Leesheff85 said on 17/Mar/21
Calling a 5ft 4 man very short is the same as calling a 6ft 2 man very tall. It isn't very tall really legit tall but not very. And this guy is easily 5ft 5
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 8/Oct/19
5'4 1/2 max.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 13/Nov/18
Very short in Overlord i would have think 5'4.
Rick1 said on 12/Nov/18
lol Arthur , you remind me of somebody i know - the fact that your 5'10 says it all, often its guys who are your height or around the 5'8-5'10 mark who seem to have the most problem with their height.
Bubbe said on 17/Oct/18
John is definitely 5 ft. 7 in. His older brother is 6ft. 1 in. and his mom is 5 ft. 1. Any other questions? Dad was 6 ft.
Nik said on 22/Feb/17
Yes you are spot on, I am glad somebody else is singing from the same hymn sheet as me. There is so much bias about and people are much less likely to call someone tall who is above average by the same amount as as person who is labelled short is below average. This is a case of double standards.
Mom said on 21/Feb/17
John is 5 ft. 7 in. and I know! Where did you men get 5ft. 5?
Josh said on 31/Jan/17
Arthur, I bet the one with the complex is you :) So Many stupid People on this Site unbelievable...
Lee168cm said on 31/Jan/17
OK. That's fine. Luckily like you people always say I seem 5'7" or 8 so I must have pretty good proportions too but I wouldn't say you tower over me. I'd say a guy would have to be minimum 6' tall to tower over me I know loads of guys who are 5'10ish and they don't tower me. Not that it matters if you do. Doesn't make you any better or worse than me. We're all equal. And being short isn't a handicap. I kinda like it. Right rant over.
Boom said on 29/Jan/17
Am I the only one who thinks that he can actually pull off looking taller than what he's listed here?
When I saw him in Carol and Unbroken I thought he was AT LEAST a full 5'6" if not a tad more.
Arthur said on 28/Jan/17
Lee, I really hope you get over your Napoleon complex. I sympathize with your situation though. I too would be super sensitive with my height if I was sub 170 cm.
Kaneff, you are wrong again. Average height is 5'9.25-5'9.5 for all males, and 5'10 for 20-30 year olds. Editor Rob has said so, himself, if you want to argue that.
Again, you weren't paying attention to what I said. I said he looks like a dwarf. Proportionally, that is. I never said he is a dwarf. I don't think I can put it more simple than that. Even a monkey could understand what I am saying.

Editor Rob
Jenny actually commented on this guy's height when we watched the Big Short, she thought Brad Pitt looked enormous when talking to him in a scene they stood together...
Lee168cm said on 27/Jan/17
I agree with kaneff. Arthur is talking like their is something wrong with being or looking short and its just part of what makes you unique in the same way being or looking tall makes you unique. Its funny how some pick on the short and never the very tall
Aza said on 25/Jan/17
Very cool and short dude!
John said on 25/Jan/17
I think he is slight shorter (1/8 in) than 5foot 5. Due to daily gravity affect body posture
Lee168cm said on 25/Jan/17
That's pretty offensive authur, 5 ft 5 is in no way a dwarf. I'm only an inch taller and definitely don't feel like a dwarf. I think you have a chip on your shoulder about something to say something so offensive
Phil said on 25/Jan/17
5 foot 5 is short. 4 foot 10 and below is dwarf height.
SAK said on 24/Jan/17
He is very short. But carries himself well.
Arthur said on 24/Jan/17
very short russian dude, i read your comment with a russian accent. it was funny.
Pitch_Fork said on 24/Jan/17
Also he is handsome and has a tall face
wow said on 23/Jan/17
he doesn't look short !!! he look normal