Bravo1 said on 24/Aug/22
Almost 5’2”. And gorgeous.
Elene said on 10/Aug/21
5’1 looks too low,5’1.75 is maybe closer to the truth.
Tunman said on 15/Mar/21
Rob,are you dropping height on both pics?On the upper one she looks a little less than 3" smaller so like maybe 5.75 difference without footwear advantage.On the lower one she looks 5.5" smaller but 6" assuming footwear,so if anything in the strong 5'2 range.While I'm sure she's no more than the 5'2 she claims it's still surprising to see how tall she could look.Could it also be that she stood closer to the camera?

Editor Rob
In the bottom photo meeting I guessed she looked around 5ft 2 range, I wasn't so sure about 5ft 2.5 range or I'd have given her 5ft 2. However that is just my estimate.
MAD SAM said on 2/Jul/18
Looks 5’1” at 155 cm
ZRB said on 2/Jan/17
I was really shocked to see 5 ft 1.5 listed as Freema's height. If it's true then she's TINY! She definitely does not look that small on screen! Just... 5'1.5''! Really?!
Rojina said on 24/Dec/16
IM gobsmacked.
Sandy Cowell said on 21/Dec/16
I thought her to be about 5ft4 from Law and Order UK! I never saw her to speak of in Doctor Who; I kept missing the episodes! She always looks so professional in Law and Order UK; I guess that's why I assumed she was taller. But she's my sort of height, poor girl!
I left to go to the Doctor's this afternoon and wore flowery flats so that I could hurry as I was running late. I had to stand next to another patient, a woman, who must have been a head or more taller than me at reception and I was overlooked even though I got there first! I was straight into the nearest shop to purchase myself a couple more inches in the form of a pair of boots. Then I felt MUCH better!
Freema, alas, must know the feeling!
The Man said on 18/Aug/16
She looks 155cm on the right pic.
Daniel said on 12/Jan/16
Perfect height to me, :)
Modeus said on 16/Aug/15
That's still a correct and a comfortable height for a girl
M said on 7/May/15
Despite of her height, she is really beautiful.
Crash said on 24/Aug/14
Another great looking girl. They've had some very good looking companions over the years in Dr Who.
And yes, not tall but as she says, I'm sure it hasn't hindered her.
Arch Stanton said on 16/May/14
Although I tend to forget that in most of the world people view pale western women are more ideal physically. Basically people always want what they can't have!!
Arch Stanton said on 16/May/14
She has the sort of skin most pale white women would badly envy!! Incredibly lucky to look as she does even if not tall.
Mastro said on 15/Jan/14
I saw her in LA- very short- but absolutely beautiful. Many actors look much worse in person - NOT HER!
Andrew M said on 22/Sep/13
That's amazing. I always thought she was taller than that too - easily 5' 4" or more. And to think, she was working alongside 6ft+ David Tennant when I watched her!
I wonder what her secret is? At 5'6" I could do with looking a lot taller myself!
Len said on 10/Sep/13
Wow, I wouldn't have guessed she was that short... she must be wearing boots or very high heels literally ALL the time.
Definitely the best-looking Doctor's companion of all-time. Yes, even over the gorgeous Billie Piper.

Editor Rob
she is a pretty girl, I think she is a weak 5ft 2, she had very big heels that weekend.
Michael Elam said on 13/Aug/13
That's a GORGEOUS woman
Sean73 said on 6/Apr/13
Wow,i always thought 165cm for her.What a beauty too.Oh and she`s not bad either.
thorterr said on 30/Aug/11
im surprised theres no pics rob..doesnt she do any sci-fi/dr who conventions?
5ft 4 too tall for freema ,,she defo 5ft 2

Editor Rob
store signing I think, but never seen her at a convention.
hugewhofan said on 3/Jul/11
I really didn't think she was that short. My friends and I always love to guess celebrity heights, and our closest guess was 5 ft 4in.
Olivia said on 15/Feb/09
I was thinking of 5 ft 3 for her but after looking to some pictures, I'd say she's still less than that and so 5 ft 2 seems right. She's a pretty lil doll.
Lucille said on 11/Dec/08
Nay, 5'2 is about right for Freema. She wore 3 and 4 inch heals on Doctor Who and still only stood right about the tip of David Tennant's shoulder, but she's cute nonetheless.
bex said on 25/Jan/08
she must wear quite high heels because david tennant is apparently 6 ft 1 and she comes up to his nose lol
alex said on 7/May/07
thankyou for this!
thought she was about 5"4 actually.