How tall is Chris Gascoyne

Chris Gascoyne's Height

5ft 7 (170.2 cm)

English actor, best known for playing Peter Barlow in ITV soap opera Coronation Street. On his talent agency, they gave him a height of "5'8".

How tall is Chris Gascoyne
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Average Guess (23 Votes)
5ft 7.12in (170.5cm)
Sandy Cowell said on 17/Mar/23
We can see Peter’s nice side in that he’s doing everything to help wife, Carla.

With the psychotic Stephen trying his best to ruin her, I sincerely hope Peter finds out what the evil piece of work is up to.

Rarely has a soap star got off with the behaviour he’s been displaying. Come on Peter, catch this beast!

Chris gets 5ft7.
Sandy Cowell said on 4/Jan/23
That’s rather ridiculous of Peter Barlow, getting prickly because girlfriend Shelley is devastated and in tears over Dougie’s tragic death.

I had a similar experience when I was 25, and I cried on hearing that a 22-year-old boy had died. “Did you fancy him or something?” I was asked.

How can anyone ever get used to death?

Chris gets 5ft7.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 2/Jul/22
Peter acted an utter thug in this week’s Coronation Street. Who the hell does he think he is? 🤪

Miss Sandy Cowell said on 14/Jun/22
What a nasty piece of work Chris’s Peter played when he started back in the year 2000!

He goes down the Rovers and gets blotto, and then tries to force himself on the newly married Liz, who works behind the bar. Then when he apologises, at Deirdre’s orders, he has the audacity to tell Liz that she’s in the wrong job if she cannot tolerate the ‘odd frisky punter’.

What a cheek! 🤪

Miss Sandy Cowell said on 8/Jun/21

...that Chris Gascoyne is the seventh actor to play Peter Barlow? Has he really been in the series for that long? 😲
Chris took over the role in the year 2000, so that answers my question, what with being born in 1965, but not even I remember when he popped into the world! So I missed his growing up stages and the reasons why he felt the necessity to seek solace in the bottle. From what I can gather, he felt abandoned as a child by his father. Then, of course, he lost his twin sister, who was killed in a car accident.

Miss Sandy Cowell said on 22/Apr/21
That's amazing! I'm looking at Chris Gascoyne and he's playing a nincompoop called Tony in 'Soldier Soldier'. He's doing his best to chat up a girl member of the squad and she's giving him the brush off. Then he goes up to his soldier mate and says, "I think I'm in there!"

I don't think so somehow. Women hate to be objectified, and the 'I'm in there!' business is one of the worst offenders of them all!

Chris, who is now 53, is the same height there as he is in 'Coronation Street'. He's one of many guys who has definitely got better with age, as this scene from 'Soldier Soldier' clearly bore that out.

Miss Sandy Cowell said on 17/Apr/21
That was a sad ending to yesterday's 'Coronation Street'. Just after Chris's character, Peter, marries the lovely Carla, he passes out and lands on the ground. I do hope he gets better.

Miss Sandy Cowell said on 8/Apr/21
I think Chris has dyed his hair; the beard and his head hair don't match!


Miss Sandy Cowell said on 17/Jan/21
I agree that Alex Bain deserves a page now. (The 19-year-old became a Dad last year, just before he turned 18!)

Anyway, I found 5ft6 for him which is nonsense. He's at most 5ft4.5, but more likely 5ft4. I've enjoyed his performance lately, supporting his Mum on the loss of her natural son, and I've admired the strength he's displayed when Leanne makes him feel second best to the tragic Oliver.

Chris's Peter Barlow is digging his own grave, continuing to drink even though it'll kill him. 😢 In his favour, he feels guilty having met a young Mum who, like him, needs a liver transplant, but for reasons other than alcohol, AND she has a very rare blood group.

He has to think of what his death will do to his son, his father and all the others who love him.

I'm going for 5ft7.25, so a quarter-inch up on last time.

CD said on 2/Jan/21
@Nik Ashton

Ditto the request for Alex Bain. Still think he looks no more than 5ft 4-4.5 range, although it's hard nowadays with the social distancing to judge heights in soap.
Ninja Starfish said on 30/Dec/20
I’ve seen Chris Gascoyne in RL and he is definitely *not* 5’8”.
5’7” max. Since then, I’ve been looking how he is positioned next to the other actors on set and they place him really carefully to hide his lack of inches.
Nik Ashton said on 20/Dec/20
Alex Bain needs a page!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 19/Dec/20
I'd like to have been interviewed by the policeman who interviewed Peter AND CORRECTED HIS GRAMMAR! 😄👌

Miss Sandy Cowell said on 14/Dec/20
Chris's Peter plays such an evil-tongued drunk, knocking back neat whiskey in front of fiancée Carla and telling her it's all her fault. What a rotten thing to do. He was so verbally abusive the night Carla ended up in the arms of another man, who happened to be Peter's nephew, that Peter was hardly blameless! 😝

I've read that the festive Streets are going to be centering round Peter's failing health - inflicted by the damage caused to his liver.

Is it worth it, peops? I don't think so!


Miss Sandy Cowell said on 20/Nov/20
What an outrageous piece of 💩 Chris's Peter Barlow plays!

The things Peter hurled Carla's way when he was drunk this week were UNFORGIVABLE. So she lost her bearings after her brother took his own life but, Hell, who wouldn't? Most women would have responded drastically. I don't believe that what she did is right, but it's understandable. If she was as unstable and even as ruthless and thoughtless a person as Peter so venomously spurted out to her, what he said was akin to holding a loaded gun to her head. and waiting for her to pull the trigger. This evening he found out and had the gall to play the bloody victim! 😤 He's the bad egg, and NOT Carla.
Now he's supposedly come to his senses, telling her that they should stick together, but how long is this façade going to last? He's hardly got the best record on the fidelity front after all, and in Coronation Street, that's against some pretty stiff competition. He even
has a history for bigamy, for crying out loud! 🤷‍♀️

Well, rant over, but as I missed bits of the Soap this week, I think that the omnibus could well reveal that his reasons for falling off the wagon were more selfish than he's letting on at present.

5ft7. 😝🖕
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 17/Nov/20
Silly Peter has hit the booze again. With everything that's been going on, I suppose it's his (rather negative) way of coping.

He's not much taller than 5ft4 Carla, but she wears heels.

5ft7. 😁
Sakz said on 27/Jun/20
@Sandy He certainly can handle himself as we've seen in the past. I must say I was initially quite surprised he wasn't responsible for the attack on that couple, although he would have been the obvious culprit.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 25/Jun/20
Weak he is not, Khaled! He knew how to handle that disgusting couple who were blackmailing his girlfriend.

5ft7 💪😁
khaled taban said on 28/Aug/19
I knew he never was 5'8" , he even could be a weak 5'7" man !
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 14/Aug/19
His girlfriend Carla still has to look up to him. She's 5ft4.

5ft7 for Chris.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 29/Apr/19
Chris's son Simon, played by Alex Bain, brought Peter to his senses the other day by joining in with his boozing of whiskey. Now Peter's attending an AA meeting, so it worked. Alex's Simon plays a 15-year-old, but in reality, he's a 17-and-a-half-year-old Dad! He's a prime example of a shorter child star. Perhaps it's time for Alex Bain to have a page, Rob? He's written up as 5ft6, but I can't see any more than 5ft4.25/75 tops.

After all, Chris is only 5ft7....🤷
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 14/Apr/19
@ Littlelee and CD - Isn't it amazing to think that Alex Bain, who plays Peter Barlow's son Simon, became a father of a little girl last December? I can remember when he was so tiny!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 14/Apr/19
Another 'Coronation Street' character who has impressed me this week is Chris Gascoyne's Peter Barlow, who has supported poor Carla as she's been descending towards a complete breakdown. His father, Ken, has been equally supportive, played by William Roache, who's been in the Soap since the first episode, on 9th December, 1960.

Chris isn't very tall but, like Mikey's Gary Windass, he's an ex-serviceman, and worth his weight in gold in a crisis.

Sandy Cowell said on 25/Sep/18
@ CD - I never knew he was nearly 17! I think you must be right. He will indeed be a short adult, but hey, it is what made him famous!
CD said on 22/Sep/18
He looks a bit shorter than Jane Danson in heels still (she doesn't wear massive heels really), my guess is he's maybe an inch taller barefoot. Plus he looks around 3 inches taller than his on-screen dad. I'd say 5'4.5 at most for Alex Bain.
Littlelee168cm said on 18/Sep/18
CD the one who plays Simon looks the same height as Jane danson in heels now he could be heading towards 5ft 6
CD said on 16/Sep/18
@Sandy Cowell

Alex Bain (who plays Simon) is almost 17 now and frankly doesn't look taller than 5'4 or so, he'll probably be another example of a child actor who grows up to be a short adult.
Sandy Cowell said on 3/Sep/18
'Coronation Street' page perhaps, Rob?
I have never seen him in anything else!
Sandy Cowell said on 3/Sep/18
Chris's character, Peter Barlow, got 'shot' this week in 'Coronation Street'.
Well, that was what I was expecting from the write-ups! In actuality, it was a pretend bullet, which is just as well really because he's quite an entertaining character. But he ought to get his nasty. little stinking, spoilt brat of a son, Simon, in order with her step mum Leanne! I think he's awful! All those two do is argue about the spoilt boy's welfare. How old is he now? Around 13, and nearly as tall as 5ft3 Leanne, but that doesn't mean he's going to grow very tall. Many 13 year old boys are much taller than 5ft2 or so, and I am talking about back in my day!

He will probably be taller than his 5ft7 Dad, and we have no idea how tall his 'real' Mum was! Things like this ought to be taken into account when casting kids, though it won't always be easy with the very young ones and the late sprouters!

Chris is another shining example of someone whose agency has decided to plump for 5ft8, when he is, in fact, a whole inch shorter!
Sandy Cowell said on 30/Mar/18
Excellent Rob! I couldn't find Chris's height via the 'Coronation Street' page so I Googled him; they have taken me to this page!

First of all in my search, I read that Chris measures in at 173cm! I thought, "That's a little more than I expected!"

Then when I was shown to the familiar sight of a celebheights page, the 170.2cm, or 5ft7, seemed far more realistic! I also found out that Chris is the 7th actor to play Peter Barlow! I never realized there were that many!

I will go with 5ft7, though I would have expected 5ft6.5 just as probable.
CD said on 24/Dec/17
5ft 7 is about right, I've always thought 5ft 8 is just too much but then people who guess him at 5ft 6 are being too conservative, although he can perhaps look that short with his posture. In any case, he was definitely an inch or so shorter than Marc Baylis (another guy billed at 5ft 8) in Corrie.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.