How tall is Kenny Chesney

Kenny Chesney's Height

5ft 5 ½ (166.4 cm)

American Country Music Singer best known for songs such as "There Goes My Life" and "American Kids". He once mentioned his height in US Magazine (August 2010), saying that "I'm 5'6" on a good day".

How tall is Kenny Chesney
Kenny with Grace Potter
Photos by PR Photos

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Add a Comment43 comments

Average Guess (10 Votes)
5ft 5.58in (166.6cm)
berta said on 31/Mar/21
I didnt know ge was this short. My guess was maybe 169 cm. But i guess he is rally this short
Littlelee168cm said on 8/Nov/18
No he's not mason even he said I'm 5ft 6 on a good day which means he thinks he's under 5ft 6 not over it
Mason Noel Ledbetter said on 3/Jun/18
Kenny Chesney is 5 feet 6.5 inches tall.
Judith said on 2/Oct/16
He may not be tall but he's got the biggest heart of y'all and that's what matters most Yeehaw
Joe said on 5/Jul/15
Stood right next to him at Saints training camp. 5'5" is being nice! My 11 year old was actually taller. Nice guy though!
Jim said on 14/Jun/15
I went to college with Roman Gabriel who was 6'4" tall and he frequently visited our fraternity house so I knew he was really that tall. When they had parents day for the football players it was obvious that his mom was about 4'11" and his dad about 5'4" tall. So I believe Janiece is wrong about her assumption and ekt is probably right about height being a recessive gene.
ekt said on 11/Feb/14
it depends on all family, not just mom and dad. people assume that children will be their parents height, which is flat out WRONG!!!!! If kenny and renee have tall family members, their kids can end up tall. Height is a recessive gene, not a direct gene
Tommy said on 5/Jan/14
More like 5,4 or 5,5
Janiece said on 2/Jun/13
What?! He's so short. If he had a child with Renee, they would have a small child.
clint said on 19/Jan/12
He maybe 5'6" or so.
Hater said on 22/Jun/11
5'5 in heels maybe
Somebody... said on 15/May/11
Seen him a few times in Franklin, TN. He's probably 5'5" tops. However, he carries himself well so someone may think he's up to 5'7".
Jack said on 8/Apr/09
Hey Real.

I'm training to become an actor and a lot of my fellow class mates are like 5'10 and up to 6'3.

I'm only 5'8 and there are girls in my program that are taller than me too. But having some sort of "hate" is not gonna help you at all. I had to mature and learn how to be confident in myself in other aspects of life. Height is one thing... and if you make height the center of your world then I'm sorry to hear that.

You need confidence, maturity, determination and intelligence more than you need height.
Real said on 4/Apr/09
I may have what has been coined "little man" syndrome.. but I think that's better than rolling over and being another submissive little guy.. it's no secret that taller guys can have more success in many walks of life w/out trying as hard... so I'm not going to feel guilty for trying harder to compete. saying a guy has a "syndrome" seems to be convenient cop-out.. go ahead and be jealous haters while we succeed in life.
anonymous said on 11/Jan/09
I am 5ft 2in and gettin shorter 66 years old and would just love to attend a concert in or around Montreal. He is one of my favorites. He seems to have values in life and I was very angry at his wedding to that ding bat who had nothing in common with him or country music. Kenny go out and find a nice girl who will not give you grief.
MD said on 3/Aug/08
Here is Kenny with Brad Paisley and Keith Urban, both given 5'-8.5", here, which I think is a bit much for both of them:

Click Here

Click Here
Mr. R said on 2/Aug/08
He is usually listed at 5-7, so you know that he is shorter.
sabrina said on 8/Apr/08
hey good things come in small ask me it doesn't get any better than kenny chesney. he is the most sexiest 40 year old i have ever seen. i would give just about anything to meet him.. kenny is awesome looks and
katie said on 8/Mar/08
i think hes short, but hey. youve still gotta love him... How have all of yall met him? thats so cool. i wish i could meet him! :)hes like my idol/hero!!!
Real said on 6/Mar/08
I would put him at 5'5. He has a muscular, lean build which makes him appear taller.
Colleen said on 4/Mar/08
I've partied with him a few times @ Woody's in St. John, USVI where he has 3 homes. He is VERY short but an awesome guy! His bodyguard got a peice of glass out of my flip flopped foot.
Colleen said on 4/Mar/08
I have partied with him a few times in St. John, USVI. @ Woody's He is VERY short but an awesome guy.. His bodyguard got a peice of glass out of my flip flopped foot!
Mike said on 25/Dec/07
If Kenny Chesney is 5ft 6, then why does he look like 1 or possibly 2 inches shorter than Willie Nelson who is listed as 5'6" on this site. Click Here
If Willie is really 5 ft 6, then what does that make chesney, who is also listed as 5 ft 6 here. Is it possible that chesney is a tad smaller than 5'6". Maybe like 5'5" or 5'5.5"
Anonymous said on 27/Nov/07
I have a picture of my mom and Kenny. My mom is 5'2" barefoot. In the picture they both had boots on, and he had on a cowboy hat. Kenny was just barely taller than her.. so I'd say he's more like 5'5" with boots MAX.. more like 5'3"-5'4" barefoot. He's very short
Anonymous said on 6/Nov/07
Here's an article where he says he's five six "on a good day."
Click Here
Heather said on 14/Oct/07
Hi, - I'm 5'3 - i have met Kenny three times - I work dressing rooms at our local arena - When kenny comes in from the bus , hotel ect...I was eye to eye with him - once he was dressed for the show - He was about 3 inches taller ( cowboy boots ) - in flip flops / tennis shoes - he is very very very short ...I was shocked -
Rod from Cincy said on 15/May/07
Just finished watching the CMA Awards show. Chesney briefly stood next to Shania Twain and was shorter than she was...and he was in cowboy boots. Given the fact that Shania was in heels, I'd put Chesney at 5'5" tall (MAXIMUM).
Anonymous said on 17/Apr/07
On a 60 minute interview they said he stands barely 5'6. Judging by that statement I'd put him around 5'5 to 5'5.5 and nothing more. This height needs to be adjusted
Viper said on 4/Apr/07
Yeah, hes 5-6 max.
MD said on 4/Apr/07
If he was 5'7" barefoot, he'd easily look 5'9" in his cowboy boots. This guy looks maybe 5'7" in his cowboy boots.

Brad Paisley, given 5'8.5", here, which still seems too tall, next to Kenny:

Click Here

Kenny is 5'6" barefoot, MAX.
glenn said on 3/Apr/07
he is 5-7 i believe.he walked past me once too.
Brad said on 7/Mar/07
5' 6" and lean. Wears expensive boots with lifts.
anonymous said on 19/Feb/07
i have a couple friends that met him in person, my one friend is 5'7 and he said that kenny was short and my other friend is 5'3 and she said he was around her size maybe 5'4. I'm 5'7 also and had the chance to meet him and wanted to see for myself but believe they are accurate. I'll put him at 5'4 to 5'5. His cowboy boots don't forget give him some height
ML said on 10/Dec/06
Does anyone know if Kenny Chesney is in New York City this weekend (Dec. 9-10, 2006)? I think I met him today although he would not confirm his identity. If so, he is only 5'7" at the most with boots on.
Anonymous said on 5/Dec/06
I met him and I am 5'4..he can be no more than 5'6. He looks like a small child in person because he is also thin.
Leslie said on 14/Sep/06
YAY i really do think he's around 56 because my friend said that her mom was talled than him and she proabaly like around 58 59
Samantha said on 15/May/06
I've Met him. I'm 5'6 and he was the same height as I was. He was wearing flat sandals. So I agree that he's 5'6.
JG said on 11/Apr/06
I think kenny is shorter then what you have listed.. Last night on the CMT Awards, Wynona gave him his award and she was a good 2 inches taller then him, and she says shes 5'5 i would say kenny is 5'4-5'5
MD said on 18/Mar/06
You're about right on this one. He's around 5'6" at the very most barefoot, and can look 5'8" with his heeled cowboy boots which he often wears. Actually, judging by these pics with 5'8" Nelly (5'9" here in shoes), I would suspect he's more like 5'5" barefoot:

1. Click Here

2. Click Here

And here he is with Ja Rule (who's likely 5'7.5" in this pic with his rather large soled shoes), and he has on cowboy boots again. I really suspect both are more like 5'5.5" barefoot.

3. Click Here

I think I've heard that he's stated 5'6" in most interviews, so I definitely wouldn't give him any more than that. What do you think, Rob?
courtney said on 17/Mar/06
Kenny Chesney is 5 foot 8 !!! I me!i met him and he was wearing flip flops...and so was i ...and I'm 5 foot 7 and he's at least an inch taller than me.
CelebHeights Editor said on 29/Sep/05
From some blog, "I was fortunate enough to meet Kenny before one of his concerts last year in Ft. Wayne, IN and he was very nice, soft-spoken and polite. Yes, he's short. I'm 5 foot 9 and I was like a friggin' skyscraper next to him"
b_k004 said on 5/Jul/05
I had asked some people who had meet him in person about how tall they would say he was, and most said at least 5'8. I said "No way" he is much shorter than that more like 5'4. LoL Then they got on the this kick about who really cares how tall he is. I said, I do because I am really really tall for a girl and if I ever meet him I didnt want him coming up to my waist. Which now that I hear his height he would come to about my breasts that is still bad. So to all those girls who swore he was 5'8, its like I told you. Yeah with his boots on maybe but not when he takes them off. He still is a real Hotty no matter what height he is. Yet I still prefer men closer to my height. LOL
J. said on 24/Mar/05
Rob, I intially questioned this height for Chesney but again, you were absolutely correct.

From the article:
""How tall are you?" Chesney was asked by prosecutor Louis Haremski, who cross-examined both performers and in turn became their unwitting straight man.

"Five foot eight," Chesney said with a sheepish grin. When McGraw and the rest of the defense table hooted incredulously, the singer — who stands five foot seven inches — asked with mock concern, "Is that perjury?"

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.