irishdavey said on 16/Dec/05
you are idiotic if you think this man is 6'4", dont be such nutriders it's obvious he was about 6 foot 1 or so at the very most.
mike c said on 14/Dec/05
Ok guys, one inch.!..the Duke still towered over Dean..I wish I could get a copy of the still pic where the JW surprises Dean on the Dean Martin Show...Duke is very tall....! a good 5 inches...which makes 5'll" plausible..Jerry Lewis stated on a number of occasions that Dino was 6'...still a great, funny singer/comic..loved the old timers...
Gramps said on 13/Dec/05
I've read reports of Dean Martin being 5'11" and 6'0".
John said on 13/Dec/05
I believe Dean was actullay 5'11.
mike c said on 7/Dec/05
Right on, Mark! The Duke did a movie with James Arness (6'7"-6'6")..I think, in the fifties...saw it a while ago...both men stood face to face...guess what? James was taller, but not by that much(both men were in suits and dress shoes...guess they put the Duke on stilts!) James didn't tower over the Duke as the Duke towered over Dean Martin (6') on the Dean Martin Showappearance...common sense tells us the Duke was tallllll! the debate! ps...if you think JW wore lifts...observe how a girl walks in high heel shoes..then observe the Duke in The Quiet way!
Gramps said on 6/Dec/05
Don't hold back, Mark, tell what you REALLY think? :-)
John said on 29/Nov/05
I believe based on the books I have read about the Duke that he didn't begin wearing lifts until middle age. That picture above was taken in 1966 I think, so Wayne at 59 may have naturally lost an inch due to age and increasing weight, plus major lung surgery in 1964 might have damaged his posture. There was no way he was ever below 6'2. Period.
Gramps said on 28/Nov/05
He may have been 6'2" in the '60s and '70s, but I think he was 6'4" back in the 1930s and '40s.
mike c said on 28/Nov/05
Great pic. Gramps..hope you've been able to rent The Quite Man..he was 6'4" ..makes for interesting debate.
Jason said on 27/Nov/05
John Wayne was most probably around 6'2'' in bare feet.
Gramps said on 27/Nov/05
Here's a very early Wayne with the 6'3" Yakima Canutt:
Anonymous said on 26/Nov/05
6'1" at most when he was younger, 6'2" in regular 1" soled non-lift shoes. Period.
Gotxo said on 18/Nov/05
Funny comments!
Ok, Rock Hudson was no one to critizise the others actors he earned a good grant playing the kind of man he wasn't, wich proves he was a good actor.
Or does anyone expected Cristopher Reeve to fly?
Though that only tell us he wore lifts and pretended to be slimmer, nothing more.
By the way he really dragged his feet when walking, but that might reveal some
feet/heep/spine too!
We need more!
Mr. R said on 17/Nov/05
Obviously, I agree with Rock Hudson on Hollywood, but I would say that Hollywood is RARELY what it seems. Of course, Rock would know, given that he was portrayed as the virile straight lover of every women's dreams!
mike c said on 16/Nov/05
I guess when Rock Hudson said that he was disappointed the Duke wouldn't bend over...he's not even in the same league as Wayne..
mike c said on 1/Nov/05
Gramps...Gabby Hayes and Roy Rogers were 6 ft....think the camera angle throws everyone off...again, watch the Quiet Man...Francis Ford, John Ford's brother was 6 ft. the Quiet Man! Bond was 6.3 as was the boxer McLaglen...hulk of a man! read his bio. Glad you're observant.. They were all great actors..I'll take Wayne, Bond, etc. over the new guys anytime!Bottom line, Wayne could have kicked both our asses without breathing hard! Will someone tell me how tall Emeril Lagasse is!
Gramps said on 31/Oct/05
The third photo below, with the Duke and Ronald Reagan and Dean Martin, Wayne definitely looks 6'4". Check the first two, however, with Ward Bond. There looks to be the expected 1" difference in the first, but Bond looks to have shrunk about a FOOT in the second! Very curious.
mike c said on 14/Oct/05
You have to watch The Quiet Man carefully...Ward Bond was also 6'3. He's just as tall as Victor McLaglen. Wayne stands next to Bond and Victor on a number of scenes...Wayne is taller..checks out the shoes, guys, small heel in the opening to tall the whole movie from beginning to, of course if McLaglen and Bond were in fact short...and Holywood lied..then Wayne was no more than 6' tall..don't think so. If Wayne put lifts in his boots then he was 6'6"..go back and watch all his movies and all his appearances.on tv. towers over Dean Martin on one of Martin's shows..look at the way he walks when he's in regular shoes...all hints..but then again, I thought Martin Short was short! Now, how tall is Emeril Legasse? Still love Wayne!
Mr. R said on 13/Oct/05
Mike C - Someone, I believe it was Bobby Darin, said that Wayne put lifts in his boots, even though he was taller than everybody else. He wanted to make sure that he towered over everybody!
mike c said on 12/Oct/05
Guys, rent The Quiet movie Wayne made..Victor McLaglen is 6'3"..see how tall Wayne is next to him..Wayne appears to be taller...look at the earlier movies of Wayne..especially the one with Arness..he's not that much shorter..give the guy a break..
Christoffer Slotte said on 20/Aug/05
I read in a biography on Wayne that he was 6'4 in his boots. That would make him maybe 6'2 in reality.
Parker said on 5/Aug/05
Johm Wayne was without doubt 6'4 - As mentioned previously he's been in too many films and towered over all his co stars - The Gary Cooper photo is inconclusive because you can't see their feet - Cooper could have been stood on a step, and probably was.
Bleemo said on 28/Jun/05
I always thought this guy would be smaller but Madame tussauds had him at 6ft4 and they measure each person accurately, there other heights were very revealing.
sam said on 17/May/05
to Tommmyp, the celebheights guy is right. He was just too tall next to every co-star he had (except maybe James Arness) to not be anything other than 6'4".
Tommyp said on 23/Apr/05
There's a bio of Wayne that came out in the past ten years. The book quoted a couple of guys who knew him and they said he was 6'4" his cowboy boots. These men were 6'3" or 6'2" and said that he wasn't any taller than they were. Wayne seemed happy to let the public think he was taller than he really was.