How tall is Jennifer Aniston - Page 2

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Average Guess (165 Votes)
5ft 4.51in (163.9cm)
honey said on 18/Aug/06
Come on niyah, if that was as easy as that, there wouldn't be short people in the world. Sport and stretching do help you grow up but only in your teens, and not loooong after the growth period had finished (which would be Jen's case).
To me she looks 5'3" max.
niyah said on 18/Aug/06
she could have gained height from excercising, i've been doing excercises for six months and now im 5'5"- i was 5'2" i wish i was 5'3" that way i could have stretched to 5'6"
honey said on 15/Aug/06
just found a funny description of her in a recent interview with Vaughan, here's the link: Click Here
and here is the quote:
"But, goodness, she is tiny. Even in her heels and bouffed-up hair, she's just a wee slip of a thing, about five inches shorter than she looks on screen, with the kind of micro bone structure that makes you think she might have been shrunk in the wash."
also, Vince is described as 6'5". respect
Brad said on 6/Aug/06
I got the same height as Vaughn....that's a 5' 3" gal. Poor thing has to wear those wedges all the time with him. That's gotta hurt.
Azzurri said on 22/Jul/06
i was watching friends the other day and saw jennifer aniston standing in 3-4 inch heels next to david schwimmer and he had at least 5 inches on her. he's 6'1 so i'd say she is around 5'3.5 - 5'4.75.
leonari said on 19/Jul/06
Jessica: great pic...Vaughn is either way over 6'6" or anniston is indeed 5'2"...she looks like a kid next to him.
Jessica said on 19/Jul/06
Click Here
Check out the picture - I've got the EXACT same boots that Jennifer Aniston is wearing - they have at least 2 inch lift in them as the soles are really thick (if you look closely you can see that!) - she's gotta be about 5"2!
Lola said on 17/Jul/06
UK Elle magazine interview Aug 2006 - she says she is 5'5".
Editor Rob said on 16/Jul/06
"We had a ball making The Break-Up, though with him at 6-foot-5 and me at 5-foot-5, they had trouble keeping us in the same frame. I was constantly having to wear these incredibly high heels, which was like having a workout"
Melissa said on 30/Jun/06
I've read in various People Magazine articles and other magazines that Jennifer Aniston is 5'6 or 5'7.
Rebecca said on 28/Jun/06
In an article in the February 2006 issue of Australian In Style magazine Aniston was described as having a 1.6m frame. In feet/inches this is exactly 5"3'
Dani said on 24/Jun/06
Shannon have u ever met her? Because the people who say she is about 5"2 have met her...have u? I wanna hear from people who have met her and think shes 5"6????
Meg said on 23/Jun/06
Shannon - can I just ask have u ever met her? Because if you HAVE I want to know how you can justify that...she is 5"2 - I've stood next to her, and I'm 5"4, and she was AT LEAST 2 inches smaller than me - this was after she had taken off her 4" wedges cos they were hurting her feet. I don't understand how anyone can justify claiming someone elses height based on pictures! Its a joke!
Shannon said on 18/Jun/06
OMG you people always make them seem so short..she is definately NOT 5'2 or not even 5'3..the min. height for her would be 5'4 ..maybe 5'5
Tammy said on 16/Jun/06
HAS ANYONE, ANYONE who has actually MET her, (not seen a picture, not estimated, MET!) think she is 5"4....or more (5"6 some say!) I have met her and I would like to hear from people who have who think she is over 5"2-3?
gg said on 10/Jun/06
She came into our bookstore--Chicago--and boy she is a slight, 5'-3", woman. Didn't say too much trying to be incognito with her bodyguard.
Tammy said on 6/Jun/06
ER - you are so right! I always THOUGHT Jennifer Aniston towered over her boyf and now finally some evidence! ;0)
ER. said on 6/Jun/06
You're all wrong.....6-5 Vince Vaughn and 7-10 Jennifer Aniston: Click Here ;P
the shredder said on 2/Jun/06
my cuzin has a photo with jennifer , denzel , and steven seagal. ive yet to see them . ive have talked on the phone with him and i asked him about jen and stevens height . he said about 5'5 and steven about 6'4 -6'5 . denzel , will i was there on the set of his new film da juvo ( someting like that ) denzel to me looked atleast 5'11.
Dami said on 1/Jun/06
"A" you are the voice of reason!lol! I've met her - she is about 5'2"-3". Why do people want to rely on pictures? I don't get it!!! SHe isn't very tall - beautiful - but small!
element said on 30/May/06
She said she's 5'5" on Conan when she was there for her movie with Vince Vaughn.
A said on 29/May/06
The stats never lie. People who have actually met her have consistently estimated 5'3". There's no other way to explain this, unless all those people are under-estimating their own the same amount (coincidence?).

When we don't have real-life estimates, we can only use pictures to gauge heights; but when we have nearly 10 sitings, why still stubbornly rely on vague photos? (and worry about things like: how high are her heels? how high are the heels of other people in the picture? who is standing closer to the camera? is she leaning in this picture? etc.)
Mini said on 29/May/06
Waxwork is 5"2' - asked person who worked there!
Britainy said on 29/May/06
At the wax museum in london,she looks pretty short. Pretty but short
nj said on 19/May/06
Rick said: "Here's Aniston with Mena Suvari (5'3.5") and she doesn't seem any taller". Rick, did you notice the heels on the shoes Mena was wearing? I think 5'5" sounds right.

Rebecca said on 17/May/06
In Harpers Bazaar this month she is quoted as saying she is 5'5", which is consistent with her past interviews and which means she is 5'3" if you subtract the Hollywood buffer.
Linda said on 16/May/06
I've met her - don't rely on pictures guys - look at what the people who have met her say!!!!! She is about 5ft 2 POSSIBLY 5ft 3, no more - really! I've been schrolling through the site and people who have never stood next to her are determind shes taller - she really is small...not just in height - but weight, she seems very small! really! I stood next to her...I towered over mum who is 5ft 3 looked a brush taller then her...both completely flat shoes.
Rick said on 13/May/06
I think Aniston could be shorter than 5'5". Here's Aniston with Mena Suvari (5'3.5") and she doesn't seem any taller.
She's probably 5'4". Click Here
Anonymous said on 5/May/06
So far, these are the sitings:
-1 siting claims she is 5'2"
-at least 6 sitings claim she is 5'3"
-2 sitings claim she is 5'4"
-1 siting claims she is 5'5"
I think 5'3" to 5'3.5" is reasonable.
Anonymous said on 5/May/06
Everybody who's actually met her so far says she's 5'3". Considering that people usually over-estimate their own heights, I think it's safe to push her down to 5'3". Trying to gauge her height from photos, TV, movies, etc. certainly doesn't compare to estimates based on real encounters. (And these estimates are REALLY consistent too! You hear 5'3" over and over again!)
heightfan said on 4/May/06
george, check out the link minime posted on 10.24. They are both barefoot and imo it proves that cox is taller. it was mentioned that jen was in a "dodgy stance" which i agee with, but i still think cox is taller.
george said on 2/May/06
anyone got pics of her and courtney barefoot of in flat shoes?.
Deita said on 25/Apr/06
Hey! Look at the difference in height in this photo - Click Here
plus, note the heels she is wearing!
Dilnawazh said on 25/Apr/06
i think ainston is about 5.4" since she usually wears about 3.5" heels. and she still appears to be about 3" shorter to brad pitt who i believe is 6'0 tall
heightfan said on 9/Apr/06
I just got a chance to watch her appearance on Ellen. Ellen had her walk backstage for a suprise and you could really tell how much she was struggling to walk in her heels. She had to take small steps and keep looking down and had trouble keeping up with Ellen (in sneaks of course).
Ann said on 5/Apr/06
ok, so... if leno is 5'10, (and he also had shoes on) and aniston wears 4 to 4 1/2 heels regularly and she came to his nose i think, when she hugged him, that means she is exactly 5'3 ish or so.
heightfan said on 5/Apr/06
I just saw her on Leno with stiletto heeled boots the top of her head was just below eye level on Leno. Also, when did she say she was 5'4 3/4"?
heightfan said on 3/Apr/06
She is going to be on Leno tommorow night, if anyone gets a chance try to check it out. Taking into account her normal 4 1/2 inch heels and her stated 5'5", she should be only slightly shorter than the 5'10" Leno.
Ann said on 2/Apr/06
she is 5'3". i met her at the chicago airport couple weeks ago. she was alone so i went to get her autograph, unforuntalely my digicam was in my luggage so no pics. she had on flip flops (in february in the midwest, go figure!) and i had on 1 inch boots. I am 5'1 and she was at the most, an inch taller.
ice said on 29/Mar/06
Hey Rob, here goes another celeb with the three quarters thing. I told you this is the new thing to do. LOL. In my opinion 162cm.
Haylie said on 29/Mar/06
I think your right I watched the episode last night and would put Jen at 5ft 3.5ins or 5ft 4ins
heightfan said on 29/Mar/06
She was slightly taller than Reese and slightly shorter than Christina. IMO Reese-5'2 Jen-5'3" 1/2 and Christina-5'5"
Haylie said on 26/Mar/06
How much taller was Jen when Reese Witherspoon was on the show? Because Reese is 5'2" and that should give us an idea bearing in mind their footwear. And was she the same height as Christina Applegate who is 5'5"?
Erin said on 18/Mar/06
That's weird, my comment never went up . . . Anyway, when I extraed in one of Jen's movies, she appeared to be about 5'3". I'm 5'3" and was wearing shoes that gave me about 2 inches. She was wearing giant wedges that put her on demi-pointe and gave her at least 4 inches, and even then she didn't seem to have more than an inch or two on me.
Rebecca said on 18/Mar/06
Several friends who've run into her in LA have all said that she's about 5'3". Make sense since she is way over a foot shorter than Vince.
Tess said on 15/Mar/06
look at what people who have met her have said! I met her and stood right next to her...I'm 5'7 and I dwarfed her! She is TINY! So beautiful and well proportioned...but tiny and thin! my friend who was with me is 5'2, possibly 5'3, and they looked the same height!
Anonymous said on 6/Mar/06
I just shook hands with Jen at the Vanity Fair after party last night at Morton's steakhouse on Melrose in L.A. She was 5'3", and about 200 others can confirm that. She had the most beautiful hair and skin and was very very petite and short. Really much more delicate features in person too.
heightfan said on 26/Feb/06
Hmm. A visual on Jen, that agrees with my 5'3. Thanks ak.
ak said on 18/Feb/06
i saw aniston at an airport, she was standing right next to me and i have to say, i am 5'2" and aniston was a shade taller. no more than a shade. seriously. she is very petite. 5'4" with shoes on. she had on like one-inch boots. she is probably 5'3 barefoot. seriously.
mcfan said on 26/Jan/06
I think Scott Caan is just a hair taller than Aniston.
gyllenhaalic823 said on 6/Jan/06
Meh, I'll buy 5'4.5", nothing more, nothing less.
heightfan said on 2/Jan/06
kelsey, check my post from 10.24 i said that she was a head smaller in the picture, barefoot and kudrow in chunky heels. hence 4-5 inches shorter. as far as the book, you cant believe everything you read, especially propaganda about superstar celebrity's who are self confident about being below average height.
niug said on 31/Dec/05
this girl really looks about 5'5.....cant buy anything under that.
Kelsey said on 30/Dec/05
I have the official friends book. it says she is 5'5 - 5'6. besides she looks no smaller than kudrow or cox. and whoever said kudrow was at least a head taller needs their eyes checked.
surfergirl said on 30/Dec/05
she is 5 4. not any taller. i stood by her in an elevator in san diego. no shoes on, and while i had heels on (i stood about 5 11), she was def not 5 6.
gyllenhaalic823 said on 30/Dec/05
so you're saying that all women under 5'5" are not well-proportioned??
LOGAN5 said on 27/Dec/05
She's a very well proportioned girl and the cut-off point for that is about 5'5" so I seriously doubt she's below that. She looks a classic 5'6", but if she admits to being 5'5" then it's probably a safe bet she's telling the truth.
gyllenhaalic823 said on 21/Dec/05
a lot of places say that she is 5'6", and I seriously doubt that!!
gyllenhaalic823 said on 9/Dec/05
I COMPLETELY agree with Wicked Kid - plus the doctor says that I'll only be 5'3" at full height ='(( aww well. Too bad.
Jen does look a little tiny in some photos but in others looks average height. (Heels make ALL the difference!) I would say she's somewhere between 5'3-5", because it is hard to accurately measure women's heights when they wear heels.
of course i wear heels . . .
lol =))
*question: WHY am I so Obsessed With Height?? i'm not tall so JUST GET OVER IT!*
Wicked Kid said on 4/Dec/05
I thought the average height of women in the US is 5'4". How can you call a woman of average height short and tiny?
heightfan said on 27/Nov/05
I saw the trailer for Jen's new movie, Rumor Has It, she is beside Shirley Maclaine and appears to be 2-3 inches shorter. I wonder how it felt for her, a modern sex symbol, to be shorter than a 71 year old woman.
TJ said on 23/Nov/05
This quote from ;What' is bizarre - "Met Anniston at Sundance. She is 5'4", not even 5'4 3/4". A very short, tiny girl. "

A very short, tiny girl at 5'4? Anyone would think she was 4'10 from that description. The average height of women in the US is around 5'5, so that's totally overstating it. I think Courtney Cox is 5'5, as she was always a little taller than Michael J Fox in Family Ties. The barefoot pic of Jennifer Anistone and Courtney Cox shows them to be very close in height, as Jennifer has a relaxed stance and her head down. I think Rob has it spot on.
Anonymous said on 22/Nov/05
i met her she 5'5" aleast
Wicked Kid said on 22/Nov/05
I think that Jen's 5'3" too. But anything under 5'2" is unreasonable.
heightfan said on 13/Nov/05
I just saw her on Ellen, she was wearing her normal super high heels (4-5 inches) and Ellen was wearing loafers, and they were the same height. Hmmm.
heightfan said on 24/Oct/05
If anyone has an image of Aniston and Kudrow in flats or even better shoeless, please post a link. In the picture minime refered to on 10.15, Aniston is barefoot and Kudrow has on chunky heels, Kudrow is a full head taller. Hence Kudrow is at least 4-5 inches taller than Aniston. My call is Kudrow 5'7" 1/2 and Aniston 5'3".
Anonymous said on 21/Oct/05
if aniston is only 5'3 then lisa kudrow must only be about 5'6 because kudrow doesent look anymore than 3 inches taller when her and aniston are in flat shoes .
Anonymous said on 20/Oct/05
For what it's worth, I met her at Sundance in 2004. I thought she was 5'2" but 5'3" is probably more accurate ( I am 5'8" rounding up a uarter inch). We were both wearing boots and hers actually had a bit of heal. She is no 5'6" for sure.
heightfan said on 19/Oct/05
Thanks for posting the link to the picture I was describing, minime. I invite anyone who thinks she is 5'5 to take a look. In my opinion this picture puts her at 5'3. Who else thinks little Jen needs a downgrade?
Eggplant said on 19/Oct/05
I don't even know if she's 5'5... at Madame Tussaud's, even with heels, her statue was actually pretty tiny. I mean she looks great but she was much smaller than I expected.
minime said on 17/Oct/05
I was just looking at oprah's page, and there's just no way oprah is only 1.5" taller than jennifer! I was just watching oprah (yeah I watch a lot of oprah :p) where jen is alone on the show (first show of the 10th season or something) And I don't know if it is that jennifer is smaller or that oprah is taller than listed, but they have about the same size heals on and there is at least 2'5" difference between them.
heightfan said on 14/Oct/05
I wasn't able to connect to your link, minime. I stand by my contention that Cox is 2-3 inches taller from the TV Guide pic. The misconception that Aniston is taller could come from her ability to wear higher heels. Cox's tiny feet (5 1/2) hinders her to in being able to wear higher heels.
minime said on 13/Oct/05 talking about this one, heightfan? sorry for the bad quality... I wouldn't say she's 2-3 inches shorter, because aniston isn't standing straight. But even when she would stand straight I think you're right that she would be smaller than Cox. Now of course the question is how tall Cox is then, because right now she's listed as 5'4.5" :) It's funny because if you look at the both of them you'd really think Cox is smaller, but it's probably just the way they're build. I don't think neither of them is far from the 5'5" mark though.
heightfan said on 13/Oct/05
The curerent TV Guide has a picture of the Friends cast, Aniston and Cox are barefoot and Aniston is clearly 2-3 inches shorter. There is no way she is 5'5", more like 5'3".
minime said on 9/Oct/05
I know no one said she was really taller than 5'5", but just as some more proof: when they were on oprah with friends for the last time (may 7th 2004?) jen is wearing about 3.5" heals, oprah 1.5" if not less and Jen is just a tad smaller (in the final picture she looks taller, but oprah slouches (legs crossed) and in the beginning and just before the picture oprah really is taller)

So lets say oprah is 5'7" at the most, that would make her about 5'8.5" with shoes which would mean Jennifer really is no taller than 5'5".

I'm just under de 5'4" mark (162cm) and she looks taller than that, only judging from pictures though so I might be completely wrong. I'd say 5'4.5" to 5'5".
What said on 28/Sep/05
Met Anniston at Sundance. She is 5'4", not even 5'4 3/4". A very short, tiny girl.
Anonymous said on 18/Sep/05
How could you have thought that aniston was 5'7 when lisa kudrow is 5'9 and looks about 3 or 4 inches taller than aniston
WOw! said on 15/Sep/05
WOW! I'm really surprised about knowing that Jennifer Aniston is only 5ft5in or better (164cm), because I thought she was tall as she appears to be on TV... like about 5ft7in(170cm). But so how come she is the only actress that on TV appears to be tall,if she is only 164cm?
CelebHeights Editor said on 21/Aug/05
From a gossip newsgroup, "She stated in an interview about a year ago (1998) that she's exactly 5'4 and 3/4" (a shade under 5'5")"
pixel said on 14/Jul/05
The episode of Friends where she walks around nude supposedly...well she is in her bare feet and looks very small, no taller than 5'5" without a doubt. And compare her to Schwimmer when he comes in, he's at least a head taller.
Living Shoe Lift said on 9/May/05
Her right leg is shorter than her left leg...that's how that rumour originated.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.