nov/17
@Andrea: #1 quit saying someone is lying just because they don’t see the same as you. And quit saying someone can’t assess height because they don’t agree with you. If you want to go down that path you are pretty bad yourself at it. That is not a 2cm difference. That’s at very most a cm.also Take into account also that Boris has his head tilted downward which is adding height actually and there is likely no difference at all. Anyway if you want to talk about ground level etc then this isn’t a good pic. But Since you say that Kobe and Boris are 2cm apart at first are you really trying to tell us that then how is this only 2cm? Kobe had more of an advantage on Boris than Boris has on Haysbert. And not just 1cm like you’re making it out to be. And i don’t think anyone here is gonna to challenge that other than you.
As far as you saying it was a 2cm difference we have posted so long about this that i can’t see back that far. You def did tho because you made the differences exactly how rob has them listed here before you moved it to a full 1”. Then now you say max 3cm. So even if that is 3cm diff between Kobe and Boris this is not anything remotely close to that between Haysbert and Boris. That’s gonna be no more than a cm before we address the head being tilted then it is nothing at all
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 17/Nov/17
If you think that the difference between Boris and Kobe was 3cm, then why didn't you simply say "3cm" instead of "closer to 2cm than 2 inches"? You make no sense at all.
Andrea said on 17/Nov/17
That picture with Jamie is the only occasion where Boris looks noticeably shorter than 6'4 and I have no problem to "admit" that he doesn't look much over 6'2 there. You know, unlike you, I don't need to lie about height differences to make my estimates believable. I never said that Jamie wears lifts for sure because I haven't seen anything of him, but anything is possible. I mean, how do you explain him looking so close to Channing in those photos? According to your logic, Channing should be listed at 5'10-5'11 because that's how tall he looks in those pictures with Jamie. And in Channing's case, there are several pictures where he looks that low, if Jamie is only 5'9... In Boris' case, he looks noticeably taller than how he looks there in the other picture and NOT "still a 6’” difference":
Click Here Jamie's top of head is around Boris's mouth, so I don't see how you can see only 6 inches between them, but I'm kinda used to that... Funny thing is that you complain if I say that you lie. How do you call this? As for Wayne, which reason did you give? LOL You said that Wayne's top of head was "clearly above Boris' eyebrows" and you even gave the exact moment in which you thought it looked that way. Truth is, even in that moment Wayne's top of head was CLEARLY below Boris' eyebrows and right around his eyelevel. If this isn't lying, I don't know what it is. As for Idris, are you really trying to use that picture as some kind of evidence? I'm sure that even Christian would agree that it is a quite useless picture. As I said, if I were as biased as you are, I would use the dude's video to say that Boris is over 2 inches taller than Idris, but I don't because I'm well aware that he has some camera advantage in that clip. This is the difference between me and you!
Andrea said on 16/Nov/17
Again with this "saying this thing is more insulting than that" story? Saying that someone wants to see their celebs taller is pretty stupid and juvenile and you often do that when people don't agree with you. Saying that someone has no clue about height differences is stating a fact. If you tell me that Boris looks 2.25 inches shorter than Rick Fox in that picture, I'm sorry but I call it "having no clue about height differences", considering that the difference in that moment doesn't look more than an inch. Sure, you can say that Rick is dropping more height than Boris, which is the reason why I can believe there is a bit more than what it looks like there... But 2.25 inches? How the hell did you calculate such a precise number? Maybe because it fits with your idea of Boris being somewhere around 6'3? 😊
Andrea said on 16/Nov/17
In many pictures I have posted you can see the footwear and the ground level though. Of course you just ignored them or, when challenged, you just say that the other guy is losing more height than Boris or you just lie about the actual height difference. But yeah... They have "flaws" aka "Boris looks taller than what you want him to be". As for Dennis, the difference does look close to 2 cms in that picture, no matter how much you lie about it:
Click Here Again, I've never said that the difference between Boris and Kobe looks only 2 cms. I said that it looks closer to 2 cms than 2 inches, which is a bit different. As I said, I can see as much as 3 cms but no more than that. And guess what? 3 cms is closer to 2 cms than 2 inches. 😊
Canson said on 16/Nov/17
Well Andrea if the pic is good then so is the one with Foxx where he struggles to look even 6’3”. I don’t see any difference in the variables. Oh but wait it’s gonna be that Foxx wears lifts or that the other pic of Foxx makes him look more (even that one with Foxx leaning is still a 6’” difference) or it’s gonna be that you have “more” pics of Boris looking closer to 6’4” or you will turn this around on me some other way. That’s what people have to do when they look bad they start to attack people’s character to try to make them look bad and hope others jump in on them which is what you do. Or you’re going to accuse me of lying. Funny how that video you keep referring to with Boris and Wayne when i gave my reason and even admitted i was off (4.5-5” more so than 4) you keep using that yet you make excuses about the pics that answer your accusations directly. I don’t see any difference between “lying” with the video vs you calling Foxx a lift wearer (don’t say you didn’t go down that path because that thought wouldn’t have even come out had Boris looked 6’4 with him no matter how he looked with Channing Tatum). Or the fact that Elba looked taller and of course that pic is no good. You’re a liar as well
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 16/Nov/17
Well, your typical way of countering arguments is to accuse anyone who differs from your opinion as "having no clue about height differences". So if anything, your response is more insulting than mine, because when you say things like that, you're implying that people are clueless and dumb, while mine isn't as bad, since I'm merely implying that people want to see their celebs taller. It doesn't question their intelligence one bit, unlike your's.
And Rick's posture is clearly worse than Boris', the former is dropping more height than the latter. And I doubt anyone can dispute that.
Canson said on 15/Nov/17
@Andrea: the majority of your pics are “useless” as well since they have a lot of the same issues such as ground level, inability to see shoes, etc. Mine are “useless” only because they don’t make Boris 6’4”. You are so full of ****. Even with the same “flaws” that you are calling me out on with my pics. I bet if Elba looked an inch or so shorter than Boris you wouldn’t even have written that short essay you did nor would you be asking Christian if he agreed if it were bad. Ok if it is bad so are most of the ones you posted. But nope, you make excuses for them when they don’t make Boris as tall as you want him to be and you can take a similar pic and it’d be ok if Boris appears 6’4” despite the issues it may have
Btw be serious here for once. Or shall I say be smart (that may be too much to ask of you). Are you really telling me you really see an inch here between these two Boris and Haysbert? You are the one who needs their eyes checked. Yet You say that Boris and Kobe are only a 2cm difference and this is far less of a difference lol and you are saying it’s an inch. Be ****in serious Andrea lol? 😂😂😂 really that is sad that you can be (i really hope it’s biased and not that stupid although I won’t rule that out at this stage as you surely don’t argue or think like a college graduate). Are you sure you are qualified to call Christian or me dumb or to say we can’t assess heights when you assess like this lol? Sounds like you need to look in the mirror?
Click Here
Canson said on 15/Nov/17
@Andrea: the majority of your pics are “useless” as well since they have a lot of the same issues such as ground level, inability to see shoes, etc. Mine are “useless” only because they don’t make Boris 6’4”. You are so full of ****. Even with the same “flaws” that you are calling me out on with my pics. I bet if Elba looked an inch or so shorter than Boris you wouldn’t even have written that short essay you did nor would you be asking Christian if he agreed if it were bad. Ok if it is bad so are most of the ones you posted. But nope, you make excuses for them when they don’t make Boris as tall as you want him to be and you can take a similar pic and it’d be ok if Boris appears 6’4” despite the issues it may have
Andrea said on 15/Nov/17
Your comments speak for themselves, Canson. No need to take them out of context, which I didn't, to make you look bad. You are bad. So let me get this straight. The picture is bad, but still good enough to say that "it's def over 2” for sure"? Makes sense... Just like it makes sense saying that you're not biased, that you have a very good idea about height differences and that you don't lie. Getting back to reality, there isn't much more than an inch in that picture. Of course you can say that Rick is standing a bit worse than Boris (who also doesn't seem to be standing at his tallest there) and I can believe there is a bit more than how it looks there, like 1.5 inches. More than that? I doubt it. In the video there isn't certainly as much as 2 inches, let alone over.
Andrea said on 15/Nov/17
Maybe you didn't specifically call me a fanboy, but you said "no matter how you much want him to be taller", which is typical of you when people say a celebrity is taller than what you think. And this was even before we had this discussion about Boris, so there was no reason to come out with a comment like that. But again, this is your way of counter other people's arguments...
You've never mentioned about the Rick Fox pic, but you did it now. You said that the difference looks 2.25, which is as bad as saying it as big as 2.5-3 inches. Do you understand why I say that you have no clue about height differences now? I mean, is this your idea of a 2.25 inches difference?
Click Here There's also a clip of them together:
Click Here Do you honestly see as much as 2 good inches between them?
Canson said on 15/Nov/17
@Christian: i can see 2.25 in the pic a lot easier than 1.5” with them esp giving the fact Fox isn’t standing completely straight.
Canson said on 15/Nov/17
@Christian: that’s again where Andrea took my words out of context like she often does to make me look bad because I don’t agree with her. When I said it about this pic with Fox it’s lilely what it would be if they straightened up. Meaning because fox is leaning. That’s just a bad pic to judge height. But it’s def over 2” for sure
Andrea said on 14/Nov/17
I say the same for the picture where Boris looks taller. In fact, I could say that Boris is taller than
Michael Jordan because he looks that way in that picture, but I don't because you can't see too many things there, just like the first picture. It's funny how you still lie to yourself by saying that Boris "doesn’t look 6’4” with Foxx Idris Jordan Kobe or Magic", when, worst case scenario, you could say he looks 192 (only with Kobe). Are you really trying to use that picture with Idris to say that Boris is 6'3 MAX? I'm sure that even Christian would agree that it is a quite useless picture. As I said, if I were as biased as you are, I would use the dude's video to say that Boris is over 2 inches taller than Idris, but I don't because I'm well aware that he has some camera advantage in that clip.
Rob's credibility is more than those guys because maybe Rob, unlike them, has been running a height website for 13 years, puts his face on here, has uploaded a lot of measurement videos and constantly adds photos with celebrities, but I understand that it's hard to understand for a person like you.
As for Dennis, he does look about an inch shorter than Boris in those two pictures I have posted. In the group photo it looks at least an inch, while in that photo you have posted it looks more around 2 cms (certainly no less than that), which is still about an inch, as I said. If you see less than that, you either have very poor eyesight or you are just very delusional and stupid. 😊
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 14/Nov/17
I only call people fanboys when it's obvious that their estimates are full of crap. The only pages where I called people fanboys are The Rock (people saying he's legit 6'4" or 6'5"), John Abraham (listed 5'11.5" and claimed 183cm yet people were saying he's 6'1.5"), Charles Barkley (one person said 6'6"-6'7" and a few said 6'5.5" or 6'6" when Barkley himself claimed 6'4.75" and also looks no taller than his claim in pics and also reported to have measured 6'4 5/8" during his career), Muhammad Ali (people saying Ali was 6'3.5" despite being listed 6'2.5" on his passport and listed 6'3" during his career), and Brock Lesnar (because one person said that Lesnar looked 4" shorter than Strowman to try to make Lesnar 6'3" or near it). But I've never called you, Andrea, a fanboy because it's understandable for people to believe Boris is legit 6'4" because he may look it in many pics.
And I've never mentioned about the Rick Fox pic, so stop accusing me of saying it was a 2.5-3" difference. I disagree with both you and Canson on this one. It doesn't look as small as a 1.5" difference like you say, but it also doesn't look as big as a 2.5-3" difference like Canson says. 2.25" difference is my best bet. So based off of Rick likely being around 6'5.5", puts Boris at 6'3.25" based in this pic IMO
Click Here
Canson said on 14/Nov/17
@Andrea: you are saying Boris looks an inch taller than Dennis Haysbert in this pic and you’re calling me a liar? You either have very poor eyesight or you are just very delusional and stupid.
Click Here
Canson said on 14/Nov/17
@Andrea: Rob met him twice and put him at that? So why is Rob’s credibility any more than Bobby3342, 6’3”, Mr.R, or Bennett? And you said you trust more that Rob has “met someone” than a pic itself. Again not accusing Rob of lying because I don’t believe he is. but I’m saying this because I already know you’re going to say well Rob has pictures with such and such. He doesn’t have a pic with every person he has met such as Rick Fox yet you conveniently use his estimates whether or not he has met someone. And me using a posters estimate that has met someone honestly is also me looking at the celeb such as Boris and determining he isn’t 6’4 As well in conjunction with
Andrea said on 13/Nov/17
At least 5 pictures??? The only picture where he doesn't look 6'4 is the one with Jamie. As for the other guys, he looks at least 6'4 (apart from Kobe, who you could say makes him look more a weak 6'4 than a full one), no matter how much you lie about height differences. What to say about that picture with Idris? I think that even a blind man would see that it is a terrible picture. If I were as biased as you are, I would use thedude's video to say that Boris is over 2 inches taller than Idris, but I don't because I realize that Boris is standing noticeably closer to the camera in that clip:
Click Here However , there is another "better" scene in that movie where Boris isn't getting any camera advantage and still looks AT LEAST 1.5 inches taller than Idris. Go check yourself, if you don't believe me. I'm certainly not gonna post any photo or video, just to hear you make a new excuse...
Andrea said on 13/Nov/17
Well, you said "no matter how you much want him to be taller", just because I didn't agree with you. Even if the words aren't the same, the meaning is, but I can't wait for you to make an excuse and try to "explain" it like you did with your comment on Brock Lesnar's page, LOL. And, as I said, I'm not the only one who gets that "treatment" from you. When people think a celebrity is taller than what you say, it's always because they are fanboys and want that celebrity as tall as possible.
You say that I like to "cherry pick"... Is it my fault if Boris (almost) always looks 6'4? You wanna exclude those pictures or videos where you can't see the footwear and the ground level? I'm fine with that. Even in those, Boris looks a comfortable 6'4, but it must be because people are "leaning" and losing 2-3 inches in posture, right? 😊 The only occasion where he looks noticeably under 6'4 is with Jamie Foxx. He really doesn't look much over 6'2 with him in that single picture and I have no problem to admit it. I'm not like Canson who has to lie about actual height differences to make his estimates believable! If your argument is "Boris is no more than 6'2-6'3 because he doesn't look over that mark with Jamie Foxx", you are completely free to say that. Me, on the other hand, I think that Boris is a decent 6'4 because that's how tall he generally looks with everyone else.
What I said on Michael's page is that celebrities rarely look as tall as their listings with Rob and they generally look 0.5-0.75 inches shorter than what Rob thought they were in person. Sometimes even more than that, sometimes near enough their listings and a very few times even a bit taller. That's a fact. The reason why I accused you and Canson (more Canson than you to be fair because you at least didn't try to say that Boris looks only 4 inches taller than Wayne Brady or that Dennis looks taller than Boris) of having no clue about height differences is because of what you said about certain comparisons, not because you guess Boris around 6'3. You said that Boris looks clearly 2 inches shorter than Kobe, at least 4 inches shorter than Magic, 2.5-3 inches shorter than Rick Fox,... I'm sorry, but to me that means "having no clue about height differences". Sure, I think that Boris must be around 6'4 because he basically always looks around that mark in photos and videos. What's wrong with that? Isn't it what you do as well? Guessing people's heights from photos and videos? For the same reason, I think that Michael at 181 is believable, even if he certainly doesn't look as tall as that with Rob. I would say he is, at worst, 5'11 flat, from what I've seen. Furthermore, Rob met him twice and said that he looked around that 181 mark. And, as I said, Rob's estimate is more important than the picture itself to me. Of course you are free to believe that he is a weak 5'11 just because he looks that way in Rob's photos, but you should learn to respect other people's opinions and avoid stupid comments like "no matter how you much want him to be taller", just because someone thinks differently than you do.
Canson said on 13/Nov/17
@Christian: it’s also the fact that there are at least 5 pics here where he doesn’t look 6’4. Jordan Kobe Magic Jamie Foxx and even one with Idris Elba that I posted. Not saying a picture tells the whole story but why are they deemed worthless or no good but the pics Andrea posted have the same issues that are made about these. Her argument is essentially a quantity argument just because he looks it in a lot of pics whether they are good ones or not. Not to mention these comparisons are made to celebs at Rob’s listed heights
Canson said on 12/Nov/17
@Andrea: I sound ridiculous lol? You making excuses saying Jamie Foxx wears lifts without proof just because he makes Boris under 6’4” is about the most ridiculous statement, sorry, excuse, I’ve seen on his website 😂 . So please don’t ever say anything to me Christian or anyone else about making excuses or lying when you take the cake as not only the most ridiculous poster and liar here but the biggest hypocrite on this site because you not only do everything you accuse both of us of doing but you top it 😂
Canson said on 12/Nov/17
@Andrea: you’re really saying now that if someone stands closer to the camera that they will appear taller than someone else? So why don’t you mention that in any of your pics you handpicked where Boris is closer to the camera such as Kobe Haysbert etc? You only mention that in the pics that Christian and I point out where Boris doesn’t look 6’4 or where you just don’t bother to select because you know it diminishes your argument.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 12/Nov/17
Please show me where I said "you just want Michael Rosenbaum to be as tall as possible" on Rosenbaum's page. Quit making up lies, Andrea. You already lost the argument by lying.
And I'm not saying that there was or wasn't footwear and ground difference with the two pics of Boris and Dennis, I'm just pointing out the fact that you like to cherry pick, because when Boris looks shorter than 6'4" in a pic, you always bring up something about footwear and ground level, and when he looks 6'4" or taller, you don't mention either of those.
Btw on the Rosenbaum page, you quoted "Michael does look near 5'10.75, as you say, with Rob. I completely agree. This doesn't necessarily mean he'd measure that low, though" You essentially implied that a person's apparent height in photos and pics don't necessarily reflect their actual height. So why doesn't it apply for Boris then? Why is it that Boris must be 6'4" to you because he looks it in most pics? Why do you accuse me and Canson of "having no clue about height differences" when we guess Boris to be around 6'3"? Btw, not once I've said that 6'4" is impossible for him.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 12/Nov/17
You're right. At best Vernon and Titus are the exact same. Vernon is dropping a bit of height. Him at 6'3" and Titus at 6'2.75"-6'3" is how I see them
Click Here
Canson said on 11/Nov/17
@Christian: I don’t see Titus edging Vernon Davis out honestly looking at pics of both next to people. Davis may actually be taller. I couldn’t see Davis under 6’3” flat when I was next to him
Andrea said on 11/Nov/17
Excuses, Canson? Do you realize that if a person stands a lot closer to the camera (like Common there), they're going to appear a lot taller than how they are? Of course you don't. Do you still see two inches between them?
Click Here Boris is not favored in any of those pictures, if anything Dennis is (especially in the second one). And "I clearly cheated the measurement"? Do you realize how ridiculous you sound when you come out with statements like these? The line is right around the top of Boris' head, not above. Even a blind man would see it. But maybe not a biased one...
That's true, Christian. We can't see the footwear and the ground level, but there are two photos taken in two different occasions where Boris looks around an inch taller than Dennis. Anything is possible, but are you trying to say that Boris has footwear and ground advantage twice, to the point that he looks 2 inches taller than what he really is? Funny how you get back to the old "you just want Boris to be as tall as possible" line, which is your typical way of counter other people's arguments. You did it with me (even before this discussion, on Michael Rosenbaum's page) and you do it with everyone else who disagrees with your estimates. That's a classic Christian. One thing, if I really wanted Boris to be as tall as possible, I wouldn't have said that I can't 100% rule out 192, even if the only occasion where he can look as low as that is with Kobe...
Canson said on 11/Nov/17
@Christian: well said “about an inch”. I think 1/2”-2cm and with Boris’s head tilted downward
thedude said on 11/Nov/17
at 0:14 of this video boris looks 2 icnhes taller than idris elba
Click Here
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 11/Nov/17
Funny how when Boris looked 6'3" next to 5'9" Jamie Foxx, you accused Jamie of wearing lifts. Now when Boris looked about an inch taller than 6'4" Haysbert, you're completely silent about footwear and ground level. The bottom line is, you just want Boris to be as tall as possible.
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 10/Nov/17
That's a good point.
Canson said on 10/Nov/17
@Andrea: I’m the one making excuses and lying? Love how you make up the line you did about Common and the reason why their is only a 2” difference. And Boris is actually favored in the camera in the 2nd pic that’s clear as day he is toward the front more than Haysbert who is further back. So don’t accuse me of lying when all you do is make excuses and with the Kobe pic you clearly cheated the measurement the line is not at boris’s Head it’s above and it is above with Haysbert. I love how you make excuses with the pics that you cherrypicked Boris being 6’4” when we challenge you
Canson said on 10/Nov/17
@Christian: one thing To add to Vince carter is that with the absence of 1/4” increments combined with the fact he played forward and guard out of UNC and in Toronto and was listed 6’7” chances could be that he wasn’t even 6’5.25. May have been a hair over 6’5 and boosted up to half. It’s also fishy with him because he doesn’t have a pre draft showing shoes only barefoot.
Andrea said on 10/Nov/17
Far above one's head, Canson? The lines don't lie, but you do, like always. As I said, you see only what you want to see and lie about actual height differences to make celebrities as tall as you want. You are pathetic! Saying that Dennis is losing a lot more height than Boris is pure speculation, but again, that's how you explain every picture where Boris looks taller than you want. Christian, the reason why he can look no more than 2 inches taller than Common there is probably because Common has a big camera advantage more than because he is dropping 2 inches. In the other pictures there is certainly more difference between them... In the second picture I have posted, Dennis is even standing closer than Boris and still looks no less than an inch shorter than him! I guess it must be his posture though. A bit like Rick Fox, who looks no more than 1.5 inches taller than Boris but who obvsiouly would be 2.5-3 inches taller "if standing straight"... 😂😂😂
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 9/Nov/17
Some people are just prone to losing more height than others when they slouch, and I believe Haysbert is a classic example of those. This is why he looks only 1.25" or 1.5" taller than Danny Glover who's currently around 6'0.75" based on his pic with Rob. And also the pic was in 2012 so Glover already had lost a lot of height.
Click Here Also appeared max 2" taller than 6'0" listed Common although he was standing further from the camera
Click Here And I know this isn't the best pic in the world, but next to 6'4.5" (my opinion)
Michael Jordan he seems ways shorter than 6'4" because he had bad posture.
Click Here So this may explain why Haysbert looked shorter than 6'3" Boris.
Canson said on 9/Nov/17
@Andrea: I made no sense? You sound absolutely incompetent. Number one Boris is not taller in the pic of just the two and you again cheated the measurement to bolster your weak point or nonexistent point I meant. At least put the lines in the right places not far above ones head. Btw Dennishas his head tilted to the side Boris is tilted downward which can potentially add height in that position. And I know you’re gonna come back and say I’m stupid so I’m already anticipating that much because you’ve become predictable now but if he has his head tilted down some it can due to the crown on his head. I honestly think you need to take the comments about lying you accused me of and reevaluate your life and yourself when you say that’s an inch. Do you firmly believe that is an inch if both of them had their heads straight? Even if Boris were taller it’s marginal. And the second pic if you look closely which one has their head bent (not tilted down). Dennis clearly isn’t standing straight. So there you go.
Andrea said on 9/Nov/17
Congrats, Canson, you made no sense... like always! 😂😂😂
You say that Dennis is leaning with Boris? From the pictures alone, it's impossible to tell and, to be honest, they seem to have a similar posture... But, of course, Dennis MUST have "a major slouch" because that's the only way he can look an inch shorter than "6'3 MAX Boris", right? 😊 And you even tried to say that Dennis looks taller in one of them, didn't you? I'm curious... In which one?
Click Here Click Here
Andrea said on 9/Nov/17
Losing an argument? I think I have never said that that Vince guy, whom I've never heard before, can't be 6'4.75. I said that he was measured around 6'5.5, and that's a fact, and that saying that he is 6'4.75, like you did, is mere speculation. That's all. If you read my comment, I said that your guess certainly doesn't seem impossible with Lebron, at least in those two pictures you have posted...
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 8/Nov/17
"But this is not a basketball page, so I'm not going to start a discussion about them and their heights."
Of course you don't wanna discuss because you love to deflect and change the subject like you always do when you're on the losing side of an argument, because you know deep down you shot yourself in the foot but don't wanna admit it. And sorry, but I'll continue to discuss about basketball players' heights whether you like it or not, because you're not entitled to anything. You're just a poster like the rest of us are, so don't tell me what I should and shouldn't do.
Vince was measured 6'5.5" at the draft (or at least close to it) and I know it's a fact, but don't try to use that measurement to say that Carter's a legit 6'5.5" at his lowest, because he's not. The vast majority of players in the draft get measured in the morning, and that's also a fact.
Canson said on 8/Nov/17
@Christian: lol I’d be highly surprised if Merriman measures even within and inch of Brady let alone the same height as him.
Canson said on 8/Nov/17
@Christian: well said. Here is carter with an aged Dr J who is still taller than him by a hair. He’s at most 6’5 maybe 195 like you said too. I see more of a difference with he and Dr J than with he and Kobe.
Click Here
Andrea said on 8/Nov/17
I never said that Boris is the same height as Dennis Haysbert, Canson. Don't put words in my mouth! I said that Boris looks TALLER than Dennis. And that's not in one single picture, but in TWO pictures! Boris does look around an inch taller than Dennis in both of them. As for Michael, in one picture Boris looks shorter, in the other one he looks taller. So something is off there. 😊
I must say though... You finally found a picture (the only one) where Boris really looks noticeably under 6'4. I mean, if Jamie is 5'9, Boris certainly doesn't look much over 6'2 range there. You see? You're not that bad, after all, Canson. 😉 You say that Jamie's picture is not any different than Dennis'? Fine. According to those pictures, we have Boris at 6'2, Dennis at 6'1 and Jamie at 5'9...
Andrea said on 8/Nov/17
You don't even know the meaning of "hypocrite" (even if you should, considering that you are the textbook example of it), Christian. I was just stating a fact. Vince Carter was measured around 6'5.5, so saying that he is 6'4.75, like you did, is mere speculation, just like is saying that
Michael Jordan is 6'4.5, Lebron James is 6'6.75 and Stephen Curry is 6'1.5. But this is not a basketball page, so I'm not going to start a discussion about them and their heights. You say Vince is 6'4.75? He may well be but I certainly haven't seen enough to say that with certainty. With those guys you have posted I can still see him somewhere in 6'5 range (and 6'4.75 certainly doesn't seem impossible with Lebron)...
Canson said on 8/Nov/17
@Andrea: you’re right. We can’t see it. So if that’s the case then why do you pull the Boris is the same height as Dennis Haysbert card? You can’t see it either there. And I love how you conveniently put the tip above Boris’s head with a hat on just to make it one inch. Jordan at 6’4.5 (not 6’5 like Rob has him) still has him by at least 1.5 even doing what you did so he still looks no higher than 6’3 and can even look 6’2.5 honestly. All I did was refer to what you said that there are no pics where he looks 6’3 or less and I just showed you. Also showed you Jamie foxx where he does too but I already know that there will be an excuse for that one too about ground level. Of course most of the pics you posted have many of the same issues such as ground level inability to see footwear or people not standing right next to each other. As rob has said before people standing in certain places can influence the height perception in the pic. Keep in mind Boris is closer to the camera in the pic with Kobe and with jordan in the first pic and still looks around 2” shorter and that Jordan isn’t standing straight in the one you posted. All I am doing is running off some of the excuses you make toward everyone here that has either posted a pic with Boris where he doesn’t look 6’4” or a poster who has met him that says he isn’t 6’4”. Yet when you insist he does in a pic you throw everything out of the window that you say to us
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 8/Nov/17
It's funny how you just said "I'm not not like you, Christian. I usually try to see more than one picture or clip to guess someone's height." then you only show ONE pic of Carter looking taller than Kobe to determine that Carter's taller. And you were the one who originally showed us the pic with Boris and Shawne, and guess how many pics was that? ONE. And you acknowledged that NFL/NBA measurements are taken very early in the morning, so why are you determining that Carter's 6'5.5" based on his measurement? Typical Andrea, always being a hypocrite. Btw, several people including a former poster named KROC have met Carter and they say he's at most 6'5" or 195cm or 6'4"-6'5"
Also there's several pics of him looking barely taller than 6'4.5"
Michael Jordan Click Here Click Here
With Jordan and Kobe (and Carter seemingly has a slight footwear advantage)
Click Here
With Lebron James who measured 6'7.25" but most likely 6'6.75" lowest
Click Here Click Here
With 6'2" measured Steph Curry but most likely 6'1.5" lowest
Click Here Click Here
Btw, Carter's draft took place in 1996 and it was a time where quarter fractions weren't used, so IMO he was measured in the morning maybe 6'5.25" and rounded up to 6'5.5"
Canson said on 7/Nov/17
@Christian: those are some good pics! I guessed lavar about 196/197 too and Ray 183/184 looking at him with Terrell Suggs who I’ve met looked around 191 in person
Andrea said on 7/Nov/17
As I said, you can't even tell the exact difference between Boris and Michael in that picture, Canson, but since you keep talking about it...
Click Here Is this your idea of a "more than 2 inches at very worst it's a full 6'2" difference? 😂😂😂 Furthermore, you can't see the ground level, the footwear or even the way they're standing. I mean, here's another photo of them:
Click Here I could use it to say that Boris is taller than Michael but I don't because I'm well aware that it's not an ideal photo and you can't see to many things to draw any conclusion. Your picture is not any better than that! I'm not surprised that you say that he looks at least 2 inches shorter, though. After all, you still try to say that Kobe looks at least 2 inches taller than him when he clearly looks no more than 3 cms taller! 😛
Andrea said on 7/Nov/17
I saw that clip, but that's certainly not enough to have a good idea about that guy's height. I'm not not like you, Christian. I usually try to see more than one picture or clip to guess someone's height. Btw, saying that Vince Carter is 6'4.75 is speculation because he was measured at 6'5.5 and he actually looks taller than Kobe here:
Click Here The wrestler can look a couple of inches shorter than him in that clip, so he could be somewhere in 6'3 range. With Snoop and Tebow he can look somewhere in that range as well. I'm not going to start a discussion about his height, though, because I really don't know him...
As for Shawne, I'll be honest and say that his 6'4 3/8 measurement does seem a bit optimistic, from what I've seen. I'm not sure he is as low as 6'3 flat, though. I mean, look at him with Victor Cruz, who got measured near 182 and who doesn't look any less than that with Kellan and Bradley (
Click Here ):
Click Here He could be a weak 6'4. Which certainly puts Boris at 6'4 MAX! Well, in that picture at least...

Editor Rob
someone call or tweet Boris this thread, ask him to measure himself again 😁
Canson said on 7/Nov/17
@Andrea: so he doesn’t look 6’3” or less in any pic? This is at least 4 now that I’ve seen. Jordan Magic Kobe and Jamie foxx. And before you make the excuse about Foxx that you made before about Jordan etc, this pic is no different than the one with Haysbert and Boris
Click Here
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 7/Nov/17
Did you not pay attention to the clip I posted where that Titus looked 2" shorter than 6'4.75" Vince Carter? And the pic of him next to Snoop and Tebow? (and let's be honest, neither of them are more than 6'3.5" and 6'2" respectively IMO)
And you think Merriman's a legit 6'4"? Think again
With 6'0.5" listed Donald Trump
Click Here
With Ray Lewis who's similar in height to Trump
Click Here Click Here
With 6'2" listed (my opinion even less) Goldberg
Click Here
Now look at Titus
With 6'0.5" listed John Cena
Click Here
With Lavar Ball who's most likely 6'5.5" range
Click Here
With 6'2.25" listed Roman Reigns and 6'3" listed Hulk Hogan who's known for having bad posture
Click Here although Reigns is favored by the camera angle, I can't see Titus being more than maybe 2cm taller than Reigns if equal angle
The fact is, not every NFL or NBA measurement is accurate. The 6'4 3/8" listing was obviously an error, because Shawne doesn't look 6'4" in most, if not any pics. And I love how you conveniently ignored the Vince Carter clip where he looked a couple inches taller than Titus, because it didn't fit your narrative of Shawne being 6'4".
Canson said on 7/Nov/17
@Andrea: he looks sub 6’3” with
Michael Jordan tho. I see how you conveniently ignore that. If you are going to count your pictures as evidence I don’t see a reason why we don’t count this one. It is more than 2” with them at very worst it’s a full 2”. I remember before you weren’t even contesting the two inches you instead contested that you couldn’t see ground level shoes etc. this is the first time you have mentioned this to add to your bag of excuses you make up.
As far as a concept being hard to understand for me it’s not hard to see things with you. It’s funny how you accuse Christian of making excuses like you do but you do the exact same thing. Then you accuse us of being a hypocrite yet you are an even bigger hypocrite than we are. Something is always “difficult” to understand to both Christian and me in your eyes because we don’t “agree” with you nor do we think the same way as you do. That’s just telling the truth here.
Canson said on 7/Nov/17
@Andrea: he looks sub 6’3” with
Michael Jordan tho. I see how you conveniently ignore that. If you are going to count your pictures as evidence I don’t see a reason why we don’t count this one
Andrea said on 7/Nov/17
Christian, who cares if "people on this site" say that Shawne is 6'2? He had an official measurement of 6'4 3/8, so I doubt he would much more than half an inch shorter than that, assuming that his measurement took place very early in the morning. I agree that he doesn't look much over 6'3 with that wrestler, but again, who says that the wrestler is 6'2.75? You? I mean, you are the same guy who says that Boris is 6'3, so I would take everything you say with a large pinch of salt!
Andrea said on 7/Nov/17
The lowest he can look is 192 and that's only with Kobe, Canson. With everyone else he looks an easy 6'4, no matter how much you lie about the actual difference in the photos. As for Michael, you can't even tell the exact difference between them in the photo, but it certainly doesn't look as much as 2 inches there... It's funny that you even posted a terrible photo with Idris as some kind of evidence because you just reminded me that they did a movie together and that there is a scene where they talk to each other and Boris can look at least 2 inches taller than Idris there!
And yeah, you were really trying to compare Rob to those 3 random guys... I think I've heard it all now! 😂😂😂 As for Ray, I've never said that he IS 6'1.5. I said that he LOOKS 6'1.5-6'1.75 with Rob, but the same Rob said that he looked taller than that in person, so it doesn't necessarily mean that he is as low as he looks in the photo. It's not that hard to understand. Well, maybe it is for you. I agree that Rob isn't perfect, but, as I said, he has a very good knowledge about height and height differences, unlike you, so I doubt he can be off by more than half an inch for people he meets.
Canson said on 7/Nov/17
@Christian: agreed! I’ve seen Merriman in public myself but he was so far away from me that I could not accurately determine his height. I just assumed he was his listed 6’4 since I assumed he was eye level but people in friends with have met him one of which is near him in height and said 6’2ish 6’3 would be absolute max. And you said it well! Vince Carter is about that. He looks 195 to me too. A friend of mine was a scout and said in person the same thing KROC a former poster here said when he met him that he looked at most 6’5 (same as the scout said about Kobe). Looking at carter with Dr J or Kidd or the nets he played with even Dwight Howard he looks like he’s max 195-195.5. Even if he were a full 6’5 that makes Titus 6’3 and Merriman no taller (maybe still just 6’2.75) like you said
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 6/Nov/17
Andrea is also the same person who said that Shawne Merriman is 6'4 3/8" because he was measured that at the draft, without doing any research to confirm it. Instead she uses that measurement to try to compare Shawne to Boris, trying to prove that Boris is 6'4"+. What Andrea doesn't realize is that there's a wrestler named Titus O'Neil who's around 6'2.75" most likely, because he looked it next to 6'4.75" Vince Carter
Click Here and also next to Snoop Dogg and Tim Tebow
Click Here Yet Merriman is no taller than 6'2.75" Titus
Click Here Then in this pic with Boris he looks only around a quarter inch shorter than him, putting Boris at about 6'3" in the pic
Click Here And according to people on this site, they even say Shawne's 6'2", which I doubt he's that short but certainly more probable than 6'4 3/8"
Canson said on 6/Nov/17
@Andrea: you really just said there isn’t a single picture saying he looks 6’3? What about the one with
Michael Jordan and with Kobe and with Magic. Some advice stop thinking that your opinion is a fact like Christian said. You believe he doesn’t look under 6’4 but he looks 6’3” or less with both so again your statement fails.
And you basically proved Christian and I right with that statement about Comparing those guys to Rob. Rob has never met Boris but with Fox there is no picture with him, yet you sit here and say “well those three didn’t post a pic so I don’t believe them or one didn’t estimate him properly” when he’s met the guy not you. Yes I am comparing those three to your “Master” Because Rob has to do all of your thinking for you. If you trust Rob’s estimates so much then why are you arguing 6’1.5 for Ray Fisher instead of his “listed” 6’2.25? Rob also met him and He listed him 6’2.5 before when it would surprise many if he is over 6’2”. Rob even lowered him to 6’2.25 saying that’s more of how he could look. Again This is no slight at Rob but he is not perfect. He is human. Nobody on this earth is good enough to where they can estimate someone to the exact cm and be right 10 out of 10 times.
Andrea said on 6/Nov/17
It's funny that you say that you don't know how tall Levi actually is, yet you recently commented on his page and said that he is 6'2.75. I guess this goes to show, again, how reliable your estimates are! Why do you comment on his page if you have no idea of how tall he is? LOL
And... Are you seriously trying to compare 3 random guys like bobby, "6'3" and "Bennett" to Rob, a guy who has been running a height website for 13 years, who puts his face on here, who has uploaded a lot of measurement videos and who constantly adds photos with celebrities? 😂😂😂 You really crack me up, Canson! As for Mr. R, that's a completely other matter. He certainly is a lot more "legit" than those three guys because at least he uploaded a measurement video and a few photos with celebrities, but this doesn't necessarily mean his estimates are a fact. As I said, not everybody is as accurate as Rob when it comes to guessing heights in person. The fact that he guessed Boris and Wayne only about 3 inches apart, when there is at least 5 inches between them, proves it. And no, the only one who is inconsistent and hypocrite on here is you, Canson, considering that there isn't even a single picture where Boris looks as low as 6'3, yet you even say that "he he does look 6’2.75 in some cases", LOL!
Andrea said on 6/Nov/17
Christian, do you realize that shrinking Rob's head to match the size of Kobe's head, like you said you did, screws all the real proportions from the original photo up? The fact that you say that Boris has the same eyelevel of Benedict proves it because, as I said, Boris' one is clearly closer to 5 than 4.5, while Robert's won't be more than 4.5 inches! I'm sorry, but that is not a legit comparison by any means...
Canson said on 6/Nov/17
@Andrea: what I’m trying to say is that Boris does not look 6’4 and yes he does look 6’2.75 in some cases. And once again you are using what someone else is listed by Rob Zach Levy at 6’2.75 and saying Boris doesn’t look as short as him. I honestly don’t know nor do I know how tall Levy actually is. I don’t care what Rob has him listed at either. My point with Rob and Mr R is that both claim to have met someone whether it’s Boris or Fox and neither posted a picture with either guy. Yet Robs estimate with Fox of 6’5.5-6’6 with no picture is better is gospel to you but Mr. R’s or the other 3 guys with Boris aren’t because they don’t have pics. And again I’m not taking a stab at Rob because I believe he met him and not calling him a liar. Instead I’m highlighting your inconsistency and hypocrisy. everything out of your mouth is Rob met this person Rob has so and so listed at. That’s fine. If you’re gonna do that then don’t discount what Mr R and Bobby3342 6’3 and Bennett all said then which is 4 people putting him at 6’2.75 or 6’3”.
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 6/Nov/17
I just told you that I shrunk Rob's head to match the size of Kobe's head, just for the sake of comparing height. Rob's head may actually be a bit larger than Kobe's in real life, I agree with you. And if Rob's head size was minimized, then by default that means Benedict's head size was minimized as well, which means his eyelevel would actually even be lower, which means him and Boris would have the same eyelevel in real life, which shows you that Boris' eyelevel isn't big as 5"
The whole point as to why I created that pic in the first place, was to compare the height difference between Rob, Benedict, Boris and Kobe, not to show you the head size difference between Rob and Kobe. As long as the tip of Rob's and Kobe's head are equal in height (which they are), I couldn't care less about their head size.
Andrea said on 6/Nov/17
It's not an excuse, Christian. It's not my fault if you don't pay attention to details like these. Kobe's head in that photo won't be much more than 9 inches, while Rob's one is at least a solid 9.5 inches with Robert (and I'm being conservative, considering that you even seem to include Rob's beard in that comparison)! And Boris' eyelevel is certainly bigger than Robert's. You say a quarter? That's not impossible, but certainly the least I'd argue! Take all these things into consideration and that 1 5/8 inches difference you love to talk about won't be more than an inch...
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 6/Nov/17
Once again you try to make every excuse in the book. Look closely again, the pic doesn't lie.
Click Here You have no proof that Kobe's head is only 9 inches. And even if it is, I shrank that pic with Rob to make his head the same size as Kobe, solely to compare the height difference. And Kobe's only tilting up his head slightly, not something extreme to the point where it becomes distorted. And Benedict's eyelevel is actually only a quarter inch higher than Boris', Benedict was just tilting his head at a slightly lower degree than Boris did. And if Rob's head was so much bigger than Kobe's like you say, then that means there was even a less difference between him and Benedict than with Kobe and Boris. And Boris was wearing a hat so that's why he appears to be a bit taller than Benedict in that pic. If you remove his hat, his head would be barely higher than Benedict's, if any. And just to remind you, Rob's 5'8" 1/8" not even 5'8" flat, so it's actually a 1 5/8" difference between the two. Which leads me that I can't see Boris looking any less than 1 3/8" shorter than Kobe. Any more excuses, Andrea?
Andrea said on 5/Nov/17
Hmm, what's the connection between Mr.R and Rob, Canson? Sure, Rob hasn't posted any photo with Rick but I completely trust his estimates for people he meets in person. Even when he posts photos, I think his estimate of how tall they looked in person to him is more important than the photo itself! He said that Rick looked 6'6 MAX in person and possibly around 6'5.5, which is completely believable, based on what I have seen of him. I really don't need any photo to believe him. And, no offence to Mr.R, not everybody is as accurate as Rob when it comes to estimating the heights of people in person. Mr.R's estimates for Boris and Wayne prove my point. He guessed Boris and Wayne only about 3 inches apart, even if Boris clearly looks at least 5 good inches taller. So I would take his estimates with a large pinch of salt. I have no problem to believe he has met the celebrities he says he has met, though. I simply disagree about many of of his estimates...
Again, are you able to read an entire comment of mine and fully understand it? I never talked about Kobe, Jordan, Magic or Fox in that comment. I was talking about Damien Woody and Shawne Merriman. Did you miss this part?
"I mean, look at Boris with Damien Woody:
Click Here Damien was once measured at 6'3 1/8, so basically very near 191:
Click Here I certainly find it hard to believe that they're both around 191 there!
Or with Shawne Merriman:
Click Here The same Shawne who got measured at 6'4 3/8:
Click Here "
They both had an official measurement and guess what? Boris looks a decent 6'4 with both of them. I guess that's because he is in cowboy boots, while they are in converse though, right? 😂 But again, even with those guys you have named, he looks 6'4. You recently commented on Zachary Levi's page and said that he is 6'2.75 in your opinion. I don't think that's a bad estimate and I have never ruled that mark out for Zach (especially now that Rob lowered Jack Coleman to 6'2.25)... Anyway, this is how Rick looked with him:
Click Here Are you seriously trying to say that Boris is in the same range as Zachary?
Click Here
Andrea said on 5/Nov/17
What is that picture supposed to prove, Christian? The comparison is clearly off because, first of all, Kobe, as I said, is raising his eyelevel (and, therefore, his head) in that picture which makes his head no more than 9 inches there (while Rob's head is no less than 9.5 inches and maybe even a bit more in that photo with Robert) and second of all, Boris' eyelevel is nearer 5 inches while Robert's looks more an average 4.5. So, no offence, but that picture is quite useless and really proves nothing... Btw, I never said that Kobe looks only 2 cms taller than Boris. I said that he looks more 2 cms than 2 inches taller, which means that he looks closer to 2 cms than 2 inches taller and I still say it. I said that 3 cms is not impossible (and certainly the most I can see between them). And guess what? 3 cms is closer to 2 cms than 2 inches (which is a lot more laughable than 2 cms)! 😊
Canson said on 5/Nov/17
@Andrea: two things about Your post to Junior. #1 you bring up that rob met all those guys. Now I don’t have a reason to not believe rob one bit but it’s funny that you use that for reference when he met fox but doesn’t have a picture with him yey you shove Mr.R’s estimate out the window using the same logic as well as the other three people who claimed to meet him all because they don’t have pictures with him. I’m simply stating as an observation because it again proves my point along with Christians that you choose to believe what you want and use whatever supports your argument but don’t use it if it doesn’t even when it does exist.
Number 2, who has been officially measured that Boris looks 6’4 with? He surely doesn’t with Kobe or Jordan. Both under 6’5. or Magic or even Fox for that matter. Fox doesn’t have an official measurement. I can see 6’5.5 max next to Kobe with fox but not a mm higher. And Magic doesn’t have an official listing saying he’s 6’7.5. Just robs reference above his page. It’s an assumption by many that he is. But His Olympic measurement just says he’s “closer to 6’7 than 6’9”. That could mean he is 6’7” flat as well or 6’6.75 even. I also know someone who met Magic at LAX who worked with me before and he himself is slightly shorter than me at 6’3.75 admittedly from him. He guessed magic as 6’7” in person which would be kind of hard if he were really 6’7.5 because that would be nearly 4”. He would’ve prob said and thought he’s closer to 6’8”. Not that I’m really using that to carry weight to say magic is 6’7 vs 6’7.5 because I’ve never met him but looking at pics with Kobe or with Kurt Rambis (who is taller than magic and only listed 6’8) as well as Kareem Abdul jabbar or Others magic doesn’t look over 6’7” flat.
Andrea said on 5/Nov/17
Nope, but you keep saying the same things... That they're all bad photos and videos, etc. Do you realize how biased that sounds? The only "flaw" they have is that Boris looks easily 6'4 in all of them. I mean, I understand that it can be a flaw from your point of view... 😂
Sure, you can say that he doesn't look 6'4 with Kobe, meaning that he can look a fraction under it there, but he certainly doesn't look as low as 6'3 with him, let alone under!
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 5/Nov/17
OK Andrea, then take a look at this image of Boris and Kobe compared to 5'8 1/8" Rob and that 5'6.5" actor Robert Patrick Benedict
Click Here Like I said, Kobe has about the same head size as Rob, not smaller. And he doesn't really have a shorter eyelevel than him either, although Kobe was tilting up his head a bit, that's why it appears a little higher than Rob's. I can't fathom how you can say that it's only a 1" difference. Maybe you see it a different way I guess, but I guarantee you that the vast majority of people will disagree with you. Maybe just maybe Boris might be a tiny bit taller than Benedict, but it's mostly due to his hat. I remeber before once you said that Kobe only looked 2cm taller than Boris, Lmao. I think I can speak for most when I say this isn't any less than 3.5cm
Canson said on 5/Nov/17
@Andrea: out of all the guys you just mentioned below in your last post to me the only one Boris looks 6’4” with is Casper. With Fox I need a better pic to be able to tell honestly. I look at Fox and see a lean and when I see Kobe and fox (ex teammates) and Boris and fox and Boris and Kobe it doesn’t add up to him being 6’4. And Kobe and fox you can see it all in a few pics footwear etc
Canson said on 5/Nov/17
@Junior: I concur with Christian you are very good with your assessments as I mentioned on another page as well! I can see 191 as a possibility too. With the 3cm diff and shoe diff. I’d say given that it’s possible for 190.5 as well 6’3 flat. Only because of the shoes that maybe a full 1/2 as well
Canson said on 5/Nov/17
@Andrea: anyone who disagrees with you sounds like a broken record and why is it that You make excuses when Boris doesn’t look 6’4” such as with Kobe?
Andrea said on 4/Nov/17
Junior, I respect your opinion, but 191 does seem too low for Boris!
Take a look at all the photos and videos I have posted (especially in my post from 9/Sep/17). If he is as low as that, a big number of celebrities (basically every celebrity that has appeared with Boris) need a noticeable downgrade (and some already do). You can see the same Boris with people that Rob has met in person or people that have been officially measured. If he really is nearer 6'3, that would mean that Rob has overestimated 4 people he met by over an inch and that a few people got overmeasured by a noticeable amount under a stadiometer...
I mean, look at Boris with Damien Woody:
Click Here Damien was once measured at 6'3 1/8, so basically very near 191:
Click Here I certainly find it hard to believe that they're both around 191 there!
Or with Shawne Merriman:
Click Here The same Shawne who got measured at 6'4 3/8:
Click Here
Andrea said on 4/Nov/17
Again, Christian, in case you don't know, when it comes to gauging height differences, it's not all about eyelevels. Kobe is known for having a smaller eyelevel than average and he often raises it in photos, making it not much more than 4 inches, like he is doing with Boris there. Boris, on the other hand, he certainly seems to have a bigger eyelevel than average, nearer 5 than 4.5. So the difference still is somewhere around one inch...
If you take into consideration Mr. R's estimate for Boris, you must do the same with his estimate for Wayne Brady, who is "a full blown 6 foot" in his opinion. One thing, Mr. R is 5'11.5, so it's a lot easier for him to estimate Wayne's height than Boris', in a sense. Maybe Wayne really is 6' in person, who knows? The thing is, if Wayne really is as tall as Mr. R says, Boris must be somewhere in 6'5 range...
Andrea said on 4/Nov/17
It's funny how you still say that Boris is "clearly not anywhere near 6’4”" with Kobe, when even Rob, who certainly has more knowledge about height than you and, above all, is unbiased, said the opposite. As I said, you really can't accept that Boris looks taller than 6'3! 😂😂😂
Andrea said on 4/Nov/17
OMG, Canson, you are a broken record! I already said like 10 times that, even if you want to exclude those pictures and videos where you can't see the footwear, the ground level or other things, there are still many of them where you can and guess what? Boris looks a comfortable 6'4! You can see the same Boris with Wentworth Miller, Kim Coates, Casper Van Dien and Rick Fox, all people that Rob has personally met. Boris looks at least 6'4 with all of them as well (and you can see everything). In that movie he did with Wentworth the same Wentworth wore big boots and still looked AT LEAST 3.5 inches shorter than Boris. If Boris is as low as 6'3, Wentworth is barely 5'11. I doubt it, considering that Rob met him and said that he looked taller than Big Alex from the site, who is a textbook 6'. And Wentworth is just one of the many examples... As I said, there isn't even a single picture where Boris looks as low as 6'3, yet you're still here, trying to say that he could even be 6'2.75, LOL!
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 4/Nov/17
Good point. 191cm is a good possibility for Boris as well, much more than something like 6'4" imho. It also matches up with how user Mr. R met Boris and thought he looked a bit over 6'3". I also agree with a lot of your estimates for other celebs as well.
Junior said on 4/Nov/17
@Canson @Christian-6'5 3/8
I read up the comment you guys refer the image Kobe and Boris look. First of all Boris is closer to camera and had a hat on his head give illusion he is near Kobe and secondly look at their sneakers i would say its roughly 1/3 less from Kobe sneaks and that image look at least 3cm height different while add up 1/3 shoes for Kobe less sneaks it will be 1.5" difference. I don't think Boris is as low as 189-190cm people are arguing here but Boris is likely to be 191cm if Kobe is 195cm. 6'3.5-6'4 i don't see it too. But i would say 6'4 out of bed for Boris is possible.
Click Here:
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 3/Nov/17
The difference between Boris and Kobe looks identical to the difference between Rob and this 5'6.5" listed actor
Click Here Both Benedict's and Boris' eyelevel are right at the lower nose of Rob and Kobe. So that indicates about a 1.5" difference. And Kobe's head most likely is about the same size as Rob's, so I believe both have the same distance from their lower nose to the top of their heads. And even if somehow Kobe was gaining a bit in height by standing that way like you imply he is, it's still something minuscule like 1/4". And theoretically let's just say that there was no footwear variation between the two, it still puts Boris 1.25" shorter than Kobe, putting him at 6'3.5" And if there was variation in footwear and Kobe did lose height by bending his knee, then that's at least a 1.75" difference or very likely a full 2", putting Boris at 6'2.75" or 6'3"
And we're currently debating about the Boris and Kobe pic, so don't try to deflect and change the subject.
Canson said on 3/Nov/17
@Christian: in the pic with Boris and Kobe looking at it more that isn’t less than a 4cm diff. Kobe’s eye level is too far above Boris’s (I know Kobe has a smaller head) to be 2”. I’m looking at the hat Boris has as well. That’s 4-5cm plus footwear leaving him no higher than 6’2.75
Canson said on 3/Nov/17
@Andrea: In many of the ones you posted you can’t see ground level shoes etc which is what you said about Jordan’s pic with Boris? There was one good one you posted where he looks 6’4”. But with these such as Jordan he clearly isn’t. So if that one is no good nether are many of yours. But strictly speaking now you are making this a quantity vs quality (or a volume thing). In the Kobe pic where we can see the ground etc he’s clearly not anywhere near 6’4”. More 6’2.75. You even acknowledged that he may only be 192 cm which is not 6’4 that’s closer to 6’3.5. In the Jordan pic he doesn’t look above 6’2.5 but of course you’re gonna say what you did before. And some of The others are your opinions that you are making “fact” such as magic we can’t see that stuff there either but it looks 4” imho he’s at his eyebrows as Christian said. It’s far more likely magic isn’t over 6’7” either as I don’t agree with robs listing because he doesn’t look that tall. If you see someone like Kurt Rambis next to magic or other guys close in height he looks 6’7” max. So while some pics you posted may make him appear 6’4” there is another pic such as Kobe or Jordan where he isn’t 6’4”. And you’re next gonna say he is 6’4” with Kobe or something along those lines or that he’s 192. That’s an opinion the same as I don’t believe he looks 6’4” in any of your pics except the one with Casper I believe so your opinion that he is 6’4” isn’t anything more than us saying he doesn’t really
Andrea said on 3/Nov/17
As Rob said, Boris' shoes don't look much thicker than how converse are designed like. That's what I thought when I first saw the picture! I don't have the arrogance to say that it for sure is like that because, as I said, I admit I am not a "shoe expert", but if Rob, who I'm sure has a very good knowledge about footwear, says the same thing (and even gave a very good explanation), I'm gonna trust him! As for Kobe's bent knee, I think I already said (like 2-3 times) what I think about it. Not only he's not losing any height by doing that, but he could even be gaining something. It's no coincidence that even Rob said that Kobe has a little better posture, although he also said he's not sure if he's really raising his height by going up slightly on one foot. Let's give him the benefit of doubt and say that they're standing quite similar... The most I can see between them, all things considered, is 3 cms. More than that? I doubt it.
But again, Kobe's picture is just the tip of the iceberg (and just one of the many occasions where Boris looks near 6'4, at least in my opinion)! I mean, we're all focusing on that single picture and trying to say how much difference there is between them, but what about all the other pictures/videos? How do you explain them?
Canson said on 3/Nov/17
@Christian: I’d have to give the shoe diff a min 1/2”. The shoe Boris has on is likely around 1.25” like a Jordan 13. Even if Kobe has 3/4” max. Andrea estimated minimum 192 for Boris I’d have to say that’s def more than a straight inch between them. Even if somehow it’s not the full 2 or 1.5” that’s min 1.18 and add the half inch that puts Boris max where Mr R has him a touch over 6’3” and about a 1.68” diff with Boris at 6’3.1 max I’d likely say tho a classic 6’3 at his lowest is best case and 6’2.75 is even more likely as the diff between Boris and Kobe to me looks absolute Min 4cm plus the shoe diff to bring it to 5.
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 2/Nov/17
The reason why I believe that Boris had a lot of advatnage over Kobe, is because canvas shoes look pretty thick from the outside, but in actuality they don't give as much as you would expect. You would think that these give about a solid inch, but they only make you 5/8" taller,
Click Here and I know this because I own a pair of these. Boris' boots on the other hand, look no thinner if not a hair thicker than Kobe's, and his doesn't compress below the outsole as much as canvas shoes do, so Boris' boots my opinion gives no less than 1" worst case. So that's already 1cm difference in footwear. Add that to your 2.5cm difference estimate between the two, and you get a 3.5cm difference. (And that's not even including Kobe's bent knee) Even if the knee has no effect on posture like you say, I still can't see Boris being any more than 191.5cm best case in that pic.
Click Here
Canson said on 2/Nov/17
@Andrea: well if you “feel” I wouldn’t I wouldn’t have much success opening a celebheights then that’s fine by me. I never intended to do that. Rob has that all to himself. However if you and I opened one both and had a page for Boris I’d likely be the more successful one considering I’m a lot closer to the average guess Of 6’3.36 which isn’t even 6’3 1/2 let alone 6’4 or 6’4.25 like you tried to make him. So I think it’s best to agree to disagree rather than cramming your thoughts down people’s throats like Christian said and “twisting peoples arms into believing you”.
Canson said on 2/Nov/17
@Christian and Andrea: to Christians point even if they aren’t boots they’re no less than the Jordan 13s that I posted a pic of to rob below. I own a pair of those and they’re min 1.25”. A canvas shoe is never much more than 3/4. Some are even 5/8 as Christian said. I can’t tell what brand Kobe is wearing but they don’t appear Nike’s either which are the most likely to add more. Converse and others are a little less
Agent Orange said on 2/Nov/17
@ Christianov 5’6 8/3
Liar Liar Liar
Andrea said on 2/Nov/17
You say that just because Canson is your friend, Christian. And I understand that. However, you didn't hesitate to attack that guy on Lesnar's page and say he lies just because he didn't see the same way you do...
As for Boris' footwear in Kobe's picture... I don't think I ever said that Boris doesn't have any footwear advantage. I just said that their shoes don't look much different to me, certainly not as much as you and Canson are trying to say. Rob basically said the same thing. And he didn't just say that there isn't much difference between their footwear, but he also gave a very good explanation of why he thinks that way! You are certainly free to disagree about that, but don't come on here and say that Boris has a clear and significant footwear advantage, when you don't even know the exact model of their shoes!!!
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 2/Nov/17
As much as I disagree as well that it was a 4" difference, I don't think Canson's intent was to lie. Like I said, not everyone sees the same way you do. The same can be applied to the Boris/Kobe pic as well, when you said that Boris didn't have any footwear advantage over Kobe, but Canson and I see it differently. Boris had on sneaker boots while Kobe had on canvas shoes, and common sense should tell most people that boots are thicker than canvas shoes.
Andrea said on 2/Nov/17
Sure thing, Canson. I already said, when you brought the footwear thing up, that, although I admit I am not a "shoe expert", their shoes don't look much different. Rob, who certainly has more knowledge about that, said the same thing. And now you even try to say that "Anyone can tell his footwear is more than Kobe’s" and that it's fact, LOL. So you're basically saying that what you say is a fact and the only truth, while what I and Rob say is wrong and fallacious. If you are so convinced of what you say, why don't you open your own celebheights site? I am sure you're gonna have a lot of success with it! 😂😂😂
Canson said on 2/Nov/17
@Andrea: well if you want to call me a liar for not “agreeing with you” about a 4” difference I can also call you one for saying that kobe’s footwear is equivalent to Boris’s. It’s common sense that a canvas shoe isn’t gonna add as much footwear as a boot or a Jordan like shoe.
Canson said on 2/Nov/17
@Andrea: you’re in denial. Anyone can tell his footwear is more than Kobe’s. You’re the one sitting here trying to convince me to say it’s not. That’s not an opinion it’s a fact. And I guarantee if they swapped shoes and Kobe had a larger advantage on him you would’ve used that angle just like you did with “we can’t see footwear ground etc” on Jordan’s picture
Andrea said on 2/Nov/17
It's not that irrelevant, Christian. You told a guy he was lying, just because you didn't see the things the exact same way as he did. The concept is the same. If you deny that, you are a hypocrite! The reason why I have called Canson biased and liar is because the difference is CLEARLY more than 4 inches, in Wayne's case. Come on, he even tried to say that at 12 seconds "Wayne is clearly above Boris’ eyebrows". This is taken at 12 seconds:
Click Here Saying something like that is lying, by definition...
Andrea said on 1/Nov/17
Hmm, are you sure about that, Canson? As far as I remember, you are the one who brought Magic's picture up when we first started the discussion still on Idris' page. If you don't believe me, go check yourself... 😊
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 1/Nov/17
While I acknowledge that I told Juggernaut he was lying when he thought there was a 4" difference between Lesnar and Strowman, that's irrelevant to this situation. We're debating about our opinions on Boris' height, not Lesnar or Strowman. Sure, I've told a person that they're lying in a seperate page in a different situation, but in this situation with Boris, I've never called you a liar. But you've called Canson a liar in this same situation. So this is the difference between you and I.
And believe it or not, I wouldn't call you a liar if you said that Boris looked 8" taller than Wayne in that clip, although I would strongly disagree with it. Just like I didn't call Canson a liar when he said that it was a 4" difference, even though I told him that I disagreed with it. However, you actually called him a liar.
And the fact that you said "You really can't accept that Boris looks taller than 6'3! 😂😂😂" to Canson, isn't opinionated at all. You accuse me of being biased and not being opinionated, but you're doing the exact same thing. Canson and I don't see things the exact same way as you do, so to say something like that, shows that you're biased. Will you ever find a page where Rob replies to a visitor like this way, "You can't accept that he/she looks taller/shorter than (insert height)!"? No, because Rob's an unbiased guy. An unbiased person won't say something like you just said. I know that I've said biased things in the past, but so did you.
Canson said on 31/Oct/17
@Christian: yep same with me my wife just says I’m 6’4” whereas my friends say I’m about 6’4” too and I call my wife “about 5’8” she’s 5’7 3/4 and she also describes herself that way
@Andrea: you brought them up actually before I did and always refer to the “quantity” of pics you have that make Boris 6’4”. Nothing about the quality of the pic yet you say that he never looks under 6’4” in any pic tho you acknowledge in the Jordan pic he does but the pic is crap then even say the lowest is 192cm. That’s under 6’4”.
Andrea said on 31/Oct/17
Canson, you say that just because Rob says something, doesn't make it a fact and it just his opinion. Fine. The same can be said, even more so, for everything you say. So why do you act as if what you say is a fact and the only truth? "That’s clear as day on both.". How can you say something like that for something that, according to you and Christian, is just an opinion? Same thing for the "overestimate" and "underestimate" terms that you like to use so much on here. There is no "overestimation" or "underestimation" if everything is an opinion... Your hypocrisy makes me cringe!
It's funny how you still try to convince yourself that Boris' footwear is bigger than what it looks like. You really can't accept that Boris looks taller than 6'3! 😂😂😂
Andrea said on 31/Oct/17
Yeah, because, as I said, I don't think that height differences are an opinion, Christian. The estimate of a celebrity's height I agree that is an opinion, but I don't agree about the height differences. If I said that Boris looks 8 inches taller than Wayne (which he doesn't), would you respect my "opinion" or would you call me liar or biased? If I were you, I'd certainly call myself that way because it certainly doesn't look that much, just like it certainly doesn't look as small as 4 inches! And I am sure you understand what I am trying to say and you even agree about it. After all, this is what you wrote to another guy on Brock Lesnar's page:
"And the reason why I essentially called you a Lesnar fanboy, wasn't really because you believe him to be 6'2"+, but rather because you lied that there's only a 4" difference between Lesnar and Strowman, when it's reality around 5". I have a problem more than anything, when people lie about the actual height difference between two celebs in order to make one of them taller. This isn't a 4 inch difference, don't lie."
Didn't you say that height differences are an opinion? Doesn't look like that from this post you wrote not even 2 weeks ago. Did you change your mind? 😊
About the "just over 6'3" thing... I agree that both 6'3.25 and 6'2.75 are "about 6'3". That is correct! The thing is that Mr. R said that he looked "just over 6'3". And "just over 6'3" means, by definition, a fraction over 6'3. Now, that can still be considered "about 6'3" in a sense, but not 6'2.75 like you are trying to say. According to that logic, if you are a legit 6'2.75, do you think that saying you are "just over 6'3" is correct? Nope. You are still "about 6'3", yeah, but "just under 6'3" and not the other way around.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 31/Oct/17
Well, you called Canson biased when he thought that Boris looked 4" taller than Wayne in that clip around 0:12. You're not any less guilty of it than I am. Quit being a hypocrite already. At least I didn't call you a liar when you thought Kobe looked an inch taller than Boris in that pic, but you called Canson a liar about the Boris and Wayne clip. Calling someone a liar is worse than calling someone biased. I'm only guilty of the latter, while you're guilty of both.
And 6'3.25" is still about 6'3", just like 6'2.75" is. Do you even know the definition of "about"? It would be mathmatically correct to refer to a 6'3.25" person as "about 6'3"", since 6'3.25" is closer to 6'3" than it is to 6'4", so it can be rounded down to 6'3". For example, my friends refer to me as "about 6'5"" since I'm 6'5.25"-.38", so will I respond by saying "I'm not about 6'5", I'm just over 6'5""? No, that would be stupid and petty.
Canson said on 31/Oct/17
@Andrea: the reason you are hypocritical is because you can see a height difference in one pic and underestimate it and then overestimate it in another pic in order to favor your argument then you “accuse” someone else of lying or not having good judgment when yours isn’t any bettee
Andrea said on 31/Oct/17
Canson, you are the one who brought Magic and Fox's pics up as some kind of evidence that Boris can't be over 6'3, but now that even Rob (who is human, yeah, but whose opinion is certainly more reliable than yours) said that the difference isn't as much as you want it to be, you say that they have "flaws". You crack me up! You're such a hypocrite! 😂😂😂
Andrea said on 30/Oct/17
Christian, not that it's so important, but since you tried to correct me on that again... "Just over 6'3" simply means "just over 6'3". As I said, we've already been there, but you, like Canson, seem to ignore many posts of mine:
"Andrea said on 24/Oct/17
You're wrong on 2 points (that is surprising, isn't it?):
1. Just after Rob added Wayne:
"Mr. R said on 3/Sep/17
Wayne is a full blown 6 foot. Met him at the Hollywood Bowl."
2. And "just over 6'3"" does generally mean a fraction over 6'3, not around 6'3, like you say. A guy like Max Von Sydow (I am sure there are a few other ones on here) claimed to be "just over 6 feet 3", hence why Rob listed him at 6'3.25 (and not 6'3 flat):
Click Here
And you lost another argument...
It's funny how you even try (without success, though) to attack me on my English, when, yeah, I am from Italy and English is not my native language, but I obviously understand more things than you! You are so pathetic... And you know what's funny about that? You don't even realize it. As I said, get a life!"
Canson said on 30/Oct/17
@Rob: ehh not sure. But these sneaks add below are Jordan’s. They def add 1.25” or so. I measure around 197 in them from 193.9. I also remember seeing kobe’s Wife Vanessa’s quote about him being 6’4.75 barefoot and 6’6 with a 1.25” Nike on. To me at least Boris’s sneaks don’t look any lower than these
Click Here
Canson said on 30/Oct/17
@Christian: very well said! Andrea seems to think the argument is more convincing with Rob’s intervention. Just like you said he’s human. And even beyond that, the picture quality isn’t good specifically in the pics she is talking about. Fox Magic pics have same flaws as the MJ pic had. I can actually see just as much of Boris and MJ as I can Magic and he or Fox and he so if that is the case her argument has turned into “quantity” over quality just because in “more pics” he appears 6’4” to her than not. Yet with Jordan and Kobe he doesn’t and with Magic I don’t honestly believe unless you use Rob’s listing for Magic that he does. Magic isn’t over 6’7” and that’s about a solid 4” difference not 3.5” even tho we can’t see footwear to be fair so could be less or more but I don’t see Andrea arguing that part because he “appears 6’4” to fit her argument
Canson said on 30/Oct/17
@Christian: very well said!
Canson said on 30/Oct/17
@Andrea: where did I “call Rob out”? All I said was my perspective. I am allowed to do that aren’t I? As far as Rick Fox and Magic You may believe what you choose. Fox is more than 1.5” taller as is magic 4” with him. He is at Magic’s eyebrows bottom of forehead. I agree with rob Those pics are not that good imho. The only one out of Jordan magic Kobe and fox that we can see is Kobe and Boris where you see it all footwear etc. and I say this even with MJ having a clear advantage because you can’t see anything there but in the one with Kobe you do. That’s 2” if not very near two and Boris has a footwear advantage. That’s clear as day on both.
Andrea said on 30/Oct/17
The only reason why I asked Rob his opinion is because you called me "100% hypocritical", just because I believe that there isn't much more than an inch between Boris and Kobe. No matter how much you like to play the "you need reassurance or you are insecure" (which I am not) card. If you really think that height differences are an opinion, like you said, why did you attack me and called me biased just because I don't see the same difference that you and Canson see? You even said that the difference is CLEARLY more than that. If it is really an opinion, why did you use the word "clearly"? That cannot be said for an opinion. I myself don't think that height differences are an opinion. Take Ray Fisher, for example. He looks 187 range with Rob. Well, probably less than that because Rob now said that he had some footwear advantage. But let's ignore it for a moment. He looks 187 range. That's a fact, not an opinion. If it really was an opinion, that would mean that a person could say he looks 6'4, while another person could say he looks 6'. I don't think so... You say that just because Rob thinks the difference is about an inch, doesn't automatically make it true. The same thing can be said for everything you say. With the difference that Rob has more knowledge about height and height differences than you and Canson (don't take it as an offence, I have no problem to say he has more knowledge than me too). I agree that we can't 100% confirm Boris' height unless we meet him in person, but, since I haven't seen even a single picture where he looks as short as 6'3, I have no reason to believe he could be as short as that. That's simple logic. Furthermore, what you said can be said for every celebrity. It's like saying: we can't 100% confirm The Rock's height unless we meet him in person. Does that mean that he could turn out to be a big 6'4 guy in person? Even if he never ever looked that tall from pictures and videos? I doubt it. According to you, though, you can't rule it out because we haven't met him in person. Maybe he really is as tall as he says...
Andrea said on 30/Oct/17
I agree. I mean, I can buy something like 1.5 inches between them (even if it doesn't look much more than an inch in that picture), but saying that Rick is 2.5-3 inches taller than Boris is certainly quite hard to believe. As you say, there isn't really a noticeable amount between them in the clip (like a true 2.5-3 inches would be).
As for that Damien Woody guy, while it is true that you can't see their footwear, Boris does look AT LEAST an inch taller than that him...
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 30/Oct/17
This is now the third time you ran to Rob for some kind of reassurance. If you're such an expert at guessing height like you probably think you are, you wouldn't have even asked Rob at all. You don't see me or Canson doing that. And just because Rob thinks the difference between Boris and Kobe was about an inch, doesn't automatically make it true. As good Rob is at guessing height, he's a human just like all of us, not some robot or a computer. Whether it was really an inch or 2 inch difference, is merely our own opinions, and we can't 100% confirm Boris' height unless we meet him in person.
You surely can't disagree with me on this comment, Andrea. If you do, then you have every right to be called biased.
Andrea said on 30/Oct/17
So, Rob, my master, what about Rick Fox?

Editor Rob
it's a tougher photo to tell, both aren't standing at their the clip again it wasn't conclusive, though there wasn't a big amount between them.
Andrea said on 30/Oct/17
One more thing, Canson. You say that I ignored what you said about Wayne's video and the difference that appears at 12 seconds. Now, I don't know if you are serious or you are just
trolling, but not only I didn't ignore it, but I even answered to that. So, if anything, you are the one who ignored. Which is something that you often do, especially when what is said is not "convenient" for you...
"Andrea said on 23/Oct/17
4 inches? 😂😂😂
If you see 4 inches, I think I am done here. You're not biased, right? Taken at 12 seconds:
Click Here
First of all, Wayne is right around Boris' eyelevel (and not above his eyebrows). Second of all, if you knew something about height differences, you would know that tilting your head up or down makes your eyelevel smaller or bigger than how it normally is. Now, Boris' eyelevel is probably already a bit above average (nearer 5 than 4.5) and in that moment he's tilting it down a bit, to talk to his wife, making it no less than 5 good inches (5.25). So the difference certainly isn't any less than that, even in that moment! Oh, and Wayne is even standing a bit closer to the camera, not the other way around!
I am sorry to say this because, believe me or not, I have tried to respect what you said and everything, but this clearly goes to show that you are biased and that you see only what you want to see..."
Andrea said on 30/Oct/17
It's funny how you even call Rob out just because he doesn't agree with you, Canson! 😂😂😂
The only reason why I asked Rob what he thinks about those photos is because you say that I am the only one who sees those differences. Now, Rob certainly has more knowledge about height and height differences than you and Christian and, above all, he is not biased. I guess he's wrong too, right? I certainly wouldn't be surprised if you started to say he's biased as well. After all, this what you are when you disagree with Big Canson.
P.S. Rob, check your Paypal... 😘
Canson said on 30/Oct/17
@Rob: with the Woody pic we can’t see the footwear either is wearing. I’ve seen Boris in sneakers even in a suit before. Nor does woody look an inch shorter than Khodjoe. That’s not a full inch imho but the camera angle could be the reason I see that. As well Damien Woody being 6’3.1 on a draft measurement we don’t know what time of the day he measured that. He could very well be only 6’2.75.
Andrea said on 29/Oct/17
What about Rick Fox? 😀
Click Here
In that single picture I don't think there is much more than an inch, but I agree that Rick could be dropping some height. To a certain degree though. Canson insists that Rick would be 2.5-3 inches taller, if he stood "straight", which sounds pretty absurd to me. There's even a clip of them together:
Click Here Although it is quite hard to tell the exact difference between them from that clip, they look quite close to me. Certainly not as much as 2.5-3 inches apart!
I mean, look at Rick with a guy who is truly around 6'3:
Click Here Click Here
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 29/Oct/17
I purposefully put "about 6'3"" in my comment just to see if you would respond by saying it was "just over 6'3"", and you fell for it. In case you didn't know, "just over" is the same thing as "about", as is "just under" is. Like I said before, 6'3.25" and 6'2.75" both qualify as "about 6'3"". You just want Boris to be as tall as possible. Other than that, I don't see a reason for you to correct me on something so trivial like this.
Andrea said on 29/Oct/17
One more thing, Rob. How much difference do you see between Boris and Magic here?
Click Here
Canson said that Magic "has a clear 4 inches minimum on him". I personally don't think it looks more than 3.5 inches and I even explained why:
Click Here
"The amount of height that Magic has on Boris is the same amount you can see on Boris' head. So more 3-3.5 inches than 4, unless Boris' eyelevel is something like 6 inches range, which I doubt."

Editor Rob
roughly 3.5 inches I'd have said, I think Magic's eyelevel is slightly higher than you'd expect for a guy his height.
Andrea said on 29/Oct/17
"Editor Rob: with all the comments on this page, I've forgotten where the heck the photo was...but I found it.
Kobe might have little better posture and slightly raised eyelevel (I don't know if he's raising his height by going up slightly on one foot, it's too hard to say...)
Boris might have little bit camera advantage.
Footwear...I know Kobe has under inch, but the style Boris has isn't much different than what converseremo are designed like. I doubt there is much between their sneakers.
I'd still give them about an inch apart, but I would be surprised if nearer 2 inches, rather than nearer 1 inch."
Andrea said on 29/Oct/17
Rob, be honest, how much difference would say there is between Boris and Kobe?
Since they say I am "biased" (which is funny, considering that it is said by a guy who sees 4 inches in a clip where even a blind man would see it is noticeably more than that), let's see what you think...

Editor Rob
with all the comments on this page, I've forgotten where the heck the photo was...but I found it.
Kobe might have little better posture and slightly raised eyelevel (I don't know if he's raising his height by going up slightly on one foot, it's too hard to say...)
Boris might have little bit camera advantage.
Footwear...I know Kobe has under inch, but the style Boris has isn't much different than what converse are designed like. I doubt there is much between their sneakers.
I'd still give them about an inch apart, but I would be surprised if nearer 2 inches, rather than nearer 1 inch.
Canson said on 29/Oct/17
Andrea, Christian never said he believed Mr R didn’t meet Boris
Canson said on 29/Oct/17
@Bennett: Anyone who doesn’t agree with Andrea is deemed “stupid”. I guess Christian and I are stupid yet our arguments are still better than hers. Lol Wonder what that make her? I mean to say that Boris doesn’t have a footwear advantage (in a boot like shoe over Kobe in a canvas shoe) and is only one inch shorter? If you type Boris Khodjoe and Kobe into a search in Google the very first pic is a full body of both where the footwear advantage is obvious (Boris is wearing the same shoes he has on in the link o posted below) and kobe’s Eye level is higher than Boris’s as is his head more than an inch.
Click Here
Canson said on 29/Oct/17
@Andrea: do you realize how you sound lol? You just said I assess heights based to fit my own arguments when you’re the one sitting here saying Kobe is 1” taller than Boris? You’re the only one here who sees that because you’re biased as Christian said previously. I love how you call someone else for making a mistake or a port judgment but when you do it, you ignore the facts and keep sticking to your shoddy beliefs. That is clearly more than 1”. Even if it’s 1.5” once you take footwear into account it’s 2
Andrea said on 29/Oct/17
"You seem to assess heights just to fit your own arguments which is biased"
That's exactly what you seem to do, Canson. The height difference between two people is not an opinion, but it is a fact. Well, I'm talking about the difference that appears between two people in a photo. The height difference between Kobe and Boris in that single picture appears to be no more than 3 cms, whether you like it or not. Should I say it is more 2 inches to make you happier? Even if I don't think it's as big as that?
Andrea said on 29/Oct/17
As I said, you are free to believe that Mr. R never met Boris. It is true that he never posted any photo with him, so you could say there is nothing concrete in what he says. I certainly am not gonna use what he said as some kind of evidence, like you tried to do with bobby, with the difference that bobby never uploaded anything on here, apart from his words. What is stupid is comparing him with someone like "Bennett". That's all! I don't want to burst your bubble, but I'm pretty sure that "Bennett" will never post a photo with him, just like I'm pretty sure that he never met Boris. On the other hand, I think that Mr. R really met him (again, that's my opinion) but I don't agree with his "just over 6'3" (not "about 6'3" like you say, but we've already been there, go read my post from 24/Oct/17 if you haven't) estimate, just like I don't agree with many of his estimates. In fact, it is certainly hard to believe that Wayne Brady is 6' and Boris is 6'3.25, as he says...
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 28/Oct/17
Of course I know you weren't accusing me of being Bennett. I was just telling you that I wasn't him so I could confirm I'm not him, in case there's any suspicion from someone. You misunderstood me as well, so I guess that makes us even.
And what Mr. R did in the past is irrelevant to the Boris situation. The fact of the matter is, he didn't post any pics of him with Boris so in this particular situation it doesn't make him any more credible than someone like Bennett. Idc if there's a known
troll who has multiple different usernames and insults every celeb and visitor on this site, if he claims to have met Boris and posts a pic with him along with it, then in this particular situation he's more credible than Mr. R.
And if Mr. R is such a "verified" and "genuine" visitor like you say he is, why do you disagree with him when he said Boris looked about 6'3" in person?
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 28/Oct/17
@Agent Orange
You're not fooling anyone, you're that WinningNotWhining guy from the John Cena page. Quit using multiple usernames and stick with just one.
Canson said on 28/Oct/17
@Andrea: fact is tho if you say I have “no clue” about height etc because I say that’s not 5-5.5” diff the same can be said about you guessing a 1” diff with Boris and Kobe. Anyone can tell even if we don’t take into account footwear that it’s more like 2” or close to it. You seem to assess heights just to fit your own arguments which is biased
Andrea said on 28/Oct/17
Nice try, "Bennett". Nice try! 😊
Well done, Rob! That is just another picture to add to the list. He certainly doesn't look under 6'4 with that guy. Of course, Canson and Christian, who obviously "both talk out on sense and scientific", will say that Boris has a significant footwear advantage... 😂😂😂
Canson said on 28/Oct/17
@Andrea: question and this is being honest. Just like your last post. Why do you mock the things we say in the debate? It’s almost like you are trying to say we are stupid or something. Sure we’ve all crossed that line here but you don’t see us mocking you. Why are you so “special”?
Andrea said on 28/Oct/17
Another misunderstanding, Christian (and Canson)? 😊
My sentence is quite clear:
"And I certainly wouldn't be surprised if this "Bennett" guy was you or Canson! "
I'm not accusing you of being "Bennett". I am just saying that I wouldn't be surprised if it was you or Canson. And... Mr. R is no different than Bennett? Mr. R put his face on here, commented for years, uploaded a measurement video and even a few photos with celebrities. Yeah, neither of them posted any photo with Boris and you are certainly free to believe he never met him, but comparing a completely random guy, who, according to Rob, keeps switching between names, to a long time and in a sense "verified" visitor like Mr. R speaks a lot about your intelligence, again.
"or because they “weaken” and take the substance out of your argument that Boris is 6’4”", I am sure they do, Canson. 😂😂😂
Agent Orange said on 28/Oct/17
@Christian-5’6 8/3
Too much mass debating is bad for your health. Believe me.
Bennett said on 28/Oct/17
You're been truthfully annoying like a child. Stop doing this and don't get me into your own conflicts. I'm not either one of them you mention. I admit i am previous poster Robert,Garfield and i will stick with my name now. Canson and Christian-6'5 3/8 they both talk out on sense and scientific when i read up their post unlike yours.

Editor Rob
as long as the comments add to the discussion I can overlook little indiscretions like name switches, but it is far easier sticking with one nickname...
as for Boris, I've no idea if this photo was shown, but
Boris and Damien Woody who was supposed to have been an honest 6ft 3.
It's believable
near mark sanchez.
Someone asked on Trump's page if Sanchez could be 6ft 4...
no, but Boris certainly might be 6ft 4 😁
Canson said on 27/Oct/17
@Andrea: why is it that when Christian or I post something in rebuttal you take a very negative stance and tone back toward us like we are stupid or something? Look at the average vote again. 6’3.34.
Canson said on 27/Oct/17
Well Andrea, if you seriously believe that Bennett is me or Christian then go ask Rob. He can tell you on the spot. Don’t make accusations against us just because we don’t support your theory or argument and don’t agree with you. We are all here debating and it seems as if when Christian or I make responses you almost mock us and our comments just because you don’t agree with them or because they “weaken” and take the substance out of your argument that Boris is 6’4”
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 27/Oct/17
No I'm not Bennett. You can ask Rob if you don't believe me.
And the fact that you called me "desperate" for believing Bennett when he said he met Boris, yet you believed Mr R. when he said he met Boris, is ridiculous. Mr. R is no different than Bennett. Neither have posted any photos of them with Boris.
Andrea said on 27/Oct/17
"Bennett said on 26/Oct/17
Kodjoe is 6ft2.75 in person not higher. 6ft4 w shoes no doubts. Magic Johnson is a weak 6ft7"
"Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 26/Oct/17
We even now have a fourth user, Bennett, who met Boris in person and believes he's 6'2.75" So what does that tell you?"
"Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 27/Oct/17
@Editor Rob
I think Bennett did meet him because he said "in person"."
Only a desperate guy like you, Christian, could have taken a post like that so seriously. And I certainly wouldn't be surprised if this "Bennett" guy was you or Canson!
"Editor Rob:
'Bennett' has been around here for a few years, but switching between names doesn't exactly instil confidence in believing a poster."
LOL I think for Christian saying that Boris is under 6'3 is already enough to instil that confidence, Rob! 😂😂😂
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 27/Oct/17
@Editor Rob
I think Bennett did meet him because he said "in person".

Editor Rob
'Bennett' has been around here for a few years, but switching between names doesn't exactly instil confidence in believing a poster.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 26/Oct/17
We even now have a fourth user, Bennett, who met Boris in person and believes he's 6'2.75" So what does that tell you?

Editor Rob
I'm not sure the poster said that, merely an estimate.
Canson said on 26/Oct/17
@Christian: Wayne doesn’t appear to have boots but Boris does imho. The height diff appears magnified to me as well. I bet if they switched it wouldn’t be as much diff. Maybe 4.5” as opposed to 5-5.5. I agree with everything else you said tho. And now another person below has said the same as we did. I actually still had magic as a full 6’7” but Bennett gives him weak below. My former coworker is 6’3.75 barefoot (about 1/2” or so shorter than me) (he claimed 6’3 3/4) said magic looked 6’7” in person but that could’ve been a bit further back he may be shorter now
Andrea said on 26/Oct/17
You clearly showed your bias when you said that Boris looks only 4 inches taller than Wayne, Canson. That tells a lot about you and how your posts CANNOT be taken seriously. Again, I don't really care if you believe that Boris is only 6'3. Your opinion is not as important as you think it is on here. You can even believe he's 5'5, as far as I'm concerned. I have yet to see a single picture where Boris looks as low as 6'3 (let alone under), so there is no reason to believe that something like that is even remotely possible. I mean, if Boris was as low as that, Wentworth Miller would be 5'11 range, Kim Coates not much more than 5'10, Rick Fox 6'4 and Casper Van Dien 5'7-5'8. Rob MET those guys and I can't believe he has overestimated them by over an inch, besides the fact that they never looked as short as that. Just that should be enough to completely rule out something like 6'3! If that wasn't enough, there are many other pictures and videos that still suggest that anything under 6'4 is quite unbelievable. Well, apart from a fraction. As I said, I wouldn't completely rule out something like 192, but that's probably as likely as Jared being as short as that. They generally both look a comfortable 6'4.
Bennett said on 26/Oct/17
Kodjoe is 6ft2.75 in person not higher. 6ft4 w shoes no doubts. Magic Johnson is a weak 6ft7
Andrea said on 26/Oct/17
Would you say there is a "significant" difference in footwear between them though, Rob?
Wayne's boots don't seem to be any less than about an inch thick. So if Boris' boots are, at most, slightly more than an inch, the difference is quite negligible. Although now that I take a better look, Boris' shoes seem a bit suspicious...

Editor Rob
0.2 maybe, but I would doubt any more...
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 26/Oct/17
Wayne's boots look thinner.
Canson said on 25/Oct/17
@Andrea: really you are getting upset and acting a wee bit childish now because I don’t agree. But you do realize that I’m not the only one saying that he’s not 6’4? Christian also sees in those same sets Kobe Jordan Magic etc that he isn’t 6’4”. I do agree with what you said we need to see more pics consistent with that with Boris and Wayne or better. Maybe a back to back. As I did mention look at the one with Olajuwon and Howard where Olajuwon appears taller in one but not the other. Camera angles can play a role in how tall anyone looks as will the place where they stand in the pic of video. Take that into consideration as well. As for Boris I guess neither one of us knows. You have your belief that he’s 6’4” whereas I do not agree. That’s fine. We don’t have to agree on everything nor does everyone have to see it your way nor do you have To be “right” all the time. But let’s revisit something. 3 posters here have also said 6’2-6’3 range (could be 6’3” surely or 6’2.5 or even 6’3.25 or so) but doubt 6’4. Not to mention Christian and I aren’t obviously the only ones if the average is 6’3.36.
Andrea said on 25/Oct/17
Rob, what do you think about their footwear?
Click Here

Editor Rob
harder to see the heel on the black boot, but on the brown boot that looks a typical inch style or slightly more.