alen said on 1/Jul/22
David Tang said on 24/May/22
rob i think in general you should do a quarter inch boost. youve seen the evidence and it all points to over six foot flat
David Tang said on 26/Apr/22
so rob, do you agre with me that she is more of a string six foot rather than weak. even with her husband, lets say ehs sox five, she neever comes below his eyelevek with even footwear and shes a bit abive it actually. please do the ulgrade just gy a quarter. trust me thats a better listing.

Editor Rob
From looking at a few more photos just now...maybe she has a better chance of strong 6ft
David Tang said on 19/Apr/22
hey rob, i cant believe you dint think she is a strong six foot. next to geena davis, who at the time probably lost a fraction, she looked to be considrably taller, when she stood tall she was just 2-3 inches shorter than manning, with lisa leslie, if she adjusted her posture to be better she is only 4-4.25 inches shorter, meaning she is rougly more closer to 6.0.25. also rob people here have met her and have said she is at least above six foot. imo u should do the boost. also, maybe the six one measurement was a simplemround up and shes maybe more throughout the day 6.0.25

Editor Rob
She did hold up well beside Geena and I can see why you could argue stronger 6ft there. Here with
Lisa Leslie, that's one occasion she won't come across often, looking up several inches to another lady.
David Tang said on 17/Apr/22
rob, were civil i assume, but i do need to ask you another question. if you have similar posture to another person do you if you were too stand straight and compare should the differences be similar if not the same if you were not standing straight but you both had similar if not same posture?

Editor Rob
Some people are going to have different standing postures. One could be 1/4 off their measured, another typically might stand 2cm less than what they measure.
That's another part of guessing height which can be tricky, the mystery of varying posture.
Actors who have training, generally are more aware of how they hold themselves and how this effects their performances.
Many athletes are doing training which enhances their natural ability to stand close to measured height.
David Tang said on 16/Apr/22
hey rob, would u say 6.0 6.025 is more likely than just 6โ0 flat

Editor Rob
Last time I looked at her I felt about 6ft was ok, I couldn't see her as tall as 6ft 1 barefoot...but of course there is a chance of over 6ft
David Tang said on 26/Mar/22
Rob would u say above or below six feet. I would say above. What do u think

Editor Rob
There may be a stronger chance of a decent 6ft than a weak 6ft...but I think 6ft 1 in a sneaker is what she can measure.
David Tang said on 10/Nov/21
Hey rob could she possibly be 183.5 would you agree she is most likely over than under 6ft

Editor Rob
Wouldn't go much over the current listing.
eduar said on 12/Oct/21
She shorter than Dr. Mehmet Oz at 185cm.
Jennie is 183cm no more
David Tang said on 5/Oct/21
hey rob are the heights in this website 5-6 hours out of bed for most. I usually claim my height around that range too. I am 5'9 flat abut 5.25 hours out of bed. is that what this site uses?

Editor Rob
Yeah I'd think of it like several hours after wakening...not like absolute low or anything though.
David Tang said on 26/Sep/21
hey rob, when i bust a gut, i don't seem to get anything, like not even a hair more. is that possible, also what is the max people get from busting a gut?

Editor Rob
Your 'standing tall' pose sounds like it's near enough the max you can get...for some, there may not be anything, for others 2-5mm
David Tang said on 26/Sep/21
Hey rob do you think she ever falls below 6

Editor Rob
Might manage to hold onto 6ft most of the day
David Tang said on 23/Sep/21
rob do you think she falls below 6ft before bed. i personally feel she is one of those who measures just a above 6ft, would you agree rob?
David Tang said on 4/Sep/21
Well, rob its because the midwest has a greater northern european population. nordic people are alot taller than most people. so that's probably why.
David Tang said on 2/Sep/21
well nik ashton, if anything i feel its 86%. Rob have you ever been to the midwestern USA. People here on average are alot taller than the rest of the country. the average is close to 5'11. 6ft girls are pretty common at this region

Editor Rob
I've read that a few times on here about some areas of America being closer to 5ft 10-10.5 average. However, I've never ventured into beyond the east coast.
Nik Ashton said on 1/Sep/21
Sheโs taller than about 83% of men and this is cool! ๐
David Tang said on 29/Aug/21
David Tang said on 19/Aug/21
well to be fair, i guess, I live in the midwest. people are on average extremely tall
David Tang said on 6/Aug/21
6'1 girl. hey rob, most height calculators and some doctors say 6'0 is only 80th percentile for guys. don't you think that's a little too low. I don't really see 1/5 guys over 6'0.

Editor Rob
I don't think the stats lie, but how you perceive height in public can vary - some might feel the stats don't add up, and maybe some sort of bias plays a part in that.
David Tang said on 2/Aug/21
I think 6'1 could be what she measures rob or closer. rob why did you choose 6'0 over 6'1. i think she looks taller than 6'0. if her husband is the 6'6 he's listed at, then she's over 6'0 by a good 1/2 inch. trust me rob 6'0.5 is a much better listing for her than just plain 6'0
David Tang said on 17/Jul/21
rob man do the upgrade. she actually looks legitimately taller than 6'0. she is actually one of the few people that are actually honest about their height.
David Tang said on 8/Jul/21
rob boost her, she is at least 6'0 1/4
David Tang said on 5/Jul/21
rob, i saw her with her husband. if he's the 6'6 he's listed at, then she looks to be at least 6'0 1/4.
David Tang said on 28/Jun/21
I think she could be way taller in the morning, at 6'1. would you agree rob. I change my guess maybe 6' 3/4 is better
David Tang said on 21/Jun/21
Rob, I think she is truly 6'0 1/2. She looks taller than 6'0. at least give her an extra quarter.
Antonio Brown said on 4/Aug/19
She seems a little taller than 6'0" to me and seems to have gotten a little curvier. I'd go 6'1.5" and 195 lbs since with heels she looked bigger than the guy she danced with on Dancing with the stars and he's 6'3" 190. Great looking woman well into her 30's
even said on 1/Sep/17
anything under 6 feet ( 182.88 cm ) is anything but reality . she is at least 130 pounds .
Conti said on 15/Jul/13
5'11 175 lbs without those heels.Looks about 6'0 in the picture.
nona said on 22/May/13
Nice athletic girl. 6'1' & about 185 lbs
Maximus said on 25/Nov/12
She is most likely 6'.......thats what she is listed for the olympics.
Justsomedude said on 4/Nov/12
Pretty hot taller chick. Good athletic yet sexy look!
Elizabeth said on 3/May/09
we get it Ramona, you beat me and Jennie by an inch.
Elizabeth 6'0"(183cm)
Jennie 6'0" (183cm)
Ramona 6'1" (185cm)
but we have more muscle mass than you, Jennie and I weigh at least 175, you're a thin 155.
DKL said on 11/Apr/09
I agree!!!
Haliee. says on 4/Jul/08
It's confusing to hear all these opinions from guys like "I would never date a woman over 5'10" " and then when they see a pretty celeb that's 6'0 they say they would date her..I guess appearance really matters. Like if she's tall and pretty she's desirable but if she's just average looking then she's unwanted.
Ramona Davis said on 11/Dec/08
I actually am 6'1" by the way, and not in high heels or anything.
al said on 25/Aug/08
most guys don't like talller girls they like shorter girls so they can feel taller. after all how many short guys want to be shorter than uma thruman
britney said on 8/Jul/08
Jennie looks about 4 or 5 inches taller than
Haliee. said on 4/Jul/08
It's confusing to hear all these opinions from guys like "I would never date a woman over 5'10" " and then when they see a pretty celeb that's 6'0 they say they would date her..I guess appearance really matters. Like if she's tall and pretty she's desirable but if she's just average looking then she's unwanted.
Jacka G said on 11/Jan/08
Met her last January at the World Baseball/Softball clinic at Mohegan Sun Casino. She was signing autographs in the Mizuno booth,she is a paid athlete for them. I am dead on 6' and ahe at times looked a tiny bit taller, could just be her footwear or maybe round up a 1/4"
glenn said on 11/Jan/08
crazy pic mike.
Viper said on 26/Nov/07
She also looked 6-0 in a video segement with 187cm Alex Rodriguez as well.
Anonymous said on 26/Nov/07
Me and my girlfriend spotted her at DFW airport about 2 years ago eating at the food court and then going into the womens room. Even sitting down you could tell she was tall. Conspicuous leggy blonde wearing a baseball cap, blue jeans and low-heel boots that gave her 1-1.5 inches. When she stood up she was around 6'3 including the footwear. Positive it was her since a couple of kids went up to her and she signed for them. My 5'9 girlfriend went into the women's room at the same time as her and was half a head shorter. Funny part to the story was my girlfriend said that in the womens room Jennie was taking a crap that smelled like it was going to peel the paint off the walls. We waited for her to come out and get another look, she's the hottest celeb i've seen in person, puts Maria Sharapova to shame.
btoy said on 28/Oct/07
She doesn't look 5'11 in that picture, there is a bigger gap than 4 inches right there between their heads. She looks well over 6'3" here, even though she has heels.
AAAA said on 27/Oct/07
She looked 6'-6'1 with 6'2-6'3 John Smoltz
Click Here (not a great picture for perspective, but you can get the jist of what I mean), but oddly looked way way smaller than bonds in one of those episode where she pitches to the pros.
Click Here
glenn said on 27/Oct/07
legin-tall celebrity women still wear some sort of heel to events.and usually its big heels.strangely.
legin said on 27/Oct/07
usually girls that are five eleven and up won't wear heels because it's freakishly unusual for woman to be that height in the first place.
legin said on 27/Oct/07
hey glen im sort uh new to this but sometimes like in that leilah ali pic she looks taller than five ten
glenn said on 26/Oct/07
yo,what the fuk is up with people that stupid not knowing a woman isnt wearing heels in an outfit at in event? second time this week and its been going on for awhile.its not even commmon sense.its blatantly obvious any women would wear heels.
btoy said on 26/Oct/07
Plus, there's a huge gap in their heads, it doesn't look like a 4 inch gap at all.
btoy said on 26/Oct/07
She looks a lot taller than 6 ft right here compared to a 5'8er, so she could be wearing heels.
Alex said on 25/Oct/07
I'm not into girls that height really but she is hot though. I'd date her if I could.
Doink said on 25/Oct/07
Click HereEither Finch is over 6' or most baseball players' heights are totally off. Everyone in this video except Paul La Duca and Jimmy Rollins is listed at 6-0 or up.
Her pro softball teams lists her at 6-2, fwiw
Click Here
lillo thomas said on 25/Oct/07
another hot tall chick glenn you are a lucky guy . i cant see his footware but if she got normal shoes in that pic she is 6-0
Anonymous said on 25/Oct/07
if she took her heels off hre glenns head would be passed her eyebrows giving her 3 inches or less
Kevin Durant said on 25/Oct/07
Anonymous says on 25/Oct/07
Guys dont be fooled! women always try to look the taller beings, its the heels! take them off and what do you have?? 5'11 the most!
Ms. Finch is a legit 6 footer and you cannot even see his footwear, and i assume she does not wear 3-4 inches heels here with Glenn. I stick to my estimate that she is between 6'0"-6'0.5" because she looks taller in the photo beside Peyton Manning.
Anonymous said on 25/Oct/07
Guys dont be fooled! women always try to look the taller beings, its the heels! take them off and what do you have?? 5'11 the most!
Alex said on 25/Oct/07
She's only around 3 inches shorter than 6'5.5 Peyton in heels so he'd be 6'6.5-6'6.75 in shoes and she would be 6'3.5 or so in heels. She must have 4 inch heels on giving her 3-3.5 inches of height.
Kevin Durant said on 25/Oct/07
Click HereHere is the picture of 6'5.5" Peyton Manning, and 6'0.5" Jennie Finch, who is wearing some heels in the picture. I change my mind and he can at least look like a solid 6'0.5" if she can straighten her posture.
TM said on 25/Oct/07
She lookt like a gigant next to Glenn, i think she is 6.1ft.
Alex said on 24/Oct/07
She is leaning a bit but also has on heels. Not sure the size of them. Either way she's no more than 6'0 or could be 5'11 1/2 actually.
Anonymous said on 24/Oct/07
is see a four inch difference here, that's with her heels, could be 5'10 and a bit in reality
talker said on 24/Oct/07
i saw her at the Athens Olympics but i couldnt get close because there were whole crowd waiting for autographs and i didnt wanna wait.She seemed tall but hard to say if she's 6'.Maybe between 5'11" and 6'.
glenn said on 24/Oct/07
yes,heels.i see her alot lately.ill try to get another.thanks kevin!
cantstop25 said on 24/Oct/07
was she in heels here?
Alex said on 24/Oct/07
I also think with Jenny at 6'0 that puts Maria Sharapova at 6'1, 6'1 1/2 tops now.
Alex said on 24/Oct/07
She looks about 6'0 there.
Kevin Durant said on 24/Oct/07
I estimated her at 6 ft 0, and by the way she is a pretty women for a tall girl.
Kudos you again Mr. Glenn
Anonymous said on 24/Oct/07
Yeh id downgrade it to 5'11 maybe even 5'10.5 shes gotta have least 2 inch heels on?
Anonymous said on 24/Oct/07
5'11 without heels maybe
MattC said on 24/Oct/07
Never realized that she was this tall. I always thought she was around 5'10 but she looks like a legit 6fter. Either way though she's hot.
Viper said on 24/Oct/07
I figured she was 6-0 and not 6-1.