Sandy Cowell said on 11/Sep/23
I’ve been watching ‘Elizabeth’, in which Janie plays the Earl of Sussex, and very well, I might add. He wasn’t true to the Queen, and ended up being beheaded. If I’d had the honour of being close to Elizabeth I, I’d have given her my all. She was a very brave Queen, and she was my favourite monarch.
I give him 5ft6. Those days, it wasn’t short at all. Jamie, Christopher Ecclestone, Amanda Ryan and Edward Hardwicke were all in Inspector Morse episodes. The film had a quality cast. Now I’m watching ‘Elizabeth - The Golden Years’ and we see another wonderful cast, with members of Robbie Coltrane’s ‘Cracker’ starring. Yes, it’s unbeatable, and Cate Blanchett plays a very likeable Queen, with a great sense of humour. I’m going to buy this for my friend, Elaine, which will be something for her to look forward to when she comes out of hospital.
Jamie gets 5ft6.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 14/Apr/22
Jamie played the Earl of Sussex in ‘Elizabeth’, alongside a top notch cast. He had a rather greater vocabulary than displayed in ‘Nil By Mouth’, but his character isn’t likeable, for he is a traitor to the Queen, and his head ends up on a spike. 🙁
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 5/May/21
I've just put on my DVD of 'Nil By Mouth' and am gasping at the way Jamie's character expresses himself. 🤪🙊Practically every other word is the 'F' word, with regular doses of the 'C' word and interspersed with 'Right?'
I've come across people like that in my lifetime, and should you say anything about their limited vocab, they fly off the handle! 🤯 When Gary Oldman wrote this, he must have been laughing his head off.... 😂😂😂
But that's the funny part. This film is anything but amusing as it is about extreme domestic violence. It stars Kathy Burke as the wife and Ray Winstone as her abusive husband.
5ft ****ing 6!
Peter175 said on 18/Apr/17
aknawkneemoose, it was a woman around 5'0 range. shorter people tend to think others are taller than they are. She also thought my 5'7 brother was 5'9-10. Tall people can tend to guess people as shorter than they are. I've been guessed as shorter than my height but only a few times. and they were by people taller than me lol.
But yeah at 6'2" you should have a pretty good vantage point to gain heights of others relative to your body parts lol :)
Slothee said on 18/Apr/17
Same height as me. What really grinds my gears is how some people overinflate the heights of tall people but underestimate the heights of short people. I had this girl tell me her bf is 6'3". I met him, no more than 6'1". What'd she guess me at? 5'7", 5'8"? Nope, she (at 5'2") thought I was 5'3-4"! My eyes are at the top of her head and she thinks I'm 1-2" taller. Idk how some people can be so off!
The Exorcist said on 16/Apr/17
Freddie Foreman is about 5'8", Jamie is 2" shorter.
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aknawkneemoose said on 16/Apr/17
lol @ peter
i could never see someone 5'9 as 6 foot unless they were in 2 inch boots. i would know cause i'm 6'2 but shouldn't it be obvious anyway?
Peter175 said on 15/Apr/17
James I've had one person call me 6ft before lol.
Definitely rare though, I am a strong 5'9 most people guess me at 5'10 or so. Except men below 5'7, they tend to say I'm 5'11" and women to. Short women tend to add 3 inches to everyone's height. I wouldn't see 6'0 unless in boots right out of bed standing on one leg and
Busting a Gut
James B said on 14/Apr/17
Peter175 said on 14/Apr/17
So strange how all 5'6 guys claim 5'8!! It seems like the genuine 5'7-8 guys are a lot more modest with their claims and just round up. 5'6" is that strange height where most people deem you as short, but do to
height frauding can sometimes get away with increasing their inches without anyone noticing.
Rob how tall is the woman near him? No more than 5'3 i would guess
Editor Rob: her heels ain't that big, so I doubt she's much less than him inch at most.
I am 5ft7 and one of my friends (who claims 5ft8) guessed me at 5'9

Editor Rob
a good friend, the kind you buy a drink for...
Sandy Cowell said on 14/Apr/17
Now we can see how pleased Jamie might have been to be playing 5ft1 Kat's 'bit on the side'! Mind you, he ended up with a fatal heart attack!
Arch Stanton said on 14/Apr/17
Is that his wife? Funny what fame and money can do for men in the eyes of women! Yes 5 ft 6 seems about right. Nowhere near 5 ft 8. 5 ft 8 is the respectable height to claim for the real short guys under 5'7, and 5 ft 6 the claim for the super short under that!
Peter175 said on 14/Apr/17
So strange how all 5'6 guys claim 5'8!! It seems like the genuine 5'7-8 guys are a lot more modest with their claims and just round up. 5'6" is that strange height where most people deem you as short, but do to
height frauding can sometimes get away with increasing their inches without anyone noticing.
Rob how tall is the woman near him? No more than 5'3 i would guess

Editor Rob
her heels ain't that big, so I doubt she's much less than him inch at most.
James B said on 14/Apr/17
5ft6 and very obnoxious when he was in eastenders
Sandy Cowell said on 14/Apr/17
Arghh! You've got him a page -
Thanks Rob! I do think he contributes enormously to the acting industry; he's popped up in so many of my 'Cockney Gangster'-style movies, but I never knew he was in a version of 'Oliver Twist'! I bet he was Fagin!
I would have to agree with the 5ft6, though he makes up with the lack of height with the tough-guy roles he so excels at!
Jamie gets 5ft6 then! Good to have him aboard!