Ola said on 14/Sep/06
Viper well that was a joke... (and i think u know that:-) I believe he is 6'4! thats my opinion
JK said on 14/Sep/06
I personally think he is 6'4'' but hey thats just me, and theres no point arguing coz The Rock's height will not change from 6'3'' on this site.
Viper652 said on 14/Sep/06
Ola, I cant forgive you. You just said the Rock was 3-10.
Ola said on 13/Sep/06
come on guys, time to stop fighting. dont let heights go personaly...
dan, viper, i can forgive you if you can forgive me. just respect other opinions ok?
Ola said on 13/Sep/06
Rob cant u put the rock down to 3'10 or something? i dont think he is taller than that
Viper652 said on 13/Sep/06
Yeah, the man truly is 6-2-6-2 1/2 Max like Ive been saying the past year now.
Ola said on 13/Sep/06
and that should come from a guy like you? who posts pic there we dont see their foots... you cant take that seriously. i have had much better proof than you thats for sure
JK said on 13/Sep/06
Alright stop the arguing, I don't think Rob will ever downgrade or upgrade The Rock from 6'3''.
Danimal said on 13/Sep/06
I have the episode from 2000 still on one of my VHS tapes. Rock had to stand militarily like straight with his head back and he still was marginally shorter than Will. The Rock is under 6'3" that's for sure.
Viper652 said on 13/Sep/06
Hey, Im just saying its the only thing you have provided.
Viper652 said on 13/Sep/06
Danimal, didnt you say the Rock looked shorter than the supposed 6-3 Will Ferrell?
Ola said on 13/Sep/06
viper, then try to write on my language(swedish) and you then i can judge you.
complain about spelling is very very low... i did expekt more from you
Viper652 said on 13/Sep/06
Ola, the only thing you have provided on this site is bad english.
Danimal said on 12/Sep/06
Kid?? Listen Ola, you've never provided ANY proof to back up your claim that Hogan wasn't taller than 6'5" in his prime. Big John Studd was a legit 6'7" and Hogan was barely shorter than him
Ola said on 12/Sep/06
Danimal shutup kid. i have had alot of proofs but you have ignore them all,
specially about the rock heights. and yes, hogan has never been taller than 6'5. btw how tall is john tenta?(earthquake). 6'5 max? he was clearly taller than hogan and thats a good example
JK said on 12/Sep/06
Yep and i think the truth is 6'3.5'' - 6'4''
Viper652 said on 12/Sep/06
Ralph, Glenn said only 6-1 the first time. Glenn is right a lot of the time but he has been wrong before. I think the truth lies somewhere in between.
Danimal said on 12/Sep/06
Ola, you keep stating your estimates as if they are facts and in a condescending tone: "ACTUALLY Jay Leno IS 5'11" You should almost be say DUH, don't you guys know that by now? You have NO proof to make claims that Hogan was NEVER taller than 6'5" or whatever else you randomnly say multiple times on a daily basis.
ralph said on 12/Sep/06
Viper, why dont you read glenn's comments? HE SAYS The Rock IS 6'4".
Viper652 said on 12/Sep/06
Ola you overstimate everyone. Why is that? Alex If you say Rock is 6 inches taller than Glenn that is still only 6-2.
Ola said on 12/Sep/06
Actually jay leno is 5'11
Glenn said on 12/Sep/06
Casual shoes Viper.
Alex said on 11/Sep/06
In the picture how it is I see a good 5-5.5 inches difference. If Rock stands up more straight its over 6 inches.
Alex said on 11/Sep/06
Rock has said he is 6'4 too. Even on WWE TV when he was billed and said to be 6'5 by announcers he still said 6'4. I think he's 6'3 though. Could just be saying his morning height or in shoe height.
Viper652 said on 11/Sep/06
Danimal, for some fun comparisons compare that picture to this of a measured 6-4 1/2 athlete next to a 5-9-5-10 Jay Leno.
Click Here
Viper652 said on 11/Sep/06
There has even been to much evidence supplied where the Rock isnt even 6-3. Id say 6-2-6-2 1/2 at the absolute, absolute max.
Ola said on 11/Sep/06
Listen danimal, hogan usually weared alot of lifts when he was in the ring with the rock(like my pics has proofd) but still he did not have more than 1/2 inch over the rock. -I- am sure, that rocky is taller than hogan barefooted. And about the rock is not being 2 inch taller than foley... well. he is 2 inch taller, in the pics i have seen
Danimal said on 11/Sep/06
I say TOPS 6'3" for The Rock.
Danimal said on 11/Sep/06
Listen guys, we know that Hogan is at best 6'3.5" and we ALL know (with exception to Ola, JK and one or two others), that Hogan was taller than the Rock in 2002-2003. HOWEVER, that was before Hogan's hip replacement, SO, Hogan may have still be over 6'4" at that point. I still don't see The Rock 2" taller than 6'2" Mick Foley. Then again, Foley used to get listed at 6'4" as well as 6'2" at times.
Viper652 said on 11/Sep/06
No ralph, there has been to much other picture evidence to the contrary that he is closer to 6-2 barefoot.
hero said on 11/Sep/06
there you have it guys...the rock is a good 6'3 or 6'3.5 for sure.....cant be under that....
Ola said on 11/Sep/06
exacly, lissen to me, jk, ralph and glenn. 6'4! he is 6'4 fully straight. the only way it goes ;-)
ralph said on 11/Sep/06
Viper, you are like a wall. Dont you understand that the rock is 6'4"?
Viper652 said on 11/Sep/06
Whats weird is he looks in the 6-2 range next to actual measured athletes standing straight no less.
Viper652 said on 11/Sep/06
Also keep in mind that Glenn isnt standing fully straight either.
Viper652 said on 11/Sep/06
Glenn, what type of footwear was he wearing?
Glenn said on 11/Sep/06
Well I asked my friends,and they said 6-4.
Glenn said on 10/Sep/06
Whatever Rock claims he is,should be put down.whether its 6-3.5 or 6-4.
Viper652 said on 10/Sep/06
Rock still only looks 6-2 in that picture, but I do admit he is bending over to Glenn's side. Maybe 6-2.5-6-3 If he stood fully straight. To say anything over 6-3 is still crazy though. Also Glenn, what footwear was he wearing? Rock's height seems to flunctuate between 6-2-6-3 in pictures. I still think he is in the 6-2 range barefoot.
Danimal said on 10/Sep/06
He's NOT 6'4" in that pic. We've seen legit 6'4" guys stand next to Glenn and they are much taller than that; Steven Seagal, Liam Neeson, David Hasselhoff and the list goes on. For him to have to be 6'4", there would have to be an 8" difference and even if Rock stood straight, I don't see one.
JK said on 10/Sep/06
Even Glenn is saying that the Rock appeared 6'4'', so there you go Alex and gang.
Ola said on 10/Sep/06
his height should be changed to 6'4
stan said on 10/Sep/06
Rock is at least 6/3.5
Glenn said on 10/Sep/06
Pic was taken the night of the MTV awards,August 31.he was in town to promote that movie.not the awards.bumped into him.you have to understand,pic or no pic,he appeared 6-4 to me.another pic was taken an hour later,that Ill post soon.doesnt help though for figuring out the height much.
Ola said on 10/Sep/06
Also take in mind that rocky is standing BEHIND glenn
Alex said on 10/Sep/06
Glenn, when was this picture taken with The Rock?
Alex said on 10/Sep/06
Glenn, decent picture. Too bad both aren't standing straight though. If Rock stood straight then Glenn would be up to the bottom of Rock's nose so there is at least 6-6.5 inches right there and Rock's eye level to the top of his head looks about 4.5, maybe 5 inches. Rock does look over 6'2 there though if he would have stood straight. 6'2.5-6'3, but not 6'4 like JK is saying though.
Alex said on 10/Sep/06
Viper, exactly I can believe 1 kid 12-13 who is very tall in the 6'1-6'2 range but anymore than that is BS. That would mean you have a bunch of kids who will be 6'11-7'0 when they are done growing.
Ola said on 10/Sep/06
i agree JK. And if the rock would stand upright he would have been taller than the top of the pic. thats a another 6'4 proof.
btw, a friend to my little brother was close to 6'2 when he was 13. now at 16, he's atleast 6'3 and still grows. So viper boy, only becouse YOU are a dwarf doesnt mean that ALL kids are dwarfs
JK said on 10/Sep/06
Viper652 if you can't take it those 12 - 13 year olds are 6'1 - 6'2'' then you just shut the f*** up, anywayz nice picture glenn it shows that the Rock is in the 6'4'' range
Ola said on 10/Sep/06
Why dont list the rock as 5'3? in this jungle of dwarf celebs.
then finaly viper,danimal and alex would be happy
Viper652 said on 10/Sep/06
Alex nobody in my school was very tall at 12-13. But I did have one classmate at age 14 who was at least 6-3. But he was 14 and the only one. He eventually grew to at least 6-8. JK is the biggest bulls***ter of all time.
ralph said on 9/Sep/06
This is my growht:
13- 4'11.5" (151 cms)
14- 5'2.5" (158 cms)
15- 5'6" (168 cms)
16-5'9" (175 cms)
17-5'10" (178 cms)
18-5'11" (180-181 cms)
At the age of 18 I stopped.
Alex said on 9/Sep/06
When I entered 9th grade I was 5'8 then when summer began the following year after 9th grade ended I was 5'9.5-5'10.
Danimal said on 9/Sep/06
In my grade 9 class (kids were all 14 because it was the beginning of the school year), only 2 kids were over 6'1". One was 6'1" and the other was 6'3". Over the next 2-3 years MANY of the kids in my grade shot over 6'0", but only 2 of them were over 6'1" in grade 9. I was 5'5" then and am now 5'10".
Alex said on 9/Sep/06
Jk, I can believe 1 kid in your school is 6'1-6'2 at 12, maybe 2 kids at most, but no more than that. I never have seen one before. I've seen kids 14-15 that are 6'1-6'2 sometimes. When I was 12-13 in 7th grade there were a couple kids 5'8-5'9 but no more than that and thats even pretty tall for their age.
Viper, when you were 12-13 what were the tallest heights in that age range when you were in school? 7th grade would be that age range.
Alex said on 9/Sep/06
Rob, could lower the Rock down to maybe just under 6'3, like 6'2.75?
Glenn said on 9/Sep/06
Oh,Rob.did I send this pic?

Editor Rob
for those who haven't saw it alread, yes I'll put it on here tomorrow since he's one of those guys you could argue to death on here.
JK said on 9/Sep/06
Viper man they arn't 5'3'' 12 year olds, they are 6'1''+ coz i am 185cm myself and they are taller than me, I don't Think the Rock will be downgraded from 6'3'' anymore.
[Editor Rob: for sure in many pics he will look just 6ft 2, but the guy is notorious for not standing like stallone]
hero said on 8/Sep/06
yeah i agree viper,you posted some pics with 6'2 nfl players,but remember that the angle wasnt clear,they were satnding close,but not to each other...as far as i know we can put it this way,is possible for the rock to be 6'2? i mean bleemo said "he really does have a terrible posture and still looks tall" i deff agree with that,i really beleive he's 6'3 at the lowest.i do beleive that is more possible for him to be 6'3ish.
Alex said on 8/Sep/06
Viper, correct on Conan they use camera angles to make taller celebrities look closer to Conan in Height. Example was Big Show.
Viper652 said on 8/Sep/06
I dont think it was shoes with Conan, a ton of his guests look close to his height when they shake his hand. Its the camera angle and the way the stage is tilted to make the celebrity look taller.
Bleemo said on 8/Sep/06
Ooooh if there's going to be a triple threat match can I be the special guest referee? I've always wanted to be a referee!
I don't think Conan would increase the Rock's height, don't forget height works against an actor once you get to a certain size, basically over 6'2 I reckon. If anything the Rock was probably wearing a bigger heel then Conan, or maybe he is 6'3.5? I certainly don't see him under 6'2.5, remember he really does have terrible posture and still looks tall.
Viper652 said on 8/Sep/06
JK, go back to school with your 5-3 12 year old friends and take your ebonics language with you. You supply nothing to this site and you should ashamed.
JK said on 8/Sep/06
Viper, Dude i wasn't joking, u do really need to improve your reading skillz.
Viper652 said on 8/Sep/06
Hero, we have supplied pics where he looks 6-2 next to actual measured NFL guys, not some celebs we have no idea in hell what their real height is.
Viper652 said on 8/Sep/06
The Big Show has appeared only 6-7 on Conan before, when we know hes around 6-11 at least. Conan raises his stage anyway to give the shorter guests more height. The Jay Leno show is a much better comparison.
Viper652 said on 8/Sep/06
Viper you need to improve your reading skillz (no offence).
I like your kindergarted english JK.
ER. said on 8/Sep/06
Hey, guys. Let's not make this into a page of personal attacks. Save the enthusiasm for something that's important, it's just height.
hero said on 8/Sep/06
first,the guy aint 6'2...he's a bit taller than 6'2-6'2.5 mick foley....it's hard to find a pict of him standin straight,most of the photos here show him bending his head,people who met him,said he's over 6'3...i think it's better to believe the guys who met him and not some dudes with their own estimate...plus the guy does look over 6'3..
stan said on 7/Sep/06
Rock was on conan and was about 1/2 inch shorter i do think he is about 6'3 1/2 maybe a little under
Danimal said on 7/Sep/06
Ola, the only joke on here other than you, is JK. After all, that's what his initials stand for ;). Sorry I'm being so cruel with you kiddies, but you guys are SO off it's not even funny anymore. We've established things on here, with many other guys who are long gone, but provided EXCELLENT proof, which none of your newbies do.
Ola said on 7/Sep/06
viper,daminal,alex vs me,ralph and jk... anyone who want to join?
JK said on 7/Sep/06
I said YOU COULD think he is 5'11'' and its fine by me coz thats your opinion, But in my opinion he is 6'3.5'' - 6'4'', Viper you need to improve your reading skillz (no offence).
Viper652 said on 7/Sep/06
You just mentioned 6-4 and 5-11 for the Rock JK. We cant take you seriously, sorry,
JK said on 7/Sep/06
I Still believe that The Rock is near enough 6'4'', if you guys think he is 5'11'' or something thats also fine by me coz they are your own estimates.
Viper652 said on 7/Sep/06
Danimal is right most of the time. Alex is right most of the time too. Ralph, you are always overestimating everyone on this site. You are no different from Ola and JK. Its ridiculous.
ralph said on 7/Sep/06
Danimal, you are always classyfing wrestlers below their real heights. For example, you say that bret hart is only 5'10" when he is 6'1", stone cold 5'11", the rock 6'1" or 6'2", cena as 5'11", batista and orton 6'2", hhh 6'1", benoit under 5'8", jericho 5'8"... and why? because wrestling is fake
Ola said on 7/Sep/06
For me he is 6'4 atleast. and age has nothing to do with this.
Daminal, you are a joke. give it up!
Danimal said on 6/Sep/06
JK, give it up and Ola, your facts are fictitious.
Danimal said on 6/Sep/06
Easy their Ralphy boy!!!!!!!!! When the f did I laugh!! Tell me you didn't cry over that? I never said the Rock was 6'1". I said 6'2" you baby.
Alex said on 6/Sep/06
JK, how old are you? 15 right? When I was that age up until 20 I believed Rock to be 6'5 then 6'4 then last year I knew he was no more than 6'3.
JK said on 6/Sep/06
For me he is 6'3.5'' at the very least.
Alex said on 5/Sep/06
For me I think its obvious that Rock isn't over 6'3. Could be 6'3 flat as it looks in some pics but then some pics show he is more 6'2. So he's anywhere from 6'2-6'3, no more no less. Those claims over 6'3 you can put to bed now.
Viper652 said on 5/Sep/06
Same here Alex. I cant find any old media guide listings online. I found a bunch of Florida State's, but no Miami hurricane listings from the early 90s.
JK said on 5/Sep/06
What the heck is going on around here?? why is everyone dissing eachother man, The Rock could be 6'4 Max but at the least he is 6'3.5''
Alex said on 5/Sep/06
Viper, you can maybe find Rock's listing height for when he played in Miami online. I am actually going to try and find it.
Glenn said on 5/Sep/06
It appears that way Ralph.you are right.Viper,yeah Snoop was 6-4 back in the day.
Viper652 said on 5/Sep/06
Glenn, Snoop only looked 6-0 next to his guards? Thats funny. The guy can look taller than 6-3 half the time, which I think is his real height.
ralph said on 5/Sep/06
I said it before: "The Rock looked about 5 inches taller than me when I met him" but danimal, viper and glenn laughed, and they said the rock was 6'1". Now glenn has met him , and you all know I was telling the truth.
Ola said on 5/Sep/06
Danimal what facts from you is it to accept? -I- on the other hand, have facts. watch my pics dude :> btw iam not 4'8... iam 6'1 1/2
Danimal said on 4/Sep/06
Ola, lose the cockiness and have some respect for others opinions and stop claiming your "estimates" as facts.
Glenn said on 4/Sep/06
I believe Viper cause my eyes played tricks on me too.or was Rock playing tricks?.my friend says Rock is 6-4.tall celebs with REALLY tall security can throw me off.Snoop looked 6ft next to his guards.but appeared 6-3 when I got the photo with.6-4 when I got him in 1995.
Ola said on 4/Sep/06
Viper yes and hogan looks 4'8 3/4
Viper652 said on 4/Sep/06
Rock only looked 6-0 at best on that episode of the 70s show. Pretty surprising.
Alex said on 4/Sep/06
On the 70's show he was taller than the character Eric who is 5'11 I read so he really didn't look more than 6'1 on that show but camera angles I bet had something to do with it. Would have been interesting to see him with Ashton Kutcher.
Alex said on 4/Sep/06
Rock is at least 4 inches taller than Sean William Scott who is actually 5'10-5'10.5.
Ola said on 4/Sep/06
If rocky is 6'2 1/2 then Hogan is 6'2. how can you guys ignore a eye-to-eye pic like that?! the Rock maybe looked to be 1 inch shorter than duncan, but thats just that... "looked to be!" i have seen pics there the rock was slightly taller than duncan, and pics there duncan was slightly taller than rocky. barefooted i think rocky is slightly taller than duncan by around 1/2 inch
Glenn said on 3/Sep/06
This was 1999 Viper.maybe my eyes decieved me due to ground levels and posture.I studied the ground at alot of these places I took photos at and notice alot of hills.small and LARGE.thatll really affect a photo.got the pics back.again weird postures.looks possibly 6-1 in one pic and 6-3 in another.6-4 to my eyes in the flesh.I always suspected and mentioned Rock might be my biggest fuk up.but you saw similiar low heights on this guy too? Danimal-I agree but others saw 5-11 too.and supposedly was annouced this height in a boxing ring.
Viper652 said on 3/Sep/06
Something is fishy here though. I would like to hear Glenn's take on this. Glenn, how do you attribute Rock looking only 6-1 the first time. Was it an old man slouch, or do you think lifts are involved?
Jake said on 3/Sep/06
The Rock is 6'3" max.
Ed said on 3/Sep/06
I think 6ft3 sounds good for The Rock at max! Maybe a little less is posssible, he's a big guy no doubt, but his height is too sketchy in too many photos and movies for him to be as tall as 6ft4 to 6ft5 as some claim. I've never met the guy, but from what I've seen in movies like The Scorpion King in which he looked 1.5 inches shorter(maybe more) than the reported but disputed 6ft4.25 Michael Clarke Duncan, The Rundown in which he was maybe 2.5 to 3 inches taller than the 5ft11.25 Sean William Scott, Maybe 2 inches taller than the 6ft1 Karl Urban in Doom, or the 6ft0.75 Johnny Knoxville in Walking Tall! My guess between 6ft2.5 and 6ft3 barefoot.
Viper652 said on 3/Sep/06
Ive already posted pictures of the Rock looking well below 6-4 next to athletes and other Celebs already.
Danimal said on 3/Sep/06
Glenn, I met LL Cool J on a movie set a couple years ago. I had to look way up. He was taller than my 6'1" friend who had a seen with him, by at least 2" if not more.
JK said on 3/Sep/06
Ola i agree that The Rock is 6'4''.
Ola said on 3/Sep/06
This is still the best pic, just watch Hogans shoes! its so much lifts that it becomes ridiculous. LOL! :
Click HereWhat do you have to come up with against that, viper?!
ralph said on 3/Sep/06
ola is right. viper hasnt any pics. rock is clearly taller than hogan, look at his eyes!
Glenn said on 3/Sep/06
LL is an enigma.I remember him being 5-11,6ft in the old days.now looking 6-3.and 6-4 MTV awards night.and yes,those doubting The Rock being 6-4,including myself once,he did look this that night.nothing to do with the awards.he was promoting that new movie.maybe he had lifts on.
Ola said on 3/Sep/06
Danimal it doesnt take 2 years to see what kinda guy viper is. he ignored all my pics. but he on the other hand, doesnt have any good pics at all.
Danimal i have post fair and just pics... so far as it gets. can you post some better pics? Rock is 6'4 to me. Hogan could be 1/2 inch taller in his boots (alot of lifts) but as i said, rocky is easly 1/2 inch taller than hogan barefooted.
Danimal said on 2/Sep/06
Clear the way kiddies, Danimal is here to the rescue. Ola, just to mention, you don't know that Viper has NEVER provided good evidence, seeing you haven't been on this site for 2 years.
Furthermore, stop comparing a pic of a Rock who is standing FULLY straight, with a Hogan who is leaning forward. Watch their match from 2002, where Hogan still can't even straigthen out his neck, back and knees, YET, still has over an inch on the Rock. This evidence has been provided in the past.
You see that 6'5.5" football player dwarf the Rock. Well, that was Hogan 15-20 years ago. I believe he's still taller than the Rock and that's not saying much seeing Hogan is only 6'3" and change. The Rock is around 6'2". He's never seen 6'3", let alone 6'4" in his life. Peace.
Ola said on 2/Sep/06
Viper652 doesnt accept promos there we see their foots. he only accept NFL pics there we DONT see their foots. he is 6'4
Viper652 said on 2/Sep/06
Actually DKKO, there is one time Ive seen the Rock look 6-0 at best is on an episode of that 70s show. The poster Alex saw the same episode and said Rock looked 6-0 at most as well. I chalk it up to camera angles. There is about a 5 percent chance Rock is that height and wears lifts to look over 6-2. But overall I think a 6-0 estimate is just as big a stretch as a 6-4 one. Though Glenn has said the Rock looked more 6-1 to him in person. I still think the logical conclusion is 6-2 barefoot for him.
Viper652 said on 2/Sep/06
DKKO, Rock is taller than just 6-0 I would say. I could be like Ola and say he wears lifts, but we have no idea. Most of the evidence I have posted has him between 6-1 1/2 to 6-2 1/2 standing with measured NFL players, measured soccer players and next to a few other wrestlers who we know is their exact height. In a video posted on here he was the same exact height as 6-2 Mick Foley. DKKO, If you could find those promos online somehow that would be cool.
Alex said on 2/Sep/06
Rock 6'0? Now thats a crazy underestimate as for those 6'4-6'5 overestimates.
Dkko said on 1/Sep/06
Before leaving wrestling for good, The Rock had some good promos with Randy Orton and Christian Cage, I remember that Rock gave at least some 3 inches to Oron and when he came face to face with Cage it almost looked as the many pictures posted in here with him and Hogan, with the rock in the place of Hogan and Christian in the rock's place, so if Christian is 6'2, I give the Rock a 6'0, he was definetively taller as Rocky Maivia, nowadays some 90% of his co-stars look taller than him on his movies
Viper652 said on 1/Sep/06
Opinions are fine, its the ones that are based on thin evidence such as Ola's that make it crazy.
JK said on 1/Sep/06
If you think The Rock is 6'2'' thats fine coz thats your own opinion which is just stupid. However I think The Rock is still 6'4''.
Viper652 said on 1/Sep/06
Im pretty much laughing at that fact that you think Rock is 6-4 honestly.I cant take you seriously JK, you are a
troll and a parody poster.
JK said on 1/Sep/06
Viper652 I think you really are losing it, i just can't see why your eyes can't see that the rock is 6'4'', you're just pathetic.
Viper652 said on 1/Sep/06
Ola, get serious man. For all we know Rock could be wearing lifts as well. You make an assumption you cant claim in that Hulk wears lifts. Where is the proof?
Ola said on 1/Sep/06
Its better to have "crappy" evidence... than no evidence at all! YOU has NEVER EVER proofd your point! so where is your evidence?! "Rock looking around 6-2 next to actual measured NFL players" did we see their foots? NO!
did we see their foots on my pic? hell yes!
Viper652 said on 1/Sep/06
Actually Alex, to tell you how delusional JK and Ola are, actually we already know how delusional JK is with his whole school of 6-3 12 year olds. They disregard a whole slew of evidence such as Rock looking around 6-2 next to actual measured NFL players, or other celebrities. Rock looks the same exact height as Mick Foley, especially in the video Danimal posted. Yet Ola comes up with crappy evidence saying Hogan is wearing lifts, lol. It really doesnt take much of a brain to figure this one out. Rock is 6-2 6-2 1/2 Max and no more.
Viper652 said on 1/Sep/06
Kevin Carter is 6-5 1/2 exactly actually Alex. JK and Ola, your 6-4 estinates for the Rock should be discarded at this point, along with your silly supposed evidence.
Ola said on 1/Sep/06
Did Hogan forget to wear lifts here?!;
Click Here
Alex said on 31/Aug/06
Kevin Carter looks a solid 6'6 to me. Rock and Eddie George look the same height and Carter looks at least 4-4.5 inches taller than them there. Maybe his cowboy hat is making it look that way.
JK said on 31/Aug/06
viper652 i think its time you gave up your silly cheesy claims of the Rock being 6'2''. The Rock is 6'4'', the least he could be is 6'3.5''.
Ola said on 31/Aug/06
viper... i think everyone is laughing at YOU right now.
and how do you know he's NOT wearing lifts? you're still ignoring my pic!
i asking you for a good pic for proovd your claims. cant you fix one?
Viper652 said on 31/Aug/06
Ola, how do you know Hogan is wearing lifts? Please man, give it up already. Everyone is laughing at you at this point.
Ola said on 31/Aug/06
Viper, he wear lifts when he is in the ring with the rock! why? the rock is taller... simple as that! if you dont believe me... look at he's shoes again!
JK said on 31/Aug/06
You're the one who is smoking crack vipey boy coz for some reason your eyes cant see the The Rock stands 6'4''.
Viper652 said on 31/Aug/06
Wait a minute, how do you know Hogan is wearing lifts? Now you are just making up crazy assumptions to prove your point.
Ola said on 31/Aug/06
NO! iam not saying that. iam saying hogan is 6'5 1/2 in shoes and the rock is like 6'5 in shoes. barefooted hogan is 6'3 1/2 and rocky 6'4
Couse its no way that hogan in taller than the rock with more than 1/2 inch in that pic!, even though that he wear lifts ...
Ola said on 31/Aug/06
sure viper, we wondering which one who have so bad evidence that we should be laughed off this site entirely. you dont have any evidence at all! you with all your experience should know, that we cant accept a pic there we DONT see their foots OVER a pic there we actually SEE their foots! in the pic i posted hogan isnt taller than the rock by 1 inch!,not even a 1/2. only by a shade! most likely they are at the same height. and then take in mind that he is wearing lifts, so even IF he was taller than the rock by 1 inch... rock would be taller barefooted. and you still ignore hogans shoes/boots/whatever the name is on english language!
Viper652 said on 30/Aug/06
Come on Ola, get real. Your evidence is so bad you should be laughed off this site entirely. Your saying Hogan is 6-6 in shoes there? What crack are you smoking? Because Hogan still has an inch on the Rock If you think the Rock is 6-5 in shoes as well. Look at the top of their heads, Hogan is still taller. I just showed a picture of NFL guys and their measured heights and you dissmiss it. Its not even a wrestling photo where they could be in ring gear. Hes roughly the same height as 6-2 1/2 measured Eddie George. Hes standing right next to him. This is just beyond comical now.
hero said on 30/Aug/06
simple,just take a look to your own posted photo,the rock as always(i dont know why is he always doing that) bends his head,its really weird to see him satnding straight.but even he bends his head,the guy always looks anywhere over 6'2.5....he is not 6'5 for sure....but deff he looks over 190cm...
JK said on 30/Aug/06
The Rock is a solid 6'4'' and he is a great guy by the way, i don't know why u haterz are ignoring this picture
Click Here
Ola said on 30/Aug/06
I Agree with hero. the players are standing much closer to the camera... and do we see their foots? NO! sorry viper, but how in the hell can you take that pic seriously?!?! watch the pic i posted! you seem them both from shoes and up! a very just and fair picture. how can you ignore something like that?!
The Rock's haters cant accept fact. why do you hate him? becouse he isnt white, or what?
Viper652 said on 30/Aug/06
So how do you explain why hes roughly the same height as the 6-2 1/2 measured player Eddie George? The Rock's fanboys are beyond comical at this point.
hero said on 30/Aug/06
cool viper,always trying to prove your point,but to be honest the guy is standing closer to the camera...sorry we cant take that as evidenece,becuase they are not standing really next to each other...
Viper652 said on 30/Aug/06
In this photo Rock is dwarfed by a 6-5 1/2 actual measured NFL player, And is roughly the same height as a 6-2 1/2 actual measured NFL player.
Click HereSorry, but saying 6-4 for Rock is absolutely the craziest asumption of all time.
JK said on 30/Aug/06
That just proves that The Rock is 6'4'', nice pic Ola, i was wrong about The Rock being 6'3.5'' he is actually a solid 6'4''.
Ola said on 29/Aug/06
JK, hero... look at this ;)
Click Here
Ola said on 29/Aug/06
iam 100% seriously! i give duncan 6'3 1/2 - 6'4. rock is 6'4 for sure.
and rocky has 2 inch over foley.
Viper652 said on 29/Aug/06
Ola, you cant be serious? lol. Rock is closer to the camera in that one picture of him and Duncan.
Viper652 said on 29/Aug/06
Most of those photos are wrestling action photos which shouldnt be used for evidence. Staredown pictures are good though.
hero said on 29/Aug/06
lot of pohotos prove that foley is a bit shorter than the rock,even when it's well known that foley is 6'2 or 6'2.5....sometimes the rock looks about 1.5-2 inches taller,in wrestling boots,but with sneackers the guy is still a bit taller..
Viper652 said on 29/Aug/06
The Rock has never looked 6-4 in pictures next to actual measured NFL players heights or other wrestlers who we know for sure their height,such as Mick Foley..
JK said on 28/Aug/06
I do have to admit The Rock does look 6'4'' sometimes, and your pictures prove it.
Ola said on 28/Aug/06
JK he is 6'4 to me. defenly not shorter than 6'3 1/2. i can admit i have change my height of him (relaized that he is not 6'5) but he dont look shorter than duncan in the pics i have seen.
Danimal said on 28/Aug/06
JK, you said the Rock is 6'3.5" in your opinion, YET, just below you state: "but the rock is 6'3.5''". That kid is not you stating your opinion, but you stating a fact. When you say "is", that's you stating a fact, which you can't do, because you don't know that to be true.
JK said on 28/Aug/06
but the rock is 6'3.5''
Viper652 said on 28/Aug/06
Rock only looks 6-2 next to Michael Clark Duncan.
JK said on 27/Aug/06
I just think The Rock is 6'3.5'' and thats just my opinion, however on the other hand you lot might have a different opinion, like you might think he is 5'8''.
hero said on 27/Aug/06
it's funny how you guys can take a bad photo as a topic of conversation,you spend days talking about the same photo,but when the right photos with the good angles appear,showing that the guy is 6'3 for sure the only thing you can do is talk about something else...the guy does look 6'3 next to legit 5'11 bettis or even hogan or heder...
Alex said on 27/Aug/06
JK, anything over 6'3 for The Rock you can put to bed now. I think he possibly could be 6'3 as he looks it sometimes then sometimes he looks 6'2-6'2.5, but under 6'2 is really too short. Can't see a guy under 6'2 being billed at 6'5, very hard to get away with that even on TV. Just would look stupid.
Alex said on 27/Aug/06
I can believe 1 maybe 2 kids in the school are 12-13 at 6'2 but no more than that. Those kids will be 6'11-7'1 the way they are going. Very rare will you even see a 12-13 year old 6'2.
Val said on 26/Aug/06
listen spanish hello or whatever... You haven't seen him barefoot have you now? Then take a look.
Glenn said on 26/Aug/06
He was here 2 weeks ago.didnt see him.Ill get him.looked weirdly short in the newspaper.
Alex said on 26/Aug/06
Are there 2 JK's or something because you say once about Rock being near 6'4 then you say you think he is 6'3-6'3.5 in shoes?
JK said on 26/Aug/06
Viper652, your jealous of everyones height, those kids are 6'2'' its reality man get used to it. And by the way the Rock is 6'3.5''.
Viper652 said on 26/Aug/06
Yes JK, Im jelous of your flat out ridiculous lies that would make anyone laugh.
Alex said on 25/Aug/06
Damien doesn't look taller than Rock in this picture from the site that was posted before.
Click Here
Alex said on 25/Aug/06
The Rock looks 6'3 with Jon Heder though if he's a legit 6'1.5 guy.
Ola said on 25/Aug/06
5'11 legit jerome bettis with rocky:
Click Herethe rock doesnt even stand upright, and there is atleast 4 inch from bettis head to the top on that pic. if rock would have stand upright he easly would make it to over the top in that pic. rocky also is easly 2 inch taller than brock lesnar, who is legit 6'2
Ola said on 25/Aug/06
Danimal yes i can? i dont contradicting everyone. Remember hogan wearing lifts in his boots. if hogan is 6'3 1/2 (6'5 1/2 in his special boots) then i say rock is atleast 6'4 (6'5 in his more normal boots)
sadly that freedom of speech dont exist in here
JK said on 25/Aug/06
I still think the Rock is 6'3.5'' in sneakers or shoes.
Viper652 said on 25/Aug/06
Rock does look more 6-1 1/2 with Damien though in those pics when they are standing next to each other at the same distance.
Viper652 said on 25/Aug/06
Its to bad Glenn never got a picture with Rock. He said he looked 6-1-6-2 in the flesh.
JK said on 25/Aug/06
Viper why are you so jealous of those 12 year old kids heights, its not my fault you arn't tall as them, so then don't blame me.
Danimal said on 25/Aug/06
BTW, that pic with Hogan and The Rock, Hogan isn't standing straight (he never does anymore) and even still, the top of Hogan's head is higher than the Rock's and we know that Hogan is MAX 6'3.5". Rock is MAX 6'2".
Danimal said on 25/Aug/06
Ola, you have to educate yourself. You can't come onto this site and state things that go against what we are ALL saying. Read the page before contradicting everyone. We've already established things here. Respect that.
Alex said on 25/Aug/06
Never seen someone think a 6'1 guy was 6'5 before. Would be funny though. Nowadays a guy who is really 6'0-6'0.5 are 6'2 to most people.
Viper652 said on 25/Aug/06
Some of you guys are ridiculous, calling a 6-2 guy 6-4 1/2. Also JK, not as ridiculous as all the supposed 6-3 12 year olds in your school. You probably think 6-1 looks 6-5 to you, lol.
Alex said on 25/Aug/06
Jake, is Jon a legit 6'1.5 guy? If he is then Rock looks 6'3 there then.
Alex said on 25/Aug/06
Those pics aren't too good as I said. They are at different stances as both aren't even standing up straight in some as you can't go by that. A few of those Damien has better stance than Rock has.
Ola said on 24/Aug/06
Rocky is atleast 6'4 1/2. here's a great pic:
Click Here
JK said on 24/Aug/06
some of you guys crack me up, calling a near 6'4'' guy 6'1'' lol. how much mre ridiculous can this get.
Alex said on 24/Aug/06
Most of those pics aren't on the best angle while they aren't even standing so straight. If they were standing straight both would be the same height. On TRL The Rock did look a bit taller though.
Viper652 said on 24/Aug/06
Ive already linked those Damien pics. Rock looks shorter in just about all of them. Pretty good evidence to suggest Rock is 6-2 Max or slightly shorter. Hell, I thought Daimen was closer to 6-1 but these pics confirm he is really a solid 6-2 himself.
Danimal said on 24/Aug/06
I have to agree with Val. In those pics The Rock does look shorter than Damied. It's possible the Rock is 6'1 3/4".
Val said on 24/Aug/06
alex..youre kidding right...on every single one he looks shorter.
Alex said on 23/Aug/06
The Rock does not look shorter than Damien.
hero said on 23/Aug/06
i agree but 90% of the time thg uy looks 6'3...in that same page of val,there's a lot of photos of him,and its easy to see that tha guy is 6'3
Val said on 23/Aug/06
no way is this dude this look at this..damian fahey is 188cm and rock is smaller...
Click Here
kerry77 said on 18/Aug/06
michael clark duncan atual height was a barefoot 1.9m.. thats a few photo shot i seem of rock standing next to this big guy and looks 2cm short, so just 6ft2(1.88m)..
benzilla said on 18/Aug/06
i stood right next to the rock in 1996, im 6.1 and he was alot taller then me, i remember looking and thinking he had realy long legs...id say he was 6.4 then
JK said on 11/Aug/06
yeah you're right alex, timberland do give 1.5 inches of height.
hero said on 10/Aug/06
the rock is 6'3 while duncan is 6'3.5...i believe that people who have met this guys took the height with shoes on.....that's why they all say that both guys are over 6'3,in case of the rock 6'4,and in case of duncan 6'4.5,easy to put this guy at 6'5 with shoes on....but barefoot is another story...still dont think that both guys are under 6'3 barefoot....
Dude said on 10/Aug/06
the rock is 6'3 wearing shoes but i think barefoot height is 6'2...
Alex said on 10/Aug/06
Timberlands gotta be a good 1.5 inches of height given to you I bet. Like I said
Nike Shox make you 1.5 inches taller I believe.
Viper652 said on 9/Aug/06
"but again he is taller than Gary payton measure at 6 ft 2 3/4...... in NBA pre Draft"
Ive never seen this supposed picture. How do you explain him looking shorter than 6-2 1/2 Eddie George?
Anonymous said on 8/Aug/06
Nike shox can have a 1.5 inch heel which is going to make you 1.5 inches taller, not just .5. I have a pair and I am over an inch taller.
JK said on 8/Aug/06
how much inches do Timberland shoes give???
Viper652 said on 8/Aug/06
Yeah, Rock looks 6-3-6-3.5 in shoes.
dmeyer said on 8/Aug/06
Nike Shox realy make people look 0.5 in taller since there is 1.5 in heels the rock looked 192 but he had big shox on so 191 looks closer you are right
Louie John Buluran said on 8/Aug/06
Ok but i am sure he is 6 ft 4,,,,,, but again he is taller than Gary payton measure at 6 ft 2 3/4...... in NBA pre Draft
Danimal said on 7/Aug/06
Viper, how tall do you think Duncan is? Be conservative with her estimate though (no exageration allowed ;)).
Alex said on 7/Aug/06
I only see 1/2 inch between Rock and Duncan and thats if Duncan puts his head straight. We can't see footwear though.
I've never seen Austin is person but he does look 6'0 though.
Alex said on 7/Aug/06
Are there 2 JK's or something or did you just change your mind? Because you first said you think Rock is 6'3.5 now you said he looks 6'3.5. Are you only referring to Rock's in shoe height?
JK said on 7/Aug/06
The Rock looks the exact same height Michael Duncan in that pic, so he must be 6'3.5'' at the most
Viper652 said on 7/Aug/06
So JK, you admit Rock is in the 6-2 range? ROG, Duncan is not 6-5 lol.
Viper652 said on 7/Aug/06
A couple of people on this site have said Austin only looked 5-11 in person.
JK said on 7/Aug/06
Alex, I agree with you on that he is 6'3.5'' in sneakers, but he may not be that height barefoot though.
Danimal said on 7/Aug/06
Okay Alex, then I say 5'11.5". Happy now? joke ;)
Danimal said on 7/Aug/06
Louie, the Rock isn't shrinking. Where do you get that from? He's probably one of the healthiest EX-wrestlers around and he's only 33-34 years old.
Alex said on 7/Aug/06
He may just look 6'3.5 in sneakers.
Alex said on 7/Aug/06
Last I saw Rock he did only look around 225lbs. In Doom he looked more 235-240lbs. He has seemed to slim down more.
Alex said on 7/Aug/06
Well if he's 5'11.75 might as well just say 6'0. Whats 1/4 inch going to matter. Now 1/2 inch will matter, but not 1/4 inch really.
Bleemo said on 7/Aug/06
In certain company The Rock can look very tall, but that's the point really, it depends how tall those other guys are.
I watched about half of "Welcome to the Jungle" or "the Rundown" or whatever it is called in your country. To be honest in a lot of long shots the Rock looks Massive in relation to Sean William Scott and then in others just 4 inches taller. More specifically whenever there was a side on shot from a distance, the Rock looked a lot bigger then Scott, I do think that guy is about 5'10.
I think more then anything in films the Rock is likely to look smaller then he really is not taller, because a lot of actors are going to be shorter then him regardless of whether he is 6'2 or 6'3. They have to be closer in height when they are having a conversation otherwise it looks awkward, (hence the Duchovny/Anderson X-files scenario) so they will usually shoot at a downward angle to close the gap or have the taller guy stand down a hill.
Viper652 said on 7/Aug/06
I aint the same person, im just posting in my own opininon. And in my opinon the Rock is 6'3.5''
What makes you think he looks that? Ijust dont see it.
JK said on 7/Aug/06
The Rock looks 6'3.5'' to me, and Stone Cold is about 6'2'' in his boots.
Louie John Buluran said on 7/Aug/06
The Rock might be 6 ft 3. 5 this guys is alaso shrinking i think in his days he might be 6 ft 5
Danimal said on 7/Aug/06
I don't think he's even 6'0" Alex. I'm not saying he's 5'11" flat. He could be 5'11.5"-5'11.75".
As for Rock weighing only 220 pounds today, I could believe that. Arnie's only 210 today.
Viper652 said on 6/Aug/06
Stats in movies are meaningless.
Alex said on 6/Aug/06
Viper, those 6'1-6'2 sightings you can throw out the window. I do believe the man is a solid 6'0 guy. 5'11 seems a bit too short.
Alex said on 6/Aug/06
I'd be pretty suprised if Austin was under 6'0.
6 foot said on 6/Aug/06
just one thing i dont know wether anyones wrote it on this page i aint read it through but in the rundown or welcome to the jungle whatever a little stats page popped up about the rock n it sed 6'3" 220lbs
Viper652 said on 6/Aug/06
5-11 could be right for Austin. The funny thing is you still have people who say he looks 6-1, 6-2 in person no less.
Danimal said on 6/Aug/06
I'm now believing that Austin is in the 5'11" range..
Alex said on 6/Aug/06
With certain wrestlers or other celebrities you have people that are big fans of them and will do anything to prove they are the height they want them to be. For example you have a huge Rock can and he'll do anything to show that Rock is 6'4-6'5 since he wants to believe he is. But say this person isn't a HHH fan, he'll then say oh he's much shorter than 6'3-6'4 because he doesn't like him really so.
Alex said on 6/Aug/06
I remember Arnold and Rock weren't far off in height backstage in 1999. Rock was taller by 2 inches or so, but Arnold is known for wearing lifts so it could have been Arnold wearing lifts. Austin I do believe is a legit 6'0 guy.
Danimal said on 6/Aug/06
How could the Rock claim to be Conan's height when he knows that Conan is actually 6'4". The Rock must have worn lifts in the late 90's. When Schwarzenneger appeared on Smackdown in 1999, Arnold was actuallya tad shorter than Vince, quite a bit taller than Austin and looked short next to The Rock, which makes me scratch my head. I know that Austin isn't even 6'0". Vince is close to 6'2" and clearly the Rock was wearing lifts.
Viper652 said on 5/Aug/06
This is ridiculous, some people just have a set height for Rock and will not budge even when great evidence is provided that hes around 6-2. They are the same people who think
Michael Jordan is 6-6, lol.
Conner Iannone said on 5/Aug/06
The Rock said on Conan O'brien that he was 6'4'' at age 15. Idiots.
Viper652 said on 5/Aug/06
Danmial, If anything Foley is slightly taller in that picture.
Viper652 said on 5/Aug/06
This is becoming laughable. Some people will only have a set height for Rock when the evidence clearly shows him to be around 6-2. Its like with people thinking
Michael Jordan is 6-6 when he is clearly 6-5 at best. I bet Louie thinks Mike is 6-6 lol.
Danimal said on 5/Aug/06
Louie, are you for real? Rock doesn't have 2" on Mick in that pic. They're the same height there. Note to yourself for the future: Don't provide proof that contradicts your claim.
Glenn said on 5/Aug/06
Actually walked towards me relaxed mode.so not too straight.
Louie John Buluran said on 5/Aug/06
Click Here Christian is a legit 6-1 and Lance Storm is 5-10
Click HereRock is 6 ft 4 and Mick Foley is a legit 6-2
Viper652 said on 5/Aug/06
Hey Glenn, was the Rock standing straight when he appeared 6-1 to you?
Danimal said on 4/Aug/06
I agree. The ONLY possibility for him to be over 6'3" is if he and Hogan WERE the exact same height in 2002 and we know that Hogan is over 6'3". By how much? No sure about that though. Also, was he the same height as Will Ferell when he was the host of SNL? I know he wasn't taller. Was he slightly shorter? Was he a full inch shorter, seeing Will is spot on 6'3", or at most 6'3.5"?
Alex said on 4/Aug/06
Anything over 6'3 for The Rock isn't realistic anymore.
Danimal said on 4/Aug/06
That pic of The Rock and Goldberg pretty much says it all. The Rock can't be over 6'3". Now, if Goldberg is only 6'2", then I can see Rock at that too, because even though Rock may have a half inch on Goldberg there, we know that Goldgerg virtually had non-existant heels on his tiny boots, giving the advantage to the Rock.
Alex said on 3/Aug/06
Viper, She looks that short to you? She is listed at 5'10 pretty much but she looks 5'9 to me though or 5'8 and change at the least.
Viper652 said on 3/Aug/06
Actually Serena looks 5-7 1/2 to 5-8 to me.
ralph said on 3/Aug/06
hmmm, I remember that the rock was a bit taller than goldberg
Click Here
Viper652 said on 2/Aug/06
Max is a flat 6-7.
Click Here Quite a good number of NFL players are fudged by an inch, and a few by 2 inches. And also a few are actually a half inch taller then their billed heights.
Alex said on 2/Aug/06
Ralph, Serena is 5'9, not 6'0 and you know she's in heels in the picture with The Rock. her sister Venus is 6'1 though.
ralph said on 2/Aug/06
The Rock is a solid 6"3", near to 5"11" sean william scott
Danimal said on 2/Aug/06
Viper, just out of curiosity, how do you know that Max Starks is a FLAT 6'7". He's also been listed at 6'8". For the most part, pro-football players heights are VERY accurate. If a guy is say 6'1.5", they list him as 6'2". If he's 6'1.25", they'll list him as 6'1". If Lesner is listed at 6'2", you can bet, he is between 6'1.5" and 6'2.25".
Alex said on 2/Aug/06
Actually Starks is listed at 6'7 on the Steelers's website.
Click Here
Viper652 said on 2/Aug/06
Viper, if Lesnar was listed at 6'2" in his football days, then he is nothing less than 6'1.5".
Not true. They do fudge up to a full inch on some guys. For example Max Starks is billed at 6-8 but is a flat 6-7.
Alex said on 1/Aug/06
Johnny is 6'0 and saying 6'1 with shoes on I bet. A lot of people say their in shoe height.
Glenn said on 1/Aug/06
I thought Steve O was 5-9? no?
Danimal said on 1/Aug/06
Yeah, I don't see Johnny at the 6'1" he claims. I think he's struggling with 6'0". Steve-O was apparently 5'11".
Danimal said on 1/Aug/06
Viper, if Lesnar was listed at 6'2" in his football days, then he is nothing less than 6'1.5".
Glenn said on 1/Aug/06
I saw Sean Scott and Knoxville together.I was surprised they were nearly the same in height.Scott more 5-11 actually.
Viper652 said on 1/Aug/06
That picture is still pretty bad No way. Im not sure If Foley is slouching or standing straight. Its hard to tell. In the video linked by Danimal they look virtually the same height up close to each other.
No Way said on 1/Aug/06
Click HereThere's one inch at the deceiving angle where it's hard to judge exact heights but CLEARLY Rock is atleast 1 inch taller than foley. Surprising, there's not much good pictures out there.
Alex said on 31/Jul/06
Knoxville has been listed at 6'1 but he's really 6'0 and thats what Glenn estimated him at I believe too and he looks it as he only had 2 inches on 5'10 Sean William Scott.