How tall is Dick Clark

Dick Clark's Height

5ft 8 (172.7 cm)

American TV presenter.

Dick Clark American Bandstand 1961

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Average Guess (7 Votes)
5ft 8.14in (173.1cm)
viper said on 26/Dec/22
This is surprising. Would have guessed him at 5-10
bmb said on 24/Dec/22
In my opinion. 5ft 8 is a bit too low. Lowest I would argue is 5ft 8.5 of what I've seen so far.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 17/Dec/18
@James Keffer

Dick and MJ actually look the same height.
James Keffer said on 15/Dec/18
I'd put him closer to 5'8 1/2. He didn't quite look "2 shorter than Scott Baio (5'10) Click Here . He's barely shorter than MJ (5'9) Click Here Click Here
Rising - 174 cm said on 10/Dec/18
I will say he looked similar height to 5'9" Jon Bon Jovi back in 1984, but does he really look as tall as Jeff Pilson in this video? Click Here Pilson seems taller to me even excluding the 80's hair and Pilson isn't taller than 5'9" himself. Other than that, he doesn't measure up too poorly in the video considering Don Dokken was around 6'0" back then and George Lynch is 5'10", maybe even 5'10.5" back then. Kind of hard to tell with Clark and Vince leaning like that and Clark in front, but do we know Vince is really 5'9"? Also, Clark had just turned 67 less than 2 months prior to that photo so still a few years off from 70. A 5'8"-5'9" guy can make it to that age without losing much.
Danimal said on 23/Nov/17
Easily 5'9", not 5'8". He was taller than 5'9" Vince Neil in 1997 when he was almost 70 years old: Click Here
Anonymous said on 13/Nov/17
yeah as tall as jim morrison in late 60s...and jim has his boots on....
MrTBlack said on 20/Jul/14
Just thought id let you know he passed away in 2012. But not to sure if he was under 5'9".
Gregorovich said on 25/Feb/11
Yea, in the 80s I would say closer to 5'9". Seemed around 3 inches shorter than Rick Springfield (who is supposed to be 6.1) and a little shorter than Scott Baio when he interviewed them on America Bandstand in the 80s.
Derek said on 4/May/08
Just an inch off. 5-9.
TheJerk said on 15/May/07
Wow. With just seeing his younger footage on TV my guess was 5-8. Im getting pretty good at this it seems.
Frank2 said on 4/May/06
Right on the mark.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.