How tall is Jeremy Davies

Jeremy Davies Height

5ft 8 (172.7 cm)

American Actor known for roles in films such as Saving Private Ryan, Twister and Rescue Dawn. On TV he had a memorable role as Daniel Faraday on LOST.

How tall is Jeremy Davies
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Average Guess (21 Votes)
5ft 8.49in (174cm)
Jkiller said on 21/Mar/20
5'8 at best
Slim 186 said on 6/Dec/17
Looked below average on lost, 5’8” range sounds fair.
Adijos said on 21/Mar/17
5'9" (175 cm) is real.
josh jeffords said on 19/Mar/17
I very much enjoy the many roles this little fella has played.
He often looks about 5 7 maybe less though his posture is pretty off.
Very thin and short limbed doesnt help his claims of 5 9.
Most of the SPR cast towered him including the 5 10 folks.
Also a b movie he played an FBI agent he was shorter than most the women in normal heels.
Sandy Cowell said on 19/Dec/16
@ CDawg - I'll listen out for him!
CDawg said on 17/Dec/16
I know this guy as the exasperated "Uhhhh..." actor, because he's always going, "Aahhh, uhhh...", while scratching his head in confusion.
Michael said on 30/Sep/12
Surely you've got this one wrong Rob.... the barely 5ft 8 Richard Speight is quite a bit taller than him in 'Justified.
Daniel said on 13/Jun/12
I don't think he's 175, he looks really short compared to Adam Goldberg in Private Ryan. I'd say he's between 5ft 6 and 5ft 7.
Respond please said on 11/Dec/10
How much is been 1.72 cm in inches?
xd said on 12/Apr/09
he looks smaller than elizabeth mitchell
UNK said on 14/Mar/08
Doesn't seem to have a full inch on Steve Zahn. I would be surprised if this guy was taller than 5'8".

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Anonymous said on 14/Jun/07
defintely not 5'10, considering angela lindvall, my girlfriend is 5'10.5 and made him look wee
bill said on 14/Mar/06
he looked small in Solaris but I think he was suposed to he does slouch badly.
sam said on 17/Aug/05
In CQ, a piece of paper lists his character as 5'10", but this could be an exaggeration or rounding up.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.