Phil said on 24/Jul/11
Rob, I know Bruce Lee is 5 foot 7, but how tall is Tony Jaa?
Robby D. said on 20/Jul/11
Come on, GBot, this is a height site, not a "who can beat up who" site. My only issue against Bruce Lee is that I think he lied about his height, I doubt if he was an iota over 5'7" on a good day, however, let us take nothing away from his ability. He was probably the greatest Martial Arts fighter of all time and I would never bet against him if he were fighting, Mike Tyson or Muhammad Ali. Just my opinon though.
GBot said on 19/Jul/11
Mike Tyson in his prime wouldda kicked the **** out of Bruce Lee without a problem. Forget all the mystical kung fu powers and one inch punches and all that crap. That stuff takes meditation and time, if it works at all. Put them in the ring and let 'em have at it as they will. I'd be surprised if Bruce Lee even made it out alive. Dude was just a movie star.
Kwon138 said on 17/Jul/11
The comment made from Bruce lee brother Robert is correct 5ft8".
Robby D. said on 17/Jul/11
I have just read on the internet that Bruce Lee had one leg an inch shorter than the other. Now if this is correct then that may have settled the arguement on his height. Let's say he was 5'7.5" putting his weight on his longer leg with his shorter leg raised an inch off the ground and 5'6.5" putting his weight on his shorter leg. Problem solved.
Robby D. said on 30/Jun/11
MigMig. Are you serious? One foot 2cm smaller than the other?
MigMig said on 29/Jun/11
I heard that one of his feet was 2cm smaller than the other one. I can't find the source however.
JKD FAN said on 28/Jun/11
Lee was 5'7-5'8 hands down the greatest and strongest man who ever lived not to be messed with at all
Rikashiku said on 28/Jun/11
"License is not an official measurement. Anyone can put down anything as long as it's not totally skewing the fact."
-You're right. I noticed that after a while when i saw other peoples licenses. But his wasn't a Drivers license and they do measure you for a Martial Artist license. I've got one, 184cm :D.
josh said on 21/Jun/11
People please! Let's end it Bruce was 5'7 1/2 and 140. He stated this in his wons words in the Alex Ben Block intereview, check youtube enough said final verdict. End conversation.
Robby D. said on 17/Jun/11
If Chuck Norris is only 5'8.5" as listed on here, then I don't see how Bruce Lee could have been 5'7.5" as Norris definately had more than an inch height advantage over him. On the other hand Bolo is listed as 5'6" yet there was nowhere near 1.5" difference between him and Bruce. Based on that, I would say Bruce was 5'7" maximum, perhaps slightly less.
Lesterstorm said on 1/Jun/11
He looks around 5'6to me. I can believe 5'7 too, but not 5'8.
Rebound said on 28/May/11
I think a comparison of Chuck and Bruce, at the link below make it pretty clear Bruce was nowhere near 5'8. He was probably between 5'6 and 5'7.
cheng said on 24/May/11
i thinks,he's 5ft8 when i saw him in hongkong.
mike said on 24/May/11
License is not an official measurement. Anyone can put down anything as long as it's not totally skewing the fact.
Chadillac said on 29/Apr/11
Chuck is most likely 5'9, Bruce was most likely 5'7.5. People who say Bruce was 5'6 are just off. Look at Jose Aldo in the cage, Bruce was no shorter than him.
Observant said on 26/Mar/11
Using the same "deductive tenable logic" as most of the posters here, I 100% know that bruce lee was 5ft 2" when he was in the horse stance preparing to kick chuck norris in way of the dragon. This is complete and utter fact... :-/
Rikashiku said on 18/Mar/11
At a Martial Arts supply shop, i saw a copy of Lee's License. 171cm tall and 145lbs.
jordan said on 16/Mar/11
Id say 5'6 1/2 to 5'7 1/2. No less than 5'6 1/2, and taller than 5'7 1/2. 5'8 is unlikely given his own estimate of 5'7 1/2
keith said on 1/Mar/11
5 foot 8.5 to 5 foot 9
keith said on 1/Mar/11
5 foot 8.5
P Savage said on 28/Feb/11
I saw a youtube vid with Bruce next to Bolo and bruce lee was taller by an inch and a bit it looked like.
I dont think bruce has ever looked as short as Inosanto. Bruce was very thin and if he was 5ft6 as well his body weight would be like 120lbs or so.
Safe to say bruce was 5ft7ish.
Solid said on 24/Feb/11
That fat dude is bolo, and he is recorded at 5'6. In behind the scene photo's of enter the dragon he looks the about same height as bolo. There are also a few photos of inosanto with him and they are the same height. In the ones you are referring too im guessing he wasn't standing at full attention like bruce. Though I do believe bruce to be 5'7, there is plenty of evidence that he could be 5'6.
hammerfilmfan said on 20/Feb/11
Bruce Lee is no 5ft6ish guy, dont play that game with me. Whenever he is next to so called 5ft6 guys like Dan Inosanto he looks visibly taller. And when i say visibly taller im not saying one inch, two inches or so taller. Just unmistakably taller, so that is evidence you can just rule that out.
And watching the opening scene of ETD, bruce lee is even taller than the fat guy who supposed to be 5ft7.
So whatever way you look at it, bruce lee is 5ft7 at least.
me said on 12/Feb/11
Totally agree. Chuck is 5.7. That makes Bruce pretty short.
Solid said on 7/Feb/11
If chuck is 5'10 I'd say bruce is 5'8. However I don't think that is the case. Therefore his height is probably closer to 5'7. He has photo's with inosanto that make him only seem about a half inch taller at the most, and he is 5'6. I have no problem with bruce being 5'8, but then chuck would have to be 5'10 which he is not.
Cliff richard said on 7/Feb/11
solid, and bruce looks at least 5ft7. So why you trying to make out he is 5ft6. It is important that bruce lee is seen as small to you. Tell us your problems and the reasons behind your behaviour and actions towards Bruce lee.
You said Bruce in that picture must be 5ft6? Why? Why cant Norris be 5ft10 and bruce 5ft7.5 in that pic? Because even in that pic Bruce dont look 3 inches shorter than Norris. Look at the eye line. 2 inches maybe.
Solid said on 5/Feb/11
Lewis says he was five foot seven.
Salvo said on 5/Feb/11
Bruce was taller than Pac Mr Solid. He dont look like a dwarf next to Joe Lewis. He looks 4 inches shorter maybe when handing him his trophy.
Solid said on 2/Feb/11
It looks pretty apparent that chuck is a solid 2 inches taller then bruce. I'd say he was 5'6 1/2 same as manny with a different frame. I'd give him 5'7 1/2 in shoes. Also if you notice how they are standing. They all are slouching besides bruce.
Cliff richard said on 2/Feb/11
That picture that Solid linked does look weird. Ive never seen Norris look so tall. He is nearly the same height as Bob Wall. So all that proves is Norris is taller than 5ft9 in that pic more than anything.
Bruce lee dont look much smaller than Bob Wall who has shoes on. Norris has never been 3 inches taller than Bruce lee. If you are 3 inches taller than someone it looks so apparent.
Mark Ibbotson said on 1/Feb/11
Bruce lee is only a couple of inches shorter than Chuck Norris at most. In WOTD the directors said they look too similar in size so they asked Norris to put weight on.
Do you know how tall Bob Wall is, and Bruce lee dont look that much smaller than BoB Wall in that picture.
Bruce Lee is about the same height as Roberto Duran at about 5ft7.5. Taller than Manny Pacquioa.
Solid said on 30/Jan/11
Click Here
Giving chuck a lucky 5'9 id say bruce is closer 5'6
daniel p, said on 23/Jan/11
not true for me
he is/was a SOLID 5-7
me said on 7/Jan/11
The avg height of a mexican male is 5.3.
MD said on 5/Jan/11
@ me
It hasn't. That's not an opinion, it's a fact.
Duhon said on 4/Jan/11
If indeed the average height of americans has decreased its due to substantial increase in mexican immigration. The average white and black male in the US has a height of 5'10", the average mexican male in the us is 5'7"
me said on 4/Jan/11
Actually the avg height of Americans are shorter today from what I've read.
MD said on 2/Jan/11
You obviously aren't understanding me. You made the silly comment that he would have been short at the time, when the fact is that he'd be even shorter today, as Americans are taller than they ever been. If you don't get what I'm saying, I don't know what else to say.
me said on 1/Jan/11
In the 70's, Americans were among the tallest. I think the Dutch as the tallest population right now. I think it has something to do with having more processed food in the diet. Kid nowadays eat chips and soda for lunch. The dutch has a more healthy diet.
MD said on 31/Dec/10
What are you talking about? American's have shrank, they just haven't grown. We're as tall as we've ever been. If anything, Lee would have been slightly closer to average than now.
me said on 31/Dec/10
He was probably short at the time. Remember in the 70's the people in America were among the tallest in the world. 5.7 is short when everyone else is 5.11 and over.
Brad said on 18/Nov/10
Probably lost a 1/2" in 6 years by Enter The Dragon, his back was wrecked in '71.
Prithivi said on 13/Nov/10
Bruce looked realy small in 'enter the dragon'. I think his actual height is 5.6"
j josh says said on 28/Jun/09
i appreciate what you said and its true but what you are telling me is something i already knew i like to hear facts that i didnt know. He did adapt to each situation and also applied philosophy to the martial arts people say that he wasnt a traditionalist and part of him wasnt but adding philosophy to his art is nothing new the chinese have been doing before him hundreds of years so part of bruce is traditional he just wasnt bound by it and that is what people dont understand . the base for jun fan jeet kune do is wing chun basically it is more than a modified wing chun of jun fan gung fu at the time it is a broken rythm wing chun that involves boxing,taekwondo,fencing grappling,eskrima,karate,choy li fat,kickboxing,and being able to react as you wish in real life situations it was not meant to be a style , rather bruces own way to express himself through martial art jeet kune do was a name not a name for a style but for bruce expressing the martial arts, so now it has become a style today as a fixed martial art which was never intended to happen. so people who study jeet kune do think that they have to follow exactly what the are shown and dont even realize that you can learn concepts and then be free to use them how ever they want and not programed to, and that is what jeet kune do is all about finding yourself and not being restricted by what was taught to you, the true essence not to learning jkd because you cant learn jkd, but to fully understanding jkd is gone because only bruce really understood his expression better thsn anyone else and thats why martial artist should look at finding their own expressions to martial arts and not bruces only his concepts!
Josh.J said on 26/Jun/09
The reason bruce lee is still the best is because he had the balance of being both a scholar and a warrior. he worked so hard in applicating the theories and philosophies into real techniques. and the fact that he analyzed many martial arts and knew their advantages and disadvantages meant he could adapt to any opponent with great tactical versatility. he was a true martial artist in body and mind.
Austin Powers said on 20/Jun/09
People are intelligent enough to have sent men to the moon, so guys like Davis Miller and Tom Bleeker wont be able to pull the wool over peoples eyes and fool people.
They think Lee is too iconic and legendary so have to tell lies to bring Bruce down a peg or 2.
Davis Miller says lets look at the evidence we have to conclude how good a fighter bruce was. But then so obviously biasly goes about picking and choosing the evidence they want to use.
Conveniently leaving out important little stuff like everyone meeting bruce thinking he was the best fighter who ever lived. Davis Miller dont mention the little fact that Bruce easily handled guys like Bob Wall in serious sparring sessions. As well as all the other karate Gods of that era. Kind of thinking it might not be an important issue when trying to assess how great bruce was as a fighter. Or the fact that bruce said he could beat anyone in the world, and noone diagreeing with him. Joe Lewis, Chuck Norris, BOb Wall, Gene Lebel werent to vocal if they disagreed. Very mouse like quiet in fact.
Chuck Norris went on HKTV and told the audience bruce was the best fighter he'd seen. Little details like this you would think relevant. But obviously not to guys like Davis Miller and Tom Bleeker. Jealous guys indeed with an agenda clearly.
Bruce was 5ft 7.5 btw. Not 5ft6.5 at all.
Cindy Crosby said on 19/Jun/09
I'm no Bruce Lee expert. I'll be the first to tell you Bruce was not a fighter (in the tournament sense), but had unbelievable fighting skills. I'll also tell you he was driven by fame and fortune more than martial-arts. That said, still his contributions to asian culture, martial-arts and martial-arts film were immeasurable despite whatever his personal agenda was.
All I'm saying is to watch what you hear. There's a lot of truth to Bleecker and Miller, but there's also a lot of twisted facts they fabricate for their own gain, at the expense of Bruce. They're in the business of selling books, and just like tabloids, more "dirt" equals more dollars. And anytime you hear even one ounce of lies, you've got to question the source entirely.
Just like how I take Linda Lee and John Little with a grain of salt as well. They obviously have every bit to gain in preserving the Bruce Lee myth. Watch what you hear, especially with regards to Bruce Lee. That's all I'm saying.
About his height - he was probably 5'6.5" on his worse day in the evening and 5'8" in the morning on his best day. Depended on his health and fitness level. Daytime height, I'd put him 5'7.5" peak, 5'7" 1970-72.
josh said on 19/Jun/09
dragon the bruce lee story ha ha ha 80% of that film is fiction why even bring that into the topic ? I think you listened to bleeker after the fact. And you probably think that george tan is a fake as well, george is about getting to the truth you want to wath his biography or interviews go for it. And people say that bruce never drank b s maybe not in the 60's but in the 70's he had a few.
Cindy Crosby said on 18/Jun/09
Dylan, your and Jay's assessment seem most correct. 5'6.5" evening height but 5'7" morning height when he died. I do buy your dehydration theory, Bruce went to great extremes for the ripped look. Amazing how he achieved that way back in the 70's without all the fat burning supplements of today. In his prime (mid 1960's) he was 5'7.5" evening / 5'8" morning. He weighed around 145-150 at that point too. He was shorter than, but not dwarfed by American actors (Van Williams, Bob Wall, Chuck Norris and the like). He was medium to tall compared with asian actors (Nora Miao, James Tien, so forth). Anything 5'6" or lower would have made him look smallish and I never got that impression of him. If anything, I was somewhat surprised discovering he was in the 5'7"-range. Based on watching his movies alone, I always pegged him at 5'10"-ish. I'm finding a lot of people on this site don't understand or underestimate height variation due to spine compression, age, diet, disease and so forth. It definitely happens, especially on people who go through extreme physique changes such as Bruce.
josh said on 18/Jun/09
did you watch the interview? he didnt defame bruce he just told the truth come on i am one of bruce's biggest followers yes he did work for his physic but he didnt do anything wrong , maybe by todays standards he did.
Dylan said on 18/Jun/09
Cindy Crosby - You seem very knowledgeable about Bruce, how tall was he in your opinion?
josh said on 18/Jun/09
you should listen to tom bleekers interviews he was married to bruce lees wife
josh said on 12/Jun/09
chuck norris always says one thing and then another about bruce i dont belive everything he says or bob wall bob wall never tells the whole truth either the only people that seem to tell the truth are george tan, inosanto,taki,tom bleeker.
Josh said on 8/Jun/09
Bruces shoes size was indeed a fact he did wear size 7-7/12 like robert said and how do I know this if you had ever seen ETD photos of bruce kicking you will see a 37 under his shoe which is a european size 7-71/2 and also keep in mind that the shoes where chinese but they were probably made in Hong Kong and not mainland china, being at the time Hong Kong was a British colony.
Dylan said on 7/Jun/09
Josh - I read somewhere that at the time of his death Bruce was 5'6.5" but he was very dehydrated. I think at his peak his height was nearer the 5'8" mark though.
josh said on 6/Jun/09
I would have to agree with jay, bruce was actually 5ft8 how because if you look at photos and done your research not only does he look 5.8 but like jay said he wrote it and his brother Robert and Dan Inosanto said in interviews that he was 5.8. I do belived the spine theory that he did shink but not to 5.6 , more like an even 5.7
Jay said on 6/Jun/09
His training diary in 1965 had his body measurements with height at 5ft 8. He appeared as an average height guy in photos at the time but got shorter over the coming years for two reasons. A few years later he damaged his spine and suffered a slipped disc. During the 70s he dehydrated himself to get that ripped look for the movies meaning his spinal discs would have lost water volume. If you add up all the things he was doing to his body then he was around 5ft 6.5 at the time of his death.
Brad said on 5/Jun/09
That's 5' 6.5" with Norris.
Yaspaa said on 29/May/09
I thought you couldn't accept anything under 5'6.5? He's not far off Chuck
Click Here
Ztech said on 23/May/09
I can't see him any taller than 5'7.5, and I cant accept lower than 5'6.5
He is exactly as tall as bolo yung, if you watch enter the dragon. Bolo's height is listed at 5'6. As an adult, Bruce Lee probably stood a solid 5'6.
Dylan said on 11/May/09
GF - I agree. I think Doug was exactly right, 5'8" out of bed, 5'7.5" during the day and 5'7" at night.
GF said on 9/May/09
Morning height was 5'8 and night height over 5'7.
Dylan said on 8/May/09
Korak973 - I am sure he was between 5'7.5" and 5'8", remember he was always in flat kung fu slippers and when photographed with people like Chuck Norris, they tended to wear trainers which would have given them a slight added height advantage. Also alot of the time Bruce would adopt the stance which alot of martial artists do, standing with legs slightly apart for balance rather than the upright military posture of say Tom Cruise.
Koraks973 said on 8/May/09
I'd say 5'6 more like it . Or maybe 5'7 maximam
Dylan said on 7/May/09
One thing about Bruce is that he was meticulous about his measurements, so whatever he states his height to be you can accept as fact. I think his peak height was probably 5'8" because early notes of his show he wrote his height alongside his measurements as 5'8" also, that is the height his brother Robert stated he was. Bruce did quote his height as 5'7.5" later when asked on video so perhaps he lost 1/2", whatever, we know he never wore lifts and 90% of the time he wore kung fu slippers, which would probably only add 1/8" so we can assume that the heights he quotes are minus substantial footwear.
glenn said on 3/May/09
exactly the same tom cruise too.
Cmomo said on 3/May/09
5'7 or 5'8 either way i wouldnt wanna fight him! lol.
Doug said on 23/Apr/09
Lee was roughly 5'7.5". I would hazard a guess he was exactly the same height as Glenn. 5'8" out of bed, 5'7.5" through morning and afternoon and 5'7" at night.
Aaron said on 5/Apr/09
Frodo - Sorry I noticed I just answered Alex2401 with your question. Personally, I think Bruce may have been about 5'8" on rising and when quoting 5'7.5" was referring to his daytime height. I don't know that for certain it is just my opinion, however, I do have a book on Bruce Lee where he recorded his height and measurements before he was famous and he wrote his height down as 5'8" therefore you could be right about you theory of him losing 1/2" through his back injury.
Aaron said on 3/Apr/09
Alex2401 - I haven't a clue when he was measured, all I know is when asked his height he replied without hesitation, 5'7.5" which is 171.5cm. If Bruce Lee says that is his height then that is good enough for me
Frodo said on 2/Apr/09
I know this, Jackie Chan used to be about 177 cm tall when he was young,
Jackie fought against James Tien in the movie called; Dragon Fist
and James Tien seems to be as tall as Jackie.
Now, James Tien has probably been in every Bruce Lee film, and in the big boss you can see them stand side by side and Bruce looks like he's some 3-4cm shorter
that would make Bruce about 173cm tall in his first movie.
Maybe Bruce Lee was 173cm tall, but lost some height
because of the lower back injury?
When exactly did he measure that "5'7.5" ?
Aaron said on 21/Mar/09
Alex2401 - 170cm is barely 5'7" and Bruce stated on that video that he is 5'71/2"
Alex2401 said on 20/Mar/09
Bruce Lee was 170cm and 63kg.He was 3-4cm shorter than John Saxon in "Enter the
Aaron said on 2/Mar/09
Derek - I disagree about increasing Bruce's height to 5'8" simply because he stated himself on that video posted by Steve that he was 5'7.5". Now he could well have been stating his daytime height in which case he may have been 5'8" on rising, however, Editor Rob has made it clear in the past that he uses daytime heights wherever possible on this site, therefore I feel 5'7.5" in this case is correct.
derek said on 2/Mar/09
I saw the comedian Harry Hill today. I guessed his height was 5ft5. I went onto celeb heights and it had him at 5ft7.5.
It is always easier to think people are smaller than they really are.
Yes its time to change Bruce lee to 5ft8. No doubt about it.
Aaron said on 27/Feb/09
I can believe that Glen. Chan is stocky but I should imagine he is taller than he looks and probably was 5'10.5" before his injuries.
glenn said on 27/Feb/09
jackie chan was a legit 5-10.5 in his prime.5-9 minimum now.lots of injuries.
Aaron said on 26/Feb/09
Well Jason Priestley was always listed as 5'9" which was ridiculous and he still claims he is 5'8" now. I am sure Bruce would have been taller than him. The other height I am trying to figure out is Jackie Chan, I have seen him listed between 5'7" and 5'11", probably somewhere in between I should imagine.
Randy said on 25/Feb/09
This is what I've said numerous in this message board--that Bruce was absurdly meticulous with everything he did especially about fitness and fighting. He kept tracked of his daily rouitne involving training, meetings, etc. so it's not suprising he would do the same when trying to understand his body. That clip was the one I was trying to search before. Thanks Steve. For the record, why would Bruce Lee say 5'7.5" when he could've just as easily said 5'8" all together and make it appear as if he was taller; adding, Joe Lewis always stands by his statement of a solid 5'7" so 5'7.5" is really believable.
Aaron said on 24/Feb/09
Jamie - Believe it or not, that clip by Steve was the first time I had actually heard Bruce himself say he was 5'7.5" and that has dispelled any doubts I had. He only actually looks small from a distance and that is probably because he always adopts that fighting pose. Another friend of mine, who is also a Bruce Lee fan and into Marial Arts, is 5'10.5" and he always wears just track bottoms and trainers. Because he does the martial arts he always stands with his feet apart and this gives him a shorter appearance but I know he is a legit 5'10.5" because he has measured himself in front of me, yet in photos he looks short. I was watching a clip of Bruce sparring with James Coburn who I see is listed as 6'2" and there did not seem to be a massive difference in their heights.
Jamie said on 23/Feb/09
Thank you Aaron. It has been good to see the turnaround in you. I wonder if Rob could add the extra quarter inch. That is quite important the quarter inch.
Aaron said on 23/Feb/09
Steve - That confirms it for me then. He actually looked taller in that clip than he often does wearing just his track bottoms and kung-fu slippers. Can we now safely assume that Bruce's daytime height was 5'7.5" making him 5'7.75" - 5'8" on rising? I am convinced now anyway.
Steve said on 22/Feb/09
During an interview, while filming "Way of the Dragon" with Chuck Norris, Bruce Lee states that he is 5 ft 7.5 in and 140 pounds.
Click Here
Geoffrey Palmer said on 21/Feb/09
I wonder whether Rob would upgrade Bruce to 5ft7.75? Shannon Lee is 5ft9 supposedly. So i wouldnt bet against Bruce being 5ft8 at all! Everyone who met Bruce like Bob Wall, Joe Lewis etc said they would put Bruce at least a solid 5ft 7. And more than likely they have underestimated the height just like you do when you look at someone. You are more likely to mark someone down then up it has been proven.
I have rarely seen a daughter taller than her father!
Aaron said on 17/Feb/09
Anonsensebuster - Thank you for being understanding. Incidentally, I have learned alot from you on here, I never knew Bruce's minimum weight was 128lbs 1bs all the memorabilia my friend brought round described him as being barely 5'8" and weighing 135lbs, this and the photographs I saw of Bruce close up support my friend's claims that Bruce's height was 5'7.75". I was a huge fan in the early seventies and I honestly believed he was invincible. His death literally left me in a state of shock in 1973, I just could not believe it, he was superhuman, superfit and dying at the age of 32 was the biggest tragedy I could ever have imagined, what made it worse was that people who lived near me and knew how much I admired him actually flaunted his death to me, saying he died of a common cold! I have read and read books and I am still not convinced his death was as clear cut as reported, it never has felt right to me. With regards Ali, I have also been a fan of his since he was Cassius Clay and he beat our champion Henry Cooper in the early sixties. As a boxer I felt at his peak he had no equal. It would in my opinion be unfair to even contemplate a match between Ali and Bruce because both were the best at what they did, however, if I had to pick a winner in single combat outside Queensbury rules, I would have to say Bruce everytime and that is without any disrespect to Ali, I just do not think there is, ever has been or ever will be anyone who could have beaten Bruce at his peak.
Aaron said on 17/Feb/09
Jamie - I too saw photgraphs of Bruce in the Green Hornet and in none of these photos is he wearing cuban heels, just regular shoes which my guess would have been 3/4" to 1" high.
Brad said on 15/Feb/09
Bruce didn't need the heel in the fight scenes, Fox cast short like CBS did with Robert Conrad in the fights. Meet Van Williams and you can understand how he looked tall in close-up shots: custom heel. Poor Davy Jones was on a box with tall actors so said himself in his book. Oh brother is that ugly. Robert Conrad wore monster boots and cast 5' 2" actresses.
Jamie said on 13/Feb/09
Aaron it is interesting what you said about your friend and his memorabilia putting Bruce at 5ft7,75. I think people have been underestimating Bruces height all these years because of seeing him in kung fu slippers all the time.
Even in the Green Hornet where he was accused of wearing 2 inch cuban heels is false. I have watched all episodes and have photographs and if anything they are only centimetres high. Bruce was very active as Green Hornet and it didnt make sense to have too much of a heel while jumping about.
If you watch "murder she wrote" and you watch the star Angela Langsbury she is supposedly 5ft8 and she looks very small on screen. So i cant think why Bruce couldnt be as tall as her at all.
anonsensebuster said on 12/Feb/09
lol, k it's all good aaron and jamie. thanks for clearing it up and sorry for making a big stink of it, just an honest mistake. i've seen other forums where ppl do fake themselves in order to play their own devil's advocate to prove their point, and just think it'd suck for it to happen here, especially for bruce who we all clearly admire.
anyhow, we don't agree on his height totally but only disagree by half inches, but for sure we all think bruce kicks ass. i'm around glenn's age i think, early 30s. when i was young like 5 or 6 i heard all this hype about game of death when it was released a few years earlier. that's when i found out about "the hype". when i found out he wasn't alive anymore when i was 6 or so, that was pretty sad and hit me pretty hard too. the amazing thing about bruce's philosophies, are they apply more to than just martial-arts. it's about life in general and mastering any other skill - art, sports, etc... - never put limits on yourself, and that to maximize your potential you've gotta be resourceful, open-minded, learn from many differing sources, discard the useless, accumulate what's useful, and to tune everything into what fits best for you and your situation..."be like water", lol. i know that a lot of where i am now, my successes, career and all, had a large part due to applying his philosophies.
the saddest part of his life to me, was despite all he achieved, i think he coulda done a lot more.. classic bruce lee cliche when people talk about him. in this sense calling him an "under-achiever" is actually a great back-handed compliment. his son brandon said it best on jay leno: "when my father died his career was a beginning, not an end". after he opened up the doors to the american movie market for himself (and all other future asian superstars like jackie, jet, etc...) which i guess was the ultimate american dream, he was denied the opportunity to enjoy the fruits of his labors and suffrage. what most people don't realize is, like glenn said, all his films (only 5-6 i think) were only made in the span of 3-4 years, like 1969-1972 i think. he had just turned 30. before that, we all know he had a brief stint as kato on green hornet when he was 24, had odd and end tv cameos, a brief stint as a child actor in hk, but for 5-6 solid years in the prime of his life he was a struggling actor finding work and having to raise a family of 4. i think linda his wife had to take odd end blue-collar jobs to help keep the lee family stay afloat. bad enough his kung-fu tv series idea went to david carradine, but hollywood clearly kept him unemployed and weren't ready for an asian lead...until his success in asia, and finally etd. the saddest part of all? although he did get to see the final cut of etd, as i think linda did said in a bio, he then died and failed to see what a phenomenon he became after etd hit theaters..not just in north america, but internationally. and not to mention changing the course of martial-arts on the side....
for ali fanboys like brad, this also compares to ali's life as well - that he was denied the ability to work in the prime of his life. ali would have never lost the title if we wasn't punished for dodging the vietnam war draft and that was the peak of his performance, he was sooo fast and unbeatable at that point. a prime ali woulda had no problems whatsoever with george foreman, ken norton or joe frazier. when ali came back after the boxing ban, he lost a lot of speed and fitness and had to really struggle to beat "invincible" george foreman, etc...
what i've always wondered, and wonder what all other bruce lee fans think, was whether bruce's death really was chinese mafia related or not? reading all the bios and stuff, everything really does point to "death by misadventure". but then the death of brandon lee really does lend to bigger suspicions about mob involvement. i mean seriously, in hollywood today and even yesteryears, how many actors really get killed by a misfired blank?
glenn said on 12/Feb/09
i always seem to forget the guardian angels exist in 9 countries and have 5000 members.except i havnt seen one in nyc since 1999.googled it.
Aaron said on 12/Feb/09
One more thing Anonsensebuster, Aaron is actually my middle name which I use on here but coincidentally, I also have a close friend whose first name is Aaron whom I correspond with regularly by email. When I was typing that message out to Jamie and I typed Aaron in error the first time, I must have continued typing that name as I am used to doing when messaging my friend. Stupid on my part I know, but hardly psycho surely?
Aaron said on 12/Feb/09
anonsensebuster/Jamie - What a stupid thing to do, I typed in my name then typed it again by accident. Incidentally, I know I keep changing my mind on this height business and for that I apologise, however, a friend of mine who practices different forms of Martial Arts, idolises Bruce Lee and he told me that Bruce was the same height as him which is 5'7.75"(172cm), needless to say I told him I thought that was stretching it, to prove his point he brought me round some of his memorabilia and I saw photographs I had never seen before and now, I think he could be right. So anonsensebuster and Jamie, I can understand your frustration with my changing my mind but before today, I was convinced Bruce was shorter than Tom Cruise, now I don't think so because Cruise always stands really upright and probably wears lifts, whereas Bruce tends to adopt that fighting posture and always wears kung fu slippers. So I hold my hands up and say you guys were right all along and I was wrong.
Brad said on 12/Feb/09
Kung-Fu films were massive in NYC in '75. Sometimes 3 on a bill. Lee's were doubled up. They even stuck some Green Hornet episodes together for a Lee big screen feature around then. Police took away the fighting tools he had if you had them in your cars. Lee was livid kids showed him throwing weapons/darts. One of my friends said he went nuts when he pulled it out and showed him. The throwing stars were big in junior high metal shop when Lee broke on screen in the U.S.. Bring them to NYC taking the train up to Yankee Stadium (pre Sliwa).
Jamie said on 11/Feb/09
anonsensebuster i know why you were confused and so was i. But we are not the same person. Aaron i think you accidently referred to yourself by accident if you look at your third to last post. And thanks for your third to last post. I agree with it.
anonsensebuster said on 11/Feb/09
read your posts again aaron/jamie,
"Aaron says on 10/Feb/09
Thank you Aaron. I think Bruce could have been 5'7.5" out of bed.... i am like you aaron...etc.."
i would understand if maybe rob screwed up the name and put your name instead of jamie's in the title, but the post before that which you were replying to........
Jamie says on 9/Feb/09
"Aaron if you think Bruce was 5ft7 i respect that. We are only talking half inches ....."
it's clearly jamie why would jamie respond to himself? hmmmm? or do you have a habit of talking to other people calling them your own name, and you don't only do it just once in that last post. you and your "alternate personality" are confusing eachother, that's pretty psycho indeed lol!
Aaron said on 11/Feb/09
By the way Rob, did you purposefully avoid April 1st to measure Glenn? Just kidding!

Editor Rob
don't tell Jenny, but the whole trip is an April Fool!
glenn said on 11/Feb/09
thank you know your facts too.i lived some of that.they had those monthly bruce lee magazines too.collected them all.and of course have no clue to where they are now.
Aaron said on 11/Feb/09
I don't know where you are coming from anonsensebuster but I can assure you Jamie and I ARE NOT THE SAME GUY. Jameie can confirm that and if you want any further evidednce then I am sure Rob could too.
anonsensebuster said on 10/Feb/09
trudat glenn. first bruce lee wave was during his explosion when introduced to the world with big boss, ending with etd (which he died before seeing how big he became tragically). 73 like you said. seoond wave was 78 to early 80s with the release of game of death. that lead to karate kid, ninja turtles, etc..
anonsensebuster said on 10/Feb/09
i'm confused? is aaron and jamie the same guy?! bruce's lowest weight was 128. highest 155-160. pretty huge range for a 5-7.5 man if u ask me.........
Brad said on 10/Feb/09
Yeah, that's what I told Bruce: "I hate you Kato".
Aaron said on 10/Feb/09
Glenn - Changing the subject for one moment, is it in March that Rob is going to measure you and hopefully confirm your height as 5'8"?

Editor Rob
hopefully April the 2nd. If glenn keeps that evening free :) That's only 50 days away, crikey!
glenn said on 10/Feb/09
nobody was watching bruce films in the 60s.correction over the post below.i was alive during the bruce craze.that was 1978 to least the 2 wave.that was the peak.or 2nd peak.first peak i was too young for obviously.but it wasnt 60s.his main films were filmed 1970 to 1973.
Doug said on 10/Feb/09
5 ft 7.5 is perfect for Bruce Lee between 170 and 173 cm. The most lethal 5'7er" of all time undoubtedly. Unmatched for physical toughness, beyond exceptional physical and mental conditioning that allowed him to push his body farther than most have ever gone before. True legend., I seriously doubt anybody in the world could have beaten Lee at his peak or today for that matter. He looked small and compact to me but excruciatingly tough, toned and agile probably around 125-130lbs I'd imagine but boy that guy was tough. He really was a perfect fighter, lightening fast made the bigger guys look very clumsy. I heard Lee had a pulse rate of just 18 at his fittest. The lowest mine has ever been is 44, and I've above average in fitness. Unbelievable. 171 looks vert accurate to me. With Lee though it is not height I care about it is how fit he was!!
ari said on 10/Feb/09
he is no taller tha 5'7''. I am 5'8'' and he was definitely shorter than me in Tahoe.
Aaron said on 10/Feb/09
Thank you Aaron. I think Bruce could have been 5'7.5" out of bed. I will have to look at somemore video footage. James Coburn said he was over 5'7", I am not sure what Chuck Norris said about his height, then again, I am never sure how tall Chuck is. I am like you Aaron, sometimes if I am in line at a checkout or something, I see someone with a stocky build next in line and I always think I am taller than them and I seem to be looking over their heads, then I might see our reflection and the person is actuallay taller than me. I want to get some more books on Bruce, I love watching the movies but I also like seeming him interviewed and hearing him talk. He was so well disciplined about everything. I never mentioned this on here but I was absolutely devastated when he died and I was also shocked because I seriously believed he was invincible!
Jamie said on 9/Feb/09
Aaron if you think Bruce was 5ft7 i respect that. We are only talking half inches here so it is nothing to pull our hair out about. But your last post if very fair and it shows you are not a hater and respect Bruce. The people who truly respect Bruce stand out a mile and like a sore thumb and you clearly do. Brad stands out a mile in that he dont like Bruce. Sorry for having a dig Brad.
But not to go on about it but Joe Lewis and James Coburn have said bruce was at least 5ft 7 and it is very possible they have underestimated his height.
Gods honest truth that whenever i stand next to someone i always think they look shorter than what they actually are. If someone the same height stands next to me, i always think they are at least an inch shorter than me.
Aaron said on 9/Feb/09
Jamie - As a fighter, I don't think anyone in the world could have matched Bruce and I include Ali in that statement, however, it is the spiritual side of Bruce that has always interested me and often gets overlooked. Perhaps I am just a poor judge of heights. Seeing Bruce at a distance, he always looked skinny to me then when you see him close up, he has the most fantastic physique, I have ever seen and his measurements prove he was anything but skinny, just pure muscle. It could be because he was muscle bound that his stance gave him a shorter appearance and you are quite right when you say, if I had heard of Bruce's achievements as a martial ariste withouth knowing his height I would probably have expected him to be at least 5'10".
Aaron said on 8/Feb/09
Jamie- I cannot believe I am arguing over 1/2" here. I agree there is no way he could be a short as 5'6". I have never seen him listed as less than 5'7". I have read the comments of people who have met him in books and he has been described as 5'7", James Coburn described him as a fraction over 5'7" and the majority of quotes say he is 5'7.5", I have never read of him being 5'8" only in a book I have where Bruce listed his height and measurements before he was famous and he listed himself as 5'8". Weighing up all the evidence, despite my thinking he looks short, I am going to say, he could have been 5.7.5" maximum, say straight out of bed and shrinking to 5'7" by evening. Again this is only my opinion, I doubt we will be able to prove it one way or the other. I have seen pictures of Robert Lee and I think he could be rounding his height from 5'6.5" to 5'7" and as Bruce is an inch taller rounding his height up to 5'8", again, I am only surmising here, I have no proof whatsoever. Like I said, I am 5'7" during the day and I know alot of guys who say they are 5'8" and I am taller than them and because I am taller they insist I must have got my height wrong and must be 5'9" but I am 5'7", they are just in denial.
glenn said on 8/Feb/09
i agree with all of aarons post,except that i think lee mightve been 5-8 in the morning.if jamie means joe frazier,yes,5-11 peak.and still is if i stretches out.saw him last week.
Jamie said on 8/Feb/09
Aaron how can you say Bruce being 5ft8 is bordering on the ridiculous? There is no basis for having such a strong belief. Bruce was always among big people. Whether they were big people in the martial arts. Or big hollywood stuntmen.
Joe Lewis said Bruce was at least 5ft7. So if he is at least 5ft7 how can it be bordering on the ridiculous to be an inch taller? Robert Lee Bruces brother said Bruce was 5ft8. Robert is 5ft7 so robert dont know his own height as well.
Probably Bruce wasnt 5ft8 but close. But people tend to round him down to 5ft7.5.
But because when people discuss heights they dont discuss half inches, Bruce gets rounded down.
Aaron said on 8/Feb/09
Asonsensebuster - I am 1251bs wet through, 120ls usually and you are absolutely correct, I do look skinny. I am not saying Bruce is 5'6", I think 5'7" is more believeable, 5'7.5" I think would be really pushing it for him. I have been looking at photographs in different books and videos. There is one where he is standind next to Linda Lee and you only see the top half of he and her, Bruce has a bare top so I am assuming the only footwear he is wearing are the kung fu slippers and he does look considerably taller than Linda. In another photograph which shows Bruce with her and a gathering of other people they are all dressed up and Linda looks taller than he does, okay for this formal occasion she could be wearing heels. I have no idea how tall Lind Lee is by the way. I saw another video clip with him doing martial arts with with Chuck Norris and there does not seem to be alot of difference but it is difficult to see as neither of them stand still long eonough to ascertain the height difference. Apart from all this though, there is just something about Bruce's stature, which makes him look like a short guy to me. I am not a Bruce hater and I don't know why you would use the word psycho, just because I think he is nearer 5'7" than 5'8". On the subject of Ali V Lee, which doesn't really belong here because it is a height page. I think outside the ring Lee would win easily because I don't think Ali would get near him.
anonsensebuster said on 8/Feb/09
as to who would win, bruce or ali -
it really would depend on who tends to get the first hit and what kind of fight they fight. the thing about bruce is, despite all his power, agility and mobility, his main weakness to me is i don't think he could really take a hard hit from a pro fighter. not many people can, not even pro fighters themselves. boxing and mma use gloves. most pro fighters build up the ability to take hits over time. bruce might of, if he spent more time in the ring as a pro-fighter, but most of his training was sparring, although a few street fisticuffs here and there kept him on his toes. ali could and did take very hard shots, as he grew older and lost speed he proved to have an iron jaw (took good beatings from george foreman, ken norton, joe frazier, etc...). one of the keys to today's best mma guys, is how hard a hit they can take, which is as important or more important than throwing a hard hit. nobody in mma or boxing can have a glass jaw and make it anywhere. also keep in mind many of those mma guys take painkillers before fights too.
in a street fight there are no gloves, just bare-knuckle-to-flesh. things are a bit different. one clean shot anywhere, particular parts like the neck, temples, throat, knees, eyes and of course the nads is all it takes to drop any man, no matter his size, strength, ability, etc.. bruce was frighteningly fast! and very accurate. his movies don't do him justice. back then, in movies he was instructed to slow down, and paced his movies in choppy segments to be more "readable" by the "dumb" audiences of the 60s and whatnot. they needed to film at a higher frame-rate to capture some of bruce's moves, then slow them down to be readable. these days they need to speed up film to enhance jet, jackie, donnie yuen etc.
to get an idea of how fast the man moved in real life, watch some of his demos rather than his movies:
Click HereClick HereClick Herethere's an interview on youtube where jackie talks about bruce how he could not see bruce's punches (point a to b in an instant or something like that).
with all that said, to me the nature of street-fights favors bruce if both men encountered eachother on the streets the first time, bruce would have the element of surprise with a one-hit kill. but in a more paced, slugfest, ali would naturally have the advantage. however, i don't know if bruce would fall for it if ali lured him into such a fight. it's also a mind-game too, but men being pretty clever. also, i believe ali was probably better conditioned for a longer fight, although bruce did do cardiovascular training, it was probably nowhere near the extent of a pro boxer's training regimen.
anonsensebuster said on 8/Feb/09
aaron, u say ur 5-7 and 125 lbs. bet u look skinny. that's a girl's weight. no offense, i just say that objectively and so you can understand by comparing your own body that no way bruce is only 5-6. i respect your opinion, but 5-6 is just plain wrong for bruce. my gf is 120 at 5-4 and still pretty shapely and relatively thin, not fat. models 5-7 are around 115 lbs. bruce was 5-7 to 5-8 and 135 lbs on average. he looked trim but not bone thin. at his peak he was 155-160 lbs. he didn't look fat. at 5-6 he would. 5-6 he's not. end of story.
also aaron, how come you started supporting 5-7+ then start supporting 5-6 (again)? reminding me of some psycho way back called electro or morg or whatever... you aren't playin your own devil's advocate are ya? hmmmmmm? ;)
Aaron said on 7/Feb/09
People say 5'8" in not very tall but to stand 5'8" barefoot is taller than alot of people think! I can varify that and I am sure Glenn would agree with me. The only celebreties who are really honest about their heights are women. When you see a woman celebrity claiming 5'8" you can see how tall it really is. With guy celebs like Jason Priestley, Phil Collins, Dermot O'Leary and Ryan Seacrest(who claims 5'9") say they are 5'8" when they are nowhere near it. Glenn has been photographed with the first two and he can verify this. Let's get realistic Bruce was never 5'8" only in his dreams, 5'7" maybe but no way whatsoever, 5'8" it is bordering on ridiculous and please don't start saying I am a hater and try to get me
Banned. This is a HEIGHT page for debating and opinions, not a FAN page!
Jamie said on 6/Feb/09
Actually i have heard Joe is mentioned as 5ft 11 inches even. So i think we have come to realize noone will know to the exact millimetre how tall Bruce was but he was no 5ft6.5 that is a certainty.. Closer to 5ft8 than 5ft7inches if you take the JC and Hatton picture as an example of comparisons.
To say he looked small compared to Bob Wall or Van Williams doesnt cut the mustard because he definately doesnt look smaller than Hatton does compared to JC.
Jamie said on 6/Feb/09
I think Bruce Lee was closer to 5ft8 than 5ft7. In the link is a picture of Ricky Hatton who is supposedly 5ft6.5 to 5ft7. Look at his height compared to supposedly 6ft joe calzaghe. Look how small Hatton looks compared to JC.
Van Williams and Bob Wall who were 6ft2inches didnt make Bruce look as small as JC makes Hatton.
Bruce Lee is not as small as Hatton i would say. Bruce Lee was definately closer to 5ft8. Definately.
Click Here
Aaron said on 5/Feb/09
John Muckle - I agree with you that Bruce would probably beat Ali in a fight which was not under queensbury rules. As to his height, 5'8" standing tip toe maybe!
Brad said on 5/Feb/09
I'm a bozo who went to lots of shows/conventions since '67. My father was in the biz. Relatives too. In a kick anywhere of course Lee would win. Ali wouldn't even bother showing up.Lee had boxing skills, lots of boxing skills. No kicks, reg boxer rules, OMG, 22 seconds and Lee is flat out to Vegas General. I don't follow Ultimate Fighting, I don't know Pacquio if he is in that sport. Thomas Hearns knows Ali was the greatest of all time. Check out his book, Chan is short with lots of people. Lots of average people.
John Muckle said on 5/Feb/09
Brad show some dignity. What does Thomas Hearns know about Bruce Lee? Ali would beat Bruce in boxing we know that. But fights are not fair. There are no gentlemans agreement on what you can or cant do. Bruce would get beaten under queensbury but believe me world champs wouldnt have it easy with Bruce. He was a natural fighter. He might not look like your typical boxeer when fighting. He wouldnt try outboxing a boxer. He would try knock him out and get them out of there. Against someone like manny pacquio i think Bruce would beat him even under queensbury because Pac gets hit. Bruce didnt find it hard to land punches on people and Bruce punched hard and was elusive as a ghost.
But as to Bruces height which is the main topic. 5ft8. I am sure he could stretch his spine to that. He had control over his body man like noother.
Brad you claim you talk to a lot of famous people. Who are you?
glenn said on 5/Feb/09
then chan was never smaller than 5-9 included.he was taller than how much,im not clear.seemed 5-9.with the slouch.
Brad said on 4/Feb/09
Look at the pictures of Chan in his book. He's nowhere near 5' 10.5". I asked Thomas Hearns about Ali vs. Lee. He said Ali would have knocked him out in less than a minute in a fair fight with no kicks to knee, groin, etc.. Look at Lee with Van Williams, he has to look up at him, big.
RisingForce said on 3/Feb/09
I have an Enter The Dragon DVD, I'll go back and watch that scene.
Lucia said on 3/Feb/09
Get a life guys. Bruce Lee was 5ft 8 at most and 5ft7 at least. Whats the big deal? 5ft 7 is relatively small. And 5f 8 is smallish as well.
Brad we know Bruce was not big at all. 5ft7.5 i would not consider big. We know. Stop harbouring the point. But Bruce would beat Ali. Im a girlie and i even know things like that.
But Bruce was kinda cute and hawt.
glenn said on 3/Feb/09
you dont need the pics.just watch the movies.chan was in 3 of movie at least.only one where you see him clearly.and thats obviously enter the dragon.he seemed an inch or two taller than lee.but its very fast.more on the 2 inches.
Brad said on 3/Feb/09
I stand by my comment that Ali '67 would have destroyed Lee in a fight. Ali was very very fast on the counter. At 6' 3" and 60+ pounds bigger he would have rocked Lee off his feet. You have no idea how small Lee was in person. Pictures/films don't do justice to his real appearance, he was not that big at all. Bob Wall saying Lee was 5' 10" is pretty funny.
RisingForce said on 2/Feb/09
5-7.5 for Bruce, no doubt about it. Can anyone find a picture of Bruce and Jackie Chan? That would tell us if Jackie's 5-10.5 claim was accurate.
Aaron said on 2/Feb/09
Please don't get me wrong here. I am not saying Bruce was not 5'7.5" he may well have been, it is just that for some reason he looks short to me. He had the most fantastic physique I have ever seen on any athlete of any height, all muscle no flab whatsoever, yet for some reason he looks short to me. My height on rising is usually, 5'7.25" if I get no sleep which is normal for me, 5'7.5" if I get a few hours sleep and believe it or not if I get a really good sleep my height can be 5'7.75" on rising, however, all this is irrelevant because by the end of the day I have shrunk to 5'7" and I weigh 125lbs, yet people think I am about 5'9" when they see me. I guess if Bruce's daytime height was 5'7.5" I must be shorter than he was yet I would have thought I was definately taller. Just my opinion again.
Aaron said on 30/Jan/09
Like I said Jamie, it is difficult to judge. Perhaps he looks shorter to me because he is nearly always photographed wearing those kung fu slippers, although Brad says he looked short wearing cuban heels! As for next to Bob Wall, well, I doubt I would notice the difference between a 5'6" or 5'7" guy next to one of 6'2" but the mere fact that Bob Wall thought Bruce was 5'10" confirms to me that when these guys state Bruce's height it could be guesswork because even the most devoted fan would have to admit than 5'10" is ridiculous.
I wonder whether those who have said he was 5'7.5" were only going by what Bruce himself said. I mean if I met Bruce and he told me he was 5'8" I doubt I would argue with him whatever I thought. Linda Lee would have known his true height, of that I am certain.
glenn said on 30/Jan/09
i thought i posted to aaron a 3rd time? sometimes the posts who later than you think.
Jamie said on 29/Jan/09
It may well be his opinion that Ali could beat Bruce, but again what has that got to do with Bruces height? When he says things like that, i would say his true feelings and hate are being revealed and his innermost thoughts are being exposed. And his innermost thoughts says he dont like Bruce Lee, whatever he pretends to claim. Claiming he liked bruce is hardly evidence is it and i for one dont believe it at all?
Aaron why would you now go and claim Bruce only looks 5ft6 in his films. He is a little shorter than Chuck Norris so how tall is Chuck Norris? Why would you not think he looks 5ft7.5 in his films because at the end of the day you dont know how tall most of his co stars are that Bruce is standing next to? 5ft 7.5 isnt exactly tall is it afterall. It isnt even average height.
Do you think he looks 5ft6 next to Bob Walls 6ft 2? Bob Wall didnt think Bruce was 5ft6.5. He claimed Bruce was 5ft10 once. I know that is a ridiculous height to make Bruce out to be. But Bob did say it. Unless it was a typing error in the interview i read. And i doubt it was.
Toryboy said on 29/Jan/09
Brad says he is a fan but then dont act like one. He says irrelevant stuff like Ali would kill Bruce Lee and ridiculous stuff like that. I dont even say that to my worst enemy for no reason. If Brad says things like that to people he likes i wouldnt want to be Brads enemy. He must torture them or something nasty.
It is always easy to misjudge peoples heights standing next to people. I was serving a famous person drinks with a silver platter. I was gauging how tall he was. He looked real short so i predicted 5ft 6. I am 5ft 9 btw. He had like high looking trainer type shoes on and i took that into consideration. When i checked his site it had him at 5ft8inches.
Bruce Lee next to his co stars and peers on film and photograph put him at 5ft 7+ at least.
Aaron said on 29/Jan/09
Glenn- Well thank you for not judging me and you know I respect your opinions but Lee being 5'8"? Do you really believe that? My opinion and it is only my opinion, is that if you and he could have stood together, you would have had at the very least a 1" height advantage, although I could be wrong. I do think some of the opinions are a little bias on here. For example, that picture with Lee next to Bolo, because Bolo is listed at around 5'6" everyone on here says there is clearly a 1 1/2" height advantage, probably to prove Bruce was 5'7.5" but I have looked closely at that picture and honestly Glenn, there seems hardly any difference. On the other hand Lee has a picture taken with Norris where he is more or less hoisting himself up with his arm around Norris shoulders, something Lee seemed to do in all the photos he had taken with taller guys, and people on here say, there is barely an inch difference, when the difference in height between Lee and Norris looks greater than that between Lee and Bolo. I am not sure how tall Norris is, some say 5'8" others 5'10", I doubt the latter though. The other tow people whose heights I am never sure of are Cruise and Stallone. I have read several reports that they are both 5'7" yet they can both look around 5'9".
glenn said on 29/Jan/09
aaron-i see that going on here.sure.but i do believe bruce was like me.a 5-8 guy that shrinks to 5-7.well,5-7.25 i wouldnt say i respected everyones opinions if they were absurd.brad claiming bruce at 5-6 or 5-6.5,or whatever he says, isnt absurd.wrong most likely,but not impossible.brad sometimes is on to something when he meets celebs.he is very accurate when he meets them.with some he hasnt met,he's surprisingly gung ho that he is still right.and he admitted he agreed with tons of my estimates.his words.we disagree over stallone and bruce willis mainly.a couple others matt damon.oh,woody harrelson.
Brad said on 29/Jan/09
I just tell the truth about Lee and what I saw. Anybody who says he was of average height is a stone idiot. He was short even in boots right in front of me. I'd rather play with my Hannah Montana beach ball over a fight over an inch. I got a framed Enter The Dragon signed poster by most of the cast right in front of me and all my Green Hornet stuff from '67 in a foot locker with my Batman junk, Famous Monsters magazines, Soupy Sales junk (Soupy on Channel 5 WNEW NYC '66 rocked) and of course Ugly Stickers and Lost In Space cards. Most of the Vegas people are photographers. Celebs are pretty much "goon'd up" by their own chimps & the casino chimps. There are joke guards like Chuck Zito. He can destroy 3 people at once but when you are a convicted felon, you are not going to get much work with lawsuits about "not knowing your guard has a record like a yardstick" after he slips a punch at a photographer. Madonna added a second swing to a tour, she had to...after the net of the tour and the hubby take-out cheese, it left her with not much cheese. Stay single, keep the cheese.
Aaron said on 28/Jan/09
Glen - One thing I have say in Brad's favour on this particular page, is that he did say he was a Bruce Lee fan a while back and on any other celebrity page people can agree and disagree about heights, however, when it comes to the Bruce Lee page, if like Brad you believe he is under 5'7" you are automatically classified as "Bruce Lee hater" and should be
Banned. I am not saying you are one of those people Glenn, because you have always respected peoples views but I think this particular page seems like a closed shop for Bruce Lee fanatics only. You either agree with him being 5.7.5" or you get off the site, period! By all means Glenn, tell me if you think I am being unfair by saying that but that is how it appears to me.
glenn said on 28/Jan/09
i try my best aaron.thank you.
glenn said on 28/Jan/09
it never occured to me his name might be spelled gaye.either way,at 5-7,and the toughest bodyguard to boot,its poor guy all the way.madonna spends most of her time in london like you say.then new york.and vegas just to say she has another must've walked past my friends in the last couple weeks.
Brad said on 27/Jan/09
Poor guy. "Hey Gay". I saw serious bodyguards with Neil Diamond a few nights ago at Encore in Vegas. Must have been Steve Wynn's goons, he was next to him. Madonna still has the serious Tony Montana army around her place on Sunset....and she's never there. That's real protection, protecting your house when you live in London. All I got is a farting/snoring boxer. The old timer Yankee Stadium guys are the coolest. They secure nothing...all they do is tell how Mantle left the stadium with 2 blondes in '66 etc..
Aaron said on 24/Jan/09
Glenn/Brad It is great to see you two talking amicably again. I respect both your opinions and it is good to disagree sometimes, without taking things personally. Well done guys!
glenn said on 22/Jan/09
i wouldve paid money to see video of that! he wore burger and soda that day! i hate all kinds of security except the old men.they never bother me.there is this one guy,about 5-7,black,who is considered the best and most famous of the celeb guards.i know his last name.but if i said it,which i wont,we would be rolling in laughter for ages.and i dont want the guy looking for me.a rough name to grow up with,especially for the top security guy.rhymes with day,and it isnt marvin whats goin on.he is named by his last name the streets.rough.
Brad said on 22/Jan/09
I can't stand security guards. One guy told me I couldn't park on a public street in front of their office building eating a hamburger. He got a hamburger on his shirt with 3/4 of a coke on his head thrown at him. Madonna/Britney/Mariah have serious bad dude security guards. Not bad guys, but bad in quiet & one man army-try it types. I tried to get the Madonna guy to smile so I asked him if Madonna waxes her arms and he couldn't hold back his laughter. Bruce Lee had big overweight Jackie Gleason NYC Irish cops as his bodyguards. Back in the 60's all cops in NYC were 5' 6" guys named Dom or Vin or Irish guys named Mickey looking like a barrel. Hotel guys looked like Art Carney. I wanna meet Scott Baio, most NYC kids looked/acted like him. In Cali they are all plastic surfer dude types. Yo man, like we going to Zuma to hit the tubes bro?
John Soan said on 21/Jan/09
Bruce must have been about 5ft7.5 at least. Norris must have been within touching distance of 5ft10 in his prime, or at least 5ft9. He was a middleweight and that is how tall middleweights generally are. Chuck was competing against the Joe Lewiss of this world.
So Chuck cant have been shorter than 5ft9 at least. And Bruce is maybe an inch shorter. If not an inch and inch and a half at most. Making Bruce short, but not 5ft6.5 short. You get me.
glenn said on 21/Jan/09
thats you let him have it.i let them have it would be surprised how many security guys in new york that are 5-9 or trying to think if there are any shorter than me.and there are! a couple 5-6 guys lurk with 6ft mouths agape.all mouth.walk away when real drama happens.
Brad said on 21/Jan/09
Guess again, every shot of Lee was an up on The Green Hornet....same with Burt Ward. He was real short, so is Burt Ward who ate too many of Aunt Harriet's donuts. I had one try to mouth off at me so I pulled out my Amex Platinum Card and said what type is yours jerk-off, the invisible kind, go watch that door over there, practice for 2010, they could hire a trained chimp to watch that door, etc.. They had to hold him back. Most are short chubby guys with BIG moustaches.
Matt said on 20/Jan/09
Recently I measured my height in a medical clinic and I was 5'6.5" barefoot but I do look 5 7' strongly in normal shoes and more like 5'7.5" to 5'7.75" with dress shoes or boots. Well, If I'm between 5'7" min to 5'7.75" max (not barefoot) then I'm in the range from 5'6.25" to 5'6.75 which is 5'6.5" barefoot. Hope that helps.
glenn said on 20/Jan/09
the younger,the worse they guys that is.
Randy said on 20/Jan/09
"He looks it by all the people he worked with I met. Cameras can trick height. Jack Nicholson/Dustin Hoffman/Al Pacino have amazing cinematographers. John Wayne had the best, they made him look 7' tall. Leone made Eastwood really tall. Don Siegel did the same."
Yet, the one with actual reputation to hold, Joe Lewis, 6'0", suggests, Bruce Lee was 5'7"---so unless you can say anything besides circumstantial evidence like anecdotes, it means little. 5'7.5" still stands. No camera tricks here.
Brad said on 12/Jan/09
Smart mouth security people I've dealt with: "You are a security guard, really? doctor,lawyer, investment banker but you want to stand by this door like a gorilla for a living etc. etc.". Pretty soon they go beserk. Abe Vigoda security guards are okay, it is the bozos who think they are something. Vegas club guys are the worst. All excited to guard a C-list actor or Playboy bunny from 1997.
Brad said on 10/Jan/09
HADD. No, I go 6 days just saying thanks to people taking my money and nothing else. Introvert disorder. You ought to see the phone numbers I don't ask for from hot chicks I throw out. I've used a phone twice in 4 months. oh yeah, Bruce Lee: darker skin than on TV. Camera works better with lighter make-up dressed in black. He told a friend of mine to take out the chewing gum when speaking to him. I forgot about that.This fat kid in a YMCA t-shirt chewing like a cow. That was really funny. He tried to shake his hand but he still had the gum in his hand. God that was funny, even Bruce laughed.
Guy said on 8/Jan/09
HADD= Hyperactive attention deficit disorder.
glenn said on 8/Jan/09
sheldon was straight up retarted(literally).and i dont mean that in a derogatory im around disabled people alot.sheldon was slow.
Brad said on 8/Jan/09
I don't even know what ADD is. The last time I went to a doctor even for check-up or even blood pressure was 1975. The last time I went in a hospital even to visit somebody was the day I was born. Sheldon has ADD, I bet. Gary Lee Boas' book is Starstruck. Mostly NYC candids from the 70's. He didn't get in many cept Frank. 99 cents from Amazon. Get it.
Brad said on 7/Jan/09
Zany. Jon Lovitz: That's it! Zany. Stern has his "Wack Pack" and back then (and probably now at the Ed Sullivan theater) 30 Rock was a real circus but less than 10 people waiting, the same 10. Cromag's wife sounds like autograph dealers in L.A., most could beat me up, and those are the females, the males are 300 pounds each and look like they like ballet or really old ex Hollywood guys with mountains of sigs. I hang out with record collectors, those guys are a wack pack....all they do is think records, most are broke. I'll never forget the young actress, fresh from Letterman running from Fester with 2 chubby er, females (I think) in pursuit...or John Chancellor of NBC-TV news going "You guys are pathetic" as he walked off the elevator. Nowadays most of the scribble getters are pros like Glenn, Alfie (if still alive), Wehrman etc..
Guy said on 7/Jan/09
Brad: do have bad ADD or something.
glenn said on 6/Jan/09
brad-i met his wife or future wife to be many times.old,wrinkly,slightly pudgy,and maybe,a few teeth missing.not to knock on him.everyone in the autograph world is zany in some way.including me.but compared to most in the autograph world,brad and i are stable.
glenn said on 6/Jan/09
i agree jamie.wall looks 6ftish in etd.there is a handshake photo of the 2 of them in the documentaries,out of costume,where wall looks 6ft.but lee might have boots on.
BBB said on 5/Jan/09
Wall's character OHara was supposed to be 6,6 he said in an interview.Whatever Brad. You're the one getting boring and predictable.Jus cos you idolize Ali and get wet dreams about him dont mean u need to knock down Bruce.U totally warped the Lebell story like Derek told it exactly the way Miller and Bleecker fabricate crap.Ali is the greatest boxer of all time but not best fighter...would get smoked in MMA.A kick to the kneecap is all it takes to drop a 300lb man.So what? Losing to Ali ain't something to cry about boxer of alltime.Still dont change Bruces height.And why trash Glenn about being an autograph collector when ur the middle age fanboy who went to one of those crappy movie auctions that pawned off ETD junk?
Jamie said on 5/Jan/09
But when i was watching ETD, i hadnt got a clue how tall Bob Wall was. Because i knew Bruce was around 5ft 7.5 i estimated Bob Wall to be about 6ft to 6ft1 at most by gauging how tall he was compared to Bruce. But now discover Bob is actually 6ft2 makes me think Bruce was definately at leasst 5ft 7.5
glenn said on 5/Jan/09
i just saw more docu-footage,and wall looked 6ft sometimes.not saying he is.
jamie said on 4/Jan/09
BTW Bob Wall is 6ft 2 allegedly. In ETD he definately doesnt look 7 inches taller than Bruce Lee. Which makes the case for Bruce Lee being 5ft8 credible. Hoe can you say Bruce was 5ft6.5?
He dont look that small compared to Bob!
glenn said on 4/Jan/09
long live uncle fester.i asked you on another page how tall was he? 6ft? i haven't seen since 1993 or so and he died around,im a dope.i think he died a decade gonna ask my friend.
Derek James said on 3/Jan/09
Brad are you actually Davis Miller instead of Tom Bleeker? Gene Lebel said Bruce was the greatest. Probably because they sparred at some point and Lebel got taught a lesson on how to fight. Bob Wall was a heavyweight and got beaten by Bruce in seconds he has admitted. Bob Wall couldnt land any kicks or punches on Bruce, so i doubt Ali could land punches. If you want to turn this into a fight forum i will do but you're advized to take it elsewhere.
Bruce would beat Ali at his 5ft 7.5inches in height. You know that though.
And even if Bruce was 5ft 5inches even, it wouldnt make any difference to the outcome, as long as Bruce had the genius brain, strength and speed and other attributes that he had. The height dont mean a thing.
Brad said on 2/Jan/09
Tell that to Van Williams, he threw him in a rage. Lebell's SAG card was saved by BS. You don't throw stars across a stage. Ali would have destroyed Lee with one 20 second dance and flurry. This isn't Marciano vs. Tyson. It is the greatest fighter of all time. A solid right by Ali would lift Lee off the canvas. You watched Enter The Dragon too many times. If you ever had met Bruce Lee, you'd have been shocked how small he was. Ohlinger is a legend. Bought from him in the 70's at lots of conventions. He'd sell 16MM trailers of movies.
Aaron said on 2/Jan/09
Brad - I did think you were a Bruce Lee fan but you definately have a strange way of showing it with some of your comments. I don't the origin of this hypothetical Ali V Lee confrontation but since you keep bringing it up, do you seriously think Ali would have beaten Lee if there were no rules involved and each were allowed to use their own fighting skills? I have tremendous respect for Ali as a boxer, however, personally, I don't think he would have had a prayer against Lee in an open confrontation where Lee were permitted to use his martial arts skills. Seriously now Brad, I suspect you are saying that Ali would whup Lee just to wind people up on this page.
glenn said on 2/Jan/09
brad-jerry(i have the photo with,and is a family friend to my close friend)was near the chelsea hotel in the 90s up until 4 or so years ago.he is now a block down from macys.still chompin that cigar.
Derek James said on 2/Jan/09
I think this Brad guy is actually the guy who married Linda Lee. His book didnt ruin Bruce reputation, so is
trolling the internet to try and do it.
Brad noone thinks Ali would have beaten Bruce Lee and neither do you think that. And Gene didnt throw Bruce. He carried Bruce on his shoulders and ran around the green hornet set with Bruce screaming "put me down or i'll kill you" Gene Lebel said Bruce was the best martial artist of his time BTW. And yes Bruce was 5ft7.5inches still no matter how much you get upset by that. How childish can you get. Crying over an inch. Do you do that to every height of every celebrity over the interenet that you think is wrong? No, i guess you only do it to fighters who are more revered than your own favourite fighters.
Brad said on 2/Jan/09
Hey bozo, Van Williams has shown up at Ray Courts' Show at least three times. Bob Wall, John Saxon, Anna Capri all showed up at a reunion with Warner Bros. people at a Ray Courts Show also. I was right there. Google Ray Courts Show previous guests. Saxon comes back in Feb.. Gene Lebell threw him across the Fox stage....guess who told me: Van Williams. He got him in a judo hold and did what big wrestlers do: throw. Yes I'm around 6' 6" (with a little effect, I'm down to 6' 5.5", I think, yardsticks) Yes I'm a fan. I had his Green Hornet stuff in '67 & his film posters upon release from Jerry Ohlinger's movie store in NYC. Hey Glenn, does Jerry still have his store off Washington Park? Yes I knew my height at that age. Ali would whup Lee and that's a fact. A first round combination from the best fighter that ever lived would stun Lee. Ali is BIG! Lee isn't 5' 8".
Jamie said on 1/Jan/09
BBB very well said and good phycology skills. People always try fooling people about Bruces abilities and skills and try downplay Bruces abilities. But people arent easily fooled.
Trying to question Bruces ability to fight when there is nothing to question.
Bruce is a 5ft 7.5inch legend/god who was/is beyond reproach. And you're right they claim they are fans to make us not be too harsh on them when they utter the rubbish.
glenn said on 31/Dec/08
we all do it derek james.i use to do it.
Derek James said on 30/Dec/08
Ive seen a few shots of Bruce Lee next to Linda. Bruce is a good few inches taller than Linda in all of them.
We dont know how tall linda is. And in the shots i cant see the footwear of Bruce and Linda. But bruce definately has a few inches on Linda Lee.
Derek James said on 30/Dec/08
The thing is about seeing celebrities in real life is that they always look smaller to you than you imagined after seeing them on tv or the big screen.
For instance i was standing face to face with a celebrity last week. I was imagining there height and guessed him at 5ft6 as well by comparing him to me. I hadnt got a clue how tall he was beforehand. When i got home i check celebheights and his own personal website and it had him at 5ft 8 and i was suprised that he was that tall in reality. The thing is people always underestimated peoples heights and im as guilty.
glenn said on 30/Dec/08
the documentaries i watched at home mentioned bruce's height as 5-7,5-7.5 and 5-8.depending on which person spoke.sound like my height.or anyones for that matter.alot of people i talk to lately say,"im 5-7 or 5-8","sometimes im 5-10,sometimes im 5-11".morning and evening heights.
RisingForce said on 30/Dec/08
5-7 1/2 seems to be most likely for Bruce. Chuck Norris is 5-9.
Aaron said on 29/Dec/08
Derek James - Well when Brad first posted on here several years back, he claimed to be a Bruce Lee fan, the only thing he put down Bruce on was his height. I don't understand why he keeps saying Ali would kill Lee though because that is not the issue here. Personally, I think is Ali and Buce were to fight in the ring according to Queensbury rules, there is no doubt Ali would win, however, if it were a case of each of them using there own fighting skills then I think there is no doubt Bruce would win. He would be way too quick for Ali.
Guy said on 29/Dec/08
Bruce did have a brief bulking bodybuilding faze in the late 60's. He got himself up to around 160 -165 for a time. He found the musculature cumbersome for his pursuits and so gave it up shortly after. He was about 155 when he arrived in Hong Kong and around 145 for most of the films after. He was 135 for ETD but cut to ribbons and dipped under 130 just before his death.
Randy said on 29/Dec/08
Brad, I don't see Vaj's posts. So I cannot really say anything, but if you had any sense to look at early pics of Bruce Lee--he looked relatively close to 150lbs. How did Vaj prove it? By using pics of Bruce lee during the "Enter the Dragon"--yeah, that's some evidence. Of course, based on observation he obviously wasn't around [the weight] during the time.
And again, Oscar Dela Hoya is 5'10"---VIDEO DOESN'T LIE. Why don't you watch some of his fights? How about watching him fight Mayweather Jr. who is listed as 5'8" and get back to me.
Brad said on 28/Dec/08
Hey Randy, meet Vaj, he prooved, er proved it. Bruce Lee at over 150 pounds is insane. His Great Dane weighed more than he did. He was lean & mean. Randy should have been at the NY Car Show in '67 or 75+ Ray Courts celebrity shows in Burbank where "Enter The Dragon" had a reunion and Green Hornet had the same years back. 75+ shows times 60+ stars per show is a lot of people to meet if you went to all. Chuck Norris at 5' 10" is a comedy show. Yes Glenn, that picture with Oscar is like with Brad Pitt, like me taking the picture downward. Need straight across.
Aaron said on 28/Dec/08
Derek James - Well the opinion of everyone who ever worked with him is that he was over 5'7" so I suppose they cannot all be wrong.
derek james said on 28/Dec/08
Bruce is a little bit smaller than Norris. About an Inch. If Bruce was more than an inch smaller than Norris it would be very, very noticeable from photographs. But Norris always looks a bit taller. If it wasnt for the fact Norris has a long head and face it would be even a smaller looking difference. Bruce is a long limbed individual that is obvious and clear. He is 5ft7.5. End of discussion.
Aaron said on 28/Dec/08
Glenn-I live in England, born and raised in North London.
Guy said on 28/Dec/08
Its interesting how Chuck Norris is always listed 5'10", everywhere. Not to say I necessarily 100% believe it, but he could easily have at least been 5'9". I think the jury is still out on Norris.
Randy said on 28/Dec/08
Brad, now you really don't know what you're talking about if you think Oscar De La Hoya is not 5'10". Manny Pacquiao IS 5'6.5" and you could clearly see during the "Dream Match" that Oscar had atleast 4 inch height advantage.
And for the record Brad, Bruce Lee didn't always weigh circa 135 lbs. If you bothered to look at early pics, you would know that. 150lbs is not a fairy tale weight that Bruce Lee never attained in life.
glenn said on 27/Dec/08
im not gonna argue about this past this post,i hope,im really not in the mood,but vaj claims oscar is 5-8,and woody harrelson 5-9 and owen wilson at 5-9 sorry,but those are all wrong and i know im inch more on all those guys if im wrong.the pic had with oscar was atrocious to begin with.people shouldnt use me as a measuring stick,but thats all we have.when im measured at around 5-8 in april it wont matter anyway cause certain people will always be set in there ways.oscar at 5-10.5 or whatever his official height is cannot be that off cause that would be againts his other measurements and that would be cant have a 5-8 guy with 5-10 measurements.or a flyweight fighting a heavyweight.yes,oscar can look 5-9.doesnt mean he is.and if he is,he isnt under.
glenn said on 27/Dec/08
where do you live aaron out of curiosity?
Aaron said on 27/Dec/08
Brad- I know you are a Bruce Lee fan from when you first posted on here, which is why I don't want everyone to think that you are a Bruce Lee hater, just because you feel he is only 5'6". If I am to be totally honest and I had never read anything about Bruce's height and was asked to guess, from the movies and pictures I have seen, I would have guessed his height at around 5'6", however, I have never met him and everyone who has ever worked with him seem to be adament he is over 5'7" so who am I to argue. I must admit though, I have heard that rumour of Linda Lee saying he was 5'6" but have never read it. I think Linda Lee is the only person who can accurately state Bruce's real height.
I understand what you are saying regards Glenn, that as he is photograhed with celebrities, their heights are judged on him being 5'8", personally, I cannot see him being less than 5'8" and he should know his own height. When he is measured at least that dispute will be cleared.
RisingForce said on 27/Dec/08
Chuck Norris is atleast 5-9.
I agree Glenn about morning height, there's nothing wrong with it. It's not a lie. Morning height makes the most sense because you're fully stretched out and assuming you sleep well you'll always wake at about the same. Plus waiting until a certain time to measure yourself seems silly.
Brad said on 27/Dec/08
Hey Aaron, you don't get it. People use Glenn's pictures as a height tool. It won't work without a solid height or what is on his feet. Look at him with Oscar De La Hoya and the real deal with a measured Vaj. You've got people who actually think Oscar is 5' 10" which is a comedy line. I hate Bruce's height figure not Bruce. I got an Enter The Dragon poster signed by all the living cast members above the TV and met Kato in '67 and bought every Green Hornet thingy out there back then.
Randy said on 26/Dec/08
Brad you have been unable to make a solid argument other than ANECDOTES.
Brad: "ACG stands for absolutely confused gawker. Good photo of Lee with Norris. Try 1.5" to 2" shorter"
If you weren't perceptive enough you could clearly see Bruce Lee LEANING on Chuck Norris. Do you know Brad, you remind of some on Youtube~ he used a username of Yubheh. He kept on saying "I was there, I was there" as if that was evidence enough to make people believe.
Aaron said on 26/Dec/08
Guy- I am afraid I have to agree with Brad in this instance. That photograph makes Bruce look easily 1 1/2" to 2" shorter than Norris. I am not saying Bruce is anything less than 5'7 1/2" but let us not disillusion ourselves.
Aaron said on 26/Dec/08
Glenn-It is a pity you did not live nearer. I am fortunate to own one of those Secca Height Leicester height measures, used by doctors and insurance companies and I could have measured you straight away. For the record I measure 5'7.5" or sometimes 5'7.75" straight out of bed and lose about half an inch or so as the day progresses. I am on the slim side so people think I am taller than some thick set people of 5'9" however, when I stand alongside them, I am noticably shorter. Seeing you next to celebreties on here I would be quite prepared to believe you are half inch or so taller than me. Personally, I don't see you have anything to prove but if it makes certain people happy then so be it.
glenn said on 25/Dec/08
aaron-its been going on for ages.since i first came on the site.but more so this year for some odd rather not name call who was the biggest catalyst for this.dont need to fight him again.and it isnt brad or viper.if i was so worried about my height i wouldve shown proof of it 3 years ago.can i be wrong about my height? sure.not by much.5-7.5 to 5-8.more on the 5-8 in the morning.and a outstanding point you make.never mind 6ft.its not like im claiming 5-9,which on rare occasion i can look in being honest with a 5-8 morning and i shrink to a low of 5-7.25,12 hours not claiming 5-8 mid day.if people want to look at me as 5-7.5,5-7,thats their business.i claim my morning height and there is nothing wrong with that.especially when i wake in the late afternoon.
EmBe said on 25/Dec/08
straightup Guy. U speak da truth. Ya stfu brad and bruce hatahs. Don't care what u say but if u say u like the man but still perpetuate lies ur still a hatah
Brad said on 25/Dec/08
ACG stands for absolutely confused gawker. Good photo of Lee with Norris. Try 1.5" to 2" shorter. I stood next to Bob Wall and owned him big, he isn't 6' 2".
Guy said on 24/Dec/08
Bruce Lee was 5'7 1/2". Here he is with Bob Wall who is commonly listed as 6'2". In an interview Wall describes himself as 6'1" which is likely the case.
Click HereBob Wall only looks roughly about 5 inches taller than Bruce there. Although we can't see footwear, we can assume by Bruce's shirt he is wearing regular shoes or sneakers rather than Kung Fu slippers. Bob is leaning a bit, but bottom line is a 5'6" guy ain't gonna look like this next to a 6'1"-6'2" guy.
Click HereBob Wall bulked up to 202 lbs for ETD, but by no means looked monstrous next to Bruce in their scenes together.
Click Here Click Here Click HereAnother shot of Bruce with 6'1" Wall and 5'8 1/2" Chuck Norris.
Click HereBruce really only looked 1 inch shorter than Norris.
Click Here Click HereSo really the case for Bruce being under 5'7" are unsubstantiated. In his exercise journals during the 60's he usually listed his height as 5'8". This was likely a roundup from the more precise height of 5'7 1/2" he would later use. Bruce was a perfectionist. He precisely tabulated each exercise regimen as well as the changes to his body through the years. He also exercised at an intensity that was unusual for the era as well as his nutrition and supplement intake. Now if Bruce was exaggerating his height by up to 2 inches, it would throw his whole body composition off and the detailed study analysis over the years would be seriously skewed. There is a big difference between a 5'7 1/2"-5'8" guy whose 145 lbs and a 5'5 1/2"-5'6" 145 lb guy. This is on top of the fact that it was his own personal private exercise log, so he would essentially be lying to himself.
Aaron said on 24/Dec/08
To be honest Glenn, I don't know why there is suddenly this fiasco about having to be measured and proving your height. I mean it is not like you have been claiming to be 6ft plus. If I may be so bold as to ask, who started these rumours that you were under 5'8"? I have never had any doubts and I was not aware anyone else had.
glenn said on 24/Dec/08
thank you aaron.around 5-8.for sure not a hair over.maybe a hair under.
RisingForce said on 24/Dec/08
Brad, of course Sly is shorter than most of his co-stars. Among them are 6-4, 6-5 Dolph Lundgren, 6-6 Hulk Hogan, 6-3 Brian Dennehy, 6-1, 6-2 Carl Weathers, 6-4 John Lithgow, 6-2 Michael Caine, 6-1 Richard Crenna, 6-1 Martin Kove, 6-4 Donald Sutherland, 6-0, 6-1 Brigitte Nielsen, 6-3 Reni Santoni, 6-4 Max Von Sydow, 6-1 Tommy Morrison, 6-3, 6-4 Richard Gant, 6-0 David Caruso, 6-2 Graham McTavish, 6-2 Antonio Tarver and 6-2.5 Matthew Marsden.
The majority will look really short next to those guys. We both agree that Brad Pitt and Burt Reynolds are 5-10 and big time boot/lift guys but they'd look really short if they co-starred with people that size that often.
ACG said on 23/Dec/08
I just read the past few weeks of comments.....I think Brad needs to be served a nice tall glass of stfu.
Brad said on 23/Dec/08
I've met Van Williams 5 times, he isn't 6' 2". Stallone wore lifts in every boot. He's Sly, other actors are always taller than him. In The Green Hornet he wore those heels 24/7. Yes I met Bruce as did a bus of YMCA kids on a day trip to NYC to a car show. We couldn't meet Batman the year before. Somebody told me on the internet Linda Lee said Bruce was near 150 pounds. Oh my god.
Aaron said on 23/Dec/08
Derek James- Fair play, I wasn't sure what footwear Bruce was wearing, so I take your word for it that the footwear had no heel. I saw a video of Bruce and Chuck doing Martial Arts with each other and there did not look much difference in their heights and Chuck was wearing Trainers whereas Bruce only had Kung Fu Slippers. Not sure how tall Chuck Norris is but if he is 5'8.5" as listed on this page then Bruce must have been a legitimate 5'7.5". The only thing which has put doubts in my mind is Brad saying Linda Lee said he was 5'6". Brad is not the first person I have heard say this, however, I have never seen this alleged statement by Linda Lee. I wish I could contact her and find out if she actually said it.
Aaron said on 23/Dec/08
Glenn-There is no doubts in my mind that you are around 5'8", I think the photographs you have had with other celebrities prove that.
glenn said on 23/Dec/08
for banning,constant harassment should qualify too.
glenn said on 23/Dec/08
aaron-im my own therapist.i realised i lost a good thing and decided to change.thankfully its been somewhat a natural progression.not forced.i was
Banned after i told rob i was almost to he beat me to it.for the correct story.but it needed to be done,my banning,so rob and i can learn from it.he needed to control me and others better.i needed to calm down.thank you here for those that appreciate first hand sightings with photo proof.and yes,despite what some believe,im close to 5-8.if not that.i will prove in april.
RisingForce said on 23/Dec/08
Brad says on 22/Dec/08
Take a good look at those slippers. Linda Lee is 5' 6" tops. Norris is owning Lee in that photo and Norris was never 5' 9". Notice Rising didn't mention the giant wedged up custom boots he wears in Rocky movies. Try it Rising, it might change your mind. Dolph isn't wearing things Sly swears by.
You're ignoring facts as always. He didn't wear lifts in the ring in the 80's, maybe he did in 2006 but not then. He wore big heeled black boots in Rocky 1, 2 and 3 but not in the ring.
derek james said on 23/Dec/08
Aaron, the photo with Chuck next to bruce. I know Bruce wasnt wearing heels ive seen the type shoe it was he was wearing. It was a brogue type shoe with no heel. Bruce didnt always wear cuban heels like Brad is making out. The only time i can recall Lee wearing heels are in the 1970's seris of photographs he had taken where he is wearing a loud and leery 70's suit. Dont trust Brad i would say. I doubt he has met Bruce as well. He is only trying to give himself credibity i would say. And to just say you met him, doesnt give you credibility on judging his height anyway.
That pic with Chuck and Bruce is good evidence that Bruce was closer to 5ft8.
BBB said on 23/Dec/08
Van Williams "The Green Hornet" was about as tall as 6'2" Adam West (aka 60s Batman)..........
Click HereWilliams never really dwarfed Bruce Lee aka "Kato" all that much.......
Click Here........if anything Bruce looks 5'10" next to a 6'2"er...........
EmBe said on 23/Dec/08
Bradster's on crack!! How the hell does Stallone's height have anything to do with Bruce's??! And wtf with these cuban heels?!! If Lee can wear them so did anyone else.....Green Hornet, Ali, the fricken Beatles, was the fashion of the times. Brad cant argue himself outta a paper bag
Randy said on 22/Dec/08
Brad unless you actually met Bruce Lee as an ADULT--not as a kid, your judgment is circumstantial while Joe Lewis has said that Bruce Lee was a solid 5'7" making the measurement of 5'7.5" valid.
Brad said on 22/Dec/08
Take a good look at those slippers. Linda Lee is 5' 6" tops. Norris is owning Lee in that photo and Norris was never 5' 9". Notice Rising didn't mention the giant wedged up custom boots he wears in Rocky movies. Try it Rising, it might change your mind. Dolph isn't wearing things Sly swears by.
Aaron said on 22/Dec/08
Glenn- The only thing I think anyone should be
Banned for on here is using vile and abusive language, which to be honest, you were guilty of a while back. Now however, you seem to have got your act together and I am glad because you were so much better than that. I would have guessed you were having anger management because so far on here you have kept your cool through alot of provocation. Don't let people wind you up Glenn, you are needed on this site.
Aaron said on 22/Dec/08
Derek James- In the photograph, Chuck Norris is wearing his martial arts clothing whereas Bruce has a jacket and tie, so there is a strong possibility that Norris is wearing trainers and Bruce is wearing heels, therefore I don't think that photograph counts for much.
Derek James said on 22/Dec/08
Bruce was muscular, but slender of frame. Weighing 10stone dripping wet. His strength feats mean he was 5foot 7.5 as has been said.
Click here.
Click HereAbout an inch shorter than a peak Norris. Making Bruce about 5ft 8
RisingForce said on 22/Dec/08
You're comparing a waist up shot with Schumacher where both have loose posture and their footwear is unknown to a full body shot with Carl Wetahers where he's in slippers?
I guarantee Brad that if the slippers picture showed Sly at 5-8.5, you'd never stop referring to it, but it doesn't. It shows him 2" taller than that.
Lifts in eveyr movie? In msot yeah and very likely in the last Rocky movie but they wouldn't have used camera angles specifically to make Sly look shorter in Rocky 3 and 4 if he wore lifts then. They wanted Rocky's opponents to look as bgi as possible in comparison. That's also why Sly slimmed down a lot for Rocky 3 and 4 because he wanted the fights to have more of a David vs Goliath feel.
Look at this.
"movie magic" to make Dolph 9-10 inches taller.
Click HereAnd now reality. With them equal distances from the camera Dolph is no more than 6" taller.
Click HereDolph is 6" taller and guess how tall he is. 6-4.75......hmmm. 6-4.75 minus 6" equals......drum roll please.
What do you say about that Brad?
Aaron said on 21/Dec/08
Brad, How tall do you think Linda Lee is?
EmBe said on 21/Dec/08
Slope or no slope that's not a 5'6" man standing next to Chucky!
glenn said on 21/Dec/08
rob and i
Banned you.yes,it was my initially,but he said he was fed up with you too.i wanted you back as well.
Brad said on 21/Dec/08
Rising is correct on those heights. Glenn is more honest? I could answer that, but you'll have to go summer posts for the details. Sly wears lifts in EVERY movie. "Shoulda not worn those shoes bro". Rising thinks I'm the only person who says Sly is 5' 8.5". Keep dreaming Rising. Mama Stallone has never been 5' 6" in her life. That slippers photo is a farce. The guy is the same height as Schumacher but then in slippers he's almost Weathers' height. No Glenn, you
Banned me. Lee is getting owned by Norris in an airport shot and he's always the same height or 1/2" taller as his wife who has never been 5' 7".
glenn said on 21/Dec/08
aaron-well almost 2 years actually.i joined 3 years i might be off.i tried to be friends with brad many times.then it starts with him commenting on posts with "thats ridiculous" or that im "5-6.5".he can live free on the site without having to comment on me.we get along fine sometimes,even now on other pages.but whats with his cruel comment? thats a little disturbed if you ask me.since he always picks on me and they were picking on him here,i decided to have fun.of course that is never good idea cause as rob says,it gets them more nuts.but am i to stay a silent fool? i had my fun done fighting with brad i hope on this sure in the very near future there will be another fight on another page.again,i always said i liked him and his witty posts.except when he starts picking on me.thanks for the support aaron and your words.
Aaron said on 21/Dec/08
Glenn. I didn't realise it had gone on as long as three years. You and Brad seem like really great and intelligent guys to me. Without Brad the page would not be so interesting and without you and your contributions Glenn, there probably wouldn't be such an informative page in the first place, a pity you haven't been able to settle your differences amicably. Life is too short for animosity, especially over something so minor as having different opinions on heights.
glenn said on 21/Dec/08
aaron-why dont you ask brad? this has been goin on for 3 years now.rob
Banned him.i let him back.he kept posting under different names and pcs for a year.constantly bashing me.cruel at he says.big man,tough talk hiding in front of a computer.he cant take it if i shoot back,but he is allowed to dish it first? like rob said,they only get angrier when confronted.the nutty ones.why would rob let his post go through anyway is beyond me.supposedly there was an edit of the cruel stuff.real cruel is in ones face.word up.
glenn said on 21/Dec/08
this is the man that rob has let roam on the so cruel.ha.what could i could we all.nobodys perfect.
glenn said on 21/Dec/08
why be cruel brad? was i ever cruel to you? more jokes on me struggling to make money in the rain? wow,you do have issues.your finally getting angry because others are ganging up on you that are on my side.its over for now brad.lets move proved yourself to us won.
Colin Firth said on 21/Dec/08
Brad you know Bruce is 5ft 8inches so stop lying. How would John Saxon know his height btw? Did he measure Bruce Lee? John Saxon probably dont know his own height let alone Bruces.
Bruce may have been 5ft6.5 on the mortuary slab and that is all the admission you are going to get Bradley.
Brad said on 21/Dec/08
That slippers photo is a joke. He gets owned by his 5' 9" wife at an open air shopping mall and he's literally almost Weathers' height in slippers. Yeah, I got head issues, like I'm the only person on this site who thinks that he's under 5' 9", guess again. Hulk Hogan says 5' 8" flat. He'd laugh at Rising. You spelled counseling wrong. I agree with your second paragraph. Who said I hated him, I shook his hand and said he was great. His near 5' 8" is insane. Tell Bruce to get off the slope with Norris who was never 5' 9" in his life. 5' 9.5" in every scene of The Green Hornet, oh please.
Anon 2 said on 21/Dec/08
Be a man Brad, and stop blaming everything on Glenn and lashing out on him. Everyone is hacking you down not because of what Glenn has told us, we didn't need him to tell us you had head issues, it was just blatantly obvious from all the goofy things you've said. How typical - to not take account for yourself when things go south, needing to lay it all out on someone else like Glenn but NOT yourself. You got some serious emotional baggage Brad, I think you need some professional counselling, lol.
In addition to contributing to martial-arts and asian cultural awareness and breaking steroetypes, don't forgot that Bruce pretty much almost single-handedly took the whole martial-arts movie-making and cinematography to light-years above where it was before him. Even for a while after his death, all the movies immediately succeding him were light-years behind for years until later on in the 80's when came along Jackie, Jet, wire-technology, speed-ramping film to speed up hits, better hit sound-effects, cg special-fx and the masterful choreography of master Yuen Wo-Ping who could even make Keanu Reeves look good in The Matrix. Bruce was way ahead of his time on many levels. So to all the haters, no he was not an invincible fighter, but he was certainly in the top percentile and has done monumental things for martial-arts, asian-culture and the martial-arts film genre. Even to this day, he's admired by people from Sugar-Ray Leonard to Tito Ortiz.
As for Bruce's height, one thing I'll add is that there was a "healthy Bruce Lee" and an "unhealthy Bruce Lee" during the period just before his death and during the filming of ETD. Before his death, he faced monumental stress, lack of sleep, weight-loss, didn't eat much and didn't have much time to train. I think that at this point in his life he was a flat 5-7 daytime height and 5-7.5 morning and weighed around 128lb, but was probably the rippest then. However, Linda Lee said Bruce's peak health and fitness period, was I think, around the filming of "Way of The Dragon" where he weighed like 145-150lb. At this point in his life, he did seem to be a legitimate 5-7.5 and 5-8 morning height. I recall that during this period, there were a few pics where he was practically just a hair less than 5-9 Chuck Norris like this one:
Click HereThat's all I gotta say on Bruce and his height, happy holidays and 2009 to y'all. God bless Brad!
RisingForce said on 21/Dec/08
Glenn is 5-7.75, 5-8
Sly is 5-10.5, 5-10.75
Bruce is 5-7.5, 5-8
It was already proved that the Weathers picture wasn't that good because Carl was closer to the camera(making his head seem abnormally large) plus Weathers was atleast in dress shoes or possibly the 2" heels that were so popular in the 70's. Sly was in very flat shoes. Even with all of those advantages including the camera advantage Sly came up to Weather's eye level(4.5")
Now here is a picture that is as clear as day.
Click HereWeathers was 6-1.25, 6-1.5 and Sly is 5-10.75. Weathers is in flat sneakers and Sly is in slippers. No mystery as far as footwear.
So once again for those that aren't smart enough to figure it out(not naming any names).
Glenn is 5-7.75, 5-8
Sly is 5-10.5, 5-10.75
Carl is 6-1.25, 6-1.5
Bruce is 5-7.5, 5-8
Brad said on 20/Dec/08
Nice edit.
Aaron said on 20/Dec/08
Glenn, Brad, what is it with you two guys? Why has this got so personal? Can't we just agree to disagree without getting so personal?
Brad said on 20/Dec/08
You come at me with garbage, I'm in your face, and I'm pulling punches. I could be so cruel it wouldn't be funny. Bruce Lee is 5' 6". Saxon will tell me in Feb. & his height. Look at Lee staring up at Van Williams, in Cuban boots. His wife said 5' 6".
glenn said on 19/Dec/08
you make no sense brad.your reaching.scraping.and it have nothing left but hot see what a messed up person you are? you pick on me all the time,yet when i want to speak up and defend myself,you cant take many times i stay silent?.i said,and rob said many times to leave me alone.yet you persist.had you
Banned.and it was i that wanted you back,and allowed your return.yet you stab me in the back yet again and again.the tensions you,vaj,and a couple others lead to my banning too.this time i keep the cursing and insults in check.give it a rest brad.we would get along fine if you didnt pick on me rob said,you cant win,cause if you fight the
trolls it only gets them more mad.well,i dont stay quiet for long.people hear on this page smelled your crap,called you out on it.i pounced,and you cant deal with a man.i sure was.i got my ass handed to me when i was
Banned.learned my didnt.i still doubt.but not as harsh.
Brad said on 19/Dec/08
Glenn measured himself and said he was 5' 7". He said he was walking around with a bag of crap to get signed all night. That's his living. At least Anon2 has Sly's height correct at 5-8.5". Weathers owned Sly by a mile in the line-up photo. Hey Glenn, time to go to work, grab that bag, snow boots, maybe an umbrella, some Portmans work well in deep snow. File under Nas or Too Short.
glenn said on 19/Dec/08
amen to everything you said anon 2.brad just today lied and said i admitted i was 5-7 on the stallone page just to get his point across.he also said they faked stallone(in slippers) looking 5-10.75 next to a 6-2 carl weathers using mgm movie you see what i had to put up with for 2 years now.go to the stallone page for a good laugh.
Ayaz Zuberi said on 18/Dec/08
Always saying Bruce is wearing cuban heels. Whos to say Green hornet wasnt wearing 3inch heels, and the same for everyone else in the Green hornet?
Bruces skinny frame means he couldnt be very short and weigh on average 135lb to 145lbs.
Plus when you add Bruces amazing strength to the equation, your talking about a guy who was just below average in height. Bruce was a short guy no doubt about that.
Anon 2 said on 18/Dec/08
Lol, like Saxon tells Hans in ETD, Brad "you're straight outta a comic book". So if height ain't enough to mask your insecurites, you gotta now flash around the good ol wallet and cheque book. Classic move by the dweebs who hit on my wife when we were single, dudes without a clue on how to talk to women and ppl in general. A real class act you are indeed, Mr. Brad.
For the record, I believe Sly is 5-8.5 to 5-9.5 and Bruce is 5-7 most the time, 5-7.5 morning height. But not a hair under 5-7. 5-8 may have been a possibility on the best day of his life, but I'll say probably not. Lol, if I was a "little guy" I'd probably try to bring their heights DOWN actually, to show that "little guys like me" can achieve a lot more in life than tall underachieving bitter old men who have nothing but their height and rich friends. And I'm slightly above average height, thank you very much.
And Bruce Lee is not the greatest fighter of all time, I'll agree. Don't anyone get me wrong. I'm not a Bruce Lee worshipper or an Ali hater by any means. I know Bruce wasn't invincible either...and he IS dead so it's kind of pointless to speculate on this and that about him. BUT I admire him a lot and feel that he made a great deal of contribution to martial arts and cultural awareness. I've looked up to him as a great example (NOT an idol). Out of my respect for him I just don't like to see people saying false things about him. If you don't like him for whatever reason, you're of course entitled to your opinion. But keep your facts straight at least. There are plenty of documented instances that show that he had legitimately great skill. Those are the facts, plain and simple. My problem with many of the harsh critics of Bruce Lee is not the fact that they don't like him, but the fact that much of their biases are based on half-truths and minced words. Quoting fake facts like some mysterious book or Linda Lee saying her husband was 5-6, or John Saxon being only 5-9, are prime examples.
You're probably like twice my age but half my maturity level Brad. Geez, like someone said below, bless you indeed, may God help you!
Aaron said on 18/Dec/08
Brad. Find me Linda Lee's address and I will write to her and we will settle this debate once and for all.
Brad said on 18/Dec/08
Ayaz should be a height moderator, if they are less than what they think, ban them. Ban Bruce's wife. Bruce was never 5' 7" in his life, he'd be close to 5' 10" on The Green Hornet in boots and he never comes close reading these heights listed here. He's looking up at everybody in every episode.
Colin Firth said on 18/Dec/08
But why would anyone say Bruce is 5foot 6.5inches when every source of information ive seen, like most here, says Bruce was from 5foot 8 to at least 5foot 7.
How do the people come to the conclusion Bruce was 5ft 6.5. He is at least an inch taller than Bolo who is 5ft 6. The thing is Bruce Lee in all his films is wearing kung fu slippers. There is not at one point in any of his films he is wearing cuban heels or whatever you call it. Bruces co stars mostly are not wearing kung fu slippers, so Bruce will look shortish.
Aaron said on 18/Dec/08
Ayaz Zuberi. I think Bruce was probably around 5'7.5" so I agree with you on that point, however, it is unfair for you to assume that everyone who thought he was under 5'7" is a Bruce Lee hater and should not be permitted to state their view. One of the things I love about this page is people having different opinions of which everyone is entitled. On the subject of Bradd, I find some of his posts quite interesting just as I do yours, Glenn's and everyone else's on here.
glenn said on 18/Dec/08
lets not forget brad picks on me at least a couple times a week here on the.if not near daily.always some wiseass remark.go to the stallone page now to see.always assumes and knows everything about me.its ashame cause almost weekly ill state that i like the glad and im hootin an hollerin you guys are lettin it rip on him.he deserves it.had him
Banned once.the tensions that he and a couple others led to my banning once too.couldnt control my anger and rob never told me to calm down.anyway thats history.bruce was 5-7ish at worse.most likey 5-7.5.maybe a hair under 5-8 like me and tom least brad is entertaining and intelligent unlike other headaches i had here.
Ayaz Zuberi said on 17/Dec/08
Rob if Brad posts again dont let his post been seen. In actual fact if anyone states Bruce as anything less than 5ft7 they are Bruce haters, so you know not to allow them to have their say.
Bruce was at least 5ft 7, but more like slightly taller.
Brad said on 17/Dec/08
Anon2 is one of these little guys thinking Sly is about 5' 11" and Lee close to 5' 8". Somebody said Lee was the greatest fighter of all time or something like that. Total crap. I'm knocking their heights not their greatness. If you think I'm going to sit around and believe Lee is around 5' 10" in boots yer dreaming. Glenn thinks I'm underachieving? Last time I checked I was in Rancho Mirage California with millionaires to the right of me and jokers to my left and stuck in the middle with you on a computer after a quick 18. Stealers Wheel borrowed.
Jamie said on 17/Dec/08
I did read somewhere that John Saxon was 5ft10 once upon a time.
Yeah i would agree that Brad is talking rubbish about Bruces height. I think Brad has even dreamed he met Brucce once before.
Bruce was just shy of 5ft8inches i would say. Closer to 5ft 8 than 5ft 7 anyway. Why are people talking Bruce v Ali here anyhows? Leave that for fight forums, but we know Lee would beat Ali at 5ft6 or 7 or 8inches anyhows.
I would agree Brad is probably very tall and it is just his ego speaking. Bless him.
Anon 2 said on 16/Dec/08
Brad has a tough time accepting that little to average men can achieve a lot despite their height. From what Glenn has said in this and the Sly thread, Brad seems to be this bitter old underachieving 6-5 dude who takes pleasure in
trolling the greatness of "little" guys like Bruce Lee or Sly Stallone. Perhaps insecure taller people have a tough time accepting that height is all they got, and take pleasure in hacking down shorter successful men, picking at the one thing they have no control over - their height. Insisting that Ali can wax Bruce despite not having to do with anything height related shows his need to state the superiority of taller people like himself... can anyone say "inferior complex"? And John Saxon has lost a lot of height, used to be like 5-11 in ETD, but shrunk to around 5-8.5 today at the age of 70.
Aaron said on 16/Dec/08
Ali and Lee were both superb fighters in their own styles. I haven't a clue who would win in an encounter, however, as Ayaz Zuberi said, this is height page, why discuss who would win a fight?
Brad said on 16/Dec/08
5' 7.5" is a joke. That makes Saxon 5' 10.5". Ali would have lifted him off the canvas with left upper cuts alone. Even Lee would agree he'd lose. Look at him on The Green Hornet, if you think that's close to 5' 10" next to Van Williams (in Cuban boots) you are insane.
Ayaz Zuberi said on 15/Dec/08
Brad time to stop lying and thinking Bruce was 5ft6 and also that you think Ali would beat Bruce when you know he wouldnt.
Stop talking about Ali v Bruce anyway. We are discussing Bruces height here, which we have all concluded is 5ft 7.5inches.
Brad said on 15/Dec/08
Ali/Clay would knock him out with the first flurry. 9" taller and almost 100 pounds is a building. He'd lift him off the mat with the against the ropes body shots.