Adan Martinez said on 8/Sep/23
Just watched her on black mirror and I honestly thought she was 5’9 or 5’10 wow I did not expect 5’6.5 at all!
Tall Sam said on 10/Jun/22
She’s almost as tall as her dad. Recently held up pretty well near Laura Dern but I’d guess Bryce was sporting bigger footwear.
chad michaels said on 16/Dec/21
Hello Rob,
How much do you think Bryce weighs here?
Click Here

Editor Rob
Could look over 160lbs there
Tajaun said on 21/Mar/21
I should believe this MisterManletMick is the infamous Michael Klump. Speaks in a very similar way. He even calls himself a manlet and uses the word 'mediocre', a dead giveaway.
MaskDeMasque said on 22/Feb/21
I'm guessing you are
troll. 5'7 is around 80th percentile for a woman. That's tall. If you are taller than 80% of your gender, how is that close to average?
Jdubbz said on 18/Nov/20
@Gyan Lee:
She's like a taller, better looking version of Jessica Chastain.
Gyan Lee said on 14/Nov/20
@Bobby Oh bro LOL do not be suprised at all how many people either lie about their heights or do not even know how to measure properly. A lot of these 170cm and 175cm guys are not even at these heights if they were to press down all the way during height measurement. A legit 170cm will not feel short at all, let alone 175cm lmao.
Gyan Lee said on 14/Nov/20
Looks legit 170cm to me. Anyway her facial aesthetics outweight her height and body enormously. One of the best facial features I have ever seen on both male and female. She looks like a real life doll.
Jam Cherry said on 17/May/20
I think she’s 170 cm or a full 5’7” she’s pretty tall
Bobby 5'10 (178cm) said on 19/Mar/19
What's this nonsense I'm reading that 5'7 isn't on the tall side for a woman? It is. The average woman I see on campus is like 5'3. You're telling me that a woman of Bryce's stature is common? It really is not. She definitely looks above average for a woman. If you're a guy and you feel short at 5'9, then you're probably not even 5'9. A legit 5'9 will feel average height. Neither tall nor short.
Nik said on 15/Feb/19
It's fascinating that the average vote is 5 ft 6 7/8!
Some of the comments on this page are very interesting!
Yang (5ft 8 Chinese men) said on 13/Feb/19
She is indeed 5footer 6 half tall when she was standing with her fellow ginger actress Nicole Kidman and hugging Nicole Kidman as Bryce was stading around Kidman's eye level. You know Kidman is 5ft 10 half. (Both were wearing upheel shoes during the events back in 2016 called 2016 Toronto Int'l Film Festival). Presumably similar range with Angelina Jolie!!!!!
Michael 5'10", 178 cm said on 9/Jan/19
She is not the full 5'7", so the height you have her listed as is good for right now. She didn't look that tall in Jurassic World. Bryce Dallas Howard is 5'6 1/2".
MAD SAM said on 25/May/18
Very pretty actress, 170-171 cm seems legit
lee168cm said on 18/Jan/18
You should add Jurassic world to her credits great film. But yeah 5'6.5 looks right. About 4-5 inches shorter than Chris Pratt in heels in that film
5'11 will be peak height said on 5/Jan/18
A solid 5'6167.6cm if Chris is 187cm.
Tamberlain said on 7/Dec/17
Would've put her at 5'7", at least.
MisterManletMick said on 20/Sep/17
irshgrl500 said on 1/Oct/07
Alice said on 29/Aug/06
5'7" isn't really that tall anyway.
It is 3" taller than the Average height of 5'4" for American and British women. 5'7" is on the Tall side.
5 ft 7 isn't that tall at all, even for a woman, go to a large shopping centre and you would find that 5 ft 7 is a very common height and people are on average taller than you think, in the past year I lost count of the amount of people that were over a head taller than me (I am a little over 5 ft 9) which would make them around 7 feet tall , a extreme example but it just shows that what is statistically "above average" doesn't necessarily translate to a impressively tall height that turns head and makes you go "wow he/she is soooo tall", believe me if you live in Australia like me or places where people are on average similar height like the US or Canada and go to any shopping centre or large city compare your height to the people around you and I can guarantee you that people are way taller than you think and 5 ft 7 while statistically tall for a woman is not very tall and with all due respect is mediocre just like how being a 5 ft 11-6 ft 2 man is despite actors of that height being called "tall dark and handsome" when they barely reach the start of being tall in their magic lifts.
MisterManletMick said on 20/Sep/17
probably 5 ft 4 and a half, she looked short (almost a head shorter) next to Chris Pratt in Jurassic World and she was wearing her famous 3-4 inch heels that she was running around in during the entire movie, also she has obviously short legs (many people think her legs are long but there is a difference between having slim athletic legs and long legs even though they can look similar) and for most people most of our height comes from our legs.
I doubt she is taller than 5 ft 6.

Editor Rob
I don't think Bryce would be as short as 5ft 4.5, you can see her with
Ashley Greene, who in person I don't think looked much under 5ft 5...she's comfortably taller than Ashely.
Chris said on 7/Jul/17
Solid 5'7".
Jaime said on 1/Jan/17
Met her at comic con. I'm 5'5 and she had a good 2 inches on me
Bulldog said on 28/Jun/16
She does seem to have long legs. Regardless, her body in that scene in Manderlay is absolutely flawless!
ilovetallwomen said on 11/Feb/16
She's surprisingly tall. Thought she was the same height as her doppelganger Jessica Chastain. Gorgeous girl
Jones said on 19/Aug/15
Thought she was 5'8, always looked tall to me.
mike said on 1/Jun/15
Woooow, no way, she's no taller than 5'6 i'm sure of this! Look how jeremy renner is 2 inches taller and you have him at 173cm
Mikey T said on 28/Jan/13
She's 5'6". Watch 50/50 she looks 5'6" next to Joseph Gordon Levitt who's 5'9"
Heat said on 20/Mar/11
174cm for her
jtm said on 1/Feb/11
tobey would be lucky to be 5'7.
yup said on 19/Dec/10
in spiderman 3, thers a scene wher peter parker dated gwen stacey to a pub(wateva u wanna call it) n eddy saw it from their back.....that scene shows that peter(Tobey) was wearing lifts while stacey(Bryce) was not wearing heels but a normal i duno wat u call it, shoes ?? wateva it is, it prolly look like her shoes only heightened her height 1 or 1.5cm......on a whole, Bryce walking beside Tobey(5'7 or 5'8) does clearly shows that the stated height above is roughly correct, well at least on the surface its correct, but to be exact and percise then i'd say Bryce doesnt stand more than 5'8, thats for dismissed
Sashank said on 27/Jun/09
I saw stills of christian bale standing head to head with her in T4 and she definitely look 5'8.5 to 5'9
Josh.J said on 21/May/09
i've seen the production still of the new terminator and for the life of me i cant see 10+cm between them.
Clay said on 13/May/09
Phoenix wears lifts, that's why looked taller in The village.
Clay said on 13/May/09
Height is not dependent on the height of your parents. It can follow your grandparents or great grandparents. I myself followed my grandparents rather than my parents. Also just because her dad is onl 5'9 it doesn't mean he didn't have the height potential to be taller, it could mean that other factors prevented him from reaching his maximum height potential.
myspace celebrity said on 2/Nov/07
shes was slightly taller than tobey in spider man 3 so 5'7.5 is good
irshgrl500 said on 8/Oct/07
Hey Glenn,
Have you met Bryce? If so, what do you think? She does seem to have long legs which gives the appearance of being on the taller side. She also looked fairly slim in "The Village" which also gives the appearance of being taller.
glenn said on 1/Oct/07
thanks irshgrl.
irshgrl500 said on 1/Oct/07
Alice said on 29/Aug/06
5'7" isn't really that tall anyway.
It is 3" taller than the Average height of 5'4" for American and British women. 5'7" is on the Tall side.
irshgrl500 said on 30/Sep/07
Ok, on The Internet Movie Data Base, under Bryce Dallas Howard's profile, there is a section for photos. There is a photo of Bryce and Paul Giamatti taken while filming "The Lady in the Water". The shot is from a slight distance but shows the two actors, full length, while standing (next to a pool) facing one another, and Bryce is barefoot. Paul's head is slightly, and I mean slightly, tilted forward, and Bryce appears to be 2 - 2 1/2" shorter than Paul. Paul's height is listed at 5'8 1/2", and I think that's pretty accurate (LOL, this one time!). So, Bryce is probably 5'5 1/2" - 5'6".
Rob and Glenn, I vote to revise her height down to 5'6".
Keep up the great work, guys! You're the best!
irshgrl500 said on 30/Sep/07
There is NO WAY Bryce is 5'7" (It says she's 5'8" on The Internet Movie Data Base). Like a few of you have mentioned, she looked a few inches shorter than 5'8" joaqin phoenix in the village (and I am not sure he's actually 5'8"), and her Dad is only 5'9". Also, on her mom's height, in pictures standing next to her 5'9" Dad, Bryce's mom is shorter than her Dad. 5'9" Dads and even SHORTER Mom don't NORMALLY produce 5'8" or 5'7" daughters. If they do, it is VERY RARE!
I am 5'8" and my Birth-Father is ALMOST 5'10" but my Birth-Mother was 5'10 1/2".
In Bryce's case (her Dad is almost the same height as mine)her mom is WAY TOO short to have produced a 5'8" girl!
wow said on 3/Jul/07
yea she did look shorter than joaqin phoenix in the village but then again a lot of actors that are under 5'10 wear lifts to them appear taller
alice said on 29/Aug/06
its just in the paper they met her at a paris cafe and i don't know if they just took her word for it or did comment on her being tall in the flesh, but to be honest 5'7" isn't really that tall anyway.
F1 said on 6/Aug/06
You know, now that I think of it, she could have been 5'6" and she was wearing flats when I met her. I think most things she does for publicity she's got two inch heals on.
F1 said on 6/Aug/06
There is no way she is 5'7". A friend of mine introduced me to her in NYC and she was about 5'4" tops.
alice said on 31/Jul/06
I recently read a magazine from the daily telegraph (uk paper) and it said she is tall (5ft7in), slender... so I'm guessing she must be tallish or on the tall side.
shay said on 26/Apr/06
woa,thats imposible,cuz joaquin phoenix is 5ft8,an shes like 5ft4 when she stands next to him,she doesnt look as tall as 5ft8
absolution said on 24/Jul/05
i read a small biography of her and it says that she´s 173cm.
but in the village, she look quite shorter than joaquin phoenix, who is about this height.