How tall is Danai Gurira

Danai Gurira's Height

5ft 6 (167.6 cm)

American actress, best known for playing Michonne on TV series The Walking Dead. In film she appeared in Black Panther and The Visitor.

How tall is Danai Gurira
Danai and Andrew Lincoln
Photo by DFree/

How tall is Danai Gurira
Danai, Norman Reedus, Steven Yeun
Photo by s_bukley/

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Average Guess (19 Votes)
5ft 6.16in (168cm)
Whest said on 9/Dec/18
What's your guess on Danai here?
Click Here
Editor Rob
With Christian? She seems roughly the same in heels, so still would say about 5ft 6 is ok for her.
Realist said on 21/Oct/17
In the movie The Visitor she looked way under 5'6 next to a 6'1 guy Richard Jenkins she looked 5'2 or so in that film the whole time because without heels she may be 5'2 or 5'3
Realist said on 2/Aug/17
I can't believe she's this tall how come Demarcus Shipp seemed taller with her in heels either he had big shoes or she is under 5'6. My mom is legit 5'6.2-5 and I have her by 3 or 3.5 inches but not her in heels just doesn't make sense
Stassy said on 15/Jul/17
She is great in her role as Michonne. I think 5'6 is about right, she's certainly not taller, as with 5'5 Laurie Holden in many scenes/photo's they're a similar height.
Iffy said on 2/Jul/17
@Rob do you think 5'6.5" could be possible?
Editor Rob
I feel she is more closer to 5ft 6 than 5ft 6.5 or even 7. I suppose you could argue she looks a strong 5ft 6 range.
Owen said on 11/Mar/17
If she is 5'6" rick is no more than 5'8", I believe andrew is in truth 5'9" and danai is around 5'7". Or rick is short
jeb077 said on 4/Dec/16
5'6" is correct. She simply isn't as tall as Cohan whose 5'7". Her hair on the show makes her look a little taller than she is.
Yelle Hughes said on 16/Nov/16
Her name is spelled Michonne on the Walking Dead and I'm not sure about her being 5'6. Standing next to Rick Grimes in several scenes, she is either the same height or slightly shorter than Andrew Lincoln.

I know there's probably a difference due to camera angles and such, but check out this image: Click Here
Jay said on 31/May/16
She gotta be taller than this.
Caty said on 10/May/15
She is 5'7. I dont understand why you also make them shorter then they really are
D/O/C said on 31/Mar/14
I thought she is 5'8 or smth
Hypado said on 10/Mar/14
She looks 5'5" or 5'6'' on The Walking Dead.
Ted said on 2/Dec/13
She looks 5'5" on The Walking Dead.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.