Dr. D said on 29/Mar/08
Danimal is right..
ridiculously to judge his heigt by only this pic.. he sure looked 6ft2 or more in many movies so I think its not the best pic to judge his height(but glenns jacket is great)
guk said on 29/Mar/08
How can he be 6ft 2? Judging by Glenn's photo and this one from dirty deeds
Click HereSam Neil is under 6ft and Bryan Brown's 6ft0.5 according to this site.
Danimal said on 28/Mar/08
Those who are claiming he was 6'1" at prime are FULL OF !@#!@#$. This man listed at 6'3" and 285 in College Football. Conan had 1-2" on him on MANY of his appearances in the 1990's. He was TALLER that Tom Arnold, who was 6'2" himself.
John is looking HORRIBLE here in this pic. His drug/acohol/weight problems have taken its toll on his body. I am sure if he stood straight, he would be minimum 6'1.5". Glenn, what's your input. You saw the man. When you spoke to him, did he feel like a 6'0" man, or a 6'2" man??
Fisher said on 28/Mar/08
Dude Glenn, judging from this pic there is no way he is 6'2 anymore, even if he stood up straight. Most likely 6'1 today. Agree?
Anonymous said on 28/Mar/08
Time for a downgrade to 6-0 Rob!
Charliemoto said on 28/Mar/08
extremely bad posture in that image, let him straighten up and watch the guy go 6'1.5 at the very least, he is leaning forward and also to the left.
i agree he does look 6'0 tops in this image do to posture though.
miko said on 28/Mar/08
Bad posture problems - weight related I guess.
Bleemo said on 28/Mar/08
I agree with Glenn's assumption here, if you look at the shoulder levels Goodman already has 2 inches on Glenn and his shoulders are massively slouched. So 6' here if he stood up straight and maybe 6'1 prime. It shouldn't be any surprise to anybody on here at this stage that yet another actor wasn't their billed height.
Gonzalo said on 28/Mar/08
God, such a weird pic. I thought he would tower over Glenn. He`s lost height. And the pic is decieving
brother_h said on 28/Mar/08
6'2? looking 5'11 there. unless his head is bigger, dont look at his eyes but how much bigger his head is than glenns.
Anonymous said on 27/Mar/08
Looks 5-10.5/5'11 max, even if he stood up straight. no way near 6'2
sam said on 27/Mar/08
I agree with Rob there. After all his film and TV appearances, I find it hard to believe he wasn't 6'2" at one point, but due to weight and age, he's declined to an even 6-footer recently.
sf said on 27/Mar/08
Yea, looks at most 6 feet here. I'd wager he was 6'2" once but probably more around 6'1", tops, now. All that weight and lack of muscle affects your bone structure. I mean, his arms seem to be more built, but he carries a lot of fat on that frame and has for a long time. He's gonna shrink.
Anonymous said on 27/Mar/08
I know its a bit harsh, but i don't think i've ever seen a shorter 6'2" man. I mean his eye level is only slightly higher than Glenn's, even taking into account posture.
He looks 5'10.5" max
Charliemoto said on 27/Mar/08
his body build won't show the 188cm but he really is 187-188cm infact i think he was slightly taller 10-15 years ago around 189-190cm, it's just that his chubby weight won't really show his real height.
awesome actor.
On Goodman said on 27/Mar/08
Looks way shorter than legit 6'2 guys like Clive Owen.
Substracting his curly hair he looks as tall as 5'11 at most.
glenn said on 27/Mar/08
seemed 6ft with bad posture.i got the idea he could be taller with better posture.
Ras said on 27/Mar/08
He looks 5'10 tops in this pic. And I don't see him leaning, either he's lost a lot of height or Glenn had pavement advantage.
anonymous said on 27/Mar/08
he is slouching pretty badly here. and he does look to have lost some height.
miko said on 27/Mar/08
Perhaps 6"1 current Rob?

Editor Rob
likely lost something + carries himself lower than most due to size?
Lukas_6' said on 27/Mar/08
he looks 5'10 , 5'11 at most in this pic !! wow ! i mean - he always looks tall, like 6'1+ , was taller then D.Washington. i just don't get it... Glenn - did you have a floor advantage ? how tall did he look for you ? if he's 6'2 he should be towering you here.
GSP said on 27/Mar/08
Was he on his kneeling? Either that or he is slouching 5 inches...
MattC said on 27/Mar/08
He doesnt even look close to 6'2 to me in that pic with Glenn. I know his posture isnt great and his head is tilted but still I dont see it. I think he looks 6'1 at the absolute most if he was standing straight with good posture. On a side note he really looks like he has aged quite a bit in that pic.
Markus said on 27/Mar/08
Looks like very bad posture for Goodman here, but still then he wouldn't give me a 6-2 impression. Maybe 6-1 tops if he would stand straight ?
jon said on 15/Mar/08
was taller than jeff bridges in big lebowski... by maybe an inch or two, maybe it was the footwear?
Anonymous said on 2/Mar/08
slightly smaller than hugh laurie in the Borrowers, so 6ft 1, 6ft 1.5 seems about right
JohnP said on 7/Jan/08
He looked about 2 inches shorter than Donald Gibb in Revenge of the nerds, and Gibb himself claims he's 6-4, so I think 6-2 also was Goodmans "peak height".
neo123 said on 6/Jan/08
John looks 6'2 peak height could have been 6'2.5 or 6'3
Danimal said on 28/Dec/07
Come on guys, he was listed at 6'3" and 285 in his college days. Nothing under 6'2". Conan O'brien had 1-2" on him from his MANY appearances on the show. I read an article on his from the early to mid 1990's, where he was going on a diet and had just gone to the doctor and was said to have lost 30 pounds on his 6'3" frame, going from 335 to 305 pounds. He's nothing less than 6'2". He was always taller than Tom Arnold on the show by about an inch.
HellBoundPower said on 27/Dec/07
He looked about 2 inches taller than Denzel Washington in Fallen. I'd say 6'2"-6'2.5".
Socom said on 9/Dec/07
Yes, he is 6'2, not under, not over
frank said on 6/Oct/07
He goes to my gym, I see him a few times a week in the AM. He's 6ft even.. maybe 6'1.. however, he's fatter then ever these days. Almost looks like a homeless guy when he shows up.
Ade said on 19/Nov/06
I remember him being a full inch shorter than Diedrich Bader in "Center Of the Universe". I'd say he's closer to 6'1". Maybe 186 cm.
Hector said on 11/Oct/06
Everythings BIG on John Goodman .. he has big hands big feet big muscles big arms big legs and i heard he`s endowed like a Pringles can.
Anthony said on 15/Sep/06
Yeah, he's no less than 6'2. He sometimes looks taller. In "The Big Lebowski" there are even some shots where he looks to be nearly a head taller than Steve Buscemi because Goodman's broad, girthy (well over 300 pounds IMO) frame dwarfs Buscemi's comparatively short and scrawny frame.
thelasttiger said on 10/Sep/06
Rob I really think he is a full 6'2". I can't imagine him being less than that. He is a full inch taller than Jeff Bridges in Lewbowski and was exactily as tall as Peter O'Toole in King Ralf. I think you need to change it to 6'2"

Editor Rob
to be fair to him, true, I've changed him back
J. said on 24/Sep/05
In the film, True Stories (directed by 6 foot David Byrne of Talking Heads fame), Goodman in character as Louis Fyne, a man desperately on the prowl for a wife, states in his televised personal ad: "I'm six foot, three inches and maintain a very consistent panda bear shape".
In the film, that seemed about right. He had a good 3 inches on Byrne. I'm wondering has he shurken to 6'1.5" even at a still relatively young age?
Kee said on 24/Sep/05
When The Flintstones was made John was 6-2 barefoot weighing a solid 285 lbs of rock hard muscle with 21 inch arms and a 58 inch chest. Have you seen the size of his biceps in that movie ??