How tall is Julia Goulding

Julia Goulding's Height

5ft 6 (167.6 cm)

English actress, best known for playing Shona Ramsay on ITV soap Coronation Street. Whilst at drama college she listed her height as being 5ft 6 and also in the Spotlight database had her weight as "8st. 7lb. (54kg)".

How tall is Julia Goulding
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Add a Comment21 comments

Average Guess (19 Votes)
5ft 6.22in (168.2cm)
Sandy Cowell said on 7/Jan/23
Julia’s Shona is a smashing Mum to little Lily, and Max, for that matter. She deserves a child of her own.

5ft6 of beautiful spirit. 😁
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 30/Apr/22
Shona is married to David, making mouldy Max her stepson too. I think she has less patience with him, which is understandable.

Now the little stinker has hurt himself badly, and Jacob’s life-saving first aid was admirable.

Jacob has turned over a new leaf. Now it’s Max’s turn.

Julia, who plays Shona, gets 5ft6. πŸ’
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 10/Aug/21
❓ Are the creators of 'Coronation Street' cutting down on their special effects? What's the point in having a car accident when the viewers can't witness it? πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

Julia's character, Shona, shouldn't be driving in the first place, and I believe she deliberately hit Todd! πŸ‘… Broken ribs are unbearable. πŸ˜πŸ–•

Miss Sandy Cowell said on 10/Dec/20
Shona has been having a lot of fun with young Simon of late. Simon, who's just lost his three-year-old step brother, Oliver, to terminal illness, 😒 is going to be very vulnerable right now, and I hope he doesn't fall for someone that much older - and spoken for.

Julia gets 5ft6. πŸ˜€πŸŒΉ
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 12/Oct/20
In this evening's first showing of 'Coronation Street', Shona, who has moved into the little 'granny annex' at sensible David's suggestion, was in David's bedroom at 6 o'clock!

Now that rather reminded me of the 'Fast Show' sketches with Paul Whitehouse and Mark Williams, the two guys who run a gentleman's outfitters and ask the customers impertinent questions. If David marched into their store to be measured up and told them, Paul and Mark would have mighty good reason to say that "...the lady wants it, Sir!" πŸ˜†

5ft6 πŸ‘©πŸ‘ŒπŸ’πŸ˜³
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 19/Sep/20
Shona's persistently finishing her sentences to David with "Do you want sex?" and "Do you want to go to bed?" πŸ˜„

It reminds me a bit of South Park's Towelie, who keeps asking the KIDS, "Do you wanna get high?" πŸ€­πŸ˜―πŸ™Š

But joking apart, Julia's Shona has been through hell and back, and it's very much to husband David's credit that he doesn't take advantage of her frail state of mind. Well done David. πŸ˜πŸ‘

I'm going for 5ft6 for Julia. πŸ’
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 30/May/20
It's terrific to see Julia's character, Shona, back in 'Coronation Street' and doing her utmost best to recover from the near-fatal shooting last Christmas.

5ft6. πŸ˜πŸ‘Œ
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 17/Jan/20
Well, Shona has at last woken up, and that's at least part of the way towards her recovery. She's had a terrible shock and nearly died as a result of the evil shooting.

It's amazing how easily the brain's activity is upset. Many years ago, I was dreadfully tired and desperate for a nap, so I decided to see my long term friend, who was on duty at the local railway station and I asked him if I could lie down on his bench. I fell soundly asleep, but fell off and landed with great force on my face, cracking a couple of bones. Not only did it result in two black eyes, my whole face was swollen and I wasn't allowed in hospital to have unsupervised visits to the bathroom in case I saw my reflection. My Mum said that if she hadn't seen so much in the War, she would have cried. When, at last, they said to me when I woke up some three mornings later, "Don't you look better? Maybe you can go to the bathroom on your own now, if you'd like to. Would you like to?" I said, "Yes, I'd love to!" It was part and parcel of my recovery and I knew I'd be able to go home all the sooner.

I was shocked at the vastness of the swelling. It was infinitely worse than I'd imagined it would be. Within a couple of days, I was allowed to go home, and leading a normal life was far more difficult than I thought it would be, with things like talking, eating and walking around. Thirteen people during the 36 days it took to clear up, thought I'd been in an RTA and I got many jokers coming out with the 'Ten rounds with Mike Tyson' palava. What was freakier is that I couldn't remember the songs I used to sing in my head when I took a short cut across the park. I brought up blood clots every day until all the bruising disappeared.

The one positive outcome, I felt, was that I found out what it was like to be stared at because my appearance was marred. Never again have I taken seeing someone who has a spoilt face, be it permanent or temporary, in the same way since the accident. Rather than stare at such people, they appreciate a listening ear instead of strange and disgusting leers from onlookers.

I did regain my memory, and it wasn't just songs I'd forgotten. It was a wealth of knowledge that had taken years to acquire. Julia's Shona has, albeit fictitiously, been through physical AND mental trauma, so it's not surprising that the girl is suffering in this way. She needs husband David's patience and TLC now and he'll have to explain to the children that what Shona is living through is only temporary, fingers crossed, and not to take her inability to recognize them to heart.

Here's wishing Shona regains her memory. This isn't just concussion, like I had. It's far more complex than that. Whereas I found my experience a beneficial one long-term, and have never suffered nightmares from it, Shona has a long, long journey to recovery. Just to think - there are people out there going through a living hell like this. It puts everything into perspective, and worrying about how far we stand from the ground, although it's a necessary part of accepting ourselves, is not as important as having a healthy body and normal-looking, functioning face and productive mind.

I hope Julia's excellent and heart- rendering performance helps people understand this type of living hell that it's possible to experience for the delicate human mind and body.

Miss Sandy Cowell said on 29/Dec/19
Poor Shona, played by Julia. I do hope she gets better. 😞

Five Six.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 12/Dec/19
Congratulations to Julia and her husband on the birth of their first child, a son called Franklin Wolf.


Julia gets 5ft6.
Nik said on 19/Oct/19
@ Sandy Cowell - Many thanks, I agree!

You are right about what you said and I feel for Shona too.

I would love to see a photograph of her with Kate Ford!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 19/Oct/19
@ Nik - That's a very good principle to have.

To all:

This week, we saw Shona, who's other half is in prison for something his louse of a brother did, got into trouble for shaking her stepson. I saw the incident, and in comparison to what we had to put up with as tiny schoolkids, this is nothing. As from junior school, from around 8 years +, the teachers were free to cane us, spank us, hit us and so it goes on.

What Shona did to the stepson I didn't even take in the first time or why she should have felt so guilty. What we went through in the 60s and 70's was real violence, and when my Mum was a kid, it was even worse. Yet it was all legal and above board that an angry adult, often with a psychologically disturbed background because of wartime suffering, could violate us for next to nothing.

I felt for Shona, especially as now she has her stepson's paternal grandmother on her case, wanting to take the kids away.

Julia, who plays Shona, gets 5ft6.
Nik Ashton said on 27/Sep/19
@ Sandy Cowell - I fully agree, people should not hold things against a person because someone associated with that person has done something wrong, whatever that something is. I am so sorry for Shona.

Her real life honesty is so admirable.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 26/Sep/19
@ Nik - Poor Shona, played by Julia, is really suffering now because naughty Max holds it against her for what her son did, which is so unfair as she's a really nice girl.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 26/Sep/19
Has Shona's naughty little 13-year-old stepson been watching South Park? There was an episode wherein the boys were all on ADHD medication! πŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ˜΅πŸšΈπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

Now it seems that the erring sprite is flogging his medication - at SCHOOL! Julia's Shona is correct - it does count as drug dealing and she has every reason to be concerned.

With her other half in prison when it should be his smarmy brother, no wonder the kid's going off the rails. Not to mention his real Mum was murdered, and David is the only Dad he's ever known.

Let's hope caring Shona sorts things out in time!

5ft6. πŸ˜πŸ’
Nik said on 26/Feb/19
@ Sandy Cowell - You are so right. What her son has done and said is unforgiveable.

Julia can have 5'6"!
Sandy Cowell said on 25/Feb/19
That revolting, knife-wielding son of hers doesn't deserve so much as a prison visit, let alone her tears.

Julia gets 5ft6.
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Jun/18
@ Philip McMullin - Hi! I will certainly keep that in mind when I cast another vote for Jack P Shepherd! I take it that you have actually seen him in real life a few times! I'm not very fortunate on that score as I rarely ever see celebrities in the flesh, and I imagine it to be quite a buzz to do so!

One thing I must add before I go is that actors of 5ft6/7 and below don't half look smaller on TV! One other such person is Keira Knightly, and being ultra slim could be a contributory factor, I feel! Jack is also built that way!

Cheers and have a great weekend!
Philip McMullin said on 7/Jun/18
@Sandy Cowell Actually more times than most, ive seen him being 2 or more inches taller than her, Jack P is DEFFO taller than 5ft5.5 He's about more like 5ft7 maybe 5ft7.5. David nowadays is looking a little bit taller than his billing on here.
MAD SAM said on 22/May/18
168 cm seems accurate
Sandy Cowell said on 11/Dec/17
Oh look! David has found himself a hot sexy girl - who's a cool half-inch taller than he is! I think that shows he has become quite a confident young man!
Often Shona looks more than half an inch taller - obviously - because she isn't the type of girl who is going to shy away from high heels to appease her shorter boyfriend!
Her 5ft6 comes as no surprise to me, and so that is what Shona, also known as Julia Goulding in real life, is getting from me, as well her first comment! πŸ˜ƒ

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

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