How tall is Jean Claude Van Damme - Page 5

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Average Guess (202 Votes)
Peak: 5ft 9.22in (175.8cm)
Current: 5ft 8.6in (174.3cm)
r said on 26/Mar/06
yea i think hes gotta be at least 5'9 becuase in the movie knock out he looked at least 4in taller than rob schnider who is 5'5
kyle said on 26/Mar/06
i saw van damme in geneva several years ago, passed right by him were exactly same level 5'7 no taller.i dont think he is 5'9 nor 5'10.
Thomas said on 24/Mar/06
I'm from Belgium like him and his Belgium official website is correct. He is 177 cm. I don't know exactly the values in "foot and inche". I'm sure it is his correct height in centimeters because we use that metric system in our land.
tijo mathew said on 24/Mar/06
I think vandamme is 175cm in his height
marvel said on 16/Mar/06
mmmm he looks about that height (5'9) i mean he aint the kind of guy who's always trying to appear taller than he aint hard to believe he's 174-75
trueheight said on 16/Mar/06
5'8 would not be a stretch either, i think this is the most accurate. he was *marginally* taller than 5'6 Yang Tze(aka Bolo Yuen) in BloodSport
cantstop25 said on 10/Mar/06
I know who abdel qissi he also played atilla in lionheart he looked 6'1" in "the quest" I would say 4 inches taller then van damme but he did not seem that much taller in lionheart though. his brother michel is tall like 6'2" he played tong po in kickboxer and towered over van damme.
jack said on 10/Mar/06
the guy looks about 5'9 i agree.....
Jason said on 2/Mar/06
5'9'' is wrong for Van Damme. Check him opposite 5'10'' Abdel Qissi (5'10'' was his boxing measurement) in the movie ''The Quest''. Abdel Qissi plays the Mongolian wrestler ''Khan'', Van Damme's main nemesis in the film. Qissi was a few inches taller.
ray said on 22/Feb/06
i met him few years ago when he was in wcw nitro to do promo of universal soldier the return,i'm a 5'11 and he was shorter than me but not too much,i mean he really looked about 5'8-5'9....
Brett said on 17/Feb/06
Rob,Van Damme has said his height to be 5'9" 5'10" and 5'10.5" ( hes slowly been growing over time ), now would you believe a thing a guy whoes had like 4 wives had to say hahaha. In all Honesty he really does look short, I mean people have always joked about his height, honestly if he was 5'7" Id believe that, just always seems like somethings missing when you see him looking normal sized in photos, but his waist is noticbly higher then the person next to his , making him look to have a tiny Torso hahaha, I think he just wears lifts. BTW he was my hero when I was like 9 years old, no one can do a flying spinning kick as "hollywood style" as JCVD can, but Im sure Jet Li would have no problem kicking his butt.
Rocky said on 12/Feb/06
I remember watching a show on skyone a few years ago where richard blackwood (UK TV presenter/comedian) would interview celebs, anyway he interviewed Van Damme and said 'hey you're taller than i thought, what are you? like 5'8"?' at which Van Damme said 'no 5'9"'
julius said on 27/Jan/06
yeah the guy really looks in the 174-75 range,i haven't met the guy in person,i was in l.a. a few years ago, and he was having dinner,i just saw him leaving the place and i was like 30 ft away but the guy didn't look short to me.
dmeyer said on 27/Jan/06
his stand in is 174 cm i met him and told me that vandamme is the same but this stand in has a scene with van damme in double impact and vandamme looked a lithel taller than him
trueheight said on 27/Jan/06
being a huge JCVD fan, i own almost all of his films. There is no way this guy is under 5'8", from my experience in judging height. it also doesn't hurt that he's barefoot in many films
avi said on 22/Jan/06
hi guys - today van damme came to our gym in tel-aviv - he was standing right next to me and was about a cm or two shorter at most than me - i am 1.75 so do the math
Anonymous said on 19/Jan/06
Nice pic height detective. Even though we might argue abt Van damme's height to be 5'9 or 5'10, i dont think it really matters much to him, coz i feel when ur a martial artist its always better if ur shorter and more flexible. Sheesh, his finishing move, the spin kick is awesome, he will kick ass of any tall guy with tht signature move of his.
cantstop25 said on 18/Jan/06
height detective there looks to be exactly 5 inches there putting van damme at 5'9"
Height Detective said on 17/Jan/06
Haaa look at this photo !!!

Jean Claude was thinking : "Where are my boots when I need them !! "

Hey rob , they are barefooted , im really sure of that , can you determine his exactly height comparing him with Lorenzo , who is 6 . 2 ???
Height Detective said on 17/Jan/06
You notice his boots ?

How much cms put that on him ?

By de way, he is very elastic , and do streching all the time , this may be allow him to grow a bit all this past years?
ralph said on 17/Jan/06
could be,van damme some time wears lifts to look 5'10-5'11,but we all know he is not over 5'9...not to much taller and also not that its ok
dmeyer said on 17/Jan/06
van damme can look 5'10 5'11 sometimes there is a movie called narco he is standing beside a 6 feet actor and he looks almost as tall as the guy
dieter said on 6/Jan/06
yeah he looks in the 5'8-5'9max range.
TheMan said on 2/Jan/06
I think he's 5,8.5 exactly.
dane said on 2/Jan/06
mmm i don't think so......the guy is not a giant but he aint 5'6...he really looks 5'8-5'9,he wears elevators to look like 5'11,but youre right about the rule all short actors find a way to cover up the lack of height....and aint wrong to do that,examples: tom cruise,sly,brad etc.this guy may not be tha tallest action star,but certainly he aint under 5'8.
master said on 23/Dec/05
wrong! he is 5'9,the guy still is in great shape,and he doesnt hide his height,for example in universal soldier he weared the same boots than dulph,he didn't weared any lift,the guy also like to be with tall actresess on the this is a short guy in hollywood,but he aint afraid of his height.
Ivan said on 20/Dec/05
He's not 5'9". I have a friend who's 5'6" worked as a prop master on one of his movies. He said that Van Damme looked him str8 in the eye.
jax said on 17/Dec/05
norris always wears lifts,and yeah van damme aint 5'10,but deffinitly he aint under 5'8.
will said on 10/Dec/05
mmmm no this guy really looks 5'8-5'9mwell i preffer to believe in the people who have seen him,not in the guys who make conclussions by photos or rumors.....
ray said on 6/Dec/05
mmm this one of those cases where you really dont' know waht to think,but the thing is that van damme really looks about 5'8-5'9,i mean the guy aint tall,but also can't be under 5'8.
elio said on 5/Dec/05
My Brother, who is 6'0.5" and his 5'9" girlfriend (possibly in heeled shoes) saw him in France and said he looked short. I suspect he probably looked no more than 5'7" for them to say this.
Shred Guy said on 2/Dec/05
OK - one of my dad's pattients was the stunt man for Van-Damme in "The Quest". My dad introduced my brother to him as the stunt man has a gym where I live. He gave my brother a bunch of pictures of him and Van-Damme hanging out on the set of the film - without shoes. The Stunt man is 6' (this is a legit height as bodybuilders need to know their exact height to calculate their ideal weight they need to be). In those photos Van-damme is therefore 5'8" minimum and more realistically just over 5'9".

Don't know if people reading this will believe me, but why would I make such things up? I have better things to do than to lie to people who I don't know.....
Viper652 said on 2/Dec/05
God, I think you guys are crazy for thinking this dude is shorter then 5-8. His correct height is 5-8, and has always looked it.
Shred Guy said on 1/Dec/05
He's closer to about 5'10" than 5'9". The guy's not short - he's about average from the looks of things. Being that well built makes people look smaller.

Whoever said 5'4" is......well, wrong!
jack said on 1/Dec/05
the guy is 5'9 for sure,nobody in his 5 senses will believe van damme is 5'4,i mean what kind of guy made that up....Rob you should really take those crazy comments out...!!
ray said on 1/Dec/05
mmm NICK youre asking why would he said that?the answer is:the guy likes jokes and sometimes he jokes about himself,about his height believe me,i agree with everybody here,he's not tall(6'0) but he really is in the 5'8-5'9 range that's for sure and it's impossible for anybody to believe he's only 5'4,i mean open your the way kylie was wearing elevator shoes in street fighter.
Gotxo said on 30/Nov/05
Nick, it can't another "gem" out of his mout too ^
you will find it on the comments under his laberl & guessed height |
He said his fans get disappointed when realized he only was 5'10".
He always look well above 5'7", should put him between 5'8"-5,9" not much more.
MEK said on 30/Nov/05
Looks to me 5.8" is enough for him nowadays.
keith said on 25/Nov/05
yeah right nick! keep dreaming,van damme is not under 5'9(saw him),if you really think that's correct probably you are blind,besides does anyone have seen that interview....van damme is not one tall guy but deffinitly he's not 5'4.
julius said on 23/Nov/05
mmm this guy has one great body but not too much height,probably van damme and sly(5'8 nothing more) are the shortest action superstars,but the thing is that jean claude really looks 5'9....and yeah he's build like a brick.
aj said on 10/Nov/05
van damme 5'6? no that can't be,i have friends who have met him and they told me he really looks about 5'8-5'9 i agree with dude if van damme is 5'6,then tom is 5'4,i think is correct 5'9.
Paste said on 9/Nov/05
Belive Van Damme is 5 ft 6 to 5 ft 7, taller than that is a joke.
dude said on 7/Nov/05
jajajajajaja impossible van damme is not under the 5''s just a crazy idea if van damme is 5'6 then tom cruise should be like 5'4,wich is just impossible....van damme is one strong 5'9.
CelebHeights Editor said on 4/Nov/05
From some newsgroup posting, this made me laugh: "I've seen him at an opening of Planet Hollywood, and I can assure you, he is NOT 5'10" . I'm 5'6" and he seemed shorter than me. I've heard from other sources ie. not him, that he is 5'1", but that might be an exageration. Either way, I'm pretty sure he is less than 5'6"

lol, van damme 5ft 1...that would make his streetfighter co-star kylie minogue about 4ft 3!
Martin from Poland said on 31/Oct/05
Van damme looks taller than he is because he's got fantastic silhoutette.He's trained very hard for all live. I didn't see him but i think he is 175cm.
Anonymous said on 2/Oct/05
Once he said he is 5ft9, I´m sure this is correct.
Timbo said on 2/Oct/05
I think he's about 5'9" tops. Next to Natasha Henstridge whos supposedly 5'10" he gives away at least an inch?
daniel said on 5/Sep/05
i think the editor is right, van damme is 5'9(saw him),i think he is even taller than sly, who's always wearing lifts.
TheMan said on 30/Aug/05
Van damme is 5,8 spot on even 5,9 is a push.
CelebHeights Editor said on 25/Aug/05
From martial arts group: "Whoever said that Van Damme was 6'2 is smoking crack I met the Guy when I was 5'8 and he was shorter than me! Though he was very stocky and defined."
CelebHeights Editor said on 22/Aug/05
He has said also, "I'm 5 foot ten and a half" in an NBC interview.
cantstop25 said on 27/Jul/05
"Did you see Van Damme in that episode of "Friends." He appears to be about 3" shorter, than Matt LeBlanc, whose about 5'10"?"

leblanc wears lifts
tony said on 17/Jul/05
hey guys watch JC's last movie wake of death and his co-star Tony Schiena world karate champion is at least 20cm taller than JC who's in his cowboy boots,i met tony and he's most 188 cm.
GPM said on 12/Jul/05
Did you see Van Damme in that episode of "Friends." He appears to be about 3" shorter, than Matt LeBlanc, whose about 5'10"?
Mike said on 11/Jul/05
5ft9 is correct.
Also Van Damme said it once.
Anshelm said on 10/Jul/05
I've seen a metric height of 176 cm (5'9¼") for him. If rounded up, this would indeed convert to 5'10".
leonari said on 4/Jul/05
Until recently never claimed to be 5'10". Now his best years are behind him so prbably his agents really told him to tell that lie. But he will play in the next ASTERIX movie! Maybe a comeback is in reach for the mussles of brussels! He did some pretty cool stuff back in the late 80's early 90's...He is 5'8" not below , not above!
Bill said on 4/Jul/05
I think it's his agent who is pushing the 5-10 thing to get him better parts, and make more money.
leonari said on 30/Jun/05
Yeah but why is he stating to be 5'10 on his website if he doesn't care about his height anyway???
leonari said on 30/Jun/05
RAJ what do you mean he is 5'8" on "CHUCKS". What does this word stand fdo you mean he is 5'8 with or without shoes on? Or does it mean on the makr than we are on the same page. I always said he is 5'8 but on his official website he claims to be 5'10"...Confusing
Bill said on 30/Jun/05
yes he says he's 5-10(5-8 tops)but has never claimed to be tall, in fact he keeps on saying that he isn't tall.
leonari said on 30/Jun/05
RAJ apparently you haven't seen to many JCVD movies and you have no clue what you are talking about...He is 5'8 thats common knowledge. Always pulls his pants way above waist line to give the impression he has long legs...
leonari said on 29/Jun/05
Bill you seem to have no clue what you are talking about...he claims to be 5'10 when is nothing more than 5'8" max on a good day after 11 hours of sleep!
Surge said on 29/Jun/05
I was standing next to JCVD at a afterparty during the Cannes moviefestival and I can assure you that he is 170 when wearing shoes, I'm 175 without shoes.
Mr. R said on 27/Jun/05
Actually Bill, JCVD has always claimed to be 5-10, which seems to be at least 2 inches higher than reality. Of course, there is the famous story when he was a guest on the late show, and his people asked 6-5 Craig Kilborn to stay seated when Jean-Claude came out, so that he would not completely dwarf him. Kilborn's people refused, and I guess JCVD came out anyway!
Bill said on 27/Jun/05
I don't think that JCVD has ever pretended to be taller than he is, he did say that he liked Kyle Minogue in street fighter because she nade himn look tall
MikeyD said on 25/Jun/05
I have never met JC, but I have seen a lot of his movies. I am about the same height and frame as JC. I'm muscular 5'8", which tends to make me look even shorter. JC could be 5'9" but I would not think he is any taller than that. I think he's a few inches shorter than Matt Damon. If JC was 6'3", do you really think he would be as famous? I doubt it. God made JC the height he is to be one thing only, Jean Claude Van Damme the action hero mega star. The ladies surely aren't complaining that he's short. "I just want to eat" (Universal Soldier)
leonari said on 19/Jun/05
I have been a huge Van Damme fan is prime not now...I don't know ROB but as far as I remember many sites(except his personal one) state that he is your height so 5'8 which I think is correct. People arround this hight who are as buff, wide and muscular as Van damme tend to look a lot shorter than they really are. I think he is 5'8 on the mark cause even in some of his movies he doesn't look to bequite average. Here are sites who have him at 5'8:
J. said on 19/Jun/05
The Getty/Corbis/Wire aren't as obviously altered but I still don't think they think that they are the true and exact image of an event or person. The photographers use all kind of tricks (this I how for a fact since I've been one) and it quite easy to make someone look shorter/taller/bigger/smaller/skinnier/fatter. A lot of the celebs who I have met who were quite diminutive usually look bigger in those getty/corbis/wire photos so no those sources are not the end-all, say-all. In the end, I'll take the word of someone who's met the person rather me sitting on a computer looking at a picture or watching a movie.
Smoke said on 18/Apr/05
Well the way you wrote it, it wasn't exactly the easiest text to understand. But I get the fact that you're bringing about possible incorrect theories for calculating height. However, there was no need to accuse me of any wrong doing in your original post. "If you'd done the math, you would've seen where you got it wrong.", now where and what did I get wrong?
Raz said on 17/Apr/05
Listen, nothing was wrong with my calculation. You simply didn't understand what I wrote.

Using the incorrect conversions 30 cm/foot and 2.5 cm/inch, you get 172.5 cm from 5'9".
Using the correct conversions 30.48 cm/foot and 2.54 cm/inch, you get 175 cm from 5'9".
Was that so hard?
Raz said on 16/Apr/05
No, you simply misunderstood. Sorry for being unclear.
If you'd done the math, you would've seen where you got it wrong.
If someone uses the wrong conversions (30/2.5 instead of 30.48/2.54), they get 172.5, but the actual, correct, conversion would be 175 (and a bit). That's what I meant.
I know my units, I promise! :-D
Smoke said on 16/Apr/05
Raz something isn't right in your calculations, this could explain your being off on the Williams' sisters heights. 2.54*69 inches=175.26 cm, so 5'9" is indeed 175 cm, 5'8"=172.72 cm.
Raz said on 16/Apr/05
Yeah, the most common mistake is to use 30 cm for a foot, and 2.5 cm for an inch.
(Correct would be 30.48 cm and 2.54 cm, respectively...)
For someone actually 5'9", that would convert to only 172.5 cm instead of 175.
Smoke said on 15/Apr/05
Yeah I agree, but the only country in the world where people technically should use feet and inches instead of metres is the U.S! Here in Canada most everythig is listed primarily in the metric system, so if someone asks me my height or weight, I usually say 185 cm and 80 kg, and only if they don't have a clue what I'm talking about, will I say that I'm 6'1" and 175 lbs. I think either way, we're all best off knowing both, and that's something people in Canada particularly are used to having to do.
Mr. R said on 14/Apr/05
Smoke, your estimate proves my point. JCVD has been saying he is 5-10 for years, but you believe him to be 5-9, which is near my estimate. I do not believe that we can trust anyone's account of their height be it Hollywood, or be it athletics. That's why we need personal accounts or estimated deductions from photographs. As I said before, some people lie, and some people don't.
Sohrab said on 13/Apr/05
i see. van damme is seen like 174-175. it can be true. no suspect!!!
Mr. R said on 12/Apr/05
I have seen both 5-8 and 5-9. Certainly we can't take his word for it. Looking at his films and co-stars, I think that he is just below 5-9. What seals it for me is the film with Dolph Lungren. No way does JCVD look 5-10.
cantstop25 said on 6/Feb/05
also in the replicant they have him listed at 5'11". However i am sure that is stretching it.
cantstop342 said on 31/Jan/05
in that pic van damme is kind of bending over and looking down at the other guy. and the other guy is standing all upright. i say van damme is aleast 5'9"

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.