How tall is Jordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson's Height

6ft ¼ in (183.5 cm)

Peak height was 6ft 1 (185.4 cm)
Canadian professor of psychology. He's made reference to his height as "six foot one".

Jordan Peterson by Gage Skidmore
Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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Add a Comment101 comments

Average Guess (79 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 0.57in (184.3cm)
Current: 6ft 0.2in (183.4cm)
5'10.25" said on 15/May/23
Not overlisted, he always looked 184-185 cm range to me. 183 cm is too low for hi IMO. Much better influence on men than Tate.
Okidoki said on 3/May/23
@Rob This is probably right. His talks are interesting, he had also talks and an discussion with Mohammed Hijab from the Uk on different topics. Would you say he is the 6'7 that he claims, Rob?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/May/23
I'm sorry but if he's struggling with 6ft, that's very bad news for Dr. Oz!
5'7 and a fraction said on 24/Mar/23
@Andrew Lee, interesting because I initially thought he wasn't that practically tall mainly because of his high pitched voice. He's kind of how I'd imagine Abraham Lincoln's voice to sound like having also been 6'0+, yet having a high pitched voice.
Andrew Lee said on 5/Mar/23
I think he's overlisted. He has excellent proportions and a slim build/small head which give an impression he's taller.
Gian 181cm said on 23/Feb/23
Yeah, I just looked at a photo where he was with CR7 and he didn't look taller than 5ft11, however many other photos clearly show he is 183-184cm at least and 6ft1 at the peak.
5'7 and a fraction said on 15/Feb/23
I personally thin 6'0 1/4 now is alittle extreme. Sure he can look it at times, but he has relatively poor posture by the looks of it. I'm going with 6'1 peak and 6'0 1/2 now.
berta said on 27/Jan/23
2 cm loss already? yeah maybe. In all the photos he take its pretty clear that he loose about 1 inch in all of them. peak 6´1 seems about right. maybe 6´3/4. today 1 cm loss
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Jan/23
Guan, I think Jordan could still measure that. Peak was easily 6ft1
Gian 181cm said on 2/Dec/22
I had based it on the photos where he looked about 5'11, with Dr.OZ he looks a solid 6'0.5 , although Oz didn't suffer from the same problem as Peterson (the photo detracted by making him look smaller).
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Nov/22
Looking at old clips of him lecturing in the 90's he does give a tall impression
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Nov/22
I think when fully stretched, Jordan can still land somewhere in 184cm zone. He's got rubbish posture in those photos with Ronaldo and Musk. Solid 6ft1 guy peak. Rob should mention up top that he claimed 6ft1½ as well on Rogan's podcast. I believe he did get that earlier in the day once. Morgan I think is a bit under 6ft today but worst case 5ft11½. Back to back, Jordan would have him by an inch.

He still looked about 6ft1 with Dr. Oz (also minimum 5ft11½ these days) just a few years ago
Gian 181cm said on 25/Nov/22
Honestly 6'0 was the maximum I expected, I was thinking 5'11 3/8 - 1/2 for him
Arch Stanton said on 23/Nov/22
The current listing looks more accurate, he definitely no longer looked 6'1 with Piers and Ronaldo, even accounting for dropping height. A little over 6' with Piers is believable, who I think might be more 5 ft 11 and change now.
Emil said on 19/Nov/22
Duhon said on 21/Sep/22
He was gravely ill and almost died a couple years back, wonder if that had any impact in causing premature shrinking?


You beat me to it. I've been thinking the exact same.
Emil said on 17/Nov/22
181-182 cm now. Peak I can believe 184 ish
mnecro2602 said on 14/Nov/22
@Leighton Tang

I've fixed the link. As for your question about Shapiro, I haven't really seen enough of him to give a reasonable guess at the moment.
Leighton Tang said on 12/Nov/22

They're the same picture. But I agree, Peterson looks 6ft range next to Ronaldo. How tall do you guess Ben Shapiro then? Also @Rob, do you think he should get a Peak and Current listing?
Editor Rob
I think he should get a current height as he looks like he's lost something, how much exactly is harder to pinpoint with the way the guy poses.
mnecro2602 said on 12/Nov/22
*Musk w/ Peterson : Click Here
mnecro2602 said on 11/Nov/22
Elon Musk w/ 6'1" Obama : Click Here

Musk w/ Peterson : Click Here
ZDA said on 3/Oct/22
Over 6 ft peak, now looking weak 6 ft 182cm. He wasn’t standing straight with Ronaldo, looks 2 inches shorter than Ronaldo, but standing straight would’ve looked 3-4cm
Orginal said on 1/Oct/22
Looked ~5cm shorter than Cristiano Ronaldo (average guess of 185.8cm), but I estimated he is losing 1.5cm in that pose. So maybe around 3.5cm shorter than Cristiano Ronaldo, maybe 4 cm? Peterson should be closer to 182cm anyway. 5'11.5 - 5'11.75. He probably lost some height in the last years tho. Maybe a bit above 6' was his peak height. I've seen a lot of people losing around 2cm by the age of 60.
Ben - 6'1.5 said on 29/Sep/22
Another photo with Ben Shapiro… Click Here

Yeah, it’s not looking good for Peterson’s 6’1 claim I’m afraid.
Ben - 6'1.5 said on 29/Sep/22
I guess his photo with Ben Shapiro really wasn’t just a one off. This guy may be the most in need of a serious downgrade than anyone else on this site. Click Here
Ben - 6'1.5 said on 29/Sep/22

Piers Morgan is more 5’11 range. Was noticeably shorter than Trump when they met for an interview.
Royi said on 29/Sep/22
In a picture with Cristiano Ronaldo, he looks an inch or more shorter
Orginal said on 29/Sep/22
5'11.75" at his low and careless posture... that should be closer to the truth nowadays. His peak arguably 6' something, maybe 6'0.5" or even 6'0.75" with a solid 6'1 range at morning?
pov said on 28/Sep/22
Rob I think Peterson must be 5”11. He’s looked sigificantly shorter than Ronaldo, and slightly shorted than 6”0 piers morgan
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Sep/22
The photos with Piers safely rule out anything less than 6ft.

Could be a weak 6ft1 today
Philip Z said on 26/Sep/22
Piers isn't quite 6ft himself these days, so 5ft 11.5-11.75 range for Peterson makes sense. Peterson likely still clears 6ft an hour after waking up and standing straight.
Janez said on 26/Sep/22
In the picture with Piers Morgan Peterson’s eye level is slightly taller but looking at the top of their heads you can tell Piers’ is higher up. At best case Peterson looks 6’0.25” if hair is adding height to Morgan.
Arch Stanton said on 23/Sep/22
He looks under 6 ft with Ronaldo but you can't argue that with Piers. Maybe he has lost a little at 60 but I think he's one of those guys who could measure taller than they stand. I'm sure Rob will give him a 6'0.5 listing within a few years anyway due to age.
Arch Stanton said on 22/Sep/22
Click Here

With Piers Morgan, posture better than normal there.
Duhon said on 21/Sep/22
He was gravely ill and almost died a couple years back, wonder if that had any impact in causing premature shrinking?
Philip Z said on 17/Sep/22
Below 6ft these days, even with perfect posture. 5ft 11.5-11.75 range
186guy said on 14/Sep/22
Common guys look at His posture, hes clearly losing about 2 inches in the photo with Ronaldo, so with good posture hes gotta be as tall as Ronaldo or a bit shorter, peterson Is clearly 6 1
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 14/Sep/22
If Oz’s current height is on point, Jordan is safely over 6ft flat
Marko J. said on 13/Sep/22
Rob, i think Cristiano hit 6'3 or a late growth sport?!? Peterson looks 3 inch shorter, can't believe Cristiano can still grow in his 40's 😲😱
Arch Stanton said on 13/Sep/22
Click Here

With Russell Brand, but look how he's standing..
Arch Stanton said on 12/Sep/22
Jordan is about 60 now. Perhaps he has lost some height and the rest is posture?
Editor Rob
right arm under Ronaldo's is probably accounting for some posture difference, how much I'm not so sure.
Arch Stanton said on 12/Sep/22
I sent you an email the other day Rob when I couldn't get in on my ipad the Ronaldo and Jordan pic. Difficult to see them both at 6 ft 1, though he does look this with little Ben Shapiro.
QM6'1.5"QM said on 12/Sep/22
He looks barely between 180-181cms tall next to Cristiano Ronaldo.
Both does have solid 1inch+ footwear (nike air force vs. leather classic boots).
I don't know why, but 6'1" CR7 is just almost towering 6'1" Jordan Peterson ... something going wrong, Rob, are you agree ?!)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Sep/22
He’s definitely losing some height in that photo. Under 6ft is ridiculous. He’s easily 1in+ taller than Dr. Oz in that photo that used to be on here. I suppose a weaker 6ft1 if measured today though. Peak solid-strong 6ft1, no less.

I believe him when he claims 6ft1½. Like mid-morning at peak would easily have got it
Editor Rob
In the Oz video he is taller, both aren't exactly guys with impeccable posture when talking to each other.
Psuedo said on 11/Sep/22
Jordan needs to follow his own Rule #1, "Stand up straight with your shoulders back" lol, it would really help us estimate how tall he is and how he compares with people like Ronaldo.
mnecro2602 said on 11/Sep/22
Looks quite a bit shorter than Musk too. I really doubt he's this tall.
Janez said on 11/Sep/22
In a recent photo with Christiano Ronaldo, Jordan Peterson looks only 5’11”. Click Here Is it possible that he has really shrunk 2 inches? There have been other pictures that showed this.
Sage said on 10/Sep/22
In recent picture in instagram 6'1 Ronaldo looks way taller than Prof Peterson.
Mighty Highty said on 10/Sep/22
Almost struggles to look 6 foot next to Christiano Ronaldo on IG
mark thompson said on 10/Sep/22
what the heck is going on here?
Click Here
jordan with christiano ronaldo, both listed 6ft1, yet jordans looking shorter by at least 2 inches. doesn’t look like any camera trickery. i don’t think the footwear would make a difference as significant as this. i think jordan might be around strong 5ft11 to 6ft flat nowadays, because no way is ronaldo 6ft3
medros said on 10/Sep/22
Definitely not 6'1 next to ronaldo lol.
Elmo said on 10/Sep/22
Peterson with 185.4 cm Ronaldo Click Here
Is it possible that Ronaldo is wearing shoe lifts? He likes to tip toe in photos to appear taller
Ayu said on 10/Sep/22
Both Ronaldo and Peterson are listed at 6’1” on this website. But this Instagram post suggests otherwise, rather a significant difference between them. What’s going on there Big Rob?
Click Here=
184 guy said on 10/Sep/22
There is photo with cristian oronaldo where he looks shorter! Click Here=
Editor Rob
Can appear around 5ft 11 range there, but whether he's shrunk by age 60 and is nearer 6ft than 6ft 1 I'm not sure. The guy's posture is rarely great, remember with Elon Musk he was looking under 6ft too.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Jul/22
Him and Obama together would be an interesting comparison. Both the same age and don't appear to have lost any height...
6'4" Leprechaun said on 12/Jun/22
Peterson is tall easily 6'.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Jun/22
Editor Rob: That's a bit of an overestimation!

Yeah, 6ft3 is definitely pushing it (except maybe in certain shoes) but I wouldn't discount 6ft1½ though....I'm almost certain I've heard him say 6ft2 as well

I think if I had to choose I'd pick 6ft1¼ over 6ft0¾
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/May/22
From Dave Rubin's book "Don't Burn This Book":

"Bravery was in shortage. I was becoming a brave-person proxy for people who felt they had too much to lose. But if I thought I was affecting things, boy I was in for a big surprise. A six-foot three inch Canadian psychologist was about to show me how it's really done..."
Editor Rob
That's a bit of an overestimation!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/May/22
I've heard him being described as high as 6ft3!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Apr/22
Kristy said on 17/Mar/22
I do not believe JBP had hair implants. He had alopecia that stemmed from some health issues. He talked about it on Dave Rubin’ podcast. Dave, who is still in his early 40’s also had a bout of it from stress.
Dr. Peterson’s hair has grown back in nicely lately. Dave’s grew back too. Looks great.

He also said publicly on several occasions that his height was 6 foot 2 inches. He may have list an inch due to his age. We all do, because of spinal compression over the years.

I have telogen-effluvium right now myself, which is hair loss due to a disruption in the healthy hair growth/loss cycle due to health issues and physical stress. Mine is due to two surgeries I had last year. Can’t wait for mine to grow back! It’s awful.

I seriously doubt he's lost half an inch, forget a full an inch. Looks in good shape. I can see a case for 186cm.
IceCold said on 2/Apr/22
ajnk said on 13/Feb/22
Professor of sociology not psychology

The description is correct. He is clinical psychologist,
Kristy said on 17/Mar/22
I do not believe JBP had hair implants. He had alopecia that stemmed from some health issues. He talked about it on Dave Rubin’ podcast. Dave, who is still in his early 40’s also had a bout of it from stress.
Dr. Peterson’s hair has grown back in nicely lately. Dave’s grew back too. Looks great.

He also said publicly on several occasions that his height was 6 foot 2 inches. He may have list an inch due to his age. We all do, because of spinal compression over the years.

I have telogen-effluvium right now myself, which is hair loss due to a disruption in the healthy hair growth/loss cycle due to health issues and physical stress. Mine is due to two surgeries I had last year. Can’t wait for mine to grow back! It’s awful.
ajnk said on 13/Feb/22
Professor of sociology not psychology
Arch Stanton said on 6/Feb/22
Click Here Mmm would Jordan be the same height as (guessed) 6 ft 1 range Eric Weinstein stood straight? 5 ft 9 for Eric listed online is a colossal joke, but I don't think Rob would want to list him on here and set the record straight! I think 6'1.5 could be possible for Eric.
Editor Rob
Although Eric's been mentioned before I'm not that familiar with him. Jordan once again is a tricky guy when he poses with legs crossed.
Andrew Lee said on 31/Jan/22
Elon is not standing straight in this photo either. I'm not sure if Jordan even looks 6ft in this photo. He's had some health problems, maybe he lost an inch?
Arch Stanton said on 30/Jan/22
See him here with Elon Musk and decide whether you think he would be the same height as Elon stood straight... Click Here
Editor Rob
How much he's losing is a mystery.
Mickie said on 19/Dec/21
I know he did claim 6'1.5" at least once. He may be relatively honest, but then there's this out there Click Here
Ian C. said on 29/Aug/21
Actually, Meltdown, I am an admirer of Jordan Peterson. That man is stone honest, and I have yet to catch him saying anything with which I could reasonably disagree.

The problem with the guy is that is so uncharitable. I am an old man now, and I am telling you from personal experience that being kind usually trumps being honest as a actionable strategy for personal happiness. This guy's principal moral failure is that he is obsessed with his position in a social hierarchy that gives him privileges other people don't have, and he's very stingy about sharing those privileges with people he considers lower than he is in the hierarchy. Would it kill him to just be nice to people, including himself, instead of constantly holding everybody, including himself, to personal standards that take so much effort to maintain?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Aug/21
Hunter S. Thompson I think was at least 6ft2
Meltdown said on 22/Apr/21
Ian C. said on 11/Apr/21

Give the man a break. He got addicted to pain pills as a result of his wife fighting life-threatening cancer. He's very predisposed to depression and is often very emotional. I'm glad his wife has recovered fully and so did he.

As for height, I'd say he was 6ft 1½ peak, now marginally under 6ft 1. His IQ is arguably over 150 SD 15.
Ian C. said on 11/Apr/21
Peterson's diet story is at least credible, Rampage. People have amazing capacity to adapt to bad diets. Young people can eat shingle nails and roofing glue for breakfast and be just fine. The seamen in Nelson's navy (who were all young men, it is true) ate food every day that modern dieticians would categorize as poisonous, and yet were able to withstand the hardships of life at sea in a time war. Young alcoholics can function quite well for years while drinking amounts of alcohol daily that would kill most men.

Peterson is one gifted guy. He's not only highly intelligent and an excellent speaker, but tall and handsome as well. Now he's rich. Unfortunately, he's not happy. He was so miserable that he had to take benzodiazepines to stave off emotional collapse. He became addicted and, even though he is not yet sixty, he will never be a healthy man again. So the question that needs to be asked is, if he's so wise in the ways to live life well, why is he miserable?

As long as I'm here, Rob, how about a page for Hunter S. Thompson? (Six foot three?)
Editor Rob
A tall guy, but not sure if 6ft 2 or 3
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Mar/21
Rob, is 6ft1½ peak arguable?

Arch, I find him a bit narcissistic but the carnivore diet can actually work up to a point with ketogenesis, weight loss etc. Longer-term it will raise your cholesterol, blood pressure and if the trend were to take off possibly scurvy could even make a comeback which is pretty much the one human disease that's been eradicated...he swears by it though
Editor Rob
If he claimed that mark, maybe at one stage he got measured around there...
Meltdown said on 17/Feb/21
Would not surprise me if he was 6ft 2 out of bed in his youth. A strong 6ft 1 is a fair claim.
Arch Stanton said on 17/Feb/21
He looks a good height, 6'1 ish is reasonable. I don't see his appeal personally, he always seems a bit neurotic/hypochondriac, some of his ideas on diets etc are purely carnivore diets are dangerous.
Ian C. said on 16/Feb/21
Actually, Easterwood, that stand up straight bit was metaphorical. Some of Peterson's twelve rules are just sentences designed to provoke people. "Don't become addicted to prescription drugs." Wait a minute. That's not on the list.

This is where I explain that I agree with pretty much everything Peterson says but, like many people, find him difficult to like. One of my rules is, don't go around giving other people advice, especially when the gist of the advice is, "you'd be a better person if you were more like me." Also, the guy is pretty upfront about the fact that he's unhappy much of the time, and opines that happiness as a goal is absurd. So right there, he loses a certain amount of utility as a personal advisor.
Eric W Tam said on 26/Dec/20
He has probably claimed 6'2 in his youth before considering he's claiming 6'1 or even 6'1.5 at this age Google apparently has him down as 187 cm now. I'd say 187-88 (if generous) peak, 185 now. Only lost around an inch. Hopefully he only loses one more before 70. Surprised no one here thought he was as tall as 6'3 at first, seems like a slender guy this Peterson.
PFinder said on 30/Nov/20
He claimed 6’1.5” before, and I think he’s at least that. Probably 6’2” max.
PFinder said on 30/Oct/20
Looks his claim to me. A lot of respect for this man.
vastlybetter566 said on 24/Sep/20
Hey Rob, do you think Jordan's head reaches 10 inches?
Editor Rob
It does look a bit longer than average, so possibly nearly that mark.
vastlybetter566 said on 12/Aug/20
Rob, would you consider adding Slavoj Zizek to the site? He is not your typical celebrity. But, compared to most academics, he is notable.
ladeez said on 10/May/20
i believe he is 6' 1.5
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Oct/19
He looks an honest 6ft1 to me
Peter175 said on 12/Sep/19
He's at least 6ft1 standing up straight.

Walks around like a 6footer but I doubt he'd ever measure that short. I think he's around 6ft2 in the morning
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 10/Apr/19
@Vini Fry is standing behind and on 1:56.29 Click Here there is solid 9cm difference. Don't get fool by what you see at first, camera tricks can push a few inches shorter or taller. Jordan Peterson is max 6'1 not more.
Vini said on 8/Apr/19
Hey Rob I think this guy needs an upgrade. Look at him next to Stephen Fry here:

Click Here
Ancapzero said on 13/Mar/19
I had my photo taken with him November of last year. He is at least an 1-1.5 inch taller than myself in the photo. Although he did have on dress shoes with a small heel. I believe myself to be 6ft.
Mickie said on 2/Mar/19
Could've been a 186 cm type in his 20s/30s... He's claimed "about 6'1.5"
Bill1192 said on 1/Mar/19
6 foot, no more. He always wears dress shoes or cowboy boots.
code09 said on 28/Feb/19
No he's a good inch taller at least. At least 184cm.
Meow said on 27/Feb/19
Oz is listed 5'11.5, he's barely taller. So, 6 ft flat or 5'11.75
HonestSlovene said on 26/Feb/19
I though the same thing, Rory. Recently looks more tall than just above averge though.
Sandy Cowell said on 25/Feb/19
It's great to see a professor of psychology included as a celebrity!

Editor Rob
He is a figure who is in the media a lot, especially since many of his views might not follow the middle of the line.
Easterwood 6'3 said on 25/Feb/19
For a guy that writes about standing up straight with your shoulders back, it seems like he slumps a lot.
Editor Rob
That is true, but sometimes age catches people out. Even I have problems with my back from spending too long on a computer chair!
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 24/Feb/19
Dr Oz look to be 6'0" next to Peterson if he can stand better.
Andrea said on 24/Feb/19
Rob, you should definitely give Dr. Oz a page (just to debunk those crazy 6'1 listings)! I haven't seen that much of him, and I don't know whether he has lost some height or not, but I certainly struggle to see him much over 5'11 with Boris: Click Here
Based on that, I'm not sure Peterson looks a big 6'1 guy with him, but possibly more 6'0-6'1... And maybe near that 6'1.5 mark in shoes?
Editor Rob
I'm typing this a day later, because Shredder (rip) had asked me about him one time and I said I'd consider him. I found an interesting quote today (25th) so will give him a page. Not sure I agree with what he is claiming though...
Film Fan said on 23/Feb/19
He is old so he most likely has lost some height. He was probably around 6’ 1 1/4”-6’ 1 1/2” at his peak. Now, he’s probably 6’ 1” flat.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Feb/19
Rob, he also claimed 6ft1½ on Joe Rohan’s show

Sounds like he may have been measured at that earlier in the day. Although he can appear shorter than this when he does stretch up he looks around 6ft1
Editor Rob
It's possible at 10am he could have got near that in earlier years.
SnerhagAip777 said on 23/Feb/19
Great listing. I'm glad that, according to Big Rob, his principle of "not lying" appearantly also applies when it comes to height.
Rory said on 23/Feb/19
Surprised he's this tall I thought he was like a 5ft11 guy who wore thick heels and looked tallish.
Mickie said on 23/Feb/19
He's also claimed 6'1.5": Click Here
SD172 said on 22/Feb/19
Something about his demeanor always told me that he was tall man,NOT REALLY TALL around 6'0
Click Here with Ben Shapiro weak 5'7 plus Jordan has a relaxed posture 5'11
Click Here with Joe Rogan weak 5'7 he looks 6'1
Editor Rob
From what I've seen, I think Jordan at times has really loose posture, I could see how he looks 5ft 11-6ft half the time.
Kevin said on 22/Feb/19
Rob how tall do you think Dr. Oz is?
Editor Rob
He's claimed over 6ft himself, but I think a peak of near 6ft and now maybe under it.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.