How tall is Cheryl Cole

Cheryl Cole's Height

5ft 3 (160 cm)

British singer from Girls Aloud and former judge on The X Factor. Said in Vogue "I'm only 5 feet, 3 inches". and in OK Magazine, "In the first year of Girls Aloud, I went up to a 29 inch waist. I remember crying because I was nine and a half stone. Nine and a half stone when I'm only 5ft 3in"

How tall is Cheryl Cole
Photos by PR Photos

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Add a Comment86 comments

Average Guess (37 Votes)
5ft 2.74in (159.4cm)
Sandy Cowell said on 1/Feb/23
The part Cheryl is playing has previously been played by Lily Allen, but that’s no news to me that she’s an actress. I remember her giggling her little teenage head off about ‘rude things’ - right in front of Sir Richard Attenborough, which was very funny indeed! The film was ‘Elizabeth’, with Cate Blanchett playing the Queen.
Sandy Cowell said on 31/Jan/23
Cheryl has made the transition from singer to stage actress, and she’ll be starring in a ghost story. I hope she gets film offers too!
Sandy Cowell said on 21/Jan/23
Is that Cheryl starring in the Tempur advert? It sure looks like her - perfectly beautiful!

5ft3. 🛌
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/Nov/21
Hooray! Cheryl is back on our TVs - with a fitness advert. I can't think of a better guru for the topic. She has a real little six-pack!

5ft3 🌹💐❤️
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 30/Jun/21
💐🎂 Here are Cheryl's Birthday kisses:-

Miss Sandy Cowell said on 30/Jun/21
🎂💝💐🐻 Happy Birthday Cheryl 🐻💐💝🎂

Many Happy Returns to Cheryl, who celebrates her 38th Birthday today. Have a beautiful, memorable family day, Cheryl, with Liam and son Bear!

5ft3 👩🥂😄🎶🎊🎈🍻

Miss Sandy Cowell said on 13/Mar/21
Numbed as everyone is who knows Girls Aloud band member Sarah Harding, I've heard that Cheryl is devastated about her friend's cancer diagnosis. All the girls in the former band will be.

It's at times such as these that we realize the importance of good health over anything else.

5ft3. 🌹🐻🥀
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 7/Jan/21
Poor soft-hearted Cheryl has an average that's rather too low. I can't see her lying about her height at all!

Here's wishing a happy and healthy 2021 to English Rose, Cheryl 🌹, and her little two-year-old son, Bear. 🐻

5ft3. 👩👍💖
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 30/Jun/20
Cheryl has proportionally long legs!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 30/Jun/20
💝💐🎂🌹 Happy Birthday Cheryl 🌹🎂💐💝

A Wonderful Birthday is wished for the gorgeous Cheryl, who celebrates her 37th Birthday today, and yet still looks like a young girl. XXX

5ft3 for this beauty! 😁🐻🎉🎁😘

Miss Sandy Cowell said on 28/Jul/19
This morning, it occurred to me that Cheryl's middle name, if I remember rightly, is Ann, in which case her original initials were C.A.T! 🐈

'Tis true! Cheryl Ann Tweedy is indeed the name she was born with. My dream initials belong to this kitten-cat! 😁👍

Miss Sandy Cowell said on 30/Jun/19
🎂🎁🎈 Happy Birthday Cheryl! 🎈🎁🎂

Wishing the beautiful Cheryl the most marvellous of Birthdays! Her big brown eyes melt me every time I see her!

Birthday guess? Definitely 5ft3! XX

Miss Sandy Cowell said on 28/Apr/19
Cheryl can have her first comment of the year together with 5ft3. I did, after all, hear her saying it in a very matter-of-fact way when she was climbing Mount Kilimanjaro.

I hope she and her little son Bear are in fine fettle!

Sandy Cowell said on 31/Dec/18
Hello Bilbo Baggins!

It's indeed a pleasing late Christmas present to hear from you, Bilbo! ❄️🎁🎄

My Peelio and Manelia are still in my heart and always will be, as is the case with all the cats I've lost. I thought of Manelia, a very close friend of mine, immediately before I had my operation last February. It's as if she was holding my hand with her little white paw! No, you never forget the cats you love and lose, as I'm sure you have never forgotten yours.

I'm very fond of Cheryl because she is so natural and outspoken. She was born to be a Mum too! This time round, I will go for 5ft3. I have only once read about her being shorter (5ft2) and that was in a one-off magazine article. I heard her say, in very matter-of-fact and accepting manner, that she was 5ft3. She was climbing Mount Kilimanjaro with some other celebrities, for charity. I believe it might have been for Comic Relief, in fact, I am almost certain of that. Of course, her partaking prompted me to donate!

I have noticed that the girls who form the pop group 'Little Mix' are all on the small side. The year they won 'The X Factor', they were tutored and supported by the 5ft6 Tulisa, who was considerably taller than each of the girls. I met a lady in hospital, with a similar music taste to mine, which is heavy and psychedelic rock - though sometimes even classical, if I'm in the right mood! Mind you, hers was purely in favour of the rock side of things, but she accompanied her young daughter to a 'Little Mix' concert, and said that they were really good and entertaining. In fact, she couldn't speak highly enough about their performance! It's a great thing to allow a bit of flexibility into our lives, don't you think, Bilbo?

I send my sincerest wishes for a very Happy and Healthy New Year to you and your family!

Sandy Cowell XXX
Bilbo Baggins said on 29/Dec/18
Hello Sandy Cowell. Belated ✴Merry Christmas 2018✴ to you, and thank you for your kind words about my cat (last year). Much appreciated. So sorry to hear you lost two cas in 2017 - poor Peelio and Manelia. 😞 Pets are a wonderful gift to us humans. May they Rest In Peace.

Anyway, yes, the lovely Cheryl is certainly 5' 3". I saw a photograph of her posing backstage with Little Mix earlier this month, where they were all wearing similar-height footwear, and they all looked very close in height. As far as I'm aware, the members of Little Mix look to be mostly 5' 2"-to-5' 3" (Jesy Nelson being in the latter range) in height. 😊 Take care, everybody. 🌟
Sandy Cowell said on 16/Sep/18
Hasn't Cheryl chosen a lovely, cuddly name for her son? It's BEAR! 🐻

Cheryl gets her usual 5ft3 from me! I have also once read 5ft2 and once 5ft4 but the rest of the time it's always been 5ft3, plus I heard her say it herself.
Sandy Cowell said on 2/Jul/18

Belated Happy Birthday to Cheryl for Saturday!

Hope it was a great one for this honey!

Sandy Cowell said on 15/Dec/17
@ BilboBaggins - Hello! It's great to see you back! I've missed you: you're one of the first people who wrote to me. It was about your cat who had so sadly been run over. Well, this dreadful thing has happened twice to me this year, to two tabby and white girls, first, little Peelio in June and then at the end of October, my gorgeous Manelia. It's a sadness that is hard to describe.
Well, mate, I am delighted to see you have returned for Christmas! You're commenting on Cheryl's page so I thought I'd pounce on it because I really like her! I see you have given a good and honest description of Cheryl's well-toned bod, and I totally agree that Cheryl's head is NOT small and narrow! It's how you describe it to be and contains one of the most delightful of faces in showbusiness!
How can Cheryl be too skinny when she has loads of energy, can dance the way she does, and has had a baby this year? She is one healthy, happy little soldier now, though this time round, as I fully accept that a couple of comments I read make a good deal of sense, I will go down to 5ft2.75 for Cheryl's height.
BilboBaggins said on 14/Dec/17
Getting things back on topic with the comments (some people pouring out their life stories below)... I believe this woman is a solid 5' 3. She's a shade shorter than her old 5' 4"-ish WAG chum, Victoria Beckham. I also believe that Cheryl Cole is not skinny (as some have suggested) - just slim/normal. She doesn't have long legs either. In fact, in candid photos of her barefoot, her legs appear disproportionately shorter than her torso. Someone also commented that Cole has a small and narrow head. Again, WRONG. Cole has a fairly big head in proportion to the rest of her body.
JINNY90 said on 30/Aug/17
Her bandmate Sarah Harding who was the tallest Girls Aloud member said recently on CBB that she herself is 5'5.5 and that Cheryl Cole is tiny and that she towers her . Cherly is no more than 5'2. Believe it or not 5'3" is kind of average height for a girl and cheryl doesn't look average she looks tiny.
Sandy Cowell said on 30/Jun/17
😘 👋

🎈🎂Happy Birthday Cheryl!🎂🎈

Have a lovely day girlie! XXXXXXX
Nik said on 11/Apr/17
@Sandy Cowell

Hi Sandy,

It is interesting to know that the good old topic of human height got a mention from Cheryl Cole when she was explaining why climbing Mount Everest would be so difficult. It must have been worth it though as accomplishing this feat will have helped raise countless money for charity, also she will be able to look back on this remarkable achievement in many years to come, and the view at the top of the mountain must have been brilliant too!
It sounds like she is a candid woman and like you have said she was very "matter of fact" in explaining why it would be hard to climb Mount Everest, maybe she has got a lot of will power too with her managing to climb this mountain as well as being able to overcome the difficulties that she has had in her life.
You correctly said about my brother Mark "not suffering fools gladly", well that was exactly how my Dad was too! Let me first explain that not all cold callers are that much of a nuisance, or even a nuisance at all, but those who repeatedly won't take no for answer certainly are! Now onto what I want to say: my Dad certainly lost his temper a few times when he was on the phone if someone was ringing up trying to sell something and they rubbed him up the wrong way, he also did not entertain people trying to sell at the door either and he could sometimes lose his patience a bit if they didn't take no for an answer! My Mum was much softer than my Dad when she was younger but as she got older she has started to get more like him! One amusing incident we once had was when a man came round to our house looking to sell something and my Mum answered the door, he just wouldn't accept that my Mum was not interested so she started to shut the door in his face, we all then looked out of the window to see if he had gone but what we did see was this man on the driveway looking towards our house sticking two fingers up at us! Both my parents have always been good people but certain things in the past have caused them to them to lose their tempers a bit! You are right in that if you are too soft in this life you can get people walking all over you, even though most people are decent they still take advantage of you if you are soft and give them any encouragement to do so.
I do talk to my Mum about height a bit and I have got her interested in this subject, however she is no where near as interested as I am in it.
You said about Cheryl appearing in advert as a kid, do you know what advert it was? Mentioning this has got me thinking about Alison King appearing in the "Daz" adverts!
I would like to think that there is a full support network in place for celebrities (and non celebrities) so that when they are first starting to embark on difficult times there are people there monitoring them, and ready to try and nip their problems in the bud.

Have a great week Sandy!
Nik said on 6/Apr/17
@Sandy Cowell

Hi Sandy!

Yes it is good to here the news about Cheryl Cole having a new baby boy, I didn't know about this until I read your message yesterday. I don't know if this baby is her first child or not.

I also read your comment on this page from the 22nd December 2016, it was good that you sent Cheryl a card, a message, and of course a picture of your cats!

There is often an unhelpful person at the other end of the line when you need to ring up about bills, payments etc. Goodness knows how many arguments my brother, Mark, has had with people about such things on the telephone! He is a good man but he dosent take fools gladly!

When he came round last week I started talking to him about height (which is not a foolish thing to do), but he said "You're Obsessed With Height Nik", he wasn't very amused! Well never mind I think he was having a bad day!

Yes you did right to let Rob know about your possible absence from this site, it's good that you were thinking about all of us by sending the message that you did. Hopefully no further problems will crop up.

There are all sorts of reasons why people's weight goes up or goes down to different levels, I don't know all the reasons why Cheryl Cole found her weight going up and down so much like it has done on occasions in the past. She had a very challenging time and it must have been impossible for her to keep her weight at recommended and desired levels.

I do think that anyone who suffers problems with their weight should be fully supported by all the relevant people. Also everybody in general society should be accepting and non judgmental about other people whatever their weight is, and whether they are looking to lose weight, gain weight, or stay the same weight. However if someone's health is compromised by being too overweight or too underweight then they should be encouraged by people in their lives to look for all the help that there is available, and then obviously they should be able to receive it. Everyone should be respectful of the difficulties that people have in getting their weight to more healthy levels, people all have their own individual reasons (which they can't help) why they are a certain weight and why it can be so difficult to get up to or down to a more healthy weight for their height. Losing or gaining weight can be difficult for people at the best of times too, even when there are no other issues of factors which can add to the difficulty of achieving this.

I agree that there is too much height prejudice about. Unfortunately some people think that taller people are generally more healthy but this is not true at all, people's height has no bearing on their health, at least the vast majority of the time it doesn't although unfortunately a small minority of people do suffer height related health problems through no fault of their own. Someone's level of height doesn't have to be and shouldn't have to be a basis for someone else thinking differently about that them. Even nowadays people are still discriminated against due to how tall they are, this affects both men and women. In dating some people get a poor deal due to how tall they are, and the modelling industry specifies a minimum requirement for models to be. The acting industry sometimes favours people for certain parts on the basis of how tall they are, sometimes this may be the right thing to do but on other occasions it may not be.

Now finally onto exams, once I had done the first few exams and got used to taking them they were not that bad to be honest. I certainly enjoyed sitting the exams more than doing coursework, where there were a lot of deadlines to meet!
Jackson Martinez said on 6/Apr/17
Rob, what would be your guess for Ashley cole?
Sandy Cowell said on 5/Apr/17
Cheryl is a Mummy!

Congratulations Cheryl - I've only just found out! The little fellow will be 2 weeks old today, I believe!

To Cheryl and Liam 💖💕👏🍻🚼🍼
Sandy Cowell said on 4/Apr/17
Hi Nik!
I've just had a mighty frightening false alarm; my Virgin Mobile and Internet bill had not been settled by my bank so I had to ring up and sort things out! Everyone was helpful, except for the first person. She said I had to pay it or they'd cut me off, but the second person, a chap, accepted my offer of payment on Friday! I recognised his voice - he has given me a free gigabyte here and there!

I sent Rob a message straight away because I didn't want him or anyone else to think I'd lost contact or been idle or even ended up in hospital! So now I can relax!

I think that many celebrities certainly do realize that people, 'fans' if you like, look up to them as role models. I know Cheryl does as she's had to make a stand before on 'thin-shaming'! I felt really sorry for her at the time because she was going through an upsetting time and then her weight goes down, like many experience. Others put on piles of pounds. Neither is very nice, but I know which I prefer. It's only a temporary state of affairs and soon blows over! I got very skinny, 5st8, sitting my mock 'O' levels, and I looked awful and couldn't get warm, but by the time I'd taken my real exams and then received my results, I'd gone up 14-15 pounds! Exams are such highly pressurised times for youngsters. If I could give anyone advice, I'd say, "Do your revision and do your best, but you must be as relaxed as possible about it".
When it came to my actual exams, I enjoyed sitting them and was quite upset on the day I embarked on my 3-mile walk home thinking "No more exams! Ever!"

It hadn't been so bad after all! Also, I did end up taking exams again a couple of years later!

We all cope with stressful situations differently. I've seen many celebs made fun of and feel embarrassed at putting on weight as well. The poor things get called worse than the skinnies! They get called greedy, lazy and fat, which is soul-destroying and just makes matters worse. I'd hate to be in the public eye all the time. That's why I think that with celebheights we should concentrate on these people's good points, because nobody can help how tall nature designs you in the height department. You can change your figure or hair colour but you're stuck with your height! It's so true that we should scrap these 'ideals', but in the movie world, the stars will always be given their parts based on their height and what they look like. It isn't surprising that they go to such lengths to look nice! And who can blame them?

I'll say good bye for now Nik and I hope you enjoy what the week has in store for you! Have a great time! 🙋 😊
Nik said on 2/Apr/17
@Sandy Cowell

Hi Sandy,

I think it is appropriate to carry on our discussion about weight on Chery Cole's page. I am glad that you have mentioned all the things that you did in your last comment on this page. Firstly I would like to say that we should live in a more honest society than what we do, men should be more honest about their height (and sometimes weight) and women should be more honest about their weight (and sometimes height) as it would do many people a lot of necessary favours. People need to be aware of the lying that currently goes on in the world by both men and women in terms of height and weight, everyone should know the real picture instead of a skewed picture which only makes matters worse for people.

There is so much pressure on people to be of a "so called" desirable weight and sometimes this weight is not the best one in terms of health. The most common example of this is the pressure on women to be under a certain weight, this does not affect all women but I am sure too many women are still affected by these pressures.

People need to realise that the most important weight statistic is your BMI as this determines the best weight for your particular height. It's vital that people work towards their ideal BMI figure if they can and people should learn all about body mass index if they do not already know about it. Everyone of all ages should be taught that it is best to be of a right weight for your particular height (the weight that produces the right BMI figure for a persons height) as that is the weight which serves your health the best, no other factors should come into it. People should be accepting and supporting of everyone whatever their weight is, and also in supporting others in achieving the goal of being the best weight for their height, this is something we can all do together in society. It is important that people are there for anyone who is struggling to get to a weight that they need to be for their height.

I really do want to see celebrities opening up about different issues so that they can help the many people who are battling different types of problems. they are so important in this world because they are role models for so many people. Therefore
celebrities are valuable because people listen to them and take on board how they think about different things or how they act in different situations. More and more media attention (particularly on tv) needs to be given to celebrities and the positive advice and reassurance they can give to members of the public in overcoming significant issues that are faced in life. It's important too that people get the message that our celebs can relate to the rest of us in all aspects of life!

People should be encouraged to be more accepting about height, certain levels of height are not and should not be seen as more superior heights for men and likewise it should not be deemed as better or worse for women to be certain heights.

Yes Katie Price seems like a genuine and honest person that other people can relate to, the same too can be said about Cheryl Cole too.
Sandy Cowell said on 31/Mar/17
@ Nik - Hello Nik! I've decided to do my follow-up comment on Cheryl's page because of all the celebrities, she has made the most convincing and meaningful stand
on the shorter woman finding it harder to keep her weight down. She is significant to me because she's much the same height as I was before I shrank! Also, when she had maleria, not to mention in times of stress, her weight goes down to 'just over 7 stone' (maleria) and she is all gaunt in the face and skinny! I read the other day of a woman 'adult entertainer' who, at 5ft6, claimed to be 7st8! If she was, she'd be malnourished and she isn't, by any stretch of the imagination! To give you some idea, when I was a steady 90- 92lbs (6st6 - 6st8) and a fairly similar BMI to 5ft6/7st8, my waist was less than 21 inches! Admittedly, I was always on the go and people would wonder where I got my energy from! I took milk supplements with all the vitamins and iron and even my doctor said "you have to eat real food!" I did that as well!

Some people thought I was 4 and a half - 5 stone and that is because women lying about their weight is so rife, just like bungling a couple of inches onto your height is commonplace amongst the population, fellows in particular!
Once I was coming out of the toilet while visiting the friends of a friend and a girl pounced on me with a tape measure when I came out so that she could measure my waist! I'd only just met her! Then I chose to show her how much I weighed down a train station, just to close the door on the matter!

So, like Cheryl, being slim for me has at times driven me nuts. Jordan had that trouble, so she weighed herself on TV! I noticed that you did a write-up for Katie (aka Jordan), and I went along to add my comment afterwards!
Cheryl has also experienced her weight being uncomfortably high, and again I can relate to that. It only takes a couple of months of letting go and wham - the jeans don't fit anymore and the scales present you with a nasty surprise! She is open and honest about it and so is Katie and hooray for women like this, because the shorter woman like your tiny Mum and below-average me, can at least identify with members of the celebrity world and that's what people look for and like in someone who is in the public eye - a celeb who is like they are for some reason or other!
Lollipop95 said on 29/Dec/16
@Rob Could 5'3.5 be possible for Cheryl? As when she was on Xfactor 5'4 Joe Mcelderry said she was half an inch smaller than him
Editor Rob
Lollipop, I believe she's a decent 5ft 3, never looks as short as 5ft 2 or 5ft 4, I suppose you could argue at times a bit more than 5ft 3.
Sandy Cowell said on 22/Dec/16
When Cheryl had malaria, I sent her a get-well card, a letter and some pictures of my cats!
She is one of those people you can't help but feel like protecting and looking after; she comes over as very vulnerable and I don't think that French husband of hers is popular this side of the Channel!
I know Cheryl is 5ft3, somehow I found out very early on in her career, what with all the celebrity magazines I read!
I also recall reading that she cried when she found out she'd gone up to 9 and a half stone. Such is her way of dealing with things! If my weight gets disproportionately high, I'm more likely to chew it over with a nice fattening alcoholic beverage and come up with an action plan! That's my way of dealing with it!
Cheryl did say something not long ago about short women having more of a struggle on their hands to keep slim. How right she is! I'll raise my glass to her for that, even though it only contains fizzy orange, low-calorie of course!
anon said on 18/Dec/16
very surprised that she is only 5'3" b/c she appears to be taller on tv. maybe b/c she is so thin, has long legs and her head is small and narrow. i'm the same height but appear so much shorter b/c my head is gigantic and i have a long torso. :::sigh:::
Amaze said on 5/May/15
hot! 5'3. 160cm. she ain't short shes a good size
lollipop1995 said on 30/Mar/15
@Rob how tall do you think Lauren Platt is? She always seemed to tower over Cheryl on Xfactor
Editor Rob
maybe 5ft 6-7
lollipop1995 said on 5/Mar/15
I found this from a couple of years back Interview with 5'4 Joe Mcelderry. He says that everyone always comment on his height and he says that he's half an inch taller than Cheryl..seems strange that he'd say half an inch..maybe Cheryl's 5'3.5 I think she she looks 5'3 though, though I'm not sure if half an inch would make a noticeable difference, maybe not!
hastag7 said on 16/Dec/14
On the x factor she is so short compared to everyone else especially lauren platt.
GungAlba said on 9/Oct/14
She is no smaller than 5ft 1 but she is not taller than 5ft 2
littlesue said on 13/Apr/14
Not sure if she as small as 5ft 1 as she was always a bit taller than 5ft 2 Danni Minogue in similar shoes on The X Factor, who flat hip line gives the impression of being taller as a pear shape tends to break up the hip line. Her Mom looks about 4ft 10 so imagine her Dad may have been average to tall
kk said on 11/Apr/14
i would say about 5ft 1inches in her bare feet, i have met her, and she is only this height
Jezebel said on 24/Sep/13
Smaller 5'2 tops, her mum is tiny though not even 5ft. Seen them both.
Xior said on 14/May/13
Looks fantastic
Sarah:) said on 16/Feb/13
5'3. Cheryl's said this numerous times
Anonymous said on 10/Feb/13
i thought she'd be smaller...looks 5'2 ish to me
Keisha said on 3/Feb/13
she's 5,3 I've met her. I'm 5,1.5 and she's literally like just over an inch taller!
ahmed said on 23/Jan/13
okay but not the right answer
Rach said on 4/Aug/12
Im 13 in September and Im 5ft 6. Cheryl is thin, so she looks taller. 5ft 2 - 5ft 3 is about right. No prizes for guessing why she always wears HUGE heels, even when dancing.
Sion said on 10/Feb/12
5' 3" sounds right. She's taller than Dannii Minogue (5' 1.5"-5' 2"), but only just.
Liz said on 26/Jan/12
I'd say in technical terms 5"3 and a half... you wouldn't say that in RL! I'd say 5"3
maryon x said on 8/Jan/12
shes the same height as me! Im 5ft 3 inches no wonder she wears such big heels! x
Popi said on 30/Dec/11
Im 5'5 (165) and i saw her wax figure at madame tussauds wich is the exact same height (well should be) as the real cheryl and she was a few cm taller than me in high heels. so i guess shes around 5'2
Shaun said on 15/Sep/11
Anonymous says on 2/Jan/11
isabeli looks better than cheryl?
i don't think so m8

Cheryl looks sweeter looking than Isabeli, but is that how you define sexy?
Shaun said on 15/Sep/11
5'3" is fair if you compare her to some 5'2" listed people. She looks more 5'3"-5'4" than 5'2" to be honest.
Lizzie said on 16/Aug/11
I think Cheryl needs an upgrade

Joe said "I'm only half an inch taller than Cheryl Cole. She only looks taller because she wears big heels" Joe is definitely 5"4. If he was half an inch taller than Cheryl that would make her 5"3.5 Also she looks more than a inch taller than 5"2 Dannii on the Xfactor. She says 5"3 because well you don't really add half an inch on to your height. I am technically 5"3 and a quarter but I say 5"3 because saying 5"3 and a quarter just sounds wrong. So 5"3.5 is Cheryl's technical correct height if you really want to be accurate
Lauren said on 15/Aug/11
5"3 Same height as me. I'm not sure though cos Joe said she was 5"3.5 Although if I was 5ft3 and a half,I'd just say I was 5"3
obb said on 22/Jul/11
Ashley seems to only be 2 inches, or 3 at the most taller than Cheryl, which is why I looked up her height. If CC is 5'2.5" then Ashley must only be 5'5"
Maximus Meridius said on 30/Jun/11
Cheryl Cole is the same as my eye level my eye level is 5ft 3in that make's me 5ft 7in flat.
Maximus Meridius said on 29/Jun/11
Cheryl Cole is 5ft 3in no lower that 5ft 2in a bit low 5ft 1in is pushing it it's like saying brad pitt is 5ft 9in he's 5ft 11in.
Maximus Meridius said on 29/Jun/11
Rob a 5ft 9in male would be a male version of her.
Shaun said on 27/May/11
That's because Peter Crouch is pushing 6'9" in shoes and Defoe is likely 5'5" in shoes. The height difference does look 15 or 16 inches I'll agree, 17 is exaggerated but not far off
kane said on 17/May/11
Hmmm Look at this pic compare her with Paula Abdul and Nicole Scherzinger
Button said on 26/Apr/11
The more I see of Cheryl Cole the more I start to wonder that she could even be 5'3.5" (161cm). But I always did believe she was 5'3" so I guess that isn't out of the question. I commented on Dannii Minogue's page a few weeks ago about how it isn't always good to use other celebrities as a "reference" height, in order to gauge a certain celebrities height. On every episode of the X Factor, at the start of the show Cheryl Cole was seen standing next to Dannii Minogue, and you couldn't always see their heels, but Cheryl was taller than Dannii each time. I used Cheryl as a "reference" height in order to assess Dannii's height. But, if Cheryl isn't 5'3" then obviously that changes Dannii's height too. Cheryl looks slightly more than an inch taller than Dannii. Pictures can be deceiving and in many of them, they appear around the same height. But in others, even after you take into account any apparent difference in heel height, you can tell there is a noticeable difference between them. Maybe 1.5 or 1.25 inches, but whatever it is I think it's more than an inch. If Cheryl is 5'3", Dannii must be a bit less than 5'2", more like 5'1.5". However, if Cheryl is a bit taller than 5'3" which I reckon she could be, then Dannii's 5'2" listing is more accurate. I do reckon one of their listed heights may be wrong. But I'm still not sure which. Firstly I thought Dannii's was a tiny bit wrong and that she is actually slightly under 5'2", but now I wonder if Cheryl's might be wrong and that she is actually slightly over 5'3". I think I settled at 5'1.5" for Dannii on her page, but the more I see of her, the more I think she must be taller than me. I am 5'1.5" but visually I think Dannii looks taller than me. I'm starting to think that Dannii is the full 5'2" after all, and Cheryl is 5'3.5". I will go with that for now.
x said on 26/Mar/11
she was wering flat shoes and taller than my mum so she is taller than 5 feet, 3 inches
Jessica said on 14/Mar/11
Cheryl cole is really short im 5"2 and im only a kid. I thought she was taller than that.
DD said on 14/Feb/11
There is NO WAY she is 5"3 - unlike other celebs she even looks short on tv! Her legs are incredoibly short - like a donkey's - even when she's wearing massive heels.
Anonymous said on 2/Jan/11
isabeli looks better than cheryl?
i don't think so m8
cassy said on 22/Jun/09
i think cheryl is smaller than 5'3 in heels she is a good few inches taller than danny on the x factor but im not suprised the shoes she wears they must cripple her feet. iv watched the passions of girls aloud and she only seems tiny with flats on i think she is about 5'1 to 5'2 at the most.
brapp said on 20/Jun/09
yeah ashley looks weeny.

I think cheryl is 5'2" as she looks 2 inches bigger than Dannii Minogue but I don't remember the shoes. I bet both women would have gone for the highest heels possible though.
Peter J said on 12/Jun/09
All these posts are well off beam. Her husband, Ashley is only about 5' 2". Against Andorra, standing next to Beckham for the national anthem, who is 5' 10" - the same as me - he is about 8" shorter. Theo walcott, to his right, is about 5'1".
Javine claimed to be 5'6". And she towered over Girls Aloud when on Popstars: The Rivals. She mentioned that had she been voted in, she would have looked out of place because of it.
katie said on 9/May/09
in look magazine, sarah said that she's only 5'4 so i'd say cheryl's 5'1?
John said on 1/May/09
I think she is 5'2" because when she was in trouble a few years ago for an asault in a night club she was portrayed in a newspaper as 5'2"
Anonymous said on 25/Apr/09
I think Sarah is a strong 5'7",
Cheryl 5'3", and Nadine,Kimberley,Nicola all in the 5'4"-5'5" range.
brapp said on 19/Apr/09
Sarah = 5'5"
Nicola, Nadine and Kimberly - 5'4"
Cheryl - 5'2"
Doug said on 7/Apr/09
Mmm she sure looks petite, I could buy 5'2" too. 159cm is likely, a weak 5'3", obviously lives in heels so looks 5'6"ish a lot of the time.
brapp said on 8/Mar/09
I bet she's 5'2"
Dave said on 28/Feb/09
Girl groups are usually very short. All saints and the Corrs spring to mind.
Laura said on 25/Feb/09
Nicola is not 5'6 and Satah is not 5'8, maybe in high heels but no way anon. Girls aloud are great but they are short as well!!
littlesue said on 19/Feb/09
Sarah said in a mag a few months back that she was 5ft 4, she does look a couple of inches more than Cheryl though
anon said on 19/Feb/09
Cheryl= 5'3
Nadine= 5'5"
Kimberly and Nicola=5'6"
and Sarah is around 5'8"
I think
Laura said on 16/Feb/09
Sarah is a lot taller than the other girls Caleb, its obvious if you've seen them together. I would say 5'6.5 for her 5'4.5 for Nadine and Kimberly 5'4 for Nicola and 5'3 for Cheryl. They always wear very big heels, I wouldn't be surprised if they were all even shorter than that.
Doug said on 9/Feb/09
I was going to suggest 5'3" before I loaded the page can look 5'6" in a good pair of heels. Very very petite indeed in regards to her weight too, doubt shes even 100 pounds. She has a gorgeous face but WAY too thin in my book.
littlesue said on 5/Feb/09
well the public did'nt vote for Javine to be in Gils Aloud, Girls Aloud did'nt get rid of her. All the girl are around average height with Cheryl being the shortest. She is pictured on Ok mag cover this week with Posh and she is about 1/2 inch shorter than Posh.
Caleb said on 5/Feb/09
Yeh, 5'3" is about right. She stands an inch or two taller than Dannii Minogue on X Factor, but seems about an inch or two shorter than Victoria Beckham when they're pictured together and both in heels. Girls Aloud are all around 5'5" = 5'6" apart from Cheryl. She does stand pretty much as tall as Dermot when she's in her heels, I hasten to add!
Laura said on 4/Feb/09
I think they are all really short cos thats why they got rid of Javine as having 5'10 girl performing with 5'2-5'3 girls would look silly. It seems all pop stars are really short, can't even think of a tall female pop star. If she says 5'3 I very much doubt she is any taller than that, could only be less.
rafter said on 4/Feb/09
rob how tall is her husband?5'7?
Ian said on 4/Feb/09
She is the smallest Girls aloud.
littlesue said on 2/Feb/09
she looks taller because she is so skinny!! looks a good couple of inches taller than Danni Minogue on the X Factor
Anonymous said on 2/Feb/09
she looks A bit taller i thought she was 5'4 or 5'5

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.