How tall is Kate Jennings Grant

Kate Jennings Grant's Height

5ft 8 ½ (174 cm)

American actress known for roles in TV show Notorious and films like Frost/Nixon, When a Stranger Calls, Kinsey and United 93.

How tall is Kate Jennings
Photo by kathclick/

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Average Guess (3 Votes)
5ft 8.58in (174.2cm)
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 29/Jun/20
I have a copy of the hard-hitting film 'United 93' upstairs. Next time I see it, I'll check Kate out with my own eyes! I encouraged my Dad to see the movie and he thought it was an excellent watch. There's another film about this terrible incident called 'Flight 93', but one film I particularly recommend is one starring Adam Sandler, Don Cheadle and Liv Tyler. It's from 2007, called 'Reign Over Me' (after The Who's song of the same name) and it's in this film that you see how this evil disaster effected one survivor, Adam Sandler, who lost his family to 9/11.

When I bought it, the girl who sold it to me told me to be prepared to cry. Believe me, it's impossible not to.

Kate can have 5ft8.5. 👱‍♀️👍💐

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