How tall is John Cena - Page 10

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Average Guess (794 Votes)
6ft 0.37in (183.8cm)
Alex said on 6/Aug/08
Yea billing Angle at 6'2 was crazy. I never believed that but I did think he was a legit 5'11-6'0 for years which should have been his billing. Actually the announcers said he was 5'11 or 6'0 at different times.
rhino said on 6/Aug/08
they are overbuild to make them look taller.steve
steve said on 5/Aug/08
I'm sieve from sri lanka i 5.11' person but why wrestlers are telling their heights 2 inches different .... example: Y2J 5.10' but telling 6 foot , HBK 5.11' (6.1')
n8 said on 26/Jul/08
cnt believe d wwe expex us 2 believe da heights d@ day put out there for da wrestlers mvp so nt 6'3 hes 6'1 max id say n wen it comes 2 hieght i dnt really no wot im tlkin bout bt even wiv da boots n so on u cn usually tell like were expected 2 believe matts taller dan jeff i'd say jeffs @ least 6'3 n matt probbly 6'1 bt i fink cena is about 6ftish he neva lookd d@ tall 2 me
Josh said on 24/Jul/08
I am a solid WWE [SmackDown] fan, and don't believe what the WWE gives to its wrestlers' height... Jericho is about 5'10". Kurt Angle (when he was in the WWE) he was billed as 6'2" but he's actaully 5'10".
The boss said on 23/Jun/08
Matt is mad. MVP is taller than Matt. I swear MVP is 6ft 1
M3lly said on 18/Jun/08
maybe jeffs not that short but wen he stands next 2 jericho he looks like only an inch or two bigger
now jericho looks shorter in his wrestling atire which is odd b/c the boots usually give some height but then what ya think bout hbk/ cause hbk's billed like 6'1 but has about 2 inches on jericho
Alex said on 17/Jun/08
I'd say Matt is 6'0 and Jeff is 6'1.
Alex2 said on 11/Jun/08
Jeff aint 5'11" just look at Him with 6'4 minimum Randy Orton, hes barely shorter! Id say Jeff is 6'1-6'1.5 and Matt 6'0.5 as hes said himself, and Jericho is 5'9-5'10.
Hugh said on 10/Jun/08
I was 6ft at 13 and I kept growng till I was 22. I'm 6ft2.75 now.
~~~M3lly! said on 7/Jun/08
when john cena was on connan o brian he sais at 13 he was 6 ft and hasnt grown since
so hes addmittting to being 6 ft
WWe is gonna stick to 6 foot 1 to make him look built tougher. Is chris jericho 5'10. hes built as 6'1 but he looks really short and jeff hardy looks like 5'11
Alex said on 7/Jun/08
Dave, you're pretty much 6'0. Is that 182.5cm out of bed or evening? If its evening you're a legit 6'0, if its out of bed you would be closer to 5'11.

Most of the time right out of bed I am 6'0.75, but a couple times I think I got 6'1 but thats on rare occasions. I am down to 6'0.5 shortly after and within a couple hours of being up I am no more than 6'0.25 and am pretty much 6'0 from the afternoon and on.
Alex said on 4/Jun/08
Alex2, technically I am just under 6'1 out of bed and I think at rare times I've measured 6'1 right out of bed. I never say 6'1 though. A couple years ago I said it a few times because I thought I was 6'1 but then got measured again during the day and wasn't. The most I'll say is 6'0 1/2 to people.
Dave said on 4/Jun/08
Well I'm 182.5cm which makes me closer to 6'0 than 5'11.5 and I just round up to 6'0 which I think is not lying as such. I have 2 friends who's same height as Cena at 184cm and you'd be hard pressed to tell the difference between them and me and most of the time I actually think i look a shade taller. Alex how tall are you when you first get out of bed in the morning? 6'0.5?
Alex2 said on 2/Jun/08
Alex yea, I normally tell people 5'9", or I sometimes say "a tad over 5'9" Do you ever tell people your 6'1"? I sometimes am tempet to say 5'10" but I normally say 5'9".
Alex said on 30/May/08
Alex 2, do you go around telling people you're 5'9.25? I am actually 6'0.25 at midday and thats about my average height for the day but I just say 6'0 since I am 6'0 from afternoon and on.
Alex2 said on 29/May/08
The lowest I got guessed was 5'7", ive been guessed 5'11 at times too
(im 5'9.25)
Alex said on 29/May/08
HS2008, the guy obviously didn't know how to guess height. The lowest possible I could get guessed at I think is 5'10.5 though. I also have a friend who is a legit 6'5. Posted a picture of me and him from a few years ago on the site.
hs2008 said on 28/May/08
Lol, 5'8"! Alex, I bet you couldn't believe that. I have a friend who's legit 6'4.5"-6'5" so when I see him next to 6'0"-6'1" guys I alway underbill them to around 5'10" because they look so small next to him.
I guess it depends a lot on who you're with as to how tall you look, even if you're actually a pretty tall guy you can look shorter next to certain people.
cantstop25 said on 27/May/08
vegas I actually remember watching that episode and wondering why cena was looking so much taller by atleast an inch, but there have been oter instances where they have appeard the same height or christian taller, Cena is 6' and I cant see christian uner 6' aint no way
Alex said on 27/May/08
I get guessed at my height of 6'0 sometimes and even this one guy I know sometimes guesses me at 5'11. But from most people I get at least 6'1 and sometimes 6'2. 3 times I got 6'3 and once 6'4 and believe it or not 5'8 once.
pg said on 26/May/08
On Late Night with Conan O'Brien (080516) he said : "When I was thirteen I was 6 feet, the height I'm now...I haven't grown anything after that.."
hs2008 said on 24/May/08
Alex, it doesn't surprise me that you get 6'1" or 6'2" from others. People who are around 6'0.5" can look anywhere from 5'11.5" to 6'1.5". It can be quite a difficult height range to pin-point.
Alex2 said on 23/May/08
Yea, Cena always wears those sneakers when hes in the ring so maybe they would give an extra bit of height compared to wrestling boots? I agree with 6'0-6'0.5 though.
Alex said on 23/May/08
Cena can look as tall as 6'1 sometimes but he's really 6'0 1/2 max though. I am 6'0 1/4 max in the afternoon and I get 6'1-6'2 often so doesn't suprise me Cena looks 6'1 to many people.
Alex2 said on 20/May/08
Humm, maybe Cena is a lifts wearer? Yea he said 6Ft on Conan and also said thats what he is now, so I will have to go with that.
MattC said on 17/May/08
For what its worth he just said on Conan that he was 6ft at the age of 13 and hasnt grown at all since then. He does appear to be taller than that at times though, it is kind of refreshing to hear celebrities especially wrestlers completely exaggerate their height.
Alex said on 10/May/08
Alex2, thats true. But myself for example, I am 6'0-6'0 1/4 most of the day but I easily get away with 6'1 and even 6'2 at times. Probably Cena is similar to that too.
Alex2 said on 9/May/08
Cena can look a solid 6'1" at times with Triple H, His height probably ranges from 6'0-6'1.25" as he really can look a legit 6'1" at times.
Alex said on 8/May/08
Josh, I still think Cena could be a bit over 6'0 but not quite 6'1. Not going to argue over 1/2 inch though.
Josh said on 7/May/08
Triple H is just a bit over 6'1 (186cm) 6'1.5 (187cm) the most, Cena is 6'0 .
marotte said on 7/May/08
sorry but ronnie coleman at his last mister olympia was 296 pounds
Tom.. said on 5/May/08
well in that pic with Shane and Vince, he looks around 6.3' (assuming Shane is infact 6.2'). Before seeing that pic, always thought HHH was around 6.2'.

I meant in that particular pic, HHH appears around 6.3'
Anonymous said on 28/Apr/08
cena is not 245 hes very lean and hes overall mascalarity is pretty good but not that great big arms but big arms dont weigh that much ronnie colemans contest weight is around 260 or something even though hes at hes lightest then can u se ron coleman being only 15 poundf bigger then cena colemans not short either hes 5,11 wat ppl dont understand to be 6 foot and 245 lean is a very large package all the billed weights r blown up ussualy by about 30lb look at someone like john morison the guys billed weight is 220lb no way in hell he ways that the guy is ripped very low body fat% and not that tall but lacking in mass hed be 190 tops 220lb at hes height as lean as he is is a very big build and hes no where near it as for heights same deal there all boosted a bit just more for some non of them r wat they r said to be ussualy 1-3 inches shorter
Alex said on 28/Apr/08
I don't think HHH is as low as 6'1 or as high as 6'3. I think 6'2 fits him good but I would say he would be closer to 6'1 than 6'3 though. For years this guy passed for a legit 6'3-6'4 and even when I look at tapes back then when I thought he was that height, he will still appear it. Kinda weird.
JT said on 26/Apr/08
Vegas says on 24/Apr/08
....i think its HHH poor posture that is the problem not the other way round, in WCW he stood tall nearly all of the time and was clearly taller than Willam Regal and dwarfed gordon solie as much as hogan had in the early 1980s

Click Here Solie's ~ 15 years older but HHH is not standing that straight either.
hs2008 said on 26/Apr/08
I thought he was 6'2" flat but he looks taller next to Vince & Shane. He looks about 1.5" - 2" shorter than Edge from what I remember so he's probs only 6'2" at the very most.
Viper said on 25/Apr/08
I dont even think Triple H reaches 6-2, lol.
Tom.. said on 25/Apr/08
6.3' is about right for HHH.
In ring gear, he stands over slightly over 6.4'
hs2008 said on 24/Apr/08
I'm surprised how tall Triple H looks next to Vince and Shane. He really looks about 6'3".
Tom.. said on 24/Apr/08
Forget about the in-ring pictures, as most, if not all of these guys use suspect footwear. Street pics is where you can tell whats what. Cena looks close to his 6ft listing (probably a little more). Orton is really lanky and doesn't look less than 6.4' - he appears 'big' all the time.
Alex2 said on 24/Apr/08
Triple H looks 6'3.5 in Vegas's pics.
Vegas said on 24/Apr/08
the chances that HHH is in the 6'1 range disappeared there, HHH shoes are flat and have a smaller heel than vinces and lifts inside flat shoes are completely pointless. Vince has a good posture as he is barely shorter than shane and yet the best part of 2 inches shorter than HHH

i think its HHH poor posture that is the problem not the other way round, in WCW he stood tall nearly all of the time and was clearly taller than Willam Regal and dwarfed gordon solie as much as hogan had in the early 1980s
JT said on 23/Apr/08
Could be some funny footwear, but HHH looks 6'3" next to Shane in Vegas's pics.
Derek said on 23/Apr/08
Vegas- I reckon that either 1)HHH is wearing lifts or 2)McMahon's posture isn't the greatest. HHH appeared to have a slight advantage in footwear as well. 6'1 1/2" is my estimation for HHH.
Alex2 said on 23/Apr/08
I highly doubt Hunter is below 6'2
Vegas said on 22/Apr/08
just wondering derek because you said HHH is under 6'2 and now you think vince is 6'1, what do you reckon is happening here
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melly said on 22/Apr/08
whats billed height. why is it so hardy to figure out cenas real height?! y dont they give real height instead of billed?!
Derek said on 22/Apr/08
Vegas- I would say McMahon is 6'1" right now. Him and Cena were the same height, though Cena was in his b-ball sneakers. 6'1" for McMahon and 6'0 1/2" for Cena would be my estimations.
Alex2 said on 22/Apr/08
Alex, I agree with your estimations, but I just do sometimes think Orton can look 6'5 but maybe hes 6'4.5" He just does look huge all the time.
MK said on 22/Apr/08
Never saw as much 1.5'' between HHH/Cena, nor any more than 1.5'' between Orton/HHH.
Vegas said on 22/Apr/08
Derek; what do you pin vince mcmahon at currently???
Derek said on 21/Apr/08
Alex- I agree with your estimates, though I think HHH is marginally under 6'2". Edge I think is 6'2 1/2"-6'3", though 6'3" is possible.
Felix said on 21/Apr/08
Click Here the guy in the middle is billed as 5 ft 10 and then look at cena. he is a hugh guy but in wrestling everybody is taller than they maybe realy are. for example ken shamrock and kurt angle were billed for 6 ft or taller.
Alex said on 20/Apr/08
Cena-6'0 1/2
Orton 6'4
Felix said on 20/Apr/08
Look at him beside Kurt Angle. Angle is 5 ft 10 and cena is not 3 inches taller than him so i thin he is around 6 ft without shoes
Alex2 said on 19/Apr/08
I think Orton is a leit 6'4 or better, the guy is massive! The lowest I could see for Orton is 6'3.5.
Hugh said on 18/Apr/08
Cena is 6ft1 at least. HHH is 6ft3. Orton 6ft4 and Edge 6ft3.5.
hs2008 said on 17/Apr/08
I take it Smackdown are in Birmingham, which is good. You can hopefully get some pics of the giants. I'm seeing Smackdown as well so i'll try to get some decent pics if possible. Hope it's a good show for you :D
omg it's me said on 16/Apr/08
ppl cena is 6'0. hhh is probably bout 6'1. i say orton may be between 6'2-6'4. i won't doubt hes 6'4 the guy is huge. lok at him when he stands up next 2 hhh or cena. even when he stands up next 2 edge hes huge. orton cud really be 6'4. cena is 6'0. wwe normally billed ur height an inch or 2 taller than ur normal height. in ovw cena was billed at 6'3. batista in ovw as billed at 6'7. kane is 6'8. wwe gives him these large boots 2 make him look like 7'0. taker cud really be 6'10. cause take is bigger than kane. if u watched ecw last nie (15.04.2008) u may hav realised that. and by the way the guy who said 5'11 is tall. ur funny dude. 5'11 is tall if ur 13 but not as a man. im 13 an im 5'11 ppl call me tall. but not literally tall. they say tall 4 my age
Alex2 said on 15/Apr/08
hs2008, I am at Birmingham, UK, WWE are touring the whole of the UK, I hear so fasr that Kane, Big Show and Khali are there so I can maybe get some photos with them and post them, but ill see, and yea im like 4th row from the ring so Ill be able to make some estimates :)
brother_h said on 15/Apr/08
cena is wearing the shoes he always wear and they give him a height advantage. he looks 6'2 with coach.
hs2008 said on 14/Apr/08
Alex2, where are the WWE on Wednesday? Lucky you being in the front row, btw. I'm going on Friday to a WWE event but i'm sat on the balcony which obviously isn't great for judging height.
hs2008 said on 12/Apr/08
Here's Cena with Stacy Keibler & Edge. Cena's probably wearing basketball trainers. It's not the best pic, but here you go:
Click Here
Alex2 said on 12/Apr/08
Im going to watch a live WWE event here in UK on Wednesday, so maybe I might get a chance to meet some wrestlers or at least see them perform lol (im on front row!)
brother_h said on 10/Apr/08
wow, indian dude just owned himself.

well ive seen khali upclose....and hes just bloody HUGE!

undertaker did have to duck under 6'7 door frames along with kane whos eyes were above the frame.

boogey man looked 6'2
and i can say.
ive met matt hardy, mr kennedy, MVP, Kane, rey mysterio and cm punk.
matt 6'0
kennedy 5'10
MVP 6'1
Kane 6'8, first jokenly said 7ft, then 6'8.5 he looked it coz i was 6'1.
mysterio was tiny, he said 5'3. looked it and he is solid as hell! raise him to 200lbs atleast
cm punk 6'1
Anonymous said on 9/Apr/08
hey people...i m 5.10 & last yr..Cena was in was Big show..undertaker..HHH..& orton! here's mi suggestion of their comparison to mine.,.wen i stood among them!
I also feel Goldberg is 6.3 bare foot..thts a speculation..which i feel is true!

With shoes on:
Undertaker- 6.11 & Half
Cena- 6.3
Orton-6.5 & half
Bigshow - 7.2 & half
HHH - 6.4 & 1/2

Khali is indeed 7.3(bare foot)..if u guys realise.wen big show & khali were standin face2face.. khali was atleast 1.5 inchs taller of the two! since he was a professional body builder & won the Mr. India in they had his official weight & height...& ofcourse he was a lot leaner back then...& he was 388.7 pounds..back then!
brother_h said on 8/Apr/08
yea hes billed at 6'0 in upw and when he first appeared in wwe.

but when he took the rapper gimmick he was listed at 6'3.
amanda said on 7/Apr/08
i say he's taller than 6'0.
hs2008 said on 7/Apr/08
Cena is actually billed at 6'0" on his UPW profile as The Prototype:
Click Here
I'd say 6'0.5" is bang on.
hs2008 said on 7/Apr/08
Lol, i understand that. If someone thinks that Edge is 6'6" they must be a little dumb :p
brother_h said on 6/Apr/08
ok ok sorry dude, or maem. people are just dumb so i have to be rude to get their attention
hs2008 said on 6/Apr/08
Well I didn't say that 'you nut' and you should respect people's opinion even if it is clearly wrong.
brother_h said on 6/Apr/08
it was on noDQ or wrestling news, i get it on myspace, but it doesnt say anymore. i showed it on the kane site or undertaker site once, i think.
Starfish said on 5/Apr/08
People Cena wears running shoes that gives 1.25 inches of height so Cena is actually 5'11.75 or maybe even shorter. plus the guy is a ****y wrestler anyways... LMAO :P (and orton is 6'4 on the dot).
brother_h said on 5/Apr/08
you just started talking about it no you nut. but they didnt even take it into consideration last month or last year when they said edge actually was 6'6 and orton was 6'5 because of the backstae videos.
hs2008 said on 4/Apr/08
Btw, can anyone find that pic of Orton as a teenager? I've looked on loads of sites but had no luck.
hs2008 said on 4/Apr/08
I think we realise that backstage isn't reliable Mr. Genius we're just discussing the video that Dave kindly posted, which is the whole point of this site. To politely discuss people's height.
brother_h said on 4/Apr/08
ive been saying backstage segmens arent that good the whole year, but you guys are to stupid to notice.

orton must be about 6'4, he mustve stopped when he was 15-16. john cena must be wearing elevated shoes aswell, especially when he is starting to appear as tall as the coach.
hs2008 said on 3/Apr/08
Backstage isn't that reliable anyway but I see 3" easy between Orton and Cena. Take the cap of Cena's head and it would be obvious.
Alex said on 3/Apr/08
Orton looks at least 3 inches taller than Cena most of the time.
Dave said on 3/Apr/08
Austin's up to top Undertaker's eye, and we know undertaker's got a long forehead so 5.5 inches difference there, undertaker is around the 6'7 mark with austin a tad over 6'1, all seems right there to me, wrong thread I'm afraid, the bottom line is Cena is not 4 inches shorter than Orton and Triple H is not 2 inches taller than Cena, simple as.
Anonymous said on 3/Apr/08
Dave how many inches do you see Click Here
Dave said on 3/Apr/08
No way is Cena 3-3.5inches shorter than Orton in that video, if that's the case then the staredown between the big show and khali on raw means Khali had 4 inches on show and the generous belief is that there's 1.5inches different and that's the difference between Orton and Cena, Orton is not 6'4 if Cena is 6'0 and how can Ron Simmons be 6'1 when he's shorter than Cena? Ron simmons looked 5'11 there.
hs2008 said on 3/Apr/08
I think there's more than that between them. Cena's hat makes him look taller. At 19 & 47 secs Cena looks 3"-3.5" shorter than Orton. Orton's also got a lot of height on 6'1" Ron Simmons. I still say 6'4" for Orton.
Dave said on 2/Apr/08
Look at this video, theres barely 1.5 inches difference between Cena and Orton.

Click Here
Dave said on 2/Apr/08
It's funny because if everyone thinks Orton is 6'4 then Cena is 6'2 because theres not over 2 inches difference, i know because I myself is 6'0.5 and the difference between me and a legit 6'4 person is more than what Cena is to Orton so either Cena is higher than his billed 6' or Orton is shorter than 6'4, my estimation on these 3 are:

Cena: 6'1
Orton: 6'3
HHH: 6'1.5
Hugh said on 24/Mar/08
John Cena is a solid 6ft2 with those chunky trainers on. Barefooted is 6ft0.75.
desdes said on 21/Mar/08
man dude you must be tall I am never going to enter wresiling.And the way you took out Under Taker!
Alex said on 10/Mar/08
I'd say 185cm in the morning at least. Tough to say.
r said on 10/Mar/08
maybe 183cm in the morning and 182 at evening
Alex said on 6/Mar/08
Like even if I look at told tapes of Rock and HHH they still appear kinda like their billed height but when I look at them now I don't see it at all. Its weird.
hs2008 said on 6/Mar/08
Yeah, if you don't research it then you have no reason to doubt billed heights. The Rock at 6'5" and Triple H at 6'4" looks right when you compare them because there always was about an inch between them. It's when you compare them to other celebrities like Vince Vaughn that you realise they're both a good 2" shorter than their billed heights.
Alex said on 5/Mar/08
HS2008, there were a few heights that I thought were an inch inflated but everything else I thought was legit. A lot of them passed for their billed heights. You got people in their 20s and some adults who buy into these billed heights. Its normal until you really research into it then find out.
hs2008 said on 5/Mar/08
Yeah, i bought into billed heights until a few years ago. I read Undertaker saying he was 6'8" and i was like no he's 6'10.5! Then i kinda twigged that WWE isn't always/ever honest about their talents height.
Alex said on 3/Mar/08
I use to believe HHH was a legit 6'4 up until 3-4 years ago. He did look it when I was in my teens and also I bought into all billed heights pretty much.
Alex said on 3/Mar/08
We all can agree that Orton is a legit 6'4. I agree with Derek that Cena is 6'0 1/2. HHH is at least 6'1 1/2 pushing 6'2 I think.
hs2008 said on 3/Mar/08
No probs Alex2 :D I'd say that Triple H has an inch MAX on Cena, so depending on how tall you think Cena is Triple is either 6'1", 6'1.5" or 6'2" but no more. That is an interesting pic Vegas, Orton towers Triple H by about 3" inches, although he might have had a slight footwear advantage i'm not sure :S I still can't believe I used to think Triple H was legit 6'4", lol.
Vegas said on 2/Mar/08
interesting shot, orton has at least 3 inches on HHH there Click Here
Derek said on 2/Mar/08
Triple H is probably 6'1 1/2" but in no way is Cena 6'2". My guess is Triple H at 6'1 1/2" and Cena at 6'0 1/2".
Alex said on 2/Mar/08
Here are some pics of Cena with Lindsay Lohan who is 5'4-5'5 and also Floyd Mayweather is there too. He looks 5'8ish too.

Click Here
Alex said on 2/Mar/08
I see a solid inch between the 2 at least there.
Alex2 said on 2/Mar/08
Thanks HS2008, it looks like Triple H is 0.5" taller than Cena at best.
hs2008 said on 2/Mar/08
Here's some pics of Cena and Triple H on RAW:
Click Here
Click Here
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Click Here
Alex B said on 1/Mar/08
its more that triple h is actually 6'1.5, but he wears lifts in the ring to bill him to a couple inches taller
Alex2 said on 1/Mar/08
John Cena was EXACTALY the same height as Triple H last night, Triple H maybe had him by 0.5" at most, either Cena is 6'2" or Triple H is really 6'1.5"
Alex said on 29/Feb/08
Derek, tables when I go out to eat are ok for the most part. Its my table at home I barely fit under with footwear on. I never been on an airplane before.
Mr anonymous said on 29/Feb/08
yes i know christian used to be the light heavyweight champion when he debuted.Everyone on here says he's 6'0. I dont consider 13 to 14 stone small though lol.It's not that big for a wrestler but..
Derek said on 28/Feb/08
Alex- Tables can be rough, but one place that I can't stand is airplanes. I'm not rich enough to sit in first class, so I have to deal with the little to no leg room towards the back.
Alex said on 27/Feb/08
Derek, also its tough to sit at most tables. At my kitchen table I find myself having a bit of trouble getting up and down and I'm not even that tall.
Anonymous said on 26/Feb/08
Hmm...Is it just me or does it seem like Christina might have grown an inch or so sincve he joined the WWE? They had him at 5'10 when he made his debut,& he looked 5'10...Not sure of his age but looks to me as though he may have sprouted an inch or so?
Mr anonymous said on 26/Feb/08
Hmm yeah christian is probably 6 foot.There is a bit of a height difference between him and the rock(Highlight reel).And the rock's about 6'4 or 3 isnt he.I could possibly buy the rock being 6'3 but then i couldnt see brock lesnar being 6'2.Is christian big in real life then?-to the person who met him.
Derek said on 25/Feb/08
Alex- There seems to be some confusion. The comment about the Jordans was me. The last comment by "Derek" was not me. To answer your question Alex, 6'2" is fine with me. It's hard enough to find pants.

To the other Derek, please use Derek2 or something like that so we can avoid confusion. Also, there is another Derek that doesn't use capital letters in his name.
Alex said on 24/Feb/08
Derek, what country are you from?
Well over here in the USA at 5'11 you would be considered tall by some people. When I was 5'11 I got plenty of tall comments. At 6'0 now I still feel in the same boat as 5'11. 6'2-6'3 plus is when you start getting on the "real" tall side.
Derek said on 22/Feb/08
6'2" for me is too short, 6'4" barefoot would seem to be a comfortable height in this country. Can't imagine how people under 6'0" can claim that they're tall!?
Alex said on 13/Feb/08
Derek, is 6'2 the ideal height for you or would you rather be another height shorter or taller?
Derek said on 11/Feb/08
I'm the same way Alex. At 6'2", I can easily pass for 6'3", even 6'4" if I wear my Jordans.
Alex said on 11/Feb/08
I am 6'0-6'0 1/2 and came across as 6'2 sometimes which I don't see.
Derek said on 10/Feb/08
Christian always gave a shorter impression. He's a legit 6 footer, but he can come across as 5'10". Cena on the other hand, gives a taller impression. He's 6'0"-6'0 1/2", but can come across as a 6'2" guy because of his b-ball sneakers and/or lifts.
Alex said on 9/Feb/08
Christian was probably the only wrestler I saw listed lower than he really was. For a while he was listed at 5'10 while he was really 5'11-6'0 then as listed at 6'1.
Alex said on 7/Feb/08
Vegas, also Cena has claimed both 6'0 and 6'1 in different interviews. Makes you think that he's very likely 6'0 1/2. I think Rob has him listed very accurate. Also Cena appeared be slightly more taller with Angle then I did.
Vegas said on 5/Feb/08
USMC; if WWE adds 2-4 inches to everyones height then we got a big problem, college football adds 2-4 inches too as cena was listed at 6'1 in college too number 54 Click Here

cena is also slightly taller than 6'1-6'2 listed tennis star andy roddick in this video wait until the end when they are interviewed together, maybe roddick is 5'8.5" really, lol Click Here

you claim to have met these guys, well so have i; and i have posted video and photos of me and my friends next to the likes of cena, orton etc. Your estimations make no sense, cena 5'11 in shoes (as alex pointed out that means he is 5'9ish barefoot according to you) and triple h 6'2 barefoot, there is no more than 2 inches absolute max between cena and triple h and thats me being generous lol; Cena don't wear wrestling boots or don't you watch WWE, he wears sneakers (everyday footwear that millions of people wear each day including me), so there goes your heighted wrestling boot theory out the window, i have posted videos of cena wearing converse in the ring, they give the wearer barely over half an inch on barefoot, yet in those he was still approx 2.5-3 inches taller than kurt angle who is around 5'10 barefoot (angle was listed at 5'11 in the 1996 olympics)
Alex said on 2/Feb/08
I think Cena and Orton are the exception to that 2-4 inch rule. Orton looks his 6'4 listing and Cena very close to his 6'1 listing. Most guys are 2-3 inches inflated
Alex said on 2/Feb/08
HHH is minimum 1 inch taller than Cena.
DARK 13 said on 2/Feb/08
men.... some of u exagerate.... how can u say John is 5.9?? you'll see the difference when he is near you.... i say this cuz he was near me at a show and he is with 2 inch max shorter than me ( i am 6.3)
USMC said on 1/Feb/08
none of the guys are really as tall as everyone thinks, like i said WWE adds 2-4 inches to everyones height, and i know this because a good friend of mine is signed under a developmental contract with them. Also because ive stood next to nearly all of them during when they came over to Iraq. And Cena ive worked out with at the base gym when he came over to visit while he was on that big publicity tour on Marine Corps bases for "The Marine"
Anonymous said on 1/Feb/08
I dont get it.

At royal Rumble HHH and John Cena stood Face to face

they were exactly the same height..

Triple H is listed as 6'2 on here, cena, 6'

go figure..
brother_h said on 31/Jan/08
randy orton is indeed 6'4-6'5

john cena is 5'11-6'0. he even says so himself that he is small. well compared to footballers he is.
Alex said on 31/Jan/08
So you're saying Cena is 5'9 1/2 to 5'10 barefoot? No way.
USMC said on 30/Jan/08
Cena is 5"11 with shoes ive stood next to him and im 6ft without and 6"2 with ICBs (infantry combat boots), WWE adds 2-4 inches onto everyones height on the roster biographies, hbk is really 5"10, Triple H is 6"2 without boots, they also get heighted wearing wrestling boots which add another inch or 2
Tom said on 30/Jan/08
Have to agree with Kelly. Have seen Randy a few times in street clothes, he looked 6.4' and abit - In shoes definately 6.4' 1/2.
Matt said on 29/Jan/08
Incidentally, here is a video of the Tubes/Cena clip. Worth watching, mostly because it's pretty funny!

Click Here

There is NO way Tubes is a 6 foot individual. I'd have him at around 5'9".
Matt said on 29/Jan/08
Weird. I saw Cena on Soccer AM next to one of the crew members called "Tubes". They looked pretty even in height, with Cena perhaps having an inch, inch and a half difference. Perhaps it is more of a reflection on Tubes, who I wouldn't have put as being that tall. Also probably too used to seeing the likes of Hulk Hogan absolutely dominate civillians :)
Anonymous said on 29/Jan/08
actually kelly randy is 6'6" cause he stood beside JBL tonight on RAW and he had an inch on him and JBL is 6'5" .....and cena is 6'1 but wearing shoes he's 6'2 and triple h is 6'2 and they stood eye to eye...
Alex said on 23/Jan/08
Kelly, wow you're a tall girl. You're taller than me. What height guys do you like?
Kelly said on 21/Jan/08
BTW Randy Orton is a good 6'4". I'm a tall girl, 6' 1/2. Stood next to him, both of us in bare feet, next to the pool in Vegas. Had to look up which doesn't happen to me often. He is massive.
Alex said on 16/Jan/08
Alex 2, Lesnar without a question though Cena is a very strong guy. Its not the best to compare putting someone on your shoulders to squatting as a human body is wider and harder to hold up. But its similar though kinda. But Cena isn't going to be squatting Big Show even though he can squat 500lbs. Difference between picking someone up once and sqatting.
Alex2 said on 13/Jan/08
Yea, he buts Big Show on his shoulders with no struggle, i wonder if him or lesnar are stronger?
Alex said on 2/Jan/08
Vegas, impressive strength he has. Well I would expect that for a guy his size.
Vegas said on 31/Dec/07
cena weight training vid Click Here
JR said on 29/Nov/07
In subway comercial cena is shorter then jared who intern is shorter then tony parker.

Click Here
Jason said on 25/Nov/07
Heavy sweating's actually a good thing when it's expected (efficient cooling system) ... but other than that it's the opposite. It's due to their weight. Pro bodybuilders are the worst sweaters of the lot.
JT said on 25/Nov/07
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

He wears big-soled shoes but still looks at least 6'1".
Alex said on 24/Nov/07
Henry's weight has flucuated. He is bigger now than ever and easily around 400lbs. He was over 350lbs even in 2002-2003. At his smallest he was like 350lbs!
Vegas said on 24/Nov/07
that photo ted posted of henry was taken in 2002, early 2003 when he had lost some weight, he is bigger now than ever though, he is sweats heavily just walking out to the ring, i saw batista sweating badly about two weeks ago doing an interview, that cannot be good
Jason said on 24/Nov/07
I have Henry at 6'0 1/2''. Is it just the pic, or has he lost weight there?
JohnP said on 24/Nov/07
Mark Henry is listed 6-1 in the Smackdown VS RAW games, even though he is listed 6-3 on WWEs "official roster".
Alex said on 23/Nov/07
Even 2 inches is a big difference for arms but Arnold looked more than just 20 inches flexed though.
Jason said on 22/Nov/07
3-4'' is one whopping difference when it comes to arm size, though. A 19-20'' arm makes a 16'' one look like it belongs to a 7th grader.
Alex said on 22/Nov/07
Vegas, exactly what I mean. I've measured them at 16 flexed and up to close to 16 1/2 with a pump. Thats why I think his arms were 21-22 flexed at his peak.

Henry I think is a solid 6'1.
ted T said on 22/Nov/07
Click Here

Mark Henry looks no more than 6ft to me.
Vegas said on 22/Nov/07
who is saying mark henry is 6'3??? someone said he was listed at that in the olympics; but thats all i have heard, mark is wearing some big footwear (the biggest in the WWE) these days, no wonder he looks 6'3 Click Here

christian i only saw from a few feet away, i didn't get up close, but he matches up quite well standing next to 189cm Ashton Kutcher in this video Click Here

alex, you are well built but there is no way your arms are within 3" of arnolds at peak
Viper said on 22/Nov/07
I dont even think Mark Henry reaches 6-1.
Alex said on 22/Nov/07
Jason, yea thats why some guys go up 2 inches in their flex. I go up an inch and 1.25-1.5 inches with a good pump. I can get up to 16.25 to 16.5 with a good pump. Would be funny if Arnold was only 3 inches bigger than me in arms.
ted T said on 22/Nov/07
Almost everybody says that Mark Henry is closer to 6-3 when his real height is 6-1.Is it so impossible Cena at 182cm??????And everybody you claim that he is 184cm max have you measured him???Neither do i.But the thing is that from 182-184 it's 2cm and not even Cena himself knows his EXACT height!So anything is possible.It wouldn't surprise me if HBK is only 5-10 and he goes to 6ft with lifts.And Christian Cage is 6ft?Please dude, he is 5-11 MAX.
RVD420 said on 21/Nov/07
Click Here

John Cena with 6'0 Christian Cage. Can we please stop with the 5'11 listing? And how about stopping hte 6'0 listing also. Cena, at minimum is 6.05.
Alex said on 21/Nov/07
I know in bodybuilder measurements are flexed. Myself, I actually use both. I'll say my unflexed and flexed at the same time to people.

Vegas, his arms look over 20 there easy.
Vegas said on 21/Nov/07
Click Here 19"???
Jason said on 21/Nov/07
Nobody uses unflexed arm measurements. Whenever you hear an arm measurement in bodybuilding - or guys at the gym (I don't know why you use unflexed?) or where ever - it's always flexed. Mostly, anyway ... and always in pro bodybuilding.
Alex said on 21/Nov/07
I can believe 20 for Arnold, unflexed that is.
Jason said on 21/Nov/07
They sure did. Check out these three articles:

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

The t-nation article is by Charles Poliquin, one of the world's must successful strength coaches, who's trained a number famous athletes.
Viper said on 20/Nov/07
Id say Rock's chest is not even 44 these days. You can tell his suits look smaller these days.
Alex said on 20/Nov/07
He's 18 unflexed I can bet on.
Arnold had 22 inch arms in his days actually. You think they inflated his arms by 2 inches?
Jason said on 20/Nov/07
I don't think 20'' ... Arnold's were 20'' tops in his bodybuilding days. I guessed 18-19 range when I saw him in person in April 2005. Chest ... 46, yeah.
Alex said on 19/Nov/07
My chest is about 43 inches or just under and I'd be suprised if I was that close to size with Cena in that area so I figured he was close to 48.
His legs I'm not sure of but when he wore trunks they looked big and his calves aren't bad size either but calves are a pain to get bigger anyway.

Speaking of chest size I think The Rock may be down to 44 inches tops now. He was close to maybe 50 back then.
Viper said on 19/Nov/07
Cena has some big ass arms, both forearms and biceps. I think his chest is anywhere from 44-46 inches, not 48. I agree that hes pushing 20 inches on upper arms and 14-15 inches on forearms.
Alex said on 18/Nov/07
What do you guys think Cena's measurments are by the way? I'm curious to what they really are. His biceps gotta be at least 18 if not 19 unflexed and I'd say pushing 20 flexed. Chest around 48 inches. Forearms 13-14 inches.
Danimal, if you read this give me your thoughts?
Alex said on 18/Nov/07
I am suprised Rob doesn't have Kelly Carlson on this site. I just checked to see what he had her at but I see her listed at 5'4 or 5'5 in almost all places. She's probably in heels with Cena and he still has her by like 7 inches with him leaning too.

But look at the size of Cena. He looks a good 240lbs there for sure.
Look at his forearms. I never thought they were that big but also he's with a thin girl. His hands are big too. I'd feel kinda small near this guy myself. LOL
ted T said on 18/Nov/07
I know there's sth wrong with my photo;Cena looks like a shrimp.Well,we have never seen him barefoot,so...
Vegas said on 18/Nov/07
1.ted; rent the marine and then you will realise what is wrong with that photo you posted, lol, its the second scene so you won't have to wait too long :)
2.Kelly Carlson is listed everywhere at 5'5 are proper photos of the two standing side by side Click Here and Click Here
Alex said on 17/Nov/07
Crap picture with him and Kelly Carlson. Obviously he's not standing or he's picking he up. I've seen the movie.
ted T said on 17/Nov/07
Click Here

Here is John Cena with 5-4 Kelly Carlson.She appears a bit taller than him.Maybe with 15cm heel?!Really women shouldn't wear this stuff!I still think 5-11,25 for Cena since he does not appear like a 6 footer outside wrestling.
kenneth said on 17/Nov/07
in the marine he looks 4inches lower that very tall aussie actor Jerome Ehlers.. that guy looks 6ft4something or 6ft5.. think cena is only 183cm barefoot.. looks this tall..
Alex said on 17/Nov/07
6'1 220lbs he says. He looks 230 something to me. Of course 6'1 could be off but its closer to the truth than 5'11. I still think Cena is 6'0 1/2 since he has mentioned both 6'0 and 6'1.
ted T said on 17/Nov/07
He is lying about his height.I mean look at him when he claims he is 6-1.LOL
Vegas said on 16/Nov/07
i really wanted to hear this from the man's mouth and not some "web article", he clearly states his height 1 minute into this interview Click Here
Vegas said on 13/Nov/07
cmon ted its over, dead and buried, it was over when i found his college football listing but thats another story. i already posted a video of cena having near 3" on angle wearing 0.5" converse All Star Classic, why would he wears lifts inside freaking converse, he would have to wear 1" lifts just to be equal to Nike Shox in the first place, lol Click Here and if you don't believe me that those shoes cena is wearing only give that amount of height Click Here 3rd pair down

if you are correct then cena is just 5'11.5" or so in those converse meaning angle is 5'8.5" in his sneakers minus the 1" he is probably getting there which leaves him at 5'7.5" barefoot, how likely is that?? more likely that andre was 7'4 imo.

show you a picture of a barefoot john cena?? then what; odds are you downgrade the other guy like jason did with akebono when he saw him barefoot next to big show
ted T said on 13/Nov/07
LOL,LOL,LOL.Nobody can convince me that Cena is 6-1 with these pics.They are all LIFT WEARERS.Show me a barefoot pic of Cena and don't forget height is measured barefoot.ABSOLUTELY BAREFOOT.
Vegas said on 13/Nov/07
from this angle it is impossible to argue less than 3" difference between the two Click Here

watch the video closely; at 7 min 16 seconds in, kurt stands on his toes slightly to try to match cena, lol

Cena would be the last guy in the WWE whose height i would debate, he should be billed at 6'3 just like Orton should be billed at 6'6, i think that would then make it easier for everyone :P
Alex said on 13/Nov/07
Looks more like 2 1/2 to me but not going to argue over 1/2 inch. I've seen them look closer to 2 inches too at times.
Vegas said on 12/Nov/07
cowboy boots give 1.8" not sneakers :)

whatever you guys think cena is then angle is for sure the best part of a full 3 inches shorter, they have a great full posture staredown towards the end of this video and cena ain't wearing shox there either Click Here

hard to believe WWE billed angle 1" taller than cena, lol
ted T said on 12/Nov/07
Thanks Viper,you sure know how to judge heights.
Alex said on 12/Nov/07
Most here would disagree with you Ted. Even Jason thinks Cena is about 6'0 1/2 barefoot.
Viper said on 12/Nov/07
I agree with you Ted.
ted T said on 11/Nov/07
Cena is 6-1 with shoes 5-11,25 out.
RVD420 said on 10/Nov/07
Exactly. IT is sad when people like Ted say things like Cena is 5'10. I bet you his made will change once he met him in person like I have.
Alex said on 10/Nov/07
Cena is actually more 2 1/2 inches taller than Angle.
Alex said on 10/Nov/07
5'10.5 for Cena now? Come on now. LOL
Vegas said on 10/Nov/07
orton has 7"+ on mandel, is he 6" taller than cena so ted, lol
Vegas said on 10/Nov/07
edge is about 6" taller than mandel there, look at his right eye and he is leaning too.

yes we do know cenas footwear, its clearly on the video; he is wearing white sneakers and in the video cena is at least 4 inches taller than mandel. in your photo BOTH lashley and mandel are alot closer to the camera, compare head sizes and you are trying to tell me mandel is about 220lb, lol here much further from the camera cena is still 3 inches+ taller than mandel Click Here we can also see mandel has big cowboy heels on there of 2" Click Here

The one person whose footwear is suspect is mandel and here is why with 6'4 david hasselhoff and 6'2 michael hall Click Here do we know downgrade these guys too to 6'1 and 5'11??

cena wears sneakers everywhere, there is only so much height you can gain from sneakers; 1.4" max from shox (cena wears the same footwear 99% of people on this website wear so what is the problem) he ain't wearing big shoes with heels or cowboy boots anytime, he often wears converse as with kurt angle

5'10 cena, you gamma_2008 in disguise by any chance???
ted T said on 10/Nov/07
Vegas,Bobby Lashley is closer to the camera and Cena have 4,5 inch on Mandel is out of question. Click Here
Edge,yes he is aprox.4,75 inch taller than Mandel.Edge and Cena the same height?!Also i think Cena is 2 inch taller than Angle.But my photo with Cena and Mandel is a good one to judge.But we don't know Cena's footwear and nobody can be sure.My explanation is that maybe Cena decided to wear normal shoes for one night only!
Vegas said on 9/Nov/07
so ted; lashley is 4" taller than cena like your photo shows??? here is cena with the best part of 4.5" on 5'9.5" barefoot mandel, 5'11ish in shoes Click Here the full video where cena matches up quite well with the dude in the red hat who claims 6'7 Click Here

It says on this paper he is 6'7 Click Here and he says it himself here on his own myspace Click Here

how can cena be 5'11 if he is ~3" taller than kurt angle while wearing 0.5" converse??? angle is therefore ~5'7.5" and olympic listings are totally bogus.
ted T said on 9/Nov/07
Click Here

Cena is 1 inch taller than 177cm.This proves he is not 6-0,5.The highest i can give is 5-11,5 and the lowest 5-10,5.Barefoot he is shorter than you think and i believe that Rob its time to downgrade him.I give him 181cm or 5-11,25.
ted T said on 9/Nov/07
Alex,i really don't see him any taller at all next to his standup.
Click Here is Cena with Howie Mandel(177cm).John Cena is 2 in taller MAX.Maybe only 1,5.So he is more 5-11 to 5-11,5.
Alex said on 9/Nov/07
Look at Cena standing next to his 6'1 standup. He looks a little taller than the standup in footwear, at least 6'1 1/2 so it puts him at 6'0-6'0 1/2 barefoot again.

Click Here
JohnP said on 8/Nov/07
I think Rob is correct about Cena being 6-0 1/2, since Cena has claimed 6-0 at least once, and he is usually listed at 6-1 (just rounded up). Many people do that (people who are something with a half inch), downgrade sometimes, and upgrade sometimes.
Alex said on 8/Nov/07
Vegas, thats the thing. People still don't take into account Angle's lean into me which is making him lose 1/2 inch, maybe a bit more in height. Me and Cena would be about the same height I think. Cena has about 2 1/2 inches on Angle I think.

Derek, you may just say 6'2 since you are that height more of the day than a height closer to 6'1. You'd be downgrading yourself a bit actually.
Vegas said on 8/Nov/07
ted T says on 7/Nov/07
Derek,if he is 6-0,5 why he claimed many times 6ft

where are the many times??? i only see once and it is some foreign web article.

cena is approx 3" taller than angle here and cena is wearing 0.5" converse as opposed to kurts 1" sneakers Click Here angle is leaning badly with alex
Derek said on 7/Nov/07
I'm 6'1 1/2" and I tell people 6'1" a lot of the time. It's easier to tell people 6'1" as opposed to halves or quarters.
ted T said on 7/Nov/07
Alex ,i've seen you next to Kurt and i'm sure you are taller than Cena.
Alex said on 7/Nov/07
Because its easier to say 6'0 than 6'0.5. I'm 6'0 1/4 to be exact but I say 6'0 most of the time. Much easier to say and sounds better than oh 6'0 1/4 or even 6'0 1/2.
Alex said on 7/Nov/07
Also some guys lose height more than others during the day. Most guys lose between 1/2 to an inch. Very possibly Cena is about 6'1 or a hair under and 6'0 as his lowest height. Pretty much what I am throughout the day.
ted T said on 7/Nov/07
Derek,if he is 6-0,5 why he claimed many times 6ft?
Derek said on 6/Nov/07
6'0 1/2" is possible for Cena, but he is not 6'1", at least not at mid day. He might be 6'1" out of bed, similar to Alex. I can believe 6'0 1/2".
ted T said on 6/Nov/07
The lowest Cena has claimed is 6ft,so he is maybe a tad under.Drop 0,5 inch and you have him at 5-11,5 which is his real height.
Alex said on 6/Nov/07
Cena has claimed both 6'0 and 6'1 at different times so very likely he lies in between.
ted T said on 6/Nov/07
Alex-Cena is nothing over 6ft barefoot.
JK said on 5/Nov/07
Cena at 6'1'' makes more sense
Alex said on 4/Nov/07
Cena at 5'11.5 and Lesnar at 6'2 doesn't make any sense at all. There was no way 2.5 inches between the 2. More like 1 inch, 1.5 inches at the max.
Cena 6'0.5 and Lesnar about 6'2.
Eurohouse said on 4/Nov/07
In what way John Cena is taller than Shawn Michaels, so if Michaels is 6'0", then I think Cena is probably between 6'1" to 6'2"
ted T said on 3/Nov/07
Bobby Lashley is slightly shorter than John Cena,Shawn Michaels is 0,5-1,5 inches smaller than Cena and Lashley is 2 inches shorter than Mark Henry.So
John Cena is 5-11,5
Shawn Michaels is 5-11
Bobby Lashley is 5-11
Mark Henry is 6-1 (or maybe 6ft,his large frame gives the impression of 6-2 but i 've seen a pic of him outside of wrestling with his buddies and he looked 183cm) .Sorry, I forgot to mention that John Cena Face to face with 6-2 Brock Lesnar seem just like that(182cm),exactly a 6cm difference.
ted T said on 2/Nov/07
BigJim said that he was the same height with Cena-5-11,5 and that he had 1/2 inch on HBK.Rob's listing at 6ft was more accurate but i think 5-11,5 is the best he can get.
RVD420 said on 28/Oct/07
Even with a good posture, Cena has 5'11 Flair by three inches. I think posture can go so far.
ted said on 21/Oct/07
One thing you notice is that Cena always has a very good posture to look taller.But he is not a legit 6-1 and people have to go with that;when he is asked about his height in many interviews he claim to be 6-1 and then 6ft etc,a legit 6-1 guy wouldn't contradict like that.
zzz said on 15/Oct/07
yea i think henry might be taller than his billed height by maybe 0.5 inch and i think lashley is arnd 6ft. I think sneakers add 1 inch because i have a pair of Caterpillar Boots which add EXACTLY 1.5inches but again we dont know whats inside his sneakers.
6'3.5'' JK said on 14/Oct/07
Derek says on 14/Oct/07 "Cena is around 6'1 1/2"-6'2" in sneakers", - Derek, he is 6'2'' in sneakers because when i met him when i was 5'10'' in 2004 he had a legit 4 inches on me
JohnP said on 14/Oct/07
Lol, JK, you think all wrestlers have only an inch at most exaggerated?

Let's see, The Rock was billed at 6-5, when he is about a weak 6-3 at most. Triple H is billed at 6-4 (was even billed at 6-5 in his first years in the WWE), he is about 6-2 at most, even shorter according to some people, although he can look as tall 6-3 or so, so I think around 6-2 is dead on. A lot of wrestlers have their heights padded a lot. Just because Umaga is billed at 6-4 doesn't mean he's close to it.

If Umaga is 6-1 3/4, like ted said, then Cena should be a strong 6-1 in shoes (Umaga wrestles bare foot), and if Cena wears big shoes like people likes to claim, then he should be as low as 5-11 1/2 or 6-0 at most in his bare feet. Otherwise, if Umaga is 6-2 1/2, then Cena would be 6-2 in his shoes, and if the shoes are "big", then Robs listing should be accurate.

Also, Umaga seems to be slouching a bit in that picture actually, and Cena doesn't, so Umaga can maybe even be taller than 1/2 inch.
Vegas said on 14/Oct/07
he wears different types of sneakers, sometimes really big ones in the ring which definitely give him the best part of 1.5". The ones he wore with angle don't look like they would give him anywhere close to 1.5" though.
Alex said on 14/Oct/07
Also question is how much does Cena's sneakers give to him. 1.5 inches you'd say?
Cobra said on 14/Oct/07
Henry is one of the very few that I think could be taller than his billed height. I know that 6ft3 was around, and sometimes he looks really closer to that mark. Would make more sense to bill him at least 6ft4. I wouldn`t wonder if Henry is really 6ft3 or at least 6ft1,5.
For Lashley the lowest I think could be 6ft, 6ft1 the max.
ted said on 14/Oct/07
Rob what could you give to Bobby Lashley considering the pics with Mrk Henry?
Derek said on 14/Oct/07
I was watching an episode of RAW earlier in the year, and Cena in sneakers was still a bit shorter than a barefoot Umaga. Cena is around 6'1 1/2"-6'2" in sneakers, so Umaga should be around 6'2"-6'2 1/2".
Alex said on 14/Oct/07
I think Lashley is 6'0 actually.

I have a Flex magazine with John said where he said he was 6'1 then in another interview said he was 6'0. Very likely he lies in between the 2.
Vegas said on 14/Oct/07
a few more photos of lashley and henry Click Here

lashley looks 5'9 in zzz photo which obviously isn't right seeing as lashley was roughly the same height as donald trump :)

for sure lashley ISN'T his billed height of 6'3, big show totally dwarfed him, but he ain't 5'9-5'11 either imo. i haven't met him (yet) so i cannot be totally sure but somewhere between 6'0-6'1 seems most accurate. again lashley has a legit sporting background previous to wrestling and i will try to find articles on his listed height from back in Missouri Valley College. I know he competed at just 177lb or thereabouts in college.
ted said on 14/Oct/07
OK,i am leaving Cena only for the moment.

zzz says on 14/Oct/07
damm wwe randomly fills up the superstars' height or what they list mark henry as 6'1 and bobby lashley as 6'3 and they have this photo on the site Click Here lol???

This is the photo i was talking about;thanks zzz.I challenge everybody on this site tell me NOW THAT BOBBY LASHLEY IS MORE THAT 5-11.
zzz said on 14/Oct/07
damm wwe randomly fills up the superstars' height or what they list mark henry as 6'1 and bobby lashley as 6'3 and they have this photo on the site Click Here lol???
Vegas said on 13/Oct/07
who is making him a giant? like 6'0.5" or 6'1 is gigantic, cmon man you claim every guy in your university is 6ft+ and now you are claiming cena would be gigantic at 6'0.5-6'1.

have you met cena?? yes or no??

i have met him and he is without a shadow of a doubt taller than 5'11 (unless he wears the massive insoles in his shoes)

The character cena plays is the underdog (hence "i am not the biggest guy" bs). Flair said the same thing back in the day yet he weighed over 230lb (small guy, lol). in fact they have all said it; bret, savage, austin, piper, sting (i have heard them all say that at one time or another).

as i mentioned on eudys page downgrade someone like cena (who happens to have a legit sporting background and height listing) and a whole host of guys must be downgraded to fall in line, starting with vince, angle, lesnar, federline, snoop, shawn michaels etc etc, you must be prepared to drop at least an inch on all these guys if cena is 5'11 e.g. michaels becomes 5'9.5, angle, 5'8.5, federline 5'7
ted said on 13/Oct/07
Umaga barely looks 6-2;He is 187cm and Cena said many times that he was never the biggest guy.Don't make him a giant, he might be a little taller than 5-11.
Remember him in the locheroom barefoot look no more than 5-11,5.
Alex said on 13/Oct/07
Umaga is tough to say. I think he looks 6'2 barefoot at the least, maybe 6'2 1/2. He doesn't look no 6'4 at all.
frank said on 12/Oct/07
John cena is 6 foot 1 ,and in regards to umaga he is 6 foot4 if you watch umaga fight hhh, they are like the same or hhh might have one inch on him but umaga is always barefoot and hhh wears boots so i believe umaga is around 6'4
JohnP said on 12/Oct/07

I don't really know how to judge Umagas height, but you also have to take into account that Umaga actually wrestles barefoot. So compared to a 6-2 wrestler (who is much taller in boots), if Umaga can look as tall as him, then Umaga has to be taller than 6-2. Although, I haven't checked him.
Alex said on 11/Oct/07
Umaga is probably 6'2 barefoot.
dmeyer said on 11/Oct/07
i agree he looks 184 but whi will he can 6' maybe he is like duchovny who is about 185 in [erson and claim 183
Viper said on 11/Oct/07
There has been a couple of posted sightings before of Cena being 5-11.
6'3.5'' JK said on 11/Oct/07
Lol, i met Cena and let me tell you that he is a solid 6'2'' in his footwear, and where did you come up with the 187cm for Umaga, this is a guy who is billed at 6'4'' in the WWE so there for is no lesser than 6'3'' barefoot, plus in the picture i posted Cena is tilting his head a bit down, I think Cena is a solid 6'1''
Vegas said on 11/Oct/07
ted says on 11/Oct/07
If Cena is one inch shorter than Umaga who is barefoot and 6-2 max then John Cena is 184-185cm in shoes and 181-183cm without.I can see him at 5-11,75.

cena was feigning a stomach injury with umaga in that photo (i know i was only a few feet away first row ringside when they had that staredown at royal rumble). who says umaga is just 187cm (thats your opinion mate), WWE have him at 193cm (probably not right either but thats really all we have to go on, rest is speculation)

if cena is 6ft in shoes that makes kurt angle 5'9 in shoes and kevin federline 5'8 in shoes and that is just plain crazy.

ted; you come on here saying every guy in northern italy is 6ft+ and john cena is 5'11, lol. You my friend are in for a big surprise if you meet cena in person :D i bet you will be giving him at 6'4 then.........
Cobra said on 11/Oct/07
Michaels 5ft10 is to low, but when you have Angle at 5ft10 and Cena at 6ft0,5 or around this Mark, Michaels is closer to Angle than to Cena. So 5ft11 for Michaels.
ted said on 11/Oct/07
If Cena is one inch shorter than Umaga who is barefoot and 6-2 max then John Cena is 184-185cm in shoes and 181-183cm without.I can see him at 5-11,75.
Alex said on 10/Oct/07
I'd give HBK 5'11 which puts Angle at 5'10 since there was about an inch between the 2. Angle looks the full 5'10 in my picture if you take into consideration he's leaning a tad into the picture.

Cena I can't see at only 5'11 1/2. He's a solid 6'0 guy. 6'0 1/2 is my estimate for him.
ted said on 10/Oct/07
I give angle 5-9,5 and Michaels 5-10,75
ted said on 10/Oct/07
If Cena is 6-1 then he is at least 6-2 with shoes;Umaga is 187cm and he is barefoot and still taller than Cena.
Vegas said on 10/Oct/07
Viper says on 10/Oct/07
I think Michaels is around 5-10

that puts angle at 5'9
6'3.5'' JK said on 10/Oct/07
I still think Cena is a Legit 6'1'', Click Here
Viper said on 10/Oct/07
I think Michaels is around 5-10.
Alex said on 10/Oct/07
Cena looks to be 240lbs to me now.
Vegas said on 10/Oct/07
what is interesting is that cena was given at 248lb against big show at WM20 (the day after i met him when i thought he was in the 220lb range in person).

against kennedy last week he was given at just 240lb.

i have been reading various fans comments over the last few days on wrestlers weights across a multitude of websites, loads of people think ric flair is just 180-190lb and mick foley is 220-230lb, lol. TV might make flair and foley look smaller but...........
Vegas said on 10/Oct/07
Rusty james says on 9/Oct/07
Who was bigger though(not in height) arnold in his day or cena?

arnold without question, no contest
Rusty james said on 9/Oct/07
Who was bigger though(not in height) arnold in his day or cena?
ted said on 9/Oct/07
Viper,what do you give to Shawn Michaels?(with Cena to 5-11,5).
Alex said on 9/Oct/07
I'd be pretty suprised if Cena was under 6'0. I think 6'0 1/2 looks right for him.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.