Mohammed-170cm said on 26/Dec/21
Isn't 176 a better listing?

Editor Rob
A chance of that...would be lowest I'd have guessed
Elene said on 6/Aug/21
176 cm
JohnMoore-162cm said on 15/Apr/20
Gethin is 176 cm more than 177 cm , He is so nice
khaled taban said on 29/Dec/19
Very accurate listing.
Peter 179cm said on 28/Dec/18
Yeah around 5'9.5 seems fine but more a 176cm guy than 177.
Nik said on 3/Aug/18
I don't doubt that he is said height'
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 17/May/18
Keep in mind that Rob's about 5'8 1/8"-1/4", so 176.5 is right.
Tunman said on 15/May/18
Rather 176 than 7 if we rely on the chart.
World Citizen said on 15/Feb/18
I will give him 5 ft 9.25
Bobby said on 12/Jan/18
Looks like a 1.5-inch difference here.
John Davis said on 16/Aug/17
@Jack 5ft 9.5 is above average height
Jack said on 3/Jul/16
I agree with 'Concerned 181 cm'. Does not fit the physical build, nor the natural charisma. Average height, average looking.
They were spot on with the likes of Drogo, Brienne, the Cleganes, but the casting of the Baratheons left a lot to be desired with regards to physical stature.
Patrick 5foot9 said on 18/Jan/16
1.76.0m bedtime height?
You told me once, you list the dudes at their afternoon height. So whats the worst for this one here, rob?

Editor Rob
afternoon on average won't be much different from evening, we are talking a little fraction. He could be somewhere in 176-7 zone.
Concerned 181 cm said on 22/Aug/14
I'll never get why they cast this guy as Renly. Renly in the books, like his brothers, was described as this big muscular guy well over six feet tall (I estimate 6'3 from GRRM's comments) with green eyes, long black hair, and a charismatic, arrogant, greedy, and confident personality.
Gethin is of totally and completely average height, has brown hair and brown eyes, and plays the character as a skinny, indecisive, and weak guy who has to be pushed to do anything.
Now that I think about it, they didn't really bother casting tall actors for these three really tall characters at all. Show Robert is also of totally average height, and Show Stannis, while tall, is still several inches shorter than his book counterpart.
little sue said on 7/Feb/14
How nice to see some good looking blokes on the site, Gethin not bad either!

Editor Rob
yeah he's not too bad...suits his longer hairstyle..ladies seemed to like him....I'd love to get my curly hair grown but it's bad enough trying to guess celeb hair thickness so I keep it shortish ;-)
lelman said on 6/Feb/14
Yeah looks about 176-177. Strong 5'9er.