Hugh said on 6/Jan/09
What a Story! You've done things even I would think twice about.
glenn said on 5/Jan/09
mel? thats the famous story i told many times,i guess before you were around.i tapped him on his shoulder to get his attention after he agreed to the photo op,him not looking towards the camera though.he then cursed me out and flung his arm towards me.its captured here on the site.its the pic thats up now.look at his face.i laughed at him.i called the newspapers the next day.2nd day,i called back and mels publicist denied he was in town.i didnt want to persue the drama.
Hugh said on 3/Jan/09
How was he rude to you?
glenn said on 31/Dec/08
mel gibson circa 1993.
Hugh said on 30/Dec/08
Glenn who would be the rudest celebrity you've met?
cb said on 10/Dec/08
This guy is nothing taller than 6'1". Just take a look at pics with him and Monica Belluci from Shoot'em up. Well, she's got heels but 1,68 barefeet. With those kind of heels she reaches 178cm at the very best. Clive towesr her with 10cm, but don't forget the shoes. He's very likely 6'2" with shoes. The best proof for my guess, is the pic with Tim Robbins 1,94 towering him at least by 10cm.
glenn said on 9/Dec/08
maybe he isnt anymore james.but i think i heard good reports still.
Lenad said on 8/Dec/08
If Glenn stood up straight he looks a proper 187 guy.
glenn said on 7/Dec/08
many times james.5-11.great guy.
yoyo said on 6/Dec/08
looks 187 beside Glenn.
glenn said on 4/Dec/08
sting i havnt seen on the street since 1996.i heard he isnt as cool as he use to be.actually saw him from a block away sign for people i know recently.didnt realise it was him.he lives here.
glenn said on 4/Dec/08
james-i understand your veiws to a point,but you have to except and deal with it to a point too.yes,thats the word over here,and i witnessed it.ever since i was 18 years old and iron maidens singer was rude to me and their drummer told me to f off.and they were my favorite band.i dont let that turn me off to an artist though.i still love mel gibson.its just iron maidens music has been sucking for years.
NATE said on 3/Dec/08
im gonna say 6'2. he looked in sin city. and he was also very cool in that movie.
glenn said on 2/Dec/08
james just basically insulted me without knowing it.sometimes its better to stay out of fights james.3rd time since ive been back you had me confused.
glenn said on 2/Dec/08
again james has my head scratching.i didnt realise james and long time were celebrities either.or been around them long enough.
glenn said on 2/Dec/08
if you were such a long time fan,you would know things have changed on this site.for me,and hopefully for all.i have a right to express my feelings about celebs and have been doing so in a different on the other hand are of a certain ilk,one that immediately assumes i harass celebs and throw cameras in their are the certain kind that assumes anything and everything,and that can start vicious arguments.cause i for one dont accept hot air from naive people like assume i have no life you know me personally? do you know what i do in private life? do you know how many celebs i let walk by cause i dont want to bother them? do you know if i do other tasks and have numerous hobbies? do you know my sources of income? my social life? my women? my friends? apparently you know me well.apparently you know celebrities well too.would you care to take over my place? what have you contributed to the site? nothing except your meaningless opinion.based on what you think is correct.i loath paparrazi and i never bother celebs.i have a life my friend,you can start a better life by not pointing and accusing.i loath people like you more though.but i dont know you either.and dont get me started on how british,canadian,australian male celebs can be rude.this isnt just my opinion.this is the talk of my peers.and im not getting into it.cause that will get people mad.just like any stereotype,its distorted.i used to never hold i have to somewhat.buts that ok.i spoke my mind well.forgive me for not realising you were there when owen was rude around me,my friends or people i dont know.clive isnt rude?i forgot you met him too,outside of my meetings too.i forgot you based your facts from first hand accounts.or are you family or friends of his?even a simple hello can get you in trouble with certain im not saying owen is one the sure he is great to his family and friends.but he can be more fan friendly.and on occasion im sure he is accommodating.rappers are very humble and beautiful people.celebs should take a few pages from them.this is coming from someone who is not a fan of hip hop culture or most of its music.old school rap was great.long time fan,i suggest we dont ever cross paths again.stomp around the site all you want and dont mention my name.ill do the same for you.
glenn said on 30/Nov/08
6-2 sounds a little high.but i guess its so.i wouldve said 6-1 myself.
glenn said on 29/Nov/08
he wasnt happy james.its a fake i look happy?
Long Time Fan celebheights said on 28/Nov/08
With all due respect, I'm not sure I agree 100% with Bob H's rationale for working out Clive Owen's height. Try this on for size. I know Clive Owen and I reckon he's 6"2. I'm certainly no expert when it comes to determining precise heights of people. But he seems 6"2 to me. Maybe I'll ask him tonight.
glenn said on 27/Nov/08
actually markus,he is very difficult.
anonymous said on 26/Nov/08
Next to julia roberts in duplicity, he looked 13cm taller. 6 foot 2-3.
Marcustheswede said on 22/Nov/08
Hello Glenn.How was it to meet Clive Owen?Was he nice that time?First movie I watched with him was King Arthur loved it.Seems like nice guy..wonder if he was..=)
Bob H. said on 15/Nov/08
Sin City is on TV right now. Rosario Dawson (listed 5'7") is standing side by side with Clive. Full body shot. Level ground. You can see their shoes, tops to their heads, etc. They are exactly the same height. Exactly. Scene where they are stuffing Del Toro in the trunk of a car. Rosario is wearing spiked heels. Clive is in Tennis Shoes. If you give Rosario 6" for the heels and nothing to Clive... that comes out to 6'1". I believe that's about right. I'd say Clive is 6'1" TOPS.
loxley said on 9/Nov/08
He definitely looked tall when I met him. I didn't think he was a jerk, in fact he was very nice to me. Maybe not quite 6ft2 but close.
Hugh said on 4/Oct/08
Captain Spaulding, I never said Owen WAS 6ft3. I'm saying he can appear it at times.
Captain Spaulding said on 23/Sep/08
Hugh I know how tall 6'3" is I got a buddy thats that height. Clive owen even tho he always wears lifts looks nowhere near 6'3", he doenst even look 6'2" in his huge boots.
Hugh said on 22/Sep/08
Can look closer to 6ft3 at times.
Captain Spaulding said on 18/Sep/08
Im gonna say 6'0", hes above average but not by much.
In Shootem up he didnt even look 6'2 and he had monstrously thick boots on that added an inch or 2. He wears lifts in any movie iv seen him in.
Hugh said on 9/Sep/08
I think 6ft2 suits him perfectly.
dits said on 4/Aug/08
margherita: he definitely looked like 6'2 in derailed.even in children of men and shoot em up..looked no less than 6'2.
btw,was it just me,or was shoot em up really a kind of a parody of children of men?
Margherita said on 28/Jul/08
Strangely he looked no more than 6ft sometimes 5ft 11 in Derailed that was on TV twice last week. 6ft 2 is right tho.
... said on 3/Jul/08
I thought he looked around 6'4''+ in Children of Men
Lego said on 25/Jun/08
there are great british actors kind and friendly, you must've seen your share of them but maybe you ended up with the rude ones for some reason?
as for his height, he looks 6'3 in the image imo he's 6'1.75 to 6'2.25.
glenn said on 24/Jun/08
he ignores.or gets snotty.its a english offence.i know ill get heat,but alot of english celebs are rude like not the only one that says that.he acts just like daniel craig.and bruce dickinson,rod stewart,mick jagger etc.
Anonymous said on 23/Jun/08
wouldve guessed 6'1.75 next to keira but 6'2 seems better. how come you dislike clive glenn?
Msthang said on 20/Jun/08
He is definitely taller than denzel in inside man, and towered over natalie portman in closer
Mimi said on 19/Jun/08
My friend just saw him and took a pic with him at Belmont (horse races). My friend is a little under 5'11" and Clive was no more than 2 in. taller than him, both wearing similar dress shoes. He looks VERY handsome in the pic, although smaller framed than I thought he would be. Regardless, what a HOT man!!
thekiddd said on 31/May/08
It looks exactly 4 1/2". He's almost 6'2".
nicole said on 26/May/08
I`m beginn to thinking that Clive is not over 6f 1inch when i see this photo.
Tim Robbins towers him near 10cm.
Viper said on 16/May/08
The 5-11 stuff mentioned on this page is pretty bizarre unless he was a lift wearer. I saw Children of men recently and he still looked pretty tall in just flip flops.
cm / inches said on 25/Apr/08
If you check the page no. 2 which is the best for me related to angle and perspective , in that site you could see better the difference between them , he can look about 183 cm no more ..
Click Here check better !! p.s. what do you think Glenn ?
thekiddd said on 22/Apr/08
It's kinda hard to tell with that pic because Robbins is close to the camera.
ed2 said on 22/Apr/08
Here with Tim Robbins. I think he looks 6'2''
Click Here
anonymous said on 14/Apr/08
I just saw him on location with julia roberts in nyc. She was much smaller than i expected and he was maybe 4 inches taller than she is. His head is enormous and freaky. Better on film than in person.
glenn said on 3/Apr/08
i dont know about hair loss.but for sure at least 6-2 now more i think of it.not smaller.
glenn said on 1/Apr/08
6-3 is absurd.but he is almost 6-2,if not that.
thekiddd said on 31/Mar/08
Definitely not 6'3". He can pass for 6'2" but not 6'3". I still say 6'1 1/2".
nicole said on 31/Mar/08
Saw King Arthur and Closer, looks like my friend 187cm not more. I`m also 5ft 8inch like Glenn.
kingz said on 29/Mar/08
yuh i wuld say he is 6"3 at the most. dam this guy towers over glenn
anonymous kinG said on 23/Mar/08
thats a funny correction that michael cain was peak at 6ft1 nowdays but looks 1.5in(4cm) lower clive owen height in Children of Men.. Owen was wearing a flat slipper still stands tall than cain by 1.5in in a few scene .. michael cain was likely only 6ft if clive owen is 6ft2..
Anonymous said on 21/Mar/08
Seriously fellows. How can you possibly be able to see a half an inch difference on a man? I can imagine that very little difference in groundlevel, standing position, shoes or even the rotationangle on the camera can totally **** with a measurement this little.
thekiddd said on 11/Mar/08
187 cm is closer to 6'1 1/2". Which I think suits him more.
Gary said on 2/Mar/08
5'8 comes to the tip of my nose barefoot and im 6'2, but when i wear shoes im 6'3.5 and 5'8 comes to my lips, if they wear both barefoot i would put him at 6'1.5
Anonymous said on 25/Feb/08 this picture i see at least 7-8 inches difference between them
Akhilesh Kadian said on 18/Feb/08
Goshhh....I thought he was under 6..
Joe said on 17/Feb/08
6-1 sounds spot on, perhaps even a little more.
Charliemoto said on 17/Feb/08
he can look 6'1ish and 6'2ish this points to a guy that is in the middle hence i go for 6'1.5 and perhaps suspect footware. ;)
6'1.5 clive.
Matthew said on 10/Jan/08
lol@people thinkign he is under 6ft. Look at children of men..he is muchtaller than everone there..look at him next to glenn, he is clearly more than 4 inches taller, it looks like an even 6..
Fisher said on 30/Dec/07
You guys look like ghost hunters.
brother_h said on 30/Dec/07
holy crap 6'2?! the whole time i thought he was 6'0.
on a new zealand magazine is said he was 6'0
Anonymous said on 20/Dec/07
After seeing him side by side with Benicio Del Toro in Sin City premiere, i think he is 6'1.25 tops.
myspace celebrity said on 8/Dec/07
in derailed he looked 6'2 next to rza
steph said on 23/Nov/07
yeah..he looks 6 2.. in the movie closer, he's touching natalie portman's face and his hand is as big as her head. yikes.
Anonymous4 said on 23/Oct/07
Re Jason: If it's a old house, the standard is probably 6'4.
RobertJ said on 27/Sep/07
Clive never came off as tall to me in his films, not short or average but over 6'1''. I'll sill buy 6'2'' but he's not looking it next to alleged 5'8.5'' Cate Blanchett.
Click Here
klepp said on 9/Sep/07
Just saw him on the Conan O'Brien tv show and to be honest he only looked like 5'11" to 6". Alan Alda who was the guest after Clive looked 6'2".
Martin said on 5/Sep/07
Looks taller than 188 cm to be honest. More like 190-191 cm
dmeyer said on 26/Aug/07
6 ft 2.5 is a possibility
Adam Brennon said on 25/Aug/07
In "Children of Men" it can be observed that Clive Owen is taller than all the other male actors and 90% - 95% of male extras: the man's tall.
sarah said on 3/Aug/07
6' 2 3/4" husband and I bumped into him at Toronto Film Festival a few years ago and they were of a height--but I was too dazzled to check his shoes. still, he and husband were both wearing business suits, and most guys that height dont' wear heeled boots or lifts with their dress suits. 6" 2.5 - 6' 3" I'd say.
Alucard said on 2/Aug/07
Looks about 6'2 to me. Maybe a little taller. He looks tall.
Ross said on 2/Aug/07
I've just seen him in Starbucks in London and he's a whopper. Definitely over 6-2
Austrian said on 22/Jul/07
how can anyone say hes below 6'2 really?
hes nothing under 6'2
Hmm said on 14/Jul/07
In "Inside Man" Owen looked about an inch taller than 6' Denzel Washington. Owen's posture during the film wasn't brilliant either. No indication (that I noticed) of footwear type. To me, Owen stands 6'1.5" - 6'2".
Melvin said on 26/Jun/07
On average it is 3.5 inches from top of the head to the eyebrows and then 2.5 inches from eyebrows to tip of the nose. If Owen and Glenn were standing straight there would be a 6 inch difference so 6ft 2 inches for Owen it is.
glenn said on 11/Jun/07
maybe almost as tall.ill measure one.its easier than measuring myself at home alone.
Viper said on 10/Jun/07
I have to think hes as tall or almost as tall as that SUV.
glenn said on 10/Jun/07
i have no clue.i can measure one,no problem.but i hope my friend remembers the company that drives him.which he should.
Viper said on 9/Jun/07
How tall is that SUV in the picture?
199kex said on 9/Jun/07
owen is only 187cm ... and michael cain looks 3cm about shorter than owen in children of men.. cain is only 184cm..
Anon said on 30/May/07
He's not 6'3. He's more like 6'1 or 6'2. Stood next to him in a bar and he was shorter than I had expected.
Anonymous said on 23/May/07
he's the only celebrity i have ever met, he used to dine at a place here in ohio (don't ask why, probably a shoot). he is 6 foot 3.
Fox said on 15/May/07
i think 6ft 2.5..
Gonzalo said on 7/May/07
That pic with Caine shows that Owen is 6`2 at the most. I was surprised to see he was barely taller than Washington in Inside man and he didn`t tower over Julia Roberts in Closer.
AAAA said on 15/Apr/07
Just posted this in Caine's fourm. I think owen is a 6'2 guy, maybye more like 6'2.5. But this shot with Caine intrests me. Either Owen is only 6'1.25, or Caine really hasn't shrunk. And I am leaning toward the latter
Click Here
G-unit said on 7/Apr/07
6'2 sounds right, he might even be a bit taller, like 6'2.5
Trev said on 4/Apr/07
I worked with Clive on Chancer, I'm 6'1" he was a good inch taller than me!
glenn said on 3/Apr/07
new york city.if your around,let me know.
The Horse of FUNK said on 2/Apr/07
lol Glenn's a celebrity in his own right. Where do you operate anyway? Cali, New York? Might even encounter you one day and have to take a pic to judge your height.
Anyway, as for Owen, I've always figured him for 6'2.25", 6'2" who peddles 6'2.5". In Arthur he seems to have a good 3" or slightly more on Ioan Grunfold... whatever his name is.
glenn said on 30/Mar/07
avril huh? interesting.never saw her.isnt that nice i hear.
glenn said on 30/Mar/07 thats 200,000 or so a month?

Editor Rob
pretty much, although from april-aug visitors probably be a bit less in summer. Your guaranteed about 3500 see the front page each day, and of course out of the top 100 urls visited on the site you have a picture on probably 65ish% of those links, so it adds up...actually, surprisingly the most visited page last 2 months was avril lavigne, no idea why.
glenn said on 29/Mar/07
it gives both our photos a home and more purpose.the world should see them.

Editor Rob
at the moment I think your face is seen roughly 7 or 8,000 times a day on here...
glenn said on 29/Mar/07
these photos arent taken for height comparison paulg.i just kindly contribute my nights out on the town.of course i want the pics immortalized somewhere god forbid i go or the pics go.a perfect marriage.and i was always fascinated by height.
PaulG said on 28/Mar/07
This picture is flawed in itself. Glenn should take better pictures (same posture, not owen leaning towards the camera, and shoulder to shoulder not should to cheast). hehehe ridiculous. 6ft1.5 at the very most.

Editor Rob
do people not read faq? Some pics of course cannot show exact height, some might fall into the category of showing a person to be minimum height or likely within a range, and if its apparent they've got a lean (i.e. jake gyllenhall) or whatever then you can say they are taller than the minimum height they look in the photo.
I even posted some photos on here showing the effects of leans, and what a 1/2 inch or 2.5 inch normal sideway lean was like in reality.
Gonzalo said on 22/Mar/07
Didn`t look that tall (6`3) in Closer nor did he in Inside man. He looked only slightly taller than Denzel Washington. 6`2 at the most. He has no class.
Jordan said on 21/Mar/07
Looks solid 6'3.
Austrian said on 19/Feb/07
i think he could as well be 190 cm
D. Ray Morton said on 12/Feb/07
Friend of mine works out next to Clive at the gym. She says he's definitely no shorter than 6'2", maybe taller.
AAAA said on 11/Feb/07
Looks about 6'2.5 here, his eyes are about an inch and a half over the top of glens head. The center of his eyes anyway
Del Mar said on 8/Feb/07
Yeah, I could really go for 6-3 for this fella. 6-2 is the absolute minimum
daver said on 28/Jan/07
he is most DEFINITELEY 6'2"
watch children of men
this guy is tall! he wears flip flops the whole time and still towers above every one else
just look at his body
he has a big frame and really long legs
he might even be over 6'2" like 6'2.5" or even 6'3"
dmeyer said on 14/Jan/07
he looks bang on 6'2 in the pic 188 cm for him no smaller
Height Tracker said on 13/Jan/07
Just watched "Children of Men" and he looked very tall in that movie. Towered over pretty much everyone, even when he walked around in flip flops. He was also at least two inches taller than Michael Caine.
Viper said on 8/Jan/07
He looks exactly 6-2 in the picture, no taller and no shorter than that.
Andreas K. said on 7/Jan/07
He looks 190-192cm.
Lyn S. Smith says 4/Jan?07 said on 6/Jan/07
Well in my oppion this man looks at least a good 6 foot 4 or 6 foot 3 and a half. He looks a tall hispanic and handsome manof 6 foot 4 height. That man looks a little taller then 6 foot 2, thank you. Now the Man that played Jesus Christ looks 6 foot 2 even.
Glenn said on 4/Jan/07
He ignored me at first.but gave in.
Viper said on 4/Jan/07
I do find the 5-11 estimates in person to be VERY interesting though. Maybe he wears lifts.
Viper said on 4/Jan/07
He does look 6-2 in the picture.
Jenn said on 3/Jan/07
he's officially 6'2 everyone, big guy, handsome too :)
Glenn said on 3/Jan/07
Yeah,he looked huge.not very friendly.had to fight and chase a block to get this.

Editor Rob
perseverence paid off, good pic!
sam said on 3/Jan/07
Did he look 6'2" in person, Glenn? He looks it in your picture.
dmeyer said on 23/Nov/06
i think clive is no less than 188 cm possibly alidl over
Videodrome said on 23/Nov/06
He must be wearing lift up boots. Before he was famous (he was about 23) he came into me and my friend's apartment, and he took off his shoes. He stood right next to my friend's boyfriend (who was 5'11")and they were almost exactly the same height. He's 5'11", 6'0" at the most
Viper652 said on 21/Nov/06
5-11-6-0 is hard to swallow. He sure comes across as being taller in pictures. I figured he was 6-1 bare minumum, but he might wear lifts.
MD said on 20/Nov/06
5'11"-6'0"?! Really?! I'm just not seeing it.
Oatmeal said on 20/Nov/06
Second that. I just met him. He's absolutely, positively 5'11-6'0. Oh, and he was standing up straight as an arrow.
Videodrome said on 13/Nov/06
I've met him. Hes 5'11", 6'0" at the most
anon said on 7/Nov/06
iv met him - im 5'11 and a half , and he appeared quite a bit taller then me, a least 6'2 if not 6'3
thelasttiger said on 17/Sep/06
I think he is fully 6'2", tries to get away with a half an inch but can't seem to do it.
wrestling said on 31/Aug/06
i think hes about 187cm , 6'1" 1/2 ... he does look pretty tall in all his movies... and for that 6'7" guy on this site , its not cuz ur 6'7" and that people have 1 head less then u that they are 5'11" ... unless ur head is about 1.5 feet tall ... clive is a solid 6'1" at the least , or a strong 6'2" at the most ...
ForensicNYC said on 29/Aug/06
"Fhello Fdenzhel...Hi ham Fclive Howenf...Hi ham 6'2"...Fand Hyou?"
Click Here
Kiuru said on 28/Aug/06
Pete-I wouldn't say so! Clive is DEFINITELY 6'2, at least. He might be 6'3 even.
dmeyer said on 16/May/06
i think clive is between 6'1.75" =187 to 6'2.75" 190 so 6'2" is a good guess
Pete said on 19/Apr/06
I met Clive Owen last week, he is definitely not 6'2. Maybe 5'11-6'0 at best. I'm 6'7 and people are always measuring themselves against me, so I have a pretty good sense about heights.
Tom said on 9/Apr/06
I walked by Clive Owen on the way to a casting over the summer, and he absolutely towered over me, and I am a legit 6'. He's at least 6'2", and maybe closer to 6'3", the dude also has a huge frame and is pretty imposing.
Anonymous said on 3/Apr/06
I just saw Inside Man. He's a real 6 foot 2
Jim said on 21/Mar/06
I've just seen several pictures of Owen at the INSIDE MAN premiere, standing beside Denzel Washington. Owen is almost the exact same height as Washington (no more than half an inch taller).
This site has Denzel listed at 6'0. Either Denzel's height has been underestimated, or Owen's height has been overestimated. Either way, they are pretty much the same height. Both look to be around 6'1.
dmeyer said on 18/Mar/06
hey rob i think 188 cm is right since in derailed he apears around cassel height but no taller 6'2" seems rightmaybe 189 as he claims but i aint sure yet
sam said on 18/Mar/06
Two inches shorter than 6'4" IS 6'2".
Anonymous said on 17/Mar/06
On the Late night with Conan O'Brien, he was at least 2 inches shorter then Conan, maybe more, 6'1 is his maximum. I dont know from where u guys saw 6'2
as said on 5/Mar/06
Check this photo! He is a lot taller than Julia Roberts who is 5'8''.
I think he is either 6'2'' or 6ft 2.5.
Vincent said on 3/Mar/06
Here's what I noticed. In Sin City, Owen wears Converse All Stars, which when I wear, I notice that I appear an inch shorter than when I wear normal dress shoes. A full inch. And he's still bigger than everybody in the movie.
Damon said on 18/Jan/06
I wouldn't be surprised if he's at least 6'2. He looks like he just has a really big frame.
kenshin said on 29/Dec/05
In Sin City he does look 6'2.5 compared to Rosario Dawson whose listed as 5'7 here, she is wearing like 4 in heals in that movie...
wrestling said on 8/Dec/05
186-187 looks more realistic...
dmeyer said on 6/Dec/05
i think clive is taller than 6'2"
Anonymous said on 22/Nov/05
i think he is closer to 6'3" he is taller than cassel
Mr. R said on 18/Nov/05
Also in the current issues of People Magazine, Clive is referred to as 6-2.
Tubbs said on 30/Sep/05
In the movie Close My Eyes, he looks around 6'1.5 or 6'2, he's just a bit taller than Alan Rickman, who's listed as 6'1.
John R said on 7/Sep/05
Check out the pics next to Benicio del Toro. Both canĀ“'t be 6'2'', Benicio looks 2 inches taller
Mario Nariano said on 27/Aug/05
I saw him some years ago. He is around 6 ft 2, maybe 6 ft 2.5.
Issheuhboy said on 23/Jul/05
Well, if Ioan Gruffudd is 5'11, 6'1 for Owen here? It's a bit of a funny angle I admit, but I don't think he's 6'2 or 6'2 1/2 here...
I'd say he's marginally (2 inches tops) over Gruffudd - 6'1.
chipper said on 7/Jun/05
6'2" sounds right to me.
Ricardo said on 25/Apr/05
In sin city he doesn't appear all that tall, looks more like 6 feet.