How tall is Colin Farrell - Page 2

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Average Guess (158 Votes)
5ft 9.68in (177cm)
John said on 28/Jul/12
He was on Leno last night...when he walked out, he was about a half inch shorter than 5'11 Leno, but he was also wearing cowboy boots with lifts. Halfway through the interview he referred to himself as "5 foot 10 and 165 pounds." The guy below me pointed out the same interview, but I'd say the boots were making him about 5'10.5 against Leno, so he's probably if not 5'10 then very strong 5'9...
indian fact machine said on 27/Jul/12
replied to jay leno in tonight show last night that he was 5 ft 10 but was wearing some massive boots and looked more of a 5ft9er rather than 5 ft10er..
Marcus said on 15/Jun/12
Did you upgrade him recently Rob? Wasn't he listed at 177
Editor Rob
he's been this mark for a good while
Batri said on 14/Jun/12
I stood next to this little guy in a coffee house in Atwater village. I'm 6' and he is way shorter than me even in his cowboy boots and jewelry. He's no more than 5'6". I might add that he couldn't stop checking himself out in the mirror as he waited for his coffee.
SAK said on 12/Feb/12
This guy feels short, see his shoes here Click Here

I am thinking, he is 5ft9/176cm
tracy said on 6/Feb/12
in miami vice jamie foxx 5-9 looked 1/2 inches taller than him imo

i say high 5-8 low 5-9 and looks taller due to low weight & good structure
avi said on 29/Jan/12
weak 5'10 more likely 5'9.5ish
Chris said on 17/Jan/12
Farrell looks almost two inches shorter than Willis in Hart's War. And with Renner in SWAT looked less than two inches taller. Doesn't seems to be a full 5'10. 5'9.5 for him (177 cms).
Godred said on 14/Dec/11
@gui - maybe in boots, no chance barefoot.
gui said on 11/Dec/11
I met Collin at Breentwood Bar and Grill in L.A and a think he is 1,80 cm
Silent d said on 8/Dec/11
5 foot 10.
ACG said on 27/Nov/11
Adamz says on 13/Nov/11
I actually met Colin at the Hollywood Roosevelt hotel and stood less than 5 feet away while my boss talked to him for a good 3 minutes. He is at least half an inch taller than this and could be a solid 5'11". i was sure to take note of his shoes and they were not suspect.

Give this guy a cookie.
Adamz said on 21/Nov/11
Dude i am 174cm mid-day. Colin is over 70 inches.
Shaun said on 14/Nov/11
Five nine and a half I'd guess
Adamz said on 13/Nov/11
I actually met Colin at the Hollywood Roosevelt hotel and stood less than 5 feet away while my boss talked to him for a good 3 minutes. He is at least half an inch taller than this and could be a solid 5'11". i was sure to take note of his shoes and they were not suspect.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Nov/11
At the upper end of 5ft9, but not quite 5ft10. Between 177cm-178cm

"Colin Farell height: 5 ft 9.75 in (177cm)"
Eddie said on 2/Nov/11
No way in hell this guy is under 5'10, i'm 5'9 and he definitly looks taller than me on the beach pics
Rob G said on 27/Oct/11
5'9.5", perhaps a fraction less.
Cranberries (18m, 193cm) said on 22/Oct/11
If he's 5'10", he's a very small one. Looked diminutive in Horrible Bosses.
Shaun said on 2/Oct/11
klem says on 29/Sep/11
On some "women's top hollywod guys" website he is listed as a bit short, quoting:"...Colin may a be a little on the short side for some women but he has a lovely toned body with definition in all the right places..."

So now 178 cm is on the short site in women's eyes?

Colin Farrel and Ewan Mcgregor are both around 176cm I think and have had the short comments...
klem said on 29/Sep/11
On some "women's top hollywod guys" website he is listed as a bit short, quoting:"...Colin may a be a little on the short side for some women but he has a lovely toned body with definition in all the right places..."

So now 178 cm is on the short site in women's eyes?
Plump said on 9/Sep/11
I would say 1,75. He's got the build of a guy that tall.
MR. HEIGHT said on 6/Sep/11
hes 5' 7.75" barefoot. 5' 9.75" to 5' 10" with footwear
ANDREA[ITA] said on 27/Aug/11
looks max 10 cms shorter than Samuel L. Jackson but again Samuel today is 185 max! So Colin must be around 175!
Adamz said on 17/Aug/11
Not by much. This is accurate within a quarter inch and that quarter inch couuld go either way, lower or higher. Rob Paul nailed it because he's pro.
James said on 16/Aug/11
Could be lower than this
lol93 said on 9/Aug/11
colin next to 5ft9 jamie foxx he looks the same(same shoes)Click Here 175 maximum or jamie is taller than 5ft9 wich can be true
Brad2 said on 7/Aug/11
I worked on a film set with Colin Farrel. I'm 5'10 and he's definitely shorter than I am. Standing next to him I would have guessed he was about 5'7 to 5'8, which is about average for guys.
clown said on 28/Jul/11
stood next to him at comic-con this weekend. I'm 5'11 in my 1" sneaks, and he was just about dead level with me. Didn't see the make of his shoe but he was definitely sporting a heel. I would put him sub-5'10" but not as low as 5'9"
5'8.56784 said on 28/Jul/11
I think this guy is a skinny 5'10. There's no way Donald Sutherland has more than 2 inches over him in those pics, Donald might be slouching a bit, but he's wearing dress shoes, and Farrell has at most an advantage of 2", so 5'10 flat.
Shaun said on 20/Jul/11
Click Here

If you look at the length of his calfs, quite short. He does not look like a legitimate 5'10" man to me. I think 5'9" is more accurate barefoot. Might be near 5'10" out of bed perhaps. What do you think Rob, is there a possibility he is 5'9"? He did look at least 5'10" next to Bieber but he tends to wear thick heeled shoes.
Shaun said on 20/Jul/11
Click Here

Thats the picture of him with the emaciated build. Difficult to tell because of the shocking weight loss at that moment, looks about 5'9" based on proportions, hard to tell though.
Shaun said on 20/Jul/11
Mmm, I saw a picture of him a few weeks ago barefoot next to his car and he really did not look 5'10". I also saw pics of him on the beach during his extreme weight loss and he didn't look 5'10", maybe 5'9". Must say though that next to Bieber recently he easily looked 5'10".
dmeyer said on 19/Jul/11
rob in the pics wwith sturgess and sutherland he has 1.5 in heels and defenetly lifts considering the foot pose
DrJJ said on 15/Jul/11
I´ve identified the vehicle. Lincoln Navigator 2009 model. Height 78.3 inches.In the picture it has sunk a couple of inches, probably around 3 inches, in the gravel (because of its massive curb weight). Farrell hasn`t sunk much himself (possibly 0.5 inches) but is definitely just wearing socks.However, his weight is on the front foot which would give him an inch or so of extra height because of pelvis tilt (try this yourself, it really works). So the net height of the vehicle is 75 inches. Farrell is a good 6 inches lower than the SUV giving him a good 5´9". With pelvis tilt taken into account, Farrell is bang on the money 5 feet 8 inches. It is what he looks. He has always looked around 5´8" especially in his Ballykissangel days when he wasn´t a star, didn´t wear lifts nor have special camera angles etc..
DrJJ said on 14/Jul/11
In todays Mail Online there is a bit about him filming the Total Recall remake. He is pictured showing his youngest son around and putting him in a 4x4 vehicle which I can't identify ( maybe someone else can). If only we knew the height of the vehicle we would know his height. He is significantly lower than the vehicle in flat sneakers, indeed he is not as tall as the door of this vehicle. I will try to identify it. Please take a look and see if you recognise the model.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Jul/11
Looks more 5ft9 range in S.W.A.T next to 188cm Samuel L. Jackson and
187cm LL Cool J...

My verdict is that he's 5ft9.5(177cm)
TruebloodFan said on 23/Jun/11
@John says on 2/Jun/11
According to Madame Tussaud's in London, all of the wax replicas are to scale, 1:1. My 5' 7" mother is taller than the Colin Farrell effigy, so my best guess is 5'5"... at best.
he isn't much taller than Tom Cruise and it's a common fact Cruise didn't wear lifts in 'Minority Report'. ~5'9 is a decent estimate.
Dmeyer said on 22/Jun/11
I met Colin with m'y 5 ft 7.5 friend and m'e 5 ft 11.5 hé noticable taller than him and noticable shorter than so 5 ft 9.75-10
Mr. Kaplan said on 22/Jun/11
He's shorter than Jamie Foxx. He's 5'8".
Shaun said on 22/Jun/11
5'9.5" barefoot minimum
Shaun said on 22/Jun/11
Looks 5'11" next to Justin Bieber.
Cranberries (17m, 193.75-191.25) said on 21/Jun/11
5'9" max. Has a bad height complex, and as a result very frequently wears lifts (large ones) and has impeccable posture. Looking no more than 5'9" with 5'11" Jim Sturgess...
Click Here

Also looks 5'9" at best with 6'3" Gavin O'Connor.
Also, the Donald Sutherland pics prove nothing. Sutherland is an old man with terrible posture and a footware disadvantage.

Farrell also doesn't look strikingly larger than Woody Allen, even though Farrell has a footware advantage. I know, bad angle... but Woody Allen is tiny!
Click Here
ACG said on 16/Jun/11
John says on 2/Jun/11
According to Madame Tussaud's in London, all of the wax replicas are to scale, 1:1. My 5' 7" mother is taller than the Colin Farrell effigy, so my best guess is 5'5"... at best.

Impossible....utterly impossible. I'd bet the farm that even the wax statue is well over 5'7". No offense, but your mother is sorely mistaken.
John said on 2/Jun/11
According to Madame Tussaud's in London, all of the wax replicas are to scale, 1:1. My 5' 7" mother is taller than the Colin Farrell effigy, so my best guess is 5'5"... at best.
me said on 27/May/11
i know this is about heights but all i can think is - HOT!! please post more pics and i promise to study them intently- to figure out his height naturally!
Marc L said on 26/May/11
After looking at that video of him on Ellen in big cowboy boots. I'd say he's no taller then 5'8 barefoot
tell-em said on 13/May/11
lol . paul haggis isn't 6'0" . yet you ignore my proof of paul haggis looking around 5'11". colin is 5'9".
ACG said on 3/May/11
Those Donald Sutherland pics prove Farrell is the 5'11" that Glenn claimed for him. Don was 6'4" peak, ffs.
Derek d said on 24/Apr/11
somebody says on 10/Jan/11
here are BAREFOOT pictures of farrell together with 5,9 peter gallagher and 6`paul haggis

Click Here

Click Here

looks about a more than solid 1 inch taller than gallagher and about 2 inches shorter than haggis
5`10 is definatley fair for him, I doubt that a height concious 5´8 guy would take off his shoes and stand side by side to a 6´guy and get pictures taken

I don't why people are ignoring these photos. Probably some of the best evidence to close the case of a celebs height. I've never thought more than 5'9 for Colin but he looks to be 1 inch taller than 5'9 Peter Gallagher and 2 inches shorter than the 6 footer. This discussion is pretty much done if you ask me, great pictures.
Somebody said on 21/Apr/11
Look for pictures of Farrell together with Carson daly. Farrell in those 5 cm Herpes Boots Looks about 8 cm shorter than 6'1 daly in sneakers. My guess is 175-177. Would make Most Sense to me. He is quite skinny in Most Movies, but He Never really looked Short oder tall in them, no matter if Short pacino or tall ll cool j were the Co-Stars
somebody said on 20/Apr/11
the pictures are taken from a trl-show. farrell was wearing heels with about 5 cm heel (cowboy boots)
Jamie Fox's Dad said on 26/Mar/11
There's no way CF is taller than Jamie Fox. I'm watching Miami Vice now and he's the same height as JF at the most. He really looks less.
TruebloodFan said on 4/Mar/11
@Rob G says on 20/Feb/11
He's around 5'9" mark, listing here is generous.

yep, indeed. this guy is one of my favorite actors though. he's an excellent actor.
Rob G said on 20/Feb/11
He's around 5'9" mark, listing here is generous.
Franco said on 14/Feb/11
Hahahahha 6'3 with lift should be a joke, this guy is 5'8 flat
tell-em said on 7/Feb/11
nah, hes 5'9". 5'10" is ridiculous
Sam said on 7/Feb/11
Yeah, those shoes do appear...interesting
Anonymous said on 6/Feb/11
in this pic you can clearly see that farrell is lifted, but they are no monsters
Click Here

Click Here
Click Here

in my opinion, he can´t be under 5´10.
it´s obvious that sutherland is slouching, but you have to remember that he is 6´3 in dress shoes and farrell isn´t dwarfed at all.

in this event, he is wearing lifts as well (look at the steep of his shoes compared to the shoes of the other guys). again, no monsters.
Click Here

wearing them, he is same height as jim sturgess (listet here as 6')
Click Here
Rich said on 5/Feb/11
@somebody: Getty images wouldn't load for some reason, but I think I found the same photo of them together on google. Donald looks to have 3 inches on him don't u think? If farrell's 5-10, in the pic he'd have to be gaining 2 inches from his footwear and donald would be wearing normal dress shoes...Do u think he's 5-10 then?
somebody said on 4/Feb/11
take a look at and look for recent pictures of him.
there a new pics of farrell together with donald sutherland (6'2) and he looks an easy 6' wearing lifts on them (granted that farrell encounterd elevators these days)
Bon_ said on 3/Feb/11
tell-em, would you care to explain it again? it must be a darn good explanation.
Rich said on 30/Jan/11
I'd say 5ft9.5. He looked pretty tallish on the grahame norton show. The only thing that I think that is wierd with his height is someone who is 5ft9.5/5ft10 could pull off 6ft with the right footwear/lifts but I've never rely seen him stand as tall as that (yet he is known to wear lifts and large footwear) but who knows I don't always pay attention or see him much at red carpet events. Still, first thing in the morning I wouldn't say he stands shorter than 5ft9.5 because he could drop to 5ft9 late afternoon
Rich said on 30/Jan/11
I'd say 5ft9.5. He looked pretty tallish on the grahame norton show. The only thing that I think that is wierd with his height is someone who is 5ft9.5/5ft10 could pull off 6ft with the right footwear/lifts but I've never rely seen him stand as tall as that (yet he is known to wear lifts and large footwear) but who knows I don't always pay attention or see him much at red carpet events. Still first thing in the morning I wouldn't say he stands shorter than 5ft9.5 because he could drop to 5ft9 late afternoon
Bon_ said on 29/Jan/11
why lol, he offered half million dollars as an old man that he'd measure at least 5'9?
I wonder would Farrell, Cruise, Redford, Brosnan and other shorties claiming nonsensical heights have the courage to do the same thing?

And you better explain to me where is Colin Farrell on the pictures down here, you little burglar.
tell-em said on 27/Jan/11
bon is just jealous because he doesn't know how to gauge height. lol at a 5'10.5" paul newman. son, i'ma buy you some thick glasses so you can stop posting stupid crap.
Bon_ said on 25/Jan/11
tell-em and Shaun, are you 'working' for someone? you get money for little dirty jobs? I am sure there are that kind of guys on these boards, we just need discover who.
Bon_ said on 24/Jan/11
wtf tell-em where is Colin on these pictures? Or is he disguised as a woman? lol
tell-em said on 20/Jan/11
he looks about 1.5 inches shorter than haggis. haggis isn't even 6'0". hes more 5'10.5". check this out: over 1 inch(1.5) shorter than 6'0" terrence howard:Click Here

looks 5'10.5 next to 5'8" ludacris Click Here

lookin 5'10ish next to 5'7.5-5'8" don cheadle Click Here Click Here

same height as 5'10-5'10.5 matt dillon - Click Here

6'0" is a farce. hes a strong 5'10" and colin farrell is at most 5'9".
Rob G said on 17/Jan/11
To me he looks 5'9.5" in these pictures.

Though, he's wearing a hat, so it's hard to tell.
Steven Haver said on 17/Jan/11
Hi Colin, I think your height is just fine! Colin, you look great wearing Cowboy-Boot's!
somebody said on 10/Jan/11
here are BAREFOOT pictures of farrell together with 5,9 peter gallagher and 6`paul haggis

Click Here

Click Here

looks about a more than solid 1 inch taller than gallagher and about 2 inches shorter than haggis
5`10 is definatley fair for him, I doubt that a height concious 5´8 guy would take off his shoes and stand side by side to a 6´guy and get pictures taken
Bon said on 7/Jan/11
There is a pic on the bottom of this page where actually Colin's imposter is being photographed together with Bruce Willis, and noone noticed it lol.
Rob G said on 5/Jan/11
That tip-toeing picture really exposes his height-complex. No way he's a full 5'10".
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Dec/10
Would he be taller than Matt Damon?
Shaun said on 28/Dec/10
Farrell looks 5'9" to me. But 5'6.5" for Cruise is ridiculous. He's not under 5'7".
Bon said on 27/Dec/10
no more than 5'9
TruebloodFan said on 17/Dec/10
lmao at this 5ft10 Rob. Farrell is 5ft9 flat. He isn't short, but clearly finds himself as such with the funny tip toes. And ye, he was cast for Minority Report for a reason.
mkdoc said on 1/Dec/10
Check out the video of collin teaching ellen degeneres how to dance on her show. They are side by side and he is barely taller than her even with his boots. No way he is taller than 5'8".
Mr. R said on 17/Nov/10
The tip toe thing is the same thing that happened to me a few weeks ago with Eric Roberts. He did all that he could to keep my from dwarfing him. (Yes, I will learn to scan it and send it to you soon!)
wyatt said on 15/Nov/10
lol @ the tip-toeing, bet he is embarrassed about that. His wife is like 5'6 or something, so in heels wouldn't be much smaller than him. But he is really going all out with the tip toeing, ballerina ****. Its not like he is just raising his heels slightly.
Brad said on 8/Nov/10
Funny shot. He's 5' 9".
john said on 6/Nov/10
Hahaha... This is the funniest Colin Farrell picture that also proves that he needs a fast downgrade.

Click Here
Mickey said on 6/Jul/09
Tellem, to be fair, Sheen isn't standing with good posture in the Oliver Stone picture.
Leung said on 25/Jun/09
Frank2, forget about your dodgy photos with bad angles, how on earth do you perceive Cryer as being 1 inch taller than Scheen? Watching Two and Half Men it is blatantly obvious that Scheen is the slightly taller of the two.
Frank2 said on 25/Jun/09
Well, in this photo, if you adjust the angle, it appears John Cryer is about an inch taller than Sheen and Cryer is listed as being 5'9":

Click Here
TELLEM said on 24/Jun/09
is charlie sheen shorter than 5'9?
Frank2 said on 23/Jun/09
Stone with 5'10" Josh Brolin:

Click Here
Frank2 said on 23/Jun/09
Well, when I met Stone we were both eye-to-eye the exact same height.
TELLEM said on 23/Jun/09
i thought oliver stonw was 6'0? he claimed it and he looks it here next to 5'9 charlie sheen: Click Here
Frank2 said on 23/Jun/09
Now that we know Glenn exaggerated his won height, perhaps people will believe me when I once again state that Colin Farrell is no more than 5'9".

Here he is with 5'8" Angelina Jolie, 5'11" Oliver Stone, 5'7 Rosario Dawson and Jared Leto who's listed as being 5'9.5":

Click Here
Clay said on 19/Jun/09
Jasper, the women that were taller were wearing heels.
Brad said on 17/Jun/09
Glenn said he was 5' 11" in moccasins next to him. Whatta joke. Sandals, moccasins, Glenn had the best footwear at the right moments for these guys, I'm surpised Emile wasn't in Mariah Carey shoes.Rising said Glenn was 5' 8" on the left picture together and Farrell 5' 11" in it. Glenn said he was in boots on the right picture and he's barely shorter than Farrell. Pretty short next to a 5' 6.5" person. That isn't 4.5".
Frank2 said on 17/Jun/09
If I had to venture a guess I'd say he around 5'8.5". Maybe 5'9" but no way is he 5'10".
HollywoodFan said on 15/Jun/09
Looks the exact same height as Tom Cruise in "Minority Report" (they're standing face to face in a scene)
RisingForce said on 12/Jun/09
Sorry I didn't see that other post, maybe Rob added it late.
RisingForce said on 9/Jun/09
Frank2, what's your estimate I heard you said either 5'8" or 5'9" for Colin? Which is more likely in your opinion? Did you notice his shoes? Judging from his footwear in this picture, it's something to keep in mind. Click Here Click Here

Colin looks between 5'9" and 5'10" in movies and pictures in my opinion. Judging just from that I'd think he was 5'9.5", but I also think he wears lifts.
Frank2 said on 8/Jun/09
No way is he 5"10".
Jasper said on 8/Jun/09
I remember him on the Oprah Winfrey show, the women were going crazy and he got to pick 3 women to interview him or something, and they just towered over him. Guy was wearing major heels as well.

I guess it doesn't really really matter how tall you are in being a sex symbol as long as you can act and have a big dong.
Frank2 said on 5/Jun/09
Kilmer is my height or 5'11". I've stood face to face with him. Farrell is most likely 5'9". When I've seen him, he doesn't look any taller. So the two inches you see between them makes perfect sense.
Mehmet said on 28/May/09
I have seen about 10 movies from Colin and I would say him to be a height of between 5ft9.75'' (177cm) and 5ft10'' (178cm), not taller than 178cm and not shorter than 177cm.
Hugh 190cm said on 22/May/09
5ft10.5 possibly.
James said on 14/May/09
Val Kilmer appears to have looser posture than Colin in that pic.
Shakers said on 7/May/09
Farrell - 176cm. 178-179 - Effect of the tousled hair
glenn said on 20/Apr/09
great pic risingforce.5-10ish at least in that pic.
RisingForce said on 20/Apr/09
Colin measures up well to 6 foot Val Kilmer considering they're both wearing boots. Click Here

He does look 5-10.5, 5-11 there.
glenn said on 20/Apr/09
nigglebonce-sorry you cant see the mocassins in the has to take my word for it.we both wore boots in the pic on the right.but he didnt have much heel.i did.
glenn said on 20/Apr/09
your possibly right kubby l.
glenn said on 20/Apr/09
risingforce-one of the best.
RisingForce said on 20/Apr/09
Is Colin a nice guy Glenn?
Kubby L said on 18/Apr/09
come on guys! we need to go back to basics! nigglebonce - i take ur point but remember that clemence wears heels in a lot of thoses scenes so it's just crazy to take this over glenn's photos - moccassins or not... looking at the link below (thanx for this RisingForce) i'd say he's somewhere between 5'10'' and 5'10.5''. hats and his hair volume are big prob though...glenn what's your take?
glenn said on 16/Apr/09
yes,indeed.he is wearing flat moccasins where he is slouching.and im slightly on my toes.or at least stretching too can notice that in me too.
glenn said on 16/Apr/09
i respect that pete least you stated my height with class and like a gentleman.evening was the key words.
RisingForce said on 15/Apr/09
I didn't think Glenn had a picture taken on the night that Colin was wearing moccasins. I could be wrong though. If I'm wrong then that's almost as good as his photo proof with Sly and Woody in sandals each.
ACG said on 14/Apr/09
i could've sworn glenn once said they were moccasins(sp?)....therefore giving Colin no height. And on top of that, I believe glenn said HE was wearing boots and standing on slight tiptoes with unnaturally stiff posture.

With Colin slouching majorly, it's easy to see him at 5'11.
RisingForce said on 11/Apr/09
What kind of shoes was Colin wearing Glenn?
peteyork said on 10/Apr/09
Glenn's 5'7 evening, Farrell's 5'9 1/2
glenn said on 1/Apr/09
great find risingforce.rob,please do use those colin pics.i was in boots on the almost on my toes in the left.
Leo said on 30/Mar/09
Thanks for the link RisingForce - tbh to me Colin looks 5ft 10 in those pictures maybe 5ft 10.5 on the left, difficult to judge with the hats. On the right there's only 1.5 inches. I think the jury is still out on this guy for most people. The 5ft 10 marker Rob put in here is tops but accurate.
RisingForce said on 30/Mar/09
I don't doubt he looked 5'9.5" to you Leo because he looks that in most pictures/movies. But Glenn has met Colin more than once and in flat footwear, plus he has 2 pictures with Colin. Click Here

Glenn is 5'8" and in the picture on the left I could defintley see Colin at 5-11ish if he straightened up and atleast 5'10" in the other picture if he had Glenn's posture.
Leo said on 28/Mar/09
James and Glenn - I'm from Dublin, I go to Krystle nightclub most weekends - I saw him there last summer (2008) on a Saturday night, the night before he appeared on a national tv talk show. Dublin is very small, I've seen most of Ireland's celebs at this stage somewhere, including all of U2, Westlife, Enya, Daniel Day Lewis, the Corrs, and obviously enough Colin. ACG I meant to say 5tf 11. Anyway, 5ft 9.5 barefoot for Colin Farrell. (In the shoes he has on, he looked about 5ft 10.5.
JD said on 21/Mar/09
5-10 flat seems perfect
RisingForce said on 20/Feb/09
Nothing under 5'10" for Colin Farrell.
Vibram said on 14/Feb/09
McGregor is 175cm tops; I could take 174cm next to 171cm Charley Boorman (U.K people would know him from a TV series). Farrell is either 175cm or 176cm comparing him next to McGregor, and no more! Thats 5ft9.25 tops not 5ft10!
DejaVu said on 12/Feb/09
He looks too short next to edward norton to be a 5'11 even a legit 5'10.
Joey Belair said on 9/Feb/09
I saw Colin in the San Francisco airport yesterday arriving from LA he had a small fedora hat on and was shorter than me (5'10"). I would say he is maybe 5'9" if he was lucky. My wife said he was pretty short huh?
glenn said on 7/Feb/09
anythings possible risingforce.but he looked 5-11 to me in flat thing is certain-he isnt shorter than 5-10.
RisingForce said on 6/Feb/09
Do you think he wears lifts Glenn? He wears boots most of the time, but that obviously doesn't mean he wears lifts. I'm wondering though because I've seen his height look anywhere from a strong 5'11", pushing 6 foot down to a weak 5'9" in pictures.

At times I'm starting to lean towards 5'11" for Colin because of how tall he looked next to Val Kilmer and Katie Holmes, but then I remember him wearing boots and still being shorter than Jay Leno who is 5'11".
glenn said on 6/Feb/09
thats a hell of a drop in height.
glenn said on 6/Feb/09
and i dont.
ACG said on 4/Feb/09
Leo- so you shrink 11.25 inches during the day???
Leo said on 2/Feb/09
Saw him in Krystle nightclub in Dublin. I'm 5ft 11.25 - at that time of night I'm 5ft - looked to me to be 5ft 9.5, had inch dark brown dress shoes on. Spikey hair but 5ft 9.5 for sure.
Hugh said on 1/Feb/09
5ft11 out of bed.
glenn said on 1/Feb/09
didnt know you didnt see the picture source.i know risingforce didnt.everyone ignored it regardless.
RisingForce said on 1/Feb/09
I've never seen your pictures with Colin, so I won't rule out what you're saying. There was an article that described Colin as "just short of 6 feet tall" too.

I'm still skeptical of 5-11 though because of when Colin was on Jay Leno's show in boots and he was shorter than Leno was in dress shoes. I know Colin isn't under 5-10, but I'm not sure he seems as tall as 5-11.
Source said on 1/Feb/09
Okay, never saw that picture so i wouldn't know...
glenn said on 1/Feb/09
he isnt 5-9 cause i saw him in moccasins look 5-11.and had a photo above showing him crouching next to me.this the one page people ignored my pics the most.
Source said on 31/Jan/09
I'd say he's a 5'9(175cm) because...

He looks about the same height as Ewan McGregor who's 5'9(175cm).

And on the pictures with Val Kilmer he's wearing boots, not Val.

He looks the same height as Jamie Foxx without his boots and he's also 5'9(175cm).

All this tells me he's 5'9(175cm) and with his precious boots a 5'10(178cm).
glenn said on 31/Jan/09
maybe colin is somewhat under 5-11.he could be flat 5-10,but i really doubt it.
RisingForce said on 31/Jan/09
Well that certainly backs up Colin at about 5-11 as they seemed to have normal dress shoes and they were full body shots.

But what about the pictures where Clooney was 3 inches taller? If Clooney is 5-11.5 then he'd have to be in 3 inch elevator shoes and Colin would have to be in Converse for Colin to be 5-11.

I don't think Colin is a hair under 5-10, but 5-10, 5-10.5 is easier for me to believe then 5-11.
glenn said on 31/Jan/09
mcrgegor is 5-10.5.i was fooled by his slouch.
RisingForce said on 30/Jan/09
Has 5-9.5 for Mcgregor been confirmed? That'd make Colin 5-10, but you hear 5-10.5 for Ewan and oddly even 6-0 for Ewan!

If the 5-10.5 listing for Ewan is true then that'd back up Colin at 5-11.
The Horse of FUNK said on 29/Jan/09
Ewan's not exactly standing straight with Colin though, where as Colin is using good posture.

Tim, Colm Meaney can't be 5'11.5". I know, it's funky, ain't it? When I first noticed Colm Meaney I swore the guy was like 6'1", but he's a solid 5'11" flat. Why do I say solid flat 5'11" for Meaney? Watch him with Star Trek co-star Alexander Siddig who is a self-admitted 182cm, 5'11.75". Colm is clearly slightly shorter than him. So, if Colin's shorter than Meaney, then there's no way in hell Colin can be 5'11". I think 5'10" suits Colin the best. Maybe Colin Farrell is like the 5'10" version of Ed Harris.
RisingForce said on 29/Jan/09
The reason why I question a full 5-11 is because I saw him on Jay Leno's show not too long ago and he was wearing boots, but he was still clearly shorter than Leno.

Here I've done my best to post a collection of pictures of Colin with well known celebrities where everyone's footwear is known.

First Colin looking 5-10.5, 5-11 next to 6-0 Val Kilmer, both are wearing cowboy boots. Looks more 5-11 than 5-10.5 in the first picture and more 5-10.5 in the second.
Click Here
Click Here

How tall is Ewan McGregor? Colin looks about half an inch taller and they're both in dress shoes.
Click Here
Click Here

Colin and 5-9 Jamie Foxx both in dress shoes both oddly looking about the same height. Foxx might actually be a little taller here.
Click Here
Click Here

Colin in boots looking an inch taller Foxx who is wearing sneakers.
Click Here

Colin looks about 2, maybe 2 and a half inches shorter than 6-0ish Edward Norton.
Click Here

Both of them are wearing what appear to be normal shoes.
Click Here

All of these estimates are assuming he's not wearing lifts and considering what we know about footwear.

He looks 5-10.5, 5-11 with Val Kilmer, A weak 5-9 with Jamie Foxx, 5-9.5, maybe 5-10 with Jay Leno and a weak 5-10 with Edward Norton. Plus a half inch taller than whatever Ewan McGregor's height is.
tim said on 27/Jan/09
he'd be between 5-10 and 5-11, no shorter. everyone says 5'9 but why do they have to downgrade everyone. he's at least 2 centimetres taller than jamie fox. he's a bit smaller than colm meaney though in intermission, id say he's colin farrell is 5-10.5, jamie foxx is 5'9.75 and colm meaney is 5'11.5.
RisingForce said on 26/Jan/09
5'9" seems low, what makes you say he's only 5'9"?
Source said on 25/Jan/09
I'd say he's a 5'9(175cm).
glenn said on 18/Jan/09
norton should be to pitt he looks to me he looked 6ft.but that doesnt mean anything.maybe its posture.he doesnt like to pose with people.
Hugh said on 17/Jan/09
Maybe Ed Norton is 6ft1.
Ed(1) said on 13/Jan/09
Just an observation, Farrell looked to be around 1-2" shorter, then Brendan Gleeson(6ft1.5) the other night at The Globes, and this was while wearing cowboy boots. I still think he's a solid 5ft10, and could possibly be 5ft10.5 if not a bit more. He's also super skinny now which adds to the illusion of him being even taller.
RisingForce said on 12/Jan/09
I think both Colin and Damon are strong 5'10" guys actually.
MB said on 9/Jan/09
Thanks guys! FYI-I'm actually a "she" Anyway I don't have a height listing for her. She's really not a celebrity except for dating him, so finding her height might be kind of tough. But I did find some pics of CF with Bruce Willis. Would that help, since his height is more easily verified? I'm just not sure how to post them here.
Rick said on 6/Jan/09
MB you are a wise man. Thanks for confirming my suspicions regarding the pics.
RisingForce said on 6/Jan/09
Thanks MB! Hopefully someone can find some height listing for her. I've looked but I've found nothing so far.
MB said on 5/Jan/09
The girl in the bathing suit with him is Murieann McDonnell. That pic was taken in Vegas, summer of 07. She's pretty tall so he's at least 5'10 barefoot.
Rick said on 31/Dec/08
It does not look like the same girl. Emma is more curvy (hips especially) than the woman in the bathing suit. The facial features look different and the height difference is more than Colon's boots could create with the first woman.
RisingForce said on 27/Dec/08
Thank you Lmeister. Hopefully someone can find out how tall she is.
Lmeister said on 24/Dec/08
Christmas greetings from the land of Santa :) I think the lady with Colin is Emma Forrest. Funny that in shoes the height difference seems to be larger Click Here
RisingForce said on 24/Dec/08
Who is this with him?
Click Here
Click Here

He's an inch or an inch and a half taller than her. Hopefully someone knows who she is and how tall she is.
glenn said on 23/Dec/08
i agree james.but most likely 5-11.for me that is.
glenn said on 21/Dec/08
good eye ed! i just met viggo for the first time last week.seemed 5-11.but he has dress boots on that were slightly suspect.extremely possible they were normal.possible he is 5-10.
Ed(1) said on 20/Dec/08
I could see Colin as closing in on 5ft11, maybe around 5ft10.5. He's got that similarly deceiving look like Daniel Craig and Viggo Mortensen, both guys listed at 5ft11 but can appear shorter. In Minority Report he was still taller then Tom Cruise who was wearing his usual lifts and was probably hitting 5ft10+.

I'm with you Glenn!
glenn said on 19/Dec/08
well him living in my city and me bumping into him alot and getting two pics with him,one showing he is 5-11 like i claim is not me opinion.thats fact that i always bring to the site thats ignored.
Neon Genesis said on 18/Dec/08
That's like, only your opinion, RisingForce.
RisingForce said on 17/Dec/08
How the hell can you guess down to the exact quarter inch? Colin isn't under 5-10.
RisingForce said on 12/Dec/08
Craig can give illusions of 6 foot as Glenn's friends have said and he looked 5-11 to person in Glenn so that makes sense.
DMEYER said on 11/Dec/08
he looked 5 ft 9.5 in person but could 5 ft 10 maybe his posture made him look shorter
RisingForce said on 10/Dec/08
Years ago there were rumors about Mel Gibson being James Bond before Brosnan ended up as James Bond. Mel is probably shorter than Daniel Craig or Colin Farrell.
RisingForce said on 9/Dec/08
Some interesting stuff

"Needless to say, when he walked in the door, the room suddenly started pulsing. He is taller than I expected. Not tall tall but not wee. A solid 5 ft 10."

Click Here

Roger Moore's son said Colin is too short to play James Bond. Although many said the same about Daniel Craig(listed 5'10.25" here).

Click Here

I thought they said 5-10 for Colin in The Recruit with Pacino as well though.

Most online listings have him at 5-10 but he also gets listed as 5-9 and 5-11. I don't think he's a hair under 5-10 but as of now I think more 5-10 than 5-11. If he says 5-11 and looks 5-11 to Glenn next time then I'll agree on 5-11 though.
RisingForce said on 8/Dec/08
Glenn's right. Movie claims mean nothing. In the movie All The Right Moves Tom Cruise claimed to be 5-10!
anonymous said on 6/Dec/08
I think it was the camera angle to make colin farrell and jamie foxx to be the same height. I'll live with 5 foot 10.
glenn said on 3/Dec/08
what they state as a height in a movie means nothing.nothing.brad pitt is 5-8 as jesse james.owen wilson is 5-9 in another movie.and they said 5-9 in that movie with pacino.not 5-10.
glenn said on 2/Dec/08
5-10.5 is the shortest ive seen him.
RisingForce said on 1/Dec/08
That'll be good Glenn because we don't have a height claim from him. What's the shortest he's looked to you in person?
glenn said on 30/Nov/08
i always thought he was 5-9 due to those pics.but in person he seems slightly above average.i hope he knows his own height if i do ask.
RisingForce said on 30/Nov/08
I'm thinking maybe closer to 5'10", 5'10.5"

3.5" or 4" shorter than 6'2" Samuel L Jackson
Click Here

3" or 3.5" shorter than LL Cool J(when considering his posture)
Click Here

Next time you see him Glenn ask him how tall he is. If he says 5'11" and looks it again then I'll believe it. Otherwise I think he's a strong 5'10" or 5'10.5". He doesn't strike me as taller than 5'10.75" Sly
MD said on 27/Nov/08
Recently with Edward Norton given a quarter-inch over 6'0", here:

Click Here
glenn said on 27/Nov/08
great find risingforce.more proof on my side.
RisingForce said on 26/Nov/08
From a 2000 article in the Record about Colin

RisingForce said on 26/Nov/08
I don't know where the 5'9" stuff comes from for Colin. He's listed everywhere at 5'10" and a few places at 5'11". He looks in that range too.
Tony said on 26/Nov/08
The Orig pic i saw with Collin and Glenn i Gave 5'9 to collin , people are in love with the mans looks skewing his height
RisingForce said on 25/Nov/08
I'm not familiar with your pictures with Colin Glenn but others have said the same thing. Even Viper who seems to live for downgrading heights saw Colin looking like he could be 6 foot if he straightened up in your picture.
glenn said on 25/Nov/08
no,not over.5-10.5 to 5-11,more on the 5-11.
glenn said on 24/Nov/08
whats laughable is people ignoring when i come with the most solid proof ever-him standing next to me and he is clearly 5-11 next to me and im almost on my tip toes and he is hunching.i see 5-10ish in that leto pic.we cant see their feet.
RisingForce said on 23/Nov/08
Compare him to Val Kilmer, Al Pacino and Jon Voight. He's 5'10"-5'11".
Anonymous said on 22/Nov/08
I'm defintely not so sure about 5'10 minimum...

Click Here

Leto: 5'8-5'9 max
I know a guy, legit 5'9, arm span of 180cm, so really doesn't make since to say he has to long of proportions to be a 5'9 guy especially when 5'10 would be a whopping 1 inch difference. Check out the pic of him and Leto.

But rising force, what you should think about, proportions aren't eveything, Pitt has short legs, mcconaughey has short arms, matt mcc's proportions definately don't add up if everyone's saying he's 5'11 3/4 cuz his arms look just about as long as that of a 5'7 guys. 5'9 is definately not laughable, maybe 5'7 for him would be laughable, to me 5'11 barefoot for him, is not only laughable...but hysterical!
glenn said on 21/Nov/08
i agree james.
RisingForce said on 20/Nov/08
Obviously in the 5'10"-5'11" range. He's no shorter. 5'9" is laughable, I've never seen a 5'9" man with proportions as long as Colin.
glenn said on 19/Nov/08
mistaken to lower it i mean.
glenn said on 19/Nov/08
was it up that high? if so,rob is disrespect.
Anonymous said on 18/Nov/08
his height used to be 5.11 without doubt according to glenn now he is a full inch shorter, what happened to the other inch glenn???
mekia_22 said on 15/Nov/08
That's how I like them! Taller than me. 5'4
RisingForce said on 13/Nov/08
5'10" minimum.
glenn said on 13/Nov/08
whahhahaha,you never met him or celebrity.
anonymous said on 12/Nov/08
In miami vice he was maybe half an inch taller than 5 foot 9 jamie fox. 177cm seems right for colin farrell even though i thought he was taller. 5 foot 10 seems possible.
RisingForce said on 11/Nov/08
What do you base that on Anonymous? 5'8.5" is ridiculous for Colin.
glenn said on 5/Nov/08
thanks sarah.will have to check that out.
Complex said on 5/Nov/08
Here everyone, a little present :)
Colin with 5'9 MAX Jared Leto!
Sarah said on 4/Nov/08
I'm gonna have to side with Glenn on this one. I thought he was 5'8-5'9 for a long time till I saw him on Ellen the other day (who's 5'7) and with his boots he looked 6'1 next to her so he can't be anything less then 5'10 and most likely he's 5'10.5+

Check out -> Click Here & Fast forward to 2:32 right before he makes out with Ellen!
Bad Radio said on 30/Oct/08
I think he's 5'9 max...when ever you see pictures of this guy he is always the shortest guy in them.
glenn said on 29/Oct/08
i wouldnt be surprised if fox was 5-9.25,5-9.5.
Leung said on 27/Oct/08
Jamie Fox is a solid 5
glenn said on 27/Oct/08
i can agree with that risingforce as possible.
RisingForce said on 27/Oct/08
I can easily buy 5'10.5" for Colin. I'm not yet convinced he's a full 5'11" but he does seem like a guy taller than 5'10" flat to me.

Compare the difference between Colin and Angelina Jolie to the difference between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.
Click Here

When you factor in posture, that's atleast a 4" difference. Colin is in big 2" boots but Jolie is in heels. Maybe Jolie is just under 5'7" as she's listed here and Colin is 5'10.5"?

Complex, there are also plenty of pictures that show Colin taller than Jamie. I will say that Colin does usually look 5'9.5" max with Jamie but he also looks 5'11" a lot of the time.
glenn said on 27/Oct/08
he was 5-11 in moccasins when i saw him the first time.foxx is 5-9ish.maybe,maybe 5-10.i never saw him,but he is at least 5-9ish.
Complex said on 26/Oct/08
Click Here
Colin w/Jamie Foxx (5'9 although alot think he's a flat 5'8 or 5'8.5), Check out eye levels and subtract Farrell's huge spiked up hair. I'm leaning towards 5'8.5-5'9 for Farrell!
Vibram said on 23/Oct/08
Check gettyimages... type in this: "Farrell, Gleeson". Editoral image number #80600582 - 18 Jan 2008. You'll see that 6ft2 Brendan Gleeson (6ft1.5 listing here) towers him by well over 4 inches, more like 5, making Farrell more in the 5ft9 (175cm) range and not 5ft10 (178cm). A big, old fat man like Gleeson wouldn't wear lifts, Farrell might, so we have to take that into account as well.

Thus I think Colin is in all reality a 5ft9.25 guy at absolute most (176cm) and def. a lift wearer. 5ft9.25 + 1.5" soles + 1.25" inserts = 6ft (183cm); which he can look in premiers etc.
RisingForce said on 20/Oct/08
That's true James. Most of the time they aren't good when the angle is odd and you don't know what's in the actors shoes. Only when they're barefoot, in flat Converse, slippers or sandals and the angle is good can you really use that.
The Horse of FUNK said on 20/Oct/08
Actually in the Bridget Moynahan pics she looks taller by at least an inch or more. If she's wearing 3 or 4 inch heels then that puts him comfortably in the 5'10"-5'10.5" range. Colin is probably close to 5'11" out of bed. He's probably 5'10" and flirts with 5'10.5", but doesn't feel it's enough to claim a full and steady 5'10.5". 5'10.25" suits him best.
RisingForce said on 20/Oct/08
Then one has to ask the question, how come Colin looks so tall compared to Katie, but didn't tower by much Tom Cruise in Minority Report and Tom is shorter than Katie? I'm gonna go with Colin's suspicious footwear.

Tom also could have worn lifts. He wore lifts next to Pitt in that movie they did and looked barely shorter.
Mickey said on 19/Oct/08
Good pics there RF. The one with Katie Holmes is preplexing. He is wearing those MASSIVE cowboy boots with the 2 inch visable heel you posted a while ago though(where he is on the couch, legs crossed over). I dont really see a pavement advantage either. This is probably the only picture i've seen him look 6ft(in shoes). Either Katie isn't 5'9" or Colin is packing massive lifts in his already huge cowboy boots. Or maybe both. Or maybe he is 5'11" but i doubt it in my opinion.

Then one has to ask the question, how come Colin looks so tall compared to Katie, but didn't tower by much Tom Cruise in Minority Report and Tom is shorter than Katie? I'm gonna go with Colin's suspicious footwear.
RisingForce said on 17/Oct/08
Looks 5'11" or taller with Bruce Willis
Click Here
Click Here

I give Bruce 5'11 3/4" and Colin is about the same height in the first picture and not much shorter in the second. However you hear anything from 5-11 to 6-1, that being said he isn't under 5-10 in either picture so depending on which height you believe for Bruce he's still easily looking his listing here.

Colin seems about the same height as 6 foot Val Kilmer and he seems convincingly taller than 5-7ish Angelina Jolie in heels
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

So as you can see 5'11" is very possible for Colin. He is one the trickiest on the site though as he can look anywhere from 5'9" to 6'0". While he wears really big heeled boots at times he often slouches as well which can take away as much height as big heeled footwear gives.

With 5'6ish Al Pacino(in suspicious footwear) and 5'9.5" Bridget Moynahan in heels
Click Here
Click Here

Colin looks atleast 5'11" again, if not more. Pacino is struggling to not look like a dwarf there and not succeeding! Being taller than a thin 5'9.5" woman in heels is also pretty good proof he's atleast 5'10", maybe taller.
The Horse of FUNK said on 17/Oct/08
Cheeses, he's wearing boots in virtually every pic. He's sporting some heels in the Katie Holmes pic. Colin might be a strong 5'10", like 5'10.25". I dunno, this guy is tricky.

Btw, Holmes is more 5'8" than 5'9".
RisingForce said on 17/Oct/08
Farrell looks like a strong 5'10" in the first 2 pictures next to 5'9" Jamie Foxx
Click Here
Click Here

Here he looks 5'9.5" with Foxx
Click Here
Click Here

Here Farrell has horrendous posture but still looks taller
Click Here

However he was wearing boots
Click Here

Pictures from another premiere
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

All of them show Colin at about 5'9" or 5'9.5".

However later I will post many pictures that back up Glenn's sightings. Colin's height can really fluctuate. He can appear anywhere from 5-9 to 6 foot

Here he looks 5-11 with 5-9 Katie Holmes
Click Here
RisingForce said on 17/Oct/08
Wow, I just saw Colin on The Tonight Show with Leno and he had really big heeled boots and it looked like he had lifts in them yet he strangely looked only Jay's height or possible a bit shorter.

I still think he's 5'10" because of his proportions and the fact that he normally looks atleast that tall but tat surprised me. However you can't judge on one time. He actually does have the proportions of 5'11" or even 6 foot man but I still think he's a strong 5'10". Maybe if I met him I'd say more like 5'11" too though. Glenn would know better than we would. I'd like to see the pictures of Colin and Glenn again because I don't remember the difference.
Roger said on 15/Oct/08
Glenn, I have a hard time believing this. I remember seeing Miami Vice, CF looked max half an inch taller than 5'9'' Jamie Foxx.

On premiere photos could be around an inch. But 5'11''?
RisingForce said on 14/Oct/08
Glenn you have also said 5'10" minimum for Colin and I agree he isn't under that. However since his height is given as 5'10" everywhere and I couldn't find any 5'11" claims it seems he has probably given his height as 5'10" since every article lists him at that. Maybe more like a strong 5'10", he can look anywhere from 5'9" to 6 ft.
Mickey said on 14/Oct/08
Glenn that is fair enough, you saw what you saw. But for people that haven't seen what you saw and see differently, well they are going to keep debating, nothing wrong with that. I don't see Colin being 5'11", some people see him being 5'9". I'm not trying to be rude or anything but everyone is different and has different views, without that, this site wouldn't exist.
beatlefan said on 14/Oct/08
Colin always wears boots which makes me suspicious. He often wears cowboy boots with big heels too. When he was on Jonathan Ross he didn't look very tall when he was sat down especially in the torso area. Remember the fashion shoes/trainers these days add hardly any height at all so guys who wear big shoes stick out like a sore thumb.
glenn said on 14/Oct/08 photo proof of colin and i was up here and people still argued with me.
Mickey said on 13/Oct/08
Yeah Colin's posture with Caan isn't the best, i noted that. But i still can't see a 5'11". Far from it in that. 5'10" absolute tops in my opinion, 5'9" minimum.
RisingForce said on 12/Oct/08
I think a strong 5'10" fits. A 5'10" guy could give illusions of 5'11" and 5'9".
Mickey said on 12/Oct/08
Click Here

Looks 2 inches taller than 5'5"(listed on this website) Scott Caan. Caan could be in lifts, but it is a cowboy movie and Colin most likely had some form of boots on too. Colin is slouching a bit but i still don't see 5'11", no chance really, in my opinion. A genuine 5'11" would've towered a 5'5" person. Could be 5'10 but i really think 5'9".

Click Here

Looks slightly shorter then Ewan Mcgregor who is listed at 5'9.5" here. Colin's shoes look slightly bigger too.
Vegas said on 12/Oct/08
dicky curtis says on 30/Sep/08
In a movie he was refered to as 5.10. i believe it was in the recruit. he was being chased and the police officer was speaking through a walkie talkie and descibed him white male 5.10 so maybe this estimate was based on true (passport)facts and used in the movie

irish passports or driving licences don't have heights on them, i be irish myself
Jim_16 said on 12/Oct/08
@ RisingForce

but Rob has Clooney an inch shorter than what you say. And olivier martinez looks to be about the same height as Colin if he wasn't slouching yet he's described as a 5'8.5'' - 5'9'' guy. I am not quite buying the 5'10''claims for Farrell...
Nick said on 12/Oct/08
in the movie minority report,he seems 1 inch slightly taller than Cruise
RisingForce said on 11/Oct/08
Jim_16 says on 11/Oct/08
Click Here

i don't know who is lying but farrell looks a good 2 inches shorter than clooney.

That's because Clooney is probably 5'11.5" and Farrell is 5'10".
Jim_16 said on 11/Oct/08
Click Here

i don't know who is lying but farrell looks a good 2 inches shorter than clooney.
RisingForce said on 11/Oct/08
Colin is always described as 5'10" in articles so I think that may be the height he's claimed, plus he was described as 5'10" twice in The Recruit. He looks atleast 5'10" to me.
john duffy said on 10/Oct/08
ha ha. im irish been in farrells company before he became famous called he was 5,9 glen shot me down what happened there glen? he just got knocked an inch, actual 5,9 im 5,11 he was 2" shorter than me, (been in his company remember this fact before you say im wrong and also before he was famous) .............
Ian said on 10/Oct/08
On Jonathan Ross show he looked 5ft11 about 2 inches smaller than JR. He was wearing massive boots though.
RisingForce said on 10/Oct/08
He does look like he could be a 5'11" guy but I think his height was always given as 5'10" which makes me doubt that.
neishow said on 8/Oct/08
glen, i was reading all the past comments and you somehow seemed annoyed by the fact that people were going against your estimated height. i respect you, and i believe the estimates of the people u have met are normally accurrate. But i must say i met colin farrell in dublin this summer and he was exactly my height 5ft10. however its true i can sometimes look a a little taller in the morning or by posture which can put me in a 5'11 and that would kinda backup your estimation
ACG said on 7/Oct/08
James says on 5/Oct/08
So ACG do u think Colin Farrell could be 5ft10 1/2?

Easily, but more likely a full 5'11.
Anonymous said on 7/Oct/08
Which is ridiculous is to compare that unique case as an assumption like you are doing.Plus only a blind person cant see the big boots he (colin)wears all the time.It doesnt add up for him to be 5.11 and looking the same height as kilmer in boots. Thats mean he is not 5.11. is a no brainer.
RisingForce said on 7/Oct/08
Anonymous says on 7/Oct/08
James , do you read your own comments? You have stated just a few days ago that he is 5.10 now that glenn has returned you say hes 5.11, can you have your own opinion at least once? If he is 5.11 why hes gonna be using those extreme boots ? to be 6.2 ? A 5.11 person in normal shoes reachs the 6 ft mark without lifts ,he doesnt need those big heeled cowboy boots that he used near val kilmer in the Alexander premiere.

That's horrible logic. Tall guys wear lifts all the time. It's well known that John Wayne who was around 6'4" wore lifts.
Anonymous said on 7/Oct/08
James , do you read your own comments? You have stated just a few days ago that he is 5.10 now that glenn has returned you say hes 5.11, can you have your own opinion at least once? If he is 5.11 why hes gonna be using those extreme boots ? to be 6.2 ? A 5.11 person in normal shoes reachs the 6 ft mark without lifts ,he doesnt need those big heeled cowboy boots that he used near val kilmer in the Alexander premiere.
ACG said on 5/Oct/08
James says on 18/Sep/08
Brad but maybe Colin was wearing cow boy boots or some sort of height enhancing footware in glenns pics?

Negative....glenn had confirmed many a time that Colin was actually wearing moccasins in at least one of the pics. That's pretty much as close to barefoot as you can get!!
dicky curtis said on 1/Oct/08
I think 5.10 about does it for him. he's definitly taller than tom cruise but no 5.11 i'd say. to me he also seems like a guy who would not lie about his height if he'd be asked about it. i think he'd be genuine in that aspect
RisingForce said on 1/Oct/08
dicky curtis says on 30/Sep/08
In a movie he was refered to as 5.10. i believe it was in the recruit. he was being chased and the police officer was speaking through a walkie talkie and descibed him white male 5.10 so maybe this estimate was based on true (passport)facts and used in the movie

Yeah that was the Recruit, I saw that too.
Anna said on 30/Sep/08
I don't think he's that tall.He's not taller than Tom Cruise and Tom is 172cm,maybe shorter ...
Hugh said on 30/Sep/08
I can't see him looking lower than 5ft10. Can occasionally look 5ft11.
dicky curtis said on 30/Sep/08
In a movie he was refered to as 5.10. i believe it was in the recruit. he was being chased and the police officer was speaking through a walkie talkie and descibed him white male 5.10 so maybe this estimate was based on true (passport)facts and used in the movie
RisingForce said on 27/Sep/08
No he's probably not 5'11", he's probably 5'10" like he's listed here. Big heeled shoes can make him appear taller. In 'The Recruit' he looks 5'10" next to Al Pacino who in 2003 was a weak 5'6" or possibly 5'5.5".

5'10" seems very accurate. Does anyone know what he's claimed for his height?
RisingForce said on 19/Sep/08
Good point James, Colin has worn ridiculously big heels at times.
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Brad said on 18/Sep/08
Glenn was 5' 6.5" in the Colin pictures as this fits the 5' 9" CF figure.
martiko said on 16/Sep/08
you guys want Proof ????. see miami vice. colin looks the same height with foxx (who is 5.9) . the only thing that might make him look taller than jamie is his hair. honestly i think glenn was and still is no more than 5.7.
so long.
sf said on 7/Sep/08
We will sell no wine...
Frank2 said on 6/Sep/08
Except he's 5'9". (Sorry Glenn)

Val and I appeared to be about the same height so I'd give him 5'11". But when I saw him he was fit and trim. Now, he's starting to do an impression of Orson Welles!
leonari said on 5/Sep/08
never a real 5'11". Could be close to 5'10". Rob has him perfect.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.