How tall is Chris Brown - Page 3

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Average Guess (215 Votes)
6ft 0.51in (184.2cm)
Viper said on 31/Dec/07
Come on guys. Chris Brown was shorter than Jay Leno for lord sakes. I dont think Leno is any taller than 5-10 either. The most, most you could give Chris Brown is 5-10 1/2, and that might be too much. Chris has also looked 2 inches at most taller than 5-8 Kany West.
brother_h said on 30/Dec/07
6 inches? wtf are u talkin about its 3 inches and its easy to see it too.
if he was 6 inches though then that would make CB 6'1. but CB doesnt even have a half a head over t-pain.
C. said on 30/Dec/07
@ Big T: I also see that CB has more than 3" on T-Pain. The "Kiss Kiss" video always has T-Pain in the front by several feet so he looks taller. After all, shorter/avg. rappers always want to appear taller in front of the camera so they won't look as diminutive, especially when they have to 'man up' to taller rappers like that of Snoop or The Game, etc.

But in all honesty, I think the 6'8" poster said it all-- I think he can tell if a guy is that much shorter than him. After all, he saw him in person. On camera vs. in person is a totally different thing all together.
Big T said on 30/Dec/07
You got me baffled here brother_h, cos to me CB looks about 6 inches taller than T-Pain. Good to see Rob has boosted CB from 182cm to 183cm!
brother_h said on 30/Dec/07
well im trained in ballroom, capoiera, krump, break, and irish tap. and if the haka and other war dances count, then i know 92 dance's.
and ok i guess that was insulting so im sorry for that, but we didnt need a height chart down here, but we did have an age chart, does that count as a height chart?
we had 9 teachers, they were two 16 year olds, an 18yo, 23, three 24yo's, a 34yo, 40yo and 49. and they all taught us by the moves we wanted to study. they were all street performers and stage performers.

t-pain is obviously 5'8. hes shorter than kanye west, barley the same height as mike jones(5'7) and alot shorter than nick cannon(5'9-5'10 i think). so 5'8 for t-pain and 5'11 or 6'0 for CB.
C. said on 27/Dec/07
Do you even read the comments you've posted? "Just proves how useless your [American] dancers are"? If that isn't insulting, I don't know what is. Are you an expert on other forms of dance? I think not.

And how the heck am I losing? This isn't some game. It's a site to measure a celebs height accurately. You're the one saying he's around T-Pain's height which would pen him at 5-8" - 5'9" or so. NOT 5'11" or 6' for that matter. Your posts, if anything are conflicting as well as contradictory.
brother_h said on 26/Dec/07
i posted something here before but it looks like it isnt here yet or someone doesnt want me posting anymore.
i think i said "ur just pissy coz ur losing. i agree chris would be 6'0 or 5'11. but nothing wrong with either heights. and wat i say about dancing is true. i was taught without a height chart and if u cant do a move then perfect it."

i think thats wat i said.
C. said on 25/Dec/07
I'm not going to bother reasoning with you anymore. Because obviously you haven't read anything that I have said, not to mention your insulting remarks.

Apparently Chris is what this site states he is at the moment, and I'm going to leave it at that.
C. said on 24/Dec/07
Again, he didn't say all. He said certain. And if height didn't effect dancing, why is it that some dance categories/genres have cutoff heights? Sometimes height is a factor, sometimes it isn't.

In the "Kiss Kiss" music video, T-Pain is two or three feet in front of the camera when he looks taller. When they are closer side by side in very short segments, Chris is around a head over T-Pain's height.
brother_h said on 24/Dec/07
Actually height doesnt affect dance moves. i think what he would mean is room, some moves need alot of space and if hes like me having long arms then he would have that trouble, but other than that, not all dance moves are affected by height. if you do grow abit more then perfect your moves.

and t-pain is 5'8, slightly shorter than CB on that kiss kiss vid.
C. said on 23/Dec/07
Well, apparently he's reached 5'11" as this site lists him as 6'.
Viper said on 23/Dec/07
LOL at Chris Brown being 6-1-6-2. Hes lucky If he even reaches 5-11.
C. said on 23/Dec/07
@ brother_h : Height does effect some dance moves. Not all, but he didn't say that. He said that the taller you are the harder it is to do CERTAIN dance moves. Some of the shorter R&B/Hip-Hop celebs also happen some of the best dancers. Usher and Omarion are prime examples. Not to say taller ones are not just as good, as Chris himself is a good dancer. But some moves can be awkward. I'm a dancer myself (jazz, hip-hop, modern) and I also happen to be tall, and sometimes it IS harder. The same can also go for those whom are really, really short.

I personally believe someone who's seen him in person vs. someone who has just seen photos or television clips. I don't believe he's 6'2" though. He looks closer to 6'1". And again, T-Pain looks significantly shorter than CB-- and definitely more than a mere 3".
brother_h said on 23/Dec/07
Anonymous im not about to diss u but im going to diss chris's words ok.

That is the dumbest thing i have ever heard u dumb ****. Batista is like 6'2-6'3 and he can break dance, alot harder than taking off your hat and putting it back on(among other stuff).
Height doesnt affect all dance moves, if hes getting taller and cant do some of his moves then it means he sucks. im 6'1 and i never had any problems with my dances and martial arts while i grow up, im still 16 btw.
and if he IS 6'2 then JT would be 6'1 and i would be 6'4(which im not) im 6'1
Anonymous said on 22/Dec/07
I heard him say in an interview several months ago that his only concerns in life is his height. He said he was 6'1 and the taller you are, the harder it is to do certain dance moves.
Boston6foot8 said on 21/Dec/07
I'm 6'8". When I met chis Brown he seemed to be about 6in shorter than me. The boy is a legit 6'2". No way in hell he's 5'11 because my brother is 5'11 and Chris is at least 3in taller
brother_h said on 20/Dec/07
idk, if he really is 6'1 then that'll make t-pain 5'10, and t-pain is shorter than 5'9 Kanye west.
C. said on 5/Dec/07
@ Hayley: He's known for ridiculously sagging his pants, like every other young guy nowadays. I never saw the appeal as it does make your legs look short, which I find baffling why guys continue this trend. For the longest a guy in my class always appeared to be no more than my height b/c he constantly did this, however the other day he was standing right beside me and I was shocked at how tall he was. Clearly 6', but b/c of those stupid pants he appeared significantly shorter. Not to mention, sagging is to an all-time high (well, low) as it gets even more outrageous as the years pass.
Viper said on 4/Dec/07
And Im 7-0.
Derek said on 4/Dec/07
Hilo- I could say I'm 6'10" in my own voice, it doesn't mean I am. I personally think Chris is 5'11"-6'0".
hilo said on 3/Dec/07
This is all wrong, Chris Brown is exactly 6'1''. he said it himself in is own voice.
Viper said on 30/Nov/07
There is a better chance hes 5-2 than 6-2, trust me.
Big T said on 29/Nov/07
Described as 6'2" in Newsweek. I think 182cm is silly really.
Toota said on 29/Nov/07
I meant 6'1''. Sorry guys. :-)
Toota said on 29/Nov/07
I met Chris Brown on numerous occasions. I've asked him how tall he is and around Oct. of 2006 he was 6'3". So since he was only 17 then, I'm sure he's still growing.
Grace said on 27/Nov/07
Hi im english and im 18 and i dont know if he is tall or not, im a dancer and a singer and somebody told me i would go alot with chirs brown but im not sure because im 5"11 nearly 6ft, so can somebody please find his actual height because im tired ha! im really tall and tanned and slim so, i dunno if im just wondering or going along with what people say but one day on radio 1 a dj said he was stupidly tall like 6"4,3 wich i think is his height. Love! x
baby gurl said on 24/Nov/07
well im am 5'4and chris is my babie, but he has to at least be 5'9 or ten
Hayley said on 15/Nov/07
I hope he is taller then 182cm because that's how tall I am! :/ I don't wanna be taller then him lmao.. but it's kind of hard to judge how tall he is exactly. Why can't I just meet him already and see lol. Somedays he looks really tall, some days he looks shorter.
D.J. said on 14/Nov/07
well look this is an honest one he is taller than 6'1 because come on now look how tall he is on his new movie This Christmas come on yall be smart I hate when someone say something wrong and they know its wrong he was about 5 in a half inches taller than everyone in the movie chrisbrown is about 6'4 or 6'5
Viper said on 9/Nov/07
There is a better chance that Chris Brown is 5-5 than 6-5, lol.
Anonymous said on 8/Nov/07
Well today on 106 and park he looked even taller....He may have grown....he looks like he 6'5'' now, maybe more, how tall is the guy who host the show, because Chris Brown was towering over him.
lil' Brit said on 5/Nov/07
Well I dont know exactly how tall Chris Brown is but he needs to be taller than me because I love him! So I hope he's at least 6'0 b/c im 5'11
Viper said on 3/Nov/07
I think the 5-11.5 Rob has him at is inflating him some. He looks to be around 5-10 for the most part. I mean this guy only looks 5-9 in some pictures, especially the one with Kanye. Hell it wouldnt shock me at all If he was as low as 5-9. And I disagree that he has the body proportions of a guy 6-0. He looks like he has the body proportions of a 5-10-5-11 guy. He may give a taller illousion because hes so thin, but body proportion wise he looks to be under 6-0 for sure.
Bryant said on 2/Nov/07
Well, I know for a fact that he's taller than 5'11 because when he came to see my cousin(we share a mutual cousin, but he is of no relation to me)... he was taller than me, and Im 5'10... I only came to the top of his nose...
Vinny said on 31/Oct/07
This guy has the body proportions of a guy who is atleast 6 foot. I think this guy needs an upgrade i mean he looks way taller the justin timberlake on tv and their listed the same height. 6'1 in my opionion.
Bobby said on 15/Sep/07
this month's vibe issue, they listed him as 6'1"
Matthew said on 16/Aug/07
Ok, I know everyone says this, But i was Standing in Marble Arch today, and chris brown was there with Two HUGE security Gaurds, He was slightly under my height (6.05) ..i dint see what footwear he had on cuz obviously all i saw was "wow its chris brown" as i looked at his face, he passed directly next to me, and was definately a little shorter, Wearing my normal trainers i go from 184cm, to 187.5, (6'2) so it isnt unreasonable to mistake chris brown for 6'1 or even 6'2 when in Timberlands etc...but i digress, he is 5'11, i swear on my mothers undug grave.
Tia Willaims said on 12/Jul/07
Yea I agree with JK, Chris does slouch alot so yea it may seem like he appears as 5ft 11in. But no he's really 6'1. I've read all over the internet about his bio and each one says he is 6'1.
Lolo said on 10/Jul/07
Rihanna is 5'9 chris is not close to six feet i've seen taller
he was standing next to buster rhymes and he was shorter and buster is 6'0 feet
Jay said on 6/Jul/07
He's gotta be 6'0 at least, doesnt look it but on the BET award show he was standing beside Rihanna who was in some big heels, 3" for sure and they were the same height
Anonymous said on 5/Jul/07
I never heard of such that he is known to wear lifts, where do you get this from? And wouldn't it be a bit uncomfortable while dancing wearing those lifts? Hard to believe the whole lift story.
santana said on 2/Jul/07
chris brown is atlest 6 feet cuz he's a whole head taller than bow wow
first class said on 2/Jul/07
Chris is 6'1 when he first came out in the issue of vibe next it said it then on BET 106&Park he said he is 6'1
Jason A. said on 30/Jun/07
I don't think Chris Brown is over 6 feet, mainly because he is known to be one who wears lifts at concerts and interviews, and I get the impression that he is not a legit 6 ft.1er, and giving him 6ft is a little too generous.
Jason A. said on 30/Jun/07
Well, I am going to have to be the first to disagree with the comments of Chris Brown being over 6 feet, mainly because he is known to be one who wears lifts at concerts and interviews, and I get the impression that he is not a legit 6 ft.1er, and giving him 6ft is a little too generous.
Trey said on 16/Jun/07
No man, I am sure he is over 6ft, if you meet him in person he sure comes across as 6ft1.
xaoxio said on 26/Mar/07
well, I have to agree with the opinion that this guy can be a real six-footer...
6'2.5'' JK said on 25/Mar/07
I think he is 6'0'', he slouches a lot so he gives of the impression of 5'11.5'' guy most of the time
JK said on 25/Mar/07
There is absolutely no way Chris Brown is 5"11. I am exactly 5"11 1/8 inches and he was at least 2 inches taller than me when I him backstage at his concert this summer.
Cee Cee 06 said on 9/Feb/07
It appears to me that a lot of the people on here have a lot to say but not much reason or logic. Some seemed to be stating that age makes your height hte only thing age has to do with height is it tells you when you stop growing and not how tall you are supposed to be at whatever age. Chris Brown is in fact 6'1" and there is no denying so support.
mayah said on 22/Dec/06
oh hell no chris is 6'1 he was on 106 and pakr and the host terrance is 6'1 which he stated himself and chris brown was his height maybe an inch taller no joke
Realme said on 19/Dec/06
Stewie says on 15/Sep/06
"Even if he's not 6'1", he'll get there. He's 17 which means he has about 5 more years to grow! The average age men stop growing at is 22."

I don't think that's true. You grow taller as you age, but guys and women usally have their growth spurts from 13-18. It rarelly strays from that. Also if you are 6'1" at 17 it isn't realistic to think you are going to grow any taller, because the majority of your height growth is already done. You aren't going to go from a 11 to 14 in shoes size at eighteen! Height growth is a gradual proccess, and no one can determine how tall you will be at birth or change it. Some people stop growing taller in the 8th grade (Like a girl who is only 5'1" or 5'2"), while boys usually stop growing in the 11th or 12th. The average height in the U.S. for a woman is 5'7" , but I notice a lot of women are shorter than that. The average height for male is 5'9", and I notice a lot of guys are shorter than that too. Height varies! It's odd I recently read an article saying the in the future everyone will become tall, because the tall gene will be more dominant.
MD said on 15/Dec/06
I think he may be able to get to a 5'11" tops (barefoot).
Matt said on 30/Oct/06
Bablo, that's ridiculous. That would put Common at at least 6'10''. Also, why is it that people talk like they're all from New Jersey when they recall meeting someone: "Met him. Very thin guy. Almost looks like he needs a good meal."
Bablo said on 26/Sep/06
Chris Brown is about 6'8 i swear it! I saw a picture with him and snoop dogg and he was at least 4 inches taller than snoop no lie.
Mz. S said on 21/Sep/06
chris is 5'11, i had gotten vip passes for his concert from a friend, and when he hugged me before i left he was 4 inches taller than me. and yes i was in high heels, made me 5'7. lol
Stewie said on 15/Sep/06
Even if he's not 6'1", he'll get there. He's 17 which means he has about 5 more years to grow! The average age men stop growing at is 22.
Jake said on 15/Aug/06
Busta isn't 6'2", anonymous. Chris Brown is NO WAY 6'1.75". He's no more than 6', although he may still be growing, I don't know.
mel said on 14/Aug/06

Editor Rob
Anonymous said on 11/Aug/06
ok did anyone watch 106th and park yesterday?! this should clear it all up, busta rhymes is 6-2 and chris brown was literally right at eye level with the man. both had on similar footwear and both were basically looking at each pother standing straight. chris brown is most liely 6-1 or 6-1.75
MD said on 26/Jul/06
No one said he was 5'7". What I can be sure of is that he was Jay Leno's height or a bit less when he was on his show. That gives him 5'11" MAX if Jay is really 5'11", and that's been a little generous.
B C B F said on 25/Jul/06
I have to emit he do look short at times but the thing is he cant be 5'7 because I m 5'7 and he is way taller than I am because I know that from when I send him at one of his shows that he was doing
MD said on 19/Jul/06
I'm not sure if I posted this, but this pretty much shows that Chris Brown, Mario, and Chingy are all around the same height, and that is, just under 6'0". Chingy is given 5'10.5" here, and Chris is the same height (or shorter), and Mario may be the tallest, but he's no more than 5'11.5"

1. Click Here

So, it's time to get all of these guys within the same range, here.
himom! said on 14/Jul/06
i don't think yuo were supposed to take the words from his bio that says the boy next door went from 5'7 to 6'1 literally. i think they were just trying to show that the boy next door grew up and isn't the same little boy anymore, so they used heights. anyways, i think he's like 5'11. that's what it looks like.
Giselle said on 9/Jul/06
cute kid i believe he is as tall as stated here. anytime that he is around others notice how he hovers over them.
Jake said on 9/Jul/06
His 6'1" claim is ridiculous. He is probably not 6'. He might be 5'11", but he might not.
MD said on 7/Jul/06
Yeah, I haven't seen such a blatant lie about ones height in awhile, now. He's easily claiming 3-4 inches taller than he really is.
J. said on 7/Jul/06
While flicking through channels the other night and coming across this year's (always-cheesy) BET Awards, I saw this guy performing. I noticed that he's VERY gangly so he easily can appear taller.
Viper652 said on 6/Jul/06
This guy is a joke, claiming 6-2 at times when he looks 5-9?? LOL
MD said on 6/Jul/06
Chris's long limbs make him look taller than he is. I should know, because I've got very long limbs for my height and people mistake me for 6'0", as well.
MD said on 5/Jul/06
Not a great picture, but here is Common with Chris Brown. Common is currently listed at 6'-0.5" on this site, but people are saying he's an inch shorter. Even with the bad angle, I think it's pretty clear he is taller than Chris:

1. Click Here
Yo said on 1/Jul/06
this guy is 6'0'', met him and he is the same height as me, very thin guy
Anonymous said on 23/May/06
i know the waiters height because the waiter is a cast member of punkd he stod next to ashton kutcher whos like 6'2 and looked 3 inches shorter
Vellie said on 23/May/06
You guys have to remember he is still young and he is probably hitting his growth spurt he may be 6'2". Dont hate on the lil dude.
pj said on 12/May/06
Baggy style does make you look big, but it doesnt mean it shows your real height. Trust me i know this b/c my friends do it all the time, they try to make themselves 6'7 when their 6'2.
J-Dog said on 5/May/06
Anonymous how do you know the waiter's height?
MD said on 4/May/06
Why is this guy still a 6'0"? This is easily one of the more ridiculous ones, on the site, along with TI.
Mz. S said on 3/May/06
basketball doesnt make you tall. Its how your traits r. And he probably has those shoes that fills up the bottom and makes you look taller.
mz brown said on 1/May/06
da boi is 6ft he is he said so himself in a magizine he plays basketball he is
Anonymous said on 27/Apr/06
no chris brown's not 6ft did anyone else see punkd this week? he's on it and he is standing there in tims and still looks small...he's standing next to like this waiter dude who's like 5'11 at most and he was weasily 2 inches smaller i would even say he's 5'9 but his baggy style makes him look really big.
Mz.S said on 23/Apr/06
to 5'10chick, i think julisa and tigger are short. Bow wow is like about my lil brothers height like 5'7 cuz their like brothas. So chris brown could be like 5'10 or 5'11
5'10chick said on 23/Apr/06
heres a video of chris brown on 106 and park, the video isn't all that good but you can still see. look how he towers over jullisa and big tigger, and jullisa has on 4 icnh heels......Click Here
2row said on 22/Apr/06
Lol, Chris brown is not 6 foot. If you look at this picture(Click Here) then you could Chris Brown standing with a pretty good posture and Bow Wow(said to be 5'4"-6")with a posture thats not as good as Chris Brown's. I think Chris could be around 5'9"-5'11".
Jake said on 21/Apr/06
La Qua: Celebrities often lie about there height. George Lucas has been listed at 5'11" and he is 5'6", Vin Diesel has been listed at 6'4" and he is 6', to name a few. Chris Brown may still be growing since he is young, but as of right now, he is not 6'1".
MD said on 20/Apr/06
There are way to many fanboys and fangirls in here for anyone to tell any of you all any difference. People could post pics for days, and you'd still be convinced otherwise. Talk about clouded judgement.
La Qua said on 20/Apr/06
What mz.s just said could be true, but i think he is 6'1. Because i dont think a celebrity could lie. Unless hes 5'11 and is being cameraed at a certain view
Mz.S said on 19/Apr/06
well if chris brown says hes 6'1, and some people say hes about 5'11 then he might have a backup person. Or it can be either he slouches alot.
mzcarmelo said on 18/Apr/06
To MD,
I KNOW Ted and he is very tall. I myself am 5'9 and if he's tall to me than he's really tall to everyone else. I will upload a pic of my 5'5 cousin, me (5'9), and Ted (6'4) if it's okay with them. Thanks, but if you don't know what you're talking about MD then maybe you should be quiet!
5\'10chick said on 15/Apr/06
I agree with MD, sometimes chris brown appears 5'10 and sometimes he appears 6 feet and someytimes he appears 6'1 and 6'2, I met him twice and he appears different heights everytime, 1st time he appeared 6'2 no joke, then he appeared 6'0
Anonymous said on 14/Apr/06
he's about a halfe head bigger than lil wayne.
you can see it easily in his "new" video "gimme that". the remix with lil wayne
Jake said on 13/Apr/06
This guy is not 6'1". I don't even think he is over 5'11".
k. said on 12/Apr/06
thats sexy!!! when a boy is like taller than a girl cause some short girl act normal i mean all girls act normal like they act like they're age but some tall girls act really strange and act so funny i say that b/c i am 4'11 and my ex was like 6' but it was normal cause i treated him really nice like some tall girls can cheat on they're boy friend with somebody taller than their boyfriend but if it was a short person they wouldn't want to go with sombody taller than their boyfriend is now and plus some boys don't like girls that is shoter then them
J. said on 12/Apr/06
Okay, according to this review of a recent Chris Brown concert, he had a 'intimate' meet and greet session where female fans asked questions. When asked his height, he's paraphrased to have said 'six foot one'. So, he has now offically stated his height as 6'1": Click Here
Felicia said on 11/Apr/06
Everytime I see Chris Brown Video's Look 6FT,
Because he look like he is 19 years old, to me.
MD said on 10/Apr/06
I meant to say "and Teddy WASN'T that much taller."
MD said on 9/Apr/06

I happened to see Teddy of The Shop with Van on TRL the other day. Van looked about 5'10" next to Vanessa Manillo, and Teddy was that much taller. I'd guess him at 6'1" tops. I don't know where you're getting these exaggerated heights from.
mzcarmelo said on 8/Apr/06
I was so surprised when I saw him in Manhatten. He is very tall. He's really long. Plus my cousin used to talk to the guy Teddy from the shop and he is a giant. Probably 6'4 or even 6'5. When we saw Chris Brown on the shop and he stopped at Ted's ear, that really made me a believer that he was indeed a 6 footer.
xaoxio said on 2/Apr/06
still not sure if Chris is 6'0"(first I've thought that he's in 5'9"-5'10" range, now I DO think he's a 5'11"-footer) but look what I've found today(Click Here)- this photo is really funny. Another one(Click Here) is more normal. I'm waiting for your comments Rob on these two photos.

Editor Rob
yes, with bowwow second pic, you'd struggle to see chris as being 6ft range. Of course with these guys and laid back poses, it is harder to judge than someone like a brad pitt pose
Anonymous said on 30/Mar/06
"chris brown says on 26/Mar/06
i think chris brown is pretty tall cuz in run it he was about da same height as juelz santana he about 6-0 to 6-1"

julez santana is only 5'8
chris brown said on 26/Mar/06
i think chris brown is pretty tall cuz in run it he was about da same height as juelz santana he about 6-0 to 6-1
MD said on 17/Mar/06
He's no more than 5'10". Here he is with 5'10" Chingy:

1. Click Here

I think this also shows that Mario is not a full 6'0".
J. said on 16/Mar/06
Wanna hear something funny? I was reading an issue of Black Beat, and they had a mock boxing match behind Chris Brown and Usher Raymond. For height, they listed Brown as 6'1" and Usher as a whopping 5'11"!!! LOL!!
Mikki said on 15/Mar/06
yea i met chris brown in new jersey n im 5'8 n hes around 6'2 he aint 5'10 ppl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
matthew said on 9/Mar/06
hes no wayy even 6foot , he was only 2 inches taller then kanye west at the mostt!!! , and what, kanye's 5'8", this 6 foot is bullcrap !

5'10"chick , i dont think your 5'10"! , your prob 5'8" , and he was inches taller
MD said on 6/Mar/06
Rob, can you change this, now?
5'10chick said on 6/Mar/06
i met him before in newark new jersey, i got his sutograph and everything, im 5'10 and he was about 2 inches taller than me, also when he was on 106 and park he was taller than tigger and julissa and tigger is about 6'1 or 6'0, so thats what I think
matthew said on 5/Mar/06
6 foott!!!! , chris Brown !! , i think young chris brown needs to measure his height again , a claimed 6'2" is ridiculous ,
at the red carpet awards , i was watching 5foot8 kanye west stand against the E hostess juliana depandi , and juliana was exact height as kanye, then chris brown stood right next to her for an interview after and and he was at most an inch taller . i say 5'9"
Kbrezzy4shezzy said on 1/Mar/06
I met chris brown at the mall in houston during allstar weekend im 6"4 he's 5"10 no taller
MD said on 27/Feb/06
Yeah, he definitely looks like he could grow taller, but at the moment he's in the 5'10" range at the highest. I can't believe with the things some people can get away with. I guess I could be 6'2", too. lol
CB Fan said on 26/Feb/06
I looke in a Vibe or XXL book and they had a page on Chris brown when he first came out and he said he was 6'2".
2row said on 10/Feb/06
Ball-a-hallic, you cant tell their heights with that picture (
3v3, I could understand that if you heard him say that on TRL. I wish I couldv'e watched it since I don't have cable no more. But just because he says that doesn't mean he's telling the truth. Just like MD said, "but then agian, a lot of 5'10"ish guys lie and say they are 6'." In regular tennis shoes he's probably about 5'10". Plus, he's still growing so this is not a good time to figure out his height.
3v3 said on 30/Jan/06
well on trl chris brown said he was 6'2
Ball-a-hallic said on 29/Jan/06
Here's a pic of cb wit Juelz Santana now if Brown's 6'1 or 6'0 than Juelz is 5'11 or 6'0, granet CB is on a little lean but if Santana's 5'8 than CB is 5'9.
MD said on 31/Dec/05
Yeah, 6' he is not. After seeing him standing right next to Leno I really can't imagine anything much over 5'10". It just surprised me so much seeing as how he keeps being listed at 6'0". But then again, a lot of 5'10"ish guys lie and say they are 6'. I never got that. I was always too afraid I'd be found out, though I can pass for it in shoes in the morning. lol
MD said on 31/Dec/05
I just saw him on a rerun of the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, and I kid you not, he was exactly the same height as Leno, or maybe just a quarter inch shorter. Unless we are severely underestimating Jay's height, there is no way he's over 5'11". He was in regular tennis shoes. I'd guess 5'10" on the spot. Where is this 6'0" coming from?

Editor Rob
it was initially 6ft 1, from his website...then he lost an inch. XaoiXaoi has emailed and said the same thing - basically that he doesn't look 6ft either...
xaoxio said on 4/Dec/05
Then what is this(
Camera angle? Slouching? Something else?
Can Chris be a lot shorter than 6'1"?
shizzle said on 26/Nov/05
yeah! it was weird how he was skyin' over mary mary on the american music awards
J. said on 21/Nov/05
Yeah, in a recent issue of Vibe, he's described as being 6'1". I agree, his slouching makes him look much shorter.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.