How tall is Britney Spears

Britney Spears Height

5ft 4 ¼ (163.2 cm)

American singer known for songs such as Baby One More Time, Oops!...I Did It Again, Womanizer and Toxic. She once said "I'm only 5'4″ and I've played the bigger person my entire life."

How tall is Britney Spears
Photo © Jean_nelson /

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Average Guess (92 Votes)
5ft 4.45in (163.7cm)
Charline said on 10/May/23
She is a flat 5'4 female, What do you think Rob of flat/solid 5'4 females? You as a height judge, do you think they look medium/short and what do you think, what characteristic has 5'4 as a height that other heights don't have? Do you think Britney's height is convenient for a female?
Editor Rob
There are many 5ft 4 actresses with slender figures who can appear taller. I think the proportions and heels make a difference too.
Alanna said on 2/Feb/22
@Rob Did she ever claim 5’4”?
Editor Rob
Yes she mentioned it a few times
Ice (Original) said on 8/Jan/22
She's 5'4" flat. She's looks it and have been claiming it for years now. It was only early on in her career that she claimed 5'5", but I think that was wishful thinking on her part.
FrankR1 said on 28/Dec/21
In 1998, Britney Spears' height was listed at 5'3" in various souces. That seemed believeable at the time. She might have grown an inch since then.
AlphaOmega said on 19/Dec/21
Rob, Britney height quote from her Instagram: "I'm only 5'4 and have played the bigger person my whole you know how hard that is?" Click Here If link doesn't work, here's another link Click Here
David Tang said on 13/Dec/21
5'5 morning. 5'4.25 only at her low.
Alanna said on 26/Oct/21
Found this quote on one of her Instagram posts saying she is 5’4” Click Here
em166 said on 15/Sep/21
Rob, do you think she is taller than Megan Fox? I’d thought the opposite (Megan’s legs are so long, I thought she was 5-5 at the very least, next to other celebrities she looks 5-4 to 5-4.5) but I couldn’t find any pics to see them side by side
Editor Rob
megan can give off a taller impression, but Britney I always thought seemed a sturdy 5ft 4 women.
Nik Ashton said on 15/Sep/21
Britney est de taille moyenne mais Madonna est légèrement petite!
Dom5'11.5 said on 13/Sep/21
Britney's fiance Sam asghari is listed as 6'2, but he looks only 6'0, 6'0.5 max

Click Here
Daniel Lee said on 2/Sep/21
Its Britney's beach
Daniel Lee said on 2/Sep/21
She is doing videos on Insta with bad angles. Her body looks with weird proportions in those camera shots
ALEXIZ/180cm said on 8/Apr/21
160 cm max in my opinion
heyyyyyyyy said on 25/Mar/21
I think 5'4.5" is more accurate for her
Mimi said on 2/Dec/20
Happy 39th 𝒃𝒓𝒊𝒕hday to the Princess of Pop, Britney Spearzzz. 🎊🍰 I spent my adolescent years mimicking your voice and performances hahaha
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 2/Dec/20
🌹🎶🎂 Happy Birthday Britney! 🎂🎶🌹

Congratulations to Britney Spears, who celebrates her 39th Birthday today.

5ft4.5. 😁💐

Gareth Williams said on 6/Oct/20
She looks no more than 5ft 2in, and she is very pretty, but she doesn't have the best legs, looks small, but feminine and gorgeous.
Abel Camacho said on 14/Aug/20
Hey Rob, How tall is her ex-husband Kevin Federline? Google has him at 6’0 but I think he’s more in like the 5’9 - 5’10 range. What do you think rob? How tall do you think he is?
Editor Rob
5ft 10 could be a more believable estimate for Kevin.
Fivefooteye said on 5/Aug/20
Her heels look very high with her sister but i don't know how big are Jamie's heels
Fivefooteye said on 5/Aug/20

Is possible 5'4 flat if her sister is 5'3?
Editor Rob
5ft 4 is the lowest I think she tends to look
khaled taban 175.3cm said on 27/Jul/20
I see just 5'4"
Alex 6' 3" said on 22/Jun/20
Madonna, btw, 5' 1" to 5' 2" max!! Decent proportions but tres petite.
Alex 6' 3" said on 22/Jun/20
Lovey, perfectly proportioned and shaped Brit prob at average guess of 5' 4 1/2" - Sam Asghari, sharp dude and cut build but 5' 10" to 10 1/2" max based on his stature compared to Brit and his proportions. "6-2" - Ah, NO.
Nik Ashton said on 18/May/20
@ Greyn - She ain’t short! I like your name!

@ Meow - I like your name 2!

Look at this:

Click Here
Samba Lamba said on 16/May/20
I would say she’s 5’6 - 5’7. Met her at the 2011 VMA’s and she looked so tall.
The hamburger said on 22/Mar/20
She has average height. 5'4 probably
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 2/Dec/19
🎂💐🎁 Happy Birthday Britney! 🎁💐🎂

Many Happy Returns to Britney! She turns 38 years of age on this day.

I wish her a lovely day with her family.

5ft4.25. 😁🎈🎉📏

anca said on 22/Jul/19
1.58 nowdays
Paul Wood said on 19/Jul/19
5ft 4in isn't 'short' for a woman in the USA, as some people seem to think. It's average.
Stranger things fan said on 24/May/19
strong 5’4
Berna said on 5/Mar/19
How much did Britney Spears weigh when she was 18?
Kelly Germany said on 23/Feb/19
She need an upgrade. She is for 2 inches taller than 5ft 3.5 Madonna. 5ft 5.
Jancys said on 22/Feb/19
When she did sing with Michael Jackson,she was taller than him. She did wear heels,probalby she had 3.5 inches more heels than Michael (5ft 9), and she was taller. So, my guess is STRONG 5ft 4, close to 5ft 5.
Sharie Zuluaga said on 31/Dec/18
I’d say 5’5 because she is like the same height as Jamie which is her sister
Nik said on 11/Nov/18
She is average in height!
Greyn said on 18/Oct/18
Short and hot
Meow said on 15/Sep/18
She looks 2.5 - 3 inches shorter than Rihanna. I'd say she's around 5'5 if Rihanna is really 5'8.
Larissa said on 20/Aug/18
Im 1.63cm (morning). I saw her in the first class of an airplane! She is extremely short! I would say 1.58cm/1.57cm! She was dating timberlake back then! He was not tall per se! But compared to her, oh yeah!
MAD SAM said on 19/Jun/18
163 cm she’s the typical 5’4” woman
CEN said on 4/May/18
She's 5ft6 but her posture makes her taller
lee168cm said on 3/May/18
She not kent she 5ft 4 as she herself said
KENT said on 2/May/18
She's 5ft6
BilboBaggins said on 13/Apr/18
@ even below - NO WAY is Britney Spears 110lbs! More like 140lbs. She's quite a bulky, Mesomorphic type of person. The height estimate for her here seems accurate though.
Ferdinand said on 25/Feb/18
Yeah, 5'4" sounds pretty correct. Looked 5-6in shorter than Frank Skinner (listed as just under 5'10", and looks it) when he interviewed her
Johnson said on 29/Oct/17
@Rob the Norwegian Giant is Morten Hegseth

Click Here

here he claims 2 metres
Tallish89 said on 28/Sep/17
Opinions here & pictures suggest she is a solid 5'4 woman.

Hilarious because people on JT page making ridiculous claims the guy is under 180cm.

I find that hard to believe.

If she is 163 or a little under say (161) he is definitely 182cm. There is a good 7/8 inch gap between them.
even said on 20/Jul/17
5 foot 4 about 110 lbs
siamak said on 7/Jul/17
how tall is her boy friend? sam asghari
google says 6'2 but i dont buy it.
maybe in 6'1 range
chris said on 3/Jul/17
tbh i think shes 5'6
Kelly said on 24/Jun/17
She is 5'4
Jazz said on 2/Jun/17
Absolutely dwarfed Jamie Lynn Spears when they recently posed together on the red carpet with the entire family. Britney was in heels while Jamie Lynn was in sneakers, but the difference was almost a head.
Johnson said on 22/May/17
In which part did she say her height? which seconds?

Click Here
Editor Rob
it's literally 2 seconds in, if you listen a few times you should pick up five-four amidst the other noise in the clip.
Johnson said on 22/May/17
Britney is 5'5 if you watch pics of basketball with Justin Timberlake
chris said on 11/May/17
TBH i think shes's either 5'4.5 or 5'5
Sandy Cowell said on 16/Apr/17
@ Megrace:
Britney says 😛!

I know she is 5ft4, and also that her weight varies enormously, which is a none-too-pleasant state of affairs for her health-wise or on a confidence level.
I hope she finds solace on that front. She looks nice and slim in the advert she did recently with Kevin Bacon!
Beej said on 7/Feb/17
She always looks a solid 5 '4.
Justine said on 30/Jan/17
I think Jamie lynn spears shrunk a little. Britney is taller now.
Mouse22 said on 22/Dec/16
In those 'Smurfs' pictures with Katy Perry, if you zoom and focus on the shoes Britney wears higher ones than Katy does. That's why there doesn't seem to be a 3 inch difference, but the real difference is likely to be more. Britney at 5'4" and Katy at an - maybe almost - 5'7" seems quite likely.
me said on 3/Nov/16
looked a bit taller than what's listed here on x factor a few years ago
Erlend said on 15/Mar/16
Rob what do you think the guy on the left's height is?

Click Here
Editor Rob
I remember that was posted before when she said 5ft 4 I think, he can look near 6ft 7 that guy
plus said on 29/Dec/15
She is definitely 163 cm and not 162 cm. He can't be more than 163 because he said that figure, but it looks less than 19 cm with Justin Timberlake (182 cm)

Click Here
div said on 9/Dec/15
I recently saw a documentary of her online where she is interviewed by Richard Blackwood who claims 6 foot . Blackwood does look a solid 6 foot guy . During the interview when they were standing upright and side by side I noticed that Britney was below his chin . I am a solid 5'11 guy . I have measured by myself against women who are a solid 5'4. A solid 5'4 girl comes up to the centre of my mouth . Unless Blackwood has a really small head a legitimate 5'4 girl should be half way up his chin .

The only way Britney could be a solid 5'4 girl is if Blackwood is near 6'1. I looked at their shoes and they were both wearing sneakers so their wouldn't be a significant footwear advantage. I think Britney is about 5'3.5 at night or she measured herself early in the day when she was 5'4 . The only way I could see her as 5'4 is if Blackwood nearly 6'1 or if he had a footwear advantage of at least half an inch.
Marcinho said on 19/Nov/15
@aronne so 5'4 is tiny nowadays in your eyes?
anthill909 said on 10/Oct/15
I've always looked up to Britney's body image. She's always looked like a healthy, average-sized female for her build- she has a curvy body type, but she is toned. She never seemed to be pressured to be too skinny for her natural body type (as many celebrities and everyday girls have succumbed to that pressure) or wear gigantic heels all the time to be "supermodel height". She seems happy with who she is; girls could learn from her. I still fail to understand why people think certain heights/weights/body types are better than others and that having a certain body type makes you a "superior person". Screw anyone who thinks that way; be yourself!
plus said on 24/Sep/15
when she began in music she wasn't so "diva". She appeared listed as 1,62 cm as in many sites appears like that. so she is 1,62 cm. Downgrade please
Daniel said on 5/Sep/15
Legit 163cm.
pj said on 5/Sep/15
i always thought she could pull off saying she's 5'5. she seems about that and holds her own next to other celebs. Nice to see she doesnt lie about her height, guess she doesnt care. i guess 5'4 it is.
aronne said on 30/Aug/15
Britney is tiny she's like 5'4 ; a friend of mine met her and said she is pretty tiny ; on stage looks tall it's just television makes you look bigger . If you see the picture with beyonce she's shorter and Beyonce is 5'6 , so what?
weirdo said on 11/Aug/15
Britney in high heels with 5'9 michael jackson,he was still shorter than him about 4-3 5'4 maximum for her!
Resh1988 said on 11/Jul/15
Guess if you put the average Handspan on her she's seeing Cristiano ( 9 inch -- 6'1 ) Would be a bit of a shock in the flesh
maryanne said on 17/Jun/15
If she was like 5'8-9 she would look better cause she looking so stunning in high heels. But anyway, i love her so much.
Me said on 1/Jan/15
I watch the video Rob. I clearly heard her said 5'4.
Editor Rob
yes it sounded like four rather than five five.
lee said on 23/Dec/14
i just watched that vid and for sure she says five four
Editor Rob
it sounds more like four than five
kay said on 14/Dec/14
Click Here this guy's 6'7", there's a video of them posing for the pic and he asks how tall she is, she says 5'5". she looks about 14-15 inches shorter than him and he's got footwear advantage. i'd say she's 5'4.5"-5'5"
Editor Rob
I don't know what she says, here is the clip Here...could be five four.
177cmGuy said on 30/Nov/14
162cm or 163cm should be right for Britney
Cami said on 28/Oct/14
I'm surprised, I thought she was shorter! I remember when she appeared on glee she didn't look much taller than jenna ushkowitz and lea michelle, both 5'2 and Lea said in a red carpet interview that britney was " so tiny!". I think 5'3 or 5'3.5
AJ said on 4/Sep/14
She is big boned and athletic it makes her look taller
5/6 said on 8/Aug/14
Britney to me is one the best singer. I love want she have done she look more mature than ever here face look growing up more mommy look go britey I love this look all it take is some good love
Alex 6'0 said on 11/Jul/14
I remember in high school I saw a magazine where she wrote down 5'8 1/2 for herself! That or I made a mistake and it didn't say that. She does seem a 5'4 range girl. I think Rob as her right. That puts Aguilera at 5'1
zeinab said on 19/Jun/14
shakira want to look short but in fact she is 162cm and this is my height too !! NOT SHORT
and beyonce want to look short too !!
even that she is 171cm !!
and britney is listed in the police peaper as a 5'5ft =166cm
i really want to know WHY THEY WANT TO LOOK SHORT ??
is it because they want to look younger or because they want to wear high heels !!
zeinab said on 9/Jun/14
peruvian no honey her passport say she is 162cm no way they'll lie !! and in her clips she has a long arms ... she always try to look short to be always young they all do britney and beyonce they have the same mind hhhh
peruvian said on 3/Jun/14
shakira is 155cm max
zeinab said on 31/May/14
britney is 5.5ft from police peaper
and beyonce is 171
and shakira is 162cm
they all tall femal
Belinda said on 24/Dec/13
I've met Britney at the VMA's and she's a good 5'3 . I'm 5'8 and I was towering over her , I understand how in the entertainment industry you can be portrayed a lot taller then you are as an actor I'm told to add 2 inches to my real height so I'm 5'10 in the movie industry . Katy is a solid 5'6 and Paris is a tall leany stick so would be about a 5'8 . Britney is a sold 5'3 !
marla singer said on 17/Nov/13
Click Here here are all her measurements. her height is stated as 5'4" so this is right, even if I would have said she was a bit taller than that...
mark said on 10/Sep/13
she's only 5-3 or 5-4...she's not 5-5...she had slippers on and was close to me
Billy said on 27/Aug/13
I'd say 5'5" perhaps, here's a picture with apparently 5'7" Katy Perry: Click Here
Katy doesn't look any more then 2" taller in seemingly the same footwear, plus Britney isn't stood up straight.
Brad said on 27/Feb/13
5 feet 5 at the lowest.
Tt said on 8/Feb/13
In the picture with her and paris, she is wearing flats and Paris is wearing heeled boots. I would guess Britney to be at least 5'5.5"
J said on 26/Jan/13
They seem about right Britney Spears is about 5'4 because Beyoncé is about 5'6 and if you look at the picture with those two Britney looks about 2 inches shorter.
james said on 29/Dec/12
if pink is 160 then brutney is taller than 163

with pink & beyoncé:

Click Here

she looks more taller than pink and not that much smaller of beyoncé

with christina:

Click Here

Click Here
195jerry said on 3/Nov/12
i think she always looks to have a good height in pictures. not too short, and not too tall next to other people. i think she could pass for being 5'5". but i do believe this listing is just on the dot. also, on her "baby hit me one more time" single, she had a card where it listed her as 5'4". it's nice to see she never lied bout her height.
jonny6 said on 1/Nov/12
If madonna is 5'2 , she is 5'3 ;
maximus said on 11/Oct/12
I thought she was least 5'6 to 5'7....heels do add alot of height.
johnnyfive said on 10/Sep/12
@ Overzero people DO NOT lose height this early in their life! unless they are extreme bodybuilders and lift 300 lbs over their head on a daily basis! I just turned 31, I'm a couple of months older than Britney and I assure you I am the exact same height as I was 10, 11 years ago, and NO, people are not oldsters at 30, we are just older and wiser than you freshly turned 20 year olds, that's all.
ano said on 9/Sep/12
@overzero "No person is as tall at age 30 as at age 20"...
People are not oldsters at 30!!
Johnnyfive said on 2/Sep/12
Well, Shakira, who is the only celebrity up here who I feel deserves a major upgrade, is quoted as saying her and Britney are the same height. In my opinion, based on pics of Shakira and J-Lo together in where they look the same height, I believe Shakira is 5'3 flat (J-Lo is about 5'3 as well, she needs a two-inch downgrade). So, Britney must be about 5'3 as well, or 5'3.5 at the most!
leonari said on 31/Jul/12
marla singer. Paris alone in pictures can look tall( so skinny, long arms and legs) but once you see with other folks you realize she is a good height but far from tall.
marla singer said on 30/Jul/12
@leonari sorry my fault (just saw her 5'7" listing here) but I swear I actually read on a site that she was 5'9" :/
leonari said on 28/Jul/12
Maria singer: Wow... Paris 5'9". Great whats next? Salma Hayek 5'6" ? Scarlett Johanson at least 5'7"??? Spare us. And Britney is as listed not a good 5'5"
marla singer said on 27/Jul/12
Looks a good 5'5" next to 5'9" Paris Hilton: Click Here
Stephanie said on 8/Jun/12
@overzero that's not true for everyone. there are people who are 40-50 who visit their childhood rooms and still match up to the height they were at 16 and stopped growing. Not everyone shrinks that quickly, although by age 70 I think most people will have lost a little height.
overzero said on 1/Feb/12
Everyone is forgetting that she is now 30 years old.
As we get older we lose height.
No person is as tall at age 30 as at age 20.
Brit has probably lost at least a tenth of an inch.
Angela said on 28/Jan/12
Britney is 5f31/2 to 5f4. No taller than that. She doesnt look taller. She has big shoulders so she may look "larger' not necessarily taller.
Bulky woman.
Kandy Kane said on 23/Jan/12
She's 5'3 - 5'4. When I met her she was very close to my height & I'm 5'3.5! =)
zeinab said on 2/Jan/12
she was listed as 5.5 in the police station
famuose ppl are taller then avrege but they look fat and shorter in camera
bluer2 said on 18/Dec/11
115 = almost anorexic.
125 - 130 is nice and shapely.
Andrea said on 18/Dec/11
I beleive Britney is 5f4 but not taller. Right now, I am sure she weighs about 145. In her prettier more sober days, she was probably about 115.
She is a large boned person AND thick. IMO, this girl needs to maintain herself on the thinner side (115) or she'll look like a linebacker. Which she does and frequently has in the past even when slimmer.
Silent d said on 16/Dec/11
No way she's 5 foot 1. 163cm is about right.
adi said on 30/Oct/11
I just came back from her concert, she is 5'4" definitely.
Nadia said on 17/Sep/11
I met britney in sydney at the MCA and no way she is 5'4 ,she is 5'1 tops , and she looks very different from her video clips she is weird looking in real life , but she is polite ,and very skinny when I seen her
noname said on 29/Jul/11
I have met britney and took a picture with her. We were both wearing flip flops. We were exactly the same height. I am 5 feet and 4 1/2 inches.
Button said on 15/Jul/11
To oh no no a few posts down, that didn't look like a 5 inch difference between Britney and Rihanna in my opinion, more like 3 or 4 inches at the absolute most. If it had been 5 inches, then Rihanna's eye level should have been about at the top of Britney's head, but to me there didn't appear to be that much difference. I think Britney looks every bit of 5'4" beside Rihanna. I would even go further and say 5'4.5" is possible too. So the 5'4.25" listing here is still good. 5'3" is just too low for her in my opinion.
Height Expert said on 20/Jun/11
She's 5'3". I'm 5'9" and she walked right by me when the paparazzi was following her. I had at least 6" on her. She gives the illusion that she is taller than she is by her body shape.
everright said on 2/Jun/11
ryan & sophaloaf are both wrong and right about which sisters are taller.
Famous sisters - examples
Spears Britney - 5'4.5" Jamie Lynn - 5'4.5"
Lohan Lindsay - 5'5" maybe less Ali - 5'9" maybe more
Hilton Paris - 5'8" Nicky - 5'7"
Fanning Dakota - 5'3.5" Elle - 5'6.5" maybe more
oh no no said on 28/May/11
5'3" if you compare her with rihanna @Billboard Music Awards 2011. 5'4" if rihanna were 5'9"
Grey G-Money Turner said on 16/May/11
She's only 5'4" tops.
Button said on 17/Apr/11
I think she might be a little bit taller than that actually. I reckon maybe 5'4.5" or 5'4.75" (164cm). Not quite the full 5'5", but really close to it.
Sophaloaf said on 1/Apr/11
@Ryan: You're right, I wonder why little sister are always taller than their older sisters though :/ it sucks haha
e-e-e said on 25/Mar/11
5'4 at most
K4 said on 20/Feb/11
certaintime says on 2/Dec/10
Most of the famous females such as actresses,singers,athletes,models,musicians and others
are much taller than average. Very few are short. Some are average height.

Actually few are much taller than average. It's cause lots wear heels.
Tashanna said on 18/Feb/11
I think shes taller than 5'4 coz im 5'4 & i just met her a couple of months ago & she was taller then me. BUT she was wearing heels so idk :S
Littlesue said on 9/Jan/11
I'm still level with the mark my Mom made on the bedroom door when I was 16, I'm 50 now. My Mom, who has the mark next to me has lost just over an inch and she is 74. I would say its after menoupause women start to loose height
alwayshelpful said on 8/Jan/11
Almost everyone agrees that she's between 5'4 and 5'5.
Also,beginning in their early twenties,human beings start losing height.
Britney is almost thirty so she's probably lost at least one tenth of an inch already.
Ryan said on 7/Jan/11
She hasn't grown since she was like 15.....5'4" is right on. I'm surprised her sister didn't outgrow her by a couple of inches because thats usually what little sisters do!!!
Mak said on 3/Jan/11
Its great to b tall coz it gives a good look n girls always want tall n smart guy.
I m 6ft tall but it is tough to find girlfrnd of ht 5ft 7inch.
Camille said on 28/Dec/10
Adrienne, When Briteny turned herself in, they asked her what ehr height was. When you get your driver's license, they ask for your height and weight(at least everyone I know had). they don't do it themselves. And besides, Britney could get passed all of that.
She cannot be more than 5f4. She is average height and stumpy. To prove my point...Megan Fox is (according to this sight) 1/4 inch shorter tahn Briteny, but she looks long and lean next to Britney. Taller.
all4mj: If you were a size 2 at 5f9, that would be almost impossible, if not gross. Im a size 2 and am 5f4. My best friend is 5f8 and there is no way she can fit into a 2 and she is very thin (size 5 which is still very small for her). Her bones have to be bigger; you're right.
Anyways, it is not how big or small your clothes are, it is how you look. I', sure you look great.
certaintime said on 2/Dec/10
Most of the famous females such as actresses,singers,athletes,models,musicians and others
are much taller than average. Very few are short. Some are average height.
all4mj said on 1/Dec/10
yeah it kinda sucks for us taller girls that are a nice shape and wearing a size 10 cause that's the size we need for our height. All these famous chicks we see are all in like a size 2... why's that? Cause they're all under 5'5"! I'm 5'9" and I tower over 95% of the girls I know... but I love being tall!!
Dom said on 6/Nov/10
She looks between 5'4" and 5'5"
Shannon said on 5/Nov/10
I think Britney is 5'4 because in Crossroads she looks 2 inches taller than Taryn Manning who is 5'2. Im 5'2 and I have a friend who is 5'4 and the height difference is exactly the same.
Nicky said on 10/Jun/09
Yea, this sounds accurate for her...And I have to agree with Jessica King because I too think 5'4 is the absolute PERFECT height for a girl..Not short and stubbby yet not too tall to wear heels...
Jessica King said on 9/Jun/09
I'm 5'11 and I guess it's good because I can model and stuff, but honestly I think the perfect height for a girl is 5'4
Dom said on 27/May/09
Hmm I don't know where you heard thataverage female for canada is shorter than in usa but it's the opposite. In canada its about 5'4,5". All over the world , it's about 5'4"
Rick said on 17/May/09
People forget that Britney ALWAYS wear large heels and stands straight up.
5 ft 3.8 said on 7/Apr/09
Wrong Chika; it IS 5'4" In America, anyways. It's different all over the world. Japan is 5'2" and Canada is 5'3.4" The tallest average height of a woman is a bit over 5'7" but not 5'7.5"
Chika said on 1/Apr/09
no lala, 5'5 to 5'6 is the average height for women and 5'10 to 6' is the average height for men.
lala said on 17/Mar/09
ahem, 5'4" isn't short, it's average height for a woman.
drivin43 said on 20/Feb/09
Brittney is at least a inch and a half shorter then her little sister who is now five foot five and a half...not to mention that the two wrestled around and Brittney was pinned by her little sister
Robbo said on 19/Feb/09
Anyone that says that heights is important in a woman is either a) Wrong or b) A tall woman deluding herself that being tall makes her look more attractive. Height couldn't be a lot lower down the list. Face, Breasts, Bum, Body and even... personality (shocked looks) are more important.
Nikki... said on 18/Feb/09
i'm a number 1 fan of britney :D well she is quite short... i shouldn't say she short because i'm only 5.5. ive met britney spears and we have photo's together. i met her at a pub in LA. still meet up with her once and a while as we r good friends.
Ginny said on 2/Feb/09
Britney Spears has short stumpy legs. Take a really good look at her legs. I think her height is right on here.... or possibly a flat 5'4".
Pittmann said on 8/Jan/09
She did look tall at the 2007 VMA's. I guess its because of her long legs.
cindy said on 3/Jan/09
i would say concerning the whole world..the average height for a woman is 160-170..and for a man 170-180..concerning the WHOLE world..because in so many european countries there are avergae heights like 5'7'' for woman or 5'11'' for men but then there is asia and south america and there again the average is like 5'4'' for woman and 5'8'' for u are over 160 as a woman u might be 'world average height' and as a man over 5'7''..
Anonymous said on 25/Dec/08
she is taller than ellen.i bet she is not less than 5'7
lillee said on 23/Dec/08
she comes across as 5'6" to me never looks short in her videos plus she has stated 5'6" on numerous occasions
Alex said on 10/Dec/08
Britney always looked no less than 3 inches taller than Christina who is 5'1 max it appears. 5'4 for Britney looks pretty accurate.
Leung said on 2/Dec/08
I watched the Britney Spears documentary on tv last night, it was terribly boring. 163cm does seem a bit short for Spears, she looks 165cm.
QueenMaryJ. said on 31/Oct/08
Hi, it's true: in Europe 5'4" is considered Short!!I live in Italy and it's true...5'4" it's too short, but 5'9" it's too tall, I don't understand this...well I'm brit's fan and I thought that brit was at least 5'5"!!So, goodbye and sorry for my bad English
Constantine said on 26/Oct/08
Height is the third criterion for opting a good lookin girl i say. First comes skin, then style, and then height. She is so... average!!!
Sabz said on 26/Oct/08
If average height in for a woman is 5'4" then that's just in America then, not the rest of the world. If you go to anywhere else (except maybe Mexico & Asia) like Europe, Africa, Etc. 5'4" is considered SHORT!
joe said on 21/Oct/08
yeah, hey, you're really making a lot of sense, way to master the language
Anonymous said on 21/Oct/08
"Lol tall girls are so ugly. The prettiest tall girl I ever met looked like John Lennon."
and here we have a short male/female that always wished they were taller....;]
don't be silly, beauty comes at all heights. lots of men and women think tall women are sexy, beautiful, etc.
Caleb said on 15/Oct/08
Hope this link works. Dwarfed by 5'10" Tyra Banks, although hard to see footwear.

Click Here
Nat said on 14/Oct/08
Brits 5'6. I know this for a fact. I was a dancer & I'm 5'7 She was BARELY shorter than me.
Hey said on 5/Oct/08
hm..she looks taller.i don't know..I am 166 cm..i don't know how much inches is that..(I don't speak english well) but I love my high it's great..i am happy the way my hignht is.i don0t like when someone is sort.,thats lame.but i know much beautiful short people..
Anonymous said on 1/Oct/08
i know for sure that john norris is 5'10 and not 5'8.
i bet britney is not less than 5'7.
Anonymous said on 23/Sep/08
when britney spears appeared with madonna for their infamous stage kiss just looked no more than 1" taller than madonna. i shared a doctor with the madonna in the 1990's and he measured madonna at 5' - no more.
Dominika said on 21/Aug/08
I think Brit is around...uhm...164 cm(5'4,I guess)She's not really tall,but I'm not allowed to say this with my 5'2 xD(159 cm)
runt said on 28/Jul/08
Amz says on 14/May/08
"Lol tall girls are so ugly. The prettiest tall girl I ever met looked like John Lennon."
I love that post because I'm tired of all the tall women who post on this site about how superior they are. =)

diana says on 8/Jun/08
"i thought average height for a woman was 5'4.5
i looked this up"
I'm not saying that you are mixed up, but median and mean are often mixed up. The mean height is the average, the median height is the point where half the population is above it and half is below it. 5-4.5 sounds to me like a median. I know that the male median in the U.S. is 5-9.75 but the mean is only 5-9.
Siobhan said on 6/Jul/08
Have you guys seen the video with Britney and Michael Jackson performing "The Way You Make Me Feel". MJ is about 5'9" right but when Britney and Michael are standing together she is taller. She does an average amount of moving around in the performance so I'd say wouldn't be very safe in anything much higher than 3" heels (and plus there is a bit where we see Britney's legs from the side and the heels look to be about this height). Based on this I'd say Britney must be at least 5'5", should be upgraded because I think she looks just above average for height.
Alex said on 4/Jul/08
I still remember in a magazine in 1999 for her profile she hand wrote she listed herself at 5'8 1/2. Who was she kidding but I did buy it for sometime.
Alex said on 17/Jun/08
Britney now is probably 130-140lbs.
diana said on 8/Jun/08
i thought average height for a woman was 5'4.5
i looked this up
it used to be a little over 5'3 according to the u.s. department of health and human services but now its 5'4.5
Aimie said on 30/May/08
she is 5'4'' without shoes on. I mean wasn't she almost the same height as Madonna? both were wearing heels when they kissed...
haushinka said on 30/May/08
being taller is an advantage to look prettier and hotter. im only 5'4" and i wish i could be 5'7"
lee said on 28/May/08
britney 5'4,lynsey bartilson is hot and so is megyn price she is sexy, britney is hot alo loved her on how i met your mother.
Sanna said on 22/May/08
Amz: you are so totally wrong and unfair at this point!
For my own part I'm 5'11, and I really don't want to be so much shorter than that.
Nevertheless, I really think there's a possibility for any human to look fine and beautiful, regardless their height or weight.

However, Britney really looks GREAT as she does at the moment!
Kaylani said on 21/May/08
For me she's 5'5, no more, no less, right there, just perfect.
Natz said on 17/May/08
to the girl under me, how stupid are you? all super models are over 5"7 and thats classed as tall? you talk out of your arse, stupid girl..
Amz said on 14/May/08
Lol tall girls are so ugly. The prettiest tall girl I ever met looked like John Lennon. 5'4 is the average height so of course anything 5 inches taller like you losers want is gonna be disfigured and ugly. Brittany is cool.
Corey xoxo said on 12/May/08
5 ft 4 seems about right but i was reading either Us Weekly or Star Mag. and it said she was like 5ft 1 or 5 ft 2. but i think shes 5'4''
ashley said on 1/May/08
she looks like is so 5 ft 4.5 (164cm)
Anonymous said on 28/Apr/08
stop the video of britney and john norris at 1:22 and you will see how much taller she is than him.when they both stand normal.even with heels she couldnt be that much taller than him if she is 163 cm.
163 cm is too short for her.
Vampiric said on 25/Apr/08
I actually believe she's 5'5 or even 5'6. She seems taller than 163 cm, seriously.
Martha08 said on 23/Apr/08
she is good friends with Paris Hilton and Paris Hilton is 5'8''. I saw a pic of Britney and Paris together. Paris Hilton is taller than Briney and Britney is about up to Paris's eye brows. So she's between 5'4''and 5'5''
theo said on 19/Apr/08
Lol her sister is so much better looking

I apologise for contributing nothing to the topic of height.
anjli said on 1/Apr/08
this can't be right ... look up this url Click Here
and you'll see her next to her sis jamie lynn (god dont they look soooo similar lol), who is supposed to be taller of an inch, and beforeyou say shes wearing heels, i was actually there and they were about 2 inches anyway => dont believe me dont have to but it's true...
brittanie said on 31/Mar/08
i absolutely love britney spears she rocks..and i wont to meet her so bad :D
but wow i thought she'd be shorter cause how small her figure is yuh know
Sanna said on 28/Mar/08
I have intensively followed Britney's development for several years now.
Since some months ago, I actually thought Britney was much taller than 5'4. But now it seems to be a correct information from a lot of sources. After watching a lot of pictures of her (with visible footwears), I think she is somewhere between 5'4 and 5'5.
Perhaps Britney is around 5'5 the morning, 5'4
Anonymous said on 23/Mar/08
Click Here
^She's listed as 5'5".
eliza said on 6/Mar/08
actually, believe it or not the average height of american women is about 5'3...but 5'6 is like...the ideal height i guess
Anonymous said on 16/Feb/08
Its funny how she got female dancers who were all loads smaller than her at the VMAs in september. just shows how calculating the entertainment industry is.
C. said on 11/Feb/08
@ Katie: The woman is nowhere near 125 lbs. J.Lo isn't 125 lbs. and she definitely looks much smaller than Britney. And she's also not 5'5", she's 5'4" max. Celebs lie about everything-- height and weight.
TJ said on 7/Feb/08
Katie, the average height of American women is not 5'6. It is 5'4 (actually just under) according to the US Department of Health and Human Services.
Viper said on 6/Feb/08
Shes 5-4 barefoot.
katie said on 5/Feb/08
5"5' and 125 lbs at her booking. that sounds right to me. i mean she obviously fluctuates in weight but 125lbs at 5"5' is healthy. and to people who say thats big, are you crazy? The average height of an american woman is 5"6'!!
Ana said on 29/Jan/08
Britney is 5'3 1/2" and weighs 140 lbs. She's never been tller but has been thinner. At her ittest, she weighed 121 lbs.
People, TV can do a lot and she has big shoulders which makes her appear larger.
anon said on 23/Jan/08
i've found myself in an elevator with britney. wasn't exactly paying attention to how tall she is, but i am 5'4 and my impression of her was that she is teeny tiny. and this is when she was extremely (7 months or so) pregnant.
Derrrria said on 16/Jan/08
Madonna is like 155 cm, so im not surprised
Spears123 said on 4/Jan/08
People say her official height is 5'4". She's probably at least that height. I dunno. Copy and paste this picture by PEREZHILTON and tell my by replying SPEARS123 I THINK HER HEIGHT IS BASED ON THE PIC... here's the link:
Click Here
Ashley said on 30/Dec/07
When I was 12 years old I was 5'7 and had size 13 feet (ladies sizes in America) And now 5 years later I am 6'3. And after many years of serching I have finnaly found a nice guy who is taller that me :). But i do think people are starting to get much taller.
F said on 29/Dec/07
i think britney is a beautiful size, she seems around 5'5 and 140-145lbs. She is very curvey and thats great! I am 5'5 and 137lbs so i'm about the same size as britney so i've always looked up to her in those regards
brother_h said on 23/Dec/07
Actually viper, in my school alot of guys are over 6'3 now. and some of the 14yo are 5'10 now. and alot of guys in the country are actually over 6'2. its not common but not rare.
also the most common heights(in newzealand) is 5'3 and 5'7.

average height for females is 5'4 and for men its 5'10.

6'1 is the tallest for an average size man
6'2-6'10 is giant
6'11-7ft w/e is Massive

5'7-5'10 is average

5'6 and under is short.
Viper said on 20/Dec/07
6-4 is common in your high school? I call major BS, lol.
C. said on 20/Dec/07
She looks 5'4". Never 5'6". And she looks bigger than 140 lbs. Seriously.
Anonymous said on 17/Dec/07
Britney looks about 5 ft. 6 to me. in her vma performance in september, she was taller than all the other girl dancers, but then again, she arranged for that to happen so she doesnt loko short.
Sara said on 16/Dec/07
She is not so much shorter than paris hilton. No way she's only 5'3. she seems taller than 5'4, maybe 5'5. Believe me, she's pretty big girl.
dave said on 3/Dec/07
madonna is 5,4. and britney is taller than her, so britney isn't 5,4.
sf said on 27/Nov/07
Taller than the 5'8" Norris? taller? Are we all watching the same video? No - shorter by around 3 to 4 inches. Don't look at their shoulders, look at the top of their head, imagine them back to back, and Norris has her by around 3 to 4 inches. And, of course, she's wearing heals, amking her 5'2" or 5'3". But, I am not sure of John's height, so there you go...
jess said on 26/Nov/07
i just saw a former personal trainer of Britney's on tv - he said she was "very compact" and "5'2 or 5'3" so there you go!
TJ said on 21/Nov/07
Sometimes I read comments on here, then look at what the person is talking about and just scratch my head. Anonymous, he is not on his tiptoes throughout and he is not up to her eyes at the end. What are you watching? At the end he steps back a bit, so Britney looks a little taller than she was for the rest of the interviewer. They guy is taller than her though, and she was almost certainly wearing good size heels.
Anonymous said on 21/Nov/07
There's no way that John Norris is on his tip toes that entire interview. He'd have to be a ballerina in order to stay such a consistent height that amount of time, not to mention the fact that he moves around a bit as well. Besides, Britney was probably wearing heels that night anyway.
Anonymous said on 21/Nov/07
here is britney at vma 2002 taller than the 5'8 john norris. he stands on his tiptoes when he interviews her and she laughe and when the interview is over and he stands normal and he riches to her eyes.there is no way that britney is under 5'7. Click Here
T Man said on 7/Nov/07
Forget 125 pounds. My wife is the same size and just dropped from 135 to 115. Britney is at least 140, probably goes higher based on her junk food habit.
real height said on 2/Nov/07
k-fed is no more than 5'9.5, which is the height of georges eads and in the picture they seem the same height

Click Here
mmmikka said on 29/Oct/07
5'5 and 125lbs be recorded her driver's license
Anonymous said on 25/Oct/07
aother anonymoud says 5'5 and 125 isn't small. It depends on body type. I know someone about that hieght and weight who is a size zero or 2.
TM said on 24/Oct/07
How do you mean, how her body looks? She looks 5.5 indeed, she looks like a very muscular and big girl. I always thought she was the real GIRL POWER
cynthia said on 23/Oct/07
She's 5'5 and Christina Aguilera is only 5'2.
She said this on an interview end of discussion.
Your Name said on 23/Oct/07
She seems taller to 5'4, just by how her body looks and how she looks compared to others. Id say 5'5 or 5'5 and a half at the most, thats always seemed right to me
Anonymous said on 21/Oct/07
I was watching E!news the other day and they said britney spears is about 5.6 not 5.4. I think theyre right,she doesnt looks THAT short
Anonymous said on 20/Oct/07
jill, 5'5 and 125 is NOT small, its average. i'm 5'7 and 119. granted brit is not a long, slender woman, in fact she's stout and muscular. in reality she is 5'4 flat and a good 135-140 nowadays. she was once i think in the 120 range, at her thinnest, in the im a slave 4 u days.
wendy said on 18/Oct/07
She is 5'3 I saw her in Montreal when she did her Onyx Hotel Tour there in April 2004 and I am 5'2 and she was only an inch taller then me
Anonymous said on 18/Oct/07
She wrote 5'8.5" in a magazine? 3's look like 8's - maybe it was a misprint. I think 5'3.5" is most accurate for her but can round up to 5'4". I have always heard her listed and talked about as being 5'4".
Viper said on 18/Oct/07
I beleive shes 5-4 and 140
tinus said on 17/Oct/07
She had muscular legs, wich makes it even heavier! Maybe she's 130lbs?
Jill said on 16/Oct/07
Britney's booking can not be right. It says she is 5'5'' and 125 lbs which is very small! Between the big legs and the tummy I believe she must weigh much more than that.
Bobby said on 16/Oct/07
her booking info for her arrest lists her as 5'5

Click Here
tinus said on 8/Oct/07
Ik believe she's is 5.4.
I have a question. Britney looks always so buf, she has a very muscular body. Does anybody know if she is strong? Her body looks stronger then a average man!

Felicia you are very big! I am 5.6, as a male!
Al said on 1/Oct/07
I believe she's 5'4 I have met her when she wasn't revolting I am an accurate 5 foot 8 1/2 and I was like a head taller than her we were barefoot on sand.
JK said on 2/Sep/07
I agree with the 5'4''
Lindsey said on 2/Sep/07
Shes at least 5'5 but no more than 5'6. I think they said she was 5"5 when she was 16 so she may have grown. But she alwyas wears shoes that make her taller,in video thats why she looks like 5'9
marlon said on 30/Aug/07
I read somewhere she could be 5ft 8.5inches. She even looked much taller than me and im 5ft 7.
Milez said on 17/Aug/07
I love Britney she's an Icon who I happen to see at the Mtv Awards ,she's 5'5"
felicia said on 11/Jul/07
sometimes crazy things just happen...everyone in my family is on the short side, no one is over about 5'9" mom is 5'5" and my dad is 5'7", i am a 19 year old female and 6'0", my 21 year old sister is 5'10", and my 17 year old brother is 6'4"
mouldy said on 9/Jul/07
hah, the incredible shrinking Britney ! Everytime I check this site out, she's shorter than before...Soon she'll be 4'11.

Rob, I have a puzzle for you : I've seen photos of Spears and "K-Fed" when she was pregnant back in '04 walking on the beach (the couple, not the pictures, hihi...). He was at best 4 inches taller, maybe 4.5. So I according to where you list Britney at, he should be somewhere between 5'8" AND 5'9" . BUT at a red-carpet event recently where Federline bumped into Justin Timberlake and they shook hands, he looked only about an inch shorter, maybe an inch and a half. I couldn't see their shoes, though. (Justin always wears sneakers like AllStar though, doesn't he ?). So unless Federline was wearing shoes with a (small) heel, JT might be a lot shorter than he is usually listed at. He could be as low as 5'10" then ..?
Alex said on 15/May/07
Britney does have Christina by 3 inches it looked like to me. So Christina at 5'1 and Britney at 5'4 seems most accurate.
Anonymous said on 22/Apr/07
but now she's always wearing those ridiculous hats, which makes it nearly impossible to judge her height now. I'd stick with 5'4" for now.
X said on 12/Apr/07
At least she can no longer be accused of padding her height with her hair like some women.
Charlotte said on 7/Apr/07
I agree with Kathryn.
Click Here
In that picture Spears looks a good 2 inches taller than Aguilera.

Click Here
And in that picture they seem to go tallest to shortest from left to right. If I remember right, they were all wearing roughly the same size heels, and Madonna is listed at 5"3(?).
Kathryn said on 2/Apr/07
i think she´s 5'4.5'' (164 cm), maybe 5'5'' (165 cm). Because when u look at her on pictures with Christina Aguliera, then u can see a huge height difference. Because X-Tina is only 5'1.5'' or so. So , I think this might be right. 163 - 165 cm.
Alex said on 24/Mar/07
Yea the 5'4 seems right, 5'4.5 at the most. Funny how still back in 1999 I saw this magazine where she wrote 5'8.5 for her height. I'm pretty sure she wrote that because it was in handwritting. Mistake from herself I would assume because I believed it at first but on TV she didn't look nowhere near 5'8.

About her being bald, I think its terrible.
Viper said on 25/Feb/07
Rob as her right. 5-4
Nina said on 24/Feb/07
I think 163cm is too short for her. She seems 5'5" lately!
A Girl said on 16/Feb/07
Leah- that almost undoubtedly did not stunt your growth. I'm 5'7", I've done weights and gymnastics since I was 9. My mother's only 5'5", my father 5'6" and three of my grandparents are well shorter than me, both of my grandmothers being only around 5' even.

Once a week is not going to affect your height... .

Britney looks so stumpy sometimes because of her thick legs and wearing mini skirts. What do you mean, dear editor, that 'she can hold a good feet-together pose'?
Johnny said on 8/Feb/07
I was wondering what we thought between her and her sister. Sometimes her "little" sister Jamie Lynn looks 5'5" (taller than Britney) and sometimes she looks shorter. If Brit is 5'4.25, then how tall is Jamie Lynn?
Alex said on 26/Jan/07
I have big legs for a guy myself quite above average actuall, and by looking at her you can clearly tell her legs are above average for a female and maybe about the average size for male's legs. But her legs are toned,not all flabby.
Martijn said on 16/Jan/07
Indeed, she must have strong legs. I think stronger than the average girl (maybe even boy?) And she is very quickly back in shape!
In the clip Toxic her legs look very impressive! She looks big!
Alex said on 15/Jan/07
Britney does have good legs. They're not huge but they're bigger than normal size for a female.
Martijn said on 15/Jan/07
I think Britney has done that too. She has very big muscles on her legs, arms and shoulders, especially on her legs! But she's not very big!
Leah: You're indeed small. But you must be very strong then!
Leah said on 3/Jan/07
I'm actually pretty sure it may have affected my growth. My mother is 5'7", father is 5'11", brother is 5'6.5" except he's only 14. And then there's me, this 5'2" thing. Well there's nothing I can do about it now, hey, at least I'm quite strong for my size. Oh and Alex, they made us do weights at least once a week for the whole year, same with the year after, so we did it pretty consistantly, I also did it in my own time a bit to lose a couple pounds. Hence why I'm convince it stunted my growth.
Martijn said on 20/Dec/06
Did you train too?
Leah: Did it affect you're growth or strenght?
Alex said on 19/Dec/06
Leah, when I was in gym class from 6th grade to 12th grade every year we did weights for 2 weeks out of the school year so it wasn't near enough at all to affect you. You gotta be doing it consistantly a lot. When I was in 12th grade I wasn't much stronger than when I was in 9th grade because you gotta be doing it consistanly to get results.
FiveOne said on 19/Dec/06
I grew half an inch after I turned 18. And I'm a girl. My cousin (also a girl) grew an inch after she turned 18. It has to do with genetics.
Martijn said on 18/Dec/06
Leah that could have affected you're growth! Maybe you're smaller then you should have been. But on the other hand, maybe you're very strong now!
Leah said on 17/Dec/06
Really? I remember a couple years ago in gym class they would constantly make us do bicep curls and a hell of a lot of weight training. I was only 15. Do you think that could have affected my growth?
Alex said on 16/Dec/06
They say for guys that they shouldn't start lifting weights consistantly unless at least 16 but more better at 18 they should start. I started at when I just turned 19.
Martijn said on 13/Dec/06
A girl is right! That's why muscle training isn't very good if you're younger than 18. You're muscles are still growing, and training can cause trouble.
But when you do start training at 14 (girls also) and it's goes well, you can grown really, really strong.
Anonymous said on 12/Dec/06
Hmm.. someone said she wrote down in a magazine that she was 5'8.5" maybe she actually wrote down 5'3.5". A 3 looks close to an 8 and with sloppy writing, maybe the magazine misprinted.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.