David Tang said on 6/Aug/21
sumdude said on 11/Sep/17
I'd say shes somewhere inside of this: 177-182.5cm. Always sports massive heels so it's hard to judge her true height. She doesn't tower the 6ft Steven Gerrard like you would expect when wearing heels which I find odd, check Anon2's photo at the bottom of this page. Also, check this:
Click Here Photo of her in heels with Steven Gerrard (182.9cm). If she truly was 185.4cm she would tower him by several cm's in this photo, they both have the exact same posture aswell. I have my doubts this chick is 185.4cm.
Darren said on 24/Aug/17
I see her on Dodgers games interviewing players.
6ft 0.75 seems about average for her height. Super tall for a woman, that's like being 6ft 7 for a man because it is super rare. I once saw a woman that looked around 6ft 5 on the Santa Monica Pier, she looked European, possibly Dutch. Just saying if you are in a crowded area don't be surprised to see a woman at 6ft or more.
Nik said on 23/Aug/17
She is 6'1" or 6'0.75"
Ralph said on 22/Aug/17
Its weird because I never can tell heights only when I am close to the person. But I can always tell a 6 foot tall women because they are big, not fat, just big. This women seems a little skinnier than most 6 foot and up women. One of my friends is 6'2 range, but he wear shoes that usually give him more than 1 inch of height, sometimes 2 inches. He says he doesn't like seeing people taller than him, especially women, he seems to back away when he sees a person taller than him, happens occasionally. I'm only 5'11 and rarely see any women my height without heels. 6'0.5?? Like I said not a good guesser only when I see them personally, but for sure a 6 footer.
feez said on 21/Aug/17
Yes, same as Junior : nothing more than 6'0"5
Anon2 said on 20/Aug/17
I see 6'1'' - 6'3'' range women everyday like at the mall and around town. yes without the heels! not many though. if you go to places with large crowds you will spot a few. I'm sure Rob can spot a few too every other day like at a mall or something.

Editor Rob
the bigger the town, the more 6ft ladies I would spot.
Junior said on 20/Aug/17
I did say Kelli is more like 6'0-6'0.5" maybe she measure close to 6'1 in the morning and just round up. I've a female cousin who was legit 6'2 before bed and look way taller than her, if Kelli is really 6'1 i wouldn't question her 6'1 claim because i often hang out with my cousin and shes really tall for a girl at 6'2 and 150 pounds slim lanky frame that couldn't avoid people stare at her most of time.
Hanky said on 19/Aug/17
Being this height for a woman is rare. I know of super tall guys but not super tall girls. I have never seen a woman above 6 foot, 5 foot 11 at the highest. I've only been focused on heights for 3 years. My guess for this woman is somewhere between 6 foot and 3/4 and 6 foot 1. The heels make her 6 foot 6 because her friends are so short wow.
Miguel said on 19/Aug/17
6 foot 1 inch woman, you don't see that everyday. She should probably stop wearing heels if she keeps talking about her height self-consciously. I went to high school with a girl who was 6 feet and wanted to shrink and find shoes with the smallest soles so she could look as small as possible. That is self consciousness at it's highest.
Indonesian guy said on 18/Aug/17
Average height of a Aussie girl nowadays ;)
Danimal said on 18/Aug/17
6'1" for a female is equivalent to a man being 6'6".
Matthew Robinson said on 17/Aug/17
Yeah I don't think she's insecure about being 6'1" in the least, given how much she's mentioned it.
Jimmyjack said on 17/Aug/17
Woah thats tall for a woman, i just looked her up and she looks 6' 1" if that was her height at night. 6'1.5 in the morning probably, so 6' 1.25" is my guess
Tim said on 17/Aug/17
I was watching a Dodgers game and saw her interviewing one of my favorite players and she looked a foot taller wow surprised to see it this low. For sure thought 6'4. I should be looking to see her again and see if she is wearing heels the next game.
Realist said on 17/Aug/17
Lol 5'9.5 munchkin but tall women are awesome I just never dated any taller than me
Hans Meiser said on 17/Aug/17
Not only tall, but also big and broad. 170lbs could be her weight.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 17/Aug/17
I don't get why she constantly wear high heels if she's seemingly insecure about her height.
Anon2 said on 17/Aug/17
Rob, Next to Steven Gerrard and she's in heels... she's not a proper 6'1''
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