Milan said on 23/Feb/16
Hottest lady i ever saw in my life, so sexy and hot. She is perfection
Andy said on 29/Jan/15
He is a very tall man. I wonder if he ever plays basketball! If not, he should try it!
sc said on 18/Jun/08
people who are heavy look shorter than people who are more skinnier...... like a guy who is 6'5" 200 looks taller than a guy who is 6'6" 400 pounds unless u get them together standin side by side, lol
Rantsrob said on 25/Apr/08
6.7 1/2 on the dot
Nickys said on 18/Apr/08
Throughout the many comments I see at this site, I laugh at the people commenting about the 0.5 inch or 1 cm or whatever tiny difference, when referring to a REALLY tall person. It is also funny looking at how haters and many women downgrade people's height by 3-4 inches (7 -10cm)! For god's sake!! Take your ruler and see how small 1 inch is, compared to a 6 '7 or 6'8 height. Now go measure yourselves, once with your spine completely straight and once with a bad posture and see the at least 1 inch lost from your height. Compare your pretty much average height with this big guy's one and tell me how one can claim with any argument whether he is 6'7 or 6'8? Also consider the fact that Glenn has a bit larger than average head which is important when estimating heights and also he is standing slightly closer to the picture at a different angle
Ian said on 2/Apr/08
Anonymous your rule of thumb (about the shoulders being a foot less) doesn't work for me or my girlfriend. People shoulders are different some are straight across, some slope and then there is neck height and head height. I still see 6ft 7" here. That's still a very big height.
johnny said on 1/Apr/08
if he straightened up he'd look about kane aka glen jacobs height 6' 7.5'' - 6' 8''
Anonymous said on 27/Mar/08
How can he straighten out, his back is completely straight, and he just doesn't look taller than 6'7", and thats being generous?? If he was 6'9", he would have to have at least a 12" head, which is clearly not the case. Don't underestimate how tall 6'9" is barefoot.
Whoever thinks he's 6'9" go and get a measuring tape, take it up to 6'9", and say u think he's that tall without any shoes on lol.
He's even wearing a hat, which makes him look taller, and he still doesn't look his claimed height.
glenn said on 19/Mar/08
he told me 6-10.i guessed 6-8.
jb said on 18/Mar/08
looks only 6' 7.5'' at the tallest there.
Anonymous said on 8/Mar/08
He looks 6'9". Don't look at the top of his head. Look at how high his shoulders reach. My rule-of-thumb is: if his shoulders are at 5'8", then his height is at least 1 feet taller. I know my shoulders are 1 feet lower than my height (and I'm only like Glenn's height).
Fisher said on 5/Mar/08
My high school basketball coach is 6'8 on the dot. He is definitely a strong inch taller than Jumbo in this picture. Rob, 6'9 doesn't work...
Gary said on 28/Feb/08
I think I would come to his eyes Im 6'3.5 with shoes
Jake Is Back said on 28/Feb/08
6'8", give or take an inch is the range he's in. 6'6" a bad estimate.
Gary said on 26/Feb/08
HI, I have a pic of my6 stading next to my mom and when she wears shows shoes 5.9 and a half and she comes right under my nose and im 6.3 and a half with shoes, I would put him not more than 4 inches taller than me at the most, I would say he is 6.7
cantstop25 said on 19/Feb/08
this dudes big but he is listed on this site as the same height as kevin nash, I really cant see that at all
Darkman said on 21/Jan/08
I don't know why people say he is 6'6"? Lets just say he is exaggerating his height, he wouldn't exaggerate but 3" inches. So 6'8 at the least.
Atoadaso said on 18/Jan/08
Should list him under 'J' for Jumbo, otherwise he won't be found.
glenn said on 14/Jan/08
exactly james.
glenn said on 14/Jan/08
plus the angle im standing in might affect perspective in the jeffries pic.or maybe not.
D-lurker said on 13/Jan/08
Yea true, i compared to Kevin Nash's photo. but 2 very different photos especially with regard to perspective.
Alex said on 13/Jan/08
Glenn, true with his weight it could make him not have the best posture but I've seen some fat guys have good posture before too. He seems to not be standing his best there with you so I could see up to 6'8. You look a good amount shorter next to Jared Jeffries than you do with Jumbo.
glenn said on 13/Jan/08
if the man himself says 6-9,then it is.lets not forget his weight downplaying him possibly.
D-lurker said on 13/Jan/08
stretched out he could well be 6ft8 but looks 6ft7 at most. reminds me some what of that lovely movie "Stir Crazy" with Gene wilder.. Specifically the scene where he befriends the big fellow.....played by Erland Van Lidth De Jeude.
Korben said on 13/Jan/08
Remember jumbo is further back, put him side by side and he will look heaps bigger, easily 6'8 minimum.
PaulG said on 12/Jan/08
glenn is exactly a head shorter. give the man a 10 inch head, will put him at 6ft6/7 tops. no way 6ft9/.
Viper said on 12/Jan/08
I initially thought he looked 6-6 in the Snoop pic. I see 6-7 at most here. Hes obviously not 6-9.
me said on 12/Jan/08
Jared Jeffries's is 6'10 with glenn then this guy is defiently 6'6" territory maybe 6'7" at a push. Down grade him.
Anonymous said on 12/Jan/08
The more times i look at this pic, the more i think that even 6'7 is slightly generous, he only just has a head over Glenn: (6'6-6'6.5)
glenn said on 11/Jan/08
thanks for the find james.ill look it up.he told me he had his own tv show once.he is still on tv now with snoop.
Alex2 said on 11/Jan/08
Looks same height as Kane, Kane and Sid really need upgrading if this guy is listen 6'9, just making my point :)
Da Man said on 11/Jan/08
Probably in the 6'8" region.
cm / inches said on 11/Jan/08
this guy look 198 cm no more !
Danimal said on 11/Jan/08
You guys are crazy to say this guy is only 6'6". Let him take that tilt out of his head and he is 6'9".
lsu alum said on 10/Jan/08
no where near 6'9"maybe 6'6"he'll be lucky to reach 40 way too fat
glenn said on 10/Jan/08
thanks real anonymous.viper-i do have some of the well known celeb bodyguards or 80s,90s music ones that is.axl roses bodyguard was a legend.originally new kids on the block bodyguard.who kicked a young girl once.
glenn said on 10/Jan/08
supes78-i felt it wasnt needed.thats all.i wasnt the only one that felt that way if you should reread your own post.
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 10/Jan/08
I met Jumbo backstage at a concert where Snoop and Icecube were co headliners. Jumbo is a huge man. 6'9 is right and I would say 500lbs easy. Seemed like a nice guy . Icecube's main bodyguard that night was 5'9 and looked in the 280lb range. supes78, you don't no ****. Keep posting the pics Glenn.
Ian said on 10/Jan/08
It doesn't look 13 inches from the top of Glenn's head. Glenn is right 6ft 7.
sf said on 9/Jan/08
Doesn't look near 6'9". Glenn your estimate of 6'7" is better, and I don't think he even looks that tall from this picture.
Atoadaso said on 9/Jan/08
lol, but the man has no neck!!
Fisher said on 9/Jan/08
6'6.5 barefoot, around 6'8, 6'8.5 with shoes, so that is where the 6'9 seems apparent.
supes78 said on 9/Jan/08
Jeez Glenn, I had no idea you were so tight with this guy. Chill out. And I wasn't complaining, just asking a question.
Viper said on 9/Jan/08
Glenn needs to get a picture with Calvin Lane next, regarded as the worlds biggest bouncer.
glenn said on 9/Jan/08
still the bodyguard of my posts please.
Danimal said on 9/Jan/08
I believe 6'9". the man isn't even straigtening out his neck. Could be 6'8" and change at lowest.
Anonymous said on 9/Jan/08
6'6 or 6'7
Anonymous said on 9/Jan/08
I want him down graded to 6'6" or 6'7". Without the cap on he is 8-9 inches taller than glenn.
Hes 6'6.5" my guess
Alex said on 9/Jan/08
And easily a 5XL t shirt as well.
C. said on 9/Jan/08
Whoa. Jumbo is, uhhh...JUMBO. He looks over 500 lbs. that's for sure. But shorter than 6'9". Maybe 6'8".
Anonymous said on 9/Jan/08
What a monster! I'd say 6'8, 525 lbs.
Alex2 said on 9/Jan/08
6'7 sounds spot on for him, maybe over 500lbs, he should be a wrestler lol
Viper said on 9/Jan/08
Alex, Hes somewhere near the 500 pound mark.
Viper said on 9/Jan/08
Is true that he doesnt have the best posture here.
Andre said on 9/Jan/08
Wasnt he the bodyguard of Snoop at one point??
lillo thomas said on 9/Jan/08
I think that he look 6-8 . Glenn is closer to the camera but still reach his shoulder level.
glenn said on 9/Jan/08
thanks korben and everyone for the interest!
Alex said on 9/Jan/08
He's def bigger than Big Black from Rob and Big and Big Black is 6'5-6'6 410lbs.
glenn said on 9/Jan/08
i asked him if he was 6-7 which is what i estimated.he then told me he was 6-9.
glenn said on 9/Jan/08
supes78-and furthermore,look at all the posts and attention need to bow down to supes rob.he is clearly a whiner who doest appreciate the 1000+ pics i put up here for free.
glenn said on 9/Jan/08
supes78-your stepping on my toes here too cause its my pic that i deemed interesting enough to post.i guess you never realised he has more attention and posts on the snoop page than snoop himself.and this guy is an my post and stop complaining.i send more a-list than the letter a pages in the phone book.daniel day lewis is a-list my man.
Korben said on 9/Jan/08
Yeahhh finally a pic with jumbo, awesom pic nice work Glenn. looks 204-206cm
Derek said on 9/Jan/08
Maybe not 6'9", but not less than 6'8". Even with Glenn a bit closer to the camera, he's still around Jumbo's shoulders. Either way, it's not like anyone is going to argue with Jumbo.
Danimal said on 9/Jan/08
6'8"-6'9" and looks to be at least 495 pounds and it wouldn't surprise me if he was around 565 pounds. He's a truck. Bigger that Viscera.
nick said on 9/Jan/08
glenn is a lot closer to the camera
Austrian said on 9/Jan/08
awesome :D
Alex2 said on 9/Jan/08
Yes i agree Rob,his large framemay makehim appear to look smaller
D. Ray Morton said on 8/Jan/08
"Now if we could only get a weight..."
To quote the late, great Gorilla Monsoon: "Oh, he's over 500..."
Alex said on 8/Jan/08
Viper, I could see 6'7 but what about his weight? I'd say 490-510lbs.
Glenn, you're lucky he wasn't hungry there. He looks like he could eat you and most guys. He's HUGE.
Atoadaso said on 8/Jan/08
Looks 6'7" to me.
Mr. T said on 8/Jan/08
You guys kidding? Definitely 6'9". Picture a regular ruler on Glenn's head and he hits it, and this guy clearly doesn't have great posture.
supes78 said on 8/Jan/08
Uh, you're starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel with "celebrities" now aren't you, Rob? What's next, "Price is Right" contestants?

Editor Rob
this is a one off.
brother_h said on 8/Jan/08
he is tall. he's taller than snoop and snoop is 6'3 or 6'4. this guy was with snoop in auckland airport and he had a chin on snoop. i thought he was 7'0 when i saw him.
he even looks 6'9
Anthony said on 8/Jan/08
He looks between 6'8 to 6'9 to me.
Braden said on 8/Jan/08
Doesn't matter if he isnt 6'9" even if he is only 6'6" or 6'7" thats still Tall.
Alex2 said on 8/Jan/08
No way 6'9 comparing him to Kane, Taker, Nash, just no way!

Editor Rob
maybe we're best not arguing with this guy...
Eclipse said on 8/Jan/08
Awesome!! I'm glad he finally has his own page!!! Now if we could only get a weight...
Anonymous said on 8/Jan/08
This guy doesn't look taller than 6'7 in this pic
Derek said on 8/Jan/08
I can't believe Jumbo agreed to take a photo. Does look around 6'9" and Glenn is closer to the camera.
ck said on 8/Jan/08
I think he looks more 6'6"-6'7" to be honest accountinf=g for the cap.
Viper said on 8/Jan/08
Looks smaller in overall size here compared to the Snoop picture. And I see 6-7 in the pic.
Antron said on 8/Jan/08
indeed it is! Nice...
Alex said on 8/Jan/08
Looks more 6'7-6'8. For his weight, 500lbs?
D. Ray Morton said on 8/Jan/08
Yes! Is that Snoop's guy?