Jordan87 said on 30/Nov/17
The pic you posted shows Ray Fisher Dropping a bit of Posture with Henry and he still looks Over 2" Taller. Look at it. Henry is Standing Straight, meanwhile look at Fisher's legs.
Jackson said on 30/Nov/17
Jordan87 calm down you seem a little aggressive buddy. Henry isn’t under 6’0.5” and you trying to tell me other wise because of some online height chart isn’t going to work... haha..
John said on 30/Nov/17
jordan87 lol stop
trolling Henry is not under 6'0". You obviously have some serious hatred built up towards the guy lol
Jordan87 said on 30/Nov/17
On My Below Posts, Forgot to CC John as well. Those are for Jackson and John FYI.
Jordan87 said on 30/Nov/17
@ Jackson,
Click Here
Click Here
Use the Height chart. Henry comes up to the 6'0 Mark when compared to Hammer. Use the height Chart. Stop Using Hammer b/c you just proved he is under 6'0. Thanks!!!
Jordan87 said on 30/Nov/17
Click Here
Cavill comes up usually to right at hammer's Eye level whgich is 6'0 in the mug shot, take away Hammer's shoes and Henry is sub 6 foot. Use the chart.
Jordan87 said on 30/Nov/17
@ Jackson,
Here is your Boy Hammer looking a lot taller than Mr. Cavill then the one you posted where they are both looking down. Around 4.5" Taller than Cavill. Nice try, using a shot where the difference looks less compared to a variety of other Pics with Hammer and Cavill.
Click Here
Jordan87 said on 30/Nov/17
Click Here
Henry next to 6'4" Listed, Yes Listed Roger Gracie. Oh no!!!!!
Your first two pictures hase Hammer in the Front of the Group, thus showing him as taller. I have to tell you this about your own picture you are posting?
His Mug shot takes precedence over pics with other celebs at angles. Looks like Joe is leaning also, you can't see posture. If that is the case I will use this picture again ( Below) Showing 6'4 listed Gracie 4.5" Taller than Cavill. Would not make sense would it? My Point use full body pics.
Click Here
And for the Record, Fisher's ( WHose height has been more or less confirmed) I will use over any of the pics you posted. ( Get me Better pics showing full body and posture.)
The Pics I posted show Fisher and Cavill, Same posture and FUll Body pics. Wake up.
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 30/Nov/17
One shouldn't just solely base their estimates off of how tall a celebrity stands by just one celebrity, as there are many variables that can make them appear taller or shorter than they really are by them.
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 30/Nov/17
@Jordan87 There's so many things wrong with that photo, aside from the not-so-obvious footwear advantage:
1. Henry Cavill to be taller than
Ben Affleck and Jason Mamoa in that photo ( yes, he actually does), when he both know that's not the case.
2. Ray Fisher is noticeably taller than Jason Mamoa, when that's not the case. He's another celebrity whose height isn't really just 'speculation'.
3. Do you notice how Ray Fisher's head suddenly appears to be smaller than it normally does in photos? There is a reason as to why it does, and that's because Ray Fisher is stretching his neck/head up in that photo. Depending on which facial shape somebody has, that can make somebody appear to be taller than they actually are. In Ray's case, it easily makes him appear to be taller than he actually is.
Here's a photo where Ray isn't stretching his head/doing any weird tricks to appear taller by Henry Cavill:
Click Here
Ray Fisher still has a footwear advantage by Henry Cavill d@Jordan87 There's so many things wrong with that photo, aside from the not-so-obvious footwear advantage:
1. Henry Cavill to be taller than
Ben Affleck and Jason Mamoa in that photo ( yes, he actually does), when he both know that's not the case.
2. Ray Fisher is noticeably taller than Jason Mamoa, when that's not the case. He's another celebrity whose height isn't really just 'speculation'.
3. Do you notice how Ray Fisher's head suddenly appears to be smaller than it normally does in photos? There is a reason as to why it does, and that's because Ray Fisher is stretching his neck/head up in that photo. Depending on which facial shape somebody has, that can make somebody appear to be taller than they actually are. In Ray's case, it easily makes him appear to be taller than he actually is.
Here's a photo where Ray isn't stretching his head/doing any weird tricks to appear taller by Henry Cavill:
Click Here
Ray Fisher still has a footwear advantage by Henry Cavill. Jason Mamoa is a celebrity who Rob has met, and he's at worst a fraction shy of 6'4" (with the height chart that typically downgrade celebrities on this site actually agreeing with me), and he also appears it by Rob, considering the fact that 5'8"-5'8 1/8" Rob comes up just below Jason's head, in the same footwear (which is typically around an 8" inch difference, considering Jason's head size). Jason generally appears to be about 4 CM taller than Ray Fisher when both stand up straight, with Henry appearing to be around 3"-3 1/4" inches shorter.
Jordan87 said on 30/Nov/17
All you have to do is look and you will see its more than One Picture of Henry and Fisher, and they are good pictures to boot b/c they are right next to each other with Equal Posture.
If hammer was 6'4.5" he would have looked over 6'4 in a mug shot with Shoes on.
" he looks it all the time". Really, with who that has been confirmed at a height? Share.
If Cavil is 6'0.5, Fisher is at least 6'2.75", which isn't the case, see Ray Fisher's Page with Rob and Rob's description of Ray's Footwear.
Yes the Fisher picture is one Picture, but a very good one. Rob has recently been saying Fisher is around 6'2.
Johno said on 30/Nov/17
Looks about 2.5-inches difference between Fisher and Cavil in that last picture Jordan posted.
James said on 30/Nov/17
Click Here
No more than 1.84.
James said on 30/Nov/17
I agree with @Jordan87. Very accurate guesses!
John said on 29/Nov/17
@Jordan87 oh please.. stop.. I'm about to show you how wrong you are... Armie Hammer under 6'4.5"? Laughable. Cavil is 6'1"
Click Here Armie next to 6'4.75" listed Joe Mangienelo who Rob has met.
Click Here Armie next to 6'5.5" listed Calvin Harris
Click Here Armie next to the 6'5" Winklevoss Twins
Click Here AND last but not least Armie next to Henry Cavil who is nowhere near being under 6'0.5"
Jackson said on 29/Nov/17
Jordan87 stop trying to find one single picture that fits your claim. You constantly try do downgrade people who don't need it. Hammer is very much 6'4.5". He looks it all the time. Cavil isn't under 6'0.5". You sound rediculous saying hammer is nowhere near 6'4.5" when he looks it all the time
Jordan87 said on 28/Nov/17
@ Celebheights,
Cavil I hear was 203 pounds for DOJ. To me he looked his " Biggest" In that Film. Henry is by far the thickest of the Superman Actors when talking about raw muscle.
Reeve reported he was 221 for Superman 1978 ( Rob Posted a New Quote on the Christopher Reeve Page). He looked Bigger in Superman 3, and Smaller in Superman 4. ( For some reason in Superman 4 as a 35 year old man he was quite a bit thinner)
Jordan87 said on 28/Nov/17
Click Here
I see there is a slight footwear advantage for Fisher, but this Pic seals the deal for me as Far as Henry being about 6'0. Why?
Fisher has him by around 2.75" Here, maybe 2.5" taking the footwear into account. Even if Fisher was at tall asw 6'2.25" ( Which I feel he barely scraps 6'2 with you, especially since he had higher footwear) I cannot see Henry at 6'0.25-6'0.5" anymore. I am banking on 6' as in a pretty even 72" tall.
Jordan87 said on 28/Nov/17
@ Celebheights,
You're bringing up tons of Celebs that we have more speculation on their height than a guy like Fisher who has a Picture with Rob ( WHo Mentions Ray has more footwear).
Momoa at 6'3? Nah A little taller, but doesn't look the 6'4 with Rob.
Armie Hammer at 6'3.5"? No, but His mug shot shows him at 6'4 with shoes so it's not completely nutz.
I go by Fisher since I myself feel 90 percent chance he isn't over 6'2.
Look at the pictures I posted. Cavill looks a weak 6'0 next to the weak 6'2 Fisher. 5'11.75 is not off the table if you ask me. Affleck at 187cm is possible since most of the time he is shorter than Fisher ( 6'2). You or Dreampuffe has not been able to explain the Fisher pics away this as of yet and you guys ( Very SImilar I may add...Wink WInk) are the most frequent guys posting on Henry being 6'0.5", and AGain as of yet have not been able to explain away the Fisher pics with Henry, therefore I am not convinced of any 6'0.5".
You are welcome to comment on the Fisher Pics , yes the Fisher Pics...a man who has an actual Photo next to a 5'8 man in Rob, not a roster of celebs who we have no idea of their actual height except with the Sub 6'4, yes Sub 6'4
Jason Momoa who has Pics with Henry that are not as Good as the ones I have found of Fisher and Henry ( Standing with the same posture, right next to each other).
Jordan87 said on 28/Nov/17
Armie Hammer was 6'4 in a mug shot with Shoes on. Check it. He is not way 6'4-1/2".
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 28/Nov/17
The heights and the weights of all of the Superman actors:
Tom Welling (I'm going to count the Smallville Superman):
Out of bed: 192.7 CM
Before bed: 190.2 CM
Weight: It's actually kind of hard to guess his weight, but I would estimate that he weighed in at roughly 210-215 pounds in Superman Returns
Christopher Reeve:
Out of bed: 194.7 CM
Before bed: 192.1 CM
Weight: He looked more 190-195 pounds in his earlier days, but then looked around 220-225 pounds later on.
Brandon Routh:
Out of bed: 192.6 CM
Before bed: 190.1 CM
Weight: About 210 pounds.
Henry Cavill:
Out of bed: 186.9-187 CM out ofbed
Before bed: 184.8 CM
Weight: It varies, depending on which role we're talking about. He looked as if he was well-toned, with an average weight in Immortals. So I would estimate that he weigh in at 190 pounds in that movie, but he easily weighed in at 205-210 pounds in Man of Steel.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 28/Nov/17
Rory has a point when he said that Rob met Fisher personally so Rob has the most knowledge about Fisher's height, but you're right. Some people here can't think for themselves and always go along with Rob's listings as if somehow Rob's a perfect "height God".
Jackson said on 27/Nov/17
Cavil isn’t under 6’0.5” next to 6’4.5” Armie Hammer. Henry looks 6’1 most of the time.
Jordan87 said on 27/Nov/17
Best Pic Yet.
Click Here
6'2" Ray FIsher and the Struggling 6'0 ( Likely under - at least in this photo) Henry Cavill.
The are both standing straight, Not like the other pics where Fisher is leaning.
Again, I know one thing. For you guys to COnvince me Henry is anything over 6'0, you have to get me to believe Fisher is something around 6'2-1/2", or 6'2-3/4 Even.
Look at those Pics!??? Fisher is easily 2-1/2" On Henry. Easily.
Jordan87 said on 27/Nov/17
Click Here
FIsher is 2.5" Min taller than Cavill. You guys are going to have to make an argument for Fisher being a full 6'3 for Henry to be 6'0.5". Good Luck with that By the way.

Editor Rob
Fisher does have more footwear, more-so compared to Affleck than Cavill, though still possibly 1cm
Celebheights 6'1.5" said on 27/Nov/17
If Henry Cavill was 5'11 3/4", like some people on here like to suggest:
Ben Affleck would be 186-187 CM tall (which is ridiculous, as a lot of us on here have shown)
-Kevin Costner would be 6'0"
-Kellan Lutz would be 5'11 1/2"
-Chris Evans would be 5'10 3/4"-5'11"
-Mark Strong would be 6'0 3/4"
-David Beckham would be 5'10"-5'10 1/4"
-Michael Shannon would be 6'2 1/2"
-Jamie Dornan would be 5'9 3/4" (at best)
-Christopher Nolan would be 5'10"
-Elizabeth Debicki would be 6'0 3/4"
-Arnie Hammer would be 6'3 1/2"
-Russel Crowe would be 5'9"-5'9 1/4"
-Jason Mamoa would be 6'3", which is ridiculous considering that Rob has met him and has him listed at the full 6'4". He typically appears to be imposing in a way that a 6'3" male wouldn't be able to do so.
-Tom Hardy would be 5'8 1/2", when he's really over 5'9".
-Will Smith would be 6'0 1/2", which is complete and utter insanity.
So 5'11 3/4" is completely crazy.
Jordan87 said on 27/Nov/17
Hope Rob doesn't tell you to jump off a bridge, b/c then I guess it's Goodbye?
Make your own Opinions. I respect Mr. ROb Big time but If everyone agreed with him, what the point of the Site.
187cm? No. How about 6'2 though taking into account that Rob also Mentioned Ray Has a Footwear Advantage. Pay attention to all the facts, not just the ones that fit your agenda.
Jordan87 said on 27/Nov/17
Also @ Dreampuffe,
Joe Manganiello is easily shown over 6'4 on that Chart. I do not see what you are talking about. Routh is clearly shown over 6'2 on the chart.
I have Manganiello at 6'4.5 and Routh at around 6'2.25. and FIsher at 6'2.
Fisher is not even 6'2 on his chart and I am still giving him 6'2 So Not sure what the problem is really. Again, Henry is a good, very good 2" shorter in any credible picture I have seen with Him and Fisher standing right next to each other with Equal Posture. If fisher is 6'2, that doesn't put Henry at 6'0.5"my dude.
FIsher: 6'2
Cavil: 6'
Affleck: ( Shorter than Fisher, may be ny just a little)
Momoa: 6'3ish at Least.
Miller: Not sure yet
Jordan87 said on 27/Nov/17
@ Dreampuffe,
Click Here
Scroll to the second Picture. isher at 6'2 ( I gave him 6'2 though he looked shorter, read my below posts) easily 2.25" On Henry. Equal Posture, Henry is making sure he is standing straight lol.
Sorry Man,
FIsher: 6'2
Cavill: 6'0
Jake T. said on 27/Nov/17
I still believe the full 6'1 for Cavill.
Johno said on 26/Nov/17
Yeah, i believe Fisher's height can at least be reasonably and reliably estimated regardless of what we believe Cavil's height is and Rob's comparisons should take precedence.
Dreampuffe(5'9.5") said on 26/Nov/17
Fisher’s height isn’t under 6’2” as most people said. Here’s your info on the guidelines.
Click Here
I can say the same thing about Brandon Routh being downgraded to 6’2” going by your logic and David Tennant would be only 6’0” at best. (Routh’s hair adds too much to his height.)
Jack Coleman would be 6’1” at best going by your logic.
Joe Manganiello would only be 6’3” at best (The thought of that is just ridiculous.)
Brett Dalton would be 5’10” at best (while he’s 6’1.75”-6’2”).
Zachary Levi would be 6’1” at best, going by your logic. (That thought just.zz dumb)
Tom Hopper would be 6’4” at best (absolute bull locks on this one too!)
Ask yourself this. Why does Rob list every celebrity as he sees them as and keep the guidelines?
Here’s your answer (from Brett Dalton’s page)->
Click Here
Rob said that you can guess his head length since most users would know the size of it. Most of these guidelines would be to guess a celebrities head length.
Dreampuffe(5'9.5") said on 26/Nov/17
Fisher’s height isn’t under 6’2” as most people said. Here’s your info on the guidelines.
Click Here
I can say the same thing about Brandon Routh being downgraded to 6’2” going by your logic and David Tennant would be only 6’0” at best. (Routh’s hair adds too much to his height.)
Jack Coleman would be 6’1” at best going by your logic.
Joe Manganiello would only be 6’3” at best (The thought of that is just ridiculous.)
Brett Dalton would be 5’10” at best (while he’s 6’1.75”-6’2”).
Zachary Levi would be 6’1” at best, going by your logic. (That thought just.zz dumb)
Ask yourself this. Why does Rob list every celebrity as he sees them as and keep the guidelines?
Here’s your answer (from Brett Dalton’s page)->
Click Here
Rob said that you can guess his head length since most users would know the size of it.
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 26/Nov/17
He really doesn't look to be any shorter than Kevin Costner does here:
Click Here
Jackson said on 25/Nov/17
Henry is not under 6’0.5” next to 6’4.5” Armie hammer that’s for sure! Cavil looks a strong 6’1 next to Armie hammer.
Lion said on 25/Nov/17
Fisher: full 6'2.25"
Affleck: full 6'2.25"
Momoa: weak 6'4."
Cavill: full 6'0.5
Dreampuffe(5'9.5") said on 25/Nov/17
That’s not the point of the chart. The chart is meant to measure a celebrity’s ‘head size.’
If you look back at Brett Dalton’s page, Rob mentions that users can know Rob’s ‘head size’ rather than the actual height of them.
Rey said on 25/Nov/17
@Jordan87 for sometime I pressured Rob and the board to increase Rick Springfield's height. I am proud to say it happened. I don't see how Rob lists Stallone --Bizarro world. I would put 500.00 that Tom Cruise is taller than Sly Stallone. I opened the limo door for Stallone at Planet Hollywood, in Houston. He has well heeled boots and has a very small frame. Maybe the tip of his hair was 5'8'max. The crowd and myself were stunned.
Jordan87 said on 24/Nov/17
Fishers height is more definite than cooper's and the others you mentioned.
The fact the fisher doesn't hit 6'2" on the chart , combined with the fact he had footwear advantage over rob, will not get him 6'2.25", I really don't care what anyone has to say there, I'm pretty sold mr. Fisher is not over 6'2", putting Henry under 6'0.5 for sure.
Cooper'a height is speculation , much more than fisher's. Why? I shouldn't have to state that.
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 23/Nov/17
Ben Affleck actually gave. off a taller impression by Jon Hamm than Tim Tebow did:
Click Here
Click Here
Keep in mind that Tim Tebow was measured at over 6'2".
Dreampuffe(5'9.5 said on 23/Nov/17
Again, most of the lines are slightly off. If that were the case then every celebrity would need a downgrade.
Fisher at 187 cms is actually a lot more ridiculous than it is. He edges out Affleck. Routh would need a downgrade to 6'2" if that were the case since Rob mentioned that Ray and Routh are very close.
I firmly believe Cavill is a solid 184 cm to a weak 185 cm. Going by the Justice League Premiere, Cavill only has dress shoes. Affleck wears vans. Gal wore heals. The rest of them have literally boots on if not suspicious footwear.
Cavill does edge out Dominic Purcell, Kellan Lutz, and even Bradley Cooper in that weird photo.
Rory said on 22/Nov/17
All those saying Ray Fisher is 187cm use your brain for a second. Rob who guesses height for a living has actually met him and lists him at 188.5..guess who I'm going to believe ?
Don Spa?a said on 22/Nov/17
1.84.5 works well for this guy.
Jordan87 said on 21/Nov/17
Real Cavill,
Yeah I mean Say Christopher Reeve is 6'3 Instead of 6'4 for instance. At 6'3 he still would be taller than Everyone in the Modern Justice League Cast save for Momoa. Affleck, Miller, and Fisher are all under 6'3 So yeah I mean Reeve would still stand out.
I Saw JL this Weekend, Cavill in certain Shots looked taller than Affleck but that was obviously in those money SHots. Henry does not really pull off " Tall " In the shots when he is walking among regular people.
I am going to end this statement saying I am not a Henry hater by any means.
1. I wouldn't mind looking like him for a day.
2. I think He is 6'0 Tall
3. He pulls off the Role as Superman Decent enough.
4. Snyder needs to learn how to build characters better in his films.
Israel/1.87 said on 19/Nov/17
henry is 1.83 in his photos with ray fisher that is 1.87 at the most and ben being 1.86 just an inch bigger than cavill, I do not understand how they believe ben is 1.89 ray 1.90 is henry 1,85 own jason mamoa has 1.92 not 193
Real Cavill said on 19/Nov/17
I think we all know by now that Henry Cavill is six foot or maybe even a little under, but people are still trying to debate his height upwards which lends credibility to my point that Superman needs to be much taller like he is in the comic books. It's like the people arguing for a 6'1" Cavill want their Superman to be taller than he really is because they need their hero to be larger than life. Please choose a taller Superman in the future Hollywood!
Jordan87 said on 18/Nov/17
Yeah dreampuffe,
His picture is awsome f you are making a case for Henry being sub 6 foot its very awsome for reasons I clearly metioned below.
If you are trying to make a case ( and I am betting you are) for Henry being over 6 foot, don't use those pictures bc that would be just silly old friend .
Dreampuffe(5'9.5") said on 17/Nov/17
@Celebheights Awesome!
Jordan87 said on 17/Nov/17
@ Celebheights 6'1.5",
Are you kidding with that Picture?
1. Ray Fisher is actually leaning in on one knee with Henry if you look again at your Picture while Henry is standing straight. I am not sure what you mean by " If Henry straightened up in the photo"
2. Ray Fisher is certainly not 6'2-1/2", He really is 6'2 tops with Rob ( Rob has a great picture with him, Fisher looks 6'1.75" in it actually with some slight footwear advantage, clear as day, the man isn't over 6'2, )
3. Therefore Henry is about 6'0. Fisher has Cavill ( In your Picture you Posted ) already by 2" and Fisher himself is dropping Posture. Your picture actually makes me Think Cavill is even Shorter than 6'0.25", where are you getting 6'0.75" from still?
4. I will use your Picture you posted to actually make a Case now for Henry being shorter than 6'0.25 b/c if FIsher stood straight he would be 2.5" Taller than Henry lol.
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 17/Nov/17
A recent photo of Henry Cavill with
Ben Affleck and Ray Fisher:
Click Here
In this photo:
Jason Mamoa-6'4"
Ben Affleck-6'2 1/4-1/2"-He's just dropping a bit of height, as you can see with how his legs are positioned. No, he's not 185-187 CM tall like a lot of people on Celebheights believe now.
Ray Fisher-6'2 1/2"-He's definitely not 6'2" flat or under it.
Henry Cavill-6'0 3/4" if he straightened up in the photo.
Ezra Miller-5'11"-He does have a footwear advantage, so I'm just guessing this. I'm not familiar with him, but he did look the same as Eddie Redmayne if I recall correctly.
Gal Gadot-5'9 1/2"
Dreampuffe(5'9.5") said on 16/Nov/17
He edged out Kellan Lutz, Dominic Purcell, and even Bradley Cooper.
Real Cavill said on 16/Nov/17
They didn't post my link. For a bad time and if you want to feel uneasy go to Youtube and Search "Anakin and Padme rolling around." To Hayden's credit I thought he was good looking enough for the role. These days there's some movement about putting average or below average people on the screen because that's more realistic and it will somehow draw in more regular and below average viewers? Regular people want to see good looking people. Do you walk around all day checking out regular people or is it the good looking people that catch our eyes? We're debating height because that's somehow associated with being better. So don't accept a six foot Henry Cavill Superman or the next thing you know they'll be making another 5'10" Michael Keaton Batman or a well adjusted, polite Wolverine.
Real Cavill said on 15/Nov/17
Click Here
Here it is. Sheesh, I had to watch the clip to make sure it was the right one. You owe me bros.
Jordan87 said on 14/Nov/17
@ Real Cavill,
" I got a strange feeling like I passed gas and someone might smell it. I'm thinking his acting made me feel that way."
Oh Man I had a good laugh at that. Yeah, Lucas's dialogue did not help that either. As far as Size, Yes Henry doesn't give a " Tall" Impression in the sense that he would stand out in a room. Yes Henry at 6' feet is still on a taller side, he is not going to stand out in a Room Like Christopher Reeve or Dave Prowse.
Real Cavill said on 14/Nov/17
@Jordan87 - Darth Vader is a very good example that height matters and size matters. Even I can beat up Hayden if I wanted that's bad! I should feel like Darth Vader can beat me up. He must be very tall and heavy to scare people. Darth Vader has to be the biggest guy in the room or at least one of the biggest. Same for Superman. I guess with special effects and shorter bad guys they made the movie work okay, but some people can look at Henry and we can tell he's a shorter man and it doesn't work for me.
You mentioned Hayden's acting and that explains something to me I've been thinking about for a long time. Not every day just sometimes it comes to me when I see something weird. I think about Hayden and Natalie Portman rolling around on the hills. I got a strange feeling like I passed gas and someone might smell it. I'm thinking his acting made me feel that way.
Jordan87 said on 13/Nov/17
Real Cavill,
Height does certainly matter to a point. A Good Example is Darth Vader. Ok, I am not a prequel Basher but alot was left on the table I thought could have been better. Hayden Playing Anakin was odd to me, why? Hayden is 6'0, about 175 pounds. Dave Prowse was 6'4, 6'5" and around 250 pounds. Now they explain the difference in Size in the way that Vader's Mechanical Legs added height, which ok in the Sci Fi world makes sense, but i still found it hard seeing Skinny Hayden taking the role. His acting was not the greatest, ( that's my biggest problem ) but the Size and presence thing did get to me in the beginning. Least Henry is a decent actor,whereas Hayden.....good God he was awful.
Real Cavill said on 11/Nov/17
Hi Jordan, tall folks, average folks, short folks, slightly above average folks. I wrote a response that never got posted about GSP. My point was you are totally right. Also if you look up GSP and his parents, GSP's Dad looks about 6'1" or 6'2" though he may take after his Mom. I read GSP got bullied when he was a kid because he was small. He may have been a late bloomer. I figure he started lifting weights early and stunted his growth. However, it doesn't seem to stunt outward growth, just upwards - hence his longer arms.
Also, I saw pics of Henry Cavill with his real life brother Nik Cavill. They were at some walkathon something or other event and everyone was dressed very similar. While Henry is still medium tall, he looks like he's in the 15% of top tallness compared to everyone. That's 5'11.5"-6'0". I mean, you can't tell how tall everyone is, but it seems to be a decent sample size of the Caucasian population. When you put all the evidence together he is looking more like 5'11.5"
Yes, I agree he has a good body for Superman but I still think he's not imposing enough. When you look at him in that Walkathon pic he's not imposing enough compared to the population and Superman has to be intimidating and this is based on psychology. It used to be a rule that State Troopers had to be minimum 6'2" for that very reason but they had to change the rule so that it wouldn't discriminate against women. And for those who think 6'0" is still tall enough I can respect that but the fact that you say it's "tall enough" means you accept the reality that height matters in Superman's case. If that's true, then some appointed group has to say how tall is tall enough and I say it's 6'3" minimum but not over 6'5" or else he's a Super Basketball Man.
Rory said on 10/Nov/17
I think he's 1.5 inches shorter than Ray fisher and Affleck.
houss said on 10/Nov/17
Actually I wouldn't call Henry near 6'1" anymore after seeing him with Fisher, and actually i'm Speaking more to your point, I think he at 6'0.25" is still tall enough for the role.
superman supposed to be the tallest caracter in the JL and i don't think he has the perfect body for the role , i think there are many other actors who can play the role like liam hesworth , Oliver Jackson-Cohen ,
HeightMan said on 9/Nov/17
He seems to have an endomorphic body build. Interesting.
Jordan87 said on 9/Nov/17
Real Cavill,
Not Sure, I mean I have him lower than 6'1, b/c lets face it , he is not that height, likely an inch shorter but even for a 6 footer his arms look a bit short to me. He does have a naturally boxy shape so I guess that could add to it. PLus he added alot of muscle to his arms thickening them for the role which will make them look shorter. Eh, My Point is I orginally had him as low as 5'11.5, then I thought there were times when he looked 6'0.5", but again there are Some Pics like with the 6'4" Gracie and Ray Fisher where he looks 6'0.
A Guy like GSP ( UFC Fighter) is about 5'9, 5'10" and his arms are much longer than Henry's, you could just tell.
Real Cavill said on 8/Nov/17
Great detective work bros. I have a question. Have you ever looked at something and it was just off because it is? Henry's arms are short for his height because he is not 6'1" and your brain is telling you that. He has the arms and torso of someone 5'11"-6'0 because he is.
I don't believe Superman was ever 6'1". Proof from Action Comics? If he was 6'1" then everyone in the Justice League is 5'10" and under which is huge in Asia, but they're based out of the United States where they'd be just above average. The idea is to look UP to Superheroes that's why they're Super among us ordinary people. DC Wikia is more authoritative and based on current techniques than an old action comics where his height was not scientifically measured, but likely eyeballed or an error.
Here we have a comic strip where Kal Son of El is in for a routine physical, shirtless. We can assume his height was measured barefoot using a medical scale.
Click Here
It doesn't match the facts to have a medium tall Superman just like it was terrible when they cast Dean Cain as Superman. That guy has a womanizer face not a protector. Do you want Superman to womanize your woman when he comes to save the day? At super speed no one will even know what happened. You can't trust a guy like Dean Cain. Terry Hatcher didn't look like a journalist either not with those implants. I think they got the definition of Super wrong in that series.
Jordan87 said on 7/Nov/17
@ Anonymous & Rampage,
I doubt Henry Losses more than an Inch from the Morning seeing as him looking over 6'0.5 is looking slimmer and slimmer now thanks to Rob's discovery of Ray Fisher's True height ( 6'2" TOps), seems to bring down the height of most of the cast of DCEU, especially Affleck as of late.
I think Cavill is 6'0.25 in the Am, and By PM is about 6'. Not all, but Majority of the Pics with Fisher, Cavill looks a good 1.75" Shorter than the 6'2 tops Fisher. ( SOme are continuing to argue if Fisher is 6'1.75" which is actually what he looks in his pic with Rob, I still have him at 6'2" to be Safe.)
Peter175 said on 6/Nov/17
Yeah he really is sub 6ft1. No way is he the full 6'1. I think he's taller than Chris Pine though.
Slim 184 said on 6/Nov/17
184.5. He does have those short arms like McConaughey.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Nov/17
186.5cm straight out is possible.
Anonymous said on 4/Nov/17
6'1.25" in the morning (186.1-2 cm).
Jordan87 said on 3/Nov/17
New SHots from the Cast. Fisher Has Affleck by almost and inch but Affleck has the Footwear Disadvantage, and Ray has Henry by 2.5"in the shot where they are both standing straight however again Ray's Footwear is more than Henries.
Henry is def closer to 6' than 6'1 now Since Fisher's Height with Rob Debuted here showing him to be no taller than 6'2". Especially when you consider Ray's Footwear with Rob, Some folks there are debating 6'1.75" which seems also Possible.
I still got Fisher at 6'2", But Affleck is Now ( As of 2017) Sub 6'2", and Henry maybe 1/4" over the 6'0 mark, again thanks to Rob's Great Pic with Fisher.
Click Here
Jordan87 said on 3/Nov/17
@Dreampuffe ( 5'9.5")
Actually I wouldn't call Henry near 6'1" anymore after seeing him with Fisher, and actually i'm Speaking more to your point, I think he at 6'0.25" is still tall enough for the role.
Dreampuffe(5'9.5") said on 3/Nov/17
The original Superman (when action comics first debut) was listed at 6’1”.
Being nearly 6’1” like Cavill is fine. I don’t see the complaint about it.
HEALTHY LEGS said on 2/Nov/17
His arms are abnormaly short for his height
Jordan87 said on 2/Nov/17
Real Cavill,
Correct About Frames. Reeve would have made Henry look on the Shorter SIde, Factoring in Reeves was over 3" Taller and Hand longer limbs in Proportion to his already tall frame. Henry has a Stocker appearance for his height, making him look shorter.
Reeve was 221 pounds at 6'3.5", Cavill 203 pounds ( DOJ weight) at 6'0.25. This being said I think Reeve would have have to be lik 245 pounds to actually match Henry's muscularity.
Reeve was a better Cast for Superman than Henry IMO, that doesn't Mean Henry was a Bad Casting. Reeve was just better for the Role....Doesn't mean Henry is bad for it.
Johno said on 2/Nov/17
I reckon Kal-El was in shoes when he got measured at 6'3.
Celebheights 6'1.5" said on 2/Nov/17
I'm going to assume that the ones who created these characters have no idea that people lose height throughout the day. Not many people seem to know this, as I've met people who are surprised when they obtain slightly different measurements each time (with them thinking that it's impossible to measure up at 5'9 1/2" if they measured up at 5'10" earlier in the day for example. I actually had no idea that this was a thing, up until I got two different measurements (which was when I became
Obsessed With Height). Height would actually be a far less intriguing discussion to debate on if we remained the same height throughout the day.
Jack The Smackhead said on 1/Nov/17
@Real Cavill: Bit harsh calling a 6ft man slightly above average haha. Personally I think he's tall enough, and like Peter said his build and looks couldn't get closer to the original cartoon superman imo. If he were 5'8 I would understand your point more maybe. In the comics, superman is only slightly taller than batman anyway. Besides, I don't think anyone watching the film would have really noticed.
Jordan87 said on 1/Nov/17
Peter 175,
Henry has the most accurate "Build" for Superman if we are talking about his Muscularity , no DOubt. Reeve was 221 at 6'3, 6'4" and Cavill is 203 at 6'0.25 ( IMO). Reeve had really really Long arms , even for his height.
Henry as Supes is no Issue for me, the issue was, again, Michael Shannon's Performance in MOS. And as Far as DOJ, I would advise anyone to see the Extended cut version, I feel it made a significant difference and tied in some very loose plot holes.
Peter175 said on 31/Oct/17
Just lost it at "slightly above average man". hahahahhahh.
I think he's tall enough though, a one inch lift to get him a bit closer to Affleck would be better. though I always thought superman was taller than batman. And nah, I doubt Gal could look taller than Henry without insanely high 4+ inch heels, which would never make it to a movie because of the impracticality of her fumbling around in them.
Anyway you can't deny he's amazingly good looks and build. I'd say a few inches is a small price to pay for perhaps the best physical representation of the man of steel of all time
Johno said on 31/Oct/17
Hmmm the strange thing here is that we could technically argue the height of the fictional hero in any comic universe.
For example, Superman is often listed as 6'3; was that morning or evening height? -- is he even susceptible to gravity's hold on his spine thus does he even lose daily height?
Also when the creators of Superman first visualised him, did they assign him the height of 6'3 because in their World 6'1 is almost 6'3? So is fictional Superman actually 6'2 at the most judging by real World body proportions and comparisons?
To me, Supes was always 6'2 at the most.
Real Cavill said on 30/Oct/17
Not bashing Henry but I am bashing Hollywood and debating height which is what this site is all about. Comic book purists like me feel some change is okay because it has to match modern times but it can't be essential to the character's image or origin.
Superman's height as 6'4" is part of the image and it pisses me off that they made him six feet. He's SUPER man not slightly above average man. Cavill as Superman is like Wolverine without the bad attitude. It's unattractive Wonder Woman, a not quite genius Professor X, Daredevil who could see, skinny Captain America, a female Joker. Actually a female joker would be cool. Also how is Wonder Woman supposed to marry Superman now? She's taller than him with her 3" heels.
HeightMan said on 30/Oct/17
In Dreampuffe's picture of all the "Justice League members" together, it is pretty obvious that Momoa is wearing lifts. Affleck has the "lowest" footwear. Going from this:
Fisher: 186
Affleck: 188
Miller: 180
Gadot: no guess, wears high-heels.
Momoa: 190
Jordan87 said on 30/Oct/17
Click Here
This Pic is Proof that I think Fisher is def. taller than Affleck which put's above 6'2 for Affleck very unlikely.
Fisher is 6'2" ( Not Taller-The Picture with ROb Doesn't do him Justice b/c he looks under 6'2 in it, He doesn't come near 6'2.25")
Affleck is 6'1.75" ( Fisher doesn't look a full inch taller, but its noticable. Ben is Certainly Shorter)
Cavill is 6'0.25 ( Easily 1.75" Shy of Fisher)
Jordan87 said on 30/Oct/17
Dreampuffe ( 5'9.5),
I do not think Cavill looks taller than Ray There, even with Ray's Looser Posture. Cavill I am Leaning towards lower then 6'0.5" , especially based on most Pics with Fisher now. ( Some people seem to think Fisher is still over 6'2 b/c Rob mentioned he gave that IMpression but with Rob there is no way he makes it over 6'2. )
Also if Momoa is looking 4" on Henry that Weird b/c Momoa is not a full 6'4, so I am not sure where the 4" are coming from in that pic. That would be odd b/c I still do not see Mr. Cavill as being SUb- 6'0.
Dreampuffe(5'9.5") said on 29/Oct/17
@John that is very true as well!
I still wouldn’t put Cavill below 184 cm.
Johno said on 29/Oct/17
Dreampuffe, in both of the pictures, Mamoa seems to be around 4-inches taller than Cavil [massive dude].
I agree, Affleck seems a bit low in them pictures. He has some flats on but still .
John said on 29/Oct/17
Everyone has boots/dress shoes except Affleck who is wearing vans. Not only that, but obviously Henry when standing side by side with Affleck is shorter...
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Dreampuffe(5'9.5 said on 29/Oct/17
For some weird reason (to be fair, Ray has his legs spread), Cavill looks taller than Affleck and Ray Fisher here. Momoa is packing more footwear.
Click Here
Dreampuffe(5'9.5") said on 29/Oct/17
He’s starting to look a lot taller than Affleck now.
Click Here
JJAK said on 28/Oct/17
Funny thing he often looks shorter than 5 11 guys being list 1.5 inches taller
seems odd.
Still shortest ubermensch I say weak 6 foot max too small.
Even skinny reeves was more convincing he had that weird tall guy machismo!
John said on 26/Oct/17
I wouldn't put him lower than 6'0.5' like Rob has him listed.
Jordan87 said on 26/Oct/17
Sure he can look 6'0.5", but not with Fisher now that Rob has more info on him. Take a look at Ray's page and a couple of pics I posted of him with Henry. Henry doesn't get 6'0.5 in those I feel. More 6, maybe and a 1/4".
FYI I still doubt he is under the 6 mark.
Jordan87 said on 26/Oct/17
Devon Larratt,
Fair Enough I guess. Never got People overly Bashing Henry, but It would seem people on this site are a little sensitive when an actor they like doesn't get their desired height. Not necessary on that page too much, but elsewhere, sure.
Devon Larratt said on 26/Oct/17
@Jordan87 Sorry I also did get upset by Cavill's height as Superman who is supposed to be 6'3"-6'4" in the comics. I also lost it when I saw the supposed to be 6'2"-6'3" Batman go from everything from Michael Keaton to George Clooney. When I want to see the average man take on the big guys I watch Bruce Lee or Spiderman and feel good. I watch Superman to see his size alone make the bad guys poop their pants. They're supposed to be imposing and at the upper end of the world's height. Then, the bad guys have to search for that rare coordinated, 6'9" guy or something to fight him and that's where it gets interesting. Watching a 6 foot Superman is like getting an A- instead of that A. I'll take an A- but if I'm shelling out good money then I want that A.
Slim 6' said on 25/Oct/17
Jordan87, the lowest I'd even try to argue is robs listing. He's nothing under 184 CM mate.
Jordan87 said on 25/Oct/17
Best Picture yet, If anything Ray is loosing posture there, def not Henry. Ray has a High eye level for his height but I do not think there is quite 2" between them here, more 1.75" Putting Mr. Cavill slightly over 6'0.
Click Here
Ray Fisher: 6'2" ( No Taller then 6'2" with Rob)
Henry Cavill: 6'0.25"
Johno said on 25/Oct/17
Well Fisher is about 0.5-0.75-inches taller than Affleck, who in turn is obviously taller than Cavil.
The difference between Cavil and Fisher is around ~2-inches; you can argue just below. Fisher can be argued to be as low as 6'1.5 with Rob but i reckon that would be cutting him short [pun intended] because that is the lowest he can look, i believe he is more of a weak-6'2; 6'2.25 or 6'2.5 in the morning.
Real Cavill said on 25/Oct/17
Borg Life guy also has flats versus Cavill who is wearing high heel shoes ez to see in the pic. Afflack the Duck is also wearing his high heels. Good detective work
Michael Jordan87 finding that pic. See how the 6'1"+ guys have a noticeably longer type torso? It's just like that I don't know why. Steve Reeves had it and he was a flat 6'1". I looked it up though and George Reeves "Out of shape in shape guy" or "Built fat guy" is not the brother of Steeve Reeves but he looks like he is from the same gene pool.
Real Cavill said on 25/Oct/17
Borg Life guy also has flats versus Cavill who is wearing high heel shoes ez to see in the pic. Afflack the Duck is also wearing his high heels. Good detective work
Michael Jordan87 finding that pic. See how the 6'1.5"+ guys have a noticeably longer type torso? It's just like that I don't know why. I looked it up though and George Reeves "Out of shape in shape guy" is not the brother of Steeve Reeves but he looks like he is from the same gene pool.
Jordan87 said on 25/Oct/17
Flat 6'0 is possible now. In the past, sure there are times I thought Henry looked a good 6'0.5, maybe 6'0.75 but now I know this is not the case. I have also seen Henry look 6 footish as well.
Fischer is a guy who is shown as 6'1.75" with ROb, clearly not over 6'2. He is almost 2" taller then Henry in a lot of the pics I have seen.
People Shouldn't get upset over his height really, Lets just hope they make Justice League into a Good film, Henry's height has nothing to do with his performance and he should in reality by the Nucleus of the DCEU Movies. Wonder Woman was a much better film then anything prior in the DCEU.
IMO Henry was descent as SUpes but Shannon as ZOd was horribly Corny and the overacting by Shannon was utterly ridiculous.
Jordan87 said on 25/Oct/17
Cavill does look shorter than Affleck in the photo I posted, maybe you meant another photo but Cavill looks easily shorter than Ben.
Johno said on 25/Oct/17
As i said way below, a flat six footer; possibly strong, possibly weak.
Jordan87 said on 25/Oct/17
Actually just noticed Rob Posted a height chart to Fischer's page and he is 6'1.75" in it. Again I think he has Mr. Cavill by a very solid 1.5" . Cavill 6'0.25", not taller based on the new Information Rob has gotten with Fischer.
Jordan87 said on 25/Oct/17
@ Celebhegiths 6'1.5",
Correct Cavill does have a slightly wider stance in the picture I posted however he has Henry by 2.5" Easy Inches.
In the below Pic I found they have the Same Posture and Ray beats Henry by 1.75" to 2".
I think chances are Fisher is 6'2"( Sorry to upset people by with Rob he doesn't look more than this...maybe I'll accept 6'2.25 tops) which makes Henry 6' to 6'0.5" range assuming Fisher is either 1.75" to 2" taller)
Based on the below pic ( Until More come out---don't worry Kids there will be more photos): Ray=6'2" ( 6'2.25" MAX), Henry= 1.75-2" Shorter so 6'0 to 6'0.5" MAX.
If people think they are going to peg down .25" by pictures that's great, at least use celebs who are with Rob, Ray Fisher is a nice example.
Click Here
Jordan87 said on 25/Oct/17
Real cavill,
Funny you brought up Steve Reeves. George Reeves ( His Broham) was very vital to the character of superman no matter how cheesy people thought the show was, Reeves played the role at the most important time in history, and that's when TV was still " New". His Brother Steve Reeves However, was an all natural Bodybuilder and looked more like the Role Not taking anything away from Georghe.
To Me FYI I still Think Christopher Reeve was the best Superman, not bashing Cavill's performance because it is a different age. Christoper Reeve was more the Silver Age Superman incarnation of SUperman.
Dreampuffe(5'9.5") said on 25/Oct/17
and two other better pictures where Cavill isn’t slouching.
Click Here
Click Here
Also, here’s a video of Cavill and Fisher.
Click Here
Pause at 0:32, Cavill doesn’t look 2 inches shorter. He’s only one inch shorter despite his slouch.
Dreampuffe(5'9.5") said on 25/Oct/17
Cavill isn’t standing well with Ray Fisher
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 25/Oct/17
That photo is weird as well. Henry doesn't look shorter than Ben there, which we all know isn't the case.
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 24/Oct/17
Henry has his legs in a wider stance than Ray does in that photo.
Real Cavill said on 24/Oct/17
Right on Jordan. You aren't fooled by the illusion. People were going ape (I was one of them) when Brandon Routh a true 6'2"+ was playing Superman since Superman is traditionally 6'4". So I feel they upped Cavill's height to what he could pass for. Because I am unusual, I catalog a lot of physiques mentally for artistic reasons. I do not recall ever seeing a 6'1.5" or more with a stocky type build AND shorter torso AND shorter type arms like Cavill's of any ethnicity. It may exist but it doesn't stand out in my memory. But I have seen it on guys about 5'11"-6'0" and maybe up to 6'1". That square or semi-rectangular look. Cavill's trainer said he was going for a Steve Reeves Look. See Steve Reeves bodybuilder a real 6'1". That is what a typical 6'1" looks like.
Jordan87 said on 23/Oct/17
Click Here
Fischer looks to have Cavill by about a good 2". Ray has a Page with Rob where he barely makes it over 6'2". These are the kind of things that lead me to believe at times Mr, Cavill is certainly closer to 6' thant 6'1.
Actually pics of Cavill with Fischer, Cavil looks 6'0 most of the time, def not 6'1 or even 6'0-3/4.
Real Cavill said on 23/Oct/17
Lies. Fabrications. Evans is 5'11.5" at best making Cavill around six. Eye level is imprecise because people have different head lengths which makes a difference when arguing quarter inches. I don't make $95,000 a year I make $100,000. If you factor in some of my benefits it is sort of true. I am 6'1.5"......with sneakers on. I am 6'2" if you measure me at the tip of my cone head. Also a flat six footer can pull off looking 6'3" with 2" lifts. You know these guys do this for a living right? They know people scrutinize their height and they wear the appropriate gear.
jjj said on 23/Oct/17
It's strange for a 6ft/1 man he always seems to be the shortest in most pictures with other men.
Jordan87 said on 23/Oct/17
Now that we all Know that Ray Fisher is lucky to get 6'2.5, and Looks more 6'2, Cavill is no 6'1, but still looks over 6' in most of their pics together. Not much over 6', but still I think he breaks it.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Oct/17
Evening height is 184.5cm
Dreampuffe(5'9.5 said on 21/Oct/17
Rob, what are the chances of you meeting Cavill in the future?

Editor Rob
I'd put him in unlikely category.
Dreampuffe(5'9.5") said on 21/Oct/17
@Rampage, Cavill did manage to pull off looking taller than Cooper in this one picture (Cooper had more footwear that day). ->
Click Here
Despite being his knees, Cavill looked 6’2” next to 6’0.5” Dominic Purcell (who was wearing boots.) ->
Click Here
And of course the old debate, Cavill did look virtually 6’3” with “Kellan Lutz” here (although this could be posture wise. Still a flat 6 footer can’t appear that tall.) ->
Click Here
An upgrade for 6’0.75” would be fine really.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Oct/17
I do get a slightly taller vibe from Cavill than I do from Cooper but that could be just a case of poor posture in the latter...
Dreampuffe(5'9.5 said on 20/Oct/17
Rob, was it true that Henry Cavill had a less footwear when he was with a Chris Evans? @houss thinks they’re the same but I see at least half an inch with Cavill being taller.

Editor Rob
I don't think the heels would be more than a few mm's different, but internally, some brands can have 1-2mm insole, others 5-6mm insoles.
Dreampuffe(5'9.5") said on 20/Oct/17
@houss Cavill’s eye level is higher than Evans’ eye level. Evans had more footwear and there is at least half an inch if not more with Cavill being taller dude. Your eyes should be checked: the pictures you posted are Cavill still being taller than Evans.
Jordan87 said on 20/Oct/17
Houss and Dreampuffe,
The 1st and 4th Picture Dreampuffe Posted SHows Cavill is clearly taller, that is an easy one.
Now the 2nd that he posted should not be used by it looks like they are both leaning into the photo and should be ignored for that Reason. Also other pics shows them both looking down, why are you posting that for comparison?
OK, Yes Cavill is taller again in the 1st and 4th Pictures b /c let's face it they are standing straight and Cavill beats him out, but why post the other pictures where they are both at weird angles if the 1st Pic and 4th Pic show them standing perfect?
houss said on 20/Oct/17
Dreampuffe(5'9.5") said on 19/Oct/17
He’s clearly taller than Chris Evans dude despite the footwear disadvantage.
Click Here
Click Here
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Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Sorry dude, but Cavill is taller than Evans even when he had a footwear disadvantage (as Rob mentioned already.)
they still look the same even in your pics
Slim 6' said on 20/Oct/17
Celebheights6'1.5 said;
"3. John Cena-I feel as if people often underlist him more because of him downplaying his height. Some individuals really do believe that it's impossible for anybody to downplay their height."
Lol, you forgot to mention those guys, I hope they're actually reading this.
Slim 6' said on 20/Oct/17
Celebheights 6'1.5,
Lmao you copied and refurbished my comment on Heath ledgers page, nice job though, I'm glad I'm a good influence 😁 👍🏻
Josh said on 19/Oct/17
Celebheights 6'1.5, you listed most of the big name guys listed at 6'0.5 lol. No way for Cooper, Pine, and Tatum deserving 6'0.75. Their average guesses are below 6'0.5. Sometimes people downplay celebs for the heck of it (stupid), but usually when there is an obvious guy underlisted, people give him a higher guess. Also, if anything Tatum and Pine are closer to 6'0.25 I think they both deserve 6'0.5 but if I had to chose 0.25 or 0.75, I'd go with the lower. Cooper also looks clearly under 6'0.75, that would be a stretch for him. Cavill looks the strongest 6'0.5, but I'd still he's closer to a flat 0.5 than 0.75, he'd measure under 6'0 5/8 in the afternoon/evening IMO.
Dreampuffe(5'9.5") said on 19/Oct/17
More unnecessary proof that Henry Cavill beats out Chris Evans clear and simple.
Click Here
Dreampuffe(5'9.5") said on 19/Oct/17
He’s clearly taller than Chris Evans dude despite the footwear disadvantage.
Dreampuffe(5'9.5") said on 18/Oct/17
183 cm is low bailing him. So is 183.5 cm.w
More 184 cm-185 cm
houss said on 17/Oct/17
i think he's just 183 cm in morning but no more , i'm not convinced he's over 183cm , maybe b/c of his short hands
Slim 6' said on 17/Oct/17
Celebheights 6'1.5
Don't forgot he obviously takes supplements to bulk up for superman like pine did for Steve Trevor.
But yeah they have the best personal trainers and supplements.
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 17/Oct/17
List of actors who are underlisted at 6'0 1/2", while they are near 6'1":
1. Channing Tatum-He does look to be a weaker 6'1" though. That might be because of the fact that he typically stands with abysmal posture.
2. Henry Cavill
3. John Cena-I feel as if people often underlist him more because of him downplaying his height. Some individuals really do believe that it's impossible for anybody to downplay their height.
4. Chris Pine-He really looks 6'1" a lot of the time. He has Chris Evans by more than 1/2" of an inch.
5. Heath Ledger-He was originally listed as 6'1" on this website, which I think is closer to the truth than 6'0 1/2" is. He at least deserves a 6'0 3/4" listing.
6. Bradley Cooper-He holds his own with
Ben Affleck and Hugh Jackman.
7. Patrick Schwarzenegger-It could be because of his small head (I'm guessing that it's no more than 9" inches long), but he really has been appearing to be more 6'1" than 6'0 1/2" within the past couple of years. He's rarely talked about on here though.
These guys deserve 6'0 3/4" listings at least.
Josh said on 16/Oct/17
Celebheights 6 1.5,
Thanks, i foind an article that said euro 44 boots i think but it didnt seem reliable. Guess its a mystery.
This guy reminds me of JFK jr in looks and build (when not super yoked for superman). Jr was listed at 6 1. Not sure if he was the full 6 1 tho or more 184. There seem to be bunch of hot male celebs at 6'0.5. Its the equivalent of a chick being 5 7. Sort of between average and tall but tall enough for girls who like tall guys and girls up to like 5 11. Very proportional.
Cavill Tatum Pine Cooper Urban all this height. Gosling and Lutz just miss it.
Edimar1.84 said on 15/Oct/17
I am redeeming myself, he is a weak 6ft1, i can not see him under 1.85 after 7/8hrs wake up.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Oct/17
He looks bare minimum 6ft1½ next to Chris Nolan...
Jordan87 said on 15/Oct/17
Nintendo Wie
He is over 6 foot and under 6'1. 6'0.5 still makes sense.
Dreampuffe(5'9.5") said on 15/Oct/17
185 cm can really be a shout at times.
Junior said on 14/Oct/17
6'0.75" a shout and look 6'1 next to 6'4.5" Armie Hammer and 6'3.5" Michael Shannon.
Dreampuffe(5'9.5") said on 14/Oct/17
He actually looks the same with 6’3.5” Michael Shannon... (both of them are in their superhero gears.)
Click Here
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 14/Oct/17
I personally like both actors, but I'd pick
Ben Affleck over Henry Cavill. He's the best one at playing the 'troubled, conceited' characters. While I detested the movie Gigli, I could tell that he was literally the only one who was trying to make the movie decent with his performance (despite it not being enough with that abysmal script). His characters are often very relatable as well, as well as deep.
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 13/Oct/17
With a 5'11 1/4" listed Christopher Nolan:
Click Here
Click Here
Christopher Nolan was about 44-45 when this was taken, so he wouldn't have faced any significant height loss at this time. There isn't just 3 CM between them there either.
Dreampuffe(5'9.5") said on 12/Oct/17
Honestly, I actually like Henry Cavill much better than
Ben Affleck. Always did. Always will. Not in a fan girl way but for better model that everyone can look up to.
Dreampuffe(5'9.5") said on 12/Oct/17
Honestly, I actually like Henry Cavill much better than
Ben Affleck. Always did. Always will.
Lucas said on 11/Oct/17
Strongly believe he is a full 185cm.
Dreampuffe(5'9.5") said on 11/Oct/17
Morning: 186-186.9
Evening 184.5-185
He edged out Dominic Purcell, Bradley Cooper, and Kellan Lutz.
Click Here (Looks nearly 6’3” with Lutz and Evans though that might be posture wise, but still. This photo came from the ‘Immortals Comic Con Video’ on YouTube. I took a screenshot of it from YouTube.)
Click Here (Looked a solid inch taller than a ‘boot wearing’ Dominic Purcell despite bending his knees. This is from a movie called ‘Blood Creek.’)
Click Here (This photo is difficult, but it came from another video that I took a screenshot off. If you do look closely, Henry Cavill looks slightly taller than Bradley Cooper, even if Cooper had more footwear than Cavill.)
Johns said on 10/Oct/17
Rob, where do you think he dips before bed? Is this listing his lowest/with a day out and about?
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 9/Oct/17
@Josh Due to the fact that it seems to be the type of thing that a lot of people will search for, I'm going to guess that websites are just putting something down to obtain clicks/views for when people Google it (and it actually seems to works considering the fact that I just clicked on a few of them). I'm estimating that it's roughly 11 1/2-12 based off of the photos that I've seen, but I don't actually know.
Josh said on 9/Oct/17
6'0.5 looks right. I'd say a slightly stronger 6'0.5 than someone like Tatum.
Does anyone have a clue what his shoe size or can estimate it from barefoot pics? Odd question, I know. I've seen him listed at 12, 14, and 7 with no evidence for any of them. Other sites say unknown, which is probably more accurate. He is "infamous" for small hands.
Slim 6' said on 8/Oct/17
Sorry dreampuff, but 6'1" is closer to the truth than robs listing.
He's inbetween 6'0.75" and 6'1" maybe he's a Legit 7 eighths, lol.
Dreampuffe(5'9.5") said on 7/Oct/17
I would love to believe Cavill is the full 6’1”, but he would measure it early afternoon and dip a few mms below it*
Dreampuffe(5'9.5 said on 7/Oct/17
@Slim I would argue Luke is a solid 6'0". I'd like to believe he's the full 6'1", but it's likely going to be early afternoon he measures it. I'd definitely would make a case for 6'0.75" since Cavill has pulled off looking over 6'1" and nearly 6'2" with many actors!!
Dreampuffe(5'9.5") said on 6/Oct/17
Looks over this listing with David Beckham.
Click Here
That’s Cavill with the lean.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Oct/17
He really does look 6ft1 at times
Dreampuffe(5'9.5 said on 6/Oct/17
Rob, I’m not surprise Cavill claims 6’1”

Editor Rob
it's certainly not a bad claim, some people are out there having claimed 2-3 inches with straight faces. I've been slowly putting them up for posterity.
Sometimes it is interesting, an actor comes towards reality, like James Corden. He thought it was funny telling people he was 5ft 11...usually when you go to Hollwyood you grow an inch or two, Corden lost 2 inches from his claim 😂 He actually came to his senses somewhat!
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 6/Oct/17
Henry Cavill appears to be no more than a fraction shorter by David Beckham (except in a weird photo of the two) than Cristiano Ronaldo does. That's about the best reference we have.
Slim 6' said on 5/Oct/17
And again:
Click Here
I believe Luke Evans is a strong 6 footer(more 183 at evening than 182) and Henry is the full 6'1"(185)
Slim 6' said on 5/Oct/17
Henry looking much taller than 6' listed luke evans again:
Click Here
Jordan87 said on 5/Oct/17
Gatiss and Ronaldo do not have T-Rex Arms, which is why Cavill will give you are shorter Impression. PLus Cavill has a wider, boxeir framke naturally making him look shorter.
Dreampuffe(5'9.5") said on 5/Oct/17
@Rory Mark Gatiss and Christian Ronaldo are strong 6’1”ers. Henry Cavill would be more of a weak 6’1”.
If anything, I would say 6’0.75” would be an arguable figure.
Click Here (Cavill tilting a bit sideways with 6’0.75” Jai Courtney.)
Click Here (Despite his slouch, Cavill matches Kevin Costner (in cowboy boots) and beats out the rest of the other 6’0”ers.)
Click Here (matching Costner in height again.)
Click Here (can look a weak 6’2” here with 6’3.25-6’3.5” Michael Shannon.)
Click Here (Makes 6’3.75”-6’4” Momoa look 6’2” at best.)
Click Here (Can look taller than 6’1.5” Mark Strong)
Click Here (Looking taller than 6’1.5” Mark Strong again.)
Jordan87 said on 5/Oct/17
@ Celebhegihts 6'1.5", & Dreampuffe ( 5'9.5") Formerly Mark who is definitely 5'9.5",
Thanks for the update, thought I was going loopy b/c that would have been some coincidence !
Dreampuffe(5'9.5") said on 5/Oct/17
@Jordan87 There’s been too many Marks that have the same height as me. I’ll just go by my username.
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 5/Oct/17
@Jordan87 They are. He recently mentioned that he changed his name on the General Height page a few days ago
Rory said on 4/Oct/17
I just can't see a guy like Cavill measuring just a tiny fraction shorter than a Cristiano Ronaldo or Mark Gatiss..I feel as if both those guys would visablly edge out Cavill in person. Could be wrong though.
Jordan87 said on 4/Oct/17
Mark ( 5'9.5) and Dreampuffe ( 5'9.5),
You guys are posted in similar fashion, with Descriptions next to the links in the parenthesis- Rare, no one else does this and you have the 5'9.5 in your name........
Any chance these are the same people, curious ?
You changed your Name and Forget to let us know?
Dreampuffe(5'9.5") said on 30/Sep/17
Cavill being the same with 6’0.75” Jai Courtney despite looking down while Courtney is facing normally.
Click Here (The whole gif itself.)
Click Here (Cavill has his eyes closed for a second here.)
Click Here (Cavill is looking down a bit.)
Click Here (Jai is slouching here.)
Dreampuffe(5'9.5 said on 30/Sep/17
Rob, was Cavill originally listed as 6’1” in the past or has he been stuck at this listing before?
Is 6’0.75” possible as well?

Editor Rob
I don't know, but he's been on 6ft 0.5 for a long time.
Johns said on 30/Sep/17
I don't know how, but Henry REALLY holds his own against guys up to 6'4-5. Michael Shannon,
Jason Momoa, Armie Hammer, etc. He brings them down or he brings himself up, I dunno.
Celebheights 6'1.5" said on 29/Sep/17
Considering the footwear advantage that Leo has (and the footwear disadvantage that Henry has by her), Henry looks 4 CM taller than himElizabeth has such a small head (probably 8" inch range) that it won't subtract too much height if it's just tilted down slightly.
Jordan87 said on 28/Sep/17
Celebheights 6'1.5",
Debicki is Dipping her head with Henry and Looking straight with Dicap, not a good photo to go by b/c Dicaprio looks taller than Henry and that is not the case my man.
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 28/Sep/17
Henry Cavill with Elizabeth Debicki:
Click Here
Leonardo Dicaprio (who I think is more 5'11 1/2" than 5'11 1/4") with Elizabeth Debicki:
Click Here
Elizabeth Debicki has a footwear advantage on Henry, but also a footwear disadvantage against Leo. However, Leo is standing at a disadvantaged posture by her. I think that Henry would have a good 4/1.5" CM/inches on Leonardo Dicaprio in a photo, or maybe 1.25" inches/3 CM based off of these photos. Another good comparison would be with Tom Hardy:
Henry with Tom Hardy:
Click Here
Leo with Tom Hardy:
Click Here (this seems to be the one photo where Tom doesn't have both legs bent)
Slim said on 28/Sep/17
45 clicks and going. Thanks guys. 6'0.75"-6'1 is probably right on the money. I think anything from 184-186 is a reasonable guess. Nothing anymore or less.
Mark(5'9.5 said on 27/Sep/17
Here is Cavill also matching 6'1.75"-6'2" Elizabeth Debicki in height. (I ain't counting Armie Hammer because he's far away from the two of them.)
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here (This is where Cavill and Debicki are standing face to face.)
Edimar1.84 said on 27/Sep/17
strong 6ft, to close 6ft1 for sure... 184.5m
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 25/Sep/17
Luke Evans looks shorter by Henry Cavill does than Chris Evans does for some odd reason. Luke Evans appeared to be at least 6'0" to me by Paul Walker.
Rory said on 25/Sep/17
Evans 5'11.75-6ft...Cavill 6'0.5-0.75. In that picture Cavill looks an inch taller but might be standing slightly better than Evans, as you'd expect from Henry.
Jordan87 said on 25/Sep/17
Good picture of Henry and Evans. Henry taller next to Luke than I thought.
Slim said on 24/Sep/17
He's got 2-3cm(0.75-1.25in) on luke Evans here:
Click Here
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 22/Sep/17
He looked about 2" inches taller than Bruce Willis in The Cold Light of Day (okay movie).
sumdude said on 19/Sep/17
186cm morning height. 184.3cm 7 hours into his day. Probably dips slightly below 184cm right before bed.
Mark(5'9.5 said on 16/Sep/17
Here's a video with Henry Cavill and Bradley Cooper together.
Click Here
At 1:26 in the video, Henry Cavill has a higher eye level than Bradley Cooper despite his feet splitting slightly with Cooper having both feet together. (To be fair, Cooper does have a low eye level, so people who think that's a solid inch. It's not.)
I can understand that Cooper is slanting sideways with his knees bent, so he's not standing at his best either. At the same time, Cavill is also hunch back with his feet splitting slightly.
Conclusion: It's close, but going by their eye level, posture, and top of their heads, Cavill looks slightly taller than Cooper. Keep in mind Cooper has more footwear in the same video.
Slim said on 16/Sep/17
Anyone notice all the superman actors are underlisted?
Hoechlin, routh, Cavill, all by a quarter inch, what a coincidence!
Jordan87 said on 15/Sep/17
Cooper would be a Good Guy to get a read from but the picture itseld posted Earlier is tough to read, not sure why we are wasting so much time on it, who knows who is giving up more height there, postures are off.
Mike Tyson is not over 5'10" With Rob, many have him a bit under it and Cooper never looked more than Around 2.5" over Mike ( Who Has A Huge Head). Cooper is not a full 6'1, 6'0.5" maybe at best. Henry and Him should be around the same height but need a Better Picture b/c that one it's hard to tell who is really dropping more Posture.
Henry will look shorter to the Average Person since Cooper is a much Longer looking 6'0.5" than Cavill. Cooper has Longer arms and a naturally leaner Physique. Cavill has Shorter arms and Thicker Shoulders, making him look shorter.
Click Here
Mark(5'9.5") said on 15/Sep/17
Hhmmm... Rob, based on this picture (both are far a part and neither of them are standing very well) who seems taller in this picture? Henry Cavill or Bradley Cooper?
Click Here
Rory said on 15/Sep/17
Actually Bradley Coopers shoes look a bit suspect in that picture. Seem to be bulging at the laces a little.
Mark(5'9.5") said on 13/Sep/17
@Celebheights 6'1.5" I zoomed in the picture and... Cavill has a higher eye level and high part of the head than Bradley's hair.
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 12/Sep/17
While I'll admit that it's not a great photo (both are dropping some height), here he is with Bradley Cooper:
Click Here
They do look relatively similar.
Slim said on 12/Sep/17
Mark(5'9.5") said on 10/Sep/17
Oh and here's another photo.
Click Here
It's an old debate and Cavill is easily the taller of the two despite having less footwear.
Lol, dude chris is closer to 5'11", henry is closer to 6'1" no doubt Henry's gonna be taller with a footwear disadvantage.
Jordan87 said on 11/Sep/17
Cavill is most certainly taller than Evans who at Times I think struggles to break the 6 foot mark.
Mark(5'9.5") said on 10/Sep/17
Oh and here's another photo.
Click Here
It's an old debate and Cavill is easily the taller of the two despite having less footwear.
Mark(5'9.5") said on 10/Sep/17
@Ziggie that photo is taken from a low angle. Also, evans has more footwear.
Here are better shots.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Sorry pal. Rob already mentioned Evans had more footwear and still looked shorter than Cavill.
John said on 9/Sep/17
He's taller than 6'0.5" listed Dominic Purcell. Maybe 6'0.75" for Cavil?
Ziggie said on 8/Sep/17
Chris Evans is listed 6'
Click Here
They look really the same height, but if anything in this one Cavill appears a tad off, Evans edging him out by a wee bit.
Maybe 6' for Cavill is more accurate.
Ziggie said on 8/Sep/17
I meant with the camera very low the photographer kneeling down, how much would the person closer by roughly a meter gain in height?
Anon2 said on 6/Sep/17
6'0.5'' is most accurate i think. 6'0.75'' is okay too, he can look it at times.
Mark(5'9.5 said on 5/Sep/17
@jordon87 I do know of Many 5'10" guys claiming 6'1". A few of my friends are honest 6'0"-6'1" people, barefoot.
@Rampage I agree the full 6'1" is stretching it. At the same time, I do think Cavill could also be a 6'0.75" person. A 6'0" flat person wouldn't manage to look formidable with many tall actors.
It's really weird how Henry Cavill manages to look taller than Dominic Purcell in 'Blood Creek.'(though I'm sure they would measure very close when both are standing straight and with equal camera position.) Like @Jordon87 and @Slim said, I would give the edge to Henry Cavill based on a few pictures and the clips themselves. I can understand Rob's estimates though!
Ziggie said on 5/Sep/17
@Rob I've a question, in your opinion how much "height" can a person gain when it is about one foot closer to the camera?

Editor Rob
it is hard to tell, it depends on how close the camera is mainly.
BUT, they may not necessarily gain height.
If the camera was above the head of the person who moves closer, they'd lose height...
Jordan87 said on 5/Sep/17
Slim, nothing is proven yet . If so the page would be closed. Yes Henry is likely close to 6'1, however the debate goes on whether you like it or not.
Mark(5'9.5 said on 3/Sep/17
John Cena could easily be a weak 6'1" like Henry Cavill, honestly.
Ziggie said on 3/Sep/17
Editor Rob: he only looks an inch smaller, but as he is closer to the camera and the camera is low, Cavill is gaining some height. Hopefully there are more side to side shots of these guys in the future.
That is crazy, had a photo taken recently I was clearly the tallest in a group of people at 6'4" and still some guys who are in probably the 6' range look only one or two inches shorter, the guy who took the picture was kneeling down and very low so that explains a lot..
Ziggie said on 3/Sep/17
Editor Rob:
In this case 6ft 0.5 is 184.15, so if you show 184.1 or 184.2, both are half a mm away from the exact metric equivalent of 72.5 inches...I think half a mm at worse is ok 😅
This is a usual issue with the imperial system, but to simplify and take the bull by the horns in metric you would go with rounded figures like 184cm. In this case it could 183cm or 184cm.
Slim said on 2/Sep/17
Thankyou mark for proving Henry is a weak 6'1".
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Sep/17
6ft0¾ is 184.78cm and 6ft1 on the nose is 185.42cm. The former I think is a strong possibility but the latter might be pushing it even though it's less than a centimetre. Personally, I think you could also argue that range for Bradley Cooper, Chris Pine and Channing Tatum.
Jordan87 said on 1/Sep/17
Mark ( 5'9.5),
Cavil I feel is mildly taller than Purcell who has a page with Rob. If the man is 6'0.75, it def makes sense to claim 6'1.
What I do not understand is people who are 5'10.5, claiming 6'. I know plenty of them for the record.
Mark(5'9.5") said on 31/Aug/17
He somewhat edged out 6'0.5" Dominic Purcell.
The first picture, Dominic is slouching. However, in the second picture, Cavill looks taller. In the third link (the video), at 2:14 in the video, Cavill is having his knees bent with Purcell standing normally and Cavill still looks taller.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
6'0.75" looks like a goer now since Cavill did beat out Kellan Lutz, Miles Teller, Dan Stevens, Laurence Fishburne, Luke Evans, Chris Evans, and even Dominic Purcell.
184.8 cm would be the best fit if not the 'full 6'1".'
Jordan87 said on 29/Aug/17
Cavill stands in military like posture very often, and it may be natural b/c I doubt he " tries" to do this b/c he is still taller than 6 foot which is enough to look down on a lot of guys.
You may naturally not posture up this way. Momoa usually has **** posture.
Pete said on 26/Aug/17
And that confuses me. Cavill does stand pretty well next to 6'3/6'4 guys like Ray Fisher and
Jason Momoa (although with Momoa he looks like he dips next to everyone, dunno why because most of the time he doesn't look like he's slouching either).
However I find that myself-- roughly in the same range as Cavill at 183-184, do not have the same luck as him. At least from a POV perspective.
Jordan87 said on 22/Aug/17
A Guy like Momoa was likely dropping posture with Henry. Henry is tall enough to hang in with Guys like Affleck and MOmoa but factually is not as tall as they are. His posture is often much better. And Shaq is over 7'0 tall making it much harder to ID a guy nearly a Foot shorter than him.
Henry can look at times over 6'1, but also at times he can look about 6'0 even. I doubt he is as tall as 6'1.5", though angles can make him appear so.
And Pete,
Yes Gal Gadot, Gina Carano all notably tall woman. Plus Gal's Wonder Woman costume has Heels built into the Boot so she gets a bit of a Boost on screen as well.
Mark(5'9.5") said on 21/Aug/17
And he looks virtually the same with 6'3" guys. He's also made
Jason Momoa look just the same height. He also made 6'1.5" Mark Strong look only 6'0". He even appeared 6'1.5" with 7'0.25" Shaquille O'Neal.
Jordan87 said on 21/Aug/17
Mr. Wayne,
Nope, not that tall. Why?
Pete said on 19/Aug/17
Holy crap I feel sorry for Cavill. He has the worst luck in ALWAYS being paired/photgraphed with 5'10 women in heels, or 6'3 guys.
Mark(5'9.5") said on 18/Aug/17
Hhhhmmmm.... Rob, could I request a photo for Cavill?
Click Here
Mr. Wayne said on 17/Aug/17
out of curiosity
Are you 187cm?
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 17/Aug/17
How does he always maintain impeccable posture? Standing up straight is actually WAY MORE complex than people think it is.
Junior said on 17/Aug/17
He look 6'0.75" with 6'1 Kevin Costner.
Jordan87 said on 14/Aug/17
Based on more Recent Pics of him, 5'11 is a bit too low. Don't let his stocky Appearance fool you. He is comfortably above average height.
Mark(5'9.5") said on 12/Aug/17
He's over 6'0" for sure. 6'0.65". Can pull of an easy 6'1" at times.
Jordan87 said on 11/Aug/17
Sammy Derrick,
AGree on the height part.
Yeah I know for Sh!tsake when I saw Man Of Steel the Females in the audience ( Of all ages mind you) were voicing their Opinions on Mr. Cavill's appearance quite strongly.
Jake said on 11/Aug/17
I'm pretty sure he's only 5'11".
Sammy Derrick said on 10/Aug/17
Henry Cavill is the DC Extended Universe's version of Chris Evans...and vice versa.Both are classically handsome men with all the aesthetic features of their respective characters i.e. eye color,physiques,hair color e.t.c EXCEPT height.
Captain America is 6'2 Chris Evans is a weak 6'0
Superman is 6'3 Henry Cavill is a weak 6'1
Mark(5'9.5") said on 9/Aug/17
That's absolutely fine, Rob! A mm alone than just complicated to notice. Half a mm, you would have to zoom your eyes in to even attempt to notice it!
Mark(5'9.5 said on 8/Aug/17
184.2 cm is really 6'0.51".

Editor Rob
In this case 6ft 0.5 is 184.15, so if you show 184.1 or 184.2, both are half a mm away from the exact metric equivalent of 72.5 inches...I think half a mm at worse is ok 😅
James said on 7/Aug/17
6' 0.5"= 184.15
Should 184.15 be rounded up to 184.2 or rounded down to 184.1?
Mark(5'9.5 said on 7/Aug/17
Cavill doesn't fall under 184 cm. I'm surprised that Rob decided to add the 184.2 cm for Cavill which is right on the money, but 6'0.75" or 6'0.65" are both arguable too.
Jordan87 said on 7/Aug/17
I'd say that is possible, kind how I pegged it. Based on Recent pics I think he is around 6'0.5 most of the day. Out of bed height lasts.....not too long. Thing is for a guy over 6 feet he doesn't have a long Frame. Short Arms and wide Shoulders. I have a friend who is 5'11.25" and has a naturally lean frame weighed around 165 pounds, small head and gangly arms. I would bet 9/10 people would guess him taller than a guy like Henry after meeting him. Of course In person he would be shorter, but I can say different builds certainly affect what height a person gives off.
For Example at times I think
Gwendoline Christie is barely 6'3 but due to her small head and very high eye level I think she would look a 6'4" man in the eye.
Tom said on 7/Aug/17
strong 185 in the morning and then 183.5 at night
The Man said on 6/Aug/17
yes my thoughts exactly
the Slav said on 4/Aug/17
How tall do you think Cavill is out of bed?

Editor Rob
he's probably going to clear 6ft 1 comfortably...maybe on his best day nearly 6ft 1.5
Jordan87 said on 3/Aug/17
The Man,
Are you referring to Even's Pic he Posted of Cavill and Amell? To Me shoes don't matter in that pic, Henry could gain height with his posture with Amell and actually come out to be taller.
HE is hunching over and turning his head, picture him standing with Equal Posture to Stephen's and he would be around the height of the 6'0.5 Stephen, possibly taller.
The Man said on 2/Aug/17
Mark and Jordan
Click Here
Cavill's shoes from that pic. Comic Con 2012.
Joe said on 31/Jul/17
I think Cavill is 6'1" when he wakes up in the morning, almost everyone loses some height by the time they go to bed in the evening, usually about half an inch, so Cavill must be around 6'0.5" tall in the evening.
Rory said on 31/Jul/17
I was ready to say Cavill is 6'0.75 but then I saw a picture of him with David Gandy who I've seen up close and isn't really above 6ft2 and he's actually looking down at Cavill which stopped me in my tracks. It's true Cavill definitely looks taller than 6ft range guys though like Dan Stevens,Miles Teller,Luke Evans,Chris evans and possibly even Kellan Lutz. It's a hard one with Cavill, is he a 6'0.75 guy or is he just a 6'0.5 guy who stands well and pulls off nearer 6'1 ? Who knows. He can look anywhere from 6ft to 6ft1.5 really. I think Rob would have to meet him really to conclude whether he was 184 or 185, I don't think we can go definitive until then.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 31/Jul/17
I think he could possibly be scraping that mark after a good nights rest
Mark(5'9.5") said on 31/Jul/17
Cavill can give a 6'1" impression in this photo below.
Click Here
The only reason why he can be preserved as shorter is 'only' due to his short arms. However, when you really see Cavill with other people (especially with Shaquille O'Neal,
Ben Affleck, Ray Fisher, Mark Strong, Kellan Lutz (who he edged out), Armie Hammer, and
Jason Momoa) he can really give a 6'1" or even a 6'2" impression.
Jordan87 said on 31/Jul/17
I guess that would work but from what I understand your " Out of Bed" height doesn't really last long. I remember Rob did something about it way back. I always figured your actual height was what you are around 1 to 2 in the afternoon, least that's how I take mine.
I think someone like Gandolfini having that Frame would prolly lose 3/4-1" from his morning height to the Late hrs of the night. He was 265 pounds for most of the SOpranos seasons, and around 280-285 in the later ones.
Mark(5'9.5") said on 28/Jul/17
He actually meant like 'out of bed' heights.
Vector said on 28/Jul/17
Rob how does he appear in this latest photo barefoot posted on his instagram?
Click Here

Editor Rob
in photos like that, it's harder to really say - a 6 foot or 6ft 1 guy can look a lot different depending on bulk and frame width...sometimes they are guessed shorter.
Jordan87 said on 27/Jul/17
While I do think he can Appear in occasion over 6'1, I don't think at any point in the day he is as high as 6'1.5"
Mark(5'9.5 said on 27/Jul/17
Rob, do you think a case for 6'0.75" could be made for Cavill at times or would you not go that high?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Jul/17
186.9cm out of bed
Mark(5'9.5") said on 26/Jul/17
Not to mention that Cavill may have had some lighter footwear.
Actually, he can stand eye to eye with Kevin costner in 'some' shots.
Click Here
Heck, how does this guy manage to not look shorter than 6'1.5" Mark Strong? Maybe camera angle and more footwear? Doesn't look under 184 cm.
Click Here
Jordan87 said on 26/Jul/17
Same pic we posted, I agree there Henry Def. Losing some height with Amell.
Thing is Mark, we may differ on is I think Amell is 6'0.5, not 6'1 with Rob. However I do think there is a chance Cavill is actually taller than Stephen ( only very slightly). Not only is he hunching but his head isn't straight either with Stephen.
Mark(5'9.5") said on 25/Jul/17
Actually, Cavill was leaning more. Stephen was standing very straight.
Click Here
Any thoughts Rob?
Jordan87 said on 25/Jul/17
If you are referring to this Picture below, I think Henry has the weaker posture and if he straightened his head out a little bit to match Amell's they would be more or less equal. Stephen Amell is See as 6'0.5"( With Rob He isn't a full 6'1).
Click Here
Ten said on 24/Jul/17
He is noticeably shorter than 6'1" Stephen Amell.
Mark(5'9.5") said on 24/Jul/17
He is already an excellent Superman in Man of Steel. I'm sure he'll be the Superman that we will love in 'Justice League.'
Jordan87 said on 19/Jul/17
Mark ( 5'9.5"),
Yeah he seems like a decent guy in his Interviews. Christopher Reeve was as well and it shows in the role. Superman is supposed to be pretty much all good. Henry's is a little more Brutal, but in Man Of Steel they clearly showed him trying to settle the conflict with that idiot at the bar without Violence multiple times. That's what Superman is about, he is not Violent by nature and It think Henry does give off a good vibe as Superman. I would have liked Dawn of Justice to Flow a little better. I thought it could have been a better film and i Hope they do not waste Henry in the Superman Role, b/c he is very good for it.
Mark(5'9.5") said on 18/Jul/17
There is a claim where he says he's 'over six feet.' I'm not sure if he's talking about himself for being 'over six feet.'
Click Here
Minor Note: The good thing is, he doesn't use his money for himself and rather would like buy dinner and drinks for everyone and like people to be cared for.
Mark(5'9.5 said on 17/Jul/17
Basically, that would mean Cavill can give a '6'2" impression' for some reason. Shows how tall a solid 184 cm/weak 185 cm person is.
Also, He looks already tall in his comic book movies.
Mark(5'9.5 said on 17/Jul/17
Rob, out of curiosity, how tall do you think Cavil is with Ray Fisher (Who you both meet and didn't think he was over 6'3".)
Click Here (I'm not counting Momoa nor Affleck because they're not standing at their tallest)
Click Here
Click Here (With Cavill tilting down and Fisher facing more straight. I'm not counting Affleck because he's not standing at his fullest.)

Editor Rob
he only looks an inch smaller, but as he is closer to the camera and the camera is low, Cavill is gaining some height. Hopefully there are more side to side shots of these guys in the future.
Jordan87 said on 17/Jul/17
If the man is 6'0.5 to 6'0.75 he can easily report a 6'1. I mean think about all the guys that are 5'10 and say they 6'0 or even 6'1. I know it's ridiculous. I have a friend who I happen to know is not more than 5'10.5 maybe 5'11 and he says 6'1.
A 6'0.5 or 6'0.75" guy is a 6'1 in my Book. As In if I were that height ( 6'0.5 even), I would say 6'1 when asked. Or " About 6'1".
I get that we want to be specific to the 1/4 on this site, I was more interested in Cavill b/c there are plenty of pics where he looks 6'1, others I thought he looked closer to 6'0 but the last batch of Pics Mark threw out showed that he can vary in height with different people at different angles.
I had him at 6'0 Initially, Now He looks 6'0.5 or 6'0.75" in some of the other ones With Hammer. So 1" or even 3/4" is enough for me to Debate over. 1/4", Not so much b/c that's not as easy as people think to nail down.
Currently I think:
Cavil 6'0.5 ( Solid)
Affleck 6'2" ( Solid- At times He can look shorter or taller but 6'2 is the go to height for him though I doubt he is taller than 6'2.
Ray Fisher ( 6'3"?- Rob Mentioned Fisher barely hit the 6'3 Mark and could be a shade shorter)
Jason Momoa ( Its hard- doesn't look 6'4 with Rob on this site. Sometimes has Affleck by 1.5", Sometimes looks barly taller. He also drops height alot in his pics to meet the shorter person next to him)
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Mark(5'9.5 said on 17/Jul/17
6'1" isn't a stretch, but he would measure over 6'1" flat in the morning. 6'0.75" is more like it.