OriginalAnon said on 25/Aug/20
He could quite easily be 184cm. I'm not sure where people are getting the 186cm and 187cm from. Definitely a height inflater.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/Apr/20
ππππ Happy Birthday Chris! ππππ
A Very Happy Birthday to Chris Evans, who is today turning 54.
6ft1. ππ
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 28/Feb/20
I remember being truly surprised when I found out Chris's height. I'd thought he was 5ft10.5/11.
I also recollect a truly hilarious 'Fast Show' sketch in which the late Caroline Aherne who, dressed as a schoolgirl and chewing some gum, described in her own inimitable way how much she really loved Chris Evans! Her bedroom wall was strewn with pictures of him.
Then she went on to tell her appreciative audience about a fart he did, adding, "...not that we could smell it!"
Then she said that Gabby Roslin was wafting the air, and finished with, "I wish I was Gabby!" π
I don't envy her for the honour of being present during such an event!
β Chris's former wife, Billie Piper, must have a fondness for the taller guy. Not only did she date, and possibly marry, the tall Chris, but she went on to marry Laurence Fox, who is in access of 6ft3!
Chris gets 6ft1 today.
Sandy Cowell said on 4/Sep/18
Well, I never knew he was THAT tall!
He can have 6ft1.
David N said on 22/Feb/18
He's one of those rare guys who doesnt look any particular height at all.I would guess 6ft dead.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Sep/17
186cm is a better listing, IMO. Did think he could look near 6ft2 at times....
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/Mar/17
He claimed 6ft2 on TFI Friday when he measured David Bowie who asked him how tall he was...
Arch Stanton said on 2/Sep/16
185 definitely makes more sense with Le Blanc!!
Christian-196cm (6ft5.25) said on 27/Aug/16
Chris is nothing under 6ft1, at least based on all the pictures I've seen so far. But 6ft2 is pushing it IMO. 6ft1.25 is fair I belive.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Aug/16
I think 6ft1ΒΌ could be closer for him.
James B said on 3/Jul/16
He can pull of looking 6'2 in my opinion
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Jun/16
I'd stick with 185-186cm range. I don't think he'd measure under 6ft1 even today.
truth said on 18/Jun/16
Yeah next to legit 5'10 Bowie (5'9.5" minimum) always struck me as 6'1 range guy at the most. 184 cm minimum and 186.5 cm maximum.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/May/16
Ah c'mon! He easily looked 186/187cm range on TFI.
BT said on 30/Apr/16
@Editor Rob: What do you make of this shot with Matt LeBlanc?
Click Here

Editor Rob
in quite a few shots he doesn't look more than 3 inches taller, so he may well be somewhere at most 6ft 1, under it possibly.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Feb/16
He can look 188cm at times also but 187cm is probably closer.
Rory said on 24/Nov/15
When he presented music awards in 1996 with both 182cm guys Pete Townshend and Ray Davies he only looked a good inch taller, i don't think his posture was brilliant but even standing tall id have thought 186 more than 187.
div said on 2/Oct/15
Rob Chris Evans is 6 foot tall. Here he is with 5'7 Davina Mccall and he isn't anymore than 5 inches taller than her.
Click Here

Editor Rob
I think in some of those shots he can look 6 inches over her
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Aug/15
He can still look 6ft2 at times.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Jul/15
@James B: I wouldn't rule out that mark.
Arch Stanton said on 27/Jul/15
@Jacek I think most people would think of him as a puny little ginger bloke. It's his appearance/voice/image. I agree with you, you'd not guess him anywhere near this without looking into it!
James B said on 24/Jul/15
6'1.75 in his 20s rob?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Jul/15
Rob, do you he's at an age where may have lost a wee bit?
He's pushing 50.

Editor Rob
a few mm at 50 isn't uncommon. It's that 50-60 zone I think you really are more likely to lose a wee fraction than the 45-50, which I think is just on average a few mm's for most...unless in sports or wrestling or injuries.
REDO said on 13/Jul/15
Rob here he is with 5'7 Davina Mccall . I can't see any
more than 6 foot for him . He is no more than 5 inches
Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Jul/15
@James B: she just about comes up to his shoulder so 5ft2...
I think Evans generally look strong 6ft1/weak 6ft2 range
Arch Stanton said on 6/Jul/15
Nah Chaz, he looks around this with 5'11 Nesbitt
Click Here
Chaz said on 5/Jul/15
6'1.5''lol is this a Joke? he's 6' he must be saying 6'2'' in them cowboy boots,I remmber him in TFF saying to you Hugh Laurie wow! you are tall I am 6' you must be 6'4'' and Laurie said no I am 6'2.5'' and Evens said are you sure,and he said yes Stephen Fry is 6'4'' and he's taller than me,and when they had tall woman on the one show Evens said you are tall I am 6' how tall are you she said 6'3''.
Jim Hopper said on 5/Jul/15
I saw him in London last year,didnt look over 6-1" imo. Id say 6-1" tops.
James B said on 4/Jul/15
Rampage the ginger girl in the photo was my girlfriend back in 2007. She claimed 5'2 as her height.
What do you think rampage?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Jul/15
@James B: You're mate looks a legit 6ft2
Arch Stanton said on 3/Jul/15
That's better
Click Here Does look close to 6'2.
Arch Stanton said on 3/Jul/15
Actually looks 6'4 here LOL
Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Jul/15
Thanks Rob!
Yeah I reckoned he's not quite a genuine 6ft2 guy but close.
James B said on 3/Jul/15
Iam thinking my guy friend looks 6'4 compared to Evans
Would u agree rob?

Editor Rob
it depends how much he is losing, chris that is.
tom said on 3/Jul/15
Man did not realise he was this tall, most of the time you see him sitting down I suppose!
James B said on 3/Jul/15
Rob how tall does my guy friend look here compared to chris evans. He met him back in 2012
Click Here

Editor Rob
might look a bit taller
Arch Stanton said on 3/Jul/15
Spot on I think, taller than most people would automatically think.