Rising - 174 cm said on 17/Nov/18
@Pierre: I used a pic you posted to compare them and come on, Dolph is NOT tip-toeing. I posted that full shot to eliminate any doubt of that. Here's one more to prove that again:
Click Here Dolph is raising his eye level a bit in the still I posted, but so is Stephen to some degree. And I'm not comparing them based on where Stephen reaches on Dolph(otherwise he'd be 5" shorter in the still I posted rather than 4"-4.5" range which is what I get when I compare the distance between their heads relative to Dolph's head. The camera was a good height and their heads look in proportion since Colbert's head would be near 9.5" compared to a 10.25" head for Dolph. Btw, Rob estimated Obama's head in the normal 9.25"-9.5" range so there's zero chance Obama is as tall with Stephen as Dolph is.
But just to cover everything, here's the other three photos you posted:
Click Here Obama doesn't have a full 3" on Stephen in any of them and is raising his eye level himself in the last one, which is the only one I'm fairly certain Obama doesn't have a camera advantage himself in while Obama almost certainly has one in the second photo. Obama looks to have roughly 2.5" on Stephen in these 3 photos, sometimes a bit more and sometimes a bit less, but it's definitely more than 2" and less than 3".
viper said on 17/Nov/18
Melo and Porzingus look their measured heights of 6-6 and 7-1
viper said on 17/Nov/18
At times it looks more 4.5 inches with Colbert
ND.IV said on 17/Nov/18
Beside Rob he looks a solid 6"1,5. His peak was perhaps between 6"3 - 6"4
Rising - 174 cm said on 16/Nov/18
Meant Afflalo 3.5" shorter than Melo NOT 1.5". That's what happens when you type too fast and don't proof read lol.
Rising - 174 cm said on 16/Nov/18
Not to get this too off track, but these are better photos of Porzingis and Melo:
Click Here Click Here That's also 6'5" listed Arron Afflalo coming up to Porzingis' neck. Afflalo looks about 1.5" shorter than Melo for reference.
Pierre said on 16/Nov/18
@Rising=you have to watch all the pictures Stephen/Barack and all the video Stephen/Dolph to make a good comparison.The pics you talk about(with your line) are= Barack more distant to the camera than Stephen Colbert,or Dolph who forces his posture(the head looking a lot upward and p a little bit on tiptoe) next to Stephen and/or in this pics the angle of the camera isn't neutral.When you take all the pictures /all the good moments in the video(same posture/neutral angle of the camera)the difference between Barack/Dolph seems to me not very important.
Rising - 174 cm said on 16/Nov/18
@Pierre: Obama is noticeably(more than an inch, sometimes at least 2") shorter next to Colbert than Dolph:
Click Here Stephen's posture is fine through most of the video, including here:
Click Here His back is straight. You can see their entire bodies in this shot of the staredown showing Stephen isn't bending his knee either:
Click Here Obama's head and eye level are much smaller than Dolph's so Colbert would have to reach higher on Dolph's head to be as close to his height, but instead he doesn't even reach as high. And Colbert's mouth is never as high as Dolph's. Even when Dolph loosens his posture at that 2:43-2:44 mark, their mouths are not even close to the same high. Colbert's mouth is still below Dolph's chin. Now why we should wait for Dolph to slouch rather than take advantage of Dolph finally standing straight is beyond me.
@Sotiris: That pic with Melo is no comparison to Dolph because Porzingis is slouching in the background, the ground is unknown and it's taken from a more level angle rather than the low angle used with Dolph. Mourning isn't 6'8" either. He was supposed to have been measured 6'9.5" in 1992. Btw, Dolph post-hip replacements still looking a couple of inches taller than 6'0.5"-6'1" Carl Weathers even while visibly dropping height in his hips:
Click Here (I previously didn't include that one among the other 3 photos I posted of the two from 2017)
Sotiris Gravas said on 15/Nov/18
Another fun pic of Dolph w/ Porzingis...
Click Here
Porzingis w/ 6'6.25" Carmelo Anthony for comparison...
Click Here
Porzingis and Walt Frazier...
Click Here
6'8" Alonzo Mourning w/ Walt Frazier...
Click Here
Rising - 174 cm said on 15/Nov/18
@Sotiris: Good post and as for Porzingis, remember Ralph Sampson himself claimed to be the 7'4" he was listed at, which you and I know is absurd. It is pretty funny to see guys over 7 feet still inflating their height. Here's the video with Colbert:
Click Here Dolph's a good 4" taller most of the video:
Click Here
Pierre said on 15/Nov/18
Click Here =make a pause at 1:14 when they are standing in the same posture.And watch others moments in the video around 2:43 2:44=Stephen's mouse is always around the same height as Dolph's mouse.Now Stephen next to Barack Obama(listed 6"1') =
Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 14/Nov/18
@viper I find it very weird that Porzingis felt like he had to tell Ivan Drago his fake 7'3" NBA-listed height.
Here's Dolph from yesterday w/ Stephen Colbert (who Rob has at 5'10.5")...
Click Here
Rising - 174 cm said on 14/Nov/18
I'm not surprised, that just shows the msm is clueless about height among many other things. They don't stop to question at all what either man claims. Although Dolph with [surprisingly] better posture, but thinner sneakers is still noticeably taller than Michael Rapaport yesterday:
Click Here and yesterday was the best comparison to Florian so far:
Click Here It can look anywhere from 2 cm to 3 cm range, imo. Scroll down to the 3rd pic and you can see their sneakers. I don't know if Florian's Nikes add more than Dolph's sneakers. I actually wasn't 100% sure Dolph would still look clearly taller than Rapaport. His posture does seem much better than it has in years in those pics so maybe the double hip replacement is helping him stand better.
viper said on 13/Nov/18
Dolph with 7-1 Kristaps Porzingus.
Click Here
Lol at TMZ calling him 6-5.
Rising - 174 cm said on 13/Nov/18
Dolph's current height is certainly debatable, but to completely separate his peak, compare how Dolph looks with Alan Light to how 6'2.5" Ted Danson and 6'1.5" listed David Letterman looked:
Click Here Click Here Click Here If I were patient and tech-savvy, I'd do one of those comparison photos JT and a few others have done, but I see Dolph at least 6.5" taller than Light while Danson is a good 4" taller, but Letterman looks just 2.5" taller, maybe just 2" without the hat. Light tends to stand well while the other 3 are all slouching or leaning to some extent, but not too bad. I think the comparison is interesting without going into Light's own height much, but Light did look maybe half an inch shorter than 5'10" Rob Lowe, but he was clearly taller than 5'9" Michael Jackson and he had at least 3" on 5'7.75" listed Tim Curry and close to 3" or a bit less on 5'7.5" listed Mike Myers. You can find any of these comparisons easily with a Google search. So imo, Light would be a 5'10.5" shoe guy at worst and 5'9.5" without or maybe 5'10" without shoes, but morning. I don't know for a fact Light inflated his height since he could look 5'10.5" in some of his photos or even a bit taller with Letterman and Curry, but he could look 5'9.5" with Lowe and because certainty is so important on a site like this, I think Light's claim was greeted with more skepticism than it otherwise would have. But since we have less to go by for peak Dolph, I figured comparing to Danson and Letterman would be of some interest.
Rising - 174 cm said on 11/Nov/18
@Pierre: Yeah, that was my first thought, but we'll get a better idea in a few weeks time. I'm sure they'll want Florian to tower Michael B. Jordan in the film regardless. I think the best way to establish Florian's height will be comparing him to people of known height with little controversy.
Pierre said on 8/Nov/18
@Rising=I don't see him as tall as 6"4' too(Florian)
Rising - 174 cm said on 7/Nov/18
@Pierre: Ok, fair enough. As I said, from what I've seen so far, it wouldn't surprise me if Dolph was around 2 cm shorter these days, but we'll see how tall Florian actually is since 6'4" is only his billed height. I can't say for sure since I haven't seen enough of Florian yet, but Roland looks a more legit 6'4" than him, imo.
Pierre said on 7/Nov/18
@Rising=of course i never say Dolph is as straight as Roland i just say you have to take in consideration Roland's posture too.
i agree in the video you posted Dolph and Florian are looking about the same height.
Rising - 174 cm said on 6/Nov/18
@Pierre: Are you really arguing Dolph is standing as straight as Roland is? Come on, I'm 100% sure that isn't the case. In fact, I have trouble remembering the last time I saw Dolph stand as straight as Roland is in that photo with the one possible exception being the photo with Big D. If the camera is low for Roland then it'd be giving him an advantage in that case if anything so I don't see why you bring that up. I don't think Dolph is getting a noticeable camera advantage in all of those on set photos with Florian, but you're also overlooking Dolph being on lower ground in every photo. Check out how consistent these photos are from chin to eye to head:
Click Here Considering Dolph has a very large head and eye level to begin with, you'd expect his head to look freakishly large if he were getting much of a camera advantage there and that's not the case. But I'll agree they're not great photos so check out this video:
Click Here You can barely see a difference. From what I've seen so far, Dolph is maybe 2 cm shorter or at the absolute most 1". If some better evidence comes out, I'll reconsider.
Pierre said on 5/Nov/18
@Rising=I can not agree with you Rising,you must take in consideration Roland's posture to compare them ,he's not as straight as he can,the camera is low for him and his head/neck naturally tilts a little to watch the camera.
Pictures Dolph/Florian= for me with a camera very low a guy who is closer to the camera than the other guy has clearly an advantage.And for me Dolph in all the pics you posted is closer to the camera =the floor hide Florian's sneakers but the floor doesn't hide Dolph's sneakers because the camera is lower than the floor on which they are standing and because Dolph is closer to the stair/to the camera than Florian
Rising - 174 cm said on 5/Nov/18
My bad, I didn't realize you were referring to the pics on set, but I'm not sure if that's true or not. Maybe in some, but it doesn't really look like it here:
Click Here or especially here:
Click Here and if we want to consider the factors then it's worth noting that Florian appears to be standing on higher ground. Florian should be taller than current Dolph if he's anywhere near the 6'4" he gets billed at, but my point is the two side by side seem pretty close in height there.
Rising - 174 cm said on 5/Nov/18
@Pierre: Roland looks to be standing about as straight you could expect, but more importantly, he's clearly standing straighter than Dolph meaning he has a posture advantage. Whether Roland is perfectly straight is besides the point. As I said, I doubt that Creed 2 promo pic reflects their real height unless Stallone is actually 5'10", but it's laughable to suggest Dolph would have an advantage there. Look at them on set and they don't look much different. I didn't think there seemed to be a big difference from what I could tell in the gym video of them training, but we'll find out better when the movie comes out.
Pierre said on 5/Nov/18
@Rising=In the pictures you posted to Houss on 04/nov Dolph/Florian Munteanu, Dolph is standing always closer to the camera which is very low.One proof he's closer=we can always see his sneakers and not Florian's sneakers.Standing only some centimeters closer to the camera when the camera is very low as here is very advantageous for height.Despite this Florian always looks tall here
Pierre said on 5/Nov/18
@Rising=because you don't take in consideration Roland isn't perfectly straight
Canson said on 4/Nov/18
@Rising: I never realized just how jacked Moeller actually was in his prime. He certainly had a true “peak” meaning excessively jacked vs his normal body composition (average through the years). He’s Even more impressive given how difficult it is for someone with longer limbs like he has to add that type of muscle. Guys that are his build usually look like he does today in his late 50s (at best).
Canson said on 3/Nov/18
@Rising: I will say that in the pics with Arnold, he still looks at least 6’5” (more likely 196cm if anything). He has retained his height remarkably well given the life he led similar to the guys you mentioned (dolph, Ferrigno) Arnold etc
Pierre said on 3/Nov/18
@Rising=Dolph isn't looking particulary in poor posture in this pic all his body look straight from head to foot.Roland's neck/head does not seem to me perfectly straight too,i think he can be in a more perfect posture. Dolph has very probably a bigger eyelevel than Roland but not a lot imo,Dolph's forehead doesn't look very tall.I think the final difference between them will be around 2.5 inches,it seems to me hard to watch less than 2 inches.
Canson said on 2/Nov/18
@Pierre: Rising is 100% right. Moeller is not less than 6’5 even today. Now with Dolph that’s gonna vary a cm maybe, but even then in 2003 I agree with him. He may still have been something like 192-193 there. Now I don’t know exactly how tall Moeller was peak. I used to think he was 6’5 1/2 peak until I saw the 196 listing. He honestly looked taller than the majority of 197 listed guys here on this site. Look at Rory McCann and Moeller still looks taller although I never believed McCann to be much over 6’5 and he doesn’t have the same proportions but it’s clear that Moeller has proportions of a guy at least 6’5”. He honestly can pull off a near 6’6 in some of his pics. Even with Arnold, despite the muscle, he can almost look a bit lanky (just with a very good build)
Rising - 174 cm said on 2/Nov/18
@Pierre: The point is Roland is standing straighter than Dolph. You have to look at the top of their heads because Dolph has an unusually big eye level to head of 5"+ and Dolph is lowering his eye level by tilting his head down. I see a 2" difference as the top of Dolph's head is a bit below Roland's hairline, but I'm sure Dolph is losing some in posture and Roland's body might even be positioned slightly closer to the camera. I don't think there's any doubt Dolph can look 6'1.5"-6'2" with loose posture these days, but the question is what he would measure. I think this helps demonstrate how big Dolph's head is because Rob said Hasselhoff has a big head himself, but Dolph does not appear closer to the camera:
Click Here The top of their heads are very closely depending on how much extra hair each has, which is tough to tell with both, but Hoff's chin is clearly higher. This suggests to me that Dolph's head is even a bit bigger.
Pierre said on 2/Nov/18
(Mouse=Mouth sorry)
Rising - 174 cm said on 2/Nov/18
@Canson: Good posts, I can't really disagree with anything. I'm open to either for Ralf, but I'll say that Dolph measured up noticeably better to him in '03 than Lou Ferrigno did in '97. As for Dolph's posture and height loss, I think it's a combination. He's in impressive shape for his age, but he obviously has some pretty serious ailments to get a double hip replacement before age 60. Dolph mentioned in the past that he injured his back training with Lou Ferrigno in the mid 80's so that could be discs, but I suspect the motorcycle accident and torn ligaments during Missionary Man had something to do with it as well because that's around the time Dolph really started looking shorter. If you look at Dolph on video with 6'2.25" listed Richard Madeley in 2008, he still looks comfortably over 6'3" unless Madeley is much shorter than listed. Even if Madeley was closer to his 6'1.5" current height a decade ago, I could still see Dolph around 6'3.5" at that time. Aside from Dolph's injuries, I do think tall men who slouch for years can be prone to serious height loss due to increased curvature. I think this happened to Clint Eastwood too and might be happening to Goldblum.
Pierre said on 1/Nov/18
Click Here .Dolph's eyes are a little bit under Roland's mouse and Roland break a little bit his neck/tilt a little bit with his head to watch the camera very low for him.I can not see only 1.5 inches between them even if both were standing perfectly straight=Dolph eyes will be somewhere between Roland's mouse and tip of nose,then the difference will be around 2.5 inches not 1.5 inches.
Canson said on 1/Nov/18
@Rising: I’m a bit torn now especially after I saw the 196 listing as well. While Ralph surely gave an impression of 197 off more so than others listed at 6’5.5 on this site such as Rory McCann etc, I wouldn’t rule out something like 196.5 or 196.3 peak. I’d still say he’s a strong 6’5” at minimum peak if not weak 6’6”.
Canson said on 1/Nov/18
@Rising: I agree that 189 range today. Maybe right where Rob has him or right at 189 (6’2 3/8 or 1/2). He has abysmal posture I agree. I wonder if he really lost true height (reduced disc height and bones etc) or if that’s a matter of him just not being able to stand straight due to health issues (if he has something major that is affecting him)
Canson said on 1/Nov/18
@Pierre and Rising: i think perception will vary from person to person here. Moeller always stood out height wise as did a peak Lundgren
Rising - 174 cm said on 1/Nov/18
@Canson: I agree Dolph looked noticeably taller still in the early 2000's. I'd say more 193 in the gym video since the difference can be barely noticeable at times(though Ralf often leans), but 192 is possible at worst, imo. His posture in that video and today is night and day too. He often stands kind of sideways the last decade much like Hulk Hogan. Though Rock Hudson claimed to shrink an inch by his early 40's, I'd guess Dolph didn't lose much or anything until late 40's. He's actually over 40 in this pic with 6'8" Scott L. Schwartz from Bridge of Dragons(1999):
Click Here I see Dolph anywhere from 3"-3.5" shorter there with a probable 1/4" or so footwear advantage so still a solid 6'4" guy through the 90's. As I've said before, the most interesting part of that is Dolph looking taller in regular 1.2" range boots than Seagal did in cowboy boots with Schwartz 2 years earlier for Fire Down Below. His height loss was quite noticeable by the Expendables, but his height loss since then is also noticeable. Compare how he looked in 2010 with Terry Crews to those 2016 pics:
Click Here Click Here As for Rob's pic, all I can say is Dolph looks somewhere in the 187 cm range when you account for the fraction less footwear and then you add how much height you think Dolph is dropping. I have no idea just how much height he's losing from his measured height, but when you see the pic, you don't think that's a man over 189. But imagine Dolph standing like John Schneider for a second and instead of a 1/4" less footwear, give Dolph 0.3"-0.4" more footwear like Schneider's
Nike Shox. So Dolph's current height is somewhat of a mystery to me since he still looked at least 6'3" with Big D and Rob said Dolph had 3 cm on another 186-187 guy he knows so his height isn't really constant. Roughly 189 is a fair guess overall, but it'd be interesting to see him stand for a stadiometer measurement.
@Pierre: Good find, but Dolph looks 6'2" there with worse posture. If he tilts his head up and stands completely straight like Roland, I'm sure he could squeeze out that half inch. Here's Dolph recently with 5'11.5" listed Christopher Walken:
Click Here Not a good angle, but it's obvious Dolph is much taller.
Pierre said on 1/Nov/18
@Rising =
Click Here =Dolph next to Roland Kickinger listed 6"4' here
Canson said on 31/Oct/18
@Rising: yea in the 2003 video maybe 192cm range. I don’t have Moeller much less than 197 peak but not less than 196 today. Dolph must have lost his height rapidly in the last 15 years because he did look taller in the early 2000s vs now. Honestly looks 189 max (if straightened up) with Rob
Pierre said on 31/Oct/18
Click Here Click Here Click Here Michael rapaport next to Wentworth Miller listed 6"0.5'= looks more 6"1' than 6"2' no?
Pierre said on 31/Oct/18
Click Here Brion James/kurt Russel(in cow boy boots but...)More 6"1' than 6"2' no?
Pierre said on 30/Oct/18
@Rising=Brion James=
Click Here
Pierre said on 30/Oct/18
@Rising=Brion James =in "Another 48 hours" next to Ed O'Ross (listed 5"11.5') and Nick Nolte(listed 6"0') i don't see him as tall as 6"2'range
Rising - 174 cm said on 30/Oct/18
@Canson: If that's the case then Dolph is still an easy 193 cm in that 2003 gym video. How tall would you say Moeller was in 2003? Dolph lost height fast, but it's not completely surprising. Some big guys can start losing noticeable height as they approach 50, especially with a lot of wear and tear. The difference between Dolph and Arnold in the 2012 video is not so different from the '96 one, which suggests Dolph's height loss during that time was pretty comparable to Arnold's.
@Pierre: I didn't post that pic, I posted the screenshot where Arnold and Holyfield are face to face. I'm only talking about how tall Arnold and Holyfield were in that Planet Hollywood video. Arnold winds up looking taller in that part of the video, so even if he has an advantage there it points more to them being around the same height, but not Arnold being shorter in that video.
Pierre said on 30/Oct/18
Click Here Click Here =Jon Cypher and Matt Mulhern(the right man without mustache) listed 190(6"2.8') and 6"2' in web
Rising - 174 cm said on 29/Oct/18
@Pierre: Of course if you lower Ralf(or anyone for that matter), you can lower Dolph, but I'm not convinced he was below 6'5" in 2003 and even if he were 195 then, Dolph can still look 193 in the gym video or 192 at worst. Matthias would be an interesting height to add, though you can't tell his height from Dark Angel/I Come in Peace because they gave him thick platform boots to make him look even bigger as you can see in this shot:
Click Here but if you dropped Dolph below 6'4" peak then you'd have to drop a lot of listings significantly such as 6'2" Jon Cypher:
Click Here Dolph was always noticeably taller than 6'2" range guys back in the 80's and 90's with Brion James and Michael Rapaport two more examples.
Canson said on 27/Oct/18
@Rising: wouldn’t surprise me at all if Moeller is still 196.5 or something like that (196 and change). He looks as if he has retained his height well and I wouldn’t argue him being less than 6’5.5 peak. I think 6’5 is too low
Pierre said on 26/Oct/18
@Rising=There is other times in the video Evander is taller than Arnold,Evander break his neck in the pic you posted,here
Click Here he's staighter to talk to Dolf and Arnold has to look up with his eyes to watch Evander.Here
Click Here at the premiere of Eraser(1996) Evander is more distant to the camera(watch the lines at the floor and the words behind them) but looks taller than Arnold even if he has no hairs
Pierre said on 26/Oct/18
@Rising=Or Ralph was under 6"5' in 2003...
Rising - 174 cm said on 25/Oct/18
@Pierre: Arnold was at least as tall in that video. Look at them face to face around 26 seconds:
Click Here And Dolph has more than 3" on Arnold in the video:
Click Here Notice Arnold also stands tall while Dolph has loose posture while they're standing. The way you can tell Holyfield is much more than 2" shorter is how he cranes his neck to look at Dolph even though they're standing at a distance while Dolph looks down and bends forward. If Holyfield nowadays is about the same height as Chuck Liddell, then even a noticeably shrunken Dolph would have around 2" on him if he stood decently as he must have with Liddell.
Rising - 174 cm said on 24/Oct/18
@Pierre: I'm only going by the consensus on Ralf, which seems to be that he was 197, but is now more like 196. I didn't say how tall Matthias is or if he's lost height. Even if Ralf was only 6'5" flat in 2003, Dolph still looked near his peak height of 6'4" in the gym video. Ralf has lost less height than most big bodybuilders his age, but it's still probable he was taller in '03 than the last few years.
Pierre said on 24/Oct/18
@Rising=by considering Evander is taller than Arnold there is not a big difference between him and Dolph,something like maximum 2 inches imo.
Rising - 174 cm said on 24/Oct/18
Yeah, I've always figured Dolph was on a box for close ups with Carl, but he still looked easily 3" taller while fighting. Here's Dolph still looking at or very near his peak height in 1996 with 186 cm Evander Holyfield and Arnold, who looks as tall as Holyfield early in the video:
Click Here You can't compare Holyfield to Dolph as well, but you can tell Holyfield is significantly shorter. You can see how tall Dolph is next to Arnold at 1:24-1:25. Just before the timestamp, you can see how Dolph stands out in the crowd. No doubt in my mind Dolph WAS a legit 6'4" in the 80's and 90's. Not only did he look it, but think about it, if he were only 6'3" back then, why lie at the risk of losing the Rocky 4 part?
Pierre said on 24/Oct/18
@Rising=you talk about the loss of height of Ralf by the years,you have to know Matthias(by web source) is born the same year as Ralf.
Rising - 174 cm said on 23/Oct/18
@Pierre: You're right about footwear being unknown in the first 2 pics, though I'd assume footwear was pretty normal in the first pic because they're in the gym. There still could be advantages of course, but Ralf looks further from the camera so I'd think he's at the disadvantage. In the second pic, I agree Ralf must have either ground or camera advantage because he looks too tall. Matthias could be bending his knee more in the 3rd pic because of how they look in the 4th pic. But my point was just that Matthias doesn't look taller in every pic. I think they're probably very close in height, but it's possible Matthias does edge Ralf these days.
@Christian: That's possible. I know I've mentioned this before, but it's important for Terry's height. In my post on 13/Aug/17 on this page, Rob replied to these videos:
Click Here Click Here "Editor Rob: Terry can look at most 6ft 2 there, I think dolph about 6ft 3 range at that moment is believable." Terry looking 6'2" max would seem to make a solid 187 at least arguable even though I guess Terry at a solid 6'2" like Brett Favre or 188-188.5 range myself. I'm guessing Rob was referring more to how Terry looked compared to a then presumably 6'3" Dolph since he still looks easily 6'2" with a then roughly 5'11.5" Arnold. But Terry is now 50 compared to 44 in the video so a small loss since then is also possible, but you could argue that height for Terry fits better seeing him next to Dolph at least, both 2012 and 2016.
Pierre said on 22/Oct/18
@Rising=in the pic number four you posted(and so logically the pic number three too) we can see a little bit the shoes and i agree Matthias has an advantage.I don't know if they are Cow boy shoes.But i always see him a little bit taller than Ralf with all the parameters,postures etc.In the pic number one i don't know the shoes ,i can see the angle of the picture is imo in favour of Ralf's height=because all the guys are tilting on their left side.In the pic number two i ask me if the angle of the pic is a little bit in favour to Ralf(particulary when i watch the vertical line of the white door behind Matthias);Ralf seem to stand straighter than Matthias,i agree Matthias is a little bit(not a lot)closer to the camera.I see him always a little bit taller
JamesB172cm said on 21/Oct/18
rob How tall would you say he looks compared too Carl Weathers?
Click Here

Editor Rob
At the start he could be 5 inches smaller but likely on a small platform, otherwise I think 3 inches
Rising - 174 cm said on 21/Oct/18
@Pierre: I don't think Matthias has a page here, is 196/6'5" what he claims himself? Matthias doesn't always look taller than Ralf:
Click Here Click Here and Ralf also looks taller in this pic:
Click Here Granted, he looks about an inch shorter in this pic from the same day:
Click Here but that also shows Matthias has a big footwear advantage. In general, it seems Matthias is a fan of boots:
Click Here So footwear would have to be known in any comparison, imo. But if you look at Ralf's page, there's pretty wide agreement that Ralf is/was a legit 6'5" guy in the 196-197 cm range so it would take quite a bit to prove he's shorter. But I agree Nevsky consistently looks a bit taller than Matthias and he's also a bit taller than Ralf, though not in every pic as one of the pics I posted above actually shows Ralf taller, though I assume he has the advantage. Ralf also looks at least as tall in this gym pic, but maybe the photo was taken too close:
Click Here In any event, we're talking about Ralf's height back in '03 and it'd be more likely Dolph would have shrunk by that point because he's a year older and he's lost a lot of height while Ralf has maintained his height pretty well to this day. Though I think there's a decent chance Dolph was the same 193 cm he always was in 2003 since he still looked quite tall to me in films at that time.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 21/Oct/18
Dolph might be 189 and Terry 187-188.
Pierre said on 19/Oct/18
@Rising=Comparisons Dolph/Ralf Moeller=
Watch pictures in web Ralf/Matthias Hues(listed 6"5'/196 in all the sites i have read)=Matthias always look taller than Ralf
(Matthias Hues standing next to Alexander nevsky -listed 6"6' in all the sites i have read-seems to me always a little bit shorter than him which make me think his 6"5'list would be good )
Pierre said on 19/Oct/18
@Rising=Watch pictures in web Matthias Hues(listed 6"5'/196 in all the sites i have read)/Ralf
Moeller=Matthias always look taller than Dolph.
(Matthias Hues standing next to Alexander nevsky (listed 6"6' in all the sites i have read) seems to me always a little bit shorter than him )
Rising - 174 cm said on 18/Oct/18
@Pierre: Rob didn't
Bust a Gut for the photo himself, but Rob said from the very beginning that he believed Dolph dropped more height than he did and imo, that much is obvious, which makes it less surprising than many other listings. A photo just shows a split second and we're left to guess about a lot unless we can hear from someone who was there when the photo was taken. Remember, Rob's photo was about a year before Dolph had his hips replaced and he said himself he was having increasing trouble with them for years by that point. It's not even close to the most surprising photo of Dolph either. The one at the top of Van Damme's page from 2012 when Dolph was still 6'3" is much more because Dolph doesn't look any taller than 6'1":
Click Here and posture isn't as immediately obvious, which is why Rob speculated Dolph was arching his back. Van Damme's boots will give him a fraction advantage, but not enough to explain this. However, here's a photo taken minutes apart from that one where you can see Dolph is leaning in:
Click Here Van Damme is also leaning in, but Dolph suddenly looks over 6'3" compared to Van Damme's 5'9" listed peak and 5'8.75" listed Statham is standing completely straight yet looks nearly an inch below where Rob does on current Dolph.
Pierre said on 17/Oct/18
Dolph tilt on his left side but Rob break a little bit his posture with his head/neck imo and then the scale of the height chart isn't particulary high imo
Rising - 174 cm said on 15/Oct/18
@Christian: You're right he looks about 6'1.5" in the pic. My bad, I thought you were saying to Canson that Dolph couldn't be above 6'2" because of the pic. I do think Jordan is on to something regarding Kane Hodder's height, but I still firmly believe Dolph will surprise some with a measurement.
@Canson: I think there could just be a half inch between them now, which is why I said a 6'2" flat Dolph would make Terry no more than 6'1.5", but I don't think there'd be less than that, especially in the pic. The exact difference there depends on how high the top of Dolph's head is and how much he's bending his knee. Dolph did still have a good inch on Terry in video from Arnold's 2012 book release and at least that much or more in full pics and video from the first Expendables premiere in 2010 so the height difference between them now depends on how much you think Dolph could have lost since then, imo. Another half inch loss is more than possible between 55-60, but Dolph could already look much shorter than he was in some pics from 2010-2012 so I don't know.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 14/Oct/18
I'm not saying that Dolph can't be over 6'2". I'm just saying that he doesn't look over it with Rob.
Canson said on 14/Oct/18
@Rising: while I agree Dolph regularly has poor posture, I don’t see him edging Crews by a lot. They look similar in that pic imho. Maybe half inch for Dolph. But I also wonder how tall Crews actually is. Is 6’2.25 a morning height or afternoon? I could see Crews dip below 6’2 perhaps. I doubt Dolph would however. I don’t see Dolph even being that low. He has ridiculously poor posture in some pics I’ve seen
Rising - 174 cm said on 14/Oct/18
@Canson: The photos with Joe actually prove my point. Joe's height varies from around 6'5" in the top pic(with 1/4" more footwear) when he's standing straight to no more than 6'3" in the one where he's leaning. If Joe's height can vary at least 2" in pics with Rob then surely Dolph with worse posture in general could look an inch shorter than he is. If that one pic were the only one with Joe, we'd have posters insisting Joe was much shorter because he only looks 6'3" in the one photo with Rob. That's why I find some of the reasoning here silly. It completely ignores Dolph with Rob's 6'2" friend Big D as well as Rob seeing Dolph 3 cm taller when he greeted a 186-187 cm friend and Rob's belief that Dolph is at least 189 cm after seeing him in person. All because Dolph looks 187 cm range while leaning in a photo? I think Seagal is more of a case of a photo making him look shorter than he is due to posture and a tilt in a neutral background rather than Rob overestimating him by any significant amount. He's a completely different case than Dolph either way, though. Dolph has a noticeably bigger head/eye level for one and Seagal stands pretty well in general while Dolph does not. I'd expect Dolph to be estimated somewhat shorter than he is in general rather than taller. Estimating him taller than he is with his big head, bad posture and often modest footwear really doesn't make any sense. Dolph's listing is actually much easier to buy with the height chart than Steven's.
@Rob: There's no doubt Hoff has been taller for at least a decade, but I don't believe for a second he'd measure 2" taller. I wouldn't rule out the difference seeming greater than it was, but I'm just saying Hoff was probably still close to 6'4" when you met him while Dolph may have been down to 6'2.5" so it'd make sense Hoff seemed more than an inch taller even without those differences. But 4 years earlier, Dolph was still 6'3" so add in thicker sneakers and Hoff perhaps leaning in a bit and you have them looking almost the same height together. It's worth noting Dolph measured up noticeably better next to Hasselhoff in 2012 than The Rock did in 2017. I think at least a lot of this has to be posture. Aside from Dolph looking taller with Big D, it's worth pointing out Dolph actually looks to be standing straight there too.
morteza hoseini said on 13/Oct/18
though I think the dolph is at most 193cm and it should be known, usually starting from the age of 35 to 40, and, according to his age, probably shortens by about 2cm and is now 191cm, but I think the imperialist measurement system ) Has some drawbacks. For example, in the FIFA game, when you enter a player to build a player based on the pound currency and the English system, or you need to enter 6ft4in, that is, 192.5cm or 6ft3in, 190.5cm, so you can build a player with a precise stature 191cm or 192cm or 193cm in particular, and you have to enter the system based on the metric and the dollar ...
Canson said on 12/Oct/18
@Rising: actually I would expect Rob to overestimate him. Seagal doesn’t look over 6’3” yet Rob has him 6’3.5. Same with Mangianello. He doesn’t look 6’5 yet he had him at that even after he met him. Joe is now 6’4.75 but I estimate him 6’4.5. Max,a poster here, said he met him and had flip flops on (exact same footwear) and that he was an inch taller. Max is 6’5.5 so that rules out 6’5 for sure. I guess 6’5.5 is possible but joe never gives that tall of an impression off imho. Joe looks similar to Cam Heyward who measured a morning 6’4 5/8 at the combine. Meaning 6’4.25 prob
Canson said on 12/Oct/18
@Christian: you know something. You’re right in that pic for sure. I gave him benefit of the doubt but he’s under 6’2 in the height chart. Not sure if he’s over if he stood straight
Rising - 174 cm said on 12/Oct/18
@Christian: That's because he's not standing straight. You give Terry Crews 6'2"-6'2.25" yet Dolph was flat out taller than Terry the same year(2016) Rob took a photo with him:
Click Here They had similar footwear and we can even ignore Dolph bending his knee in that pic. 6'2" flat Dolph would make Terry 6'1.5" and that would make Ryan Reynolds 6'1.25" max, which you literally just said was too low. If you want to change your estimates for those guys then that's fine, but that's what a 6'2" max Dolph would mean. You guys are treating one photo like it's a measurement yet if you just looked at their photos with Rob, you'd think Hasselhoff was 2" taller than Dolph, but when the two of them actually stood together 1 year before Hoff's photo with Rob and 4 years before Dolph's photo with Rob, Hoff only had 1 cm on Dolph with about 1 cm less sneakers. You said Hoff had to be at least 192 with Rob so that means 2012 Dolph was still 190 minimum(which would also make Terry just 187 6 years ago) and that would mean Dolph lost another 2 cm minimum between 2012-2016, which is not believable. Jordan also said on 22/Feb/17 "Dolph Is clearly losing more height than Rob. Clear as day." and I agree with that.

Editor Rob
Hoff is noticeably taller in person than Lundgren, though...I had a bit more than Dolph and a bit less than Hoff, so I remember the difference as greater than it might be if measuring them barefoot.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 12/Oct/18
Jordan is correct. He's nothing over 6'2" with Rob.
Rising - 174 cm said on 11/Oct/18
@Jordan: Weathers is at least 6'0.5" in the recent pic with Rob since Rob comes up exactly to his eye level, but Rob has said Weathers has consistently still looked close to 6'1" to him and 6'0.5" would be the minimum rather than maximum. I don't think he'd be wrong on that after seeing him 3 times. The November pic favors Weathers in both camera and posture, yet Dolph still looks a good 3 cm taller. He looks 2"+ taller in both the May pics and I already said Dolph had a camera advantage in the first, but nothing noticeable in the second considering the difference in head size looks close to reality:
Click Here His posture is worse if anything in that one. Carl still has a pretty straight back even when he's leaning, but you can see Dolph is standing sort of sideways and you can see he drops height in his hips as well, which should be no surprise. He'd still easily be 6'2.5" for a measurement. 6'1.5" in bad posture and his large eye level will make him look a half inch shorter than he is to people on top of that.
Rising - 174 cm said on 11/Oct/18
@Canson: I still wouldn't go under 6'2.5" myself, but since he's even 6'1.5" in this photo while visibly leaning, it is clear he'd be 6'2" at the very least if he stood straight. The problem is, I can't remember the last time I saw Dolph look like he was
Busting a Gut. I've assumed he's basically standing tall when he still looks tall, but he never looks to have great posture anymore. For instance, in the two 2012 photos where Dolph looks close to Hasselhoff's height, I assume he's basically standing tall and that's about as well as I've seen him stand the last decade and it still only looks like ok casual rather than perfect posture. He appeared to be standing a bit better post hip replacement with Weathers in May '17 too, but still somewhat sideways. That makes him very difficult to guess exactly these days, but yeah, 80's Dolph was what a legit 6'4" looked like. Lou Ferrigno for instance never looked that tall to me.
@Rampage: Yeah, he actually measured up well to Florian Munteanu on set, but we'll see how they look in some better shots.
Jordan87 said on 10/Oct/18
No, the Angle and Posture Favors Lundgren in those Pictures my Friend. Weathers is not 6'1 with Rob either. He is more 6'0 to 6'0.5 Tops. Lundgren nowadays is not taller than 6'2.
Canson said on 10/Oct/18
I don’t think he’s less than a strong 6’2 today. Maybe 6’2.25 or 6’2 3/8 but no less. Genuinely looks 189cm. Peak 6’4 however imho
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Oct/18
It’ll be interesting to see how he fairs in Creed 2
Rising - 174 cm said on 24/Sep/18
I do believe he was 6'4" or 193 cm and while the 193 claim was around 2005, iirc, he did even refer to his Rocky 4 era height as 6'4" in Sports Illustrated. But I don't think he should be downgraded with a guy like Seagal given 6'4 1/8", especially since Dolph measured up better to Ultimate Bad Guy in flat boots than Seagal did in cowboy boots. Knowing prime Dolph is what a legit 6'4" looked like, it's amazing quite a few people thought Louis Gossett Jr. was 6'4":
Click Here Click Here Click Here John Finn also looked a good 5" shorter than Dolph in Cover Up, though I don't know how tall he is/was, but probably not shorter than Brandon Lee considering Brandon was at least 5" shorter than Dolph even with a camera advantage:
Click Here Click Here I posted those comparisons about a year ago, but I'm just making the point that with Brandon listed 5'11.6" and Gossett listed 6'3", it's not surprising some would guess Dolph 6'4.5" from '89-'91. Maybe this should have gone on their pages, but with peak Dolph more of a flat 6'4", I think Brandon had to be a flat 5'11" and Gossett more like 6'2.5". Dolph was probably a guy who didn't drop under 6'4" in his prime, or at least not more than a mm while Seagal was more likely a 6'4" flat/193 guy at lunchtime, imo.
Although Rob said he thought Dolph was dropping more height than he was, I'm glad to see the mugshot added because I had guessed the difference correctly a year ago at 5"-5.5" lol. But this shows Rob measures up almost as well to current Dolph as Brandon did to prime Dolph. It's also funny to note the supposedly 5'10.5" Alan Light measured up at least an inch worse to a slouching 1990 Dolph than Rob here even though I don't think Dolph was dropping as much height. At the very least, it seems Rob made the right move limiting photo contributors to himself and people he's measured like Jenny. Dolph looks 6'1.5" range or 187ish before considering posture so it's pretty easy to see him measuring comfortably in the 6'2" range. I also have little doubt Dolph is still a good 4 cm taller than Carl even after the double hip replacement because while one or of the May 2017 photos must favor Dolph, he looks 2" taller in the other and this November 2017 photo favors Carl and Dolph is still about 3.5 cm or 1.25" taller:
Click Here Dolph looks like he's leaning more, but Carl's head winds up looking as big as Dolph's in the photo and Rob said Dolph had a good 10" or 10.25" head in person and I'm pretty sure Carl's head isn't THAT big.
Neelasish Sen Roy said on 14/Sep/18
In my opinion he would 6'4.5" tall at max and now 6'3" or under,Rob?

Editor Rob
I wouldn't argue as tall as 4.5, I think either 6ft 4 or 4.25 is more arguable a peak and at least over 1 full inch lost by now.
Rising - 174 cm said on 13/Sep/18
@Pierre: I don't know, but he could be standing a bit better after surgery because he's in less pain. He said his hips had been bad enough for 3-4 years before that he couldn't do much as far as kicks. Hulk Hogan claimed to gain back a little height after one of his back surgeries. But I forgot that Rob said he saw Dolph greet a 186-187 cm man at the convention and that Dolph looked 3 cm taller so I don't think Dolph was incapable of standing tall yet, but of course you'll stand better when you're in less pain.
Pierre said on 11/Sep/18
@Rising,in my memory you can gain a little bit height after hip surgery,like Sarah Douglas in my memory?
Rising - 174 cm said on 9/Sep/18
@Canson: I pretty much agree. Dolph still looks taller than Terry Crews, who looked taller than Ryan Reynolds himself. I won't argue Dolph can look a weak 6'2" at times, I just think he's going to measure taller than he usually looks, imo. His posture wasn't even good in a lot of 80's and 90's photos. I'll change my mind if someone can show me a comparable amount of comparisons of Dolph alongside other tall men. Imo, a photo of Dolph with someone your height or viper's height is more likely to show Dolph's height. Here's an example of what I'm talking about.
Dolph with 6'0.5"-6'1" Carl Weathers in May 2017(after Dolph's double hip replacement):
Click Here Click Here
Now look at Dolph in 2010 when he was noticeably taller than he is now with Stallone in similar shoes:
Click Here Obviously, he's losing noticeable height, but sometimes that isn't easily apparent in photos. I've seen the same thing of Dolph with Van Damme and Statham. Maybe he perfected not towering shorter men so Sly would give him roles again lol.
@viper: That's true, but if Rob were off, I'd expect him to underestimate Dolph due to his posture, big head and 1/4" less footwear rather than overestimate him. Especially since a now shrunken Dolph will be shorter than people expect rather than taller. If Dolph is a weak 6'2" then Rob's friend Big Dale would have to be closer to 6'1". You're right that nobody will be right 100% of the time short of some sort of Terminator-type scanning vision that detects height. But imo, Rob's estimate at least has to be kept in mind when determining height from one of Rob's photos. A photo is just a split second snapshot of that day that can capture someone while they're dropping height or gaining height. I just trust Rob's judgement more than a photo where Dolph's leaning since we have to guess how much height he's actually losing. But I don't mind disagreeing with you because at least you're open to changing your mind if you see something new and both you and Pierre will try to back up your opinions so I respect that.
Rising - 174 cm said on 8/Sep/18
@Pierre: Obviously and I've said Winchester could be 6'0.5" too just like Carl nowadays, but there's no evidence Carl wears lifts and Rob didn't mention any heels. Winchester is clearly taller than Sam Waterston nowadays and I think most still have Waterston around 6'0". Ultimately, we'll never get anywhere without references. If Rob says someone has suspicious footwear, but he's unsure then I'll grant you that, but he's seen Carl 3 times and never with any unusual shoes nor do Carl's shoes look unusual at any public appearances so saying he COULD wear lifts is technically possible, but it's much more probable he doesn't. Even when Rob was still doing the
Mugshots for his photos, he only did it for the recent photo as he thought that one was more representative of how Carl looks and he never did one for Dolph.
viper said on 7/Sep/18
Weak 6-2. Rob is great but he's not going to be perfect
Canson said on 7/Sep/18
@Pierre and Rising: I still have him over 6’2”. Probably is about what Rob lists him. Worst I could buy now is maybe 189ish 6’2.25-.5 sane as Michael Phelps
viper said on 7/Sep/18
IMO Rob and even guys like Mr R are as good as it gets for in person height estimation. Obviously Rob also has pics to back it up.
I thought even Frank2 was good for the most part.
Yeah, nobody is going to be right 100 percent of the time. Impossible and If you were I would find it crazy weird lol.
Pierre said on 6/Sep/18
@Rising,Rob speaks only about what he can see, internal heels are generally not really visible or maybe only when the elevator shoes are so advantageous,but not only 3 cm.Philip Winchester is listed 6"1',if all the official heights were exact, we would be not here to discuss about this heights here no?

Editor Rob
There's very few actors I ever seen in obvious elevators. Some have worn big heels though, like 1.6-2 inch styles, but only a tiny minority anything noticeable.
But spotting a half to 3/4 inch lift in a boot or shoe is really hard, I think you'd need to really look hard and see trousers/jeans above ankle to spot something like that.
Rising - 174 cm said on 6/Sep/18
@Pierre: And pictures can be more misleading than in person estimates. Carl Weathers is a perfect example. Rob confirmed Weathers was not shorter in the older pic and didn't have big heels in the newer one so that just proves my point. Weathers was the same height as his co-star on the short-lived series Chicago Justice Philip Winchester and he's listed 6'1". Maybe Carl is 6'0.5", but no shorter. It just happens that the recent pic is better for comparison. He must not have the same posture or it's the camera. Even IF the other tall men is a little generous, it'd have to be very generous for Dolph to be under 6'2". Dolph had a larger head(especially eye to head) even for the 6'4" man he was in his prime, so it's especially large now for a man in the 6'2" range and you can tell he's leaning. It stands to reason that he looks shorter because of posture if he can stretch up with tall men, including Rob's 6'2" friend.
Pierre said on 6/Sep/18
@Rising,it's only an estimation,Rob has a good eye but he has not the bionic eye of Arnold in Terminator,and so probably can not always give an exactly height,it's too hard with the hairs,the difference of shoes,the postures,the other person always moves a little bit too,and it's even harder to be very precise when you're standing next to a person who is significantly taller or shorter than you imo.You talk about Carl Weathers height =in the oldest picture next to Rob(imo same posture than in the other pic next to Rob)he looks at least 3 cm shorter,that's why i can ask me what type of shoes he was wearing in the second pic.By the first pic i see him around 6"0'. The height of the others tall men is just an official height,which can be sometimes a little bit generous.
Rising - 174 cm said on 5/Sep/18
@Pierre: I never said Dolph can't look under 6'2" when slouching or leaning, but you disregard Rob's estimate, which has never been below 6'2" in person. He confirmed when asked that Dolph is still a good 4 cm taller than Carl Weathers, who isn't less than 184 cm he looks in Rob's 2016 picture. And you completely ignore the pics of Dolph with taller men. If he were under 6'2" then he shouldn't look taller than Rob's 6'2" friend Big D. Nor should he look nearly as tall as he does in 2015-2016 pics and videos with 6'2.25" listed Terry Crews, 6'0.75" listed Chuck Liddell and 6'0.5" listed Michael Jai White. All need major downgrades if Dolph was below 6'2" in 2015-2016 as does 5'11.5" listed Randy Couture. The type of minor downgrades you can always argue wouldn't cut it for Dolph to be just 187. Dolph mentioned his hips were a problem for him 4 or 5 years before he finally got the double hip replacement so it's not surprising he doesn't stand tall often. That's often the case with men who have lost significant height, much less someone as banged up as Dolph. Rob has said Danny Glover definitely still seemed over 6'1" flat when he met him yet he looks maybe 6'0.5" in the photo for the same reason.
The bottom line is posture can explain Dolph looking below 6'2", but it can't be explained how he looks so much taller with men closer to his height, including a man Rob has told us is around 6'2" himself. If Dolph is below 189 then he's lost more height since 2016, which isn't that unlikely, but that doesn't look to be the case if Florian Munteanu is anywhere near his 6'4" listing:
Click Here Click Here Of course, we'll get a better idea of his height and the difference between them when the film comes out.
@Junior: That makes sense as Dolph looked too close to Hoff not to have some sort of sneaker advantage, but 6'3" makes sense for late 2012 with Hoff and Crews, but he looks to have lost more height in the 6 years since. You could see he was shorter for the Expendables 3 than he was in the first 2.
Pierre said on 5/Sep/18
Sorry Rising by this two pics next to Big G and Rob i see him a little bit under 6"2'
Rising - 174 cm said on 4/Sep/18
@Pierre: Even in this pic, he's more than a forehead taller than Rob. Rob's head comes around the lower part of Dolph's eye level and Dolph has a very big eye to head area. He doesn't quite LOOK 6'2.5" here even considering footwear, but a solid 189 man can look 187 in photos with loose posture. The posture difference was more noticeable with Big Jay. You can tell the height difference by how Big Jay had to reach to put his arm around Dolph's shoulder. Again, Dolph is obviously taller than 6'2" Big D, so he's not 187. That's just bad posture of a man who has been banged up pretty good in his career.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 4/Sep/18
@Gracian said on 25/Aug/18 The full picture from google atually Lundgren had a 3/8th inch more footwear and he probably was still close to 6'3 with Hoff.
Neelasish Sen Roy said on 4/Sep/18
Do you think that Dolph lungdren, Jeff Goldblum and sir Christopher Lee all were 6'4.5".

Editor Rob
More chance of Lee hitting that mark than Lundgren I'd say.
Pierre said on 3/Sep/18
But your head tilt a lot Rob,without considering your posture and his posture a little bit on your side and 0.25 less shoe he looks only a good complete forehead taller than you here ,that's why i ask me if he's as tall as 6"2.5'.My eyes don't see him as tall even next to Big Jay,more 6"1.5'/6"1.75'.
Nice picture.
Sandy Cowell said on 3/Sep/18
...and I always saw him as quite a giant!
6ft2.5 now, 6ft4.5 for once before.
Der Titan said on 3/Sep/18
How come Daniel Majstorovic looks so much taller next to you than Dolph when you have them listed at the same height? Explain plz.

Editor Rob
I have a fraction more footwear than Dolph, Daniel has more footwear than me...so that's at least a difference to begin with.
Rising - 174 cm said on 2/Sep/18
@Rampage: It's weird, but if Brandon Lee, Louis Gossett Jr, Scott L. Schwartz, Brion James, Grace Jones, Alan Light, Michael Rapaport and Jon Cypher are/were all around the heights we believe them to be then I'd say Dolph LOOKED around 195 cm with them or at least 6'4.5". But then I'd guess more of a flat 6'4" with solid 6'5" Tiny Lister.
@Rob: What made you change your mind? You had Dolph at 190 for quite some time after meeting him and said then that you thought weak 6'3" range fit him and he doesn't really look less than that to me with Big D. Was it that you were on the fence and his hip replacement last year made you more certain he'd measure below 190?
Myself said on 1/Sep/18
Well...it's not like even 6'3 flat or a little over would be small anyway...
I think the legit tall range ends at about 187 cm (this figure being between "tall" and "very tall"), and the very tall range begins at 188 and goes up to 196; over 196 i would consider extremely tall.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Aug/18
There's a behind the scenes photo from Rocky 4 where he makes Stallone look like a child. I think it is fair to say that he was genuinely a bit over 6ft4. In the film itself they made him look even taller. Not too dissimilar to what they did with Michael Clarke Duncan in The Green Mile. A strong 6ft4 guy with the right frame can be made to look gigantic on screen.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Aug/18
Rob, could Dolph still possibly hit 190cm?

Editor Rob
I am not so sure about that.
Rising - 174 cm said on 27/Aug/18
@Gracian: Dolph is slouching too much in the third pic with his arm around the woman, but you can see from the first two how tall he could still look when he stood well. I wish the video of the Conan appearance was still up. I do remember Dolph shorter, but I don't know how much shorter. It was shocking to even see him shorter as I have no doubt an 80's or early 90's Dolph would have been taller. I had actually forgot about this, but look at Dolph in 2016 with Rob's 6'2" friend Big Dale:
Click Here That was one of the many things that convinced me Dolph is still taller than he often looks. I'd take any comparisons of Dolph with a grain of salt unless the other person is relatively close to his height.
Gracian said on 25/Aug/18
I wonder why in 2012 Dolph did not look much shorter than David Hasselhoff:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
I am also interested in the performance of Dolph and Conan O'Brien in his program in 2009 during Dolph's 52th birthday, he then looked much shorter than Conan:
Click Here
Rob, what's your opinion about height from Dolph?

Editor Rob
I think Dolph in person doesn't seem as tall as he used to in 80's films, I mean if you put him beside guys like Routh/Welling, he won't look taller.
Although very fit, I do think he has suffered with injury and wear&tear more than 98% of guys his age would have done.
Rising - 174 cm said on 25/Aug/18
@nymph: He could be 193 peak and 190 current, but the man had a double hip replacement so a more than 3 cm loss makes sense and the height difference between Dolph now and Dolph in his prime looks unusual. Here's Dolph around '88 with a wide stance and possibly not much shoes(he's supposed to be a lifeguard) with 5'9" Charlie Sheen:
Click Here The difference between prime Dolph and Sheen looks bigger than current Dolph and Rob even with Sheen's hat.
@Junior: Not that strange. Dolph is dropping height as he always does now when standing with men considerably shorter than he is. Even if Dolph lost another cm between 2012-2016, you'd expect him to look shorter than he does with Hasselhoff based on their respective photos with Rob.
Rising - 174 cm said on 24/Aug/18
Well Hoff was taller than him in 2012, but not by much:
Click Here Click Here When did Dolph say he was measured? I can actually believe 191.5 cm standing for a measurement in 2010 or even 2012 if Hoff was still near 193. Here's a better shot of Dolph's shoes:
Click Here
I've posted this before, but he didn't look less than 3 cm taller than apparently 188.5 cm Terry Crews in 2010:
Click Here Click Here or even late 2012 again:
Click Here I think Dolph has lost about 1 cm more the last 5 years, but you can pretty much expect him to look shorter than he is unless he's with another tall man.
He almost never looks to stand tall anymore, but the difference is he use to tower over average height people even while slouching. Assume Alan Light's 5'10.5" claim was in shoes:
Click Here That shows both how bad his posture is now and how much height he's lost compared to 1990. Here's Dolph actually standing tall(but further from the camera) around 1985 with 5'8" Grace Jones:
Click Here I just don't understand how people doubt Dolph was 193 cm in the 80's and 90's.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 24/Aug/18
Strange that Brandon Routh look a bit taller than Tom Welling with Rob and Welling look an inch taller than Lundgren with Rob and they're all listed a deads on 6'2 1/2.
nymph said on 23/Aug/18
Unless he has some serious bone issues I doubt such a fit guy has lost 5 cm already at 60, so one either the peak or current height must be wrong
berta said on 23/Aug/18
Click Here in this swedish interview he mentions david hasselhoff and call the hoff taller than him. At 4:50. It would be interesting to know what height dolph think the hoff is. I guess dolph maybe still think he is the 191,5 cm he was measured 2010

Editor Rob
He probably met the Hoff and looked up at him!
Rising - 174 cm said on 11/Aug/18
Brion James is listed 6'2.5" here and wasn't close to Dolph's height in Red Scorpion(1988). Here's a timestamp:
Click Here And Dolph looked taller than Seagal did in the 90's with 6'8"(?) Scott L. Schwartz, a.k.a. "Ultimate Bad Guy":
Click Here Dolph looks to have a normal 1.25" type boot and looks 3.5" max shorter while Seagal apparently had cowboy boots and looks a minimum 4" shorter. With 6'2.5" listed Michael Rapaport in 1995:
Click Here Nothing under 6'4" peak. He's lost A LOT of height.
Rising - 174 cm said on 10/Aug/18
6'2.5" absolute minimum unless he's lost more height the last year or two. It seems you can only get an idea of his real height when he stands next to other tall men, though his posture is still always loose.
With 6'0.75" listed Chuck Liddell the same year as Big Jay's photo:
Click Here (Dolph with at least a half inch more footwear, but bad posture as usual looks at least 2.5" taller considering Rob estimated Dolph has a 10"-10.25" head and naturally a big eye to head. I'm going to attempt to post premiere video from Getty, which supports this:
Click Here
With 6'0.5" listed Michael Jai White the same year as Rob's photo:
Click Here He looks to have a slight footwear advantage, but he has visibly worse posture and may be at a ground/tilt disadvantage yet still looks over 2" taller. This shows he's still taller than 6'2.25" listed Terry Crews with similar dress boots at the same event:
Click Here And you can see he's slouching and looks like he might be bending his knees.
viper said on 9/Aug/18
Could be 6-1 range
Msn1'87 said on 7/Aug/18
Honestly, Dolph looks no more than 6’1 flat with Jay. And perhaps 6’1.75 if he stood straight with Rob.
Pierre said on 6/Aug/18
Imo he looks around 6"1.5' by this too pics next to Big Jay or Rob
tree said on 5/Aug/18
I didn't know what the casting call was for and I just showed up, they asked me how tall I was, I said 6ft5in and they said "Next!"
Thats funny,i imagine him walking there confidently cuz he is very tall and muscular and then when he proudly says he is 6FT5, NEXT
Jim hoppa said on 5/Aug/18
Not a legit 6-5 prime. More like 6-4 or 6-3.5 prime imo.
Batistataker said on 2/Aug/18
In the 2005 movie ''The Mechanik'' as a retired Russian Special Forces soldier Nikolai "Nick" Cherenko he looked 189cm. He lost a cm due to age perhaps.
Rising - 174 cm said on 2/Aug/18
I'd be fine with a 6'4" flat listing and we know he was definitely no taller than that by 2005. With that said, out of all the guys right around the 6'4" mark who get argued a bit above it, I think Dolph was the most likely to have actually been taller and if Dolph was never more than 193 cm then there's really no way Brandon Lee was 182 cm because he was a good 5" shorter so Brandon would need a flat 5'11" listing to match up. A lot of formerly 6'4" guys look a lot shorter these days like Jeff Goldblum and Liam Neeson.
Jordan87 said on 1/Aug/18
I would bet Canson would be 100 Percent Taller than Dolph in his prime. Dolph was never over 6'4.
Rising - 174 cm said on 16/Jul/18
@Canson: I'd guess you'd be almost identical in height to an 80's Dolph and have to agree on 193 cm at his low as the most likely guess since it could explain the 195 cm claim as an early measurement or perhaps in thin boxing footwear and he did look about an inch shorter than Tiny Lister in behind the scenes for Universal Soldier. He also claimed 193 cm around 2005 so either he lost a bit of height by his late 40's or he was always a 193 cm guy. As for height loss, he supposedly also injured his back lifting around the time of Rocky 4. Agreed about Moeller. Although he wasn't as big as the guys you mention, Carl Weathers was roughly Arnie's height at a legit 6'1" and peaked 226 pounds so you'd expect him to have lost noticeable height from football, lifting and stunts, yet he's arguably still close to his peak height at age 70! Dolph is also supposed to have said he shrunk to about 191.5 cm on a European TV show around the time of the first 2 Expendables. He still looked 6'3" minimum then when standing straight, but posture has been the big problem estimating Dolph's height the last decade. If we can determine how close to 6'4" Florian Munteanu is then we might be able to get a good idea of Dolph's present height. Dolph does dwarf Montell Williams in most scenes in The Peacemaker(1997) and literally bends forward to shake Roy Scheider's hand and still towers him by half a head making Scheider look like the 5'8" guy he was by the late 90's. I don't know how tall Montell is/was, but I do have an impossible time seeing Brandon Lee a full 182 cm and Lou Gossett Jr. a full 6'3" if Dolph was only a 6'4" flat guy or 193 cm as seems pretty likely even though Gossett could have lost some height by his early 50's.
Canson said on 14/Jul/18
@MrTBlack: I wouldn’t rule that out either. And maybe a medium, I think he may have been a guy like me who woke up a solid 6’5” in his prime and got down to 6’4.25 at a low like me or perhaps even a touch over 6’5. I would say out of bed would range 6’4.75 (worst case) to maybe 6’5 1/4 (absolute best case) and be 6’4 and change on the regular.
@Rising: I agree with you on him as well. I think he’s just conceded to severe height loss over his lifetime which is consistent with may of the bigger bodybuilders. Another example is Arnold. The only one I’ve seen who has maintained his height remarkably well is Ralph Moeller. He looked close to 6’6 maybe 6’5.5 peak (197ish cm) perhaps even a hair more or less than 6’5.5 and still looks as if he is at least 6’5 today maybe even still a strong 6’5. I can say rob has him listed about as well as you could. I could also say Ferrigno but I am unclear as to how tall he really was at his peak. I don’t buy that he was a legit 6’4” prob 6’3” range peak and 6’2”ish today is how he looks to tell you the truth.
James B 171.5cm said on 3/Jul/18
At least hes holding up better than hulk hogan and david prowse
Rising - 174 cm said on 2/Jul/18
@Duhon: Yes, you can see in the quote at the bottom, Dolph says he stood on a box. Although he only mentions scenes with Stallone, he must have done this with Weathers as well. Dolph could often look taller than he was back then for whatever reason, but seeing him struggle with 6'3" at 60 even with a double hip replacement makes me think he must have been shorter than he looked in most of his films. I pretty much completely agree with MrTBlack, James B and MAD SAM on Dolph. Nowadays, he can look shorter than he is due to his large head and tendency to slouch a lot, especially with people well under the 6' mark.
Duhon said on 1/Jul/18
He may have been around the 6'4" mark but surely he was made to look taller than 6'4" in Rocky 4?
MAD SAM said on 29/Jun/18
Looked 6’4” in Rocky 4 but gonna give him the benifit of a quarter inch at 193.5 cm, looks a 189.5-190 cm guy these days
James B 171.5cm said on 21/Jun/18
6ft4 1/8 peak
MrTBlack said on 16/Jun/18
Agreed. I think he could have been 6’4.5” at peak but no less than a solid 6’4”. I always thought that 6’5” and 6’6” seemed too high for him even when I was 14. Now and days I think anywhere from 6’2.5-6’3” is arguable.
Neelasish Sen Roy said on 15/Jun/18
Now he is 6'3" but his peak height is 6'4.25".
Rising - 174 cm said on 15/Jun/18
Dolph looked massive in Red Scorpion, even when barefoot. I don't know how tall M. Emmett Walsh was(I seem to remember him taller than Chuck Norris in Missing in Action) but even though he's a guy who often doesn't stand straight, he didn't seem like he'd reach much higher than Dolph's nose. Btw, Walsh is always a great character actor. Dolph's other co-star Al White is listed at 6'2" on the internet, but he's noticeably shorter than Dolph so I don't know where that listing originates from. In any case, I can't see Dolph any less than 193 cm in those days.
Rising - 174 cm said on 5/Jun/18
@Robinson: Well, when Arnold was Dolph's current age, Rob listed him at 6'0" with a peak listing of 6'1.5" so that's a similar loss. A height loss survey conducted from the late 50's through the early 90's showed that out of roughly 1,000 men, the average loss by age 60 was 0.8" so if you consider Dolph at 6'4" was much taller than the average man of about 5'9", even an inch loss would be very normal. Then you consider Dolph's injuries such as the torn ligaments while filming Missionary Man over a decade ago and the double hip replacement last year and a 3, even 4 cm loss starts to make sense. Hulk Hogan has lost a lot more height than Dolph due to surgeries and had lost a lot of it by his late 40's/early 50's. As I said, I think it's possible Dolph went from 193 cm peak to 190 cm today so a 3 cm loss while large would not be surprising all things considered.
Robinson said on 3/Jun/18
Incredible height loss.
I can't believe that people bone structure can shrunk that much.Is it even possible?
My grandfather lost 1-1.5cm at age of 78.
In expendables I see him at 190cm atleast that appearing.
Rocky 4...legit 6"4 guy by any means.
Long arms,long torso,really akward to see such a height loss..but yeh..happens.
Rising - 174 cm said on 29/May/18
He was definitely closer to 6'4" than 6'5" in his prime and I think Rob's listing is about right. Could very well have been just a 193 cm or 6'4" flat guy, but he looked taller than a guy like Seagal did back then and he didn't wear the heeled boots Seagal did. He was still at least 6'3" when he filmed the first 2 Expendables and if he stood straight, there would still be a better chance of measuring 6'3" flat than 6'2" flat. I think this 6'2.5" listing is the lowest he could be, but he's looking like he'd be lucky to hit the full 6'3" even with his big head and poor posture. I still think 190 cm or weak 6'3" range is likely. He tore ligaments doing a stunt for Missionary Man(2007) and that may have hastened his height loss.
Miiiiiiighty_- said on 26/May/18
Just fell on " King Rising 2 " on TV a few days ago : hard to believe how much he has shrunk..
And his posture and movements/agility are awful.. He moves like he had serious surgeries ( hip replacement ? ) .. Seriously I was shocked.. He looks like a 70 years old and was only 54 back then..
He seems to have a major case of hunchback too, a la Clint..
He looks around 6'2.5 there but he seems to not be able to stand tall..
And what's crazy is that I just rewatched " The red scorpion " today, one of his action films from late 80's and he was A LOT taller..
He has a good 5-6cm at least on Brion James in this film.
I think ( for I met him at a kyokushin karate seminar in 1999 ) that he was 194 or 195 in his prime.
Remember he mentionned both in French magazines back then.. ( 194cm 108kg from what I recall which is 6'4.5" 240 )..
Really crazy height loss, but I think a good chunk of it is actually due to his HORRIBLE posture ( the rest probably being linked to injuries/surgeries) , like you mentionned Rob, Eastwoodesque as he was a strong 6'4.5 if not borderline 6'5 back in his prime...
What is strange, also, is that I remember him towering most cast members at the Expendables 2 premiere, and also being noticeably taller than Crews back then, so probably 6'3..
Looks like he has lost some height quite fast..
Canson said on 23/May/18
@MrTBlack: the 6’5.5 was likely a shoe height. I can buy him being a solid or even a strong 6’4 like Rob lists him in his peak. Today I still think he’s 189cm. Some are saying he’s under 6’2 but I think if he stood straight he could easily get 189-189.5. Maybe at a pinch a weak 6’3” today still. But that’s the norm for many of the bigger body builders. The only one that doesn’t look like he’s lost any noticeable height is Ralph Moeller. He always appeared to be 197cm imho and today likely isn’t less than maybe 196 range
Jordan87 said on 21/May/18
@ Ken C,
Lets say Dolph is around 6'2 on a good day nowadays, The actor playing his son looks around an 1" Taller in many shots I have seen so 6'3 is possible, not a shock is gets 6'4 listings.
To be honest this Kid is alot bigger than Dolph Was even in his day when he played Drago.
I am not sure how 175 Pounds Michael C. Jordan is going to fight this kid in Creed 2. Florian Munteanu his name is, and with a height of roughly 6'3 and a frame like that he is at the very least 230 pounds.
I do not see them in the same weight class.
When Dolph fought Carl Carl was around 6'1 and 224 as per his own admission ( the weight), and Dolph was Between 230 and 240 during the FIlming of Rocky 4 so there was not that much size between them.
MrTBlack said on 20/May/18
Agreed. He even claimed 193cms on a Swedish TV show. He did claim 6’5.5” in the late 80s but that was during his peak.
berta said on 16/May/18
it would be interesting to see ryan reynolds and dolph back to back today. they could be roughly the same. but dolph is probably very legit 189 while ryan is couple mm under
KenC said on 13/May/18
actor who plays his son is a liar about height too. lol
florian munteanu 6'4"??
Click Here
KenC said on 13/May/18
I really thought this guy was 6'5" back in the day
Now i see there was no way
Jordan87 said on 10/May/18
@ Bazza,
Check Rob's Quote from Dolph Himself.
" Whatever it is, there's a big difference between us. But still, to make the difference seem even greater, he had me stand on a box sometimes."
The Man was likely not over 6'4.
Jordan87 said on 7/May/18
@ Bazza,
Nah I think he could have been right at 6'4. 6'3.5 to 6'4. SOmething like 6'4.5 means he would have to loose around 2+ Inches on height if we go by the pics provided to us here by Rob ( Thank God for this guy) and Big J.
Mark D. said on 6/May/18
It's probably a combinations of shoes, and Stallone instructing all press releases exaggerate Dolph's height during the time of the movie. I'd say 6'3.5" peak, possibly 6'3". With shoes on, 6'4 - 6'5" or averaged out to 6'4.5". Add an inch and you get the 6'5.5" we heard often. Clearly 2-3 inches shorter than 6'4.5" Conan when he was on his show. No major hip surgery, or spine issues, no reason he'd lose several inches as he's not old enough for osteoporosis. His height was exaggerated from the beginning.
Bazza said on 4/May/18
If he wasn't at least 6'4 in rocky 4 then the camera work was truly outstanding.
Jordan87 said on 3/May/18
"As Rob has had the privilege of meeting Lundgren, i would say the estimation concerning his peak height and size today, is more than likely accurate"
Yeah and with Big Jay he looks 6'1" nowadays, that's 0-2 for Lundgren being over 6'4 as a prime height. There are two pictures posted here with Lundgren......look again.
Richie said on 2/May/18
As Rob has had the privilege of meeting Lundgren, i would say the estimation concerning his peak height and size today, is more than likely accurate.
Jordan87 said on 30/Apr/18
@ Richie,
"was close to 6'5" back in the 80's"
If by CLose to 6'5 you mean 6'3.5 to 6'4 ok. Over 6'4 is garbage, give up on that quick.
Canson said on 29/Apr/18
I think Rob has him pegged
Richie said on 29/Apr/18
Lundgren has clearly lost height as was close to 6'5" back in the 80's. Definitely dropped two inches at least as recent pics of him stood with Carl Weathers show Lundgren just shading it only to have had several inches on him in Rocky IV back in 85'. We all lose height as we age unfortunately and you don't have to be old to drop an inch or two.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 21/Apr/18
Didn't see a 189cm downgrade coming. Lol.. I guess it is legit listing but over 6'4 not quite a chance.
berta said on 21/Apr/18
i believe dolph could be a 186-7 guy when he is 70 years and by 80 he is down to 6 feet.
berta said on 21/Apr/18
yeah in dolph case its probably just bad genes in the height loss area not injuries. pretending to punch a guy in the face and then let a stuntman been thrown out a window pretending to be him is not a reason to loose all this height. jackie chan as you say Ian c is one o the few actors who i understand could have lost up to 3-4 cm at his age.
Ian C. said on 15/Apr/18
Those are good point, Myselfs. Actors who really have had injuries can't just recover from them in ways that other people can't, surely. Don't you sometimes suspect Jackie Chan's stories of broken bones, for example? Wouldn't he be crippled at his age if those stories were true?
A reliable giveaway of an aging actor with bad joints is, he will wince when he stands up. You can see Clint Eastwood start doing this somewhere in his early sixties. At that age, Eastwood could still fake running a few steps or punching somebody, but that brief anxious look of a man about to feel pain flits across his face when he has to get out of a chair.
Myself said on 14/Apr/18
How can you lose height by participating in "action oriented films"? It's not like wrestling or doing some kind of extreme sport; they are just staging things...
And even if we assume that in such films they get spinal damage, how would they still agree to do it over and over again, accepting the same kind of dangerous actions?
Don't you feel hurt and have serious trouble walking or doing other activities after receiving spinal damage? I have 2 herniated discs and i feel pain sitting/lying in some positions, walking for a long time and i don't feel to have the spinal flexibility to do some kinds of exercises/movements/rotations, because it would worsen the situation...
I don't understand this.
Ian C. said on 14/Apr/18
Two inches seems a lot for a man his age to have lost. He has no obvious structural weaknesses, so I suspect that he really was abut six-three in youth. It would have paid him to up his height a little when he starred with Sylvestre Stallone, so that an increase in his height would be commensurate with Stallone's falsely claimed height. You know: He dwarfed Stallone at his real height of six- three, so they upped it to six-five to protect the credibility of Stallone's claimed height. And then, once Lundgren had adopted his newly assigned height as his own, he just kept it as his official height. That's my suspicion.
berta said on 27/Mar/18
i meant to say in my last post " i dont believe he was ever OVER 193" missed the "over" part :P 193 peak.
Canson said on 26/Mar/18
Peak height for sure 6’4” flat. Not less
berta said on 26/Mar/18
i dont believe he was ever 193.he could look the listed height most of the time but in his current movies he look 6 foot3 range but is not. movies alwys make people look 1-2 cm taller. i think 193 flat peak and a really strong 189 today. 2-3 cm shorter than conan at age 50 who many believs is 192 but i still think is 193. that means he was at best 191 at age 50 there is no way he had lost more than 2 cm at that age.
Robbe said on 23/Mar/18
With 208cm listed Joonas Suotamo
Click Here
Bego said on 22/Mar/18
Rob is 173cm, so Dolph's eye level is Rob's top of head. I wouldnt give him more than 185cm, he was perhaps 190 in his younger age, and maybe 193 in shoes in morning, 195 is exaggarated.
James B 170.8cm said on 13/Mar/18
Rob good chance he will be 6ft1 in 10 years time maybe?

Editor Rob
He'll be the new Clint Eastwood...in 15 years we'll be arguing he's not over 6ft and never was 6ft 4 ;)
tree said on 9/Mar/18
4cm lost by 60 is an awful lot
berta said on 9/Mar/18
hahah in my last comment i meant 189-190
tree said on 8/Mar/18
Rob is the 189 is when he took the photo with you or you think he shrunk to this recently?
He looked max 189 with you

Editor Rob
I think over last couple of years 6ft 2.5 is what he seems to look overall...6ft 1.5-2 when not standing tall, over 6ft 2 when he manages to.
berta said on 8/Mar/18
Good update. i Think he is somwhere beetween 198-190 so this and 190 listing both could be right
Jordan87 said on 6/Mar/18
@ Canson,
Egos would be the reason most men inflate their height. Yeah, Some women prefer men to be on the tall side however I can say sure as I sit here typing this, I have a friend who is of italian descent who is 5'7, He reports his height as.....5'7"!!.....and I can honestly say he gets loads of female attention. He is totally open about his height and actually throws shots at himself and to be honest all I see is Women gravitate towards him. I admire him for that to be honest.
To be taller is good I guess, but it certainly is not the deciding factor if a woman likes a man. People should stop with the inflation. Your right, its ego problems.
Canson said on 27/Feb/18
@Jordan87: I’ve even heard some say that someone didn’t measure properly when they get caught. Meaning the honest person didn’t measure themselves properly. I used to claim 6’5” when I played basketball but because I got measured at 6’4.5 in college and even 6’4.75 once (had thicker hair) and believe an early morning measurement. I was listed 6’6 on the roster. Today I claim 6’4 however as I am actually a bit under 194 actually at my lowest.
I think people who claim shoes are insecure or have egos
Jordan87 said on 26/Feb/18
Yeah Canson, Honestly I have never reported my Height in shoes. That is rather weird for me.
Canson said on 23/Feb/18
@Jordan87: a lot of people do this. Add 2” to their height some even more. I once saw a friends license and it had 6’1”. He always claimed “almost 6’0” to his credit (5’11 1/2 or so). He then admitted he’s a hair under 5’11”. When I stand next to him it was prob a 5-6” difference so he could be 5’10 1/2” maybe 5’10.75 which is what he admitted to. At least he was honest about the fact he did that and he didn’t inflate anyone else and never claimed 6’1” in public. But others go all out until they get caught then it’s an excuse that they weren’t measured properly or the other person that is honest wasn’t or that they claim their shoes. My line has always been shoes aren’t part of my body when someone says that.
Arch Stanton said on 23/Feb/18
I remember Dolph on Graham Norton and Norton saying he was 6 ft 6 and Dolph correcting him and saying 6'5 anyway.
Arch Stanton said on 23/Feb/18
Not crazy really if you consider that he was probably a strong 6 ft 4 range peak and may have measured in at 6'5.5 wearing shoes and simply rounded up. Showdown in Little Tokyo 6'4.5 looks accurate with Brandon Lee and Cary.
Jordan87 said on 22/Feb/18
Agreed. I I know people like this too. I probably mentioned in the past but I have a Friend that is 5'10.5, 5'10.75 bc for a fact he is shorter than my father now who is around 5'11-5'11.25, and my friend claims 6'1!!! He thinks no one will notice , I have more or less dethroned his claim in the past, but i still catch him saying he is " between 6 and 6'1" sometimes.
I still am surprised Dolph Does this too though. He is like
Jason Momoa, claiming an extra 1.5". Actually he is worse, he is claiming more like 2" over his height. Crazy talk.
Canson said on 22/Feb/18
@Jordan: I agree with you. Barkley could get away with 6’6” if he wanted. But he measured 6’4 5/8 at some point in the day and he claims his true height. But to be honest being 6’4 and change myself as a common person not playing pro sports I just claim 6’4” myself. I don’t see the added benefit in claiming 6’5 or 6’6”. It’s like I’d be doing it to assist others in lying not to get anything out of it myself. I have a former college teammate who does that he’s 197cm and claims 6’7” to this day and when he visits the DC area (Virginia where we live) from where he lives he still does it. I also have a legit 6’7” friend who was our former teammate and roommate who is close with me and hangs with us when he’s down along with a 6’6” and a strong 6’5 (6’5.25 at his low and 6’6 or so out of bed). The latter two didn’t go to college with us and we met them after the fact but they’re also honest and claim 6’6” and 6’5 and he essentially “adopts” our heights to to accommodate him and all four of us are constantly correcting him. The 6’7” and I were doing this with him long before we even met the other two (the three of us have known each other since about 2000 and the 6’7 and I met the other two about 2007). It’s hilarious when the 6’7” friend I have and also the 6’6” call him on it and tell him he’s only 6’5 to 6’6 and that he’s shorter than they are. It’s like who do you continue doing it when you know you’re lying? Honestly, I’ve just never seen what “claiming a height” does for anyone. Even if it’s simply claiming your morning height as opppsed to your afternoon height. To me it ranks up their with claiming a shoe height. Because you’re essentially “knowingly” claiming a height to try to make yourself feel taller. I mean you know you drop in the afternoon so don’t just see why someone doesn’t just claim that height to start with.
Jordan87 said on 21/Feb/18
@ Canson ,
I think it boils down to this. Barkley is honest with his height, Dolph Is not. Dolph Claiming 6'6 is strange for a man of his intelligence and already tall stature. Odd to just put 2" more on when you are taller than more than 9/10 men. Very Odd my friend.
Canson said on 16/Feb/18
@Jordan87: it’s hard not to believe Barkley about him being 6’4.75 (which he claimed). I believe that’s a bit earlier and he dips to around 6’4.5ish even prior to that. All of the players who played against him said he was closer to 6’4 than 6’6”. Hard for people to all be lying. They think he downplays his height to sell a book which is ridiculous. He’s that height in bare stockings As opposed to shoes. Essentially him being 6’6 or even 6’5.5 is like Karl Malone being 6’9 when Malone out of his own mouth said he’s 6’8. May even be 6’7.5-.6’8 really which is how he looks. Same as Carlos boozer really. And He is barely taller than magic who was 6’7ish. Magic was shorter than Kurt rambis who was listed 6’8”.
Jordan87 said on 15/Feb/18
@ canson,
Did not know about Barkley's hip surgery, but always knew about his Draft Measurement. Barkley also said once he wasn't as tall as they listed him. Least he admitted it, I give him credit for that.
As Far as Dolph, a Side note he got himself into fantastic shape for Creed 2. A 60 year old man, very impressive.
Canson said on 13/Feb/18
@Jordan87: you said that very well! And another fun fact, another person who had hip replacement was Charles Barkley! Sarah Spain said he looks “about 6’4” today. And people still use his listed height here 6’4.75 (many even inflating him) to compare celebs which is why many are inflated. Barkley measured 6’4 5/8 in 1992. One of my former coaches was a scout and met him several times before he even had the hip replacement done as did a friend of mine who is 6’3 and they both said he’s 6’4-6’5 or that he’s “about as tall as I am”. I am 6’4.25 at a low (on a good day maybe closer to 194)
Jordan87 said on 12/Feb/18
@ Canson,
I did see recently in prep for Creed 2 that DOlph Just had his hips replaced in 2017. He doesn't have the best posture at times.
I think if he straightened himself out in the Picture with Rob he would gain another Inch And could potentially be a solid 6'2-1/2", but He does not look that with Jay Standing straight so its odd.
Canson said on 10/Feb/18
6’4 peak for Dolph and 6’2.5 today worst case. Maybe he’s got the same sort of deal as Hulk Hogan poor posture that if it improved he may get to 190 or 6’3”
Canson said on 5/Feb/18
@Christian: that’s about right for his peak. I have 191 peak max for him. And today not sure
vinny said on 5/Feb/18
looks 2 inches smaller then Dan Reynolds on the believer video so 6ft2 is accurate for Dolph.
O.J. said on 31/Jan/18
Saw him in person in the 90s and he was 6'4. 6'3 sounds accurate today.
Jordan87 said on 25/Jan/18
@ Reaper,
No one said he was 6'1 at peak. Calm yourself down and do some reading for a change before having a Convulsion.
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 25/Jan/18
Clint was either solid or strong 6'3" peak. I could see him 6'3.25" tops, maybe even 6'3".
Reaper said on 24/Jan/18
Any of you who have truly been next to this guy, knows he is every bit of 6'4 -6'5, & no less! 6'1 is a joke, even 6'3 is LOL! It only shows that your credibility on perception is majorly lacking!
Jordan87 said on 24/Jan/18
@ JonathanRet ,
Clint was never 6'4.
Jordan87 said on 22/Jan/18
Sykes, Alan Ladd's Lifts,
Only fanboys can look at the two pictures above with Rob and Jay and still think/hope/pray Dolph Was 6'5.
Sykes said on 21/Jan/18
I'm 5'5, and I've stood next to Dolph Lundgren. No way on this planet is he 6'5! He also stood on a step below me on an escalator, and was shorter than me. If he really was 6'5 he would still have stood taller than me.
JonathanRet said on 19/Jan/18
Funny people here stimate he was 6'4 but also 6'4 Clint Eastwood. I agree Dolph Lundgren was 6'4 but if he was 6'4 Clint was 6'3 max.
Alan Ladd's Lifts said on 12/Jan/18
Why do people keep waffling on that he is "6ft 5" or "6ft 4"? Look at the picture with 5ft 8 inch Rob. Lundgren is barely taller than 6 feet. I attended the same London Comic Con that this picture was taken at and I can confirm having stood next to him -I am 5ft 9.5 - he was less that 6ft 1. In my view he was never anything but 6ft 1 "peak height" -a term that is so misused on here. He was the exact same height as Carl Weathers who was at the same convention. Yet look at Rocky IV where they try to create the impression that he towers over Apollo Creed. Watch the actual fight between the two and the game is up and they look the same height. Stallone is only 5ft 7 and so there is 6 inches between them in the ring in Rocky with Stallone, for once dispensing the lifts, and camera angles, creating the illusion that "Drago" was "nearly 7 feet". How long to wait before the next post swearing he is 6ft 5 despite having never met him and basing it on what movies want you to believe..?
emre turk said on 12/Jan/18
hey rob dolph lundgren is on your side and looks 187 cm next to the man upstairs
Jordan87 said on 9/Jan/18
6'5? Never
berta said on 9/Jan/18
i really gonna try to get a photo with dolph when he coming to sweden on a event. it will be easy to see current height because my brother is 6 foot 3 . and if he looks 189 range when i meet him then i cant reqally se him taller than 193 peak no way a person can lose 5 cm at this age when they do yoga and traing easy weight training.
Psychedelic Earth 187 said on 9/Jan/18
Wrong on both.
Jann said on 1/Jan/18
6'1" next to rob 6'1 and half next to big Jay so he was about 6'2" peak
Canson said on 15/Dec/17
@Danimal: I agree Dolph was a legit 6’4” peak however you seem to believe certain people over others and are very inconsistent and selective. Why is it that you “believe” Conan being 6’4.5 or that someone said he’s 6’5? Yet you insist on Charles Barkley being 6’5 1/2 when most people who have met him say he’s 6’4 range and he measured 6’4 5/8? Conan was never a legit 6’4 the 6’4-6’4.5 was a shoe height. He wasn’t even as tall as Selleck or Lithgow the former claimed 6’3 1/2 nor was he as tall as Hasselhoff or Neeson who were legit 6’4” guys.
Danimal said on 14/Dec/17
Rising - 174 cm said on 29/Sep/17
6'4" is fine, but anything under it is ridiculous. Watch him fighting Carl Weathers in Rocky 4 and tell me there's not at least a 3" difference.
I like you Rising, but how do you explain a mid 40's Conan O'Brien who was still probably 6'4" (he's also claimed to be 6'4.5" and others used to call him 6'5" in the 90's) looking close to 2" taller than Dolph in 2009? Are you saying that Dolph at his peak would have been at least Conan's height if not taller than him? Highly doubtful:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Here's an old David Hasselhoff who I'm sure has lost height since his prime looking at least 1.5" taller than Dolph in 2012. You're saying Dolph was Hasselhoff's peak height?:
Click Here
Danimal said on 14/Dec/17
Caaq said on 9/Dec/17
In the photo with rob, i think u will agree Rob that he looks about 6 inches taller than you which would make him 6'2.5". Maybe 6'3" if he stood straighter. Given his age and over exertion he may actually have been about 6 foot 5 when he did rocky . Very accurate listing.
He was never over a flat 6'4" at his peak and probably not even that.
berta said on 9/Dec/17
it will be very intresting to meet dolph in mars. it will be easy to see what height he is because my brother is 190,5 ore 191 on a vetry good day so he and dolph would look about the same height if this height is right. i think he can be closer to 189 when i meet him. if we lucky i will get a photo with him
Caaq said on 9/Dec/17
In the photo with rob, i think u will agree Rob that he looks about 6 inches taller than you which would make him 6'2.5". Maybe 6'3" if he stood straighter. Given his age and over exertion he may actually have been about 6 foot 5 when he did rocky . Very accurate listing.
Myself said on 6/Dec/17
I Think he might be under 170 cm.
Myself said on 5/Dec/17
Rob, How tall do you think this man on his left is?
Click Here

Editor Rob
tough to tell, it's a very close up photo which might reduce the difference by a couple of inches.
berta said on 4/Dec/17
dolpgh is coming to sweden in mars and i am going to try to meet him. it will be intresting to see him in person
Bego said on 2/Dec/17
No more than 188/190 today. He was born in 1957 so he lost some inches
Canson said on 29/Nov/17
@5’11.25: agreed he was. And he was a legit 6’4” at his peak and probably didn’t dip to the point he is now until within the last 5 Years maybe today he’s 6’2 1/2 or so
5'11.25 at noon. said on 27/Nov/17
@ Anon nobody takes you seriously this guy was clearly over 6’3 in Rocky 4 could be around 6’2.5 nowadays
Jordan87 said on 27/Nov/17
Jim Hopper,
That estimate is Possible to me. 6'3.5, Maybe 6'4. Not over it though.
Jim Hopper said on 26/Nov/17
He was never 6-5 peak hence why he is now around 6-2 to 6-2.75 . 6-3.5 peak imo.
Rising - 174 cm said on 18/Nov/17
@Pierre: I never said Rob was standing his full height either, but if anything that only shows more that we can't assume the photo shows the precise height difference and it looks to me like Dolph is dropping more, especially considering his longer spine. As I said, look at Dolph standing better with Rob's 6'2" friend Big Dale. Dolph is still easily over 6'2" and you can see this every time he's with someone else over 6 feet tall.
As for Dolph's height loss, yeah, if he was a flat 6'4" then his height loss wouldn't be so shocking. He's 60 now and somewhere from 6'2.5" minimum to 6'3" max while a survey on height loss showed an average loss of 0.8" by age 60. More than an average loss to be sure, but Dolph has always been well over average height and we can point to bigger losses by that age.
But yeah, he was definitely under 6'5" peak. How much under is the question, but he could have measured 6'5.5" in some kind of footwear and then rounded that at some times, hence claiming 6'5.5" and 6'6" in the 80's.
berta said on 18/Nov/17
if he woujld have lost almost 4 cm he would look diffrent than he does in the back. he must have lost 1,5 from hips and maybe 2 from back not more. if all was from the back he would walk like a 75 year old man. i personally think he is like all the action stars. we thought he was bigger than he was. barely 193 cm peak and 189,5 today.
James B said on 15/Nov/17
His height loss might not be as extreme as we think if he was 6'4 peak as opposed too 6'4.25
anon176 said on 11/Nov/17
If we had a chart for height-liars on CH he would be a Top Ten guy
Peak 189 / Current 185
Slim 185 said on 10/Nov/17
Very impressive for a tall old man to lose only 4 CM. 😮
Luke said on 9/Nov/17
Heavy weightlifting can compress the spine over time and even noticeably just after a workout. With that being said, I think in most circumstances when an injury hasn't been experienced, more than the average inch or so lost during ageing is mostly down to genetics. Also, from what I have gathered, Dolph only trained heavy during the lead up to certain roles that required muscle mass and other than that stuck to a more fighter oriented training regime (since that is his background) with calisthenics, cardio and lots of stretching. This style is usually far more gentle on the body.
Jordan87 said on 8/Nov/17
COrrect about him having Wider then normal shoulders, look at him in the picture, as a 60 year old man he is still a force to be reckoned with. He was never over 6'5". He did not Shrink 2-1/2" though, C'mon man.
anon said on 5/Nov/17
i met dolph in 1995. when he walked up to me i was shocked how big the guy is. i am 6'3.5" (no shoes) and was wearing flat healed shoes. dolph was wearing shoes that gave him 2" extra at best. here's the deal with dolph. he not only towered over me, but he has a larger cranium and larger shoulders than normal. he's an actor that downplays his height. my estimate is what he states 6"5ish meaning probably 6"5.5 or more.
Pierre said on 2/Nov/17
@Rising =Rob too isn't straight next to Dolph,and his head look downward compared to Dolph's head
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Oct/17
Stunts I think are much deadlier on height than weight lifting. Weight lifting done properly with other exercises can be good for you. But doing it daily for years without giving the body enough and without stretching is pretty detrimental.
John Cena said on 29/Oct/17
Rob who is can pull of atleat over 6'4 peak Dolph Lundgren or Jack Swagger.

Editor Rob
both can be argued to fall into that range.
spainmen192cm said on 29/Oct/17
Rob, Hasselhoff is 6 years older than Dolph, and hadnt lost anything noticable. But Dolph has lost a good 1.25 inch. How could be possible? Maybe genetics, and also that Dolph has during his career a lot of heavy lifting that could had a negative impact on his spine?

Editor Rob
whilst the Hoff was doing Knight Rider and Baywatch, Dolph was doing all sorts of physical roles through 80's and 90's, including more stunts, plus a lot more weight-lifting than The Hoff.
Genetics might play some role too.
Hoff today I think has now lost a little, but not as much as Dolph.
Rising - 174 cm said on 28/Oct/17
@Canson: Thanks, I'd agree that can't be far wrong. It's certainly in the possible range, imo, so I can agree to either yours or Rampage's estimates as well as Rob's listing.
@Pierre: Dolph is slouching there so it's impossible to say how much he loses. Compare how taller Dolph is than Michael Madsen next to 6'2" Big Dale. The closer two people are in height, the more accurate comparison.
James B said on 26/Oct/17
Rob could you tell apart jack swagger from a prime dolp?

Editor Rob
they both could be similar...
Pierre said on 26/Oct/17
Compare also Dolph/Rob/Big Jay with jack Coleman listed 6"2.25' next to Rob=Dolph don't look taller imo,he look shorter even by considering the postures
Canson said on 25/Oct/17
@Rising: I like your estimate a lot more than others. I’d prob say similar like 193-193.5 peak and today 189-190
Rising - 174 cm said on 25/Oct/17
@Dmeyer: Absolutely no way Dolph was a mere 6'3.5" peak. He could still look that at times during the first 2 Expendables when you see him with other tall men like Crews and Hasselhoff. As for Weathers, he can be anywhere from 184-185 cm today. If his recent co-star Philip Winchester is really 6'1" then Carl probably is as well, though I'd guess 6'0.75" to be safest especially as Carl generally looks about 4" taller than Sly these days, who I do believe is 5'8.5", but no more. I'd say Rampage's estimates are pretty much spot on.
Pierre said on 25/Oct/17
By compared listed 6"2.5' Ray Fisher next to Rob Ray seem to be a little taller than Dolph.Of course it's only one picture but...
kurtz said on 21/Oct/17
187 cm.peak
185 cm.today
Barry Fl said on 20/Oct/17
James B said on 15/Oct/17
Rob i think some people don't always think of 6ft4 as being that large because 6ft2 guys claim it would you not agree?
I'd nod along with this. I have a genuine 6'4 friend and the guy is huge. I'm 5'10 but he makes me look so small when we're pictured together, it's almost embarrassing.
Dmeyer said on 18/Oct/17
Peak Dolph 6'3,5 now 6'2,5
Dmeyer said on 18/Oct/17
If weathers is 184cm today it means dolpf is 5cm taller , while looks almost same height
Slim 6' said on 17/Oct/17
As listed.
James B said on 15/Oct/17
Rob i think some people don't always think of 6ft4 as being that large because 6ft2 guys claim it would you not agree?

Editor Rob
heights can certainly get distorted by those who lie about it.
Especially when you have 6ft 2 guys claiming 6ft 4.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 14/Oct/17
Peak: 6ft4⅜(193.9cm)
Today: 6ft2⅞(190.1cm)
Rising - 174 cm said on 13/Oct/17
@Jordan87: I can agree that there's some stuff to enjoy in Rocky 5. It is the worst of them, imo, but not as bad as many think. And yes, he's much more intelligent than people believe. More talented as well. He knows how to get people invested in a character.
@Slim: Well, we can all agree he sure wasn't 6'6"! Personally, all I feel comfortable guessing is he's around 6'3" today or as listed and was at least 6'4" in his prime, but under 6'5".
Slim 6' said on 13/Oct/17
Today's listing is spot on! I'm not sure how much taller he was in physical prime though.
Jordan87 said on 10/Oct/17
RIsing- 174cm,
THere actually has not been one rocky movie I have not enjoyed. Even Rocky 5, which I hear people hate, I enjoyed. Sly Is smarter than people think.
Rising - 174 cm said on 7/Oct/17
@Jordan87: Same. I won't comment on Trump's politics either way as it's irrelevant and bound to start an argument no matter what either of us say, but nobody would question his vanity. He was never 6'3" even when he was young, but the fact he still uses that as a current height shows he not only wants to be tall, but doesn't want to admit he's shrunk significantly as that's a sign of aging. Seeing a 6'3" Trump next to a 6'3" Jeb Bush should have ended this as even with Jeb's low self-esteem slouch, he still had a good 2" on Trump. Dolph seems a bit more humble these days than during his heyday so I wonder if he'll admit to shrinking. I mean it seems he hasn't gone the plastic surgery route many other action stars like Sly, JCVD, Arnie, Chuck Norris etc. have gone.
As for Creed 2, that rumor is out there. I'm not sure how I feel about it, but when I first heard of Rocky Balboa a few years before it came out, I didn't think Sly could pull it off and he did, so we'll see. I'll certainly watch it. It will be good to see Dolph in a big time film again, just like the Expendables.
Jordan87 said on 5/Oct/17
@ Rising- 174 cm,
Yeah I mean a guy like Trump ( Not saying if I politically agree with him or not) is the type to inflate his height. He is lucky to get 6'1 now.
I hear Lundgren is playing Drago again in Creed 2 but i'm not sure how secure that Rumor is yet.
Rising - 174 cm said on 4/Oct/17
@Jordan87: I agree. I wish we could see footwear with Sheen, though. The way Dolph is dressed suggests he did not have much, but who knows what Sheen wore? I agree with you on casting. When I was a kid, I was actually a bit frightened when you see Dolph's shadow. I thought he made a good villain in Universal Soldier as well and I enjoyed The Punisher with him. Rob does appear pretty certain Brandon Lee was at least 5'11" and to me, the difference looked a solid 5" throughout the film and it could even seem more in the club scene I took these 2 stills from:
Click Here I'm not certain on Brandon's height, but that was a film Dolph really looked massive to me in and probably one of Dolph's better films as well. Nowadays, Dolph doesn't look that towering although watching "Dolph Lundgren is the Killing Machine" a while back, I did think he seemed quite tall in it. He's still a fit guy so I can understand some skepticism about how much he'd lose so maybe he was just 193 cm, but I have to say he did seem taller to me than a guy like Seagal, especially when I consider Seagal wore cowboy boots and Cuban heels regularly.
As for Hodder, now his peak height is one I really wonder about after learning he's stuffed his boots ever since he played Jason, especially since legit 6'5" Ken Kirzinger seemed to have at least 3" on Kane in costume back in the late 80's. I think the similarity is that Dolph became so synonymous with the Drago/He-Man type image that he felt compelled to claim 6'5.5" and 6'6" just like Kane clearly identifies with his Jason character, but Kane takes it a step further with the platform boots so I think The Rock might be more like Dolph as neither seem concerned with their posture or footwear, but both pad their already impressive heights.
As for Prowse, I almost feel pain just reading those surgeries! But yeah, 5" seems a lot, especially for a man still standing. It's like Hulk Hogan still insisting he was 6'7" and magically claiming he's back to 6'5". There wasn't much difference between Hulk and a then 6'3" Rock in early 00's when Hulk was in his late 40's. Hulk's surgeries did start a bit before that so I don't doubt he had lost real height, but I had thought Hulk may have peaked 6'5.5" and now I'm not even so sure considering Hulk wore cowboy boots a lot. But I believe the psychology is similar with all these guys, their image and their heights. Plus, I think some men are reluctant to admit they've shrunk because it's a sign of aging. Donald Trump is a perfect example claiming 6'3" when he's lucky if he's still 6'1" and was never more than 6'2".
Jordan87 said on 3/Oct/17
@ RIsing-174 cm,
The SHeen Pic is good to state a Case for Dolph Being over 6'4. He looks enormous in that pic. Another thing about Dolph is he has very WIDE shoulders for an Ectomorph type guy. Again, He really knocked the role of Drago out of the park. The series needed Someone Different than Mr. T as Lang as its Antagonist and they got it.
Yes Dolph and Hodder are two different Cases. Kane Hodder for whatever reason as a 6'1 Guy has a complex about his height which i'm sure is why he wears very visible custom made thick boots, possibly b/c he lost his role too taller men.
As Far as celebs reporting exaggerations of their heights, I think Dave Prowse is one to name. He reports 6'5, 6'6, and 6'7. Yes he has shrunk due to surgeries but not 5". He is 6'1 with Rob. Points is with Prowse, those 6'5, 6'6, and 6'7 claims are all from when he was in his prime so it makes no sense.
Rising - 174 cm said on 2/Oct/17
@Jordan87: Fair enough and I agree with you on Affleck. As I said, I think 6'4" flat for Dolph is fine, though I suspect he may have been taller. Either that or a few of his co-stars from back then need significant downgrades. I'm not saying which one is the case, but just that it has to be one as with Dolph looking 5", even 6" taller than Brandon Lee at times, Brandon could not be 182 cm if Dolph is 193 cm. Same thing with Louis Gossett Jr. at 6'3", or probably even 6'2" for that matter. But there's two possibilities with Dolph claiming 6'6" and 6'5.5". One is his ego back then as evidenced by his claims he could beat Mike Tyson. The other is that while promoting Rocky 4, he thought it prudent to live up to the image of Drago and his subsequent roles in Masters of the Universe, Red Scorpion etc. fit with this as well. I've seen you post on the Kane Hodder page and he's the perfect example of this as we all know he wasn't 6'3", much less 6'4" or 6'5", but takes this a step further than Dolph wearing boots with 2.5" to 3" heels and 1.75" to 2" platforms. Rock is also a good example claiming 6'4", 6'4.5" and 6'5" when he's not even 6'3" anymore. And he really doesn't need to do that considering all the success he's having, though I have a sneaking suspicion
Vin Diesel is paying him to inflate his height to match his own!
Dolph and 5'9" Charlie Sheen in the 90's:
Click Here Dolph does look at least 7" taller as even with a cap, Charlie only reaches around the bottom of Dolph's nose.
Dolph and 5'10" listed Gary Daniels on set of The Expendables in 2009-2010:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Oddly, this is one of the few times the last 10 years where you can really see Dolph's height standing with someone under 6 feet. If Dolph was a flat 6'3" at this time then Daniels looks shorter than 5'10" as there's a minimum 5" in every pic, even when Dolph is slouching. I do think Dolph has shrunk a bit more since the first 2 Expendables, but I hadn't seen this posted before.
Jordan87 said on 2/Oct/17
@ Rising-174cm
The Thing here is I Wasn't referring to you as a Fanboy, it was a general statement and I do think It Exists on Multiple Boards here which is actually fairly normal for a site like this.
As I said I think there are times Dolph Didn't hit 6'4, and I have also Stated I thought he was 6'4 even, and not over it. The Thing is what Makes me think strange on Dolph is the fact that he has Stated 6'5 and even 6'6"! At over 6'3 he is already taller than a Sh!ton of Men from all eras so I find it rather odd a man as intelligent as Dolph would give himself 2" Of Height.
Its Like
Ben Affleck, a solid 6'2 guy saying he is 6'3.5". I do not understand that trait in a lot of men.
Think about it, Dolph and Ben would get alot more Female attention than Most regular men , assuming say they were not celebrities......So why would they bump themselves up 1.5"-2" in height? Nothing to be insecure about.
THen there is a reverse case where Fanboys despite having evidence from Celebes themselves, still crank on inches for their Desired heros.
Example being John Cena has Clearly said his height as 6' and said he is " 6'1" with Boots On" Something like that, yet people still claim he is 6'1" Barefoot. That is a Fanboy Problem there.
Rising - 174 cm said on 30/Sep/17
The reason I can't believe he wasn't at least 6'4" is Dolph's big head and particularly long eye level to head alone would make him prone to looking shorter if anything and he always looked a good 6'4"+ in his prime as it is. Here's Dolph in the 90's with 6'2.5" Michael Rapaport:
Click Here Certainly looks a good deal taller, no? Even if Rapaport were only 6'2" -- which would be bad news for Brad Pitt who was dwarfed in cowboy boots -- Dolph looks to easily clear the 6'4" mark. It's amazing since Dolph probably wouldn't look much different next to Rapaport today.
Rising - 174 cm said on 29/Sep/17
@Jordan: Hearns looks to be slouching more in the second photo and Evander is a bit closer. I said the first photo favored Hearns, but your photos favored Evander. Maybe Hearns was always a flat 6', I don't know, but he looks a bare minimum 3" taller than Sugar Ray in the 80's. Maybe Dolph was a flat 6'4", I don't know, I've said that's possible, but anything under is ridiculous. Dolph has a longer spine than Hearns so even a proportional lean/slouch would cause him to drop more in total height and like I said, Hearns is closer to the camera.
6'4" is fine, but anything under it is ridiculous. Watch him fighting Carl Weathers in Rocky 4 and tell me there's not at least a 3" difference. Ignore the closeups as Dolph admitted to standing on a box even with Sly so we know he did it with a much taller Carl, but there's no box in the boxing scenes. Carl is still 6'0.5"-6'1" range at 69 as Rob will confirm so there's not much doubt he was a strong 6'1" during Rocky 4. Actually, using heights from this site as a reference, Dolph looks more 6'5" than 6'4" back in the 80s, but I'm willing to concede there's as good a chance of those celebs being overlisted and Dolph being a flat 6'4" as opposed to Dolph being 195 cm.
And like I said, you don't have to explain your motivations to me as I didn't assume you dislike Dolph and are guessing to spite him, but I'm just asking you show me the same respect. The fanboy/hater stuff is tired and irrelevant anyway. Someone's motivations really don't matter as we ultimately have to support our positions.
Jordan87 said on 29/Sep/17
Rising- 174cm,
Nah in your second Holyfield Photo, ( First one is bad since it clearly shows Hearns Standing in such a Way to purposely be taller than Evander) Evander has more than an Inch On Hearns. Even With Hearn's Hair Holyfield has him by 2" ( In your second Photo)
Hearns Was an extremely tall, long guy for the division but he is not over 6 feet If Evander is 6'1.25".
Lundgren is not Leaning as Much as Hearns dude, stop. I'm not trying to jip Dolph out of 1/2" and not make him 6'4.
He was perfect for the role of Drago, Literally perfect.....but he isn't over 6'4.
Rising - 174 cm said on 28/Sep/17
@Jordan: Can we please stop with this fanboy stuff and just discuss height? I am a Lundgren fan, but that has nothing to do with my estimate. I estimate what I honestly think and although I think your estimate is unrealistically low, I'll assume you believe it honestly as well instead of resorting to the equivalent by calling you a "hater" or something like that. Those photos favor Holyfield and Holyfield is 6'1.25". Dolph is leaning himself with Hearns and Hearns is closer to the camera.
The photo with Dolph is from the 80s, so it's more important how tall Hearns looked back then and we have a good back to back with Sugar Ray Leonard who was probably 5'9" or close to it back then:
Click Here Hearns can look as tall as 184 cm there. I'd guess he's 6'0.25"-6'0.5" range, or at least was in his prime.
Hearns with Sugar Ray Leonard in 2012:
Click Here Rob met Sugar Ray the following year and seemed to think he was a weak 5'9" at the time, which looks about right in Rob's photo so imo, we should consider Sugar Ray 5'8.75" here and with that in mind, Hearns looks a strong six footer at worst.
More photos with Holyfield:
Click Here Click Here (First one favors Hearns, but 2nd one still favors Holyfield) I agree Holyfield is taller, but how much taller is what I'm not sure of. Holyfield at 6'1.25" could mean Hearns is still 6'0.25" for instance.
It's not just "fanboys" who think Dolph was a legit 6'4" prime, almost everyone thinks that. As I said, 6'4" flat may very well have been his peak height, but no shorter and if Dolph was just 6'4" flat then a lot of people need downgrades and 6'3.5" peak? Forget about it. That would make Louis Gossett Jr. maybe 6'1" in the 80's/early 90's, which is what Rob estimated Gossett when he met him 15+ years later when Gossett was 70. Ultimate Bad Guy would be struggling with 6'7", which would make Steven Seagal in his prime 6'3" max even assuming Seagal wasn't wearing his boots. I could go on and on with what a 6'3.5" prime Dolph would mean for many others. Dolph could have still been as tall as 6'3.5" when he did the first two Expendables and he was clearly not near his peak height at the time. An inch height loss by 60 is not unheard of by any means, especially not for a man taller than 99% like Dolph. Consider his injury doing Missionary Man when he was pushing 50 in addition to everything else mentioned and an inch as the absolute least he's lost makes sense. Your estimate for Dolph currently is reasonable. It's the least I'd consider personally, but I think you have to look at how Dolph looked in his prime rather than stick to this rigid height loss possibility. Arnold looked like he'd lost more than 1" at Dolph's age and in fact, Rob had him with a 1.5" height loss when he was Dolph's current age. The Rock looked like he'd lost a half inch by the time he was about 40.
Bobby said on 28/Sep/17
I guessed 6'0 or 6'1 when seeing him, surprised he's a shade under 6'3 actually.
Anthony said on 27/Sep/17
Can someone explain how his action films shorten him? Sorry I'm a bit of a novice lol. Does excessive exercise shorten you or something? Insane how much he's shrunk
Canson said on 26/Sep/17
@Dmeyer: agreed today. Dolph 6'2.5 hoff prob 192 range peak both legit 6'4" tho
Rising - 174 cm said on 25/Sep/17
@Dmeyer: Rob met Hasselhoff back in 2013, so I'd guess Hasselhoff 6'3.75"-6'4" then, but it's possible he's lost a fraction since. Though I'd guess Dolph more 6'2.75"-6'3" even today.
Dmeyer said on 24/Sep/17
dolph is 6'2.5-2.75 and hasselhoff is 6 ft 3.5-3.75 so whi you say david is over 1in taller
Rising - 174 cm said on 24/Sep/17
I really think many would have less doubt about Dolph's standing straight if they see him with Big Dale. Certainly, nobody is going to doubt he clears 6'2" in that photo and he seems to be standing straight.
Regarding Dolph's prime, he does look near 4" taller than Tommy Hearns back in the 80s:
Click Here Don't know how close Hearns is or was to his listed 6'1", though.