How tall is Jamie Foxx - Page 2

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Average Guess (167 Votes)
5ft 9.16in (175.7cm)
Celebheights 6'1.75/187 CM said on 28/Aug/15
By Snoop Dogg:

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an anonymous peach said on 2/Jun/15
Rob, assuming Jamie is exactly 5' 9", how do you think a perfectly proportioned 5' 8" guy would stand next to him? To me it looks like they would be the same height up to the eyes but then Jamie's forehead would just take off lol.
MD said on 28/May/15
After seeing him next to the likes of Ryan Seacrest and Nick Jonas at the iHeartRadio Music Awards a few months back, while he could very well be a real 5'9", he is not a single cenimeter more.
Heylo said on 26/May/15
Even though he says 5'9 himself, I think he was rounding it down. 5'9.25 or 5'9.5 is a better listing IMO but I guess it's hard to know for sure. Can look 5'10 as well of course depending on footwear.
184.3cm (Night) said on 26/May/15
He really is just a 5'9 guy which is average and why many posters here think he is taller. Most guy's his height claim 5'10 or try for 5'11 even.
Crypto139 said on 25/May/15
Yeah it seems we have found our legit or go to guy for 5 feet 9 like 6 even for david duchovny. When a guy seems to always make people look shorter than their listings that is probably a sign he is pretty honest or could even be a 176 guy. Still he always does make people look not too tall. Maybe a legit 5 feet 9 is not all that small.
an anonymous peach said on 14/May/15
I think he underestimated his height as he looks like a weak 5'10". 176-177cm seems perfect for him.
Jordan said on 4/May/15
just under 5'10, 177 cm
Jake said on 24/Apr/15
he makes lots of other celebs look shorter of their listing who appear next to him, like Jake Gyllenhaal only 5'10, dicaprio 5'10.5, Andrew garfield 5'10, Colin Farrell 5'9.5 ,etc , even though their listing is almost perfect.
Bishop said on 15/Mar/15
More of a 5'9er than Paul Rudd.
cole said on 10/Mar/15
@Dan: Some might say modesty, I say honesty. In the end people will believe what they will believe, but this is a question I ask myself every time I see a new piece of some kind of evidence - and knowing that this is Hollywood stars we are talking about here: what's more likely? A few celebs claiming less than their real height, or a lot of celebs getting guessed over/claiming over their real height?
I salute guys like Jamie Foxx, Tom Hardy and Chrisoph Waltz for their honesty. Not saying there aren't other honest celebs out there, but those three I feel are the guys that most often get pegged as "modest" whenever compared to others who perhaps have given themselves a little extra with their claims. Thankfully it's usually down to a fractional discrepancy, which could be explained as difference in posture, more/less footwear, camera angles and so on (when looking at pics/videos) - at times it's enough to drive me mad...
mike 1.82 said on 27/Feb/15
1.72 plus cowboy boots 6cm, so 1.78 cm Django muvie, Di caprio is not 1.82cm barefoot
S.J.H said on 1/Feb/15
A great modesty of claiming 5'9 and easily looks it
Dan said on 10/Jan/15
Like Hardy, a guy being modest with the 5'9 claim. He can look 176 quite a lot
Sam said on 2/Jan/15
This guy seems pretty honest about his height, 5'9" is pretty consistenly what he looks.
Arch Stanton said on 16/Dec/14
In fairness he looks a strong 5'9" in Django.
az said on 14/Dec/14
hi! :) Like everyone else who has seen him in person, i saw him/more than once had brunch in the same spot with him for hours and rode in an elevator with him. 5'8 MAX. 5'8 is being generous I think. so i can see why he says 5'9". all my 5'7' guy friends say 5'9":)
Arch Stanton said on 29/Oct/14
Looks 5'8 in Ray.
evil said on 24/Oct/14
hey rob , do you really think his head size is 9.5, maybe you are right because he as a large forehead
Editor Rob
I don't think it would be less than 9.5
stpaul said on 17/Oct/14
Maybe he's not insecure about his height markymark?
Jon said on 7/Oct/14
@RobPaul What would you say his head size is Rob?
Editor Rob
close to 9.5
evil said on 1/Oct/14
I know that a lot of people may think he is a very solid 5'9, but sometimes I think that he is 176cm at least, so I agree with some coments here, he may be 176-177cm guy
MarkyMark said on 30/Aug/14
Why would he claims he's 5'9 if he's 5'9.5 or 5'10. There isn't a single man on earth who downgrades his height when he's under 5'11. He's a legit 5'9.
soby said on 30/Aug/14
hey rob! he can be 1.77? most people on this site think it is 1.77.for me is 1.75. what do you think he can be 1.77-1.78?
Editor Rob
he claims 5ft 9, I think he's one of the honest 5ft 9 guys, he could always be a little over the mark.
Robbin said on 28/Aug/14
I agree with Lonstar. Jamie look closer to 5'10 next to 5'11 Andrew Garfield
Dejavu said on 10/Aug/14
He can look taller than 5'9 at times. I think he could be a lift wearer
Jon said on 4/Jul/14
Suit's a little too big for him, but he's still looking quite good. What would you estimate his weight to be Rob?
Editor Rob
now maybe 180-5, but he varies a bit, in some films he looked over 200 pounds then when playing Ray more like 160ish.
Realist said on 13/May/14
@Billy Good judgment Bill, the difference is probably correct. But Garfield is about 177 cm weak 5'10 and Fox is about 5'9.
5'11" barefoot said on 7/May/14
at the movie premier foxx is clearly 2-3 inches shorter than Garfield. both in dress shoes. Garfield is listed as 5'10" so foxx is 5'8" with shoes and lifts 5'9"
Connor 184.5-185cm said on 23/Apr/14
I just saw the amazing spiderman 2 at the cinemas today, yeah i believe Jamie looked 5ft 9-9.25 he was brilliant as Electro, great actor, i thought the film was good but a bit slow in my opinion id give it a 4/5.
MD said on 23/Apr/14
With Dane DeHaan (5'8.5") and Andrew Garfield for reference at recent premieres:

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I do think 5'9" is the most he could be.
the shredder said on 22/Apr/14
Looks more than just 5'9. I say 5'9.5
Billy said on 21/Apr/14
In Spiderman 2 looks 5'9.75 next to a 5'10.5 Garfield
the shredder said on 7/Mar/14
If Serhman was standing correct , than Foxx would appear 5'9.5.
MD said on 7/Mar/14
With a measured 6'2.5" Richard Serhman of the Seattle Seahawks:

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Feb said on 5/Mar/14
Met him in Vegas. I'm short, only 5'6", and he was barely taller than me (an inch at most). I was also in flip flops.
Lorne said on 17/Feb/14
Lol Tunman, I've said the exact same thing! Dmeyer breaks this down into a science, and I love it, because it all ends up making sense! :)
176,2Tunman said on 15/Feb/14
dmeyer,since you saw him and thought he was 5'9-9.25 I definitely trust you. You are as good as rob to guess heights.I like your comments,it's almost like exact science.
Mr. R said on 11/Feb/14
Jamie is 5-8.5 He walked past me in Vegas one day. Rob, didn't you have him at this height?
Editor Rob
he's been on 5ft 9 for a long while
Lorne said on 9/Feb/14
He's no less than 175, and 176 is likely; 5ft9-5ft9.25. As usual Dmeyers sighting seems spot on :)
dmeyer said on 25/Dec/13
I met him i had thick boots That gave 1.8in He had 1inchers He looked 3in shorter than me 5'11.4-11.5 + 1.8in 6'1.2-1.3 So He was Solid 5'10-10.25 shoes on 5'9-9.25 Is right
Adamz said on 1/Oct/13
not under 5-9, instead probably 176cm
COOLGUY said on 11/Sep/13
He wears bigger heels sometimes. I would actually even say 5'8 in Collateral he barely was taller than Cruise.
cole said on 11/Jul/13
the shredder says on 1/Apr/13
Rob , now with waltz giving himself 170cm , what do you think is fair for him? I'd say a legit 5'9
[Editor Rob: maybe him saying 170 and foxx saying 5ft 9 matches up, both being honest]

Only thing missing now is Leo getting the 5'11 listing ;) 5 cm between Foxx and Waltz, 5 cm between Foxx and Leo, 10 cm between Leo and Waltz. At least that's what I'm consistantly seeing.
Just adding said on 12/May/13
Well I just watched his season 1 episode 15 little "little red corvette" of the Jamie Foxx Show and in the episode he got arrested and booked and He had to take a picture next to the height scale and standing next to it it looked like he was about 5'8" or 9" and earlier in the episode I seen that he had on some boots called lugs and they give you about an inch to an inch and a half height addition so he may be 5'7.
Bud said on 11/Apr/13
He is very short and tiny,I stood next to him and my guess is approx. 5ft7in.It seems like everyone in Hollywood is small.I am not sure why this seems to be but I guess its for some reason or other.
Anonymous said on 23/Mar/13
guys i met him once and he's about slightly taller than i am... and i'm 5'7 with out shoes
KatFish said on 8/Mar/13
I'm watching The Soloist (again) & was shocked to see how close in height Jamie Foxx & Robert Downey Jr. are so I had to look it up... I always thought Jamie Foxx was about 5'11, but 5'8" seems more like it after seeing him next to RDJ. RDJ is another shockingly short leading man. I discovered just how diminutive after seeing him walking behind Nicole Kidman in the movie Fur while wearing slippers; No lifts, no elevator shoes & she, who's 5'11", was wearing flats & absolutely towering over RDJ who I would now speculate to be around 5'6". It just goes to show that Hollywood is amazing at fooling us because very few leading men are 6' or taller.
jimmy said on 4/Mar/13
Why don't u upgrade him Rob?Are u suspicious over his footware?
The Horse of FUNK said on 25/Feb/13
"pumpkin says on 24/Feb/13
I saw him out at a club. I'm 5'8" and was towering over him."

So what you're saying is if Foxx and Joe Pesci were side-by-side, they'd be the same height?
MrX said on 4/Feb/13
I don't understand why criticize Jamie because he wears shoes with 3 cm's heels (or 3,5 cm). He claimed 175 cm as he is (maybe 174 cm but he didn't claim 178 cm!!!)so he is not a liar. So if he likes cowboys shoes is a personal taste!
What do you think Rob?
Teeb2 said on 1/Feb/13
I wear lifts so I'm sure others do too. I am just under 5 6 so with MY lifts I am about 5 7
MarcusTheSwede said on 28/Jan/13
Enought with the b.****.
Jamie Foxx is 174-175 at best. He is a notorious liftwearer and everyone that has met him say clearly 174 with shoes. So its generous to give him 175. This guy is 174 cm.Not more.
MrX said on 20/Jan/13
He looks exactly 7 cm shorter than Di Caprio so 175 cm is correct.

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Tom said on 9/Jan/13
This seems to me like the most incorrect height on this site; he always seems taller than this. Watching Django unchained reminded me of this as comparing him to DiCaprio and Christoph Waltz he makes them, if his height was correct, seem 5'11 and 5'7 max. Just because he said he is 'like' 5'9 does not mean he is not taller than, dispite what some people believe which is that a man would never claim to be shorter than he is.
I think he is at least 5'10 and I wonder on which movies/pictures this 5'9 is based, besides what he himself claimed.
liz said on 5/Jan/13
Why does it seem like most of the best musicians and actors are shorter? You rarely see any taller people at the top. Is it they are just born more talented or is it they have to put up with stuff growing up and become way more talented then taller people?
Hew said on 30/Dec/12
Notorious liftwearer. Sadly nowhere near the 5'9 mark.
jamie foxx stage hand said on 27/Dec/12
He is 5ft6in and wears lifts like most of the actors in hollywood.he is the typical small guy not 5ft 9 or me he is 5ft 6 in barefoot
Duhon said on 26/Dec/12
Looks tallish in Django Unchained. Stands well next to Leo but he spends the film in cowboy boots.
Lebensdorf said on 9/Dec/12
He must wear lifts, or he's 5'10 if he doesn't. Oddly, in some pictures with Pres. Obama, Foxx actually looked taller. He looks at least as tall as DiCaprio in 'Django'.
Greenbolt said on 26/Sep/12
You all know that 5'9'' is average for an American man, right? This guy is 5'9'', no taller... this is just what a legit 5'9'' man looks like. I'd give him 5'9.25'' to be precise.
the shredder said on 28/Aug/12
He is has GOT to be taller or a lift wearer ?
the shredder said on 9/Aug/12
Rob , I really think he is down playing he looks more then just 175cm
the shredder said on 4/Aug/12
No way 175 unless he wears lifts .
Hullywood said on 3/Aug/12
He always looks 1.80m to me. Never short. Maybe 1.78, but not 1.75m.
MaskDeMasque said on 13/Jun/12

i reckon leo is 5'11 and foxx is about 5'9.25-5.
LeBron23 said on 8/Jun/12
He looks like a legit 5'10" with 5'11.5" Leonardo Dicaprion in Django Unchained.
Silent d said on 5/Feb/12
Solid 176cm.
Gil said on 18/Jan/12
Shorter than Jay Leno by about 2 inches. He probably wakes up at 5'9", and drops 1/2".
steven said on 18/Jan/12
why is Mr R always get a chance to meet celebrity in real? is he a Paparazi? but i believe Mr R for jaime foxx height 5'8.
reaaalllyy? said on 27/Dec/11
u list jesse mccartney as 176cm but jamie is 175cm? ridiculous.
MBH said on 13/Nov/11
5'7 or 5'8 max to me
horrible bosses said on 31/Oct/11
he looked shorter than usual in horrible bosses, he wouldnt lie, hes probab 5'9...
drew said on 27/Sep/11
last night i was at a networking event in Beverly Hills. JF showed up after he attended the Obama fundraiser. I am 5'10" and we stood next to each other and he is CLEARLY shorter than I am. I say 5'9" at best.
stoodnext2 said on 8/Sep/11
he does look tall in interviews
Xisco said on 20/Aug/11
He wears costum footwear, boots, and lifts, he´s 5´8 barefoot.
Tyler said on 16/Aug/11
Closer to 5'10" than 5'9".
LG69 said on 13/Aug/11
Saw Jamie on the "Tonight Show with Jay Leno". Jamie stood face to face with 5'10" Leno, and he looked exactly the same height.
sam said on 29/Jul/11
He might be 5'10, actually.
taller said on 23/Jul/11
taller than 5'9 pharrell..he might be taller?
dmeyer said on 19/Jul/11
he seemed about 5 ft 10.25 with 1 in shoes on
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Jul/11
Rob he seemed fairly even with Colin Farrell in Miami Vice. Would 176cm for Jamie and 177cm for Colin be closer?
Sophia said on 20/Jun/11
If the wax figure inside madam tussauds is of true likeness, which I think they are because celebrities always pose beside their wax figures when they are first introduced to the museum, then Jamie foxx looks to be no taller than 5'7, 5'8 may even be a stretch. I was in flip-flops and I'm normally 5'6" in the morning of a well rested day and when I posed next to him his figure was at eye level, slightly taller. He's not a big guy, but very proportionately built.
Djimi184 said on 1/May/11
A star says on 26/Feb/11
i dont think that he is 5"9 i think he could be 5"10 flat. whenever he is with 6ft flat guys he seems only 2" shoter and when he was been interviewed by 5"11 nick canoon only looked an inch shorter than him i think he needs an upgrade rob.

He wears 2" lifts ;) He´s not more than 5´9", thats for sure, might be 5´8.5"...
Chris said on 5/Apr/11
I saw him at a pool party barefoot. I'm a little under 6'1" barefoot and I TOWERED over him. I'd say 5'7" honestly
STFU said on 21/Mar/11
He's 5'9''
Greek said on 28/Feb/11
edit: ok in this picture we can see he was wearing 2" shoes and possibly lifts that makes him taller than Lopez

Click Here
Greek said on 28/Feb/11
This is one of the veeery few celebrities that they claim shorter than they look,either he has measured himself wrong or he wears lifts lately (but I doubt so).Either way he was confident enough not to upgrade his height, he easily looks taller. He appears in the 5' 10"-5'11" range preety usually, look at the following pictures with 5' 10" George Lopez:

Jamie looks 5' 11" Click Here

Same here, you can see the footwear Click Here

5' 11" here too Click Here

Ok here he looks taller but he is slouching Click Here
A star said on 26/Feb/11
i dont think that he is 5"9 i think he could be 5"10 flat. whenever he is with 6ft flat guys he seems only 2" shoter and when he was been interviewed by 5"11 nick canoon only looked an inch shorter than him i think he needs an upgrade rob.
Greek said on 17/Feb/11
He appears 5' 11" next to 6' Jake Gyllenhal Click Here
Leung said on 8/Feb/11
Foxx is 5'9". Occasionally we'll come across some odd photos, check this one out where Foxx is looking down at Jeremy Piven Click Here
Justus said on 7/Feb/11
Hey guys i found a picture of him besides Will Smith (187cm) and Jamie seemed to be like 2 inches lower... that would mean Jamie is 182 cm but i dont believe! did he wear lifts?
here is the link: Click Here
dmeyer said on 6/Feb/11
i am 5 ft 11.25 nigt time i had cowboy heels wish braught to 6 ft 1 in footwear include jamie was about 3 in shorter with low cut 1 in puma shoes so he was easy 5 ft 10 with 1 in sneakers so no less than 5 ft 9
Kindatallgirl said on 25/Jan/11
Jamie with Trey songz and Drake who is listed at 6 foot even. both Trey and Drake are slouching a bit

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5'9 looks right.
Bon said on 29/Dec/10
5'8-5'9 range.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Nov/10
A tad shorter than 5"10 Colin Farrell in Miami Vice so around 176-177cm range
Mr. R said on 20/Nov/10
Jamie is btwn 5-8 and 5-9. I saw him in Vegas, BEFORE Ray, when he suddenly got taller.
Viper said on 18/Nov/10
LOL, Foxx doesnt look 5'9. Hes always looked 5'8 MAX
linke said on 17/Nov/10
Very few legit 5'9 guys look short.
bk said on 15/Nov/10
Foxx is the one 5'9" dude who never seems to look short. Really strong 5'9"..I think he could be marginally taller.
Viper said on 9/Nov/10
He may not be 5'7, but hes no taller than 5'8.
Viper said on 9/Nov/10
Well, the top of the head to the eyes is 4.5-5 inches, so you subtract from there.
Legend said on 3/Nov/10
Viper says on 2/Nov/10
He looks 5'7 with 6'2 Suge Knight and 6'2 Kerry Rhodes.

How can you tell 7 inches from pictures?
Viper said on 2/Nov/10
He looks 5'7 with 6'2 Suge Knight and 6'2 Kerry Rhodes.
Realme2008 said on 28/Jun/09
I think he has a tendency to look shorter, because he has a large build. He's 5'8" most likely, and 5'9" in a standard one-inch shoe.
J.J. said on 14/May/09
on the Tyra show he looked 5'10" in shoes so i think he is 5'9" but 0.5" extra is possible for Jamie
MD said on 30/Apr/09
One has to take into account Ryan's lifts when making comparisons. Foxx could still very well be a full 5'9", though, I've always felt he was closer to 5'8" than he was 5'9".
josh said on 30/Apr/09
i saw a picture of him and halle berry he dwarfed her either halle might not be taller than 5-3 or jamie foxx wqs wearing lifts
Anonymous said on 30/Apr/09
Foxx is no taller than 5-8.
glenn said on 30/Apr/09
he was an inch taller.i had the misfortune of veiwing it at someones house.
gride said on 30/Apr/09
Mary, he wasn't as short as Seacrest but he was close. He was a little taller. I would say an inch maybe 2 at the most
mary said on 29/Apr/09
just saw him on american idol hes as short as ryan seacrest
LilEJamie said on 17/Mar/09
I'm a huge fan of Jamie's. I met him in person and I'm about 5'7. I'd say he's a good 5'8 or 5'9. Records show he's 5'9. So I'd go with 5'9. I have a picture of me and him. He's way taller in person. 5'9 is the correct height. I thought he was short. But he's taller than my father and my father is 5'8, so he's 5'9.
cards jones said on 8/Mar/09
He Looked Tall On Any Given Sunday,but Average in Maimi Vice. whats his real measurements?
mike said on 19/Feb/09
5'9" seems about right.....he looks average.
Mr. R. said on 29/Jan/09
I thought I said Jamie was 5-8.5 when I saw him at the airport.
tim said on 27/Jan/09
is it just me or did he look like 6' in stealth. in ray he looked about 5'8 though, but i can tell they were trying to do that in order to make him seem pathetic. in miami vice he looked close to 5'10 so i'd say he'd be 9.5 no question.
anonymous said on 12/Nov/08
Colin farrell is 5 foot 10. Jamie foxx was about an inch shorter. In stealth he was a few cm taller than 170cm jessica biel. In gold digger video clip, he was taller than kayne west by an inch. He's 5 foot 9.
buzz said on 17/Sep/08
I almost walked into Jamie Foxx in a Vegas casino on 9/14 and I commented to my friend how short he is. He's no taller than 5'7".
Leung said on 27/Aug/08
James says on 25/Aug/08
Frank2 but Colin Farrells posture is not very good in that pic.

Foxx has loose posture too and his head tilted so he doesn
Leung said on 24/Aug/08
Good picture Frank2. Did you see that Viper?
If you flatten Farrell
runt said on 21/Aug/08
There is something to be said for proportions. I think 'under 5-7' is not in the range of Jamie Foxx's frame. Its like if Tobey McGuire were an unknown actor and starred in a film where all the other actors and actresses were at least 2" shorter than him. He still couldn't claim anything over 5-9 and be believed because we can see his body.
Frank2 said on 13/Aug/08
Colin Farrell is 5'9". I'm sure if he appeared slightly taller than Foxx, he wore some special footwear.

They look to be the same height in this photo:

Click Here
Viper said on 13/Aug/08
Farrell at 5-9 and Foxx at 5-8 is probably right.
Leung said on 12/Aug/08
Viper says on 11/Aug/08
Foxx looks 5-7 next to 6-2 Kerry Rhodes. Click Here

OK that must mean that you give Colin Farrell 5
Viper said on 11/Aug/08
Foxx looks 5-7 next to 6-2 Kerry Rhodes. Click Here
Viper said on 11/Aug/08
I still think hes 5-8.
Frank2 said on 11/Aug/08
I worked with Jamie back when he appeared on IN LIVING COLOR. He's about 5'9".
Lmeister said on 11/Aug/08
He is taller than Ludacris and actually there is some pics where he looks a tad taller than Eddie Murphy. He is 5ft9 like he said. I think Eddie Murphy isn't quite 5ft9...
Donatello said on 10/Aug/08
Theres no way hes even close to 5'9", watch the movie collateral with tom cruise and jamie foxx. tom cruise has a solid 2 inches on him and tom cruise is maybe 5'8" I'd give jamie foxx 5'5" 1/2 - 5'6".
Dobie said on 13/Jul/08
I was at an unveiling of the Jamie Foxx figure for the new Madame Tussauds' wax museum to be built this year in Hollywood. I was astounded by how 'short' he is. The Tussaud people assured me the wax figure was anatomically correct, as are ALL their figures of historical characters and celebs. He's 5'7" if that!
BK_Daniel said on 15/Jun/08
I was watching the movie "Held Up" today and jaime looked awfully close to the height of Eduardo Y
Chris said on 24/May/08
Kristen says on 24/Mar/08
I was photographed with him at a fundraiser and he was barely taller than I am. At most, he is 5'7".

You girls are notorious for your height complex...just cause you are short doesnt mean that others are too!Im not even going to talk about your pathetic comment on Foxx...I know a girl who is 5ft5 and says she is almost my height even though i am 5ft9.So please shorties,calm down^^
jonny said on 26/Mar/08
foxx is a strong 5' shorter than that
Kristen said on 24/Mar/08
I was photographed with him at a fundraiser and he was barely taller than I am. At most, he is 5'7".
DVDodd said on 11/Jan/08
I just got back from playing a pick-up game at 24 hour fitness with him. My first impression was 5'8", maybe 5' 8 1/2" max.
C. said on 22/Dec/07
I think he is 5'9" b/c with Jennifer Garner on television they were side by side and she had heels and was a bit shorter than he was. While he may have been wearing lifts, they were definitely not larger than her heels.
chris said on 12/Dec/07
Yeah Viper I doubt that there is anyone on this planet who looks tall to you^_^
Viper said on 12/Dec/07
Jamie has always looked 5-8 to me. All the way back to his in Living Color days.
chris said on 9/Dec/07
Rob,are you sure he is 5ft9 cause he never really looks short...i mean he easily looks a solid 5ft10 to me:|.Im 5ft9 and i sometimes look short on pictures,but when i look at him he really has a decent height.
kL said on 26/Nov/07
in the kingdom the israeli actor Ali Suliman looks very tall and thin like at least 6ft3.. he looks 6in over jamie foxx.. so 175cm should be right..
runt said on 13/Nov/07
Jamie Foxx, Will Smith and Eddie Murphy
Click Here
Click Here
Andre said on 21/Oct/07
I saw him on a show standing next to the Klitschko brothers who are about 6'8 and 6'6(boxers). Id say he is between 5'7.5 and 5'8.25 max, no more or less.
dmeyer said on 3/Oct/07
when i was working on colaterall they gave me cowboy boots so i was about a 6 ft men and they told me i was too tall to stand by foxx but he didnt seem under 5'9 maybe 5'9.25

Editor Rob
were you supposed to be a 'tough' background baddie? You still do extra work these days?
Anonymous said on 3/Oct/07
You guys are so yellish stating that he is only 5'8". Come on get over it he sure does look around 5'9"-5'11" range. Even Rob has this guy at 5'9".
Cpt Crunch said on 28/Sep/07
Hey jazzy_yella, did you know that Black people tan? it could be that Foxx had just shot some long scenes in the outdoors and he got a shade or two darker. But I didn't know that that makes a person unattractive. By the way, I find it hard to believe that a guy who was once listed at 5-11 could actually be under 5-8
Alex said on 26/Sep/07
I just saw him on The Daily Show, and he was the same height as Jon Steward, who says he's 5'6". Strange...
bam said on 29/Aug/07
dmeyers sighing and foxx looking 5'9.5 near Josh Lucas point to 5'9.
jazzy_yella said on 22/Aug/07
when i used to work for the westing galleria hotel, i spotted Jamie Foxx at the front desk, while i was walking out to go home. i didn't know that was him until my supevisor called me from the front desk and told me that was Jaime Foxx I just waled by. I am standing 5'8, Jaimee look close to my height or a tad bit shorter, so he might be 5'7 1/2. But he is really dark. I thought he was more attractive than that.
J. said on 15/Aug/07
I happened to catch a rerun of "The Jamie Foxx Show", where Kevin Garnett (NBA superstar) guest stars. During one scene where Jamie mimicks what Kevin would say about him, he says "he's only about 5'8" anyway!" So, there is a solid example of the man himself referring to his own height.
C said on 9/Aug/07
in the jamie foxx show back in the day he said he was 5'11. i knew he was shorter than that
dmeyer said on 3/Jul/07
in normal sneakers seemed solid 5'9 like 176 cm
bam said on 28/Jun/07
i don't know how to explain it, but he looks 5'8. Plus i could have sworn he mentioned that in an interview.
sleuth said on 2/Jun/07
just bought In Living Color season Five. Disc one has special guest stars Tupac and Chris Rock. First episode has Tupac and Jamie Fox and Tommy Davidson scene. Tupac was one inch taller than Foxx. I'd say 5-8 flat for Foxx
Lmeister said on 2/Apr/07
Yeah that is true Marcel. 5'8''- 5'9'' guys look short in sandals too. I know it since I'm 5'8''. Especially 5'9'' guys can look average/tallish by wearing bulky shoes without lifts.
Marcel- said on 1/Apr/07
5'9'' barefoot can appear short.
bikagyura said on 23/Mar/07
Yeah, me too... Under 5' 8" or even 5' 9" maybe = short... Under 5' 6" or 5' 7" very short... 6' 1" and above = tall, above 6' 3" or 6' 4" = very tall
glenn said on 22/Mar/07
i agree g-unit.
G-unit said on 21/Mar/07
I consider every guy under 5'8 as short, and everyone under 5'6 as extremly short.
Jamie foxx doesn't look short so I'd give him at least 5'9, and 5'9 seems kind of the right height for him.
Viper said on 4/Mar/07
Jamie is naturally smaller framed, but he is fairly thick in some of his movie roles.
MD said on 3/Mar/07
Mosheh, you must be pretty big, because Jamie doesn't look small by any stretch of the imagination in terms of weight. The dude's thick. The guy normally sits around 190lbs. He dropped 30lbs to 158 for the movie 'Ray'.
Mosheh said on 2/Mar/07
I stood right next to the man for over 30 mins I am 5'8 and he did not seem as tall. He is small in weight. I weigh 200 and I wear a size 12 and women say I look great. He could stand to gain a few pounds.
the shredder said on 23/Feb/07
Jamie Foxx could be between 5'8 and 5'9 ? Watch Booty Call , he is not much taller then Tommy Davis who is listed at 5'6 ! Foxx looks 5'8 to 5'9 next to him ! I use to think 5'10 , but hes not that tall !
Scott said on 22/Feb/07
He looks to me like he is no taller than 5.8 or at the very most 5.9. If you see himn against Christopher Duncan in his old tv show, Duncan TOWERS over him, but Duncan must be 6.3...I'd say.....but Foxx is no 5.10 for sure
Scott said on 22/Feb/07
He looks to me like he is no taller than 5.8 or at the very mist 5.9. If you see himn against Christopher Duncan, Duncan TOWERS over him, but that Duncm must be 6.3...I'd say.....but Fixx is no 5.10 for sure
dmeyer said on 3/Feb/07
rob do you think 176 is possible his shoes were legit puma 1 inch heel

Editor Rob
the thing is, with height there's nearly as many guys measured at for instance a 5ft 8.75 as there are 5ft 9.25.

Take a large sample of heights and maybe 1/4 of folk will sit close enough to the inch mark to legitimately say 5ft 9, just as many will fall 5ft 9.25 or 5ft 9.5, but how many people in practice will include the '1/4' inch...or for that matter if measured 5ft 8.75, how many would say that as opposed to '5ft 9'.
Donald Simpson said on 2/Feb/07
I thought Jamie Foxx was closer to being 5-10. He looks taller than Eddie Murphy in the movie dream girls. I have seen Mr. Murphy up close. His brother Charles Murphy is about 5-11 or 6 ft.
jason said on 30/Jan/07
175 seams about it, in the pics that md send in you can use eddie murphy as a helping hand, murphy is 177 cm, jamie seams about an inch shorter so 5-9 seams right!
Former L.A. said on 19/Jan/07
I hung out with him a few times in a group setting when he was on "In Living Color". He is right around 5'8".
Viper said on 27/Dec/06
I still dont think hes as tall as 5-9. Its funny, I would think of a guy like David Arquette would tower over Foxx, even though Arquette is listed only an inch taller than Foxx.
Leung said on 27/Dec/06
I agree Stiffelio, in Jarhead he looks very solid. I think that he is quite versatile in that he can look slim in some films and for other films he can baulk up the muscle for a more athletic look.
J. said on 26/Dec/06
He was shorter than Eddie Murphy in the Dreamgirls remake but aren't Eddie's shoes said to be supicious?
Stiffelio said on 26/Dec/06
Brah - Foxx is strongly built. He's got big bones. Check his huge hands and he said he wears a size 12 shoe. So 190 lbs for a 5ft 9in frame is believeble.
Brah said on 25/Dec/06
When he did "Ray", in an interview he said that he went from his usual 190 pounds down to 157. With that kind of weight, seems doubtful that he's less than 5'9". His big head is what makes people think he's shorter.
Random Person said on 20/Dec/06
I think 5'8 and a half seems about right
dmeyer said on 14/Dec/06
i met him in normal sneakers i cant see him under 5'9 same for statham he looked 175 to 176 both similar height
dmeyer said on 11/Dec/06
he alwais looks taller than cruise so no less than 5'9
Glenn said on 7/Dec/06
If Im making a mistake,its that Colin is 5-10.Im almost 75% certain he is 5-11.
Viper652 said on 6/Dec/06
Im 99.999 percent sure Foxx is 5-8. Though Colin has me utterly perplexed. With Glenn the guy does look 5-10-5-11, more 5-11 actually. But then in other pics he does look shorter, maybe not as short as 5-8 but shorter. Glenn said there was no way Colin was wearing lifts with the type of shoes he was wearing.
CoolJ said on 5/Dec/06
Its hard to see those profiles shown briefly in Miami Vice.. I believe Colin's is 5'8.. Foxx's may have been 5'9.. But they were definitely both under 5'10 .. it was just hard to see the last number
dmeyer said on 25/Oct/06
in person he didnt look smaller than 176-7 cm range he was wearing low cut puma
Height Detective said on 6/Oct/06
Rob , may be you have to downgrade him , please check this photo , with Tyrese , the photo was taken practically at eye level , and Foxx look 5.9 if not shorter near tyrese .
Click Here
trueheight said on 16/Sep/06
no, he just looked to tall to be 5'9 in some scenes and too short to be 5'10 in others

but he definitely towered over Larenz Tate(5in) and Krumholtz
Glenn said on 14/Sep/06
Saw the movie.never noticed that.was he standing on a box?
trueheight said on 13/Sep/06
hey Rob,

I'm too lazy to read the posts, but apparently Glenn and Mr. R think JF's 5'9 tops; Do you happen to know why he appeared to be the same height as 6ft Bokeem Woodbine and 6ft Clifton Powell? Was it lifts? Because Ray Charles was only about 5'8 himself

Oh yea, JF looked about at least 5in taller than David Krumholtz also. Weird huh?

Editor Rob
it would be a possibility...
Viper652 said on 11/Sep/06
If anything Colin looked slightly taller to me in the movie I thought.
Glenn said on 10/Sep/06
Its just you I hope.
Brazilian guy said on 9/Sep/06
I don't know if it's just me but I think Foxx was like half an inch taller than Farrell in Miami Vice. Almost the same height.
Glenn said on 30/Aug/06
Thank you Viper.
Viper652 said on 29/Aug/06
Colin truly does look 5-10 bare minimum in Glenn's pictures. Glenn says he doubts Colin was wearing lifts, so Colin has to be 5-10 bare minimum really.
Glenn said on 28/Aug/06
You guys are SO never met Colin.he is 5-11.Foxx 5-8,or 5-9.Colin was an inch to 2 inches taller in Miami 5-10 min on Colin.
MD said on 27/Aug/06
Felix is right. It really is that simple.
Felix said on 27/Aug/06
If Jamie is 5'8, Farrell is 5'8.5
If Jamie is 5'8.5, Farrell is 5'9
DJ said on 27/Aug/06
Looking at a few pics from google images, I'd say Foxx is closer to 5'8".
MD said on 6/Aug/06
Great find! Just as importantly, Tyrese is not the 5'11.25" Rob seems bent on giving him.
Viper652 said on 5/Aug/06
Im starting to beleive Glenn that Colin is closer to 5-10. He does have longish looking legs.
Glenn said on 4/Aug/06
that prooves he is 5-11 like I said all along.nobody beleived me.
Stiffelio said on 4/Aug/06
Both Jamie and Colin are over rated. Jamie is 5ft 8in, Colin is 5ft 9in.
MD said on 4/Aug/06
Rob, they don't look any thicker than Jamie's shoe sholes, there. You can also tell that Colin has longer legs and a similar length torso to Jamie making him the taller of the two.

Editor Rob
yes, he already is listed 1/2 inch lower, question is only whether foxx is 5ft 9 flat and should lose 1cm...
Viper652 said on 4/Aug/06
Jamie has looked 5-8 to me in every movie hes been in, including Miami Vice. Colin looked the same height or an inch taller sometimes in the movie.
MD said on 3/Aug/06
He really is noticable shorter than Colin (whom I think is listed too tall, anyway):

1. Click Here

2. Click Here

3. Click Here

Editor Rob
how big are farrell's shoes/boots
DudeX said on 1/Aug/06
If he admitted to be 5-9, and even 5-8, why are you still listing him at 5-9.5, Rob?
Viper652 said on 1/Aug/06
Ehh, most of the time Cruise only looks 5-7 though.
leonari said on 1/Aug/06
cruise wears Lifts...
Viper652 said on 31/Jul/06
Jamie looks 5-8 with Cruise.
MD said on 30/Jul/06
Cobe, again, can you tell us where that interview can be found, or if not, at least the exact quote and wording and such?
dmeyer said on 25/Jul/06
177 is exactly wath he looked when i met him on colateral he had low cut puma
D. Ray Morton said on 7/Jul/06
He didn't look that tall in "Jarhead." Ripped to shreds and full of T, yes, but not tall. Just based on that flick, next to the other actors, I'd have said 5'8"-5'9" (max).
Glenn said on 6/Jul/06
He really does look 5-9,5-9.5 at times though,unless he wears lifts? He looked taller than tom cruise.
Viper652 said on 5/Jul/06
Ive been saying hes 5-8 all along. At least he admitted it.
MD said on 5/Jul/06
Cobe, do you have a link to that interview, or at least the show/quote and date?
Stiffelio said on 5/Jul/06
Cobe could you please tell us which interview it was? Tks.
cobe said on 1/Jul/06
on interview stated he was 5'8
Mike dude said on 23/Jun/06
All of you people clearly don't know anyhting about height. Anyone could clearly see that Jamie Foxx is no where near 5'10". I said he's probably around 5'6" or 5'7". But 5'10" is just outrageous. He doesn't even look that tall on television.
Tony said on 6/Jun/06
My mom saw him in a restaurant in the New York. Her friend got an autograph and he was very kind. My mom was shocked about his height though. He was built but only a couple of inches taller. My mom is 5'5"
dmeyer said on 29/May/06
he dosnt wear lifts i met him in person he looks just over 5'9" like 5'9.5 or 75"
Polska said on 28/May/06
Wow, with his 5'9" quote everything seems to make more sense. His appearances with Tom Cruise and Kanye West finally make some sense. Although, he seems like the type of guy who would be comfortable with self-depricating humour. Maybe he exaggerated how short he really was by a little.
MattMatt said on 14/May/06
Jessica Biel doesn't look the 5'7"5 she's supposed to be on Alex's pics next to "5'10" Jamie Foxx ...
DudeX said on 8/May/06
Nice link, rob. Now I think we can downgrade mister Farrell too.
MD said on 7/May/06
When did he say that, Rob, and what's the source? Is it something recent? Looks like he needs to be brought down. As we all know "like" 5'9" really means less. He even admits to lie a full 3" inches. If he actually admits that, I wonder how many more of his inches are made up...?

Editor Rob
2 months, maybe the other 1/2 inch will vanish soon
Editor Rob said on 6/May/06
"First of all, to give up Hollywood and play in the NFL? I’d need a whole body transplant because those guys are absolutely huge... and absolutely stellar. I don't even think that I'd even fit in. I am like 5'9... but I say I'm six feet" - Jamie Foxx
Brett said on 11/Apr/06
Josh Lucas claims to be barely 5'11.5", so then Jamie is really looking in the 5'9" range, and this matches the listed height close enough.
Alex said on 10/Apr/06
5'8 looks right, hes not shorter than that though.
dmeyer said on 2/Apr/06
i met jamie on the set of colaterall and he was wearing low cut puma sneakers with barely 1 inch heels and he looked around the 178 mark no less than 177
Lboogie said on 1/Apr/06
I watch Jamie fox show every night, and he is not taller than Garcelle Beauvais, plus he said out his own mouth on the show that he was 5'8
chelle said on 1/Mar/06
I have a picture that i took with jaime fox in miami. i am 5'3, my boyfriend is 5'7-5'8, and i would say that jaime is about an inch or two taller than my boyfriend in pictures where i am wearing the same flat flip-flops. so i would say that Jaime is between 5'9 and 5'10, and at the LEAST 5'8.
CoolJ said on 10/Feb/06
Height looks pretty dead on to me with the Williams sisters.
Mario said on 9/Feb/06
Why do you think that Rob gives Foxx 177 cm Viper?
If Foxx was 173 as you say, Rob would see that 2 inch difference.
Viper652 said on 9/Feb/06
No way is he anything close to 5-9.5 Mario.
Mr. R said on 8/Feb/06
Viper, of COURSE I am the "end all be all" of all sightings! Where have you been! (Snicker!)
Mario said on 8/Feb/06
He is a legitimate 5 ft 9.5, live with it Viper.
Viper652 said on 8/Feb/06
Not that Mr. R is the end all be all of sightings, but he did say Jamie looked 5-8. Which means he is probably closer to that height then 5-10.
CoolJ said on 8/Feb/06
He did look short on an episode of Living Color I saw the other night.. Quite strange.

I based my estimate of his height on his appearance at MTV Awards? With Beyonce.... Well now Beyonce looks shorter than I once thought when pictured with Glenn.

I'd shave a CM off from him and Beyonce and call it a day. haha
Viper652 said on 8/Feb/06
These 5-10 and 5-9 comments are crazy. This guy has never looked taller then 5-8 to me on TV, which is saying something. Because TV normally makes you look taller. He looks short on TV.
Just Blaze said on 6/Feb/06
He is around 5'10.5" because he is 1-1.5 inches taller than his co-star Garcelle Beauvais from the "Jamie Foxx Show" who is listed @ 5'9"
Anonymous said on 26/Jan/06
I always thought he was 5`11"-6`0"
CoolJ said on 17/Jan/06
He's taller than 5'8.. 5'9.5 is a fair guess.
Viper652 said on 17/Jan/06
He has always looked 5-8 Max to me.
balita said on 15/Jan/06
5'9 sounds good. Any pics of the guy next to Gyllenhaal ?
Asi9 said on 15/Dec/05
I still contend that Foxx LOOKS a lot shorter than others his height. I was watching a show with Don Chadele on it who is listed as 5'8" but looks of normal height or taller whereas Fox always looks short to me
SM said on 23/Nov/05
hey i liked the editor of this site's listing for Jamie Fox... I saw a cover of ebony magazine just the other month and showed it to some people and told them that Denzel is a knows 6 footer and asked them how tall Fox was... they all said 6'1", from the appearance in the photo... the magazine actually rotated the photo to the left to make fox seem taller, so when i shifted the magazine and saw their jaws drop, when they realized the photo had been tampered with in the cropping... they changed their estimates to 5'10"... bravo to the site host for his ability to spot these photography tricks...
Pookie said on 19/Nov/05
Jamie Foxx is 5'8". He said he was 5"9" on 1 of his comedy shows. So take a inch away and you have 5'8".
Viper652 said on 10/Nov/05
I always thought Jamie Foxx looked 5-8 on screen. Short
Asi9 said on 9/Nov/05
I disagree, regardless of what his true height is, Foxx always APPEARS quite short to me. I suspect MD is right in that Jamie seems to have short legs and perhaps that is what makes him look shorter than others of identical height to him.
joel said on 8/Nov/05
wow! I always thouhgt jamie foxx was at least 5'11". He always looks so tall on screen.
Julien said on 29/Oct/05
Dont compare him to Tom Cruze in that film, Tom cruze has special shoes to make him appear tall. Seeing all FOX's comedy i wouldnt say he was shorter then me.
Im 5ft 8, but people tell me im 5ft 9.
Anonymous said on 29/Oct/05
Watch some old episodes of In Living Color, Jamie's ticket to stardom, before his now household name status as of now. Jamie and 5'6"-ish Tommy Davidson were very similar in size throughout the show. At most, Jamie maybe had about 2-3 inches on him. I'm thinking 5'8"+ for him. He looks too short next to tallish people to be 5'9". And to counter on MD, he was thinner on In Living Color and didn't look to be taller than he is now.
MD said on 27/Oct/05
I agree with Asi on this one. I think what makes him look short is his new, more muscular build. Sometimes it doesn't make people look short and on other people it does. I also think what makes him appear short is that he has relatively short legs and a long torso. Long legs can make you look taller than you are. I'm often mistakenly thought of as taller than I really am because of my thin build and long legs.

Now, with all of that said, I think he could easily be as low as 5'7.7" (not really that short in my book) barefoot, and 5'9.5" in some heeled or slightly lifted shoes. I think if he looks anywhere over that it's because of obvious lifts, though. He's definitely not under 5'7" but I don't think he's over 5'9" either.
Asi9 said on 27/Oct/05
I have long doubted that Jamie was a tall as he reports, however I now think maybe it's so. I think Jamie is one of those people that simply looks short. For unknown reasons some people simply look shorter than their actual height. Often one can see two people of identical height and one looks shorter than the other. Why is this?

Whenever I see Jamie the first thought is "he's short". Today I saw him on a re-run of "In Living Color". He and one of the younger Wayans brothers was being introduced. When I saw the Wayans brother I thought nothing of his height [he simply appeared average in height and otherwise]. When I saw Jamie I thought he looks short. Then when comparing the two they are actually of similar height. So I think Jamie simply looks much shorter than other 5'9" (or 5'10") people.
Salvatore said on 19/Oct/05
Look at the cover of Ebony Magazine for this month... He looks the same height as the six footer denzel washington... i showed it to all my clients and they said they thought that jamie looked the same height as denzel maybee taller... when i slanted the magazine (you can tell by the photo that it is rotated to make jamie look taller!!!) They then said, Oh my goodness, he is like 5'10"... so bravo for the 5'9.5"

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.