How tall is Chris Hemsworth - Page 5

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Average Guess (599 Votes)
6ft 2.93in (190.3cm)
JohnTK said on 5/Nov/12
188-189cm reach
James said on 4/Nov/12
I think 189-190cm range
Arch Stanton said on 4/Nov/12
People on here claim Brad Pitt is 5'8.5" and Will Smith 5'11". A downgrade of 1.5-2 inches by people is very common on here, yourself included.
Arch Stanton said on 4/Nov/12
Where is your proof he's 6'1.5" because I haven't seen it.
Arch Stanton said on 4/Nov/12
Rikashiku says on 4/Nov/12
You think Chris evans is 6'0"? Lol.

Rob has him listed at 6'0", so your LOL is directed at him not me. He can look nearer 5'10" in some photos like the Hemsworth one, I haven't really looked much into it but 5'11" range might be nearer what he is. 6'5" Manganiello has 2 inches on Chris, how is that towering?
Rikashiku said on 4/Nov/12
Jealousy? nope, just not silly enough to let bias get in the way of how I view people. Will Smith 5'11? Brad Pitt 5'8.5? where did you get that tripe? He is definitly 6'1.5" as I have said since the day I met him, since the day I started using Celebheight 6 years ago and I have given REAL proof that he isn't over 6'3", closer to a weak 6'2". Rob has let heights pass before and still does.
If you say he is 6'2.5" then why hasn't it changed?

I've provided REAL evidence that show he is not 6'3", more like 6'1.5".

He looks 6'3", but looks can be deceiving, as I have proven SEVERAL times before. I've shown you what a 6'3" guy looks like next to Hemsworth and that still sin't enough for you. A 6'5" TOWERS over him.
On Home and Away, everyone is short. The tallest person on that show was Sironen.

You think Chris evans is 6'0"? Lol.
Chameleon said on 2/Nov/12
Chris Evans 6'0? Not a chance.
PLB said on 2/Nov/12
He looks 6'3" to me. I'm a bit surprised at how small his feet are. As I've gotten older my feet have gotten bigger. I wear a size 16 now.
Arch Stanton said on 2/Nov/12
Click Here

With 6'0 Chris Evans. 6'1.5", sure he is.
Arch Stanton said on 2/Nov/12
Rikashiku, sorry to say this but you are thwarted by personal jealousy of this guy. It is pretty obvious to everybody here, but this is very common on pages on here, with 5'11" Will Smith and5'8.5" Brad Pitt. There is a small chance he could be 6'2.5" but anything lower really is laughing gas. Do you honestly think Rob, our resident height expert could be that far out? He consistently looks a solid 6'3" in at least 95% of comparisons, in fact he was recently cited a a good example of a legit 6'3" guy by somebody listing on Rob's page. I watched this guy in Home and Away a good ten years ago and he always gave a very tall impression and towered above everybody else.
Rikashiku said on 2/Nov/12
He never looked 6'3"-6'4" on Home&Away. Alf is at most 5'10" and there was at least 3-4" between him and Hemsworth. but when Sironen, a 6'4" Rugby player came onto the program, he towered over Alf and the rest of the cast. You'd be surprised at how small everyone is on that show. Even 6'1" Jay Laga'aia had a towering appearance.
Arch Stanton (Shaun) said on 1/Nov/12
Cranberries says on 31/Oct/12
@Silent D: A 38 inch chest is below average in size, dude... Lol, I'm 19, 6'4", 190 lbs and my ribs stick out and I'm a 42. I would say Hemsworth and Manganiello are both in the 44 range when they're in tip-top shape. Hemsworth probably wears a 42 most of the time.

38 is small frame yeah. I think you'd be surprised with Manganiello that he might be nearer a 48 chest when he is heavier and not cut down. He does give a lean muscle impression I agree but if you actually look at his chest and shoulders you'd expect him to wear XXL clothes. Hemsworth yeah about a 44 currently and I'd agree that he is naturally not big framed and really has to work hard to maintain his muscle. If you look at older pics he is naturally small framed. He was in Home and Away not Neighbours and he always looked 6'3"-6'4" in it and was fully grown when he started in it, it was his brother Liam who was in Neighbours. I was a 48 chest a while back and its real bulky looking. I'm a 46 nowadays at around 200 pounds and its still big and I still wear XL clothing. The "As I have said since day one a year ago, Hemsworth is 6'1.5". He really isn't a big guy." comments really make me laugh. Nobody in Hollywood would look at Hemsworth and I'm sure in the real world and consider him to be anything less than big.
Rikashiku said on 1/Nov/12
Canning Tatum isn't even 6'1". Closer to 5'11.5" or a weak 6'0". As I have said since day one a year ago, Hemsworth is 6'1.5". He really isn't a big guy. He's only been cast next to small people. I've seen pictures of him with normal people and he doesn't look any bigger than they are. Probably a lean 95kg.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Oct/12
He could be 190cm, but nothing less. Really can pull off looking near 6ft4.
When he was on Neighbours a few years ago he was growing and looked 6ft1-6ft2
Rikashiku said on 26/Oct/12
1.25" is still pretty thick, but they are nice dress shoes. 3" isn't a minimal difference.

Not 6'3". He's been seen with 6'3" people and he is under them. With 6'5" people he is obviously under 6'3". With 6'3" Mamoa, chris is clearly not 6'3".
Silent D said on 26/Oct/12
He is huge. 38inch chest. Animalistic. Easy 6 foot 3. Aussie guys are to most ripped in hollywood muscle wise. Hugh jackman, chris hemsworth and a few others.
Shaun said on 23/Oct/12
The difference between Chris's and Joe's shoes the height difference would be minimal.
Shaun said on 23/Oct/12
I have a pair of dress shoes with a low heel on like Chris's and they give about 1.25 inches.
Rikashiku said on 22/Oct/12
Tatum is closer to 6'0" than 6'1". There is about 2" between him and Hemsworth. All three pics posted by John and Shaun are on angles that favor Manganiello and Hemsworth.

If you got a pic of all three on an even angle instead of one sided angles, then we can tell their real heights. Here's something intresting to contemplate on. Look at the shoes they're wearing. They're heeled except for Manganiello's.
Shaun said on 22/Oct/12
Click Here

That ones even better can see their whole length and shoes. If anything you could argue 6'3.5" more there than 6'1.5". The guy in the middle is supposed to be 6 ft 1... Yeah, half an inch taller!
Shaun said on 22/Oct/12
Click Here

This is better and lo and be hold Hemsworth again looks nothing less than a solid 6'3", in fact he looks 6'3.5" range more than 6'2.5", difference looks 1.5-2 inches tops between Chris and Joe. Easily 2 inches taller than the other guy. Rob has met Joe Manganiello Rikashiku and lists him at a legit 6'5" and wouldn't put him under 6'4.5". That immediately makes 6'1.5" impossible as if you look at his footwear in the other pic they are clearly flattish shoes and not great big boots.Its pretty obvious Rikash that he's 6 ft 3 range, looks it in virtually every comparison and picture.
Shaun said on 22/Oct/12
Manganiello looks huge there, looks 6'6" but is helped a lot by the camera angle.
John said on 21/Oct/12
Click Here standing next to 6 ft 1 channing Tatum & 6 ft 5 joe manganiello.
Rikashiku said on 19/Oct/12
Yeah, I'm aware RDJ is a notorious lift wearer... I kinda pointed that out several times before. Did you miss the part where I said they both look like they're wearing 1.5" footwear? So there isn't much difference in their natural heights between them.

I wouldn't even say Hiddleston is 6'2", and he does look the same height as Hemsworth. Like I said several times, Hemsworth is no taller than I am.
Shaun said on 18/Oct/12
Hemsworth is taller than 6'2" Hiddleston.
Shaun said on 18/Oct/12
Hemsworth looks 5" taller than 5'8" RDJ, both men look like they're wearing 3-4cm soled shoes, maybe RDJ has 1 or 2cm more in his shoes but i can't see it being more than 3cm.

Downey is one of the most notorious lift wearers in Hollywood!!! If Hemsworth only looked 5 inches taller its because he is getting a 2 inch boost which for him is like normal folks wearing converse.
Rikashiku said on 16/Oct/12
If he were taller than Hiddleston, then you wouldn't have minded in any way.

Can you explain why he looks 3" taller than hiddleston in that first pic of them together?
In the pic after, they are both level and Hemsworth isn't slouching.
The pic after, he is closer to the camera.
The next pic they are both level.
The red carpet pic has Hiddleston being an inch closer, looking bigger.
In the Thor group pic, they are leveled.
Last pic, Hiddleston is obviously closer, but standing next to RDJ, Hemsworth looks 5" taller than 5'8" RDJ, both men look like they're wearing 3-4cm soled shoes, maybe RDJ has 1 or 2cm more in his shoes but i can't see it being more than 3cm.

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Heeled shoes but in previous pics there isn't that much of a difference. Maybe 1cm or so.
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Hiddleston is obviously leaning in front.
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Those are some thick boots.
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Is that 5'10" Joss Wheadon?
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Oh no! We're both wrong, he's actually 6'5"!
Click Here
Or maybe he's 7'0"? I do believe our fanboyism is getting the best of us, hoping he is taller than he really is, hmmm? :)
Shaun said on 15/Oct/12
Its posture/angle! In some of the pics his posture is poor or he's further away from the camera. In most of the ones I've seen of them side by side from the front Hemsworth edges him out by a cm or two.
Rikashiku said on 9/Oct/12
I see you took a great deal of time avoiding the boot pictures.

Ok, so instead of those stalker photos where they are usually alone, can you get the ones at premieres instead. You should probably use the ZOOM more often. Those pics show shoes with an inch elevations. I have the same trainers and they give up at least 4cm for me, making me 191cm. Not that im saying he wears them for height but just that they do give an extrea push upwards. They are also extremely comfortable :D.

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Hmm, maybe I should have saved the boot pictures. Before there were tons of them, but now I have to load more pics just to find very few.
Still, it doesn't change anything.

He looks taller with Hiddleston here.
Click Here

and boom, he isn't.
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Shaun said on 9/Oct/12
Chris in his usual huge boots:

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Liam in his usual huge boots:
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LOL virtually every photograph on the internet of them they're wearing low cut trainers. Quite the opposite of what you claim they're almost always in flat Converse/sneakers. Neither of them are height conscious its pretty obvious...
Rikashiku said on 8/Oct/12
They're not actually that big. There are pics of Chris with fans and he's not that much bigger than they are. Its been a few days since I last saw these pics, so I'll have to get them some time later.

6'1.5" is very believable. They can look between 6'1" and 6'3" because of footware. Both brothers ALWAYS wear thich boots, especially Chris who has mostly been seen wearing thick boots as opposed to dress shoes. They "look" bigger than they really are because they are always with smaller people.

Go to the Chris Evans page, I posted pics with Chris being the same height as 6'2" listed Tom Hiddleston(Who I also believe is 6'1.5") and sometimes he is taller due to thicker footware.

In that pic where you say Theron... she is tilting away but there is still only 2" between them. You should use the zoom feature of that page so you can actually see where the top of her head reaches next to Hemsworth. It is only 2".

Again, they "look" big because they are surrounded by small people. How many actors has either of them been casted with who were over 6'4"? I can name Ray Stevenson but Thor had to wear thicker boots and there are no pics of Stevenson and Hemsworth together at all.
Shaun said on 5/Oct/12
Click Here

I'd say nearer 3 inches. Based on her being 5'9.5" and 6'-6'0.5" range in those heels I don't think you could argue anything under 6 ft 3.
Shaun said on 5/Oct/12
He looks more than 2 inches taller than Theron in those photos, nearer 3 inches.
Shaun said on 5/Oct/12
Click Here

Again Chris looks taller here. Can't explain it, most people say Liam edges Chris out. You could argue that Liam is 6 ft 2 based on some photos but most people seem to say Liam is a tad taller than Chris.
Shaun said on 5/Oct/12
Click Here

Liam can often give a 6'1-6'2" impression I agree. I said this on his talk page that he doesn't look 6'3" next to Miley Cyrus. And he "looks" shorter than Chris here. It doesn't mean he "actually" is only 6 ft 1, in the same way George Clooney often looking 5 ft 9 doesn't mean he actually is.
Shaun said on 5/Oct/12
Both Chris and Liam are big, good looking guys, few would dispute that. They're not massive no but they're without a shadow of a doubt not as short as you think they are.
Shaun said on 5/Oct/12
Rikashiku says on 4/Oct/12
@Shaun, I see you like to talk big in a conversation with yourself. Those are 3" heels, Hemsworth is wearing an inch or slight more thicker heeled shoes. Look at the height difference in those pictures. Use the zoom, there is only 2" between them. Thats a 6'0.25" Theron to a 6'2.5" Hemsworth.

I'm not talking to myself, none of us are, this is a celeb height website and such posts are constructive towards discussing heights. Yes, you are more accurate with that statement and Theron would likely be 6'-6'.0.5 in those heels. i think Hemsworth doesn't look anything under 1.90m. The lowest you could possibly argue for him is 6'2.5" and even that is unlikely. 6'1.5" tops as you say is utter rubbish. As Rob says a legit 6 ft 3 is pretty fair for him. I think he's actually a very good example of how a legit 6 ft 3 guy looks, somebody agreed with this on Rob's page with their guesses.
Rikashiku said on 4/Oct/12
@Shaun, I see you like to talk big in a conversation with yourself. Those are 3" heels, Hemsworth is wearing an inch or slight more thicker heeled shoes. Look at the height difference in those pictures. Use the zoom, there is only 2" between them. Thats a 6'0.25" Theron to a 6'2.5" Hemsworth.

You should watch the Expendables. Liam definitly isn't 6'3". Closer to 6'1" on the movie and in real life, and a bit a butt kisser.

I've posted pics of him with a 6'3" man and there was a big difference between them. There is also the scene with stellan Skarsgard who is clearly taller, when Chris isn't wearing his big boy boots. If he is 6'3" then why does he look taller than 6'4" Ray Stevens on that same movie? also the fact that he always wears elevated footware.

He's not really a big guy in real life. Nearly my height in fact. I've actrually poisted a lot more pics clearly showing that he isn't 6'3" on other Discussions.
Shaun said on 3/Oct/12
Hehe Rikashiku, the one thing I always notice about the Hemsworth brothers is that they are not in the slightest bit height conscious, virtually always in flat converse type footwear, especially Liam. Liam can give the illusion of 6 ft 1 from what I've seen, 6 ft 5 is definitely a joke for him but I think 6 ft 3 is about right.
Shaun said on 3/Oct/12
Ajax says on 28/Sep/12
Rob, would you agree that younger siblings generally grow up to be taller than their
elder brothers/sisters? It's often the case that I've seen.
[Editor Rob: not paid as much attention to this to notice]

I know three brothers, mother 5 ft 9, father 5 ft 11. Oldest brother is 6 ft 6 range, second brother 6 ft 4 ish, they take after their mother's side, their maternal grandad was 6 ft 4, and the youngest who I was in school with barely taller than his mother 5'9.5" tops...
Shaun said on 3/Oct/12
Rob what do you think is the lowest you could possibly argue for him? He seems to look a solid 6 ft 3 in practically every comparison and was barely shorter than Mamoa. I'm not buying anything under 189cm. What do you think?
Editor Rob
I don't think he'd drop to 189, around 6ft 3 mark is pretty fair for him.
Shaun said on 3/Oct/12
Oh and please don't start claiming Theron is 5'7-5'8", she was markedly taller than Mark Wahlberg who himself is nothing under 5 ft 7 and close to 5 ft 8. She can pass for 5 ft 10 a lot.
Shaun said on 3/Oct/12
LOL what it is about this guy and the jealousy. OK note Charlize Theron's footwear. She's a legit 5 ft 9 and a half, Click Here Highly unlikely she measures under 6 ft in those heels. Now for a side by side comparison see Click Here The man is very clearly 6 ft 3 range and would very unlikely measure anything under 190cm.
Rikashiku said on 3/Oct/12
Its very possible. On a deleted scene of Thor, he is noticably shorter than 6'3" Stellan Skarsgard. In most of the movie, Thor is always seen as being 5 or so inches taller than him and even taller than 6'4" Ray Stevens. For him and Idris who played the GAte Keeper, they had worn elevated boots and stood on platforms, like that wrestlers do in backstage interviews.

The only reason Hemsworth looks so tall is because he is always cast next to shorter people. 187cm is being nice. He and his brother wear some pretty thick boots.
Witchdoctor said on 2/Oct/12
1.87m is "IMPOSSIBLE" for Chris hemsworth even at midnight! the shortest he could be is 1.88m,he is 1.89-90m range!
Rikashiku said on 2/Oct/12
I didn't say they were full of themselves. The Media says a lot of things, like Justin Bieber having talent.

They're both under 6'2". Click Here

Same height as brother.
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Despite wearing thicker heels, still same height.
Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Sep/12
Eric Bana! I knew there was someone missing from that list. how could I be so foolish in leaving out the towering heartthrob who made Troy such a compelling masterpiece. Hands down...he stole the show from Brad Pitt and not just by making him look 5ft10 tops.Thanks Jake...

Anyway, I thought at first this guy might be 192cm but his brother Liam Hemsworth whose listed at 6ft5 but looks a strong 6ft4 has more than 1in over him. Rob, maybe Hemsworth is 190cm since his agency has him at that?
Rikashiku said on 30/Sep/12
C.Hemsworth 6'1.5"
McMahon 6'2"
Jackman 6'1"
Ledger 6'1"
Purcell 6'1"
L.Hemsworth 6'1.5"

Both Hemsworths are the exact same height, never over 6'2", both almost always wear boots. Chris is the same height as Hiddleston and Liam was def under 6'3" on the Expendables 2.

I wouldn't say Australia Produces the most tallest or good looking actors, but its just that those are the kinds they only hire for major roles. Look at Home and Away. All models, no actors.
Kat in AZ said on 29/Sep/12
In my Nordic family, I am the runt in my family, at 5' 8", my mom is 6', Dad is 6'3", Brother is 6'4", and my son is 6'3". It takes NO stretch of the imagination to see that Chris Hemsworth is easily within the height range of any of the men in my family.

Interesting to see all of the banter over his height though.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Sep/12
Can look near 6ft4 at times. But my god Australia is persistent when it comes to producing tall, good looking , and talented actors. Julian McMahon, Hugh Jackman, Heath Ledger, Dominic Purcell and now this guy.
Ajax said on 28/Sep/12
Rob, would you agree that younger siblings generally grow up to be taller than their
elder brothers/sisters? It's often the case that I've seen.
Editor Rob
not paid as much attention to this to notice
Rikashiku said on 28/Sep/12
I've met and knew him in Australia. His brother is a bit of a jerk but he really isn't 6'3". I've shown pics of him with 6'3" guys and he is shorter than them. Pics with CM Punk who is 5'11" and he doesn't have 4" over Punk.

He's barely taller than me.
Shaun said on 27/Sep/12
Odd Iseenit as in my opinion Chris gives a bigger impression than Liam in photographs.
Shaun said on 27/Sep/12
I think 5'11" range looks about right for his dad. His parents look above average but neither of them are very tall, Chris and Liam are a lot taller than their parents. I suppose his mother would qualify as a solid tall woman and they likely get the 6'3" height from her side.
IseenIt said on 26/Sep/12
He's dead on 6'3" and Liam is taller. Partied with them both and Liam absolutely has 2 inches on Chris.
Rikashiku said on 26/Sep/12
Watch a deleted scene on Thor. He's shorter than Stellan Skarsgard who is 190cm.
pataan19 said on 17/Sep/12
Hey Rob how tall would you roughly place his dads height from the photo posted by Shaun, and his older brother too thanks!
Editor Rob
his older brother claims 180cm but could be near 5ft 9 range, his dad maybe near to 6ft
avi said on 15/Sep/12
gives a weak 6'3 impression. probably not even 6'3 maybe 6'2.5
Shaun said on 12/Sep/12
His brother reminds me of Billie from Green Day, might be the red tie and spiky hair. He looks nothing over 5 ft 9 does he.
Shaun said on 12/Sep/12
He must get his height from his mother's side.

His dad looks taller in that pic as he's nearer the camera I think.
Shaun said on 12/Sep/12
He must get his height from his mother's side.

Click Here

She's in heels but looks close to 6 ft in them. His dad looks 5'11" range to me but looks about 6' in that photo. Rob how tall do you think his older brother looks?. The height difference is staggering, not to mention he looks nothing like Chris or Liam who clearly look like brothers and are the same height roughly.
Editor Rob
his brother claims 180cm, although he looks shorter than that.
paulfromchicago said on 11/Sep/12
A lot of the younger "famous" crowd have private parties at my place of business Japonias and he was a solid 2inches taller than me (185cm)
Shaun said on 11/Sep/12
Well I always thought he looked more like a 6'3"-6'4" guy like Sacha Baron than a 6'2"-6'3" guy like Affleck or Kutcher or somebody. I doubt he's as high as 192cm at lowest but probably is in the morning. He was about an inch shorter than Jason Momoa. I wouldn't bet on him being under 190cm put it that way. Looks a solid 6'3" next to Charlize Theron in heels.
sam said on 11/Sep/12
If you look at the red dawn cast photograph he towers everyone. Even josh peck who is listed as 6ft. I think he would be about 193 in morning then shrink down to 191/2 during daytime. Flat 192 before bed.
Shaun said on 10/Sep/12
Another 6'3" guy that Dan o' Connor in Neighbours always looked 6'4" ish too and looked huge in Neighbours, but his hair gave the illusion of 6'5!
Shaun said on 10/Sep/12
He looked 6'4" in Home and Away. I remembered he towered his screen dad in it who I think looked pretty tall next to most and had a good two inches on the Rhys bloke who was the second tallest in it, I thought he was 6'2" ish but turns out he is 6'1", Chris had two inches on him to 6'3" figures. But he defo looked at least 6'3" in Home and Away as people over 6'2" on soaps like those tend to look super tall as a lot of the cast tend to be average-short. Like 5'11" in Home and Away Harold Bishop/Karl Kennedy/Dan Paris was always amongst the tallest.
tomo said on 9/Sep/12
Ray Stevenson is 193cm and there is hardly any difference in Thor. I clock hemsworth at 191/2. If you see him in episodes of home and away he towers everyone. I think that because he is ripped it makes him look thicker and shorter. He's hard to predict but I feel that 191 flat is fair maybe more.
Rikashiku said on 24/Aug/12
I had other pictures with Goddard and the rest of the cast but tinyurl wouldn't play nice with me. It sitll showed Goddard towering over Hemsworth. If you don't believe my pic then look at the CM Punk pic, he still looks barely 6'2".
Shaun said on 22/Aug/12
Rob how tall would you estimate his parents in those pics? 5'11" and 5'8" ish? They produced 2 6'3" sons, although the oldest brother though is quite a bit shorter, doubt he's even 6'.
Editor Rob
maybe 5ft 10 and 8, hard to say on ground that's not totally flat.
Shaun said on 22/Aug/12
Click Here

If you browse some of these pics you'll neither of his parents are "very" tall. But both his mother and father look above average height his dad looks 5'11" ish and his mother does look quite tall for a woman at 5'8" ish.
Yaspaa said on 17/Aug/12
38" chest? Surely not. Drew Goddard is closer to the camera in that pic, it's pretty obvious he isn't 6'1.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 17/Aug/12
He looks 6'3 to me in that pic, Goddard is clearly closer to the camera! Always looked a legit 6'3, not like those actors who claim 6'3, get listed 6'3 but look nowhere near that mark! He always looks very tall!
Rikashiku said on 16/Aug/12
.... There is no angle Andrea. How can he look 6'3" next to 6'5" Goddard if he only comes up to his eyes. I have more pics where he has 3-4 inches on Hemsworth.

In the CM Punk and Stan Lee pic, he still looks just over 6'1". Punk is at least 5'11.5" and it looks like there is 2 incehs between them. As I have stated from the start; he is 187cm and no taller. I knew him, I know he is just the same height as Hiddleston who is also 187cm tall, he is barely 2" taller than 182cm CM Punk.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 15/Aug/12
Rikashiku, in that pic Hemsworth looks a strong 6'3, he looks pretty tall even if the angle favour Goddard :)
Vegas said on 15/Aug/12
looks to be struggling with 6'3 with cm punk in this shot Click Here
Rikashiku said on 15/Aug/12
With 6'5" Drew Goddard.
Click Here

Like I said, he is not 6'3". Closer to 6'1".
ANDREA[ITA] said on 14/Aug/12
He looks all the 6'3! Legit 6'3 guy!
Hob said on 6/Aug/12
he was probably tall as josh harnett 6'2.25 and at least had a 41 inch chest and weight up 205-210pounds.
Luba said on 14/Jun/12
I'd say 6'3 is a good estimation. I made a photo of Chris with my 6'1 boyfriend, and the height difference was noticeable. As my BF has curly, messy hair, he usually looks taller than he really stands, and his 1 inch taller friend appears to be his height.
Rikashiku said on 7/Jun/12
There's a pic of him with 187cm Tom Hiddleston, both wearing dress shoes. Hemsworth looked barely taller than Hiddleston. I'd say he's 188cm. I used to say 187 because he didn't look that much taller than me in person. With another 6'1.5" actor they almost looked identical in height. Normally Hemsworth is seen wearing really thick boots.
Jon said on 6/Jun/12
Chris is 6'3 because he usually wears elavator shoes at the red carpet.
aallegre said on 4/Jun/12
Hey all-
Had a photo with Chris a the Philly Comic Con this weekend. He's 6'2 easy. Closer to 6'3 for sure. His waist IS super small, it's kind of crazy. Only know because we had our arm behind him for the pic. Nice guy.
? said on 13/Feb/12
6'2 max yall are insane. You guys want a reference go watch starwars episode 2 and 3 see how tall hayden christensen is compared to natalie portman she is between his shoulders and chin. THEN COMPARE TO THOR NEXT TO CHRIS IT CANNOT BE MORE THAN 1 to 2 INCHES DIFFERENCES AND SHE WAS IN FLATS FOR BOTH MOVIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
? said on 13/Feb/12
Sean Bean is 5'11 not 5'9 and charlize is 5'9 to 5'10ish Momoa is not 6'4 he is 6'2ish and same as hemsworth its just everybody else next to them are migits...... Find a real 6'4 at ur local gym or lifetime fitness and stand them next to one another it will make chris look like a shrimp.......
Sam said on 30/Jan/12
He can appear closer to 6'2" but I buy Hemsworth as being in the 6'3" range
maio said on 19/Dec/11
according with rob, Chris Hemsworth is 6 ft 3 in/191 cm.
Beastman said on 30/Nov/11
No opinion, mate. And yes no evidence, cause it wasn't about stating him at something with no evidence, it was about making a point where things "can" be something else. Just relax, I ain't trying to prove anything against anyone here. If you and others say he's at least 6'2.5, maybe he is. And yes I did look at your pic, and he looks taller than 6'3, which is why i wrote he could also be an inch above this listing. Case closed for anything involving me, i'm leaving this page. No replies.
CJ said on 29/Nov/11
Beastman, you said: "I would NOT be surprised if both Momoa and Hemsworth were 6'2 or under. Maybe they just want to feel like bigger guys than they actually are by exaggerating their heights. And to think the picture with them together doesn't even provide a shot of their feet. Downgrading this guy isn't insecurity, it's feeling he doesn't deserve to be listed at something he's shorter than."

Sounds to me like you are drawing an opinion about Hemsworth's height. Then you just said in your last post that he "could" be under 6'2. Based on what evidence? He is at least 6'2.5", if not taller. Did you not look at the pic I provided? And no one is trash talking Nick...he's doing that plenty on his own.
Beastman said on 29/Nov/11
Look CJ, there's always a possibility Nick can be inaccurate with guessing, but why do people have to call him an idiot or say he has a sick obsession. That's just going too far. And if you didn't read properly, i said i have no opinion on chris' height. So hang ups or insecurity, it has nothing to do with me. As for jason momoa, i take back saying he "could" be 6'2 or under, but chris hemsworth actually "could" be under 6'2. Anyway, i'm not guessing here, i'm just saying it's all a possibility. If it makes you feel better, i won't deny both chris and momoa "could" also be above their listings by an inch. Just stop trash-talking Nick.
CJ said on 28/Nov/11
If Nick is entitled to his opinions, so are the people who disagree with him. No offense, but it seems he has a hang up about Chris Hemsworth. Quite frankly, Chris Hemsworth seems to be one of the few celebs who is at the height he claims to be. Maybe he is closer to 6'2.5", but he isn't the 6'1" or less gut Nick claims he is. Beastman, the fact that you are inclined to agree with Nick tells me you have hang ups as well.

Here is a pic of Chris at Comic Con with 5'8-5'9" Charlize Theron in heels and Sam Claflin, who is probably around 5'11": Click Here

Seems like a solid 6'3" to me.
Beastman said on 21/Nov/11
Jim and Shaun, stop trying to be the boss of Nick. The stuff you say can be very offensive. He's having just as much of a go at estimating as you and you're acting as if you know all the facts and he's plain wrong. I would NOT be surprised if both Momoa and Hemsworth were 6'2 or under. Maybe they just want to feel like bigger guys than they actually are by exaggerating their heights. And to think the picture with them together doesn't even provide a shot of their feet. Downgrading this guy isn't insecurity, it's feeling he doesn't deserve to be listed at something he's shorter than. And don't call me insecure, cause I'm not on this page to downgrade or upgrade, I'm here to justify that these are all estimates. Overall, I don't know what height Hemsworth is, he could still be 6'3 but no one here would perfectly know for sure.
Kerr said on 6/Nov/11
Hemsworth looked shorter than Elba because Elba had a ridiculously large viking helmet on the whole film. That's a weak comparison. There are plenty of pics of Chris at red carpet events and out and about to get a good scope of his height. I'd say a solid 6'3". I find it funny that so many need to debate this on this site, but not surprisingly, it's mostly men who care, lol.
LAN Jiao said on 31/Oct/11
Place hemsworth next to idris elba he did be suprise how come a weak 6'3 is taller than him near an inch.ha..
Rikashiku said on 24/Oct/11
He's a lot closer to 187cm tall. Remember, he wore thick boots in the Thor film. Its not like Idris Elba is 6'5", because he's really around 6'3".
Jim said on 23/Oct/11
@Nick you have a sick obsession and sound painfully insecure. Instead of going by the claims of the guy who met Chris in person and has the pic to prove it, you decide to agree with a guy who claimed he wore boots in Thor? Unreal.
zenarcher said on 22/Oct/11
How did Chris and our favorite girl Natalie ever kiss, she must have been standing on a bannana box.
jtm said on 20/Oct/11
lol at shaun.
Nick said on 19/Oct/11
Thanks you LAN Jiao to shed some light on C.Hemsworth height;) totally agree 187/188cm no more for him. Rest is CGI lol.
LAN Jiao said on 18/Oct/11
in THOR he wore kind of huge boots 5-6cm apear 6'4 range. in real next to 5'9 listed Penn Badgley look 6'1.5-6'2 could be his real height. did't even look 6'2.5 like idris elba range. chris is 6'2
Leo said on 13/Oct/11
@Shaun well you've met either. I never mentioned momoa to be 187. My pix claims 6ft 3 for Chris and I'm sticking to it.
Matt Von Knapp said on 7/Oct/11
I read about 192 cm about Chris-Thor, and it looks honest.
Shaun said on 6/Oct/11
Nick, Leo has met Hemsorth and Rob has met Momoa. I think they are much better equipped to estimate them than you. 187cm for Momoa LMAO
Leo said on 24/Sep/11
@Nick - I'm not really sure what sort of connotation you're getting at but if it's any help - I met Chris in 2005 when we were both around 23. I'm 5ft 11.25 barefoot in the morning rounding off to just barely over 5ft 11 at night.

Having met Chris that day and spoken to him briefly, I believe a solid 6ft 3. In out picture, he is leaning - that's granted, but when he was talking to me he definitely equalled some friends of mine whom I'm use to looking up to at the same angle. He's more no taller than 6ft 3, this was roughly (if memory serves me, around 6pm). Footwear for me were .75 inch sandles. Footwear for Chris were around .9 inch runners (trainers). There's not much more I can tell you other than I was standing upright in the photo, I always do. His posture was fine but he leaned down for the photo knocking the 3+inch gap down to around 1.5 - 2. Hope that helps everyone out ",)
Tom said on 22/Sep/11
So tell us, Nick, is it your life's work to prove that certain actors are shorter than they claim? You have yet to prove Hemsworth is anything less than 6'3". None of your evidence is compelling.
r3v001 said on 18/Sep/11
@NICK I wouldnt be suprised at all if Penn is wearing customized 3 inchers. Wouldnt you especially if you knew you were gonna be at an event with Hemsy! that makes him a respectable 6 feet which means Chris still has a considerable height adantage in standard 1 inch shoes but at least your not getting totally dominated.
jaypee said on 18/Sep/11
Tom Hiddleston is 6'1.5" and in set photos. Hemsworth has like an inch and a half on him. so 6'3 may be spot on. It may be his top height though. I think his brother is taller than him from photos.
Shaun said on 17/Sep/11
Nick says on 16/Sep/11
@ Shaun and Rob hei guys this is probably the only website where you can quarrel about a guy being 3 cm shorter or taller, and get insulted too:) BTW Chris Hemsworth is nothing (not even a wee bit) more than 188cm barefeet rest is bls LOL

Its also the only website where people like you think they have his barefoot height to the nearest mm and are so arrogant that they can be 100% certain he's not over 6'2".
mike j said on 17/Sep/11
OK I met Chris in two different instances one at comicon and the other in Melbourne I am 5 11 solid and he toward over me for my autograph he is 6'3" without a problem. He isn't much more but 6 3 for sure. I have at least three friends that are the same height and he seemed as big if not bigger. Also the dude had to be 225 when I saw him in Melbourne he was more like 185 or and he gained a little weight lifting and an additional 20-25lbs just for Thor and it showed. Go ahead and argue if you like and Chris Evans was taller then me as well but not by much maybe a half inch to an inch.
Nick said on 16/Sep/11
@ Shaun and Rob hei guys this is probably the only website where you can quarrel about a guy being 3 cm shorter or taller, and get insulted too:) BTW Chris Hemsworth is nothing (not even a wee bit) more than 188cm barefeet rest is bls LOL
bence said on 14/Sep/11
he look very tall in thor.he look me 192-192
Leonidas said on 13/Sep/11
Shaun says on 5/Sep/11

Charlize's heels make her at least 3 inches taller and likely 6'1" in them. Chris looks two inches taller. LOL at the 187cm tops!! He is a legitimate 6'3". He had 4 inches on 5'11" Alf in Home and Away.

Chris never looks two inches taller than Charlize in that pic! Although it's not straight you should try a ruler to approximately compare both tops!
Shaun said on 6/Sep/11
Rhys Sutherland played by Michael Beckley. Click Here You may remember him. Always looked really tall compared to most of the cast. I think I read he is 6'1", could look 6'2" or 6'3" though and I remember Hemsworth had about two inches on him and remember thinking he had to be close to 6'4".
Shaun said on 6/Sep/11
I actually estimated him at 6'4" in Home and Away. I used to think that Rhys bloke who lived in Pippa Fletchers old house was 6'2" range and Hemsworth had easily two inches on him. Rhys was 6'1" I think. Given that a legit 6'1" like Rhys in Home and Away looks really tall on screen Hemsworth I thought looked especially tall and really did look close to 6'4" to me. The Momoa pic confirms he is 6'3" legit range.
Jackanapes said on 5/Sep/11
"yourfriendly/fit/izen says on 4/Sep/11
All I know is I'm a solid 6'2 and we have the exact same shoulders arms and traps. I don't doubt him being 6'3 but he's probably 6'2"

OK, it's a good thing you both have the exact same shoulders, arms and traps -- your estimate must be dead on then.
Shaun said on 5/Sep/11
Nick says on 29/Aug/11
cmon on guys open your eyes Click Here 190cm is quite a stretch for him period. He could be 187cm tops! Hence Momoa can't really be anything over 188/9cm barefeet and still this bs 193cm around, just check the pic of him next to Hemsworth and make 2+2 please.

Rob please put this idiot in his place. Did Momoa look as low as 6'2" flat to you?
Editor Rob
no, Momoa looks taller than 6ft 3.
Shaun said on 5/Sep/11
6'1" you say Nick?

Click Here

Does not look under 6'3" next to Momoa.
Shaun said on 5/Sep/11
Leonidas says on 13/Aug/11
If Charlize Theron really is 177 cm, Chris Hemsworth cannot really be 191 cm, because in this picture Click Here
she wears gigantic heels of course, but do they really add 12-14 cm to her original height? Because with them she's almost Chris' height. Moreover Hemsworth's shoes give him a bit advantage as well, they are not completely "flat", I think. Unfortunately Sam Claflin is not already listed here, but if you google him, you will find at least 6 websites describing him as being 5 feet and 11 inches. The difference between him and Chris could be right excluding Chris shoes. I mean Sam wears flat Converse while Chris has shoes which surely give him 0.5-1 inch. What do you think?

Charlize's heels make her at least 3 inches taller and likely 6'1" in them. Chris looks two inches taller. LOL at the 187cm tops!! He is a legitimate 6'3". He had 4 inches on 5'11" Alf in Home and Away.
yourfriendly/fit/izen said on 4/Sep/11
All I know is I'm a solid 6'2 and we have the exact same shoulders arms and traps. I don't doubt him being 6'3 but he's probably 6'2
Leo said on 1/Sep/11
Hey Rob, thanks for posting a link to my photo. Thanks for that.
Nick said on 29/Aug/11
cmon on guys open your eyes Click Here 190cm is quite a stretch for him period. He could be 187cm tops! Hence Momoa can't really be anything over 188/9cm barefeet and still this bs 193cm around, just check the pic of him next to Hemsworth and make 2+2 please.
r3v001 said on 22/Aug/11
@ LEE, I would be interested in the pic. Is it a full body shot, straight on, near head level, with comparable posture? All photos are telling but I think any reasonable person would agree, the ones that meet the above criteria really are the most compelling.
Lee said on 18/Aug/11
Hey guys, Has anyone seen the picture with Chris standing next to Jason Momoa? If not i'll post a link. . Really surprised me actually. Jason is a genuine 6'4" so he's a good gauge for comparison.
Leo said on 14/Aug/11
No probs, Rob. I'm sure you have your reasons. I am on your site with various other people, Ian Smith, Bec Cartwright, Kate Richie though. Might give people more to talk about! No probs either way.
r3v001 said on 13/Aug/11
@ Leonidas well th site gives Charlize just under 5'10 and assuming her heels are monsters (4 inchers) which they look to be that would put her around 6'2 so it's reasonable to still put Hemsworth at 6'2 1/2 relaxed posture in the evening.
Leonidas said on 13/Aug/11
If Charlize Theron really is 177 cm, Chris Hemsworth cannot really be 191 cm, because in this picture Click Here
she wears gigantic heels of course, but do they really add 12-14 cm to her original height? Because with them she's almost Chris' height. Moreover Hemsworth's shoes give him a bit advantage as well, they are not completely "flat", I think. Unfortunately Sam Claflin is not already listed here, but if you google him, you will find at least 6 websites describing him as being 5 feet and 11 inches. The difference between him and Chris could be right excluding Chris shoes. I mean Sam wears flat Converse while Chris has shoes which surely give him 0.5-1 inch. What do you think?
r3v001 said on 10/Aug/11
maks sense! Thanks rob!I agee raenn tat bean hemsworth photo is not very compelling. too many factors (slouching, camera angle, body positioning in reference to photographer etc) to get a good sense of height difference.
Raenn said on 9/Aug/11
With the amount of backlash this guy is getting for claiming to be 6'3", I'm surprised no one is accusing him of being under 6 feet. He looks a solid 6'2.5" if not more. And Nick, your assessment of him in that photo with Sean Bean is off. Contrary to it looking like a similarity in height, Bean is in the foreground and Hemsworth is in the background, giving Bean the edge. Second, Hemsworth's head is tilted forward, which probably takes off an inch there. Third, if you actually pay attention to the stature of both men, notice how Bean's shoulders hit at level with Hemsworth's chest region, probably even below the sternum. As a photographer, believe me, they are not close in height at all.
r3v001 said on 8/Aug/11
Rob Why the reluctance on posting photos?! I think Chris seems a very strong 6'2 1/2 relaxed posture at the end of the day!
Editor Rob
it's easier in the long run not dealing with other people's photos because I haven't measured them, nor am I there taking the photo. Lots of variables which are a bit harder to see when you aren't there is camera height/lense, photographer position, postures.

here's a unique thing...a large % of photos I get, the event photographers are aware of this site.

If you had someone like Joe X and his 'mate', the position/intention could be the opposite - it's far far more likely to be in Joe's interest to make himself appear taller and the celebrity shorter.

totally different with myself and photographers at events, it ain't in their interest to make a celebrity appear shorter against me, which is great because I want photos as much as possible to show the height difference.
Leo said on 7/Aug/11
hi Rob, i emailed you from my email with a pix of me with Chris, do you not post photos anymore? Thanks, Leo
Editor Rob
I am now a bit reluctant to put a photo at the top of any page unless it's me/jenny/mamun or someone really know, but anybody is free to upload and give a link to their own photo.
Nick said on 2/Aug/11
Dear Shaun I really don't understand your anger, we're all expressing opinions here and believe it or not few cms are very hard to spot. However to me there's no way Hemsworth is 190cm, shoes on perhaps, but barefeet doesn't go over 187cm or my name is not Nick. All this 191/2cm are simply inflated height for him...Bring up some acceptable proof like this one Click Here guy next to him Sean Bean is 178cm now instead of insulting people explain why Chris looks so close to him in height, 7/8cm tops on him..
r3v001 said on 1/Aug/11
Hey Rob, what is your opinion on an appropriate heel size for a man? How much is too big
Editor Rob
1.5 is quite big, 0.8-1.2 covers a lot of shoes, 0.5 would be small
Lenad said on 11/Jun/11
I reckon solid 192cm in the morning
germanjorg said on 10/Jun/11
Shaun YOU should shut up a sharapova fanboy like you that belives she is 6 ft 2 in can NOT judge height anyway your mother will explain it to you
Shaun said on 2/Jun/11
@ Sondra and Liz. Not ALL us males are jealous types that would downgrade people out of insecurity. LOL at 6'1" for Hemsworth.
Shaun said on 2/Jun/11
Nick you're a joke. Hemsworth is a great example of a solid 6'3" guy. If you saw him barefoot in Home and Away there is absolutely no way he is under 6'3". As I say I estimated him at 6'4" in Home and Away as he towered even actors I thought previously tall.
Shaun said on 2/Jun/11
Nick will you shut up? Hemsworth is an OBVIOUS legit 6'3". He was easily 4 inches taller than 5'11-6' Alf Stewart on Home and Away and could often look 6'4". He's 6'3" solid. LOL at 6'1" for Hemsworth.
Nick said on 31/May/11
@ Liz I'm just commenting here like anyone else I don't know why has to be so hard for someone admitting that Chris Hemsworth is not 190cm but little less, more like 186cm. Just watch the pictures of him and his proportions you'll understand why 190cm is not an option for this guy.
Cranberries said on 31/May/11
Hemsworth is 190cm methinks. Also, for those of you commenting on his brother's height, there's not a single picture where the image isn't fudged up or the footware isn't assumable where the brothers don't look identical in height (within 1cm of eachother at most).
Literally dozens of Zimbio images with the two standing next to eachother and looking identical in height:
Click Here
Liz said on 31/May/11
Seriously, Nick. Is it your mission in life to prove Chris Hemsworth is lying about his height? I don't know why it is so hard to believe that this guy is 6'3".
Nick said on 28/May/11
I think hes is tall but you're all blind if you believe this guy is 192cm? it's a joke, he is no more than 186cm.
Liz said on 28/May/11
Lol at all the male haters that are trying to claim Chris is short. I briefly shook his hand at the Chicago comic convention back in March. I'm a solid 5'3" and my boyfriend is exactly 6'3". Not only did Chris tower over me, but even my boyfriend, who is smug about his height, commented on how tall Chris is. This was my first convention, but my boyfriend goes to these things all the time and comments about how most actors are a lot smaller in person. He said Chris was one of the few actors who doesn't have to lie about his height.
5'8.18758596 said on 23/May/11
Hey Rob, considering Liam used to look half an inch taller than Chris a year ago, and now Chris looks clearly around an inch taller than Liam, Is it possible that Chris got a VERY late growth spurt that got him from being scratching 6'2 to a tad over 6'3? (He´s 28)

He stands well next to legit 6'4 Ray Stevenson when walking, and looks a tad taller than Stellan, who was 6'4 at peak and now might be 6'3. He really looks massive next to 5'3 Portman, i could definitely buy a 6'5 wearing lifts, a legit 6'2 guy would have it pretty difficult to pull that off, dont you think?

btw, if Chris is 6'3 nowadays, maybe Liam has been 6'2.5 for some time.
SaMM said on 22/May/11
@ K from LA and do not see that 7,5cm or 3 inches difference between them in any snapshot or scene in the movie and btw if you've watched it there's even some footage where Sean Bean is barefooted next to Chris still there's no way more than couple of inches difference between them. Chris Hemsworth height is 186cm.
Shaun said on 21/May/11
K from LA says on 19/May/11
Click Here

Not a great pic due to the angle, but looks about 3 inches taller than 5'9.5" Sean Bean in this photo. Impossible to tell if Bean is wearing lifts for this film "Cash," but possible.

For starters Sean Bean is 5'11", at worst 5'10.5" and that's more 4 inches. That is basically how a 6'3" looks compared to a 5'11" guy.
K from LA said on 19/May/11
Click Here

Not a great pic due to the angle, but looks about 3 inches taller than 5'9.5" Sean Bean in this photo. Impossible to tell if Bean is wearing lifts for this film "Cash," but possible.
Cranberries (6 ft. 3.25 evening, 17 years, said on 17/May/11
How could you doubt Paul Levesque's acting skills after he's already proved the world wrong in Stephen Herek's masterpiece, "The Chaperone"? I think Triple H or John Cena would have made excellent Thor's. /sarcasm

Where are all the big handsome hero types nowadays anyway? Hollywood is so much shorter. Dolph Lundgren, Tom Selleck, David Prowse, even Sean Connery... The days of big Hollywood manly men are over, and now squinty-eyed beach body Hemsworth from down unda' is the best we got. Depressing.
Robert said on 17/May/11
if he really is 6'3'' then i am taller than him. looked more than 6'5'' with Stellan in Thor. lifts?
SaMM said on 16/May/11
someone here look confused, I don't know Chris but I bumped into him few days ago at a store entrance here and he looked tall I'm 5'10" and he looked to have two inches on me. I'd say he is about 6'1.75" no more though.
Maximus said on 15/May/11
He looks around 6'3" inches tops but that is a very good height for playing thor considering he probably wore shoes that gave him a couple of inches extra pushing him to 6'5"....there are taller and bigger people out there but their acting is poor and it would ruin the movie....example Triple H....that would have been a very bad choice.
Larry said on 15/May/11
Just saw Thor, he does legit seem at least 6 3, taller than 6 4 stellan, who may have lost height over the years
TDS said on 14/May/11
In the movie, when they check his 'fake' driver's licence, his height is listed at 6'3".
Ace said on 14/May/11
To be fair Nick, I think Branagh may wear lifts. There were a few scenes in Hamlet where he appears taller tha 5'10 Jacobi by an inch or so, and then other scenes where he appears slightly shorter. And Chris hemsworth is likely 6'3, and maybe a hair over.
Lenad said on 13/May/11
I'd say he flactulates between 191 and 192cm.
Nick said on 12/May/11
hello, check this out maybe the fairy tales and Thor imagination have taken you away from reality which is this: Click Here the guy next to him is listed at 177cm possibly 175cm hence Chris can't be more than 186cm and I'm being generous here for all Thor fans out there;)
Nick said on 12/May/11
are you guys nuts? just go check movies called ca$h or perfect gateway either of them he look not over 188cm, especially standing next to 178cm Sean Bean. I guess you might need to downgrade here seriously.
Ace said on 11/May/11
He looked huge in Thor. I'm not sure if he wore height boosting footwear, but he certainly appeared over 6'3. He had a few inches on 6'4ish Stellan Skarsgard.
SC said on 10/May/11
I've read he's closer to 6'4" before--Chris Evans is 6'0", 6'1", and Chris Hemsworth is standing right next to him in the Avengers pic from ComicCon. Chris Hemsworth is a head taller than him, which has to make him at LEAST 6'4" or maybe 6'5".
Tom said on 10/May/11
Looks a good 6'3, towers over his bro in this pic Click Here
emperor said on 10/May/11
i saw thor yesterday i thought he was 6'5" at the very least. i enjoyed the movie very much even though there was alot of romance it reminded me hercules in new york.
MD said on 9/May/11
Question, there is article after article where he states he put on 20 lbs for the role of Thor, but nowhere can I find either his starting or ending weight? Anyone have any idea of how much he weighed before that part or during filiming?
Johntk said on 8/May/11
He and his brother Lim look the same height 6'3
Lenad said on 7/May/11
Just saw Thor today. I'd guess 6'3-ish
TruebloodFan said on 6/May/11
he's wild tall in 'Thor'. taller than Stellan Skarsgard in most scenes. shorter than Ray Stevenson in every scene. 6ft3 is the best listing.
Quan said on 4/May/11
He recently said on an MTV program "The Seven" that he was between 6-3 and 6-4. 6-3 flat, 6-4 with shoes.
Nick said on 20/Apr/11
6 foot 3 at his lowest... maybe even a strong 6 foot 4. he made everyone in the Comic Con 2010 look tiny... and he had 5 foot 11 Chris Evans by at least 4 and a half inches.......
Moke said on 18/Apr/11
His brother is pretty much the same height: Click Here
Dave said on 7/Apr/11
Yeah, he's actually a really big guy.
Anonyamous said on 7/Apr/11
Joe said on 6/Apr/11
Chris could probably not care less what you think of his height, its clear he is tall fellow, definitely over 6'1" of height.
jax said on 4/Apr/11
he is six three. You guys are losers, you never ever met the man and I have on several occasions and he is at least two inches taller than me and I am almost six two.
REALITY said on 22/Mar/11
I agree "the savor of arnold misc" I believe thin air does less wonder to truth than hollywood inflated height charts, perhaps some of you shall watch a movie called "Ca$h" see how this guy look next and sometimes face to face with 5'10" /178cm possibly less Sean Bean, Hemsworth has no more than a inch/or 2,5cm on him or my name is mickey mouse, hence he is no more then 6'/6'1" 183/185cm.
the savor of arnold misc said on 20/Mar/11
this guy knows lifts and very well i might add, i can tell just looking at those awkward lift shoes, you can see his legs are far longer then normal, this guy is 6'1.50" tops barefoot, as im 6'2" tall and when i wear that very unique footwear, im off the map an easy 6'5". Also if he is anyhting near 6'3" or 6'4" barefoot, then he has the worst balance in the world and that wouldn't make any sense now would it, of course natalie portman is short, and with those lifts, running next to her, he looks like a 6'4.50" guy, but i can tell by how bad is posture is when running next to her, though it's not that bad but for him it is, there no way he has such below good balance, that he is in pain and could only run in that scene for breif and uncomfortabe period of time and remember chris evans is not tall and is most likely 5'11" tops, and sam jackson was 6'1.75", gone prune, so those lifts can really pull jobs.
P said on 2/Mar/11
I think he is taller than 6'3". 6'4" is more like it. This guy had Chris Evans by at least 3.5 inches
MD said on 11/Feb/11

Chris is the tallest brother. Here he is with Liam:

Click Here

Click Here

It's not by a lot, but Chris seems to be slightly taller.
linke said on 10/Feb/11
both brothers are 6'3 and the eldest luke is 5'8-5'9.
krazy krippled! said on 2/Jan/11
Chris might have been wearing shoe lifts to appear that much taller since Thor needs to be considerably bigger than the tallest human Avenger, who should be Captain America.
Matt said on 18/Dec/10
Never looked quite 6' 3'' to me, maybe with shoes
maximus said on 15/Dec/10
Perfect for thor. He is taller than 6'1" with out lifts and thats tall in hollywood. 6'2" to 6'3"....with shoes that will probably have a 1.5 to 2" sole for the movie thor, he will be pushing 6'4 to 6'5.
Comets said on 29/May/09
this guy is definitely over 6'3
OutBenchThis said on 8/May/08
Rob he's between 194cm (6'4.5") - 195cm, definately taller by 2cm but maybe 3cm than 192cm you have him listed. This information is from a reliable 6'1" TV personality "contact" here in Australia recently.
someone said on 20/Nov/06
Mark Furze is 5"10
S said on 8/Feb/06
He would be about that height. I met him and I only went up to his shoulder or a little past (I'm 5'5"), he is very very tall. I have a photo but I'm standing closer to the camera so I look a bit taller.

Editor Rob
no chance of seeing photo?
kit said on 27/Nov/05
u know that beau brady is 5'11 - that's a definite

if u look a few months back, when in home and away kim and noah are walking together, kim is definitly a head taller. And so if u think that his head is only like 4 to 5 inches, then that's a mistake.I'm so sure.

Also, can i ask those out there, would u happen to know how tall Tim Campbell (who plays Dan in home and away), Kip Gamblin (who plays Scott), Mark Furze (who plays Eric Dalby), Ben Unwin (who plays Jesse) and Daniel Collopy (who used to play Josh) are. ( can't find their heights on the net anywhere).
It would be grateful if u could tell me. Thanks.
denise said on 14/Nov/05
if were takin bout chris hemsworth i havny met him but i no his cousin richard levit is my skool teacher
kit said on 8/Oct/05
i'm sure he's much taller - around6'4/5

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.