How tall is Fran Drescher

Fran Drescher's Height

5ft 4 ½ (163.8 cm)

American actress best known for tv show The Nanny and films like This is Spinal Tap.

How tall is Fran Drescher
Photo by PR Photos

How tall is Fran Drescher
Fran and Angie Everhart
Photo by cvanwagoner/

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Add a Comment27 comments

Average Guess (12 Votes)
5ft 4.5in (163.8cm)
Julie divin said on 27/Jun/18
Is Fran drescher ex nanny Fran
From tv show nanny and is she really 5'4" height or 5'7" which one is true for her height
Mako said on 15/May/18
Looked about same height,in heels,as Pam Anderson on The Nanny..maybe slightly taller. Put them both around 5'5 w)out shoes
Kelly said on 20/Feb/16
I met Fran in 2008 during her Cancer/Schmancer tour stop in Kosovo. She had just landed at the airport; casually dressed and in flats. She looked great and could not have been nicer but definitely not 5' 7". 5' 4" is about right.
Hypado said on 18/Feb/15
Rob, congratulations, other height listed right.

Fran Drescher's height is 5ft 4.5in (164 cm)

She looks this in the Nanny tv show.
ray said on 13/Aug/14
Yh, 5'4.5 is a good estimate, I saw her listed at 5'7 and thought she cannot be that high, She is a very good looking lady
BoPeep said on 9/Oct/12
Celine Dion towered over her in that one episode. And Celine is like what 5'6-5'7? There's no way Fran is 5'7
FG said on 9/Nov/11
Her real height was revealed on the Nanny episode when her character got arrested and had to get a mug shot taken, they told her to take off her heels, and flattened down her hair with their hands to get her true height...and it's just slightly under 5'4 (162cm).
Saderiah said on 15/Oct/11
Wow. She's as tall as all of my friends! I guess because she wears 5" heels she always looks so much taller. At least she has the looks;)
Heightgirl said on 29/Jun/11
I saw her on The Talk last week and she was practically the same height as "5f2 Barely" Sharon Osbourne and more than 2 inches shorter than 5f4ish Holly. I say Fran is 5f3 because she wasn't wearing platforms and the other ladies were.
Mo said on 28/Apr/11
I doubt she's 5'7. In the "The Nanny" episode "Maggie the Model", Fran tells everyone at the fashion studio that she was once a model (of feet), prompting the makeup artist, played by Andy Dick (?!) to dismissively ask "And what happened? You shrank in the dryer?".
kelly said on 11/Jan/11
5'4 barefoot and flat-haired is absolutely max, more likely around 5'3...5'7-5'8 when u add up the height of her heels and the very big hair...the mini skirts made her look alot taller too...she has a fantastic, very proportionate figure.
nunya said on 11/Jun/09
She isnt 5 ft 5in.Shes like 5,2 or 5, cause i was watching her show and she was in a police lineup and she looked 5 7 but she had to take off her heels and she was 5,5 but the police pulled back her tall her and she was 5,3
Anonymous said on 10/Sep/08
on Click Here she is 5'6
Big King said on 6/Sep/08
For a woman, Fran looks pretty tall. Maybe because of her high heels she appears to be tall. A pity that she's not above 5'7".
Lillian said on 19/Aug/08
I loved "The Nanny." Great script writing, wonderful cast. That show made me laugh all the time. She seemed tall in the show, but she always had high hair and heels on. I'm originally from Queens, and knew a few people similar to Fran and her style.
anonymous said on 22/May/08
I know Fran personally, and find these comments about her height pretty entertaining to read about ha ha. To end the dispute, she is 5"5' tall. So there ya go.
Ruiu said on 11/Mar/08
I almost believed that Drescher could easily pass 57". She looks pretty tall for a woman.
Anonymous said on 23/Feb/08
she's 5 ft 5(official homepage)
William said on 17/Sep/07
I saw her at a booksigning about 12 years ago, and this height looks right to me. She is beautiful in person.
Hol said on 17/Jun/07
Fran isn't that incredibly short. She is 5'5", the same size as me. I saw Fran in NY last year and I was fortunate enough to get to speak with her and have a picture taken. Now in the picture we were both in sneakers and we both had our hair completely straighten, or flat, and in the picture we are the same size. Not to mention that we were able to look at each other at eye level.
SLynn said on 11/Jan/07
I ran into Fran Drescher at the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston several years ago, my husband almost literally ran into her turning a corner. Of course we did the whole smile and nod without making a fuss b/c we respect the sanctity of the museum, that and she seemed to have a very large bodyguard shadowing her. I am not a particularly short woman, standing at just under 5'8", and she seemed really diminuitive to me. I was wearing sneakers, and she was wearing high high heels, and she still appeared much shorter than me. My husband who is probably just under 5'10" even commented on how she seemed much taller on The Nanny than in person. I have to say that she is absolutely gorgeous in person, and was very understated in head to toe black, and straight, glossy hair.
Leung said on 6/Dec/06
Recently saw a picture of her in a newspaper and she looked gorgeous, I was shocked to read her name under the photo because previously I had never thought of her as attractive. Has she had work done to her face?
Anonymous said on 6/Dec/06
yea, but she always had on heels and that incredibly high hair on the show. 5'4" is probably pretty close.
Brad said on 6/Dec/06
Does she laugh like that in public?
phil said on 27/Oct/06
Just saw an episode of the nanny where Fran gets falsely arrested for kidnapping a baby. They do a mug shot and she is standing 5'10"...then they tell her to take off her shoes and she is 5'7" tall...then they tell her to push her hair down and she is 5'4" tall. Seems pretty honest to me.
Love said on 23/Aug/06
Yeah...she did look taller in the Nanny. I think she's about 5.5 or 5.6
Cloo said on 17/Aug/06
I thought she was taller, she appeared to have long legs in "The Nanny." Well, the point is, she is very funny!

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.