How tall is Eli Roth

Eli Roth's Height

5ft 11 (180.3 cm)

American Director and actor, best known for Hostel, Cabin Fever and Inglourious Basterds.

How tall is Eli Roth
Photos by PR Photos

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Average Guess (39 Votes)
5ft 11.01in (180.4cm)
Sandy Cowell said on 26/Sep/23
@ Observerf - I bet if I saw him, he’d look 5ft11 to me! He’s the same height as Brad.
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Sep/23
I’ve never heard Eli say anything nasty about anyone, and his commentary on The Wicker Man was no exception.

I like Eli.
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Sep/23
Correction Time:

Ideally, I should have written: “Another director, Ben Wheatley, was interviewed, but I preferred Eli - and what he had to say.’
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Sep/23
It was a real treat and a lovely surprise to see Eli Roth being interviewed on my 4-disc special of The Wicker Man. Another director, Ben Wheatley, was I preferred Eli - and what he had to say.

He looked mega smart and coiffed, quite a contrast to how he looked in Inglourious Basterds, which I saw a couple of days ago, but even then, I could understand what Peaches Geldof saw in him.

Sandy Cowell said on 30/Mar/23
Eli is very muscular and sometimes, this can appear to cut
your height. Eli and Brad Pitt - also well built - looked pretty much the same height in Inglourious Basterds.

Observerf said on 29/Aug/22
Saw him in person, not over 5’9
ViperPilot said on 6/Oct/21
There’s plenty of premiere pics of Eli standing next to 5’10.5” Brad Pitt, and looking either the same height as Brad, or slightly shorter.

5’10”’wouldn’t surprise me for Roth.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 27/Aug/21
The piece of classical music used in Eli's second Hostel film, when an evil old fart is carving flesh from a young man's leg, frying it like rashers of bacon and eating it, was one of the songs being played while I was waiting to speak to the council today!

I only saw that film last night, well, parts of it inbetween fox-feeding, and I don't think I could ever warm to the tune again, thank you very much!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 26/Aug/21
Nice touch, Eli, showing an excerpt of your friend Quentin Tarentino's movie 'Pulp Fiction' in the second, and by far the most stomach-churning, Hostel film. 🤮

⭐ If you have this on disc, you can listen to Eli and Quentin adding the commentary together.

5ft11. Sometimes I think he comes over a little taller, so I'll make sure I have a good check next time I see 'Inglourious Basterds', paying particular attention to Brad Pitt with Eli, and the opportunities are many! 👌
berta said on 18/Aug/21
he was maybe 1-1,5 cm shorter than bradd pitt if i remmeber right.
slim 6'1 said on 8/Jan/21
Falls nothing below 5’11” and could very well be 181cm 👍
Looked similar in height to fassbender and Pitt
vastlybetter566 said on 29/Dec/20
Tall looking dude. Would not have been surprised, if he turned out to be 6ft1 range, more similar to Tarantino in height.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 10/Dec/20
I'm about to watch Eli's 'Hostel 2', which I find a shade scarier than the first one. You don't expect a woman (Vera Jordanova) to lead a bunch of young female holidaymakers to a torture chamber. These torturers are Slavic. One of my 8 nationalities is that - YUK!

Eli gets 5ft11.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 14/Jun/20
Eli is brilliant in 'Inglourious Basterds', but I do feel sorry for that poor Nazi he clubs to death. Eli's Bear Jew asks the lad, "Did you get that for killing Jews?" to which he simply replies, "Bravery."

His bravery is evident by the expression on his face. 😢

Eli gets a muscle-packed 5ft11.15. 💪
Jake: 1.84 m- 1.85 m said on 2/May/20
Do you reckon he might be 5ft 11 and change, Rob?
Editor Rob
Would be the highest I think I'd guess him.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 26/Jan/20
I'm about to watch Eli's film 'Knock Knock'. If it's anyway as scary as the music, I'm in for a shocker!

It stars Keanu Reeves, Lorenza Izzo and Ana de Armas. I think it's just this trio of actors; I doubt that Eli is in it, so I will give him his vote now.



'Us tonight!' ⬆️
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 31/Dec/19
The ginger guy in 'The Green Inferno' gets stoned with a couple of the savages. You can't get stoned with people like that, ginge! He comes out with, "Oh $hit! They've got the munchies!"

Then he gets eaten alive, firstly by the intoxicated ones and then a whole bunch join in. ☹️😕😭

They'd just had dinner as well, the greedy stinkers! Their after-dinner entertainment is tying one of the visitors to a pole and watching him stung to death by green ants. This is OTT, Eli!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 31/Dec/19
Good grief, Eli! This 'Green Inferno' is even worse than I remember it! The horror starts with the (arranged) plane crash, and just gets worse, and worse, and worse!

What gets to me is that the small kids are so used to the ritualistic killings that they look on as our kids would watch a cake being made, yet when one young girl defecates in shock, the kids think it's funny.

It's far from over. I think I'll watch something a little light-hearted after this, like 'Inglourious Basterds', which actually stars Eli Roth. It's not funny, but compared to this....🤪

My guess for Eli Roth is 5ft11.25.
JesusIsKing4444 said on 31/Dec/19
Rob, what's your estimate on Takashi Miike's height?
Click Here
Editor Rob
Can seem very close to 3 inches between them.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 12/Oct/19
I am watching a film of Eli's called 'The Stranger', and it's anything but sweetness and light. There is only one actress I recognize, Lorenza Izzo, who also stars in the disturbing 'The Green Inferno'. That is why I bought it, other than the fact that it's an Eli Roth film, of course!

I feel that there are supernatural overtones in this because how come, after a brave young boy is set fire to by a bent 'n' big-nosed copper, a man, this 'stranger', performs a brief ritual and the following day after the kid's been admitted to hospital, his injuries have all but disappeared? Very mysterious, to say the least!

Well done Eli! Your films are always different and get the grey matter going!

Miss Sandy Cowell said on 10/Oct/19
I have just noticed that Stephen King has given 'The Green Inferno' a good write-up, so it's not just Quentin Tarantino who's a fan of Eli's!

Hardly surprising - he is so original and talented.

5ft11.25. 😁👍
Yang (5 footer 8, 172-173) said on 12/Aug/19
He indeed looks bit taller than someone who is actually 5ft 11 tall with better postures!!!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 9/May/19
I've often taken extremely well-built blokes for taller, Rampage!

Rocky Balboa said on 12/Sep/18
@Spim - Hmm, having watched Burkhard on the Austrian TV show "Inspector Rex" before ever seeing "Inglorious Basterds," I feel inclined to agree he'd make for an interesting listing.
Roth however is tricky in the essence that at times he can appear as short as 5'10" and as tall as 6'0" I personally have him at 5'11 and an eighth.
Sandy Cowell said on 31/May/18
This fellow looks his physical best in 'Inglorious Basterds'! His bod is extremely well toned, which is just as well, considering the weight of the guns he has to manipulate at the end! The other thing he does, in his capacity as 'The Bear Jew', is perhaps better left unsaid, but that also requires enormous physical strength!

Eli looks every inch of 5ft11 in the film, and a truly fit specimen to boot!
Spim said on 19/Mar/18
Would like to see a page for fellow 'Inglorious Basterds' actor Gedeon Burkhard who played Corporal Wilhelm Wicki. He appears to be 5'10.5, or even 5'11, next to Eli Roth and Brad Pitt but looked significantly taller in his prime throughout the 90s (approximately 6'0-6'1.75).
Animus said on 8/Dec/17
He can taller than 5'11, proportionally speaking.
Slim 185 said on 11/Nov/17
Good listing, but I don’t think he’s the full 5’11”, maybe a weak one.
Slim 182 cm said on 9/Aug/17
Looked similar to fassbender and pitt, good listing.
SS said on 8/Aug/17
His wife next? The one from knock knock
SS said on 22/May/17
How tall is his wife?
Arch Stanton said on 30/Oct/16
Rob an error on spelling with Acot and the photo caption dated!. Didn't realize he dated Peaches. Peaches and her mother had a thing for the stereotypical dark and brooding types it seems. Haven't seen enough of this guy to guess his height but I think I probably thought of him as a few inches taller.
Aleks said on 23/Oct/16
well i think he is rather close to 6ft instead of 5'11 here is a pic with keanu reeves who is 6'1 Click Here
Sandy Cowell said on 14/Oct/16
Silly me! I omitted to mention that I think he looks 5ft11 or maybe smidgling over! He has a good physique so there is no reason to think he's shorter!
Editor Rob
if anybody makes a mistake with a comment, just submit it again and I try to catch errors.
Sandy Cowell said on 14/Oct/16
I have seen Eli Roth interviewed and I liked him very much. He praises his actors to the skies! His films range from gut-wrenching horror to possession and natural disasters. I liked the fact that he showed his caring side in the film 'Aftershock'. What a difference to the part he played in his good friend Quentin Tarantino's 'Inglourious Basterds' - 'the Bear Jew'.

I was touched when poor Peaches Geldof died and he said such nice things about her, his former girlfriend.

Why can't more people see and talk about the good in each other?
5 foot dum dum said on 6/Jun/16
shorter than BPItt in Inglorious about 1 inch,,,he has huge hands and long arms which make him look bigger...great actor too...
Idk said on 1/Mar/16
Looks more like 5'10
Dejavu said on 9/Nov/15
He looks 5'10 next to 6'1 max Keanu reeves
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Apr/15
@Danimal: Bob Geldof's daughter Peaches.
MD said on 7/Apr/15
With 6'1" Keanue Reeves:

Click Here

Slumped down with a 5'6.5" Hoodie Allen:

Click Here

5'11" really seems out of the question. 5'10", maybe?
Danimal said on 7/Apr/15
Rob do you know that the girl in the picture with Eli Roth died last year of a drug overdose? She was only 25 years old.
Editor Rob
yes, it was a big story in media last year in the UK.
MOF said on 4/Apr/15
Met him back in 2005 and spoke with him. I was 178-179cm at the time (hadn't reached my fully grown 180cm at the time) and he seemed slightly taller. 181cm probably but not taller than six feet.
Ted said on 8/Apr/14
Roth looks 5'10" or less in most every film he's been in.

He claims 6'm so perhaps he's doing the standard Hollywood 'add 2 inches' thing.

Oh, and in the photo, Peaches Geldof (R.I.P., poor gal passed well before her time) may've claimed 5'7", but is listed officially at 5'4" elsewhere. Which makes me wonder if Roth might even be 5'8" or 5'9"... he doesn't have a big height edge on Geldof above, so even considering that she has heels, Roth is definitely far from a tall guy.
Editor Rob
I'm not sure you can have a more official height than the one coming out a celebrities mouth! Of course they celebrities can be lying, but her own claim was "I'm 5ft 7".

I mean Alexandra Burke and Peaches. You can't really claim both are 5ft 4 ;)
james said on 20/Feb/14
This guys no where near 5'11 seen him in death proof and 5'11 sydney poitier towered him when she stood up in the in inglourious basterds he was about 2 inches shorter than brad pitt 6'0'.5 and i know if i met him he would be lookin up
dmeyer said on 25/Dec/13
Brad in normal shoes looks easily as tall as This Guy and fasenberg and Aaron Johnson , Brad Is defenetly 5'11
janie said on 20/Nov/13
He looks 6' but 5'11 doesn't seem far off. Really good looking guy, looks great for his age.
Powerhouse said on 17/Oct/13
6'0 easily
avi said on 30/May/13
but Snoop Dogg is lucky to have 3.5 inches on him so maybe this guy is 5'11.5 or a weak 6'0? Snoop is over 6'3 and this guy stands his ground next to him.
Dmeyer said on 18/Mar/13
If he is 5'11 then Brad is defenetly 5'11
Arch Stanton said on 23/Feb/13
Looks about right,a lot of guys with his sort of looks are 6'2" or 6'3".

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.