Sandy Cowell said on 6/Sep/23
I saw her yesterday and she had a real treat in store for her Cellar Dwellers: The Prince of Darkness, with Donald Pleasance, Victor Wong and even Alice Cooper. The second film as well as the third looked very good but I was too tired to see more than half the second, but I have a feeling I knew how the plot would turn out.
Now I’m looking forward to Friday’s helpings…..
Hooray for Caroline Munro!
Sandy Cowell said on 5/Sep/23
I’ve SO missed watching Caroline’s Cellar Club, but now, as one of the three huge workmen who came last week, all of whom were around 6ft4 or so, offered to tune in my new 32” TV, which I can’t even lift, I’ll be able to see Caroline again, which I very much look forward to.
5ft7 peak and 5ft6.25 today. 😊💐
Sandy Cowell said on 28/Apr/23
I know I’ve something to watch because the beautiful Caroline wil be introducing EVERYTHING!
I couldn’t get much much better than that, could I? 🥰
Sandy Cowell said on 7/Apr/23
Yeeeaaah! This girl never lets me down! I’d had a rather unfortunate evening, cheered up by a long natter with Nik over the phone. Then I went next door and trod - barefoot - in some cat plop! After having washed my feet and changed the litter trays, I remembered that Caroline was on, and even better than that, she’s showing ‘The Legacy’, starring Roger Daltrey, Katherine Ross and Charles Gray. How exciting, especially as I haven’t seen it for a while.
Thank you Caroline, and thank you Nik for the great chat!
This is a seriously creepy film….. 😳
Sandy Cowell said on 25/Mar/23
After watching Caroline’s intro last night, The Devil Rides Out was all the more enjoyable. The actress said it’s one of her favourite Hammer films; it’s one of mine likewise. Writer Dennis Wheatley was adamant that he got the message through to his readers that the black arts are DANGEROUS. I’ve actually seen what meddling in them can do, but I never even remotely felt tempted as I have my faith.
Christopher Lee said in an interview that there was no better authority on the left hand path ‘arts’ and its dangers than Wheatley, who was Christopher’s friend, and he was very pleased with his performance in The Devil Rides Out. As I grew up, having seen it as a pre-teen youngster, Le Duc de Richleau became my favourite of Christopher Lee’s characters.
I’m glad Caroline rates this amazing film too!
Sandy Cowell said on 24/Mar/23
I have reason to believe that on Caroline’s Cellar Club, she’ll be showing her fans the Dennis Wheatley movie ‘The Devil Rides Out’, which has Christopher Lee, Leon Greene, Charles Gray and Patrick Mower among its cast members. It was made in 1967 and released in 1968. I saw it while still very young and it scared the cr@p out of me like nothing else!
Caroline speaks about Christopher Lee with such affection, and I can’t imagine anyone who ever met him not to feel the same.
Sandy Cowell said on 5/Mar/23
I turned my TV on a few minutes ago and Caroline was on. That was a nice surprise! She was starring in At The Earth’s Core, and looked quite tiny next to Doug McClure.
Sandy Cowell said on 25/Feb/23
Last night on Caroline’s Talking Pictures Cellar Club, her first offering was the Richard Burton movie, Doctor Faustus. It’s about a man who sells his soul for the usual Earthly pleasures. As I was bursting to see Mindscape again, I though it sounded good enough to order a copy, which arrives tomorrow….
Caroline’s taste in films is always fantastic, and I would like to see Richard playing such a part.
5ft7.25 peak and a half inch drop for today.
Sandy Cowell said on 25/Jan/23
I couldn’t think of a nicer way of seeing my birthday in than by watching the lovely face of Caroline Munro at 12 tonight!
Sandy Cowell said on 16/Jan/23
💐🎂🥳🎁 Happy Birthday Caroline! 🎁🥳🎂💐
Many Happy Returns to lovely Caroline Munro!
You’ve given me reason to look forward every week - and now you’re on Talking Pictures twice a week, it’s doubly nice!
I’ve bought many of the films that you’ve shown, plus 4 more of yours as well. Some of your older films are difficult to get hold of, but I’ll persevere….
5ft7.25 peak and 5ft6.75 now. XXXXX
Have a very happy, healthy new year!
Sandy Cowell said on 15/Jan/23
Would you like a quotation from My Boyfriend’s Back? You would? Okay then!
“I didn’t kill him - I just ate him!”
I’d like to see this from the beginning some day….
Sandy Cowell said on 13/Jan/23
This film (My Boyfriend’s Back) is just WILD! 😂🤣😂
A guy sneezes and his nose goes flying! Then his girlfriend picks it up and places it back on his face! (See Fig A)
Fig A: 👃💨 🙁
Understandably, she makes a hasty retreat afterwards….. (Check out Fig B)
Fig B: 🏃♀️……..
Yes, Caroline has a great sense of humour to select this for her Cellar Dwellers, of which I’m proud to say I’m one. 👍🏼
I missed the beginning, having to try to hoist my drunken brother up to help him into a cab, but he promptly backed into me and I fell backwards into the table, so my efforts were fruitless!
I’m going to make it a House Rule NEVER, EVER to disturb me when I’m watching Caroline…..
Sandy Cowell said on 13/Jan/23
The gorgeous, beautiful Caroline is on TWICE a week, with a slot on Tuesday as well. That’s how popular she is, and quite rightly so.
The actress has just introduced the 1999 film, Ravenous, with Robert Carlyle and Guy Pearce, which she’s told us is loosely based on 19th Century fact, from the American Civil War.
Well, I never knew that! 👌🏼
Sandy Cowell said on 26/Nov/22
One of the films, the first one to be exact, that the lovely Caroline had lined up for us last night was ‘Haunted’. It’s a movie I hadn’t seen since the late 90s/early 2,000s, when it was on TV and I recorded it, if I remember rightly.
This lady has one excellent taste in films! I’d been looking forward all week to seeing this, as I knew how good it is. As haunted house tales go, this is one of the very best, with sadness and eeriness in equal measure. If I had to liken it to another film which centres round the subject, it would have to be ‘The Others’, as both have similar shocks in store at the end.
Well done, Caroline! 😁🌹
Sandy Cowell said on 14/Oct/22
I was SO worried today because I didn’t know whether my newly purchased aerial would work, and that would have meant missing my beloved Caroline Munro tonight, but work it does, and now I will be able to see what she has on offer for us later, which is always magnificent! 👏🎬
I’m so happy! AND I can see the Soaps. Last night, I watched a film Caroline recommended to fans of her Cellar Club called ‘Burnt Offerings’. It has a sensation of a cast, including Oliver Reed, Karen Black, Bette Davis and Burgess Meredith, in totally creepy mode! I’d heard of this film from the mid-seventies, and would have chanced my luck to see it had I known how good it is, but better late than never. (I was underage at the time and often kicked out of ‘X’ films). Ha ha - Caroline will remember them! They sound much scarier than 18s, and to me they probably were because I was a youngster.
5ft7 for the actress’s peak and 5ft6.5 now.
Sandy Cowell said on 7/Oct/22
Now is the time I’m beginning to look forward to Caroline’s Cellar Club! Tonight we have a 1973 film called ‘The Mutilations’, which sounds very much like a horror and afterwards, there will be a brilliant Demi Moore contribution called ‘The Seventh Sign’, which I haven’t seen for ages, but I remember it to be excellent.
I’ll be sure to take in Demi’s height!
Sandy Cowell said on 1/Oct/22
Caroline had an amazing treat for us in last night’s Cellar Club. She introduced us to a recent film of hers called ‘House of the Gorgons’, in which she acted again with Christopher Neame and her daughter, Georgina Dugdale.
Her daughter, who I believe is one of two, seemed shorter than Caroline, and looked and sounded like her Mum when she was young, so much so that I found it rather amusing! Caroline played one of two sister gorgons, complete with snake hair. They were many, many centuries old and related to Medusa, keeping young on the blood of virgins. The turning-to-stone sequences were stunning, and very scary.
I’ve been trying to buy the movie, but so far, I haven’t had any luck. I think it was made in 2019 or thereabouts.
Sandy Cowell said on 24/Sep/22
As a result of Caroline’s mentioning that she was still friends with Christopher Neame, I found out that she starred in the movie ‘Dracula 1972’ and I have bought myself a copy. 👌🏼
This will be the second film I’ve acquired in which the lovely actress starred with Peter Cushing. I received a copy of ‘At The Earth’s Core’ yesterday, and it stars Caroline with Peter and Doug McClure. I saw it as a youngster and found it absolutely terrifying! 🦖🦕
I can see that Caroline’s popularity has soared since she’s been introducing Cellar Club every Friday night, which I look forward to all week. This lady is so lovely, both inside and out, and I feel that she’s a true representative of all that’s good in people. She doesn’t have a bad word to say about anybody, and her knowledge of good films is staggering. I have bought some of the ones she’s recommended and I’m now the proud owner of 5 of her films, whereas I used to own only ‘The Monster’.
⭐️ Caroline will have been 23 when the Dracula movie was made, so she’ll have been at her tallest.
Sandy Cowell said on 23/Sep/22
Tonight on Talking Pictures’ Cellar Club, Caroline introduced a film called ‘Never Take Candy From A Stranger’.
To look at it, and to sum up the attitudes of the day, you’d be forgiven for thinking that the movie hailed from the 1940s, but it was from 1960/61. The plot surrounds a disgraceful story about a bloke who gives sweets to children in return for seeing them strip. The parents of little Lucille, aged 9, believe the child is telling the truth, but not even her grandmother believes that it happened.
Now the kiddie is being questioned in court, and the defence attorney is asking the most intrusive and outrageous questions. This flick might be in black and white and contain no actual horror, but it is one of the ugliest films I have ever seen. Good Heavens, to have been a child in those days was positively dangerous. Caroline drew our attention to how frightful beliefs were in those days and that ‘children should be seen and not heard’ was still very much the order of the day.
To put it bluntly, this is one film I definitely WON’T be buying.
5ft7 for Caroline’s peak and 5ft6.5 for nowadays. The actress didn’t seem to be visibly shorter in ‘The Haunting of Margam Castle’, which was made in 2018/19. She looks GREAT and is always impeccably dressed.
Sandy Cowell said on 16/Sep/22
Caroline’s film ‘The Haunting of Margam Castle’ is very good indeed. The pretty actress only has a bit part as a barmaid with a warning for the youngsters NOT to go to the castle, but they don’t take any notice.
The plot contains information about the afterlife which I have heard about before, plus one fact that I haven’t. It’s well worth checking out.
She looked little less than 5ft7+, but then I didn’t see her shoe heels. 😀💐🐈
Sandy Cowell said on 5/Sep/22
For only the second time in my life, I have ordered a Bond movie! The first I bought because Mads Mikkelsen starred in it and this time, I’ve bought The Spy Who Loved Me because Caroline is in it.
I was most upset to see what happened to Mads, but he played a villain. Nasty fates don’t await the pretty Bond Girls!
Sandy Cowell said on 4/Sep/22
🐁 Eek! Correction Time! 🐁
Anthony Booth was Tony Blair’s late FATHER-in-law. He married Anthony’s daughter.
Sandy Cowell said on 4/Sep/22
Furthermore, I found a film called The Haunting of Margam Castle and ordered myself a copy. It will show Caroline acting just a very few years ago, and I’m very excited.
The movie is based on a true story, and I love things like that. Ms Munro TAKES TOP BILLING! 😃
Sandy Cowell said on 4/Sep/22
I saw the film I Don’t Want To Be Born last night and it was absolutely fantastic! I like so many of the cast members, and bought it originally because Ralph Bates starred in it, but since then, I’ve discovered what great fun Joan Collins is, as can be seen in American Horror Story Apocalypse, my fascination and admiration for Donald Pleasence continues as strong as ever, and I saw a young Eileen Atkins take on a very plucky role. Then, of course, I witnessed Caroline act, and enjoyed her performance immensely! She was, and still is, divinely beautiful.
Sandy Cowell said on 3/Sep/22
I look forward every week to Caroline’s Cellar Club, and was very upset the one time I missed it! Yesterday, after clearing and cleaning the lounge, I could hardly move, so I only saw one film - Corruption, with Peter Cushing, Kate O’Mara and Anthony Booth, Tony Blair’s late son-in-law, plus an actress I’d never heard of called Sue Lloyd. I’d have loved to see the next film, but I saw Caroline’s introduction and the opening scene, which had a cat chasing a mouse, so I couldn’t resist!
Anyway, I got round to Googling Caroline’s movies and TV work, and found she was a singer and model as well. One film I was delighted to see she starred in is The Monster, also known as I Don’t Want To Be Born, which starred Donald Pleasence, Joan Collins, the gorgeous Ralph Bates AND CAROLINE, whose name appears on the DVD after Donald Pleasence’s. I’d seen my copy that very morning, so it is now sitting next to me, waiting to be watched.
I can’t wait to see Caroline act. Her weekly slot is addictive, and she always dresses up beautifully for her audience. I tell you straight - I became a fan after just two viewings!
She’s worked with everybody of significance in the world of Horror films, and is eloquent, interesting and a very warm human being.
Peak height - 5ft7 and a half-inch less today.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 3/Jun/22
I sure can believe that she was gorgeous in her prime, Arch; Caroline is still bewitching to this day. 👌🏼😁
Her introduction to tonight’s John Carpenter movie ‘Prince of
Darkness’ was incredibly interesting, and contained information I’d never have known otherwise .
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 27/May/22
I’m really enjoying Caroline’s introductions to Talking Pictures’ movies in ‘The Cellar Club’. She said before tonight’s ‘Crucible of Horror’ that it was ‘a good
investment in our time!’
What a way to phrase a horror film! 😂👌🏼
5ft7.5 peak and an inch less today.
Christian 6'5 3/8 said on 24/Apr/20
Is this the pic where you had the most number of celebs with? I don't think I've ever seen a pic you've taken, where there are 7 celebs on it.

Editor Rob
I believe it is.
JohnMoore-162cm said on 17/Apr/20
She was weak 5ft7 peak , probably just under 5ft6 these days
Arch Stanton said on 19/Mar/20
Caroline in the 70s was right up there with the hottest actresses of all time! Seems about right but could look taller at times due to her athletic phyisque.
anyonmious said on 26/Jan/17
Her present height is probably 5'5"
Piers said on 29/Mar/15
A few pics of her with Richard Kiel from TSWLM promotion show her bare foot next to him and given he's over 7ft she still looks tiny. 5' 6" in her pomp I reckon. Certainly no taller than Barbara Bach in same film and she's 5' 6".
Cliff said on 30/Nov/12
Caroline always looked so tall to me seeing her in films like Bond, Dracula. But i suppose she had boots on or something all the time, but her legs seemed so long so i always assumed she was taller.
But 5ft6.5 could be right for sure, just a little suprised, but people appear bigger on screen i guess.
Brad said on 12/Feb/09
I met her about 30 years ago at Creation Con at the Statler Hilton. You don't wanna know how hot she was back then. Still looks great. I'd go with 5' 7".
Weggy said on 21/Jun/05
There's a picture of Caroline standing on her tiptoes next to Richard Kiel and she's not much above his elbow.Compare her in photos standing next to 5'6'' Barbara Bach, I'd say she's no more than 5'6'' herself.
billyb said on 2/Jun/05
Iwent to college with her husband George he is probably 5ft 8 to 9 ,