What said on 7/Nov/05
It's easy to say that someone is the height you want them to be. Cameron is not 5'9" and JT is about 5'10". Maybe eric's 5'8".
eric said on 4/Nov/05
I've met Justin after his rehersal for an awards show and he is clearly at least 5'11"-6' because i am 5'10"
mjwrong said on 3/Nov/05
Cameron Diaz is 5'9" ... and hes over 3" taller ... hes 183cm Flat ...
Anonymous said on 3/Nov/05
Yeah. He's clearly 5'10" tops.
mj said on 2/Nov/05
check out these pics of jt with cameron diaz in flip flops:
she's probably around 5'6.5"...she looks about 3 inches shorter
What said on 1/Nov/05
Usher and Meyers ARE that short. That's not that outlandishly short either. They are both consistantly marked at 5'7" by sightings and otherwise. Most say Meyers is really 5'5". Anyway, Timberlake is clearly too close to Cam's height to be even close to 6'. He is most realistically 5'9".
MD said on 1/Nov/05
Anything under 5'9.5" he is not; but Rob, come on, now. 6 feet? Maybe it some alternative universe. Please look into the pictures that have been posted. ;)
Anonymous said on 31/Oct/05
What's pics are pretty hard to deny. Timberlake needs to at least be dropped to 5'10". Although, I would say 5'8" or 9" is more realistic.
curly said on 25/Oct/05
i dont think he is 6 feet i think he is 5'11 and he is skinny for 168 pounds he wouldn't be a good wrestler if someone ask to wrestle because you have to have weight on to be a wretler
MD said on 21/Oct/05
Here he is next to 5'7"-5'8" Pharrell Williams. Comeone, Rob, it's time to bring him down to 5'10.5" at least.
CoolJ said on 20/Oct/05
Don't get me wrong.. I don't think he's quite 6' either though.
CoolJ said on 20/Oct/05
Problem is.. IMO, Usher is about 5'7.5-5'8 and Myers is about 5'7.5
Usher and Myers aren't that short.. sooooooooooo
WHAT now?
Some Guy said on 20/Oct/05
I just wanna say that Mr. What that is great work. Well Done. This definite proves he aint 6 foot. Can't believe he's been listed at that for such a long time. Its definitely time for a downgrade! Nice work man! hahahahaha
What said on 19/Oct/05
Isn't Mike Meyers 5'5"?
What said on 19/Oct/05
Timberlake and Usher (5'6")
What said on 19/Oct/05
About 5'8" - 5-9" again. these pics are hard evidence that the guy in Memphis was right. Timberlake is not too tall. Definitley not 5'11".
What said on 19/Oct/05
About 5'8" - 5-9" again. these pics are hard evidence that the guy in Memphis was right. Timberlake is not too tall. Definitley not 5'11".
What said on 19/Oct/05
No denying this one: Cameron is 5'7" MAX. This does put Timberlake at about 5'8" or 9". http://editorial.gettyimages.com/source/search/details_pop.aspx?iid=51115256&cdi=0
Anonymous said on 19/Oct/05
Timberlake is about 5'8" I'd say.
MD said on 17/Oct/05
Let's get this straight, he is not under 5'9" that much is obvious. I wish people would stop going on heresay and go on decent pictures. Otherwise, it's just a he said/she said. I think it's obvious the man is not under 5'9". I still suspect him being 5'10" barefoot. Since he's obviously no more than 5'11" in shoes.
CoolJ said on 17/Oct/05
I think he's about 5'11.. I agree with you there. but probably no shorter.
Psst I think Rob has a thing for Justin and Seacrest ;)
Anonymous said on 17/Oct/05
Friend just met Justin for a record meeting about Sun Records in Memphis TN. I asked what he looked like and he said "like Justin Timberlake but no taller than 5'8". Everyone who saw him out said he was crazy short.
C said on 8/Oct/05
As much as I'd like to player hate on Justin Timberlake, I'd have to give him 6' to 6'1/2'' based on recent www.wireimage.com photos of him standing next to a 6'2 1/2''-6'3'' Morgan Freeman. The height difference looks to be only 2-2.5 inches.
some guy said on 8/Oct/05
Guys I remember seeing JT at Michael Jackson's 30th Annerversery show on TV a long long long while ago (2001 i think YIKES). I wonder if any of you saw it. Anyways when he was standing next to MJ he looked either the same height or shorter. I'd say shorter. The weird thing is MJ is listed at 5'10. This guy is not a six footer. I've seen some tall people in my day and he is not one of em. Thank You
CelebHeights Editor said on 3/Oct/05
Chris Kirkpatrick, other NSync member said on a 2001 Chicago Kiss fm show 'I'm 5 foot 10'. He sure don't look that!
CoolJ said on 28/Sep/05
Rob, Snoop looks so big.. because Timberlake isn't 6' - Like I've been saying for a while.. 5'11"
MHouillon said on 15/Aug/05
Rob, why don't you just give him a more realistic 5'11"-5'11.5" ?
jake said on 11/Aug/05
my mate adrian is a singer from australia, currently in LA, he said he saw Justin at the gym yesterday and said he was quite alot shorter than him, he is 6 ft 2 and a half.. he thinks justin would maybe 5 10, 5 11
CoolJ said on 10/Aug/05
I agree as well, he's probably about 5'11". Same height as Seann Scott
MHouillon said on 9/Aug/05
Come on, Rob !
Almost everyone here is very certain that Justin is a 5'11" and not a 6 footer. After seeing the pic with Jay Leno... Definitely a 5'11" !
Josh said on 31/Jul/05
He looks 6'0 (183cm) with regular sneakers on so barefoot he must be 5'11 (180cm) it depends on how you see the height , personally i don´t care if he´s 6'0 even with shoes i guess if i ever meet him he is not going to be barefoot.
Anshelm said on 10/Jul/05
When he hosted the MTV Movie Awards 2003 with Seann William Scott, the two seemed to be of similar height, maybe 1-2 cm apart (but hard to say to who's advantage). Also, he was clearly shorter (3-4 cm, maybe?) than Venus Williams (officially 186 cm, many say 180 cm), but taller than her sister Serena (officially 178 cm, many say 173 cm). Of course, I didn't notice, if either sister wore heels. But in any case, I'd say 6' for Justin is maybe a bit generous, not to mention 6'1". He did look pretty tall next to Sharon Osbourne though :)
J.J said on 8/Jul/05
Yup. No way this bloke is more than 1.80m (5'11")
CoolJ said on 7/Jul/05
I believe Timberlake is 5'11".. Dont you?
Hani said on 16/Jun/05
justin standing beside jerry seinfeld and chris rock.
i cant bilieve that sometimes he gets listed 6'2
ohno said on 6/Jun/05
Oh cmon thatt crybaby aint never 6'0 or taller. At an award show, sean william scott or whatever his name is, u know Stiffler. He was standing on bare feet next to justin timberlame with shoes. And Stiffler still was as tall or a lil taller. And scot is about 5'11, u do the math.
Hani said on 6/Jun/05
Justin is not 6 feet he is 5'11 and here are several pics of him beside 5'11 jerry seinfeld and 5'11 chris rock.
jade said on 27/May/05
I agree with Mr R, Justin is always in a picture with cameron at the beach or walking in flip flops and sneakers, and he always has a good 4inches on her. I woner if she really is the 5'9 or 5'10 that is usually listed hmmmmmmmm.
Mr. Awesome said on 23/May/05
Around the time of the Janet Jackson Super Bowl incident, a t.v. ad billed Timberlake at a whopping 6'3''!!! I find this hilarious because he's obviously under 6 foot, when compared to other people.
JCS said on 1/May/05
5'11" to me.
Ricardo said on 28/Apr/05
He looks in the 5'11 range more, but could be a six footer.
Mr. X said on 27/Apr/05
I'm looking through People magazine, and there's a photo you might be interested in seeing. I don't know how to get a picture from a magazine and put it into my computer, but if there's anyone here who knows how to find photos on magazine sites I'll provide you the imformation. The release date on it is February 28, 2005, the cover is reads "Simon vs. Paula", there's a tear between the picture of the two of them. In it on page 31 is a photo of Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz walking and you're able to see their footwear. Justin has on mostly white sneakers, while Cameron has on pink sandles. Compared to 5 ft 9 Cameron, Justin looks more like 5'11", rather than the 6'1" he claims to be. Another photo worth a look is a picture from the end page (p. 146). There's a picture of Shia LaBeouf standing next to Keanu Reeves, and if there's any possibilty of Shia being 6 ft, it's going straight into the gutter.
MHouillon said on 23/Apr/05
I am quite certain Justin is the same typical-Robbie-Williams-181cm-type who always like to claim being a six footer.
John R said on 22/Apr/05
You guys should check out pics of him next to jamie foxx at some award show, and you can see justin's just a bit taller (an inch tops). They both seem to be wearing sneakers, too.
Smoke said on 18/Apr/05
You know what, I saw that Snoop/Justin video last night again, and after another look he really doesn't look very short next to Snoop. Now in my opinion, being 4 inches shorter than someone is quite a lot, but after a closer look at the video, Justin only look 4 inches tops, shorter than Snoop. He did seem slightly shorter than Fallon when I saw them together, but there could be other factors influencing that apperance. I think Rob's listing is right on this guy, he's really about dead on 6'0". I also think Cameron is about 5'8", and not 5'9" without shoes, and having seen pics of the two together in basketball shoes and barefoot, he looks considerably taller than her. He really is just about 183 cm, and she 173 cm.
Mr. R said on 18/Apr/05
Oh come on Smoke, I'm usually the first to admit when you're wrong....and vice versa! Here's my problem with the 5'11" listing for Justin. I agree, he does not seem to be tall, but there are too many pictures of him and Cameron Diaz to allow me to accept this. I saw pictures in one of the tabloids last week, and he is clearly 4-5 inches taller than her without heels (hers I mean). Now Cameron is always listed at 5'9" and she played hoop as a youth. I actually saw her on Oscar night 2 years ago, she walked right by me, and smiled, and I remember nothing else! No, in heels, she was about 5'10". So out of them, she would be 5'8" or so, which still puts Justin in the 6' range. Help me Smoke, I want to support you in this!
Chances Are said on 17/Apr/05
You also have to take into account that Justin was pretty young when some pictures were taken. J said that he looked to be barely 6 foot in 1998 pictures, which you could blaime on the fact that he was only 17 at the time. From what his bandmates have said, justin was still growing at that age
Smoke said on 16/Apr/05
Like I've said, I'm the first to admit when I'm wrong, and I was wrong on this guy. I think most of the posters on this site are correct in saying he is under 6'0", I caught him on a recent SNL with Jimmy Fallon (5'11"-6'0") and Justin indeed did look shorter. Now Fallon is at best 183 cm, and Justin did look about an inch shorter, so I fully agree with everyone on here that he really must be 5'11" at best.
Issheuhboy said on 15/Apr/05
By 5'10 Queen Latifah (who doesn't look like she's in the kind of outfit to outfit to wear heels, and I don't think she does anyway cos of height etc.), JT looks 5'11:
They are both slouching a little...
kevin said on 14/Apr/05
n sync preformed once with michael jackson on some award show and justin looked barely taller than micheal. i would say hes under 6ft.
Smoke said on 8/Apr/05
Couldn't agree more, when I was 17 I was 182 cm (5'11.5") which is not that tall, but everyone would refer to me as tall because I was skinny at the time. Since then I've grown 3-4 cms and filled out my frame, even though I'm 6'1" now, the tall comments have suddenly slowed down. I wouldn't be surprised one bit if Timberlake was a guy who really was shorter than he seemed, many NBA players also come off taller because of being thin.
J. said on 7/Apr/05
I can't believe I'm posting about Timberlake again ... anyways, 6'0" does seem possible. He's bone thin so that can create illusion that he's tall. But I steer more towards 5'11" for him. A co-worker of mine is 5'11" and 140 lbs. He seems like he is 6'1". That's the key word: LOOKS. So a skinny 5'11" guy can seem 6 foot+ (see Sting).
Smoke said on 7/Apr/05
Yes, Justin does look small next to snoop, but I can name many an instance where a 6'4" guy has looked to tower over a 6'0" or 6'1" guy on screen or in a picture. I added some good pics of 6'4" Marat Safin towering over 6'1.25" Roger Federer. However Federer really is that height, and only got dwarfed by Safin because of an optical illusion.
xaoxio said on 7/Apr/05
Smoke, we don't have to argue about Justin's height cause you have your opinion and I have mine. I don't exclude the fact that Usher is closer to whomever is taking that photo(not a lot closer but still)and camera angle(though it's not so considerable) but if we're talking in such way please don't exclude that fact that Usher slouches on that photo, ok?
I guess you know that when you're slouching you seem to be smaller than you,in fact,are. Besides that, compare Justin and Snoop in their last video - I guess you'll agree that 6'4" guy is not towering over 6'0" guy in such style as it is seen from the video(may be it's an optical illusion but what reason is in making Snoop much more taller than Justin?).I've got nothing to add about this guy for now.
Smoke said on 7/Apr/05
Mr. R what gave me away? I never actually said that I live in Toronto, but I'm flattered by your interest! I actually live a couple hours away from "Hollywood North", but I'm frequently in the area. Now, onto the Justin debate. Xaoxio I can see where you would think Justin is 5'10" from that picture, but don't exclude the camera angle and the fact that Usher is much closer to whomever is taking that photo. I have no account of Timberlake's height, but I can say that next to a guy who I know is 6'2" he did look about 2 inches shorter.
Mr. R said on 6/Apr/05
Smoke, you have finally given away your secret. You live in Toronto, the Hollywood of the North! MANY productions are filmed there, which explains your proximity to celebrities. But how do you see so many athletes?
Smoke said on 6/Apr/05
A while back Justin stopped to shoot some hoops with kids from the Toronto Raptors Foundation. While he was there, he was joined by several Raptors players (Vince Carter withstanding) and he also posed for photos with several Raptors. I recall the closest guy to Justin's height was 6'2" PG Rafer Alston and Justin really did look about 2 inches shorter than Rafer. Having met Rafer I would say that he truely is on the 6'2" mark, granted he's pretty skinny and has very good posture but I would still say he's no shorter than 6'2". I've been looking for the pic of them together like crazy but can't find it, but from what I saw Justin really is about 183-184 cm.
J. said on 5/Apr/05
Okay, some height-related celeb goodies for ya ... a girl who I know told me that she met Timberlake back when that solo record of his was first released. She said that he's EXTREMELY thin, very pale in person, and said he was about 5'9"- 5'10". She's 5'11" and she swears that he was slighty shorter. I'm not a fan of much of the pop music that pollutes the airwaves so I'm not an expert on this guy YET I have questioned that 6 feet that he's been listed (and that he claims he is) and her comments seem to hold merit after I saw a series of photos of him standing next to Usher Raymond at Getty Images. Maybe my eyes are playing games with me but Timberlake is no more than 3 inches -if that- to 5 foot 8 Raymond. Which means that Timbo barely 5'11"? ...
MHouillon said on 5/Apr/05
Okay, people. First of all: So many wonderful women love Justin Timberlake. And I´m am NOT Jealous of him. But look at his hole person. Even if he is 6´0", I JUST can´t help myself, he looks like a 5´9" to me.
J. said on 6/Mar/05
One thing I notice about Timberlake is that his height flucates in different pictures. There's a really good picture of him that appeared on the cover of US teen-music mag Black Beat alongside the diminutive rapper Nelly on which he towers over him. But then there's pics of him alongside Britney Spears (with heels on) and he doesn't seem that tall. In N'Sync promo pics from around 1998, he looks to be barely 6'0". And when he hosted some MTV program with actor Sean William Scott, Scott was noticably taller. What does all of this condlude to? That Timberlake wears lifts. I'll bet my house on it.
Also there's a picture of him next to rival Usher Raymond. Both are wearing sneakers. Usher is defintely 5'8"-ish and Timberlake is barely taller. Hmm ...
Pete said on 5/Mar/05
Justin looks about 150lbs and hes about 5'11, it also means Mr nice guy is 5'11 too.
Mr. Nice Guy said on 3/Mar/05
I saw him in a part of town that's pretty popular with celebrities. He's listed as being 6'2" on a lot of sites, but I agree that he's not quite that tall. I'm 185 cm (6'1" on the dot) and he looked about my height. He's also exactly the same build and I weight about 165-170 lbs. And indeed I wear shoes that are size 11,12 or 11.5. At premieres and awards he often wears lifts and with those he's probably about 6'2", when I saw him he was in flats and so was I, he is indeed spot on with all of the info he gave with Channelv during his webchat. He's just an inch over 6'0" and looks a trim 75 kilos.
Lustin' for Justin said on 21/Feb/05
Justin you don't have to lie. 6'0 is JUST my size.