How tall is Conan O'Brien - Page 10

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Average Guess (310 Votes)
6ft 3.84in (192.6cm)
Mr. R said on 2/Jun/05
Beaner, I saw Conan a few years ago, and he was pretty close to 6-4, even without the hair. Notice when he greets his guests, he stoops over a lot and we rarely see a shot when he is standing straight. I saw him standing straight, and I say he is 6-4.
mjd said on 23/May/05
beaner..your crazy...when conan did his show in toronto i checked it out a few times and he "i sware to god" is 6'5-6'6...I played basketball my whole being 6'2 and most of my teamates in the 6'0-7'0 range..i have a great eye for height...and he's 6'5...hes a bit too tall to be 6'4....and 6'2 as you stated is ludacris...I'm the same height as the producer of the show and thats how i got my tickets....and he was ATLEAST 3 inches shorter then the coneZONE.mark it..conan Obrian is 6'5..6'6 with shoes
Hani said on 17/May/05
He is the same height as tom selleck
6'4 is right
Anonymous said on 4/May/05
you can't be the real pierre bernard. you wouldn't be wasting your time on this site.
cantstop25 said on 21/Apr/05
he is 6'4" according to my friend. he said he met conan and he was no taller then me and I am also 6'4". i was actually surprised because I watched his show and I notice that he is slightly taller then jeff goldblum and bob saget. those are two guys who may be liek 6'3.5" and they round up which is fine. however conan is one of the few celebrities who are the actual height they say they are. my theory is that the majority of celbrites (especially the ones uinder 6'" add 2 inches
pierre bernard said on 14/Apr/05
hey, i work on the show, and i take notice of his height compared to various guests - for example the 'rock' came on one day, he is quoted to have said he is 6'5, now i noticed conan was at least his height, HOWEVER i dont believe the rock is a genuine 6'5, i believe conan is 6'4 1/2 - 3/4

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

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